Study Shows How Microplastics Can Easily…

Oct 1, 2022

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I am reposting this article posted by the Society of Plastics Engineers.


Dr. Jeffrey Horelick - Oct 1, 2022

Dr. Jeffrey Horelick

Hello my friend another great article I posted on TruthSocial and look forward to talking to you soon. Take care, 🌻


HWG - Oct 1, 2022

I'm thinking about those gigantic floating islands of plastics now found in our once pristine oceans, and how ubiquitous use and careless disposal of plastics in packaging of all kinds are now deeply rooted habits of consumers world wide. This has been encouraged by industry over more costly but cleaner for the for the environment alternatives, because profit has become Everything in our corporatized world.
We as a current Earth Human race have forgotten that our beautiful Earth is a living Being. With the exception of a few indigenous groups we have forgotten that there is an exchange required for the gift of living here. As inhabitants here we have forgotten that we are meant to be Her gardeners, and that it is our sacred duty to be the protectors of our beautiful Earth. Where are the Climate Change Fanatics who shout from the rooftops as they carelessly toss their plastic water bottles and beverage cans into the trash bin, then pile them onto great barges and drop them into the sea?
Thankfully we can chelate out heavy metals out of our bodies with EDTA and High dose Vitamin C infusions. Is there a known way to remove concentrations microplastics from our bodies?


Pearl - Oct 5, 2022

This makes me want to curl up in the fetal position and weep for days. God forgive us. 🙏🏻


Deborah Richardson Evans - Oct 1, 2022

Deborah’s Newsletter

I am so happy that you did this and reported it. Plastic has been my favorite thing to complain about, for years. Thank you.


HWG - Oct 2, 2022

Yep, ditto, me too. But not so much complain as just frustrated and feeling crestfallen at the general lack of awareness. Very sad for me to witness. Very sad and just plain embarrassed for the casual disregard for the health of our beautiful Earth. What must the Visitors to our planet from other worlds think of a race of people who still throw their trash out of their car windows and in their places of business feel its too great of a burden to walk a few extra feet to a recycle bin? I think in time this will change as we Humans snap out of our meticulously calculated mass hypnosis, and Awaken and Remember.



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