The Antidote - Interview On The Diamond & Silk Show

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 27, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Dr. Ana Mihalcea is Back To Break Down THE ANTIDOTE

I was back with Silk to share my recent research studies on the Pfizer BioNTech vials.

I explain about the Replicon injections and how the lipid nanoparticles that self assemble to these microscopic structures that we can see under the Darkfield microscope - they themselves are part of the self replicating mechanism.

Nanoparticles SELF ASSEMBLE to larger structures that can be seen very well, as I and other people have shown them for three years.

You can read this for yourself in Karen Kingston’s excerpt of the Moderna patent.

When the blood is visibly cleared of this technology and the rubbery clot formation inhibited when drawn blood is left to stand for four hours, the effects can be easily seen.

This is the Calcium Disodium EDTA, Methylene Blue and electrical and nutritional support I recommend.

Calcium DiSodium EDTA

Methylene Blue

Dr Tennant's Restore

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psychoNWO - Sep 27 - Edited


There are no physical substances in the injections or the chemtrails that are capable of changing the biology of a human, and by that I mean, our DNA is not being altered by gene therapy. You can't change human DNA by simply injecting someone with heavy metals.
COVID Vials Contain Nanoscale Electronic Components (Rare Earth Metals) - Not Biology...
No mRNA has ever been found in any so called vaccines vials - or in any chemtrail samples. Changes in biology are being done on the quantum level of existence - specifically, they are being done remotely by a massively over engineered A.I. weapons system the transhumanist's call the Sentient World Simulation.
The substances in the vials and chemtrail's are electronic in nature. They self assemble into read & write nanoscale EMF signal processors and antenna's. When assembled, these microprocessors connect the person to the A.I. Sentient World Simulation. That's it. That's all they are designed to do.
If any biological changes are being done in humans then they are being done 'non locally', probably within a 'zero point quantum field'. The only way to fully understanding the capabilities of these frequency wave weapons is by studying the realm of quantum physics. Transhumanist scientists use language and phrases associated with quantum physics in their private lectures and in the scientific articles they write for each other in industry specific magazines. This is the realm the transhumanist's are working with so that's where the answers are most likely to be found.
Targeted Individuals DNA used for Remote Neural Monitoring...
"Although these technologies can be used in experimental treatments to mitigate the effects of neuro degenerative diseases, they can also be used to directly interfere with neurons, the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, the involuntary activation of certain areas of the brain and their neuro-stimulation or modulation via electrical impulses - all as a result of the reception of electromagnetic signals and pulses from nano-communications networks. It is not necessary to warn about what it means that an external signal, not controlled by the inoculated person, becomes the principle signal that governs the segregation of neurotransmitters,, ie, carbon nanotubes housed in neuronal tissue could be remotely modulated to interfere with the natural functioning of the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine which is partly responsible for cognitive processes, socialization, the reward system, desire, pleasure, conditioned learning or inhibition."
"This means that our technocratic overlords can remotely interfere in the normal behavior patterns of people, their feelings and thoughts, and even force subliminal conditioned learning without the individual being aware of what is happening to them. In addition to the properties already mentioned, carbon nanotubes not only open the doors to the wireless interaction of the human brain, they can also receive electrical signals from other neurons and propagate them (back) to nanorouters, since they also have the same properties as GQD graphene nano-antennas and quantum dots. This means that the intelligence services (A.I.) can transmit, modulate and monitor the neuronal activity of individuals to suit their own ends." ~

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Bee Gee - Sep 27 - Edited

Bee Gee

Um hmm, you know thats right!
I was hoping she should get on Silk's show again, shes great.
I like to see shows where people get appropriately Disturbed when they discover what is happening to people now.
Thats way better than the ones where they just dismiss it or dont react or act like its only happening to those Other people out there somewhere.
Those always make me think "Do they Really understand the importance what she just said?"
Because for over 3 years now I have thought a technobioweapon that sheds from the people who Took it to the people who did Not and which imparts almost all of the same health effects via shedding as by direct injection, is the Most Important Thing on Earth for the unvaxxed.
Thats not even getting into the magnetism like phenomenon that disregards the previously known conventional laws of physics on our planet as we Used to know them but meh, that horse is dead so I will let it lie.
Although if you have discovered you have the magnetism like phenomenon though, I would strongly warn against going to the doctor and letting them give you any high energy scans like MRI or X-Ray or CT. It is quite possible that is Immediately Causing turbocancer to develop.
So its always good to see at least Some people agree on the massive danger to our species but I cant wait to watch this interview later after I'm off work.
Try the EDTA and Vitamin C folks, if you take it right it works better than anything else I have found, even with the cheapest pure Vitamin C crystals and the cheapest oral EDTA.
And as Always, thanks for all you do, Dr Ana.
Also here is some relevant news I was reading...
Bill to take away Big Pharma protections
One of the CDC censorship dashboards.... Notice in the screenshot, everything they want to censor here is shedding related.
ALSO.... Most people paid no attention but AFL got a 289 page FOIA request doc dump a year or two ago from the very beginning of the censorship campaign in 2020... back when GovTech were first setting up the communication channels and work groups and chatrooms, and the government gave them all Specific examples of accounts and claims they wanted censored.
Every Single ONE of those 'claims' Was and Is True. Made in a lab, fertility issues, shedding, the magnetism, and a few others but don't take my word for it, look it up. THEY ARE ALL TRUE.
I dont think even AFL knows what they have in that document, since no one else ever brings it up.

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