In this episode, I have the rare and special opportunity to discuss with Prince Alfred von Liechtenstein his viewpoints on the current global situation from a spiritual perspective. He explains how his experiences and research of lucid dreaming allowed him to have a different awakened view on our divine nature and creative power.
Both my training at the great Academy of Mind at Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment and his training through his own research in lucid dreaming and studying various mystic, Buddhist and Vedic traditions have much overlap on our understanding of our human divine nature and our journey as immortal spiritual beings in physical bodies. We discuss that the great journey of self-awareness and training of the mind allows sovereignty and immunity from mind control. Our journeys in my near death and out of body experiences and his lucid dreaming research has lead to very similar personal truth. The awareness of our divine self, independent from the body we inhabit, allows a life without fear of death and understanding of human evolution that also allows others their choices of free will. Ours is a perspective of spiritual lucidity in times of global calamities.
I am honored to share this wonderful discussion with my dear friend.
Prince Alfred von Liechtenstein is an entrepreneur, scientist, and mystic. He has on rare occasions shared his fascinating knowledge and lectured on lucid dreaming.
For those of you interested in the subject of lucid dreaming and becoming aware as the Observer in your dream state and every day life, here is one of Prince Alfred’s lectures on his model of consciousness and lucid dreaming based on his extensive experiences.
Spiritual Lucidity In Times Of Global Calamity - Conversation With Prince Alfred von Liechtenstein. Truth, Science and Spirit: Episode 21 -
Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhDSpiritual Lucidity In Times Of Global Calamity - Conversation With Prince Alfred von Liechtenstein. Truth, Science and Spirit: Episode 21
Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhDSpiritual Lucidity In Times Of Global Calamity - Conversation With Prince Alfred von Liechtenstein. Truth, Science and Spirit: Episode 21
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