Stop COVID Vaccines Nuremberg Hearing Follow…

Nov 10, 2023

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Todd Callender and Dr Ana Mihalcea


Doug - Nov 10, 2023

Doug’s Substack

But yeah glad this is happening keep this shit away from us. I saw on the news stated of Idaho, Washington and Oregon have seen an increase of exemptions of Covid shots.. so good...


Tan - Nov 11, 2023

Should not need an exemption. Should just say no. Rewind.


Odessa - Nov 10, 2023 - Edited

Kathy M.

Dr Anna M
I wanted someone with a good knowledge to answer a few questions I have & I have asked a couple of the ppl who study the blood under the microscope
Is it safe to to take Colloidal Gold or Silver if your unvaxxed with the shedding & this bizarre weird stuff growing in the blood that you Karl C, David Morris, Len Ber, yourself et al have uncovered?
My 2nd question which has really been playing on my mind & nagging me lately is
Has anyone anywhere been able to photograph Vaxxed Blood or the contents of Vaxx Vials using Kirlian photography - after all, the stupid virus was called Corona & Krilian Photography photographs the electrical Coronal discharges - see below from wikipedia
'Kirlian photography is a collection of photographic techniques used to capture the phenomenon of electrical coronal discharges. It is named after Semyon Kirlian, who, in 1939, accidentally discovered that if an object on a photographic plate is connected to a high-voltage source, an image is produced on the photographic plate.[1] The technique has been variously known as "electrography",[2] "electrophotography",[3] "corona discharge photography" (CDP),[4] "bioelectrography",[5] "gas discharge visualization (GDV)",[6] "electrophotonic imaging (EPI)",[7] and, in Russian literature, "Kirlianography".
I would really like to know what this would show up - perhaps nothing but it should be tested to check it out - I always thought it showed the life force in living things, so what would it make of all that strange tech in the blood
many thanks


Blue712 - Nov 11, 2023 - Edited

Kathy M.

Using Kirlian photography... WOW, now that's an EXCELLENT question. I have suspected for a long time that this technology is interfacing with us energetically and not only just biologically. I rant about it all the time. This poses a risk to our very souls, actually...
While I'm not religious at all, there is one thing that bears deep within my mind: I take Revelations very seriously as written by John the divine, one of the top apostles. I do not feel we would have needed such a strong and urgent warning about the "mark of the beast" SYSTEM if our souls were safe from it. It isn't about what these things can do to the body that is the most nefarious - it's what can happen to the soul.
For all things radiate energy and frequency... Your soul is directly impacted not only by everything you eat and choose to do, but technologies which have gone multidimensional in their nature through light/frequency - 5G, radiation, cell phone towers, satellites, etc.... All of these things influence the ENERGETIC BODY of your soul and subtle energy centers which will survive your death. And yes, you have a soul. If you haven't woken up to that, you will not make it in the times to come... There is something far more important to protect than just our bodies in this war....


Kathy M. - Nov 15, 2023 - Edited

Kathy M.

On the thought that you have a soul. Could it be that the soul everyone has been talking about for so long is not something you "have" but something you "are." Lots of people acknowledge that "we are spirits." We could drop the word "soul" so we know we are not talking about there being two things. Like my mother called it "the wonderful spirit that is you."


Blue712 - Nov 15, 2023 - Edited

Kathy M.

Sure, of course. The way I know it over my lifetime of spiritual encounters is that spirit is something that moves through all living things. It radiates the entire field, in my feeling, from dark matter. Living spirit moves through the heart of the universe, the center of the galaxy, to our suns, and associated planets, all the way through the trees, bugs, and animals which are guests living atop such a kind co-creative force as Gaia. These aren't just beautiful words - luckily, for me, it's something I've been directly exposed to on a deep level through many metaphysical events. I can't prove it, but I know it from many OBE's and travels to places I know exist. Places I had never read about, but only later was able to confirm through research/study of various seers who have seen or known about these precise same places.
Your soul, on the other hand, is also a form of spirit, however it is a more individualized portion, like an oil droplet in water. I like to use this analogy, where as the water is the collective field of consciousness, and the oil droplet is your portion/ball which has collected into a self-aware point. It is that which is "you". It is your individualized portion which holds memories, and collective experiences from many lifetimes. The goal, eventually, is to rejoin up with the larger marcrocosmic forces. Of course, this is only achievable from a real transcendence of self as any Buddhist would know. No one achieves this in a single life time...
I'm saying this like a second grader deliberately so excuse me if this is all "obvious". It actually isn't to many people. Most westerners do not even acknowledge they've had other lifetimes. I could speak at much further depth on the topic but rather not in a substack comment.
Writings/research that are valuable in studying the nature of the soul can include Edgar Cayce, Dr. Ian Stevenson, Dr. Tucker, Rudolf Steiner, to even Dolores Cannon.
I don't question "having" a soul because my veil has been thin enough to recall at least 5 different lifetimes - it isn't a dirty word to say you "have" one. :) Are/have, tomato/tamato..


Kathy M. - Nov 15, 2023 - Edited

Kathy M.

Excellent on what you report. However I must disagree with tomato/tomato!! The "first tomato" is "I AM"... The "second tomato" is "I HAVE."


Blue712 - Nov 15, 2023 - Edited

Kathy M.

It's really all a matter of perspective though. I certainly don't mean it that way.. At least not in the usual definition. I don't think selfishly about the soul when saying "you have" or "i have". It's better that "We are", "We have". I always feel connected to all hearts/spirits/minds... I have always preferred "WE ARE" as opposed to the "I AM" taught by the notorious Saint Germaine. Not a fan of that guy... ;)


Kathy M. - Nov 15, 2023

Kathy M.

Okay. Thanks for clarifying!


Odessa - Nov 11, 2023 - Edited

Ah the Soul, I'm totally with you, I believe EVERYTHING has some form of Soul - Animals, trees, forna & flora, they might have a different form from ours but I believe they so have some Soul Energy as they are living, breathing entities, closer to nature than us in many ways.
I hear your warning about Soul Theft, you might want to check out Celeste Solum - great lady who has read all their docs & done a lot of research & has exposed a lot of they're plans for decades. She has a 7pt series on Rumble you can watch for free called 'Soul Catcher' & you absolutely must checkout Shawn Paul Melviles substack on EQORIA, he's been investigating this for a while & it's how they intend to steal your essence/soul energy & use it to connect to the Singularity a la Ray Kurzweil.
Personally, I feel my Soul is safely away from their grasp, I feel connected to the might of the Universe & see them a as spiritual nobody's who haven't even got a clue what they're meedling with & that God, the Universe, the higher power, the Great Spirit, the Force or whatever you wish to call it, is so unfathomable & awesome that it will destroy them in a Nano second - us down on Earth are easier game for them, but my Soul if off limits.
I have heard of Satanic Rituals that are designed to steal the Soul of the victim for eternity, David Icke has said that this was done to Princess Diana during the mysterious 40min ambulance drive to the hospital after her 'Boston Breaks' crash in the Alma Tunnel - that he ambulance was deliberately detoured through tunnels for Satanic Rituals to be performed on her, Soul Theft Rituals - somehow that strikes more of a chord than this Nano tech, Graphene, Quantum Dot stuff.
Finally I will add that EQORIA are selling select places to ppl to sign up to their Citizen Project, they want/need 1% of the the worlds population to join - presumably the rest are disposable, they will use those who sign up to enable the Singularity.
I recently watched Contact : CE5 by Dr Steven Greer, I know many disapprove of him, say he's deep state etc - maybe, but during that doc he says that if 1% of humanity unite in a form of Mediation & connect their hearts & minds to the Universe, the Force, The One, then the Universe must accept the signal & act upon it, if we ask the Universe for liberation from this evil, then it has to hear us. It strikes me as strange that Ray Kurzweil & EQORIA also want to harness 1% in light of Dr Greers comments, it seems 1% of us have ALL the power if only we could unite our thoughts & intentiins & send that signal up in to the Morphic Field - the Universe is so much more than we can ever know or even remember


Blue712 - Nov 11, 2023 - Edited

Sometimes I'm so blown away by a reply that I have to just meditate on it for a while..
I'm going to reply in more length later -
Till then, I just wanted you to know I read your reply (plural), and agree with all you wrote. I think we have to activate our own ritual (non violent, of course, as I don't want the AI algorithms to flag this the wrong way) to counteract their Satanic rituals. Only women can do this. That is my highest intuition. An activated female soul has the ability to reach "all the way to the top" through a zealous prayer of sorrow/grief that the very dimensions unfold to hear those cries.. And I mean to the very top.... But I can't do it alone. I need the other women with me. The women who didn't sell their inner light/lamb away for popularity, success, and recognition in this world. The women who believe and understand that there is something to protect. The spirit of the lamb itself... The lamb must become a lion in these end days.....
We need the pure of heart to come together and create our own ritual so that the universe forces the strongest intervention of all. This can only be done through the macrocosmic forces. I can only hope there are GOOD extraterrestrial species that have a plan to assist and intervene, but it's difficult to know what their plan is. I think there is a plan, and it's known as "PLAN B". I was told about it years ago in a vision/OBE.... The details of that none of us can know because we are being watched. Some of us are being spied on all the time by the CIA due to our connections on high...
Not sure if any of this is ringing any bells for you...
Will write more later, perhaps we should exchange emails.


Odessa - Nov 11, 2023

A most wonderful reply that I'll read & good few times to absorb & I'll look forward to reading your next comment. - I'll leave you with this quote
'Dost thou reckon thyself only a puny form when within thee the Universe is folded'
Baha'I nauki


Odessa - Nov 11, 2023

Thank you Blue712
Some body else is actually on the same wavelength !!!!
I've asked a few of the folks who examine vaxxed & unvaxxd blood under their scopes, I had a great lengthy reply from Matt j.a o b, he himself hasn't done any Krilian photography work so far but he said he HAD ALSO been wondering what the Vaxxed blood & vials of vaxx would look like using Kirlian photography.
The problem is the shortage of resources, everyone is doing their best with the limited resources available to them. I bet the Russians have photographed Vaxxed blood & vials of vaxxes with Krilian photography - they're brilliant scientists & maybe others have also, but I searched the web & nothing is coming up.
Well, it's me, you & Matt j.a.o.b so far who are asking this question - we've put it 'out there in to the universe so I hope we get our answer soon - I have a really strong feeling something hair raising might show up - so frustrating having to wait for someone to do this!!!


michael janket - Nov 10, 2023

michael janket

Ana Mihalcea deserves to be on national TV outlets. Her cutting edge research is so meritorious and the US population must get this new information as it issues forth. America deserves to see their wonderful heroine as she unravels the secrets put there by the Diabolicals.....bless this woman as she performs her magic.


@trueTKactual - Nov 11, 2023

@Thomas II’s Lessons Learned & …

Since methylene blue is synthetic...what would you recommend in its place? Naturally occurring in nature.


Blue712 - Nov 11, 2023

Does anyone know if there's any updates on if these Venom MRNA shots are being injected into livestock that we eat now? What would happen if we ate an animal that had been injected with the tech? I'm not sure if this has been addressed but if anyone has any links to share to help clarify this for me I'd appreciate it.


Diana Barahona - Nov 10, 2023 - Edited

Full Disclosure

Thank you, Dr. Milhalcea and Mr. Callender -- a fascinating conversation. Keep up the good work!


B Dollen - Nov 10, 2023

-- W E, -- “ A M E R I C A “ ---
M O D E R A T O R -- FOR “ T H E
D E B A T E S -- πŸ‘οΈ πŸ‘οΈ ---- πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘οΈ
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Margie Chism - Nov 10, 2023

Margie Chism

Congratulations -"We are starting a Science TASK FORCE December 1, 2023 and oversight body for the sake of addressing the counter balancing views of ALL scientific experts." IOJ β–  I am happy how the old case has progressed, so including Prayers Continuously I will give myself daily to evening communion with prayer and fasting for the success of this new case. M


B Dollen - Nov 10, 2023

M O N E Y --- L A U N D E R I N G , ... THE WHOLE TRUTH -- “
N O T G O D ,,, -- S A T A N


Kathy M. - Nov 15, 2023 - Edited

Kathy M.

I'm taking an "amazement break" on the video with Todd Callender. What research! What discovery! What works! What doesn't!


Beth Burton - Nov 11, 2023

Beth Burton

That link is not working for me


420MedicineMan - Nov 11, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

Strength to strength. πŸ™


LONG In The TRUTH - Nov 10, 2023 - Edited

Hamish625’s Substack

.....Dr. Mihalcea, REALLY want to start focusing MUCH more on what I believe to be the proverbial 'smoking gun' of my piezoelectric-corruption pathology model (MOST foundational aspect to how THEY'RE 'doing CoVid', OTHER disease states then) - not sure if I've sent this to Todd as WELL yet but, DID Maria - through JR.....


Guy Bronson IV - Nov 10, 2023

Guy Bronson IV

I'm sharing with all that I can, everywhere I can. Thank you all for your continued efforts in the good fight!


B Dollen - Nov 10, 2023

--- E V E R Y B O D Y L O V E S
“ C H A R L I E K I R K “ ---
- πŸ‘€ W.H.O. IS -- “ BYRON KEMP “ ... πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ ... T U C K E R πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


Margie Chism - Nov 10, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Comment removed.


Margie Chism - Nov 10, 2023

Margie Chism

They were/are stupid; β–  wonder what Wiles did enough for two men tagging him? M


Doug - Nov 10, 2023

Doug’s Substack

Doesn't matter people gangstalk any more for just calling the cops on them, or just because they don't like how you dress. Doesn't take much fro people to stalk you now days. Don't even have to be on the terrorist list just get someone to lie about you or just be a Christian or something so yeah doesn't really matter I am sure he didn't deserve it any more than I do suffering from v2k like I do...
Technically I am cyber stalked too because my computer is hacked I've been threatened too from phone calls so yeah... Same group that's v2king me now.


Margie Chism - Nov 10, 2023

Margie Chism

Doug - Do you know why? My father always said it's jealousy; β–  I am sorry you suffer; some people have no life to just hurt others, really. M


Doug - Nov 10, 2023

Doug’s Substack

Their day is coming though they don't inherit the earth only us the meek. Meekness is not weakness it's obedience to Christ...


Margie Chism - Nov 10, 2023

Margie Chism

Amen! β–  Happy Sabbath/the seventh day. M


Doug - Nov 10, 2023

Doug’s Substack

Comment removed.


Doug - Nov 10, 2023

Doug’s Substack

I am not self righteous, plus wasn't being angry although being tormented 24/7 365 can do that to a person. I think you misread my statement.
My statement is meant to mean no gangstalkers will inherit the earth they don't win. If that was offensive sorry. How is stating truth not meekness? I said Obedient To Christ I am obedient to him. That's meekness... they're the ones who are being barbarism not I not us.
But I fear that day is coming anyhow no matter what you want or I... Sorry your offended wasn't my intent...


Doug - Nov 10, 2023 - Edited

Doug’s Substack

Wow OK, yeah You know in my report and it may not be the same I hope it is but in my v2k I've heard of a name of Michael many many many times, plus Last Summer not this last Summer but summer of 22 I heard a voice say Kansas City is a big city so???
but in my report from Aime who does audio forensics for v2k and subliminal's she heard a name of Michael and is mentioned in report along with a Judy...
I pray daily what is called death psalms 31, 52,58, 94, 109, 120, 140 I open with the lords prayer then those and then close with the lords prayer. It works and if this is my Michael good.
Technically that's gangstalking two or more is a gang they stalked this guy that's gangstalking...
Kind of concerning but I have a .38 I may begin to carry more regardless if I have a permit or not... a .38 can still put a decent sized hole in perps if they need it...


Margie Chism - Nov 10, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

If you have no legal weapon β–  look at what is nearest to you β–  tire tools; I have had to drive my tools front seat and bucketed up so they don't fly. M


Doug - Nov 10, 2023

Doug’s Substack

my weapon is legal just not to carry without a concealed carry license, but I can but haven't carried open carry yet although it's legal here to open carry...
But I don't care I carry sometimes in my pocket it's only a misdemeanor so no big deal to me.
but yeah I don't carry often but I have without the unconstitutional license which is just a registration thing...
All of this stuff is also for gun control it's to make us all felons or mentally ill or kill ourselves or others so all our gun rights go out the door.
That's what all this v2k they send wants to do take away our gun rights and or get us to do mass shootings. Newtown was the navy yard shooter, the FT Hood shooter the most recent on and that guy who locked himself in a bathroom just recently in CO as well...
in 1999-2000 I was hit with v2k then and went off a bit but not bad enough to not get my gun rights back.I waited 12 years even though The statute says I could of gotten them back in 10, but I waited 2 extra years just to make sure. The Judge didn't was good and allowed me to have them back along with my voting rights...
But after two weeks in jail the v2k went way low then left me alone for 23 years almost 24 years until I got them back in 2012 and in Nov of 2020 v2k came back... Now I am armed with knowledge I didn't have back then...
It's hard Mins sing and torment with me tones and musical tones and droning it's loud tries to cramp me up all over tries to shock me etc... I just keep doing what I want to hell with them...


Margie Chism - Nov 10, 2023

Margie Chism

Doug - I carry a bowie knife 24/7 and have since about 2020. β–  It takes a skill to sleep and roll with a carry belt and holder. I have to expose this knife in VA, so I practice that at home as well. But if I had to flee, it is the tool I choose; can build a bushcraft dwelling, fire/start and split wood, cook, security. M


Doug - Nov 10, 2023

Doug’s Substack

what ever works.



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