I found it interesting that Sound of Freedom was dumped by Disney and no big studio wanted to touch it yet when it finally came out it beat the $300 million dollar Indiana Jones movie head to head though it played in less than half of the cinemas. Glad Americans supported it.
We need a movie explaining the whole Covid Plandemic now. We have plenty of whistleblowers & not knowing every little detail is a non-issue. We know enough. We knighted enough to stop the shots and get people’s attention to what’s happening. This movie’s success proves there is a thirst for truth. The Truth is God’s Love is REAL. The global elites hate God. Let’s love everything they hate. This proves our power is greater than WE can even fathom. God is with us and leading us to victory over these evil, weak, villains of unspeakable horrors and death. We have a chance to overcome them, let’s take it. ππͺπ½ππΊπΈ Let’s get this country back. In God We Trust.
There’s at least 6 excellent documentaries revealing C19 evil agenda, including the Plandemic series (3 parts) and Covidism (4 parts - Health Impact News), Unseen Crisis is excellent, too.
Well there’s a few. There’s hope. π I like Mill Creek & have friends there. There are more & more conservatives but they hide. We need to be courageous & speak out. I’m so angry about all this. I’ve been researching all of it for 3 years, unfortunately after I got 2 Moderna shots. But, that’s it, no more ever.
Thanks for responding. I hope you stay strong.
Disney didn't "dump" it. They sat on the rights to it for two years, before finally selling those rights. When the film was complete, it took another five years for it to make it to the screens.
Maybe I am just old, but it sounds like a recruitment drive with a PR message. This is what we have been doing are doing and will continue to do and you will be happy.
Honestly, what is hundreds of millions of dollars in comparison to hundreds of billions in the eyes of Disney, The Club of 300 and the rest of the macabre and putrid demons wearing human being suits perpetrating this unfathomable horror?
I had read pre Covid that the CCP had festivals where dogs were tortured because the meat tasted better. That is horrific, but the adrenocrome harvesting, let alone organ harvesting and sexual slavery are the apex of evil.
God help us.
That is common place in China you will find the carcasses lined up at the market place.
It is inhuman, another factor to consider Food choices are not like that of westerners were we don’t see what we are actually eating.
Fast food places at one time would claim they feed X amount of customers A day and individuals gladly buy the concept but aren’t wondering how is that possible do we really have the resources to butcher that much beef.
The God lord weeps because his children are ignorant no point intended.
The Chinese have no problem with the reality of taking a meal in that way they can see.
On the other hand as in the Sound of Freedom and the ritual behavior of the Dominic whom also drink the blood of And eat the flesh of do so hidden away from the eyes of the masses not in market’s.
Sound of Freedom just touched the surface and understandably not able to Portray the reality in light of what has already been exposed.
These individuals are not Chinese they are individuals on America soil whom most of us in one form or another converse hypothetically speaking with whom are politically charged or socially engaged within business directly or indirectly follow on social media etc, whom are in plan sight.
Whom are Carrying out these horrific demonic Behaviors in our own backyard.
Think about that for minute while we are distracted these inhuman individuals “animals” as they sell, rape, torture sell our children body parts for profit and literally feeding on Our children.
That is beyond the wildness thought process of Common individuals, the imagination even of the worst horrors movies could not match which are all part of the MK-Ultra programming Which subconsciously subdues awareness for that reason.
Some will openly believe No that could never happen “Yes” it’s Happening and individuals have to take a hard look of their sounding and adjust the satellite feed and become more active in a responsible manner, and start questioning the unthinkable.
God helps those whom help themselves.
As an example When the Good lord provided seed to plant how does that seed blossom manually by the hand Which has planted it into the soil.
God provided the seed man plant’s it.
Man helped himself by planting the seed.
Same thing while providing for your family the process of providing does not grown on trees we have to wake and rise wide eyed and bushy tailed Engaging the world and return home.
The Good Lord provides the Engaging the world and man helps himself.
The Sound of Freedom is also challenging us to engage and question the narrative for our children.
I have long avoided going down that rabbit hole, never knowing or wanting to know whether this pure evil could truly be possible. The Sound of Freedom doesn’t discuss the adenochROme but in an interview with Tony Robbins Tim Ballard does say it is reality. π«£
It is a reality and it’s happening in plan view right in front of every Day individuals.
We take for granted that weeping child with the look of distress on her/his face and to hide this they created muiti race
What appears to be a family unit
When a child seem to be no longer out of place.
That is how they camouflage the behavior.
Disney openly displayed that as you mentioned, the assembly line extracting adrenochorme.
It took years for this come to the
Surface. We should all in a mass
Event pray to settlement of the souls of the millions of children
Whom feel pray to the profit and
Pleasure of these individuals whom participate in the demise
Of the innocent Gods children.
Adrenochrome is quite real. I recently heard that EpiPens have an exiry date and must be turned back in to get new ones. My understanding is that schools are required to purchase large quantities of EpiPens.https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11805199/
My sister saw it today here in Ohio, said the theater was jam packed at noon! This movie is waking Americans up, finally!
Think about how long this has been going on. Remember when those milk cartons starting popping up back in the sixties, with the missing children?
Yet, I believe it’s been going on much much longer.
For the love of God, we need to put this to an end!
No child should ever ever have to die this way! They are gifts from our God, which I believe is why this evil has been unleashed. The satanic cabal Hates anything to do with our creator and wishes to wipe out any vestiges of his creations. Starting with the most vulnerable and innocent.
God have mercy on us all.
Correct, why we all should out loud and in public sign the songs of the Psalms.
Most individuals don’t understand that that the psalms are songs that individuals in faith should be daily committed to and sing to God.
Our theatre was packed on Thursday at 12:30p. We were going to go to 2 better theaters but they were both completely sold out at that time. It's not surprising the captured new orgs are trying to connect it some how to the whole QAnon conspiracy theory thing when the movie makes zero connections to that or even any political party. Love how these organizations are getting called out for supporting child sex trafficking. They deny this is happening but tell me, what does happen to 800THOUSAND children who go missing every year in the US?
The movie is a Disney shill scam, profiting off the suffering of those trafficked for ENTERTAINMENT. Its to take focus off of Epstein and his customers.
Jim, Tim and Jordan are laughing all the way to the bank and conned people like Mel and Tony Robbins to get involved.
And for those who believe Jim etc are 'Christians', well there were plenty of priests using that as cover too.
If this was truly a benevolent movie it would have been released for free, like a Miki Willis film.
Do you have some proof of these allegations beyond you just saying so? I would love to have something to show Disney fans & some evidence that this film is actually diverting attention from trafficking rather than exposing it & bringing more light to the evil darkness it persists in. I want to do everything I can to help end trafficking & expose the global perpetrators. I saw the movie & felt more that it was exposing people like Epstein & the elites that participate in the vile acts against children & women, but I’m open to evidence otherwise. Thank you.
Me, too. The only piece I saw, which was a very weak attempt at a lame hit piece by those who don’t want to be outed, was sent to me by a flat earther. Not exactly an intelligent stellar source. Also a weak Wikipedia malignment full of hearsay...again, NOT a credible source.
True but main thing is our gov the committee of 300 and the UN are one big pedophile ring that brings in 100s of billions of $ to torture children and harvest their adrenal fluids for their sick evil. Ppl who are so bored and inbred they will blow up the whole planet these are real sick bastards. Then we have a creep Roth- SCHILD on Criminal News Network to tell us it’s Qanon? Are you kidding me? No go to well your already in hell.
Just watch their body languagehttps://youtu.be/Yge8O1qaXDIespecially @ the 8 minute mark for 30 seconds. I'm going to dissect these interviews and post them on Rumble because they need to be exposed. I will share the link when I'm done, it's a lot of editing. Just open your eyes... if not, you're just like someone getting a booster because it fits their current belief system.
These are two very big men sitting in very small seated chairs. Like @Rosalind McGill, I also do that with my hands, always have and I'm no illuminati trying to send out some symbol. You're completely reaching for something that's not there. Do you deny that there's a HUGE child sex trafficking ring prominently running our world? What happens to 800 THOUSAND children a year who disappear in the US alone? You might not be aware that after a color revolution started by the CIA, followed by US "disaster relief", hotbeds of child sex trafficking appear.
2010 - Haiti
2014 -Ukraine
Please don’t be one of those people who takes little snippets to compile out-of-context hit pieces. This one is shot in a clearly tiny set on crappy uncomfortable chairs. How about consider the entirety of everything they are saying & quit attacking decent people. Who is the one creating a diversion from what needs to be revealed? You seem to be a better person than that from other things on your substack...don’t sink to flat earther level.
I agree. Anyone knowlegeable regarding the evil ones would certainly not use the symbology so I agree with you on the mocking and charge to view. He seemed too jolly as well. Then both have prior adopted children too is quite amazing. I suppose though, it will open eyes. I think it is being released to show exactly how evil and corrupt in order to tear down and 6uild 6ack 6etter. Problem, reaction, solution.
That was my first instinct alsoKamii.Itvery well could be a prop for what's still to come and the actors may not know they are being used.There still is a current belief system in Gov't agencies and mainstream media.Question everything
I really don't know.
The level of chess board deceit is off the charts.
What and who can you believe?
I'm so afraid to believe in anyone or anything.
Maybe that's the thing - these practices are so unbelievably wicked, evil, heinous, monstrous, barbaric that many will simply refuse to believe it.
Most will think "Yeah, there's a lot of evil in the world, but it can't get this bad".
We know it exists, but too most it's simply impossible to fathom!
Interesting link, thanks. Yes, TPTB try to weaponize everything, and
what is suggested, to get us to clamor for chipping our children, is
quite possible. However, exposing this evil is still good in my view since
many people aren't aware of this at all. I had no real idea till Stew
Peters started showing how Child Protective Services were involved
in stealing children on flimsy premises.
Remember, they create the problem, we react, and they provide the solution they already conceived before starting the problem.
Yes, a couple of senators ended up dead looking into CPS. I was looking into this years ago. Remember thishttps://imgur.com/a/WMpQMWlIt made the front page and disappeared overnight. They all hang at the Bohemian Grove. Birds of a feather. Wikileaks was very interesting to go through.
Yeah, I heard the same from Davecaresforyou on YouTube. He has exposing the abduction of children through CPS very intelligent never went to college knows the legal system very well. He had been connected with Josh Barnett, Arizona who is running for Senate. I believe this was three years ago.
Well, the objective is to reveal some of or most of the truth they have to to get your attention and get people talking and enraged about it in order to pull you in. Let me ask you a question whatever happened to the releasing of the G6 surveillance tapes? We have people sitting in jail as political prisoners because they were let into the capital walking through the velvet ropes, and nobody gives a shit. It’s no coincidence that every country moved in the same direction during the Covid BS. Which has yet to be isolated. Fact. And never existed in the first place. It’s death by 1000 cuts & the coordination between a Government, big tech and the Lame stream media is ALL designed to destroy this country and western civilization. Everything is on purpose and people need to wake up.
I say it because if you look at technology today compared to years ago, everything has excelled the phone, the television, but today they’re doing pretty much the same with cancer. I realized it made some advances, but for the most part its “ poison you hoping that the cancer dies first” I mean no disrespect to anybody.... The Plandemic has just opened my eyes. and look how much money (Genuine, Saddened, Grieving, Hurt & Caring) etc. people have contributed for a cure. Yet all you hear are crickets. Just my thoughts.
They need to cover the costs of film making and for rescuing the kids. Apparently Mel is flying the kids out of the traffickers locations - fuel for airplane is expensive. There are numerous expenses like that, Mel Gibson donated huge amount of $ to this project.
I do NOT accept your narrative. As someone very familiar with Jim Caviezal, his faith and his integrity, your thesis is weakened. I saw something about “why are Jim and Mel Gibson” still Catholic (given the history of the Church). As a Catholic, I remain dedicated. I love this country as well based on the values in which it was formed. It is sadly indicative of man’s fall that both have become despoiled by the corruption of leadership and the failing of the flock to hold those leaders to the standards they profess.
This is our forever challenge while here in earth.
I'm certified to work with childhood trauma and Sound of Freedom is the greatest film ever. I also donated to the Pay It Forward program. Government, media and Hollywood are working overtime to normalize and legalize pedophilia. This is the reason they wanted Epstein gone and they are covering up his client list and 51 intelligence officials with no evidence said Hunter's laptop proving he was a child abuser was disinformation. America is now one of the biggest child sex trafficking operations in the world.
Very interesting video.
Yes, l believe we're being misdirected.
Sadly,, this film is not going to solve the problem of child trafficking, rape, torture and murder.
Those people should research the Johnny Gosch abduction case. (September 5, 1982.)
Witness testimonies. Leading straight INTO the White House.
If wondering:
"George Herbert Walker Bush served as the 43rd Vice President of the United States under Ronald Reagan from 1981 to 1989."
I just posted a link to the newspaper that covered headlines over the Whitehouse. Story disappeared the next day.https://imgur.com/a/WMpQMWl
Exactly - I'm very familiar with Johnny Gosch story, lots of twists and turns. I read about him in John DeCamp's book "The Franklin Cover-Up" excellent book. Heartbreaking story and J.G. is only one of many, sadly. G H W B was responsible for so much that was evil.
When I click on your link here, I get this message:
Warning - This video exceeds your sensitivity preference!
This video has been marked as Not Safe For Work (NSFW).
It is not recommended that you view this in work environments or other similar environments.
To dismiss this warning and continue to watch the video please click on the button below.
"Warning - This video exceeds your sensitivity preference!"
These are browser settings. If you're at work, your employer has set this up. If you're on your personal computer, you can change those settings.
PC: Start- Settings- Remote Desktop. Router: look for Advanced Settings -Access Control.
There's several YT videos and online articles that have instructions on how to secure your pc and network environment.
When I clicked link:
"Warning - This video exceeds your sensitivity preference!
This video has been marked as Not Safe For Work (NSFW).
It is not recommended that you view this in work environments or other similar environments."
LOL! Sorry, the coronavirus did NOT jump species. It is a chimera creation developed by the US military, in a lab, most likely by Ralph Baric in UNC Chappel Hill.
Laugh all you want. It jumped species by integrating affinity to the ACE 2 receptors in the alveoli, in the spike protein. Then some Wuhan virologists working with your SC firm replicated that jump with CRISPR tech.
Of course you feel you know because you read it on the Internet. So for the other readers, here is the paper on it. And you would need to read it to the end to understand the "gain of function" operations were simply to verify that it could have jumped species, in nature.
"Our study revealed that introduction of two single mutations, S746R and N762A, into HKU4 spike at the S1/S2 boundary fully instilled its capability to mediate viral entry into human cells...
"These mutations increased the capability of SARS-CoV spike to bind human receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2." (ACE2 locus)
Understanding the problem correctly leads to quicker and more effective solutions.
I looked on Academia and found a few hits about adrenochrome -https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WEouz7-QnRyRWPVa_saewxKfKgQ_-DUD/view?usp=sharing
If you want a laugh, people who turn to child torture may look younger but adrenochrome is by far one of the most carcinogenic substances for humans to be taking. I suggest transition monatomics and transition metallofullerenes to restore your telomeres:
I find it amusing how many times "LoL" paints one into a pretty little cyber-corner!
Well, how can anyone argue with someone as "educated" as you?π₯΄ You believe this because these "academic" journals printed these articles, because surely THEY are going to print nothing but the TRUTH, yeah? I guess you don't know that they've all been captured and corrupted by money. Bless your heart.https://pierrekory.substack.com/p/the-criminal-censorship-of-ivermectins
The bottom line is, this is WWIII. The only law left is kill or be killed. Anybody who buys the Globalist-propagated "peaceful non-violent protest" myth deserves their fate.
The trauma is permeating our collective psyche. I've employed Cathy O'Brians techniques to detox my emotional body, my inner guidance system is sharpening. I'm wanting to purchasing a microscope to look, but is the darkfield that would be useful? Also, since chelation works best, would a rectal implant of an EDTA solution be an alternative? Doing insufflation with ozone is as helpful as an IV, so in kind, would it be viable way to get more EDTA in besides the cream?
Thank you for the TruBlu light belt. Dr. Stephanie Seneff Ph.D, wrote that ultraviolet (blue) light spectrum supports the kidney's production of cholesterol sulphate, the body then has ability to make natural Vit D as a result. This is a safe way to get Vit D, I so appreciate this tool.
I look forward to learning, understanding and solving our common goal of survival. Your proof shows without question, the alarm is justified. The emotions, useful access to level hatred and contempt. No Fear in This. They've been at it too long.
This post is excellent Ana, it brings to mind the Balenciaga saga a little bit further back. I was going to do a post about this, but I think you nailed it. The actual private owners of the Bank of International Settlements are likely the ones who use the adrenochrome. They have a unique psychology and psychopathy believing that they are the "rightful rulers," therefore they can drink the blood of our children. In my posts about Dragon Court, and the Order of the Garter, there is a lot of history to these Parasitic Vermin.
I know, this is such a sad condition for the children. It may take some kind of military action to put an end to it. All involved would need to be as uncorruptable as possible. As parents, our job is to make absolutely certain that the kids know what to do to stay away from the traffickers.
I saw the film Rosalind. I paid close attention in the theater. (Didn't click the link above, no idea what's in that upload.)
Saw a few characters that gave me icky vibes.
Middle aged (and older) paunchy men wearing bermuda shorts and sandals. (reminiscent...)
ALONE. Mouth breathers. Unaccompanied by spouses.
I don't believe they were there to support the film, or O.U.R.
Just my own observations.
Dustin Roberts - Jul 9, 2023 - Edited
I found it interesting that Sound of Freedom was dumped by Disney and no big studio wanted to touch it yet when it finally came out it beat the $300 million dollar Indiana Jones movie head to head though it played in less than half of the cinemas. Glad Americans supported it.
Donna - Jul 10, 2023
Saw it this evening. Amazing! One of those films where the audience just sat afterwards and couldn’t move, just silence.
AlmostLastRepublicaninSeattle - Jul 10, 2023
We need a movie explaining the whole Covid Plandemic now. We have plenty of whistleblowers & not knowing every little detail is a non-issue. We know enough. We knighted enough to stop the shots and get people’s attention to what’s happening. This movie’s success proves there is a thirst for truth. The Truth is God’s Love is REAL. The global elites hate God. Let’s love everything they hate. This proves our power is greater than WE can even fathom. God is with us and leading us to victory over these evil, weak, villains of unspeakable horrors and death. We have a chance to overcome them, let’s take it. ππͺπ½ππΊπΈ Let’s get this country back. In God We Trust.
JMarie.58 - Jul 10, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
There’s at least 6 excellent documentaries revealing C19 evil agenda, including the Plandemic series (3 parts) and Covidism (4 parts - Health Impact News), Unseen Crisis is excellent, too.
AlmostLastRepublicaninSeattle - Jul 10, 2023
I meant out in theaters. Thanks though. π
Donna - Jul 10, 2023
Perhaps in “75” years?!
Danna - Jul 12, 2023
Danna’s Substack
I am in the Seattle area also, up in Mill Creek and feel like the last Republican, also π
AlmostLastRepublicaninSeattle - Jul 14, 2023
Well there’s a few. There’s hope. π I like Mill Creek & have friends there. There are more & more conservatives but they hide. We need to be courageous & speak out. I’m so angry about all this. I’ve been researching all of it for 3 years, unfortunately after I got 2 Moderna shots. But, that’s it, no more ever.
Thanks for responding. I hope you stay strong.
Kaylene Emery - Jul 10, 2023
Kaylene Emery
Amen from Sydney Australia.
John Vargo - Jul 21, 2023
John Vargo
Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
Canadians support it too. (I saw it. My Freedom Warrior Goddess compatriots did too. π)
It's running in theaters all across Canada.
Psalms91 - Jul 10, 2023
Psalms91’s Substack
Psalms91 - Jul 10, 2023
Psalms91’s Substack
Disney is the groomer in plan view, it should be of no surprise it indirectly lashed out.
Mario A Leblanc - Jul 11, 2023
Mario’s Substack
It is not a Disney movie. The Truth : The Sound of Freedom UPSETS Hollywood and the Establishment at large 12:34 min
kaal - Jul 10, 2023
disney 33rd degree mason chemtrails started from air force base TINKER. tinker bells pixie dust.
Edmond Paré - Jul 10, 2023
Edmond Paré
Disney didn't "dump" it. They sat on the rights to it for two years, before finally selling those rights. When the film was complete, it took another five years for it to make it to the screens.
Allan - Jul 10, 2023 - Edited
Just Checkin??
Maybe I am just old, but it sounds like a recruitment drive with a PR message. This is what we have been doing are doing and will continue to do and you will be happy.
BlazeCloude3 - Jul 12, 2023
Honestly, what is hundreds of millions of dollars in comparison to hundreds of billions in the eyes of Disney, The Club of 300 and the rest of the macabre and putrid demons wearing human being suits perpetrating this unfathomable horror?
Prof. Fred Nazar - Jul 9, 2023
Scientific Progress
Here's the absolute proof:
ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard's confessions:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
Comment removed.
Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
He has a YT channel:
"My Breaking and Turning Point"
Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
Comment removed.
Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
I too was amazed, which is why I posted that link. π
Ernie Rockwell - Jul 9, 2023 - Edited
Ernie Rockwell
I had read pre Covid that the CCP had festivals where dogs were tortured because the meat tasted better. That is horrific, but the adrenocrome harvesting, let alone organ harvesting and sexual slavery are the apex of evil.
God help us.
Dee Dee - Jul 10, 2023
Dee’s Substack
What kind of a person can sleep at night after torturing a dog?
E. Grogan - Jul 10, 2023
Those who are running this world.
JMarie.58 - Jul 10, 2023
JMarie.58’s Substack
The same people that deceived, poisoned, injured and killed millions over the last 3 years.
Dr Kay - Jul 10, 2023
Dr. Kay’s Newsletter
A consciousness that is not human.
Psalms91 - Jul 10, 2023
Psalms91’s Substack
That is common place in China you will find the carcasses lined up at the market place.
It is inhuman, another factor to consider Food choices are not like that of westerners were we don’t see what we are actually eating.
Fast food places at one time would claim they feed X amount of customers A day and individuals gladly buy the concept but aren’t wondering how is that possible do we really have the resources to butcher that much beef.
The God lord weeps because his children are ignorant no point intended.
The Chinese have no problem with the reality of taking a meal in that way they can see.
On the other hand as in the Sound of Freedom and the ritual behavior of the Dominic whom also drink the blood of And eat the flesh of do so hidden away from the eyes of the masses not in market’s.
Sound of Freedom just touched the surface and understandably not able to Portray the reality in light of what has already been exposed.
These individuals are not Chinese they are individuals on America soil whom most of us in one form or another converse hypothetically speaking with whom are politically charged or socially engaged within business directly or indirectly follow on social media etc, whom are in plan sight.
Whom are Carrying out these horrific demonic Behaviors in our own backyard.
Think about that for minute while we are distracted these inhuman individuals “animals” as they sell, rape, torture sell our children body parts for profit and literally feeding on Our children.
That is beyond the wildness thought process of Common individuals, the imagination even of the worst horrors movies could not match which are all part of the MK-Ultra programming Which subconsciously subdues awareness for that reason.
Some will openly believe No that could never happen “Yes” it’s Happening and individuals have to take a hard look of their sounding and adjust the satellite feed and become more active in a responsible manner, and start questioning the unthinkable.
God helps those whom help themselves.
As an example When the Good lord provided seed to plant how does that seed blossom manually by the hand Which has planted it into the soil.
God provided the seed man plant’s it.
Man helped himself by planting the seed.
Same thing while providing for your family the process of providing does not grown on trees we have to wake and rise wide eyed and bushy tailed Engaging the world and return home.
The Good Lord provides the Engaging the world and man helps himself.
The Sound of Freedom is also challenging us to engage and question the narrative for our children.
Donna - Jul 10, 2023
Psalms91’s Substack
I have long avoided going down that rabbit hole, never knowing or wanting to know whether this pure evil could truly be possible. The Sound of Freedom doesn’t discuss the adenochROme but in an interview with Tony Robbins Tim Ballard does say it is reality. π«£
Psalms91 - Jul 16, 2023
Psalms91’s Substack
It is a reality and it’s happening in plan view right in front of every Day individuals.
We take for granted that weeping child with the look of distress on her/his face and to hide this they created muiti race
What appears to be a family unit
When a child seem to be no longer out of place.
That is how they camouflage the behavior.
Edmond Paré - Jul 10, 2023 - Edited
Edmond Paré
Here's a link to a photo of horseshoe crabs having their blood "milked" for use in manufacturing "vaccines". Imagine a similar assembly line, but rather than horseshoe crabs, human children being strapped down, and continuously tortured and milked for adrenochrome. Of course, every corporate funded "fact-checker" organization claims the collection of adrenochrome is a baseless conspiracy theory.
This photo is from the article athttps://www.npr.org/2023/06/10/1180761446/coastal-biomedical-labs-are-bleeding-more-horseshoe-crabs-with-little-accountabi
Psalms91 - Jul 11, 2023
Psalms91’s Substack
Disney openly displayed that as you mentioned, the assembly line extracting adrenochorme.
It took years for this come to the
Surface. We should all in a mass
Event pray to settlement of the souls of the millions of children
Whom feel pray to the profit and
Pleasure of these individuals whom participate in the demise
Of the innocent Gods children.
ConcernedGrammy - Jul 10, 2023
Adrenochrome is quite real. I recently heard that EpiPens have an exiry date and must be turned back in to get new ones. My understanding is that schools are required to purchase large quantities of EpiPens.https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11805199/
Elsa - Jul 9, 2023 - Edited
Nanc’s Substack
It’s a good movie. Everyone should watch it and support it. Of course CNN fake news encourages viewers not to see it.
Nanc - Jul 10, 2023 - Edited
Nanc’s Substack
My sister saw it today here in Ohio, said the theater was jam packed at noon! This movie is waking Americans up, finally!
Think about how long this has been going on. Remember when those milk cartons starting popping up back in the sixties, with the missing children?
Yet, I believe it’s been going on much much longer.
For the love of God, we need to put this to an end!
No child should ever ever have to die this way! They are gifts from our God, which I believe is why this evil has been unleashed. The satanic cabal Hates anything to do with our creator and wishes to wipe out any vestiges of his creations. Starting with the most vulnerable and innocent.
God have mercy on us all.
Psalms91 - Jul 10, 2023
Psalms91’s Substack
Correct, why we all should out loud and in public sign the songs of the Psalms.
Most individuals don’t understand that that the psalms are songs that individuals in faith should be daily committed to and sing to God.
TimeIsNear - Jul 10, 2023
Yes. In fact, I don't think ever every stopped. It went underground.
ConcernedGrammy - Jul 10, 2023
Our theatre was packed on Thursday at 12:30p. We were going to go to 2 better theaters but they were both completely sold out at that time. It's not surprising the captured new orgs are trying to connect it some how to the whole QAnon conspiracy theory thing when the movie makes zero connections to that or even any political party. Love how these organizations are getting called out for supporting child sex trafficking. They deny this is happening but tell me, what does happen to 800THOUSAND children who go missing every year in the US?
Mario A Leblanc - Jul 9, 2023
Mario’s Substack
JOIN THE FIGHT - End Child Trafficking | Operation Underground Railroadhttps://ourrescue.org
Kyle Young - Jul 9, 2023
the secular heretic
A few weeks ago I posted a piece about the ongoing sex slave industry and how it ties into the movie The Sound of Freedom.
Dee Dee - Jul 10, 2023
Dee’s Substack
thank you
Kamii Neko - Jul 9, 2023 - Edited
Karen Amos
The movie is a Disney shill scam, profiting off the suffering of those trafficked for ENTERTAINMENT. Its to take focus off of Epstein and his customers.
Jim, Tim and Jordan are laughing all the way to the bank and conned people like Mel and Tony Robbins to get involved.
And for those who believe Jim etc are 'Christians', well there were plenty of priests using that as cover too.
If this was truly a benevolent movie it would have been released for free, like a Miki Willis film.
Karen Amos - Jul 9, 2023
Karen Amos
Do you have some proof of these allegations beyond you just saying so? I would love to have something to show Disney fans & some evidence that this film is actually diverting attention from trafficking rather than exposing it & bringing more light to the evil darkness it persists in. I want to do everything I can to help end trafficking & expose the global perpetrators. I saw the movie & felt more that it was exposing people like Epstein & the elites that participate in the vile acts against children & women, but I’m open to evidence otherwise. Thank you.
Kamii Neko - Jul 9, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
Yup I'm working on it I'll share the link when I'm finished.
Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
I've seen these allegations before but can find no evidence of malfeasance.
Karen Amos - Jul 10, 2023
Karen Amos
Me, too. The only piece I saw, which was a very weak attempt at a lame hit piece by those who don’t want to be outed, was sent to me by a flat earther. Not exactly an intelligent stellar source. Also a weak Wikipedia malignment full of hearsay...again, NOT a credible source.
Rosalind McGill - Jul 10, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Please do share when you’re done.
Michael - Jul 10, 2023
Michael’s Substack
Comment removed.
Michael - Jul 10, 2023
Michael’s Substack
True but main thing is our gov the committee of 300 and the UN are one big pedophile ring that brings in 100s of billions of $ to torture children and harvest their adrenal fluids for their sick evil. Ppl who are so bored and inbred they will blow up the whole planet these are real sick bastards. Then we have a creep Roth- SCHILD on Criminal News Network to tell us it’s Qanon? Are you kidding me? No go to well your already in hell.
Donna - Jul 10, 2023
Dr. Kay’s Newsletter
Please see the you tube video of Tim Ballard and Tony Robbins.
Dr Kay - Jul 10, 2023
Dr. Kay’s Newsletter
Jordan Peterson also did an excellent interview with Jim Caveziel and Tim Ballard.
kitten seeking answers - Jul 9, 2023 - Edited
”Kitten’s Secret Garden”
all profits need to benefit the victims.
Michael - Jul 9, 2023
Michael’s Substack
You must be one of them
Kamii Neko - Jul 9, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Just watch their body languagehttps://youtu.be/Yge8O1qaXDIespecially @ the 8 minute mark for 30 seconds. I'm going to dissect these interviews and post them on Rumble because they need to be exposed. I will share the link when I'm done, it's a lot of editing. Just open your eyes... if not, you're just like someone getting a booster because it fits their current belief system.
Rosalind McGill - Jul 10, 2023
Rosalind McGill
One scratched his leg
, other crossed his arms sitting in an uncomfortable looking chair. Body language looks normal to me.
Rosalind McGill - Jul 10, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Or did his hands upset you? I’ve done that with my hands and am not illuminati or a mason.
Markker - Jul 10, 2023
He used 3 symbols and 2 are not comfortable or normal, natural shapes.
Rosalind McGill - Jul 10, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Noted , thanks.
ConcernedGrammy - Jul 10, 2023
These are two very big men sitting in very small seated chairs. Like @Rosalind McGill, I also do that with my hands, always have and I'm no illuminati trying to send out some symbol. You're completely reaching for something that's not there. Do you deny that there's a HUGE child sex trafficking ring prominently running our world? What happens to 800 THOUSAND children a year who disappear in the US alone? You might not be aware that after a color revolution started by the CIA, followed by US "disaster relief", hotbeds of child sex trafficking appear.
2010 - Haiti
2014 -Ukraine
Karen Amos - Jul 10, 2023
Karen Amos
Please don’t be one of those people who takes little snippets to compile out-of-context hit pieces. This one is shot in a clearly tiny set on crappy uncomfortable chairs. How about consider the entirety of everything they are saying & quit attacking decent people. Who is the one creating a diversion from what needs to be revealed? You seem to be a better person than that from other things on your substack...don’t sink to flat earther level.
Markker - Jul 10, 2023
I agree. Anyone knowlegeable regarding the evil ones would certainly not use the symbology so I agree with you on the mocking and charge to view. He seemed too jolly as well. Then both have prior adopted children too is quite amazing. I suppose though, it will open eyes. I think it is being released to show exactly how evil and corrupt in order to tear down and 6uild 6ack 6etter. Problem, reaction, solution.
NJ Election Advisor - Jul 10, 2023
NJ Election Advisor
You’re fishing but there’s nothing there.
John Vargo - Jul 10, 2023
John Vargo
That was my first instinct alsoKamii.Itvery well could be a prop for what's still to come and the actors may not know they are being used.There still is a current belief system in Gov't agencies and mainstream media.Question everything
Marcelo Araujo - Jul 9, 2023
Marcelo Araujo
I really don't know.
The level of chess board deceit is off the charts.
What and who can you believe?
I'm so afraid to believe in anyone or anything.
Maybe that's the thing - these practices are so unbelievably wicked, evil, heinous, monstrous, barbaric that many will simply refuse to believe it.
Most will think "Yeah, there's a lot of evil in the world, but it can't get this bad".
We know it exists, but too most it's simply impossible to fathom!
5StarBP - Jul 9, 2023
Ernie Rockwell
Ernie Rockwell - Jul 10, 2023
Ernie Rockwell
Interesting link, thanks. Yes, TPTB try to weaponize everything, and
what is suggested, to get us to clamor for chipping our children, is
quite possible. However, exposing this evil is still good in my view since
many people aren't aware of this at all. I had no real idea till Stew
Peters started showing how Child Protective Services were involved
in stealing children on flimsy premises.
TimeIsNear - Jul 10, 2023
Remember, they create the problem, we react, and they provide the solution they already conceived before starting the problem.
Yes, a couple of senators ended up dead looking into CPS. I was looking into this years ago. Remember thishttps://imgur.com/a/WMpQMWlIt made the front page and disappeared overnight. They all hang at the Bohemian Grove. Birds of a feather. Wikileaks was very interesting to go through.
5StarBP - Jul 10, 2023
Yeah, I heard the same from Davecaresforyou on YouTube. He has exposing the abduction of children through CPS very intelligent never went to college knows the legal system very well. He had been connected with Josh Barnett, Arizona who is running for Senate. I believe this was three years ago.
5StarBP - Jul 10, 2023
Well, the objective is to reveal some of or most of the truth they have to to get your attention and get people talking and enraged about it in order to pull you in. Let me ask you a question whatever happened to the releasing of the G6 surveillance tapes? We have people sitting in jail as political prisoners because they were let into the capital walking through the velvet ropes, and nobody gives a shit. It’s no coincidence that every country moved in the same direction during the Covid BS. Which has yet to be isolated. Fact. And never existed in the first place. It’s death by 1000 cuts & the coordination between a Government, big tech and the Lame stream media is ALL designed to destroy this country and western civilization. Everything is on purpose and people need to wake up.
5StarBP - Jul 10, 2023
I say it because if you look at technology today compared to years ago, everything has excelled the phone, the television, but today they’re doing pretty much the same with cancer. I realized it made some advances, but for the most part its “ poison you hoping that the cancer dies first” I mean no disrespect to anybody.... The Plandemic has just opened my eyes. and look how much money (Genuine, Saddened, Grieving, Hurt & Caring) etc. people have contributed for a cure. Yet all you hear are crickets. Just my thoughts.
Prof. Fred Nazar - Jul 10, 2023
Scientific Progress
And how do you pay the production and distribution costs?
No profit: no theaters showing it...
E. Grogan - Jul 10, 2023
They need to cover the costs of film making and for rescuing the kids. Apparently Mel is flying the kids out of the traffickers locations - fuel for airplane is expensive. There are numerous expenses like that, Mel Gibson donated huge amount of $ to this project.
Mario A Leblanc - Jul 9, 2023
Mario’s Substack
Kamii Neko - Your comment is defamation!
Dr. Deborah - Jul 11, 2023
Dr.’s Substack
You nailed it !
Mario A Leblanc - Jul 11, 2023
Mario’s Substack
It is not a Disney movie. The Truth : The Sound of Freedom UPSETS Hollywood and the Establishment at large 12:34 min
Stella’s pop - Jul 10, 2023
Stella’s pop
I do NOT accept your narrative. As someone very familiar with Jim Caviezal, his faith and his integrity, your thesis is weakened. I saw something about “why are Jim and Mel Gibson” still Catholic (given the history of the Church). As a Catholic, I remain dedicated. I love this country as well based on the values in which it was formed. It is sadly indicative of man’s fall that both have become despoiled by the corruption of leadership and the failing of the flock to hold those leaders to the standards they profess.
This is our forever challenge while here in earth.
5StarBP - Jul 10, 2023
AMEN. At least a few of us are awake.
jazzfusionary - Jul 10, 2023
jazzfusionary’s Substack
I'm certified to work with childhood trauma and Sound of Freedom is the greatest film ever. I also donated to the Pay It Forward program. Government, media and Hollywood are working overtime to normalize and legalize pedophilia. This is the reason they wanted Epstein gone and they are covering up his client list and 51 intelligence officials with no evidence said Hunter's laptop proving he was a child abuser was disinformation. America is now one of the biggest child sex trafficking operations in the world.
kaal - Jul 10, 2023
Hunter with little chinese girls was posted in RT russian media.
5StarBP - Jul 9, 2023 - Edited
Rosalind McGill
Your being fooled
Rosalind McGill - Jul 10, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Maybe you are being fooled. Who made Amanda the expert? I disagree with her conclusions. Thanks for presenting a different view point.
Marcelo Araujo - Jul 9, 2023 - Edited
Marcelo Araujo
Very interesting video.
Yes, l believe we're being misdirected.
Sadly,, this film is not going to solve the problem of child trafficking, rape, torture and murder.
E. Grogan - Jul 10, 2023 - Edited
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
It's to raise awareness, too many people don't know about it or have been brainwashed into thinking it isn't real.
Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023 - Edited
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
Those people should research the Johnny Gosch abduction case. (September 5, 1982.)
Witness testimonies. Leading straight INTO the White House.
If wondering:
"George Herbert Walker Bush served as the 43rd Vice President of the United States under Ronald Reagan from 1981 to 1989."
TimeIsNear - Jul 10, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
I just posted a link to the newspaper that covered headlines over the Whitehouse. Story disappeared the next day.https://imgur.com/a/WMpQMWl
Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
It's all available in The Franklin Coverup.
Investigations... quashed.
Roseanne's been on point, for many years.
E. Grogan - Jul 10, 2023
Exactly - I'm very familiar with Johnny Gosch story, lots of twists and turns. I read about him in John DeCamp's book "The Franklin Cover-Up" excellent book. Heartbreaking story and J.G. is only one of many, sadly. G H W B was responsible for so much that was evil.
Piki - Jul 10, 2023
Kay and the blue teapot.
When I click on your link here, I get this message:
Warning - This video exceeds your sensitivity preference!
This video has been marked as Not Safe For Work (NSFW).
It is not recommended that you view this in work environments or other similar environments.
To dismiss this warning and continue to watch the video please click on the button below.
ConcernedGrammy - Jul 10, 2023
Kay and the blue teapot.
"Warning - This video exceeds your sensitivity preference!"
These are browser settings. If you're at work, your employer has set this up. If you're on your personal computer, you can change those settings.
Piki - Jul 10, 2023
Kay and the blue teapot.
Hello CG, how could I change these settings? Thank you for the comment!
ConcernedGrammy - Jul 11, 2023
Kay and the blue teapot.
PC: Start- Settings- Remote Desktop. Router: look for Advanced Settings -Access Control.
There's several YT videos and online articles that have instructions on how to secure your pc and network environment.
Piki - Jul 11, 2023
Kay and the blue teapot.
Thank you!
John Vargo - Jul 10, 2023
John Vargo
Have to agree with you.We have always beenfooled.Myfirst thought.
Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023 - Edited
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
When I clicked link:
"Warning - This video exceeds your sensitivity preference!
This video has been marked as Not Safe For Work (NSFW).
It is not recommended that you view this in work environments or other similar environments."
Piki - Jul 10, 2023
Kay and the blue teapot.
Me the same.
TimeIsNear - Jul 10, 2023
The evil ones that have unleashed this nanotechnology never had souls. The bible refers to them as empty cisterns or clouds without water.
Frances Leader - Jul 10, 2023
Here is an interesting interview:https://twitter.com/SpartaJustice/status/1677031519745875970
David Merrill - Jul 10, 2023 - Edited
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
Similarly the adrenaline is raised in various animals in the kitchens of Wuhan, under the 5G radiation and caused the SARS coronavirus to jump species to humans. Bottom of Page 16:
P.S. There are other ways to grow younger:
ConcernedGrammy - Jul 10, 2023 - Edited
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
LOL! Sorry, the coronavirus did NOT jump species. It is a chimera creation developed by the US military, in a lab, most likely by Ralph Baric in UNC Chappel Hill.
David Merrill - Jul 10, 2023 - Edited
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
Laugh all you want. It jumped species by integrating affinity to the ACE 2 receptors in the alveoli, in the spike protein. Then some Wuhan virologists working with your SC firm replicated that jump with CRISPR tech.
Of course you feel you know because you read it on the Internet. So for the other readers, here is the paper on it. And you would need to read it to the end to understand the "gain of function" operations were simply to verify that it could have jumped species, in nature.
"Our study revealed that introduction of two single mutations, S746R and N762A, into HKU4 spike at the S1/S2 boundary fully instilled its capability to mediate viral entry into human cells...
"These mutations increased the capability of SARS-CoV spike to bind human receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2." (ACE2 locus)
Understanding the problem correctly leads to quicker and more effective solutions.
I looked on Academia and found a few hits about adrenochrome -https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WEouz7-QnRyRWPVa_saewxKfKgQ_-DUD/view?usp=sharing
If you want a laugh, people who turn to child torture may look younger but adrenochrome is by far one of the most carcinogenic substances for humans to be taking. I suggest transition monatomics and transition metallofullerenes to restore your telomeres:
I find it amusing how many times "LoL" paints one into a pretty little cyber-corner!
ConcernedGrammy - Jul 11, 2023
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
Well, how can anyone argue with someone as "educated" as you?π₯΄ You believe this because these "academic" journals printed these articles, because surely THEY are going to print nothing but the TRUTH, yeah? I guess you don't know that they've all been captured and corrupted by money. Bless your heart.https://pierrekory.substack.com/p/the-criminal-censorship-of-ivermectins
David Merrill - Jul 12, 2023
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
I understand.
Tony Ryan - Jul 10, 2023
oziz4oziz’s Newsletter
The bottom line is, this is WWIII. The only law left is kill or be killed. Anybody who buys the Globalist-propagated "peaceful non-violent protest" myth deserves their fate.
Rauwolfia Serpentina - Jul 10, 2023
Rauwolfia’s Substack
The trauma is permeating our collective psyche. I've employed Cathy O'Brians techniques to detox my emotional body, my inner guidance system is sharpening. I'm wanting to purchasing a microscope to look, but is the darkfield that would be useful? Also, since chelation works best, would a rectal implant of an EDTA solution be an alternative? Doing insufflation with ozone is as helpful as an IV, so in kind, would it be viable way to get more EDTA in besides the cream?
Thank you for the TruBlu light belt. Dr. Stephanie Seneff Ph.D, wrote that ultraviolet (blue) light spectrum supports the kidney's production of cholesterol sulphate, the body then has ability to make natural Vit D as a result. This is a safe way to get Vit D, I so appreciate this tool.
I look forward to learning, understanding and solving our common goal of survival. Your proof shows without question, the alarm is justified. The emotions, useful access to level hatred and contempt. No Fear in This. They've been at it too long.
Nefahotep - Jul 9, 2023
Nefahotep Speaks
This post is excellent Ana, it brings to mind the Balenciaga saga a little bit further back. I was going to do a post about this, but I think you nailed it. The actual private owners of the Bank of International Settlements are likely the ones who use the adrenochrome. They have a unique psychology and psychopathy believing that they are the "rightful rulers," therefore they can drink the blood of our children. In my posts about Dragon Court, and the Order of the Garter, there is a lot of history to these Parasitic Vermin.
E. Grogan - Jul 10, 2023
Nefahotep Speaks
Lots of Hollywood famous stars use it as well as politicians and very wealthy. You'd be amazed what a huge industry adrenachrome harvesting is.
Nefahotep - Jul 10, 2023
Nefahotep Speaks
I know, this is such a sad condition for the children. It may take some kind of military action to put an end to it. All involved would need to be as uncorruptable as possible. As parents, our job is to make absolutely certain that the kids know what to do to stay away from the traffickers.
kaal - Jul 10, 2023
The military brings kids in from other countries. The military / cia/ govt serve the UN pedo beast.
Nefahotep - Jul 10, 2023
Nefahotep Speaks
We may need to form our OWN military. At some point we cannot avoid taking action.
E. Grogan - Jul 10, 2023
Agree with everything you say!
5StarBP - Jul 9, 2023 - Edited
Rosalind McGill
Watch and be informed
Rosalind McGill - Jul 10, 2023 - Edited
Rosalind McGill
I saw her video and disagree with her. We need awareness of this issue.
Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023 - Edited
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
I saw the film Rosalind. I paid close attention in the theater. (Didn't click the link above, no idea what's in that upload.)
Saw a few characters that gave me icky vibes.
Middle aged (and older) paunchy men wearing bermuda shorts and sandals. (reminiscent...)
ALONE. Mouth breathers. Unaccompanied by spouses.
I don't believe they were there to support the film, or O.U.R.
Just my own observations.
Rosalind McGill - Jul 10, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thanks for sharing your observations.
Rosalind McGill - Jul 10, 2023
Rosalind McGill
& for the link to your stack. Appreciate it.
Rosalind McGill - Jul 10, 2023
Rosalind McGill
& I think I used to watch her on YouTube, when I was trying to understand gangstalking, she was in that “ community “.
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