The Battle For Humanity: Nanotechnology & The…

Jan 8, 2024

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I was invited to speak with Jay Campbell again and we had a fabulous conversation regarding the current battlefield and fight for humanity on all levels of creation.


Roman S Shapoval - Jan 8, 2024

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

One of the best things we can do to optimize hormones is to eliminate non-native blue light from screen at night, and pre-load our eyes and skin with tons of red light in the AM:


Seeking Truth - Jan 9, 2024

Seeking Truth

What if you live in the NorthEast? It's winter here, not much sun, & it's cooold!!


Roman S Shapoval - Jan 9, 2024

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Good question. I get out for the Sunrise, and get at least 20 minutes of Am light. Even on the gloomiest day, the average brightness (lux) is about 300 x brighter than the average office space.
SaunaSpace has some decent products that can help us regenerate in winter:
Have you ever considered an infrared sauna?


Laura - Jan 9, 2024

Modern Healthcare

As you post the on blue light devices


Roman S Shapoval - Jan 9, 2024

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

I am using Iris, a red-light screen filter.


Tina Harrison - Jan 9, 2024

Ana - WOW! Your podcast with Jay was phenomenal. I usually don’t have time to watch your interviews all the way through but you kept me spellbound.
I don’t believe in coincidences. This was a synchronicity that brought me to you at this moment in my spiritual journey.
We are under attack! Humanity and mother Earth!! All life!! We must stand and fight however we can and it must come from within.
As you said in your interview, we each are here right now in this most difficult time not by chance but by purpose....we chose be here now let’s make the difference that we intended to be before we were born!!!! ❤️🙏


Diana Barahona - Jan 9, 2024

Full Disclosure

"Homoborgenesis" - Penny Bradley, Nusken
Two or 3 peope have claimed that the plan was to fill everyone with nannites in preparation for injecting them with black goo, which would make everyone an organic robot (cyborg) run by AI.


Charlie - Jan 9, 2024

Full Disclosure

Ah, you know who Harold Kautz is?!
German guy contracted by Norway to investigate food production demise.
Upon isolating source of morgellans disease his journey started. His perspective is mind blowing (goo).
Interplanetary forces in conflict.
I’ve listened to his 2 plus hour discussion 4 times. This guy is beyond normal human intelligence. Like Ana, aDevine understanding, 4th density.
Even his 40 plus page dissertation on solutions for narcissists is an understanding of using a bad trait for positive outcome.
Incredible learning for me.
Long and short, every negative has a intervention to interact opposite but will find balance, observed temporarily.
Like weather.
Fungal reptilian cross domains of hybrid bastardization of human is the outcome.
A strange devolution.
Showing up in deer.
This is only the beginning.
Welcome to beyond comprehension for most as
this is an experiment by superior beings and in my opinion these alien entities do Not have the outcome predetermined, as Ana suggests, we predetermine our own higher being and destiny-The ultimate mind/consciousness battle.


Charlie - Jan 9, 2024

Full Disclosure

Remember the deep horizon well head blow off? What came out?
Why did the government quarantine the beaches and collect the goo? Where did it end up? Why did the Bushes buy a home next to a deposit of goo? Argentina...


Diana Barahona - Jan 9, 2024

Full Disclosure

Black goo, Texas tea.
The first thing you know, old Jeb's a millionaire;
The kinfolk said, "Jeb, move away from there!"
They said, "California is the place you want to be"
So they loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly.
Hills, that is: swimming pools, movie stars.
Everything is illusion.


Dion Paschini - Jan 31, 2024

What an amazing podcast thanks for all the great information on such an important subject


Doug - Jan 11, 2024

Doug’s Substack

I agree until you begin with the Evolution stuff... I agree AI needs destroyed, Nano bots and tech need destroyed. Gangstalkers need destroyed and gangstalking, and v2k. But I disagree with the hell doesn't exist, and that Christ isn't coming back. We are not going to create heaven on earth that will only happen when Christ comes. IF you keep on that track you will be deceived and fall as well.
I wish defeat the transhumanism would stay on track and not this we evolve when we don't.
But again up to that point I agree,but draw sides when it means man kind keeping his kingdom we don't. The statue falls like what is in Daniel 2vs 44 and is taken away from man. Sorry anything else is false teaching.


Poetry or so they say - Jan 10, 2024

S.L.’s Substack


Stella - Jan 9, 2024 - Edited

I usually agree with you Dr. Ana, you are doing great work. I love what you are doing for humanity! Love reading all your scientific discoveries. Thanks to you, I've learned so much. Have found someone for live blood analysis, and EDTA chelation, etc. am grateful to you!
However, I don't understand this statement in this video about not being a being of Light. And saying Lucifer and fallen angels (only they) appear as beings of Light. Crazy to me. You said here if I understood it correctly, that you are not a being of Light, that people are misled if saying that. I feel that is what is misleading.
I've followed Eckankar for many decades, which teaches we are all Light beings in our essential selves, Soul. That Soul IS made of Light and Sound, Soul is not of materiality. There are many planes, worlds, of higher and higher consciousness.
Here we're in the Physical world wearing physical bodies. Then as we go higher, there's the Astral, Causal, Mental, and Etheric Planes in the lower worlds, we call these the MEST worlds, worlds of matter, energy, space and time. But we're also able via Soul Travel, to go into higher worlds above time and space worlds. These are the worlds of Pure Spirit, only in our Soul body can we reach these worlds. In my teachings it’s called Soul Travel.
So then, what is Soul made of? To me, Pure Soul is made of LIGHT and SOUND, NOT matter.


Stella - Jan 12, 2024


Piotr Bein - Jan 9, 2024 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

Is it necessary to stress the weird to most ppl, esoterics on ETs etc? The bankster cabal is evidenced, obvious, systematically progressing to last preps before NWO. The alleged ancient ETs activity against Humanity exploding in our times does not hold a test of systematic subterfuge stratagem on all fronts since ca. 18th century when the NWO plan was conceived by rothschilds.


Kathie - Jan 9, 2024

Excellent . Dr Ana ! I found something that I would love for you to text . I believe it can also help eliminate spike P, possibly nano too . I’ll send you an email tomorrow.


Devi - Jan 9, 2024

I just list connection. I guess “they” didn’t want me to know more about the methylene blue..


Alexis Rodriguez - Jan 9, 2024

Thank you!!✨✨


lawrence - Jan 9, 2024

lawrence’s Newsletter

You are A Hero ANA like it or not. remember, some greasy head teens are trying



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