The Bioweapons War. Injections against Humanity, Problems and Solutions; Interview With Swedish Group Sverige Graskas

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 23, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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THE BIOWEAPONS WAR. Injections against humanity; Problems and solutions with Dr. Ana Mihalcea

With Swedish Subtitles:

BIOVAPENKRIGET Injektionerna mot mänskligheten; Problem och lösningar med Dr Ana Mihalcea(SV TEXT)

In Sweden the vaccination rate is over 71% of the population. I was invited by a group of activists to discuss by findings and research.

Medfive EDTA detox

Ultimate Methylene Blue

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Roman S Shapoval - Apr 23

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Get back to Nature - and get UV Sunlight:

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Sarah - Apr 23

Why are you still promoting EDTA and methylene Blue (especially) for this nano filament replication inhibition because neither of those things help—

REPLY | 47 replies

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