Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 15, 2025 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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We are in the acceleration phase of information. As I have reported on the technocratic plan of “Aftershock” - inventions and technological process are now exponentially exploding, reaching an acceleration velocity that is planned to overwhelm the vast majority of individuals to even comprehend reality any more.
I wrote about this prediction by the technocratic transhumanist “futurists” here:
Smart cities - which I call AI controlled concentration camps - that will monitor every move and the inhabitants biometrics. What looks like a scifi movie scene is all about the 2030 Agenda and total world control. Note AI tech monitors health inside - what if AI decides a person is not socially acceptable and should be eleminated? How easy is it to make any smart device into a weapon? Will AI monitor brain waves for thought police? Connect with the self assembly nanotechnology in the blood stream and alter the individual?
Humans will be the living lab rats. Read for yourself.
Here is the article - please see the link above for videos:
PEOPLE will move into a top secret robotic utopia "living laboratory" later this year filled with futuristic tech.
Toyota has been building its Woven City since 2021 which will serve as a test ground for driverless cars, smart homes and robotics.
The site is just a few miles away from Mount Fuji, Japan and costs $10billion / £8billion.
Phase 1 construction of the ambitious project is now complete and one hundred people will move in later this year, Toyota announced at the CES tech show in Las Vegas .
The current site will eventually house 360 residents.
Once phase 2 and future phases are complete up to 2,000 people could be living there.
"Woven City is more than just a place to live, work, and play," said Akio Toyoda, Chairman of Toyota.
"Woven City is a place where people can invent and develop all kinds of new products and ideas.
"It’s a living laboratory where the residents are willing participants, giving inventors the opportunity to freely test their ideas in a secure, real-life setting."
Select inventors and their families - known as "Weavers" - will relocate to Woven City in autumn with the goal of developing technologies to address "societal challenges".
Toyota is inviting experts from third parties too, including a firm working on pollen-free spaces for those who suffer with hay fever and another building futuristic vending machine concepts.
Meanwhile, an instant noodles company will also look to create food environments to inspire new "food cultures".
Visitors to the top secret city will be "limited to related parties" at first.
But the general public will be able to visit and participate in activities from 2026.
Toyota has previously explained that each residence will be kitted out with solar-panel rooftops, AI tech to monitor health inside the home and all vehicles and buildings will be connected through data and sensors.
Houses, made mostly from wood, will include in-home robotics to "assist with daily living" helping residents to be more independent.
Streets will be split into three types, pedestrian-only areas, roads for fast-moving traffic and streets for a mix of lower-speed vehicles.
The car brand commissioned Danish architect Bjarke Ingels - whose previous projects include the Two World Trade Centres, the Lego House in Denmark and Google's Mountain View - to work on the huge development.
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Nurse_SCIENCE - Jan 16
nurse_SCIENCE's Newsletter
Oh good! And all volcanos are erupting or close! God makes all evil people fail. So, this will be funny, in the way back machine. Right now, its just ugly and disgusting, like they are
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Prometheus Sputnik - Jan 16
Wow -- so they can be tested on!!
Sieg heil! Mengele here we go....
I had expected more from Toyota people.. disgusting.
Is it not impressive how all these twch giants and industry magnets, have made their billions on us poor faks driving our cars to work, using the oil, using their computers to make them rich -- and now they wont allow us the freedom to be free or drive where we want, which was basically the idea that got the car and Toyota in the first place. Faster horses!!
We should take all these rich globalists and out them into a permanent 15 min city where they can own nothing and be happy!!!
Sick psychos.
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