Tainted C19 Injected Blood Transfusions …

Dec 4, 2022

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This weekends New Zealand Truthaton - a discussion regarding the safety of Blood Transfusion taken from a vaccinated person to Baby Will - was very important.


bss.org - Dec 4, 2022 - Edited

Stories on the Go, go, go.

In Rudolph Steiner's, the Occult Significance of Blood (https://t.me/basedness/924) and elsewhere, we see that blood is modality for consciousness or even the soul itself.
Black Magick rituals have blood as a sacrament for invocation and this life force is coveted by the Satanic cartels seeking to taint the Blood. This is very close to the meta of Satan or the Devil and what it covets most. To jostle or marr this life force essence.
One should be aware of potential to subsume memories or more from another's blood, but I'd love to hear what our special Lightworker timetraveller thinks on this.
Thanks Ana 💗


The Show and the Game - Dec 4, 2022

Stories on the Go, go, go.

Well said! Steiner also said the soul would be stolen through "medicine" i.e. witchcraft.
The statue outside Cook Co. Hospital of Pasteur - says among other things, " you belong to me".
Wait, what? Hang on a minute.


ConcernedGrammy - Dec 5, 2022

nurse_SCIENCE's Newsletter

Wow! Kinda in your face, huh? Like the statue of Shiva, goddess of destruction, in front of CERN.


Nurse_SCIENCE - Dec 5, 2022

nurse_SCIENCE's Newsletter

I loved mariazeee Rumble interview with Karen Kingston amd Dr.Mimalcea. so intriguing, the spike being the pegolated nano lipid protein, not just a spike. And nanotechnology disappearing and reappearing, with or without the impetus of an electromagnetic stimulous. when I watched this interview on 12/3, I turned off my Wifi that night for the 1'st time since I had internet. My headaches and diziness went away. My arthritkc pain in my hips, shoulders amd hands completely vanished! Ifeel.so.clear and alive now! I am not vaxxed. But staryed working in a closely occupied modular, prepping the reopening of a hosital I worked ar and I began mestruating after having been post menopausal fir almost 2 years. Everyone there was "vaccinated". Our top.consultant and frimed of owners died within 24 hours of shot #4. So. Im glad the hospital closed permanently. I knew my health decline was directly related to exposure in that environmemt. I could feel the decline in my health. Now, i take EDTA capsules, a wormwood, clove, et al. Tincture, and oxy tablets that cleanse GI tract. plus NAC and DCA and vit C, D and zinc, and liposomal.glutathione. BUT, turning off wifi DID IT! I believe there is a link with the nanotech and EMF!!!


Nurse_SCIENCE - Dec 5, 2022

nurse_SCIENCE's Newsletter

Typos sorry, no edit button available


Free Human - Dec 5, 2022

Free Human

Not that there's anything wrong with Goddesses, but please show some basic respect for Lord Shiva. Calling him a goddess is no less objectionable than it would be for someone to call the Christian Jesus a goddess...


ConcernedGrammy - Dec 5, 2022

Stories on the Go, go, go.

My mistake. Shiva, "the god of destruction". I've never heard of Shiva being referred to as "Lord" 🙄. Regardless, WHY would a statue of a god or goddess of "destruction" be placed in front of a supposed "science" laboratory?


The Show and the Game - Dec 5, 2022

Stories on the Go, go, go.

Fallen angel, yup. Lord, nope.


Sandy K - Dec 5, 2022

Sandy K

Shiva is one of the trinity in Hinduism (Vishnu, Krishna, Shiva; creation, maintenance, dissolution) and he is not 'just' the god of 'destruction'...now, think about how a tree would grow if the shell of the seed was never 'destroyed' first...i.e., it wouldn't. Life is a constant movement and remember that nothing is ever 'destroyed', just transformed. That includes you and me and everything else in this reality. Shiva at CERN is as Nataraj, the dance of all life! (https://www.learnreligions.com/nataraj-the-dancing-shiva-1770458). Namaste.


ConcernedGrammy - Dec 5, 2022



dar - Dec 5, 2022

manyThanks Ana 💗...for those of us that are unable to open Ana's link, here's one at...rsarchive.org/Lectures/19061025p01.html


Sandy K - Dec 5, 2022

Sandy K

Steiner was an amazing individual.


Lioness3* - Dec 5, 2022


My sister and I have a pact. (I'm a retired ER RN.). NO BLOOD PRODUCTS, unless she can be the provider. And same back to her. The blood supply is poison now. Don't take it for any reason, folks. It's like taking the death shots.


Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot - Dec 4, 2022

The Heterodox Cheering Section …

RE Should live blood analysis become a mandatory procedure world wide to ensure that these large ribbon structures do not get transferred to the one getting the transfusion? Should we go farther and use Electron Microscopy to ensure that there is no nanotechnology in the blood transfusion?
Yup, this must be the way forward... and unless I'm wrong, it can be done both before a sample is accepted by a donor bank (test a dropet by finger prick?) AND before it's given to a recipient (just ta' be sure nothin' self-assembled)
ADDING one more "idear"--do an EMP on donated blood to kill any "electronic devices" assemblin' in there... assumin' doing so does no harm...


Lioness3* - Dec 5, 2022


This is intentional genocide, love. They don't give a shit as long as enough of us die off and make their quotas. WE are the product. We aren't going to fix, save, alter, ANYTHING, unless we eliminate our exterminators first. MAKE NO MISTAKE. THIS IS ABOUT EXTERMINATION of humanity through sheer stupidity. We are there. Let's waken, and take the fuckers out.


Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot - Dec 5, 2022

The Heterodox Cheering Section …

Not disagreein' at all--but this doesn't preclude havin' a plan for are cases where folks have no choice but to have a transfusion or have their docs be ready for one (eg. accident, life-threat'nin' surgery like Baby Will, yadayada) ... EVEN if ya took out all the "effers an' WEFfers out"--there are still humans an' some might be in need of "safe" blood... jus' sayin'...


HWG - Dec 5, 2022

The Heterodox Cheering Section …

Interesting "idear" Daisy. I wonder how that would work. It would have to be produced inside of as faraday cage so as not to destroy electronic equipment in the vicinity with some kind of equipment that would not then be destroyed by said EMP. Does such a thing exist?


Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot - Dec 5, 2022

The Heterodox Cheering Section …

yup, it exists! one set of researchers did this (was it La Quinta Columna? Another group?) I "fergit" but it WORKED--all the "workin'" parts could no longer be activated EVEN when 5g/router was introduced. Their next ? wuz how'ta eliminate the graphene /nanobots...after they were rendered inactive... I think it IS doable (yeah re faraday--purdy sure they done it thus-encased)


Marc Mullie - Dec 5, 2022

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

Great post but stored blood may behave completely different than live 'warm' blood extracted from a patient.
Marc Mullie MD


Grasshopper Kaplan - Dec 5, 2022

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

Yes that point is important.
Also the disappearing nanostrfuctures are gonna be hard to screen for ....
I hope we can figure out a dietary solution like for example if vinegar could improve the blood, a few teaspoons a day....
I want to get this xrap gone .
Since tis partly biotechnology there is likely a dietary answer.
Or melatonin or something cheap and not yet cancelled..???


Christine the Strawberry Girl - Dec 5, 2022

Christine the Strawberry Girl

Do the RBC rouleux despite cloaking?


Sally Gould - Dec 5, 2022

Sally’s Newsletter

Great, NACREOUS point, Dr. Mullie!


Sasha Latypova - Dec 5, 2022

Due Diligence and Art

Excellent post, Ana!


The Show and the Game - Dec 4, 2022

Stories on the Go, go, go.

The transfusion conundrum was brought closer than I like with a recent diagnosis.
They said you must have one for the procedure or you could die.
I told them to take their shine box down the road. Thanks but no thanks. Not happening.
They brought teams with concerned (presumably) masked faces, arched eyebrows at the least, into my room to strong arm the process along.
Pound sand.
Out they went tsk-tsk-ing.
Ah, but wait, they had a plan B, IV iron.
Oh, and it worked did it.
Yes it did.
Procedure fine medical credibility on this (or any) topic...not so much.


ConcernedGrammy - Dec 5, 2022

I refused all blood products in Oct 2021, for an investigatory colonoscopy and endoscopy. The nurses were literally pissed. They actually tag-teamed me.
Nurse 1 - are you Johovah Witness?
Me - No.
Nurse 2 - You don't understand the risks!
Me- yes, I do.
Nurse 1 - Well, if we hit an artery during your procedure, you'll bleed out on the table!
Me- Well, I guess y'all need to be extra careful that doesn't happen.
They both puffed up like bullfrog and shoved the tablet containing the refusal in front of me. I SO wanted to add - cuz if you're NOT careful, my husband will end up owning this place!
They paid me back though. 3 days later, I came down with Covid. By their own mandatory test, I was covid-free upon admission. 🤬
FYI - I read that a "vaccine" can be classified as a "blood product", so paperwork should also include the words NO VACCINES OF ANY TYPE OR KIND, you'llhave to write it in yourself. But, this was a warning before the public blood supply became tainted.💉


HWG - Dec 5, 2022

Good on you! Go Granny, go!


kitten seeking answers - Dec 5, 2022

”Kitten’s Secret Garden”

wouldn’t you also need to analyze the intended recipients to determine if their blood is already tainted.


ConcernedGrammy - Dec 5, 2022

Good point. Especially with the shedding.


KatB - Dec 5, 2022

Not to worry, they are already researching lab-grown blood, two people have received transfusions "with no complications." Huge money maker when it is discovered that all blood is tainted by these shots or by shedding.


HWG - Dec 5, 2022

The question is who are "they" and what makes you think "they" would not slip poisonous-multidimensional nano-technology into their fake blood. Trust no one even remotely connected with big pharma. Billions of people have been injected with deadly jabs guaranteed to have been "safe and effective" with "no complications". These outright lies are still being touted today even as we watch people dropping dead on playing fields, behind podiums, in shopping malls and on busses. No thanks.


KatB - Dec 5, 2022

I trust you realize my comment was based in sarcasm.


Laura LauraE - Dec 5, 2022

Dr. Richard Day in 1969 predicted what we as a world are experiencing now, a globalist takeover, borderless, with culling of the masses, etc. Of course the powers that be are hiding truth and manipulating us in every way to achieve this agenda. Also, "The Committee of 300" outlines it well.


Max Light - Dec 5, 2022

Max Light

When reading about EDTA chelation I came across a warning from 2014, in the New Zealand Medical Journal, clarifying a difference between two forms of EDTA:
"...intended to raise medical practitioners’ awareness of the dangers of two
similar sounding forms of edetate: edetate calcium disodium and edetate disodium.
Edetate disodium has been reported as causing fatality when either confused with
edetate calcium disodium or used outside of indication. This risk is currently [2014]
increased in New Zealand due to difficulties in sourcing edetate calcium disodium and
greater availability in hospital pharmacies of the disodium form..."
Purchasing supplements online of "Calcium Disodium EDTA" appears to be straightforward.


Paul - Dec 5, 2022

"Could the rouleaux stacking of the blood cause oxygen delivery problems?"
- Seems a reasonable assumption. If the RBCs are stacked atop one another in a somewhat-stationary "stacked-coin-configuration" (like a Roman column) then the primary purpose of RBCs to circulate in the blood for O2 delivery to the tissues, would be diminished.
"Could the high fibrin level cause a problem?"
I think high protein levels in blood plasma (liquid portion of blood) can act as a stimulant to RBC rouleaux formation.
I don't know which specific protein(s), such as fibrin. But again, I think it is a worthy question.


Lorrie Crismon - Dec 5, 2022

Lorrie Crismon

Can the Health Ranger, Mike Adam’s, decipher what the ribbon matter is in these blood samples? Will activated charcoal remove all toxins/metals from the blood? Will infrared sauna treatments @ 150° for 10-15 minutes remove metals or biotech structures from the body?
There must be a solution. I imagine all the global eugenists determined to depopulate humanity would be at risk for shedding.


Lorrie Crismon - Dec 5, 2022

Lorrie Crismon

Dr. Ana, a Boron solution (a pinch to a glass of distilled water) 3 x’s/day - • 1/8 tsp per 100 lbs weight
• 1/4 tsp per 200 lbs weight.
Bath: 1 cup 20 Mule Team Borax
1-2 cups baking soda
1-2 cups epsom salt
1 cup Himalayan salt
essential oil (optional)
Drinking this solution & soaking in this bath recipe a long while, is “Suppose” to be a nanobot replication inhibitor. it’s “suppose” to detox fluoride from the body & brain; & raise the pH level from acidic to alkaline.
I have no idea what else it will remove that doesn’t belong in the body.
***Coffee enemas (held 10-15 mins which is hard to do), will clean the circulatory system. It’s a key component to the Max Gerson therapy. Optimal Health Network (online), has good products-- safe & thorough protocols.
***I am not a doctor or nurse, I’m an EMT & a concerned, inquisitive lover of GOD.


Nurse_SCIENCE - Dec 5, 2022

nurse_SCIENCE's Newsletter

Thank you for sharing! From a RN :)


Bird - Dec 17, 2022


Dr. Ana, these fibers were turning up in Morgellon's blood 20 years before the current vaccines were available. It would be interesting to compare blood samples of Mrg. patients with what you're finding using the same methods. Could you tell me how you're handling the blood between patient and microscope slide? Any additives, staining, etc. recommended?
Have you checked these blood samples under a fluorescent microscope? The Mrg fibers have autofluorescence.


The Fisherman - Dec 8, 2022

I think at this juncture - SEM / EDAX - Dark Field Microscopy and Thermal Imaging should be the way to go until we determine the pathology of this stuff while we also conduct before and after EDTA Chelation therapy with those who are open to work with us - both vaxed and unvaxed.
The transmission characteristics of what appears to be highly contagious is a whole other study I think is going to have to be part of this work. I'm just not sure where to start with that.


Mir - Dec 7, 2022 - Edited


It seems dat Sasha Latypova thinks that "shedding" is BS (bull shit I interprete from BS) ... after approx 1 hour and 48 seconds it comes to light ".... and ow.. there's shedding..." (1:01:04)https://www.bitchute.com/video/Gv41GzRFxVDg/


SHA - Dec 6, 2022 - Edited


With all the corruptions and the motives behind those who pushed the Covid injections, shedding of synthetic mRNA “vaccines” was the unintended consequence of their agenda. They knew about the harms, they knew about myocarditis, blood clots etc. but I don’t believe they considered shedding could be so prevalent and easily transferred from one person to the next, through respiration alone. Shedding would mean they (Fauci et al) themselves would not be able to avoid the harm of these injections. If they knew about shedding, mass injection would defy their desire for self preservation.



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