Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 02, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Dear all,
I am friends with a most brilliant woman, Nikki Florio, Founder of Bee Heroic.
I interviewed her a couple weeks ago, where she presented absolutely mind-blowing information.
You may have seen my post from yesterday, that shows nanostructures in my unvaccinated blood, presumably carbon based - Graphene. We are inhaling this as well via chemtrails. One of my colleagues in Australia who does live blood analysis for many years, told us that after a big rainstorm in his area he was finding these structures in everyone, vaccinated and unvaccinated. It is literally everywhere now.
Nikki and Bee Heroic is a huge voice in the fight against geoengineering and she is working on a documentary series as well as raising funding that would allow her to travel to Earth X conference in Texas in 2 weeks. This is to meet with people about the documentary series on the issues, impacts and solutions regarding the underlying technologies of the Great Reset. If we want to be healthy, we need to stop them spraying this poison on us. Chemtrails aerosolize and last for months in the atmosphere. While we doctors and scientists collectively figure out how to help people clear these structures from their blood, we need to also support those who fight the spraying of it, that continues to contaminate our bodies under the disguise of weather control. It really is weather warfare, against the population, causing significant disease.
I greatly support Nikki’s efforts and ask for your support if you can.
Please make a donation to Bee Heroic.
Here is the link to Pay Pal:
If you are able to donate, please email to provide a tax exemption form for your donation. Many thanks on behalf of this great work ❤️.
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HWG - Oct 2, 2022
C'mon guys, together we can make this happen for this amazing Warrior Woman!
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Trial N. Error - Nov 3, 2022
Honeybee venom kills breast cancer cells in 60 seconds per news .. Shedding causing skin nodules per merritt. Just rememered i have a lot of bee venom ointment in fridge ..last batch before company owner retired and closed biz .. Venom cream was part of successful shotgun protocol to stop 1 cm back of neck lump to zero... It was a shot in the dark at the time .. So how to stop vaxx can sirs?
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