Stew Peters and Dr. Ana Mihalcea on C19…

Oct 6, 2022

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Thank you to Stew Peters for reporting on this!


Sandy K - Oct 7, 2022

Sandy K

Thank you for continuing to get the word out. Yes, it is listed in the Pfizer website AND in the released docs...
Look at the "post-marketing" events. This is not safe.


Pags - Oct 7, 2022

Pags’s Newsletter

I have read this too in the Pfizer documents. It’s 100% true that shedding is mentioned


Trial N. Error - Nov 3, 2022

Got deep non-healing leg sores from shedders..was scary ugly..real Himalayan Shilajit was the only topical kewre. I now discovered breathing perroxide mist or diy colloidal silver and baking soda mist via nebulizers prevent low perfusion and headaches. Warning baking soda wrecks nebulizers.


Trial N. Error - Nov 3, 2022


Dee's meow - Oct 7, 2022

Dee’s Meow

Sounds like a sci fi movie idea.
You would think after thalidamide (1950/1960) & heprin (2008) incidents, there would be someone interested in not killing or injuring hundreds or millions of humans with a vaccine. Why do they get away with the blights they saddle Americans with. Will any remnants of our America be left when or if this is over.


SomeDude - Oct 9, 2022


Shedding is even mentioned in the first EUA application test protocols.
The "regulatory agencies," mass media, and political figureheads saying otherwise are just patsies and shills.


mejbcart - Oct 7, 2022 - Edited

mejbcart’s Newsletter

That's GREAT interview. Thank you. Dr. Levy is just amazing, incredible knowledge. I just wonder if Dr. Ana has still her own blood issues reported just recently. That was very concerning! I myself have to struggle with graphene. And also wonder, if any of the thermal images conformed disappearing of the black dots showing all over the bodies of the injected, (and maybe even uninjected??), after the treatment with all the supplements.
Thank you again for sharing all the knowledge! How to get (non-horse product) ivermectin, without health insurance?


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 7, 2022

Sally’s Newsletter

Did iv chelation and saw no more of those things the day after iv. Will do some more research...with different iv's . My colleague in Australia is starting my chelation protocols on the C19 injected. We will have a lot more experiences and observations and now having the microscope, will be able to verifiably check. My dark field condensor is giving me a hard time but otherwise will just keep researching with different supplements and then live blood check. Definately D-Dimer is verifiably reversible which is huge. Here is my video from 6 months ago on the topic...


Fizzygurl - Oct 7, 2022

I saw you mention IV chelation in another interview...obviously this works! But my doctor would not give me an order for a D-Dimer test, I also asked my Gynecological but she also said no. I had two jabs but their attitude is what is this they don’t know but they do, very sneaky.


Trial N. Error - Nov 3, 2022

Goto dr lee merritt site for your answers


Fizzygurl - Nov 3, 2022

Thank you!


Sally Gould - Oct 7, 2022

Sally’s Newsletter

A wonderful interview!
Thrilled to hear about your success with chelation. What is your philosophy about doing chelation therapy on people who have surgical metal as well as mouths brimming with dangerous metals? And what kind of chelation, specifically, do you employ?
Thank you. P.S I will never forget your poignant interview with Dr. Laibow!


Sandy K - Oct 7, 2022

Sandy K

America's Frontline Doctors, Dr Pierre Kory also.


mejbcart - Oct 7, 2022

mejbcart’s Newsletter

do you mean one can call them up and order it somehow???


Sandy K - Oct 11, 2022

Sandy K

America's Frontline Doctors can be reached via internet
They will set you up with an online doctor (it used to be $90) and they will make an order to a pharmacy for you. Dr Pierre Kory will also help you ( Good luck!


Rachel - Oct 8, 2022 - Edited


Thank you for your courage and honesty. Do we know how far one has to be from inoculated people in order not to get contaminated? Graphene oxide dust potentially can contaminate a huge area as it is weightless... As a psychologist I sit at about 5-6feet from my quadruple jabs patients but I feel I still get sick from them and for me there is no escape except daily supplements and chelation (by the way, Andrew Cutler's protocol with L-ALA is good (only for people without teeth amalgams made of 50%mercury50%silver)


Trial N. Error - Nov 3, 2022 - Edited

Study shows 18 feet.. And hours..per Wired iirc


Trial N. Error - Nov 3, 2022


Deborah Richardson Evans - Oct 7, 2022

Deborah’s Newsletter

I was at a Dr’s office and tried, thinking that the nurse? would be of sacred Constitutional importance and supporting our Republic. Duh...was I set straight very quickly, ”we don’t talk about racism or anything like that in this office!” She then put the blood pressure cuff on the bend in my left arm. As it automatically went up, it was hurting. I kept mentioning it, and my consultation was, “ be quiet while that is working.” It did hurt. But like a good surf, victim, I was quite and allowed it to hurt, satisfying her gestapo attitude. I wasn’t informed of the reading and she was asking and answering all the questions on the device that she was filling out about me. And then, shoved, up in my face with all these checks I wasn’t allowed to read, “ sign here.” I was very uncomfortable with the style of her gestapo attitude and bristling rudeness. She rudely informed and was very secure in her ability to communicate in such ways in other words. I sat and prayed and prayed to Y-h, I knew He was the only hope I had. I feel so much for the poor ones in hospitals and other areas where this type of abuse is occurring. The Dr seemed to be a very good person. He became overwhelmed when I added that not only was my left ankle, left knee and sometimes my left hip and back were sore from other injections and definitely did not want anymore injections. I stated they made my pain worse not better. Here’s when he seemed overwhelmed, I told him both my shoulders were hurting and popping, too. I’ve been trying to tell people about all this for years. Ignored and now aware of the fact that it seems many other people are being harassed and harmed also. I didn’t even start to mention my left wrist had been broken in two places. That when my car was flipped upside down and I had, “ a bump on my head.” And it was bleeding, running down my face and into the pure white snow that had come trough the knockout windshield. I didn’t think he could handle all that. But he chose to have a lot x-rayed. Please, pray for me. I did let him know I have all over body aches and pains, almost my whole entire body. I think Hospice will be my only option, at this point. I know he is a highly respected and skilled person but I also know my issues are very serious.



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