I pray for the Lord Jesus to intercede. It has to stop if we want future generations to have the freedoms and way of life we all have enjoyed. Our heavenly Father has also given us hearts and brains that can fight back and figure out a good battle plan. We cannot be idle.
I can sum the world problem in one 3 letter word, but in many U.S.A. states I could be jailed for that word. In Europe today, it's even worst. My 1st 45 years, I was taught "they" were god's chosen, today I'm a proud National Socialist. See what they did to the U.S.S. Liberty June 8, 1967 and you will know our enemy within.
But NOT the genuine, religious ones, their political power-arm only !!! (which most probably is a brain-child of the British elites residing in the City of London)
The most rabid ones are to be found among the Christian fundamentalists ...
I know David Westerlund was speaking only of Jews, and the Globalists are all that. Still there are the Bushes, the O's, the Clintons, the McConnells, need I go on?
You don't need to go on, they are the mentioned Christian fundamentalists; highly dangerous creatures due to their close ties to other "bodies of globalization".
I do not know where you get your facts or information from, Klaus, the Village Idiot, we here in America know who Obamas, Clintons, and Bushes are, and they are NOT Christians dumkopf. The wikileaks are clear the Clintons are into satanism, as was Jezebel Hillary's Campaign Manager, John Podesta and his spirit-cooking meetings with Abamovic. Along with Bill's campaign manager speaking of Hillary's witchcraft meetings in California.. We know Hussein Obama is a gay muslim, and we know the Bushes actually worked with hitler, and Prescott Bush was in trouble for it. Idiot.
Your words are insane Klaus.
Listen to the wise words of man involved in the occult who broke free through Yeshua of Nazareth.
YES, it is, and HIGHLY dangerous for our common future.
Humanity's maxima culpa ever was the inception of a monotheistic religion, leading to greed, supremacy-feelings, endless wars and destruction.
Anybody having "visions" should
- immediately be forced to undergo medicated treatment and
- kept out of any public office for life.
The nazi commie NWO Globalists are all up to their eyeballs in the occult and worshiping satan. From hitler's rise to power with the occult and Germany's vast homosexual problem with the German men going back to the barbarian ages as recorded by historians; to the Gotthard Tunnel occult opening ceremony and the demonic Indian statue of Shiva the destroyer at CERN. The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy, but Yeshua of Nazareth came, that we may have life, and have it abundantly. God is love, but also justice, and his Son the Messiah is returning to clean up all this mess with a sword in his mouth, to establish peace on earth.
{...his Son the Messiah is returning to clean up all this mess with a sword in his mouth, to establish peace on earth...}
This is EXACTLY why the Christian Fundamentalists are the most rabid Zionists.
Does this mean, that you fully agree to the current "clean-up of all this mess" in Gaza ?? ...
There two sides in this world, good and evil.. that is evident from not only the history in the Bible, but world history. Those who follow the devil and are immoral- the LGQT and their Groomer Pedophiles and Sex Traffickers, the nazis, commies, NWO Globalists, baby murderers... they are evil and immoral. That also includes radical muslim terrorists, such as those in Israel that worked directly with hitler during WW II under the (grand mufti of Jerusalem), and the same radical muslims that attacked Israel from the day they became a nation again from all sides. Israel is Israel - many Arabs live there and love the quality of life they have there, vs. what they would have in radical muslim run country. For those who do not like it, they should have gone to Jordan when the Arabs were given THEIR country of Jordan.
Regretfully, John Kaminski passed early this year. He was a staunch National Socialist I wanted to visit personally. Maybe we will meet in Valhalla? R.I.P. John
Also the religion test and the globalist test,all they know is the matrix narrative which we are slaves living on a prison planet but are free.If we are free how come there is a million dollar bond issued on the global stock exchange upon our birth certificate? What if this is what's true,https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/blog-timeline-shift/3906-awakening-beyond-humanity-as-sinners
Hitler made a deal with the tall whites AKA the Nordics and his troops built the underground base inantarctica.Sothe rumors of Arryn supremacy,tall blonds,hitler wasn't that.I read he did escape toArgentina.Youknow the official history is not true and they can hide anything.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Nordic_Aliens
John: I have spoke personally to "experts" David Irving, Dr. David Duke, Mark Weber on Harry Cooper's claim/book "Hitler in Argentina". All three said Hitler would never have left his people i.e. he gave his life in the bunker to Germany.
I read the book "Hitler in Argentina" by Harry Cooper. Also talked on the phone with Harry. He's a scammer. My best friend in college, Alfred A Laun III was the U.S. embassy manager in Cordoba Argentina, during Harry's book saying Hitler was there. Al visited the Germany community (being from Kiel, Wisconsin & German) and told me impossible.
There was a lady test pilot that attended Hitler's birthday April 20th, 1945 and did fly out of Berlin on the 22nd of April, but not with Hitler. Hitler did try and save the world from the New (joo) World Order. His remains have not yet been found. R.I.P. Adolf
After the war ,Churchill said : History will be kind to me ,for I will be writing it . If Germany would have won ,Hitler would have wrote history .Would history look different now ,and how so ?
I was thinking of The alien world order book by Len kasten,he devoted a chapter to that subject.The nazi's started leaving Germany a yr before the end of the war.
All the facts show hitler and the nazis were deeply embedded in the occult and worshiping the devils and demons- quit hiding who you and they and the NWO Globalists are. If you are proud of it than admit the truth.
You've been watching too many Hollywood Jew movies mate.
When Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands in 1982 there were no British casualties, yet the British sent a flotilla of warships to the South Atlantic to fight a bloody war against the Argentinians that was cheered on from Port Stanley to Scapa Flow.
National Socialist Germany found itself in a similar situation with Poland in 1939, except that 58,000 German men women and children had been murdered or were missing presumed dead. It was later determined that most of these civilian Germans perished at the hands of partisan men with small hats. This and the German economic miracle of 1933-45 was the real reason for WW2...https://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/NHC/NewPDFs/GERMANY/GER.Polish.Atrocities.Against.German.Minority.in.Poland.1940.pdf
Yes Chris: "...nazi." is a jooish inspired word for National Socialist. If people could add 2+2 they would understand the 6 million alleged gas chamber deaths would take until 1995 to incinerate in the number of human incinerators the Germans had to dispose of typhus bodies. Yes, Germans used Zyklon to delouse clothing, but never on humans.
There is a Swiss Red Cross document from November 1944 that ~less than 250,000 deaths at Auschwitz, with NO MENTION of gassing.
Today, the sealed Hitler documents about peace terms offered are finally in print/internet news. Even as late as 1944, before D day, he offered surrender to the allies, including all of Germany, to keep it out of Russian (Bolshevik) area. As early as 1939, before Poland invasion, the Danzig Strait agreement, allowing area to VOTE if they wanted to be in Germany or Poland. The West wanted war.
The first casualty of war is truth. The Jews that run the USA, Russia and Ukraine want a European war but they don't want to be seen as the aggressors. They like it when someone else gets the blame - this allows them to preserve their eternal victimhood status.
Most people get their information from Jewish media and practically none of it is based on facts ...and they are still doing it.
The constant referencing to the nazification of Ukraine is a throwback to a 2013 Soros funded psy-op involving the pseudo nazi Azov Brigade. Azov was on the payroll of the same group that funded the various Colour Revolutions. Their leaders were photographed on multiple occasions flying in and out of Tel Aviv in private jets. All their weapons were supplied by Israel.
Israel is arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine...https://countercurrents.org/2018/07/israel-is-arming-neo-nazis-in-ukraine/
Hacked emails reveal Jew George Soros' funding of fake Nazi groups Right Sector, Svoboda and the Azov Battalion...https://stephenkmacksd.com/2020/03/05/george-soros-sponsored-ukrainian-anti-semites-old-socialist-comments/
Private militias hired by Jews to pose as radical Nazi's. Israel has been funding far-right groups across Europe to pose as Neo-Nazi's...https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2018/7/17/an-unlikely-union-israel-and-the-european-far-right
YOU have your "ducks in order" too. Keep up the GR8 analysis where ever you go. I try and not use the word nazi, as that is a slang word made by a joo. 88&8's,Dave
What you nazi retards fail to grasp, is that people like Soros, Harari, Bourla, etc. are not real Jews. Real Jews love Yahweh and obey his Torah, though I doubt you would understand all that being satanic demonic nazis and all, right?
Sounds like you are defending nazis. Are you proud of them? Of what they did murdering millions of innocent Europeans? Not just Jews, but Christians pastors, professional, college professors, and more. Are you saying the nazis never existed, that WW II never happened? That General Patton and Eisenhower just made up all the proof they collected on the spot from the cowardly demonic nazis that murdered all those people in the concentration camps? That the nazis are some kind of saints? Tell us what you really think.
Chris: This is a repeat of what YOU wrote before and I answered. It appears psychoNWO answered your questions better than I. (Thank you psychoNWO). I'm "...defending..." the truth, which joos are not capable. It appears to be in their DNA to lie, which has been documented well by many people in documents/testimony/books. I personally have encountered it many times in those methods too.
Do you Chris have some disability in reading what has been written here by others. 88 Dave
Merilee Cameron: I profess to be a National Socialist/White Supremacist/and Atheist as were most people in Germany in the late 1930's, early 1940's. We believe in our White Race being the moral/ most intelligent and our offspring (children) continue after our death to be the moral/intelligent/people on the earth. It must be the will of the people that rule, not the best liars/cheaters we see today ruling the USA/Europe. We respect all races and do not feel any of them should be "goyim (cattle)".
The 3rd Reich (1933=1945) had many races in their army. Mahatma Gandhi was a friend/admirer of Hitler. Can you think of anyone that tried harder to save the White Race than Hitler?
At WWII's end, over a million Russians were fighting on the Western Front in German uniforms against USA/England. Sadly, they were all returned to Russia where they were executed or committed suicide by the Bolshevik gov't of Stalin
You are a coward and a liar. If you were concerned about your "race" you would be defending the people in Europe from demonic NWO Globalist leaders who are letting hoards of invaders through the gates, that are destroying European culture, and turning every major EU city into a third world hellhole of trash, rape, pillage, arson, and terrorism.
While our race has accomplished many great things, it is the white Christians who have done so, not the demonic or immoral ones such as hitler. Germany was known for it's men who were not Christians, and cowardly fags.
What are you doing about that David... vs. hiding behind your keyboard and
Chris: You are correct about the "....NWO Globalist leaders..." and what they are doing. We in the USA have the same problem, with the southern border being overrun by millions of invaders today. Our dementia prone Biden is doing this.
Hitler's Danzig Strait proposal in 1939 to Poland, asking Poland to allow the people to vote if they wanted to be ruled by German or Poland, was one of the 1st of many of Hitler's peace proposal. Hitler made a peace proposal to the West, shortly before D Day, to surrender and allow USA/UK troops to the Eastern Border of Germany. Hitler was truly a man of peace, but history is written by the victors.
As being a coward, I demonstrated against the NWO Globalists every Friday in Portland OR. with an anti-i$rahell sign for over 10 years. The joos ARE the NWO Globalists I hope you realize. The anti-fa cowardly knocked me out without my seeing them (from behind). Nordstrom's had their retreat (2 of them) on tape, and the Portland police had Nordstrom's destroy the tape. This did NOT stop me, as I was back the next Friday. I am now in my 90's, and do not demonstrate, & yes, still fight the New (joo) World Order on my computer.
As being a liar, most of my knowledge of WWII has been acquired by reading documents and talking with people that were there. Not reading books written by others with opinions that could be lies.
Also, to be clear every single Globalist from Klaus Schwab who wants all to "own nothing and be happy", to the former President of the EU Jean Claude Juncker, had their fathers working directly with hitler.
I do not get why you think all Jewish people are bad, vs. admitting there are good and bad people in every group. Are you saying the Jews in the Bible and OId Testament are bad? Are you a Christian? . You do realize Jesus Christ, Yeshua and his disciples were all Jewish right? Or that some of his followers were in the Roman Army. ... where do you ancestors come from?
What the Nazi's fought against...
Frank Weltner - 100 million Russians killed by Jewshttps://www.bitchute.com/video/58gZYSQPA6Gx/
Soviet History-70 Million Slaughtered.https://archive.org/details/soviet-history-l-histoire-sovie-tique
Murder of the Tsar by Bolshevikshttps://archive.org/details/bolshevik-revolution-the-murder-of-the-tsar-and-his-family.
Quotes from Jews about Judaism.............
“SOME CALL IT MARXISM – I CALL IT JUDAISM.” Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935.
“THE REVOLUTION IN RUSSIA IS A JEWISH REVOLUTION” The Maccabean (New York), Nov. 1905, p, 250“.
"JEWRY IS THE MOTHER OF MARXISM” Le Droit de Vivre, May 12, 1936.
“JUDAISM IS MARXISM, COMMUNISM” Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites p. 64.
“THE COMMUNIST SOUL IS THE SOUL OF JUDAISM.” Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites p. 143 The American Hebrew (New York).
...and so internationalist 'democracy' celebrates its rites of sacrifice. The Christian lamb is slaughtered, and Annias and Caiaphas [Jewish leaders in the Sanhedrin who condemned Jesus to death], today representing international stock market capital, are the guests of honor at the feast.
“The Perestroika deception is Soviet Russia’s faking of its own death in the 1990s as a way of lulling the West to sleep over the communist threat, thus advancing its world communist agenda unhindered.” - Timothy Fitzpatrick..https://fitzinfo.net/perestroika-deception/...
The Jews that run Ukraine and Russia.https://archive.org/details/THEJEWISHMONSTERSWHORUNUKRAINEupdated
Jews claim there is a "Big difference between zionist and the average Person of Jewish descent" ...but how do you tell which is which?
The Jews that aren't involved in Zionism know all about Usury, blood libel, poisonous vaccine manufacturing, Jewish controlled Freemasonry, Jeffery Epstein political pedo blackmail operations, the Sayanin networks, etc, etc, etc... and yet they say nothing about it.
Where were all the good Jews on 911 when the Jewish owned messaging service Odigo was sending text messages ONLY TO JEWS warning them that the twin towers were about to be hit?
Where are the good Jews that should be warning humanity about their complete control of the MSM? Nowhere...https://www.bitchute.com/video/o9IRYDwBe6sn/
Where are the good Jews that could warn us about Jewish control of the Catholic and Protestant Church? Nothing. Only silence...https://watch-unto-prayer.org/reformation-2.html
Where are the good Jews that could warn us about Jewish roles creating all the world wars? Nowhere...https://ia801304.us.archive.org/3/items/TheBadWarTheTruthNEVERTaughtAboutWorldWarII/TheBadWarTheTruthNeverTaughtAboutWorldWarIiversion2MikeKing.pdf
Jewish control of communism and Jewish nobility in China? Again, silence...https://www.bitchute.com/video/JXtuM9Jju9dI/
Jewish Sasoons and Kadoories...https://www.scmp.com/magazines/post-magazine/books/article/3091585/last-kings-shanghai-history-sassoons-and-kadoories
Here are your ordinary Jews here - working towards fulfilling the Jewish supremacist agenda. ISRAELS SECRET WEAPON, THE TALPIOT PROGRAM - "HOW ISRAEL RULES THE GENTILES"...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEMLjA8ZJds
COVID KILL SWITCH | ISRAEL & UNIT 8200 TAKE OVER NEW YORK & PENTAGON...https://www.altcensored.com/watch?v=8RQF1OPxXio
The Great Red Dragon - the history of ordinary Jews - LONG BEFORE Zionism was a thing...https://ia802607.us.archive.org/22/items/greatreddragonor00wool/greatreddragonor00wool.pdf
The Jews running the COVID vaccine factories are not Zionists, they are just Jews... Killer Covid Vaccines...http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-jews-behind-all-these-anti-covid-vaccines/
Leading transhumanist scientists Geordie Rose, Goertzel, Kurzweil... all Jewish.
They never warn us. Funny that.
"Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews' Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet." (Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869)
Henry Ford also noted that: "It was a Jew who said, 'Wars are the Jews harvest'; but no harvest is so rich as civil wars". The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem, Vol. III, p. 180)...https://concisepolitics.com/2017/09/12/rabbi-quotes-that-make-your-stomach-churn-with-repulsion/
Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 79 years that have since passed, only a single narrative of this conflict has been heard. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie.
We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books, infiltrate our media and public education but even going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story’s orthodoxy. The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the architects of it, and the conflicts unleashed upon the free world during that time by the forces of Judaic Communism.
Contrary to the image portrayed by the Jewish owned media, Fascists generally look out for the national interests of their citizens. While Communists are programmed to look out for the interests of themselves and the elite moneyed classes who own and run their international globalist orientated parties.
The Governments of the world are at war with the people.
The Alternative Kosher Media is awash with statements and claims that governments are implementing Nazi policies; its popular, it rolls off the tongue and generates dramatic effect, but it is ill informed and ignorant.
No it's not the Nazi's that are implementing totalitarian policies, it is International Communism using a Medical Cartel Trojan horse.
The term 'Nazi' today is used (by MSM and Kosher Alternative Media) as a subliminal slur against Nationalism.
1st fact: Nationalism is the enemy of Communism, Nationalism protects its people, Family, Marriage, Children, its language, its culture, its religion, its monuments, its history, its Constitution, etc...
2nd fact: Communism is Internationalism, Globalism, New World Order, Global treaties, Global FTA, Global Economy, Global Politics. Communism removes and destroys all original laws, all foundations of the Nation, Constitutions, all history, culture, tradition, Communism destroys marriage, traditional family, removes and takes ownership of the children.
3rd fact: Governments today are following International directives, (central planning, central allocation - Communist) they are not governing in the National interest. They are sponsoring a State sponsored forced agenda to annihilate Nationalism forever, and hence adopt Communism forever.
4th fact: The West sided with the communist Stalin (Communism that has killed 200+ million of its own people, mostly Christians) to defeat a Nationalist Government, and since emancipation the Communist virus has entered our Universities, Politics, Institutions, Religions and Culture. That's how we got to where we are.
The people who were dictating US foreign policy in 1941 didn't want the US to win a war, they wanted Oded Yinon.
The Jews strategy in WW2 was to have the allies and Germany destroy each other.
Hitler's Germany was the biggest threat to Jewish financial hegemony since Edward Longshanks expelled them from England in 1290. All of the fake stories about Nazi experiments have been invented to demonize the enemies of the Jews. Making the Nazi's look like terrorists is done to crush popular support for any future European uprising against world Jewry.
Read the true story of a WW1 British Army captain who was imprisoned at the outset of WW2 for telling the truth about the Jewish Freemasonic 'agencies' that controlled the events that lead to war from behind the scenes. The movers and shakers with the political ability to "make things happen". A story that gives an unbiased insight into major events that have shaped our world and brought us to where we now are. It is a book that many said would never be written. It is titled: The Nameless War ~ by Cptn Archibald Maule Ramsay. Find it on Archive.
For a broader view on global wars over the last two centuries, and who specifically caused these wars, read... The Bad War by Mike King, also on Archive...https://ia801304.us.archive.org/3/items/TheBadWarTheTruthNEVERTaughtAboutWorldWarII/TheBadWarTheTruthNeverTaughtAboutWorldWarIiversion2MikeKing.pdf
...and David isn't lying. There were more than 2 million foreigners who volunteered and fought on the side of the Germans during WW2...
Hitler’s Foreign Legions – Nine Non-German Units That Fought for the Germans in WW2...https://militaryhistorynow.com/2016/05/04/hitlers-foreign-legions-nine-non-german-regiments-that-fought-for-the-nazis-in-ww2/
Non European races that fought alongside the Germans during WW2. Two million foreign volunteers served in the Wehrmacht...https://www.feldgrau.com/ww2-german-wehrmacht-foreign-volunteers/
Waffen SS Foreign Volunteer's...https://www.pinterest.com.au/caseyjohn646/waffen-ss-foreign-volunteers/
Hitler's Jewish Soldiers...https://www.bitchute.com/video/jLpa19cj2D8b/...these traitorous Jews worked diligently to sabotage the German war effort from within. At the end of the war they were given new lives in America via Operation Paperclip.
It's not merely about humanity...Humanism or Relativism. It's more about God and man's commitment and obedience to God. Human nature wishes to imagine itself it's own God; the be all and end all of life, but that's the same delusion as Adam (NO...Not Eve as Eve's sin was to place Adam as God) placing us here in this evil in the first place.
Anybody imagining the eradication of this threat to not be violent is a fool...Freedom is NOT cheap or free. When it's been stolen to such an extent as it's been at this time it will demand a wage in blood, limb and life in faith as 'courage of conviction' is only possible through God...Willingness to sacrifice at all costs and capacity to suffer and endure misery. That is the cost for a short period of time OR it will be the price of a normal life on Earth forever for almost all humans commanded to WORSHIP those of the Demons now perpetrating this darkness for Absolute Power as existed for the whole world until the advent and commitment to freedom of the people of The United States of America.
Maybe, it wasn't perfect and that's alright as the beauty of the Nation was its flexibility creating a capacity to reach for perfection even though perfection isn't possible on Earth...THAT IS WHAT MADE THIS NATION BLESSED BY GOD, THROUGH FAITH IN GOD, GREAT.
Every single one of the nazi commie NWO Globalists are followers of satan through the occult, witchcraft etc... look at the founders of Hollywood and Scientology... all of them.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting lifeπ.
Jesus is our only hope. He will return soon.
The article was well written. He’s so right about their plan. God is in control of all of it to fulfill His word. Exciting.
The song birds are civil
I have yet to meet an animal that wanted to harm me or run me off the road. Luckily the grizzly bear did not visit our camping spot but most animals are civil. We are call the civil civilization but have yet to live up that civility.
Another heartfelt, needed exposition as to what we're facing.
I've taken to calling this dark, concerted agenda being imposed upon us and the rest of nature "globa'alism." This beautiful world of God's intricate design and gift of free will doesn't belong to the Devil, but acolytes and minions of evil are trying their damnedest to make it so.
Resistance isn't futile, it's vital to our collective soul. Together and individually, we can embrace the hard truths and deal with them, while remembering the Grace all around us and within us on this mortal plane. Some days it's a challenge to see the good outshine the darkness, but the effort only hones our awareness and sense of gratitude.
We fight them and their agenda because we love.
A complete and utter immoral bunch of a holes clowns idiots and a holes. As Richard Lighthouse would call it as I've grown to call it with the gang stalkers and their clowns idiots and assholes everyday and then there are the real dark subjects behind the lines who never get touched like a Rockefeller Rothschild corporations and the rest of the corporations that do this big Pharma and all the rest it is utterly immoral and needs to be put to rest permanently so we can bring this planet into the fifth where we no longer need individuals with guns to enforce tyranny for their masters because I am in about right now with these assholes idiots and clowns for my very life and my freedom because they choose to fill their pockets while people suffer that are innocent and have been brutally assaulted and potentially are on a murder list for the cabal. My name is Daniel Nelson Neal and my family has been targeted and murdered for four generations now going on five. And I will never shut up because these people need to be put down or even executed at a speedy Nuremberg 2.0 trial. But that's the only way it can be done then it needs to be done.
This was an excellent article and i wanted the share it with a close friend who finally seemed willing to believe that things in the world isn't really what they appear to be. But i looked up ARM using presearch and every write up says the same thing about ARM. Thus i cant share it..
And a lot of the rabbis speaking out on video about why the Noahide Laws are justified in authorizing the intended killing of 6 BILLION Gentiles as 'idolators' and many more for contravening the other Noahide Laws are quoting Torah verses too from Deuteronomy for instance.
This is an excellent assessment of the evil that is being unleashed upon us.
I do feel impelled to make this observation. Our founding fathers were adamantly against titles of nobility and tried to do away with them in the united States of America. Yet, Mr. David Meiswinkle is proudly parading his title of Esquire for all to see. Just sayin'
"Because they hate our freedom our Constitution and our Bill of Rights because it interferes with their plans for a total world take over."
George W. Bush was honest at least once when he said "They did it (9/11) because the terrorists hate our freedom." Twenty Saudis weren't the ones who hate our freedom. It is all the Israel firsters in the district of criminals who planned and excecuted 9/11 that hates our freedom. To name just a few.
Evil and satanism is actually found in the religions of the occult and new age as well. We know this from the Bible and thousands of years of history... the "new age" is actually the old age of the witchcraft and worship of demons that were embedded in false idols. Baal, Ashtoreth, Pan... these demons are all just other names for satan, lucifer, the father of lies,- the accuser. Yeshua will deal with him when he comes back with the sword in mouth and the angel armies, along with all of satan's followers and supporters down here. There is no "white witchcraft" - witchcraft is witchcraft, and if you think the globalists do not believe in it and are just "atheisists" just look at their statue of the Indian demon false god Shiva, the "destroyer of worlds" outside the Cern Collider, or their demonic opening ceremony for the Gothard Tunnel. You cannot defeat this evil by the power of demons such as buddha, etc... it will not work. Only through the power of the Lord of Hosts, and his son the Messiah, Yeshua of Nazareth can this be defeated. Great video from former high level new ager Alan Strudwick, on they had planned on bringing in the demonic to make it common place and have people infested with demons through yoga, starting in the 1960's.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8czKuPcc4c&t=1004s
Exodus 32:27
King James Bible
And he said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour.
Matthew 10:34-36
English Standard Version
34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.
Get on with what your demonic psychotic Bible tells you to do, but keep the hysterical insanity and hatred among yourselves, and leave the members of the non-Abrahamic religions out of it, keep your evil psychosis away from them, they do not have the proto-Bolshevik mental sickness of needing to send all others to hell for all eternity and do not need to have it.
No sane human person does need to maintain such a hellish pseudo-spiritual religion who has even the slightest conscious connection with the real God.
Real spiritual religions know that all souls have an eternal, beginningless connection and relationship with the Godhead and can never be actually separated from God or sent to any hell for all eternity, even though at times due to eternal freedom of the soul the attention of some souls temporarily slips away from relating to God in the spiritual world and they then find themselves absorbed in some material reality for a while beyond the spiritual dimension where God seems to be largely absent and all kinds of calamities seem to assail them. Panic can then set in, and people like members of the Abrahamic faiths start to blame and attack all others in their blind hatred as they cannot face the truth of their own demonic and actually godless natures being largely responsible for their inner sufferings.
How can anyone really enter into a fully conscious relationship with the real God in the real, infinite spiritual dimension which is nothing other than an infinite mass of pure consciousness of living matter comprised purely of conscious, living souls, when in their state of schizophreniform psychosis each self-deluded self-reinforcing demonic group firmly believe in the absolute necessity of all non-Christians, all non-Jews, and all non-Muslims being constantly tortured in the most gruesomely agonizing ways for all eternity, but that pig-headed stubbornness will not put things right, and that addiction to seeing total hatred and sadistic violence expressed towards all others for ever will only make things worse.
The absolute hatred and sheer malevolence spewing out of many Christians, who believe in the Bible teaching of the literal necessity of all others being unceasingly burned alive for all eternity after this life is nothing other than utterly sickening.
The absolute hatred from the Jews who are fully proven to be entirely behind the creation of the COVID bioweaponry is sheer criminal terrorism, and their Noahide Laws intend all members of all other religions to be executed for idolatry under coming NWO one world Jewish military dictatorship - [which is what the WEF is really intended on] - and their teachings say that all Gentile souls are to be sent to hell - Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi is very explicit on this for example and gloatingly says in celebratory manner in anticipation that 6 BILLION Gentiles will be executed as idolators, and that ultimately of all the Gentiles in the entire world, there will be "No survivors".
Every POTUS since 1991 has signed a formal declaration in the White House in the association of a group of Chabad Lubavitcher rabbis acting as observers that they undertake to implement these laws when required.
The Muslim Koran says all non-Muslims are to be burned alive in hell unceasingly for all eternity after their life in this world ends, having boiling water poured down their throats to melt their flesh on the inside, while also being beaten with iron rods with hooks on which are also used to drag them back whenever they try to run away from the agony, and when one body is destroyed by fire on the outside and boiling water on the inside, a new body is instantaneously created around their soul in which they are then made to undergo the same torture with these events occurring again and again for all eternity.
All the Abrahamic religions are totally demonic and pure evil, and are based on Judaism in their entirety.
I really do not think that Christians with their provenly fictitious Rabbi Yeshua have any genuine cause to attack yogis and Buddhists the way they do, as these spiritual approaches in general are some of the most gentle and peaceful and loving of all.
The revised and expanded edition of the book by DM Murdock, 'The Christ conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold', proves with considerable evidence, not with mere sentiment or conjecture, that the Bible story is not literal history and was developed merely as a politically contrived means of forcing a unified belief system on many different nations conquered and assimilated by the Roman Empire that had previously had their own disparate religions, and it was the Jewish Piso family who proposed a purposely constructed version of this to the Roman Emperor Constantine, who in accepting this proposal from Jews who undoubtedly would really have been resentful of the Romans earlier having tried to suppress the Jewish religion and be out for revenge, could not really have been unaware of the likely Trojan horse nature of that utterly mental and actually hostile artificial Christian religion, so Constantine was likely just as false a representative to those peoples in wanting merely to keep them weakened and suppressed by such means as modern day sell-out leaders like Biden or Trump are, such is the dirty world of politics throughout the ages in many places.
I personally believe that the visible organizations are only fronts. What matters is what is going on in the background, and it resembles a symphony:
Thanks. I'll try Brave again. Didn't like it for some reason the list time I tried it. - Most everyone else on Substack is readable in Firefox and I like its features and the fact that most of its bugs have been fixed; and, would rather not be switching between browsers when trying to get through 100+ emails in a day. (-: -- Also have Safari, Opera, Edge.
I've been using Brave since just after the 2020 election when Firefox sent out a message that the election wasn't stolen and that Biden won fair and square.
I replied that they were lying and have never used them again. Never will.
Not a big fan of Trump but the election was rigged. He's still the cleanest dirty shirt in a pile of stinky clothes...
So you don't mind the surely Jewish Trump treacherously having signed a declaration while POTUS confirming his willingness to implement the genocidally lethal Noahide Laws throughout the US then, or to impose a law with a death penalty for antisemitism if he is made POTUS again?
Trump has stated his willingness to see you put to death for 'idolatry' if you are Christian Muslim, Hindu, Mormon, Jevovah's witness, Quaker, Amish, Sikh, Buddhist, Yazidi, Zoroastrian or whatever if you are not practicing the Jewish religion, and even if you are atheist Gentile he will still have you executed if you oppose your Buddhist or Mormon or Quaker or Amish neighbours being executed because you will then be classed as an antisemite.
Full on Communist Jewish terrorism is about to be fully implemented worldwide sometime soon in the next decade, and Trump is not on the side of the Gentiles. In fact the mass killing of Gentiles has already been started a long time ago under various guises.
I know all about what you're saying about Trump.
I haven't voted in a federal election in over 20 years so stuff it.
Cannot vote in a US 'Possession'.
Trump got Cohened and Epsteined and it's been obvious for a long time.
Indeed, the Chabad Lubavitcher Jewish rabbi with his hand in the Freemasonic position inside the breast of his jacket is very revealing too, the murderous Bolshevik leaders made just the same gesture too.
Then, you must be using a very large monitor. I'm on a widescreen laptop and, if I reduced the size of the print to get it all on the screen, I would not be able to read it. Most every site has an option to fit the text onto the entire screen.
Franklin O'Kanu - Jun 19
Globalism vs Humanity! We need to pay attention to their attacks and get familiar with terms Democide and Menticide:https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/democide-and-menticide
Once aware we can watch out for their propaganda attacks and make sure we don’t let their negativity enter our psyche:https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-we-misuse-our-imagination
Rosemarie Weleski - Jun 19
I pray for the Lord Jesus to intercede. It has to stop if we want future generations to have the freedoms and way of life we all have enjoyed. Our heavenly Father has also given us hearts and brains that can fight back and figure out a good battle plan. We cannot be idle.
David Westerlund - Jun 19 - Edited
David’s Substack
I can sum the world problem in one 3 letter word, but in many U.S.A. states I could be jailed for that word. In Europe today, it's even worst. My 1st 45 years, I was taught "they" were god's chosen, today I'm a proud National Socialist. See what they did to the U.S.S. Liberty June 8, 1967 and you will know our enemy within.
Klaus Hubbertz - Jun 19 - Edited
Klaus Hubbertz
But NOT the genuine, religious ones, their political power-arm only !!! (which most probably is a brain-child of the British elites residing in the City of London)
The most rabid ones are to be found among the Christian fundamentalists ...
Skupe - Jun 19
Even the genuine and non-religious who are not into world power and only want to love and support their family!
Klaus Hubbertz - Jun 19
Klaus Hubbertz
LOTS of them, but rarely shown in MSM as they are considered to be "self-hating" Jews .
What a perverse time we live in ...
Skupe - Jun 19
I know David Westerlund was speaking only of Jews, and the Globalists are all that. Still there are the Bushes, the O's, the Clintons, the McConnells, need I go on?
Klaus Hubbertz - Jun 19
Klaus Hubbertz
You don't need to go on, they are the mentioned Christian fundamentalists; highly dangerous creatures due to their close ties to other "bodies of globalization".
Skupe - Jun 19
Who only think of themselves as good Christians!
Chris - Jun 26
I do not know where you get your facts or information from, Klaus, the Village Idiot, we here in America know who Obamas, Clintons, and Bushes are, and they are NOT Christians dumkopf. The wikileaks are clear the Clintons are into satanism, as was Jezebel Hillary's Campaign Manager, John Podesta and his spirit-cooking meetings with Abamovic. Along with Bill's campaign manager speaking of Hillary's witchcraft meetings in California.. We know Hussein Obama is a gay muslim, and we know the Bushes actually worked with hitler, and Prescott Bush was in trouble for it. Idiot.
Chris - Jun 19 - Edited
Klaus Hubbertz
Your words are insane Klaus.
Listen to the wise words of man involved in the occult who broke free through Yeshua of Nazareth.
Klaus Hubbertz - Jun 19 - Edited
Klaus Hubbertz
YES, it is, and HIGHLY dangerous for our common future.
Humanity's maxima culpa ever was the inception of a monotheistic religion, leading to greed, supremacy-feelings, endless wars and destruction.
Anybody having "visions" should
- immediately be forced to undergo medicated treatment and
- kept out of any public office for life.
Chris - Jun 19 - Edited
Klaus Hubbertz
The nazi commie NWO Globalists are all up to their eyeballs in the occult and worshiping satan. From hitler's rise to power with the occult and Germany's vast homosexual problem with the German men going back to the barbarian ages as recorded by historians; to the Gotthard Tunnel occult opening ceremony and the demonic Indian statue of Shiva the destroyer at CERN. The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy, but Yeshua of Nazareth came, that we may have life, and have it abundantly. God is love, but also justice, and his Son the Messiah is returning to clean up all this mess with a sword in his mouth, to establish peace on earth.
Klaus Hubbertz - Jun 19
Klaus Hubbertz
{...his Son the Messiah is returning to clean up all this mess with a sword in his mouth, to establish peace on earth...}
This is EXACTLY why the Christian Fundamentalists are the most rabid Zionists.
Does this mean, that you fully agree to the current "clean-up of all this mess" in Gaza ?? ...
Chris - Jun 21
There two sides in this world, good and evil.. that is evident from not only the history in the Bible, but world history. Those who follow the devil and are immoral- the LGQT and their Groomer Pedophiles and Sex Traffickers, the nazis, commies, NWO Globalists, baby murderers... they are evil and immoral. That also includes radical muslim terrorists, such as those in Israel that worked directly with hitler during WW II under the (grand mufti of Jerusalem), and the same radical muslims that attacked Israel from the day they became a nation again from all sides. Israel is Israel - many Arabs live there and love the quality of life they have there, vs. what they would have in radical muslim run country. For those who do not like it, they should have gone to Jordan when the Arabs were given THEIR country of Jordan.
Chris - Jun 19 - Edited
"National Socialist", another word for demonic nazi.
psychoNWO - Jun 19 - Edited
You failed the Hitler test...https://johnkaminski.org/index.php/16-best-kaminski-stories/56-the-hitler-test
The German Economic Miracle...https://www.bitchute.com/video/GDUOdXLC8iwb/
The true nature of the Jewish scam...https://johnkaminski.org/index.php/16-best-kaminski-stories/91-the-true-nature-of-the-jew-scam
David Westerlund - Jun 20
David’s Substack
Regretfully, John Kaminski passed early this year. He was a staunch National Socialist I wanted to visit personally. Maybe we will meet in Valhalla? R.I.P. John
John Vargo - Jun 20
John Vargo
Also the religion test and the globalist test,all they know is the matrix narrative which we are slaves living on a prison planet but are free.If we are free how come there is a million dollar bond issued on the global stock exchange upon our birth certificate? What if this is what's true,https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/blog-timeline-shift/3906-awakening-beyond-humanity-as-sinners
John Vargo - Jun 20
John Vargo
Hitler made a deal with the tall whites AKA the Nordics and his troops built the underground base inantarctica.Sothe rumors of Arryn supremacy,tall blonds,hitler wasn't that.I read he did escape toArgentina.Youknow the official history is not true and they can hide anything.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Nordic_Aliens
David Westerlund - Jun 20
David’s Substack
John: I have spoke personally to "experts" David Irving, Dr. David Duke, Mark Weber on Harry Cooper's claim/book "Hitler in Argentina". All three said Hitler would never have left his people i.e. he gave his life in the bunker to Germany.
I read the book "Hitler in Argentina" by Harry Cooper. Also talked on the phone with Harry. He's a scammer. My best friend in college, Alfred A Laun III was the U.S. embassy manager in Cordoba Argentina, during Harry's book saying Hitler was there. Al visited the Germany community (being from Kiel, Wisconsin & German) and told me impossible.
There was a lady test pilot that attended Hitler's birthday April 20th, 1945 and did fly out of Berlin on the 22nd of April, but not with Hitler. Hitler did try and save the world from the New (joo) World Order. His remains have not yet been found. R.I.P. Adolf
joe stuerzl 85 - Jun 20
joe’s Substack
After the war ,Churchill said : History will be kind to me ,for I will be writing it . If Germany would have won ,Hitler would have wrote history .Would history look different now ,and how so ?
John Vargo - Jun 20
John Vargo
I was thinking of The alien world order book by Len kasten,he devoted a chapter to that subject.The nazi's started leaving Germany a yr before the end of the war.
joe stuerzl 85 - Jun 20
joe’s Substack
John ,of course Hitler is alive .He was seen yesterday ,walking with Elvis Pres. in Buenos Aires
Chris - Jun 19
Chris - Jun 19 - Edited
All the facts show hitler and the nazis were deeply embedded in the occult and worshiping the devils and demons- quit hiding who you and they and the NWO Globalists are. If you are proud of it than admit the truth.
psychoNWO - Jun 20 - Edited
You've been watching too many Hollywood Jew movies mate.
When Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands in 1982 there were no British casualties, yet the British sent a flotilla of warships to the South Atlantic to fight a bloody war against the Argentinians that was cheered on from Port Stanley to Scapa Flow.
National Socialist Germany found itself in a similar situation with Poland in 1939, except that 58,000 German men women and children had been murdered or were missing presumed dead. It was later determined that most of these civilian Germans perished at the hands of partisan men with small hats. This and the German economic miracle of 1933-45 was the real reason for WW2...https://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/NHC/NewPDFs/GERMANY/GER.Polish.Atrocities.Against.German.Minority.in.Poland.1940.pdf
Chris - Jun 26
What does that have to do with the facts I mentioned?
David Westerlund - Jun 19
David’s Substack
Yes Chris: "...nazi." is a jooish inspired word for National Socialist. If people could add 2+2 they would understand the 6 million alleged gas chamber deaths would take until 1995 to incinerate in the number of human incinerators the Germans had to dispose of typhus bodies. Yes, Germans used Zyklon to delouse clothing, but never on humans.
There is a Swiss Red Cross document from November 1944 that ~less than 250,000 deaths at Auschwitz, with NO MENTION of gassing.
Today, the sealed Hitler documents about peace terms offered are finally in print/internet news. Even as late as 1944, before D day, he offered surrender to the allies, including all of Germany, to keep it out of Russian (Bolshevik) area. As early as 1939, before Poland invasion, the Danzig Strait agreement, allowing area to VOTE if they wanted to be in Germany or Poland. The West wanted war.
psychoNWO - Jun 20
Why the Truth About Britain's Role in Fomenting WW2 Will Remain Hidden...http://www.renegadetribune.com/why-the-truth-about-britains-role-in-fomenting-wwii-will-remain-hidden/
The Hidden, Awkward Origins of World War 2...http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-hidden-awkward-origins-of-world-war-ii/
Exposing Stalin's Plan to Conquer Europe...http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v17/v17n4p30_Michaels.html
The Chief Culprit: Stalins Grand Design to Start World War II...https://www.amazon.co.uk/Chief-Culprit-Stalins-Grand-Design/dp/1591148065
Who Started World War II? by Viktor Suvorov...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYSy80WlmWY
Holocaust Testimonies You Never Heard...https://www.bitchute.com/video/P8ekhUp9nWAc/
Adolf Hitler - British Accommodations...https://www.bitchute.com/video/JKIpvMFO2L0X/
Hitler's Pleas for Peace...https://www.bitchute.com/video/jLj5bz1JjL3k/
psychoNWO - Jun 20
The first casualty of war is truth. The Jews that run the USA, Russia and Ukraine want a European war but they don't want to be seen as the aggressors. They like it when someone else gets the blame - this allows them to preserve their eternal victimhood status.
Most people get their information from Jewish media and practically none of it is based on facts ...and they are still doing it.
The constant referencing to the nazification of Ukraine is a throwback to a 2013 Soros funded psy-op involving the pseudo nazi Azov Brigade. Azov was on the payroll of the same group that funded the various Colour Revolutions. Their leaders were photographed on multiple occasions flying in and out of Tel Aviv in private jets. All their weapons were supplied by Israel.
Israel is arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine...https://countercurrents.org/2018/07/israel-is-arming-neo-nazis-in-ukraine/
Hacked emails reveal Jew George Soros' funding of fake Nazi groups Right Sector, Svoboda and the Azov Battalion...https://stephenkmacksd.com/2020/03/05/george-soros-sponsored-ukrainian-anti-semites-old-socialist-comments/
Private militias hired by Jews to pose as radical Nazi's. Israel has been funding far-right groups across Europe to pose as Neo-Nazi's...https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2018/7/17/an-unlikely-union-israel-and-the-european-far-right
David Westerlund - Jun 20
David’s Substack
YOU have your "ducks in order" too. Keep up the GR8 analysis where ever you go. I try and not use the word nazi, as that is a slang word made by a joo. 88&8's,Dave
Chris - Jun 26
What you nazi retards fail to grasp, is that people like Soros, Harari, Bourla, etc. are not real Jews. Real Jews love Yahweh and obey his Torah, though I doubt you would understand all that being satanic demonic nazis and all, right?
Chris - Jun 21
David’s Substack
Sounds like you are defending nazis. Are you proud of them? Of what they did murdering millions of innocent Europeans? Not just Jews, but Christians pastors, professional, college professors, and more. Are you saying the nazis never existed, that WW II never happened? That General Patton and Eisenhower just made up all the proof they collected on the spot from the cowardly demonic nazis that murdered all those people in the concentration camps? That the nazis are some kind of saints? Tell us what you really think.
David Westerlund - Jun 26
David’s Substack
Chris: This is a repeat of what YOU wrote before and I answered. It appears psychoNWO answered your questions better than I. (Thank you psychoNWO). I'm "...defending..." the truth, which joos are not capable. It appears to be in their DNA to lie, which has been documented well by many people in documents/testimony/books. I personally have encountered it many times in those methods too.
Do you Chris have some disability in reading what has been written here by others. 88 Dave
Chris - Jun 26
May the LORD Almighty deal with you and your satanic buddies here as you deserve, and make an example of you. :)
m cameron - Jun 20 - Edited
m cameron
What is a National Socialist? Anyone?
David Westerlund - Jun 20 - Edited
David’s Substack
Merilee Cameron: I profess to be a National Socialist/White Supremacist/and Atheist as were most people in Germany in the late 1930's, early 1940's. We believe in our White Race being the moral/ most intelligent and our offspring (children) continue after our death to be the moral/intelligent/people on the earth. It must be the will of the people that rule, not the best liars/cheaters we see today ruling the USA/Europe. We respect all races and do not feel any of them should be "goyim (cattle)".
The 3rd Reich (1933=1945) had many races in their army. Mahatma Gandhi was a friend/admirer of Hitler. Can you think of anyone that tried harder to save the White Race than Hitler?
At WWII's end, over a million Russians were fighting on the Western Front in German uniforms against USA/England. Sadly, they were all returned to Russia where they were executed or committed suicide by the Bolshevik gov't of Stalin
Chris - Jun 21 - Edited
David’s Substack
You are a coward and a liar. If you were concerned about your "race" you would be defending the people in Europe from demonic NWO Globalist leaders who are letting hoards of invaders through the gates, that are destroying European culture, and turning every major EU city into a third world hellhole of trash, rape, pillage, arson, and terrorism.
While our race has accomplished many great things, it is the white Christians who have done so, not the demonic or immoral ones such as hitler. Germany was known for it's men who were not Christians, and cowardly fags.
What are you doing about that David... vs. hiding behind your keyboard and
David Westerlund - Jun 22
David’s Substack
Chris: You are correct about the "....NWO Globalist leaders..." and what they are doing. We in the USA have the same problem, with the southern border being overrun by millions of invaders today. Our dementia prone Biden is doing this.
Hitler's Danzig Strait proposal in 1939 to Poland, asking Poland to allow the people to vote if they wanted to be ruled by German or Poland, was one of the 1st of many of Hitler's peace proposal. Hitler made a peace proposal to the West, shortly before D Day, to surrender and allow USA/UK troops to the Eastern Border of Germany. Hitler was truly a man of peace, but history is written by the victors.
As being a coward, I demonstrated against the NWO Globalists every Friday in Portland OR. with an anti-i$rahell sign for over 10 years. The joos ARE the NWO Globalists I hope you realize. The anti-fa cowardly knocked me out without my seeing them (from behind). Nordstrom's had their retreat (2 of them) on tape, and the Portland police had Nordstrom's destroy the tape. This did NOT stop me, as I was back the next Friday. I am now in my 90's, and do not demonstrate, & yes, still fight the New (joo) World Order on my computer.
As being a liar, most of my knowledge of WWII has been acquired by reading documents and talking with people that were there. Not reading books written by others with opinions that could be lies.
Chris - Jun 26
Also, to be clear every single Globalist from Klaus Schwab who wants all to "own nothing and be happy", to the former President of the EU Jean Claude Juncker, had their fathers working directly with hitler.
Chris - Jun 26
I do not get why you think all Jewish people are bad, vs. admitting there are good and bad people in every group. Are you saying the Jews in the Bible and OId Testament are bad? Are you a Christian? . You do realize Jesus Christ, Yeshua and his disciples were all Jewish right? Or that some of his followers were in the Roman Army. ... where do you ancestors come from?
psychoNWO - Jun 26
What the Nazi's fought against...
Frank Weltner - 100 million Russians killed by Jewshttps://www.bitchute.com/video/58gZYSQPA6Gx/
Soviet History-70 Million Slaughtered.https://archive.org/details/soviet-history-l-histoire-sovie-tique
Murder of the Tsar by Bolshevikshttps://archive.org/details/bolshevik-revolution-the-murder-of-the-tsar-and-his-family.
Quotes from Jews about Judaism.............
“SOME CALL IT MARXISM – I CALL IT JUDAISM.” Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935.
“THE REVOLUTION IN RUSSIA IS A JEWISH REVOLUTION” The Maccabean (New York), Nov. 1905, p, 250“.
"JEWRY IS THE MOTHER OF MARXISM” Le Droit de Vivre, May 12, 1936.
“JUDAISM IS MARXISM, COMMUNISM” Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites p. 64.
“THE COMMUNIST SOUL IS THE SOUL OF JUDAISM.” Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites p. 143 The American Hebrew (New York).
...and so internationalist 'democracy' celebrates its rites of sacrifice. The Christian lamb is slaughtered, and Annias and Caiaphas [Jewish leaders in the Sanhedrin who condemned Jesus to death], today representing international stock market capital, are the guests of honor at the feast.
“The Perestroika deception is Soviet Russia’s faking of its own death in the 1990s as a way of lulling the West to sleep over the communist threat, thus advancing its world communist agenda unhindered.” - Timothy Fitzpatrick..https://fitzinfo.net/perestroika-deception/...
The Jews that run Ukraine and Russia.https://archive.org/details/THEJEWISHMONSTERSWHORUNUKRAINEupdated
Jews claim there is a "Big difference between zionist and the average Person of Jewish descent" ...but how do you tell which is which?
The Jews that aren't involved in Zionism know all about Usury, blood libel, poisonous vaccine manufacturing, Jewish controlled Freemasonry, Jeffery Epstein political pedo blackmail operations, the Sayanin networks, etc, etc, etc... and yet they say nothing about it.
Where were all the good Jews on 911 when the Jewish owned messaging service Odigo was sending text messages ONLY TO JEWS warning them that the twin towers were about to be hit?
Where are the good Jews that should be warning humanity about their complete control of the MSM? Nowhere...https://www.bitchute.com/video/o9IRYDwBe6sn/
Where are the good Jews that could warn us about Jewish control of the Catholic and Protestant Church? Nothing. Only silence...https://watch-unto-prayer.org/reformation-2.html
Where are the good Jews that could warn us about Jewish roles creating all the world wars? Nowhere...https://ia801304.us.archive.org/3/items/TheBadWarTheTruthNEVERTaughtAboutWorldWarII/TheBadWarTheTruthNeverTaughtAboutWorldWarIiversion2MikeKing.pdf
Jewish control of communism and Jewish nobility in China? Again, silence...https://www.bitchute.com/video/JXtuM9Jju9dI/
Jewish Sasoons and Kadoories...https://www.scmp.com/magazines/post-magazine/books/article/3091585/last-kings-shanghai-history-sassoons-and-kadoories
Here are your ordinary Jews here - working towards fulfilling the Jewish supremacist agenda. ISRAELS SECRET WEAPON, THE TALPIOT PROGRAM - "HOW ISRAEL RULES THE GENTILES"...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEMLjA8ZJds
COVID KILL SWITCH | ISRAEL & UNIT 8200 TAKE OVER NEW YORK & PENTAGON...https://www.altcensored.com/watch?v=8RQF1OPxXio
The Great Red Dragon - the history of ordinary Jews - LONG BEFORE Zionism was a thing...https://ia802607.us.archive.org/22/items/greatreddragonor00wool/greatreddragonor00wool.pdf
The Jews running the COVID vaccine factories are not Zionists, they are just Jews... Killer Covid Vaccines...http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-jews-behind-all-these-anti-covid-vaccines/
Leading transhumanist scientists Geordie Rose, Goertzel, Kurzweil... all Jewish.
They never warn us. Funny that.
"Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews' Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet." (Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869)
Henry Ford also noted that: "It was a Jew who said, 'Wars are the Jews harvest'; but no harvest is so rich as civil wars". The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem, Vol. III, p. 180)...https://concisepolitics.com/2017/09/12/rabbi-quotes-that-make-your-stomach-churn-with-repulsion/
psychoNWO - Jun 26 - Edited
Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 79 years that have since passed, only a single narrative of this conflict has been heard. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie.
We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books, infiltrate our media and public education but even going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story’s orthodoxy. The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the architects of it, and the conflicts unleashed upon the free world during that time by the forces of Judaic Communism.
Contrary to the image portrayed by the Jewish owned media, Fascists generally look out for the national interests of their citizens. While Communists are programmed to look out for the interests of themselves and the elite moneyed classes who own and run their international globalist orientated parties.
The Governments of the world are at war with the people.
The Alternative Kosher Media is awash with statements and claims that governments are implementing Nazi policies; its popular, it rolls off the tongue and generates dramatic effect, but it is ill informed and ignorant.
No it's not the Nazi's that are implementing totalitarian policies, it is International Communism using a Medical Cartel Trojan horse.
The term 'Nazi' today is used (by MSM and Kosher Alternative Media) as a subliminal slur against Nationalism.
1st fact: Nationalism is the enemy of Communism, Nationalism protects its people, Family, Marriage, Children, its language, its culture, its religion, its monuments, its history, its Constitution, etc...
2nd fact: Communism is Internationalism, Globalism, New World Order, Global treaties, Global FTA, Global Economy, Global Politics. Communism removes and destroys all original laws, all foundations of the Nation, Constitutions, all history, culture, tradition, Communism destroys marriage, traditional family, removes and takes ownership of the children.
3rd fact: Governments today are following International directives, (central planning, central allocation - Communist) they are not governing in the National interest. They are sponsoring a State sponsored forced agenda to annihilate Nationalism forever, and hence adopt Communism forever.
4th fact: The West sided with the communist Stalin (Communism that has killed 200+ million of its own people, mostly Christians) to defeat a Nationalist Government, and since emancipation the Communist virus has entered our Universities, Politics, Institutions, Religions and Culture. That's how we got to where we are.
The people who were dictating US foreign policy in 1941 didn't want the US to win a war, they wanted Oded Yinon.
The Jews strategy in WW2 was to have the allies and Germany destroy each other.
Hitler's Germany was the biggest threat to Jewish financial hegemony since Edward Longshanks expelled them from England in 1290. All of the fake stories about Nazi experiments have been invented to demonize the enemies of the Jews. Making the Nazi's look like terrorists is done to crush popular support for any future European uprising against world Jewry.
Read the true story of a WW1 British Army captain who was imprisoned at the outset of WW2 for telling the truth about the Jewish Freemasonic 'agencies' that controlled the events that lead to war from behind the scenes. The movers and shakers with the political ability to "make things happen". A story that gives an unbiased insight into major events that have shaped our world and brought us to where we now are. It is a book that many said would never be written. It is titled: The Nameless War ~ by Cptn Archibald Maule Ramsay. Find it on Archive.
For a broader view on global wars over the last two centuries, and who specifically caused these wars, read... The Bad War by Mike King, also on Archive...https://ia801304.us.archive.org/3/items/TheBadWarTheTruthNEVERTaughtAboutWorldWarII/TheBadWarTheTruthNeverTaughtAboutWorldWarIiversion2MikeKing.pdf
...and David isn't lying. There were more than 2 million foreigners who volunteered and fought on the side of the Germans during WW2...
Hitler’s Foreign Legions – Nine Non-German Units That Fought for the Germans in WW2...https://militaryhistorynow.com/2016/05/04/hitlers-foreign-legions-nine-non-german-regiments-that-fought-for-the-nazis-in-ww2/
Non European races that fought alongside the Germans during WW2. Two million foreign volunteers served in the Wehrmacht...https://www.feldgrau.com/ww2-german-wehrmacht-foreign-volunteers/
Waffen SS Foreign Volunteer's...https://www.pinterest.com.au/caseyjohn646/waffen-ss-foreign-volunteers/
Hitler's Jewish Soldiers...https://www.bitchute.com/video/jLpa19cj2D8b/...these traitorous Jews worked diligently to sabotage the German war effort from within. At the end of the war they were given new lives in America via Operation Paperclip.
BlazeCloude3 - Jun 19 - Edited
It's not merely about humanity...Humanism or Relativism. It's more about God and man's commitment and obedience to God. Human nature wishes to imagine itself it's own God; the be all and end all of life, but that's the same delusion as Adam (NO...Not Eve as Eve's sin was to place Adam as God) placing us here in this evil in the first place.
Anybody imagining the eradication of this threat to not be violent is a fool...Freedom is NOT cheap or free. When it's been stolen to such an extent as it's been at this time it will demand a wage in blood, limb and life in faith as 'courage of conviction' is only possible through God...Willingness to sacrifice at all costs and capacity to suffer and endure misery. That is the cost for a short period of time OR it will be the price of a normal life on Earth forever for almost all humans commanded to WORSHIP those of the Demons now perpetrating this darkness for Absolute Power as existed for the whole world until the advent and commitment to freedom of the people of The United States of America.
Maybe, it wasn't perfect and that's alright as the beauty of the Nation was its flexibility creating a capacity to reach for perfection even though perfection isn't possible on Earth...THAT IS WHAT MADE THIS NATION BLESSED BY GOD, THROUGH FAITH IN GOD, GREAT.
Chris - Jun 19 - Edited
m cameron
Every single one of the nazi commie NWO Globalists are followers of satan through the occult, witchcraft etc... look at the founders of Hollywood and Scientology... all of them.
m cameron - Jun 20
m cameron
More people need to wake up to this & start calling a spade a spade! You're right.
Eternitybound - Jun 20
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting lifeπ.
Jesus is our only hope. He will return soon.
The article was well written. He’s so right about their plan. God is in control of all of it to fulfill His word. Exciting.
JamesDuff - Jun 20
JamesDuff’s Newsletter
Man is the most dangerous animal when he forsakes God. I pray I get to play out west where the wild animals live away from any 15 minute prisons.
m cameron - Jun 20
m cameron
Man is not an animal. Animals behave better than most people.
JamesDuff - Jun 20
JamesDuff’s Newsletter
Agreed my cats are civil.
m cameron - Jun 20
m cameron
Mine too. :)
JamesDuff - Jun 20
JamesDuff’s Newsletter
The song birds are civil
I have yet to meet an animal that wanted to harm me or run me off the road. Luckily the grizzly bear did not visit our camping spot but most animals are civil. We are call the civil civilization but have yet to live up that civility.
m cameron - Jun 20
m cameron
Miss Parker - Jun 20
Miss’s Substack
Another heartfelt, needed exposition as to what we're facing.
I've taken to calling this dark, concerted agenda being imposed upon us and the rest of nature "globa'alism." This beautiful world of God's intricate design and gift of free will doesn't belong to the Devil, but acolytes and minions of evil are trying their damnedest to make it so.
Resistance isn't futile, it's vital to our collective soul. Together and individually, we can embrace the hard truths and deal with them, while remembering the Grace all around us and within us on this mortal plane. Some days it's a challenge to see the good outshine the darkness, but the effort only hones our awareness and sense of gratitude.
We fight them and their agenda because we love.
Daniel Dearg Erin Neale - Jun 20
Daniel’s Substack
A complete and utter immoral bunch of a holes clowns idiots and a holes. As Richard Lighthouse would call it as I've grown to call it with the gang stalkers and their clowns idiots and assholes everyday and then there are the real dark subjects behind the lines who never get touched like a Rockefeller Rothschild corporations and the rest of the corporations that do this big Pharma and all the rest it is utterly immoral and needs to be put to rest permanently so we can bring this planet into the fifth where we no longer need individuals with guns to enforce tyranny for their masters because I am in about right now with these assholes idiots and clowns for my very life and my freedom because they choose to fill their pockets while people suffer that are innocent and have been brutally assaulted and potentially are on a murder list for the cabal. My name is Daniel Nelson Neal and my family has been targeted and murdered for four generations now going on five. And I will never shut up because these people need to be put down or even executed at a speedy Nuremberg 2.0 trial. But that's the only way it can be done then it needs to be done.
Stayalive21 - Jun 21
This was an excellent article and i wanted the share it with a close friend who finally seemed willing to believe that things in the world isn't really what they appear to be. But i looked up ARM using presearch and every write up says the same thing about ARM. Thus i cant share it..
Merrick - Jun 20
Reverent Merrick’s Oracle of Ri…
Talmudism not Globalism!
mothman777 - Jun 21
mothman777’s Newsletter
And a lot of the rabbis speaking out on video about why the Noahide Laws are justified in authorizing the intended killing of 6 BILLION Gentiles as 'idolators' and many more for contravening the other Noahide Laws are quoting Torah verses too from Deuteronomy for instance.
Penny's Ponderings - Jun 20
Penny’s Substack
This is an excellent assessment of the evil that is being unleashed upon us.
I do feel impelled to make this observation. Our founding fathers were adamantly against titles of nobility and tried to do away with them in the united States of America. Yet, Mr. David Meiswinkle is proudly parading his title of Esquire for all to see. Just sayin'
GreaterIsrahell - Jun 20
You Just Can't Make This Stuff …
"Because they hate our freedom our Constitution and our Bill of Rights because it interferes with their plans for a total world take over."
George W. Bush was honest at least once when he said "They did it (9/11) because the terrorists hate our freedom." Twenty Saudis weren't the ones who hate our freedom. It is all the Israel firsters in the district of criminals who planned and excecuted 9/11 that hates our freedom. To name just a few.
m cameron - Jun 20
m cameron
Because they hate our divinity.
Chris - Jun 19 - Edited
mothman777’s Newsletter
Evil and satanism is actually found in the religions of the occult and new age as well. We know this from the Bible and thousands of years of history... the "new age" is actually the old age of the witchcraft and worship of demons that were embedded in false idols. Baal, Ashtoreth, Pan... these demons are all just other names for satan, lucifer, the father of lies,- the accuser. Yeshua will deal with him when he comes back with the sword in mouth and the angel armies, along with all of satan's followers and supporters down here. There is no "white witchcraft" - witchcraft is witchcraft, and if you think the globalists do not believe in it and are just "atheisists" just look at their statue of the Indian demon false god Shiva, the "destroyer of worlds" outside the Cern Collider, or their demonic opening ceremony for the Gothard Tunnel. You cannot defeat this evil by the power of demons such as buddha, etc... it will not work. Only through the power of the Lord of Hosts, and his son the Messiah, Yeshua of Nazareth can this be defeated. Great video from former high level new ager Alan Strudwick, on they had planned on bringing in the demonic to make it common place and have people infested with demons through yoga, starting in the 1960's.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8czKuPcc4c&t=1004s
mothman777 - Jun 20 - Edited
mothman777’s Newsletter
Exodus 32:27
King James Bible
And he said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour.
Matthew 10:34-36
English Standard Version
34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.
Get on with what your demonic psychotic Bible tells you to do, but keep the hysterical insanity and hatred among yourselves, and leave the members of the non-Abrahamic religions out of it, keep your evil psychosis away from them, they do not have the proto-Bolshevik mental sickness of needing to send all others to hell for all eternity and do not need to have it.
No sane human person does need to maintain such a hellish pseudo-spiritual religion who has even the slightest conscious connection with the real God.
Real spiritual religions know that all souls have an eternal, beginningless connection and relationship with the Godhead and can never be actually separated from God or sent to any hell for all eternity, even though at times due to eternal freedom of the soul the attention of some souls temporarily slips away from relating to God in the spiritual world and they then find themselves absorbed in some material reality for a while beyond the spiritual dimension where God seems to be largely absent and all kinds of calamities seem to assail them. Panic can then set in, and people like members of the Abrahamic faiths start to blame and attack all others in their blind hatred as they cannot face the truth of their own demonic and actually godless natures being largely responsible for their inner sufferings.
How can anyone really enter into a fully conscious relationship with the real God in the real, infinite spiritual dimension which is nothing other than an infinite mass of pure consciousness of living matter comprised purely of conscious, living souls, when in their state of schizophreniform psychosis each self-deluded self-reinforcing demonic group firmly believe in the absolute necessity of all non-Christians, all non-Jews, and all non-Muslims being constantly tortured in the most gruesomely agonizing ways for all eternity, but that pig-headed stubbornness will not put things right, and that addiction to seeing total hatred and sadistic violence expressed towards all others for ever will only make things worse.
The absolute hatred and sheer malevolence spewing out of many Christians, who believe in the Bible teaching of the literal necessity of all others being unceasingly burned alive for all eternity after this life is nothing other than utterly sickening.
The absolute hatred from the Jews who are fully proven to be entirely behind the creation of the COVID bioweaponry is sheer criminal terrorism, and their Noahide Laws intend all members of all other religions to be executed for idolatry under coming NWO one world Jewish military dictatorship - [which is what the WEF is really intended on] - and their teachings say that all Gentile souls are to be sent to hell - Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi is very explicit on this for example and gloatingly says in celebratory manner in anticipation that 6 BILLION Gentiles will be executed as idolators, and that ultimately of all the Gentiles in the entire world, there will be "No survivors".
Every POTUS since 1991 has signed a formal declaration in the White House in the association of a group of Chabad Lubavitcher rabbis acting as observers that they undertake to implement these laws when required.
The Muslim Koran says all non-Muslims are to be burned alive in hell unceasingly for all eternity after their life in this world ends, having boiling water poured down their throats to melt their flesh on the inside, while also being beaten with iron rods with hooks on which are also used to drag them back whenever they try to run away from the agony, and when one body is destroyed by fire on the outside and boiling water on the inside, a new body is instantaneously created around their soul in which they are then made to undergo the same torture with these events occurring again and again for all eternity.
All the Abrahamic religions are totally demonic and pure evil, and are based on Judaism in their entirety.
I really do not think that Christians with their provenly fictitious Rabbi Yeshua have any genuine cause to attack yogis and Buddhists the way they do, as these spiritual approaches in general are some of the most gentle and peaceful and loving of all.
The revised and expanded edition of the book by DM Murdock, 'The Christ conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold', proves with considerable evidence, not with mere sentiment or conjecture, that the Bible story is not literal history and was developed merely as a politically contrived means of forcing a unified belief system on many different nations conquered and assimilated by the Roman Empire that had previously had their own disparate religions, and it was the Jewish Piso family who proposed a purposely constructed version of this to the Roman Emperor Constantine, who in accepting this proposal from Jews who undoubtedly would really have been resentful of the Romans earlier having tried to suppress the Jewish religion and be out for revenge, could not really have been unaware of the likely Trojan horse nature of that utterly mental and actually hostile artificial Christian religion, so Constantine was likely just as false a representative to those peoples in wanting merely to keep them weakened and suppressed by such means as modern day sell-out leaders like Biden or Trump are, such is the dirty world of politics throughout the ages in many places.
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Jun 19 - Edited
Ray’s Newsletter
I personally believe that the visible organizations are only fronts. What matters is what is going on in the background, and it resembles a symphony:
Edmond Paré - Jun 19
Edmond Paré
Thanks. I'll try Brave again. Didn't like it for some reason the list time I tried it. - Most everyone else on Substack is readable in Firefox and I like its features and the fact that most of its bugs have been fixed; and, would rather not be switching between browsers when trying to get through 100+ emails in a day. (-: -- Also have Safari, Opera, Edge.
crapshoot farmer - Jun 20
crapshoot farmer
I've been using Brave since just after the 2020 election when Firefox sent out a message that the election wasn't stolen and that Biden won fair and square.
I replied that they were lying and have never used them again. Never will.
Not a big fan of Trump but the election was rigged. He's still the cleanest dirty shirt in a pile of stinky clothes...
m cameron - Jun 20
m cameron
Well put.
mothman777 - Jun 21
mothman777’s Newsletter
So you don't mind the surely Jewish Trump treacherously having signed a declaration while POTUS confirming his willingness to implement the genocidally lethal Noahide Laws throughout the US then, or to impose a law with a death penalty for antisemitism if he is made POTUS again?
Trump has stated his willingness to see you put to death for 'idolatry' if you are Christian Muslim, Hindu, Mormon, Jevovah's witness, Quaker, Amish, Sikh, Buddhist, Yazidi, Zoroastrian or whatever if you are not practicing the Jewish religion, and even if you are atheist Gentile he will still have you executed if you oppose your Buddhist or Mormon or Quaker or Amish neighbours being executed because you will then be classed as an antisemite.
Full on Communist Jewish terrorism is about to be fully implemented worldwide sometime soon in the next decade, and Trump is not on the side of the Gentiles. In fact the mass killing of Gentiles has already been started a long time ago under various guises.
crapshoot farmer - Jun 21
crapshoot farmer
I know all about what you're saying about Trump.
I haven't voted in a federal election in over 20 years so stuff it.
Cannot vote in a US 'Possession'.
Trump got Cohened and Epsteined and it's been obvious for a long time.
crapshoot farmer - Jun 22
crapshoot farmer
Scroll down and see Bush 1 signing the document. They're all traitors to us.
Notice the hidden hand!
mothman777 - Jun 23
mothman777’s Newsletter
Indeed, the Chabad Lubavitcher Jewish rabbi with his hand in the Freemasonic position inside the breast of his jacket is very revealing too, the murderous Bolshevik leaders made just the same gesture too.
Edmond Paré - Jun 21
Edmond Paré
I did not receive such a message from Firefox.
Bruce Hartnett - Jun 20
Bruce Hartnett
I have No problem with Firefox! You can change the size of the Print, making it smaller.
Edmond Paré - Jun 21
Edmond Paré
Then, you must be using a very large monitor. I'm on a widescreen laptop and, if I reduced the size of the print to get it all on the screen, I would not be able to read it. Most every site has an option to fit the text onto the entire screen.
Bruce Hartnett - Jun 21
Bruce Hartnett
No, I only have a DELL 15" Laptop & with Comments pages, I have about 2" Margins on both sides.
http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Jun 19
It is unbelievable:
End-to-End Encryption (E2E) is Dead. Killed By New Tech. -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c52pKpYeZ74
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