Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 19, 2025 ∙ Source
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From the research fields to the laboratories
1st International Panel on Geoengineering and Weather Manipulation
The WIR association, in cooperation with North America, is organizing the first international panel on geoengineering and weather manipulation.
Our aim is to scientifically investigate the phenomenon of that has been sighted in various regions and to discuss our laboratory analyses and their interpretation at an international level. With this initiative, we want to deepen the educational work and expand the discourse on possible causes and effects.
What is it about?
These threads, which at first glance appear to be ordinary spider webs, have not only caused a stir in forums and the media, but have also aroused the interest of scientists. The WIR association has made it its mission to solve this mystery together with experts.
Our analyses show that these are not synthetic materials, but biological polyamides with an extremely complex chemical structure. The samples contain over 30 different chemical compounds, including hydrocarbons and benzene derivatives, which could potentially be hazardous to health and the environment. These threads are therefore not a harmless natural phenomenon, but could provide evidence of experimental interventions or a form of environmental pollution.
panel participants
Reinette Senum – President, Founder of GenSeven & Save Our Skies
Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD – Physician & Researcher
J. Marvin Herndon, Ph.D. – Nuclear geophysicist
Hansjörg Grether, Dipl.-Ing. – Application Technology Chemist
Dr. Philipp Zeller – Dr. Sc. Nat., Dipl. Physicist ETH
Christian Oesch – President, Swiss Association WIR
Webinar – Scientific Findings & Discussion
In the webinar, our experts will present their research results and share their assessments of the threads with us. Experience in-depth analyses, well-founded scientific discussions and new perspectives on this fascinating and at the same time worrying phenomenon.
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Bee Gee - Feb 19
Bee Gee
There is some of the same technology in chemtrails as in the jabs, although less advanced. This is why the blood of wild deer and animals have filaments and hydrogels in them. The best solution we have found yet is the same though, EDTA and ascorbic acid.
Oral EDTA and ascorbic acid work Great, as long as you take them right. Otherwise oral EDTA doesnt work At All, because it binds with so many things. So for example if you take EDTA with a multivitamin or food, it Instantly bound with the minerals in those things and was Totally Wasted.
But if you want them to work even better, you can fast for a few days while you take them. Its actually super easy and then it works Much better. So here is what we are doing and taking when we do an EDTA fast, which we do about every 2-3 weeks-ish now.
They are all pretty mild and chelate various metals as well as can dissolve hydrogels. They also cross the blood brain barrier and bromelain gets into closed organs systems the others cannot, like the reproductive system.
But the Most Important Things are the EDTA and the ascorbic acid, so just start with those and add other things later once you realize how great it is.
Or find other things that work but do not bind with EDTA, like I have. Just make sure you dont take it Wrong by taking it too close to anything it will bind with. It wont hurt you but then you just wasted it.
Our EDTA fast:
Every 12 or 8 hours
Oral EDTA (Arizona Naturals (3 pills) & MedFive (2 pills)
ALA (via organic cold pressed hempseed oil> 2-1000mg pills)
Sodium (& natural) Citrate (I take a tablespoon dissolved in water, I dont remember how many grams that is, but dont buy it, Make It)
Bromelain (1 500mg pill or up to 1.5 fresh pineapples/day vamped)
Vitamin C (1/2 tsp of crystals dissolved in water)
Malic acid (1/2 tsp of crystals dissolved in water)
Vitamin D (1 pill, 125mg)
Vitamin E (1 pill, 180mg)
NAC (1 pill, 1000mg)
Glutathione (2 pills, 2000mg)
- all every 8-12 hours or so for 3-6 days
Its great, I cant recommend it enough, even if you just start with EDTA and ascorbic acid while fasting.
And you can feel it in every part of your body, not like 'ohh, maybe I think I feel something'...
No, its like Tony the Tiger I feel fuggin Greeattttttt!!!
No Really, it does more good things that I feel like typing but Diet alone Cannot fix it... Any Diet.
And No One has shown Anywhere Near the Evidence that Dr Ana has that EDTA and ascorbic acid work to Permanently disable it, on the slide at least.
Its been Years now so if all these other peoples solutions are so great, why dont they just Show It?
Seems pretty obvious to me... Because They Aren't. Duh.
So dont listen to these people who Havent actually taken EDTA and so Do Not Know What They Are Talking About...
They are telling you their Opinions (often with some lies mixed in).
And their Opinions are Wrong.
Also seems to me if someone tells you to Not take the best proven cure to a poison, they actually want to help kill you, for some stupid unexplained reason...
but the only reason there are so many fear monger articles about EDTA is because It Works.
And EDTA has been around for over 100 years, so there are literally Hundreds of Thousands of studies about it, so its not my fault if someone cant or more likely Wont read them.
I did. Not all of course, but Many. 917,498 results
Of course I like to Know I know what I Think I know, a trait some seem to be severely lacking these days. My mama may have raised an asshole, but she didn't raise no fool.
And finding Solutions has always seemed kind of Important to me, for some strange reason.
Not sure why it ISN'T the primary focus for other people but meh, to each their own and good luck to you all in any case.
Choose to live.
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Scott munson - Feb 19
Scott munson
Ana Maria Mihalcea MD PHD
Health Impacts Nanotech Graphene NanoBots
Self Assembly Nanotechnology NanoRobots in Vaccinations And Medication Delivery Are Everywhere Now - How Does This Bioaccumulate In The Body?
Dental anesthetics Lidocaine
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