Why I use berkey filters and structure my water with sunlight, as infrared at 3200nanometers builds the exclusion zone in water and helps us actually get energy from water, rather than being drained by plastic water:
I hear that the powers that be are trying hard to shut down the Berkey filtration devices?? I need to get something to filter the water in my salt water swimming pool in case we need to use it for drinking water.
again, I will say, listen HARD now. . .
There is NO filter, anywhere, made by ANY company that can filter nano-particles.
ONLY distilled water will get around this mess, Diane.
Well, in a grid-down scenario I’m just looking for filtration for the salt water pool. I’ll be able to flush the shitter & wash with it but drinking water would be a nice bonus. I have rain water collection tanks too but the water would need filtration for drinking. I realize nano tech would not be filtered
So if one does not have a distiller then getting distilled water in 5 gallon bottles , would it be an option….the jug is plastic though … but better than RO water delivered in that same 5 gallon jug?….can you help me.?…thank you
Why don't we just shoot ourselves now, nothing is safe, we're doomed, we can't even drink safe water. Well Im 71 and Ive been drinking bottled water my entire life and Im healthy and alive so theres that.
Isn't it enough to give you explanation in practical terms, so you can go ahead and stop the cabal? Do you need a saviour -- isn't it too much to expect from Dr. Ana?
Move your rear, there is no magic pill nor saviour tailor cut for you. Even the Saviour says clearly in NT that we have to act. Looking for own safety in Humanity's predicament is not it.
Lol stop the Cabal! Rofl there is t stopping squat ! It’s here, it’s coming.
All we are saying is the info is great, put a positive spin somewhere at the end with useful tips.
A Berky filter isn’t going to stop nano particles that small IMO. Some analysis on that would be beneficial though.
clear? What?!
Clear means NOTHING. You can NOT come close to seeing / assessing the "goodness" of water based on clarity. Even relatively HUGE bacterial organisms are not able to change the clarity of water. Microscopic examination is required to get down to bacterial level. Electron microscope to virus level. There are virtually NO inspection methodologies accessable to lay person capable of nano-level substances.
The only way, I will repeat this yet again(!), is to distill water, regardless of source.
My thought are they are using something like a Rife machine or
MMS/ CDS which you can research onrumble.comand if you need info on that and the hard to find books reach out
MMS = Master/Miracle Mineral Supplement (by Jim Humble). Chlorine Dioxide produced by activating Sodium Chlorite with lemon/lime juice or hydrochloric acid. Instant cure for malaria once caught.
I have the ingredients for the CD here but have not used it…..when someone gave me some and I did use it , it made me very sick, too sick and not a herxheimer reaction because it was immediate….seems (took me two years to figure out), the CD is very very basic like baking soda which probably could be used instead and my stomach needs acid…..i know Dr. Young says it does not need acid but that is not my experience….i use zeolite….and i bet it takes out the plastic too…..
I am going to check out that Arcturian Healing chamber though I don’t know Steve Nobel there are others out there channeling the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Ascended Masters…….I am old and have been sick all my life despite, vegan, organic etc….since 1968……i am so tired of all of this but I will check out this chamber….apparently Amma , the hugging guru, has an 11th dimension hospital over her ashram in Kerala….Dolores Cannon said there is a healing Temple we can visit nightly as we go to sleep….peace
But, the question is, how long has this contamination been occurring; and, is it unassisted and natural or is it contrived and supplemented? We know that BlackRock is purchasing water sources and companies.
IMHO water swindle started wuth that push years ago to consume 8 liters/day, and joggers had a bottle on him/her. Even if incomplete building blocks were pumped into us, they are forthcoming closer to the culling date.
Once the sensors and circuits are complete in most humans, it'll be increasingly difficult to resist the cabal's schemes. Dissidenrs, resisters, whistleblowers will be liquidated first, so nobody threatens tha cabals achievement of the NWO,, the chief goal behind the globalist agendas.
The fact is that they have to somehow hide the introduction of graphene oxide into bottled water, and they do so by justifying that microplastics exist. We know that these microplastics have been present since bottled water began to be marketed; They cause some disorders, but nothing more. In this way they hide that the alarming deaths since 2021 may be due to microplastics, or global warming, or... whatever they want.
Go ahead... but why so drastic. You are still healhy, while the sensor&telecom connection system may be building inside you (or is finished, awaiting for a vital part or signal). Geeat work has been done so far by our indeoendenta. Cliffotd Cotnicom is also wrapping up own multi-year reasearch and similar conclusions. Scientists can't form million strong crowds stormig govr institutions and their global bosses What have you done towards such necessity in Humanity's self-defence?
Did you bottle it yourself? The point is that most people don't even know where there products come from or have an control over the process. By definition you can't see nanotechnology. You also can't see most of the toxins from the thousands of new untested chemicals or the RF, but that doesn't mean it's not there.
Nothing is safe, and I hope you die peacefully in your sleep in 50 years, but meanwhile, what about the earth and any future generations?
Sounds to me as worthy research, but presented as a diversion from the grave death and damage being inflicted by the mRNA shots. If too much plastic is transmitted from bottled water we should gradually work to eliminate it, but I too think we would have seen more dramatic damage by now.
This is a great article Dr Ana, kudos for finding this. We had seen that tap water, bottled water and other products contained the technology via dark field microscopy a long while back. It is worse now by worrying levels. The bath water here is green now and that is because the material solution found on swabs and in the injectables is green when viewed by dark field and when viewed in large quantities just like when you run an entire bath. Some have even noted gels appearing on the surface in some countries. This article has helped me speed up isolation of possible particular inhibitors. Well done!!!! I am excited about this. Credit where credit is due !
I run non-RO spring water through my distiller. It comes in a 1 gallon plastic bottle which isn't great, but at least the water has less contact with plastic than the 16oz size. The distiller's carbon filter was suspect, it may contain graphene so I took it out. That's the best I can do where I live. As far as I know distilling doesn't remove already assembled nanobots from water.
Distilling works like this:
input water into a contained vessel, base of vessel is heated till the vapors(only) of water, concentrate at top of vessel where they are conducted under slow and natural convection across a cooled surface. The cooled surface causes the vapor(PURE H2O) to condense on this surface and it sloughs off into a container for collection.
There is NO special magic here other than it is simple and, as such, prevents carryover of the solids(denser materials, like nano particles, which do NOT vaporize) to REMAIN with the original fluid(spring water from your gallon bottle) in the bottom of the still. You pitch the remains of that water OUT, of course. So, it is not a matter of the process of distilling that is responsible for any nano-particles being IN your condensate(distilled water) it is the fact that they stayed with the original water, the dregs.
As to your gallon plastic bottle. That is made of polyethylene and is for all intents and purposes clean and pure. PE is the highest volume plastic made in the world and the least expensive. It is not tenable or logical to believe that a material made with this volume could afford to unrealistically increase its commodity pricing by intermixing nano-materials in the extruded plastic feed. So, Relax, all is good; you are safe.
If you could identify the source of the spring water and know it came from a certain safe source that is likely all you need, not even RO, or distilling, or filtration of any kind.
Thank you for your detailed explanation on distilling and plastic bottles. I wouldn't know one type from another. You gave me some peace of mind. Thanks a lot!
I’m sure this yummy IPA I’m currently drinking is fully contaminated. Sometimes I wish I were still blind to the truths that I know exist. Ahhh, sometimes I long for yesteryear😞
You are forgetting one other place this comes from! The air the military planes putting nano particles for 40 years! It’s not water vapor staying in the skies folks they have been doing this world wide for years! Anything that breathes has it in its body from bees to humans!
Truth Hunter,
A number of years ago, I shared a video that "proved" chem-trails were a reality. In the vid a passenger airliner was tailed by (must have been a private jet in order to keep up with it) staying slightly above and directly behind it. The Boeing liner had a distinct stream of white substance emanating from a port on the side of the fuselage (not from the turbines). In a few minutes, suddenly, the stream was shut off, and there was no "jet stream" whatsoever to be seen. Then, just as suddenly, the white substance stream commenced once again from that same visible device or port near the plane's rear, left portion of the fuselage, as I recall it.
From that time forward, I assumed the military was not involved, and still do not know. Hey, I have an idea, let's just ask them!
Words cannot express!
Thank you J.S. for the MANY photos! I found only ONE to be familiar, the rest were new to me.
"Don't just spray 'em....barium" patch caught my eye. I have an actual report from Calif. Laboratory Services that tested and found barium to exist in a residential A/C filter sample From Sacramento Ca. to be 26 times the amount "received." Presumably meaning normal or acceptable amount.
The pics show many private aircraft as well as military fitted up for the job!
We're sitting ducks, pigeons, fish in a barrel! Better take the time we have left and investigate the Truth of God's Word about all the deception religiously speaking. After all, that's Satan's end-game.
Sorry! I should have finished looking at all the pics before commenting. The "test" taken in Cal. also included finding a 50 times the limit of Aluminum and just a bit over the limit of Strontium. But that one pic of supposedly Baal and the periodic table, spelling his name by combining the two abbreviations of the two elements Ba (barium) and Al (aluminum) is very creepy. Actually, that drawing is not of Baal, but of some other representation of Satan, whose name slips my mind at the moment. Doesn't matter.
When you enter the military they make sure you are brainwashed into obedience. Those that question anything worthy find themselves court marshalled for situations that seem unlikely, dishonorably discharged and then unable to obtain gainful employment or never putting on the next rank. Easy to force humans into obedience.
Holy Crapp. Period.
It makes you sick to see actual EVIDENCE. and, it's patented! by our government.
and, These FOOLS actually believe they can change the climate by filling our skies with Barium and Aluminium reflective particles and overcome the SUN's power. and,
THESE FOOLS are running our country.
"Spray and Pray" This is our US ARMY's official motto for this long running project.
Ya' can't make this shit up.
Wow. Not really surprised about that. In fact I heard through the church that the Mormons control the world's largest intelligence repository, which is most likely what you refer to. The Mormon religion is a false one for a fact. Their leader was a bonified con man. I gave him the nick-name of "Bring 'em Young" because of his sordid reputation. It still makes me laugh how certain people with reputations will have a near-matching name, alluding to it!
Thanks for the dark info, though. I often forget about stuff. Remember HAARP? We haven't heard much about it in quite some time. But one thing is for sure, it's being worked some way that does not bode well with the public in general. I'd guess it's weather control related.
Until we meet again,
In furtherance to this information someone reported years prior:
Headquarters to the C👁A
Ask where is also in plain sight in the open is WHO Headquarters.
Wrong. The chems in the air are specifically various metals such as aluminum particulate and mainly used for holographic projection via starlink..every single video of orbs or discs flying around? Holograms being projected
Exactly. The onion has many layers. Though if you look starlink satellites had upgrades done last year and in 2022 for massive memory overhauls for data. This would also be a main component for this type of holographic tech. The various metal in the upper and lower atmosphere would also make the perfect canvas for this. If you research it there has been times throughout history where certain town’s experience chrome raindrops (happened out west in Seattle areas a few times) from the particulates in early tests. Its a deep rabbit hole and even chatgbt will back you up on this fyi
I have an RO filter under the kitchen sink, but I don't really trust it. They are supposed to filter out about 97% of yucky stuff. So, I may sound paranoid, but I use a distiller to remove even more contaminates down to 99% pure. That's as good as I can do.
even with distillation—-you re only going to get the same as RO about 95% we have footage that when blown up you can see tiny fibres —so it wont get it all some of the more denser packed or lighter materials can get carried in the steam
I think that results depend on quality of the distiller or RO filter being used and the water itself. With the RO filter or gravity filter it may also depend on frequency of filter change and quality of filters. I seriously doubt that all distillers are exact in the results
Nano particles; insidious, in Foods, Dairy, Meats, also inhailable, population reduction and control. Possible interacting with 5G and higher G cell towers? Electronic Zombies, with no free wills?
More proof (not that any more is needed) the exposure is systematic, non-discriminate & widespread.
Knowledge Our best Ally along with Independent Professionals like Dr. Ana, Carnicom, Nixon, Ber + a few other selfless, brave Humanitarian's who share Their efforts freely > All Angels who reside within the 3D Realm that we're so very fortunate to have on Team Humanity 🙏
Thank you for your work; it has been essential in revealing hidden details of the eugenicist globalists' technocratic project. I am imploring you and everyone else who has the means to take the investigation further and find out the way the nanotech is connected to the host, and the way the modules line up and become combined in order to create a whole that takes control of the host. I am also suspecting that enabling the tech in a person takes multiple steps in a sequential order:
Identifying these details would make it possible to completely disable the process as long as there is a vulnerable link can be located and broken.
All in all, the whole process must be reverse-engineered, but one thing at a time must do for the time being...
Spring water? Primary water sources? I guess this crap can also soak in through our skin while showering/bathing. Detox is our only choice to remain healthy because there's almost no way to avoid this stuff.
. . . well, I can tell ya', here in Minnesota I believe there has been a 60% increase in skeeters last year; certainly no drop in ticks either. I get jumped every spring out in the woods.
A year ago someone posted on 4chan that all bottled water in late 2023 should be boiled regardless of brand..they said it was about this exact thing you are posting about. Wild shit.
"Water Bottles - Same Polymers Found As In Moderna Patent For Covid 19 Shots, Morgellons Filaments, Blood & Rubbery Clots"
Well, that certainly puts to rest that crazy conspiracy thinking that its the poison shots causing everyone to drop dead !! Wait long enough and they will explain to us dummies . Its those WATER BOTTLES that you have been shooting into your arms !
big brother loves you .........
MMS = Master/Miracle Mineral Supplement (by Jim Humble). Chlorine Dioxide produced by activating Sodium Chlorite with lemon/lime juice or hydrochloric acid. Instant cure for malaria once caught.
Roman S Shapoval - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Why I use berkey filters and structure my water with sunlight, as infrared at 3200nanometers builds the exclusion zone in water and helps us actually get energy from water, rather than being drained by plastic water:
pretty-red, old guy - Jan 13, 2024
pretty-red, old guy
there is no filter, anywhere, let me repeat this:
anywhere. . . capable of filtering nano particles.
kim - Jan 13, 2024
pretty-red, old guy
Watch this...https://t.co/5CnAbRpYTr
pretty-red, old guy - Jan 14, 2024
pretty-red, old guy
this link fails, and my Brave browser says the address is not secure, so, not goin' there.
John Lawton - Jan 21, 2024
John Lawton
Spam anyway
Diane G. - Jan 13, 2024
Diane G.
I hear that the powers that be are trying hard to shut down the Berkey filtration devices?? I need to get something to filter the water in my salt water swimming pool in case we need to use it for drinking water.
pretty-red, old guy - Jan 13, 2024
pretty-red, old guy
again, I will say, listen HARD now. . .
There is NO filter, anywhere, made by ANY company that can filter nano-particles.
ONLY distilled water will get around this mess, Diane.
John H. - Jan 13, 2024
John H.
Can you opine on the difference between distilled water and reverse osmosis generated water with respect to removing nanoparticulates?
Diane G. - Jan 13, 2024
Diane G.
Well, in a grid-down scenario I’m just looking for filtration for the salt water pool. I’ll be able to flush the shitter & wash with it but drinking water would be a nice bonus. I have rain water collection tanks too but the water would need filtration for drinking. I realize nano tech would not be filtered
Jay Skywatcher - Jan 13, 2024
Jay’s Substack
That was what I was wondering about, if distilling was the only way to clean water
PremaShakti - Mar 4
So if one does not have a distiller then getting distilled water in 5 gallon bottles , would it be an option….the jug is plastic though … but better than RO water delivered in that same 5 gallon jug?….can you help me.?…thank you
Hazel - Jan 13, 2024
Comment removed.
Hazel - Jan 25, 2024
No the filters do not remove salt
Hannahlehigh - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
Why don't we just shoot ourselves now, nothing is safe, we're doomed, we can't even drink safe water. Well Im 71 and Ive been drinking bottled water my entire life and Im healthy and alive so theres that.
Dave Houghton - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
I was just thinking the same damn thing.
I love Dr Ana’s research but damn give me some sort of solution with it
Piotr Bein - Jan 13, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
Isn't it enough to give you explanation in practical terms, so you can go ahead and stop the cabal? Do you need a saviour -- isn't it too much to expect from Dr. Ana?
Move your rear, there is no magic pill nor saviour tailor cut for you. Even the Saviour says clearly in NT that we have to act. Looking for own safety in Humanity's predicament is not it.
Dave Houghton - Jan 13, 2024
Lol stop the Cabal! Rofl there is t stopping squat ! It’s here, it’s coming.
All we are saying is the info is great, put a positive spin somewhere at the end with useful tips.
A Berky filter isn’t going to stop nano particles that small IMO. Some analysis on that would be beneficial though.
PremaShakti - Mar 4
While I cannot disagree with you some of us are old and alone and frail…it is not that easy and perhaps a bit more compassion , or not….peace….
Bhavana Lymworth - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
Bhavana’s Substack
Use a berkey filter? Better than plastic bottled water, by far...
pretty-red, old guy - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
pretty-red, old guy
obtain your water from your OWN well. That is the only solution besides distilling water from a municipal source.
Kathleen Pimentel - Jan 13, 2024
Kathleen Pimentel
I would like to drill a well. Cost factor. What is the least expensive? Thank you.
pretty-red, old guy - Jan 13, 2024
pretty-red, old guy
Comment removed.
pretty-red, old guy - Jan 13, 2024
pretty-red, old guy
clear? What?!
Clear means NOTHING. You can NOT come close to seeing / assessing the "goodness" of water based on clarity. Even relatively HUGE bacterial organisms are not able to change the clarity of water. Microscopic examination is required to get down to bacterial level. Electron microscope to virus level. There are virtually NO inspection methodologies accessable to lay person capable of nano-level substances.
The only way, I will repeat this yet again(!), is to distill water, regardless of source.
Seeking Truth - Jan 14, 2024
Seeking Truth
Reverse Osmosis?
pretty-red, old guy - Jan 13, 2024
pretty-red, old guy
distill your water(solution)
Dave Houghton - Jan 13, 2024
Comment removed.
Dave Houghton - Jan 13, 2024
My thought are they are using something like a Rife machine or
MMS/ CDS which you can research onrumble.comand if you need info on that and the hard to find books reach out
Trevor - Jan 13, 2024
Comment removed.
Trevor - Jan 23, 2024
MMS = Master/Miracle Mineral Supplement (by Jim Humble). Chlorine Dioxide produced by activating Sodium Chlorite with lemon/lime juice or hydrochloric acid. Instant cure for malaria once caught.
PremaShakti - Mar 4
I have the ingredients for the CD here but have not used it…..when someone gave me some and I did use it , it made me very sick, too sick and not a herxheimer reaction because it was immediate….seems (took me two years to figure out), the CD is very very basic like baking soda which probably could be used instead and my stomach needs acid…..i know Dr. Young says it does not need acid but that is not my experience….i use zeolite….and i bet it takes out the plastic too…..
PremaShakti - Mar 4
I am going to check out that Arcturian Healing chamber though I don’t know Steve Nobel there are others out there channeling the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Ascended Masters…….I am old and have been sick all my life despite, vegan, organic etc….since 1968……i am so tired of all of this but I will check out this chamber….apparently Amma , the hugging guru, has an 11th dimension hospital over her ashram in Kerala….Dolores Cannon said there is a healing Temple we can visit nightly as we go to sleep….peace
Edmond Paré - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
Edmond Paré
But, the question is, how long has this contamination been occurring; and, is it unassisted and natural or is it contrived and supplemented? We know that BlackRock is purchasing water sources and companies.
Piotr Bein - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
IMHO water swindle started wuth that push years ago to consume 8 liters/day, and joggers had a bottle on him/her. Even if incomplete building blocks were pumped into us, they are forthcoming closer to the culling date.
Once the sensors and circuits are complete in most humans, it'll be increasingly difficult to resist the cabal's schemes. Dissidenrs, resisters, whistleblowers will be liquidated first, so nobody threatens tha cabals achievement of the NWO,, the chief goal behind the globalist agendas.
Piotr Bein - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Comment removed.
Piotr Bein - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
So help us God. It must happen before circuits develop inside Americans.
John Vargo - Jan 14, 2024 - Edited
John Vargo
Comment removed.
John Vargo - Mar 4
John Vargo
A global cyber attack might be coming,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y36ZEKYMvzM&t=633s
John Vargo - Mar 4
John Vargo
25 to 40 million american hunters,by far the worlds largest army
Cov - Id Project - Jan 13, 2024
Cov - Id Project Substack
The fact is that they have to somehow hide the introduction of graphene oxide into bottled water, and they do so by justifying that microplastics exist. We know that these microplastics have been present since bottled water began to be marketed; They cause some disorders, but nothing more. In this way they hide that the alarming deaths since 2021 may be due to microplastics, or global warming, or... whatever they want.
Piotr Bein - Jan 13, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
Go ahead... but why so drastic. You are still healhy, while the sensor&telecom connection system may be building inside you (or is finished, awaiting for a vital part or signal). Geeat work has been done so far by our indeoendenta. Cliffotd Cotnicom is also wrapping up own multi-year reasearch and similar conclusions. Scientists can't form million strong crowds stormig govr institutions and their global bosses What have you done towards such necessity in Humanity's self-defence?
Espresso James - Jan 20, 2024
Espresso James
Did you bottle it yourself? The point is that most people don't even know where there products come from or have an control over the process. By definition you can't see nanotechnology. You also can't see most of the toxins from the thousands of new untested chemicals or the RF, but that doesn't mean it's not there.
Nothing is safe, and I hope you die peacefully in your sleep in 50 years, but meanwhile, what about the earth and any future generations?
Lloyd Miller - Jan 13, 2024
Sounds to me as worthy research, but presented as a diversion from the grave death and damage being inflicted by the mRNA shots. If too much plastic is transmitted from bottled water we should gradually work to eliminate it, but I too think we would have seen more dramatic damage by now.
pretty-red, old guy - Jan 13, 2024
pretty-red, old guy
yep, maybe so, but someday you really will not be able to rely on the source of that bottled water to truly be selling you H20. . . alone.
Karl.C - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
Karl.C’s Substack
This is a great article Dr Ana, kudos for finding this. We had seen that tap water, bottled water and other products contained the technology via dark field microscopy a long while back. It is worse now by worrying levels. The bath water here is green now and that is because the material solution found on swabs and in the injectables is green when viewed by dark field and when viewed in large quantities just like when you run an entire bath. Some have even noted gels appearing on the surface in some countries. This article has helped me speed up isolation of possible particular inhibitors. Well done!!!! I am excited about this. Credit where credit is due !
Pepe L. - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
pretty-red, old guy
In the meantime what can we use Berkrley or Reverse Osmosis?? Please, thanks
pretty-red, old guy - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
pretty-red, old guy
DISTILL your water, not RO, not filtration.
curious butterfly - Jan 14, 2024 - Edited
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
I run non-RO spring water through my distiller. It comes in a 1 gallon plastic bottle which isn't great, but at least the water has less contact with plastic than the 16oz size. The distiller's carbon filter was suspect, it may contain graphene so I took it out. That's the best I can do where I live. As far as I know distilling doesn't remove already assembled nanobots from water.
pretty-red, old guy - Jan 14, 2024 - Edited
pretty-red, old guy
Distilling works like this:
input water into a contained vessel, base of vessel is heated till the vapors(only) of water, concentrate at top of vessel where they are conducted under slow and natural convection across a cooled surface. The cooled surface causes the vapor(PURE H2O) to condense on this surface and it sloughs off into a container for collection.
There is NO special magic here other than it is simple and, as such, prevents carryover of the solids(denser materials, like nano particles, which do NOT vaporize) to REMAIN with the original fluid(spring water from your gallon bottle) in the bottom of the still. You pitch the remains of that water OUT, of course. So, it is not a matter of the process of distilling that is responsible for any nano-particles being IN your condensate(distilled water) it is the fact that they stayed with the original water, the dregs.
As to your gallon plastic bottle. That is made of polyethylene and is for all intents and purposes clean and pure. PE is the highest volume plastic made in the world and the least expensive. It is not tenable or logical to believe that a material made with this volume could afford to unrealistically increase its commodity pricing by intermixing nano-materials in the extruded plastic feed. So, Relax, all is good; you are safe.
If you could identify the source of the spring water and know it came from a certain safe source that is likely all you need, not even RO, or distilling, or filtration of any kind.
curious butterfly - Jan 14, 2024
Curious Butterfly's Adventures
Thank you for your detailed explanation on distilling and plastic bottles. I wouldn't know one type from another. You gave me some peace of mind. Thanks a lot!
Diane G. - Jan 13, 2024
Diane G.
I’m sure this yummy IPA I’m currently drinking is fully contaminated. Sometimes I wish I were still blind to the truths that I know exist. Ahhh, sometimes I long for yesteryear😞
Truth Hunter - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
Truth’s Substack
You are forgetting one other place this comes from! The air the military planes putting nano particles for 40 years! It’s not water vapor staying in the skies folks they have been doing this world wide for years! Anything that breathes has it in its body from bees to humans!
Ray Alford - Jan 13, 2024
Ray’s Substack
Truth Hunter,
A number of years ago, I shared a video that "proved" chem-trails were a reality. In the vid a passenger airliner was tailed by (must have been a private jet in order to keep up with it) staying slightly above and directly behind it. The Boeing liner had a distinct stream of white substance emanating from a port on the side of the fuselage (not from the turbines). In a few minutes, suddenly, the stream was shut off, and there was no "jet stream" whatsoever to be seen. Then, just as suddenly, the white substance stream commenced once again from that same visible device or port near the plane's rear, left portion of the fuselage, as I recall it.
From that time forward, I assumed the military was not involved, and still do not know. Hey, I have an idea, let's just ask them!
jacquelyn sauriol - Jan 13, 2024
Ray’s Substack
its def our military, and world militaries, here are the photos...Spray and Pray! is their motto....
Ray Alford - Jan 13, 2024
Ray’s Substack
Words cannot express!
Thank you J.S. for the MANY photos! I found only ONE to be familiar, the rest were new to me.
"Don't just spray 'em....barium" patch caught my eye. I have an actual report from Calif. Laboratory Services that tested and found barium to exist in a residential A/C filter sample From Sacramento Ca. to be 26 times the amount "received." Presumably meaning normal or acceptable amount.
The pics show many private aircraft as well as military fitted up for the job!
We're sitting ducks, pigeons, fish in a barrel! Better take the time we have left and investigate the Truth of God's Word about all the deception religiously speaking. After all, that's Satan's end-game.
Ray Alford - Jan 13, 2024
Ray’s Substack
Sorry! I should have finished looking at all the pics before commenting. The "test" taken in Cal. also included finding a 50 times the limit of Aluminum and just a bit over the limit of Strontium. But that one pic of supposedly Baal and the periodic table, spelling his name by combining the two abbreviations of the two elements Ba (barium) and Al (aluminum) is very creepy. Actually, that drawing is not of Baal, but of some other representation of Satan, whose name slips my mind at the moment. Doesn't matter.
Ray Alford - Jan 13, 2024
Ray’s Substack
It just came to me: "Baphomet" (excuse the spelling)
YeshuaFaith - Jan 13, 2024
How do these people live with themselves? They are incredibly stupid/naive (unlikely) or just plain evil.
KN22 - Jan 13, 2024
When you enter the military they make sure you are brainwashed into obedience. Those that question anything worthy find themselves court marshalled for situations that seem unlikely, dishonorably discharged and then unable to obtain gainful employment or never putting on the next rank. Easy to force humans into obedience.
pretty-red, old guy - Jan 13, 2024
pretty-red, old guy
Holy Crapp. Period.
It makes you sick to see actual EVIDENCE. and, it's patented! by our government.
and, These FOOLS actually believe they can change the climate by filling our skies with Barium and Aluminium reflective particles and overcome the SUN's power. and,
THESE FOOLS are running our country.
"Spray and Pray" This is our US ARMY's official motto for this long running project.
Ya' can't make this shit up.
Ray Alford - Jan 13, 2024
Ray’s Substack
Comment removed.
Ray Alford - Jan 14, 2024
Ray’s Substack
Wow. Not really surprised about that. In fact I heard through the church that the Mormons control the world's largest intelligence repository, which is most likely what you refer to. The Mormon religion is a false one for a fact. Their leader was a bonified con man. I gave him the nick-name of "Bring 'em Young" because of his sordid reputation. It still makes me laugh how certain people with reputations will have a near-matching name, alluding to it!
Thanks for the dark info, though. I often forget about stuff. Remember HAARP? We haven't heard much about it in quite some time. But one thing is for sure, it's being worked some way that does not bode well with the public in general. I'd guess it's weather control related.
Until we meet again,
Kathleen Pimentel - Jan 13, 2024
Kathleen Pimentel
Under Lake Geneva
Kathleen Pimentel - Jan 13, 2024
Kathleen Pimentel
Comment removed.
Kathleen Pimentel - Jan 14, 2024
Kathleen Pimentel
In furtherance to this information someone reported years prior:
Headquarters to the C👁A
Ask where is also in plain sight in the open is WHO Headquarters.
Jan 14, 2024
Comment removed.
Johnathan - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
Jane Apostolos
Wrong. The chems in the air are specifically various metals such as aluminum particulate and mainly used for holographic projection via starlink..every single video of orbs or discs flying around? Holograms being projected
Jane Apostolos - Jan 13, 2024
Jane Apostolos
Illusion within illusion within illusion…..
Johnathan - Jan 13, 2024
Exactly. The onion has many layers. Though if you look starlink satellites had upgrades done last year and in 2022 for massive memory overhauls for data. This would also be a main component for this type of holographic tech. The various metal in the upper and lower atmosphere would also make the perfect canvas for this. If you research it there has been times throughout history where certain town’s experience chrome raindrops (happened out west in Seattle areas a few times) from the particulates in early tests. Its a deep rabbit hole and even chatgbt will back you up on this fyi
anna burns - Jan 13, 2024
pretty-red, old guy
I have an RO filter under the kitchen sink, but I don't really trust it. They are supposed to filter out about 97% of yucky stuff. So, I may sound paranoid, but I use a distiller to remove even more contaminates down to 99% pure. That's as good as I can do.
pretty-red, old guy - Jan 13, 2024
pretty-red, old guy
Distill away anna. THAT is the only way.
tonp - Jan 24, 2024
tonp’s Substack
even with distillation—-you re only going to get the same as RO about 95% we have footage that when blown up you can see tiny fibres —so it wont get it all some of the more denser packed or lighter materials can get carried in the steam
anna burns - Jan 24, 2024
I think that results depend on quality of the distiller or RO filter being used and the water itself. With the RO filter or gravity filter it may also depend on frequency of filter change and quality of filters. I seriously doubt that all distillers are exact in the results
Michael Folks - Jan 13, 2024
Michael’s Substack
Nano particles; insidious, in Foods, Dairy, Meats, also inhailable, population reduction and control. Possible interacting with 5G and higher G cell towers? Electronic Zombies, with no free wills?
Apologetic Yankee - Jan 13, 2024
Apologetic Yankee
More proof (not that any more is needed) the exposure is systematic, non-discriminate & widespread.
Knowledge Our best Ally along with Independent Professionals like Dr. Ana, Carnicom, Nixon, Ber + a few other selfless, brave Humanitarian's who share Their efforts freely > All Angels who reside within the 3D Realm that we're so very fortunate to have on Team Humanity 🙏
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
Ray’s Newsletter
Thank you for your work; it has been essential in revealing hidden details of the eugenicist globalists' technocratic project. I am imploring you and everyone else who has the means to take the investigation further and find out the way the nanotech is connected to the host, and the way the modules line up and become combined in order to create a whole that takes control of the host. I am also suspecting that enabling the tech in a person takes multiple steps in a sequential order:
Identifying these details would make it possible to completely disable the process as long as there is a vulnerable link can be located and broken.
All in all, the whole process must be reverse-engineered, but one thing at a time must do for the time being...
Ricky J. - Jan 13, 2024
For whatever it's worth, here is a link to an article entitled "NANOPARTICLES AMPLIFY POTENTIAL CANCER VACCINE POWER" :
Joy Lucette Garner - Jan 13, 2024
Joy’s Newsletter
Spring water? Primary water sources? I guess this crap can also soak in through our skin while showering/bathing. Detox is our only choice to remain healthy because there's almost no way to avoid this stuff.
Truth Hunter - Jan 13, 2024 - Edited
Truth’s Substack
Why has 60% of the insect died since 1970 in the world chem trails simple!
pretty-red, old guy - Jan 24, 2024 - Edited
pretty-red, old guy
. . . well, I can tell ya', here in Minnesota I believe there has been a 60% increase in skeeters last year; certainly no drop in ticks either. I get jumped every spring out in the woods.
Johnathan - Jan 13, 2024
A year ago someone posted on 4chan that all bottled water in late 2023 should be boiled regardless of brand..they said it was about this exact thing you are posting about. Wild shit.
alongername - Jan 13, 2024
"Water Bottles - Same Polymers Found As In Moderna Patent For Covid 19 Shots, Morgellons Filaments, Blood & Rubbery Clots"
Well, that certainly puts to rest that crazy conspiracy thinking that its the poison shots causing everyone to drop dead !! Wait long enough and they will explain to us dummies . Its those WATER BOTTLES that you have been shooting into your arms !
big brother loves you .........
Chris - Jan 13, 2024
Wonderful. I guess I’ve jabbed myself hundreds or thousands of times then.
YeshuaFaith - Jan 13, 2024
Good point!
Trevor - Jan 23, 2024
MMS = Master/Miracle Mineral Supplement (by Jim Humble). Chlorine Dioxide produced by activating Sodium Chlorite with lemon/lime juice or hydrochloric acid. Instant cure for malaria once caught.
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