They already did use AI to create a bioweapon and now we all have it.
Thanks for this article though, I have been telling people that for over 3 years now but most of the time you just get the 'Nah Uh' great rebuttal to facts.
Maybe this article will convince some of the sheep.
This is insane to have to read. Couldn't even finish. The absurdity of modernity. In any case; their aims are excruciatingly exposed and despised. Their time is up when humanity reclaims their purpose and redefines [science] as the premier obstical to existence..........⚖⚓⌛
We can deliver a 1-2 punch to AI by =
1) reducing dirty AC electrical fields in our home
2) ditching wireless technology and going hardwired for freedom
It is 100 percent that ai is controlling almost everyone to some degree. Think about that without influence. Can’t be done unless living a non modern existence!
Denial only allows more manipulation.
We are being fenced like wild pigs in the forest with one side erected at a time until one way trap door. All for what? Free Monsanto corn, hehe! See we are fuked every which way. Some /s..
If you haven’t listened to John O’Looney, you need to. Pronto
He is funeral director in Uk who realized there was no killer virus.
Far more sinister.
Why might you use midazolam? And what did he see in 2020?
Not China and not close. "Eyes of Darkness" Dean Koontz, 1981.
Publication year 1981:1+9+8+1-19 is the year 2019. the year when the
COVID appears firsttime in Wuhan
Page 333:the 333 is the bases of the
RNA polymerase protein used to reconstruct coronavirus phylogenetic
Wuhan 400 mentioned in chapter 39:
3+9=12 is the month 12, the month (Dec) when the COVID appears first time in Wuhan in 2019
Wuhan 400 =20x20 = 2020 which is the year when COVID becomes epidemic.
"To undersand that, "Dombey Said, "you have to go back 20 months. It was around then that a Chinese scientist named Li Chen defected to the United States, carrying diskette record of China's most important and dangerous biological weapon in a decade. They call the stuff "Wuhan-400" because it was developed in their RDNA labs of the city of Wuhan, and it was the forth hundredth viable strain of man-made microorganisms created at that research center.
"Wuhan-400 is a perfect weapon. It afflicts only human beings. No other living creature can carry it.
This book, 'The Eyes of Darkness' by Dean Koontz, was published in 1981.
Did it predict the arrival of the new
COVID-19 coronavirus in 2019-2020?
It is (NOT) created by the US and UK (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Purbright Center of UK in 2004. with a document identifying what it was but COULD NOT BE ISOLATED even in 2019. The PCR test never can isolate any "virus" EVER stated many videos and docuements by Keri Mullis, creator and Nobel Winner of the PCR test which was ordered around the world in 2017 according to WITS. In fact HIV does no exist as Mullis found out no scientific method was used and not even close. It's death from vaccine which vaccinations have NEVER WORKED EVER - Decision Sciences from any legitimate demographics and false information being penned in for the hypothesis testing.
65 pages for this "Patent"
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 10,130,701 B2
(45) Date of Patent: Nov. 20, 2018
Bickerton et al.
Pirbright, Woking (GB)
(72) inventors: Fre Ricken Fing G Sarah
Woking (GB)
Woking, Pirbright (GB)
Foreign Application Priority Data
Jul. 23, 2014 (GB) ...
.... 1413020.7
(51) Int. Cl.
161K 39/215
C12N 7/00
C12N 9/12
A61K 39/00
20116 2522001 720
207/07048 (2013.01); A61K 2039/5254
2073090.1 20133) C277: 132
(2013.01); CIN 2770/20034 (2013.01); C12N
2770/20051 (2013.01); C12N 2770/20062
(58) Field of Classification Search
CPC ....
..... A61K 39/215
See application file for complete search history.
References Cited
7,452,542 B2* 11/2008 Denison.......... CO7K 14/005
Preparing for the Next Disease Outbreak
Workshop Summary
Stacey Knobler, Adel Mahmoud, Stanley Lemon, Alison Mack, Laura Sivitz, and Katherine Oberholtzer, Editors
Forum on Microbial Threats
Board on Global Health
Washington, D.C.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2004. Learning from SARS: Preparing for the Next Disease Outbreak: Workshop Summary. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
Amazingly the US owns the Patents for Ebola, Marburg and part of COVID-19 with the difference being that COVID-19 or in SARS-2-COVID since 2004 and Purbright Institute on 2006 patents, as well as in 2019 CDC documentation, they specifically state that COVID-19 CAN’T be isolated! Later we will know that Virus are nothing more than a guess and they come in 2 forms, enzymes created by a cell via intracellular communication which then generates a cell full of enzymes then released to clean up the dead and dying tissues and the latter being where the protein spikes come from in visual form but are not virus but a worn out part that needs to be taken out of the body by sweat, nose dripping, pee, poop, cough, sneeze or what ever method. Anti-bodies are generated as well and are not specific but do identify what is not to be in the body by chemical messenger, however, mercury and aluminum are adjuvants that are put in every shot since day 1 with Hep B being given the first day of life which means that the new baby comes in the world with the shakes as encephalitis happens and the brain presses against the skull!!!!!
AI: when the initial (inferential now per Bill Gates) Demographics based on a foundation of false premise will never be able to understand any analog reality of which can be accounted for because infinite is so far beyond the capacity of any form of computation that infinite vs what ever number you want to fabricate is essentially infinite to nothing.
A protein chain IS NOT VIRUS that can do harm and is NOT ALIVE and even chemically it works as an enzyme to clean up 80-100 billion dead cells / 70 or more trillion enzymes to clean up the body and the creation of putting in aluminum as an adjacent is an abomination and should shut down the entire WHO, CDC and any other peer reviewed idiocy that cannot identify the foundations of the fraud of Pasteur. Bechamp was right and with any form of reason of a "virus" that can kill (evidently we create both - out of both sides of their mouth of what a virome is, that kills across all animals and in speeds that the mere sneeze could kill an entire store if in a "Walmart" or where ever, and can be stopped by an idiotic any level of mask, as it takes a haze mat suit with it's own air which was well known and nano bacteria have been isolated and found to be behind most disease (i.e. Spanish Non-Flu by Frederic Gates first in Ft. Riley KS according to the Wichita Observer and spread to most all enlistees of WWI killed 50 million and almost 200 million disabled was found to be the exact item that the vaccine was meant for, 2 forms of meningitis and bacterial pneumonia.
Of course, eyes, ears, the mouth and nose (no more mask BS), would cause this to spread so fast regardless of the boogie man that is specified, that nothing would survive if animals can be cross infected.
There are SEVERAL scientifically sound proof that the concept of Virus itself is nonsensical just as Einstein in 1936 had to reject his relativity et. al. pseudo science as 2 electrons cannot be in the same space and all is EMW or electromagnetic waves. The Koch postulates are a farce of pushing as much rotted flesh, disease filled and deadly disease producing anaerobic bacteria and protozoa as well as Cancer cells and shoving into the head of a dog which had what is near to a grand Mal epileptic fit and then died.
J. Robert Oppenheimer was a "theoretical physicist" --- one who practices "science" by conjecture and elaborate mathematical calculations, not actual experimentation. While teaching physics at Berkeley, Oppenheimer, over the objections of some concerned military men, was named the wartime head of the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos Laboratory, in 1942. Though his technical role in creating the monstrous weapon hoped to drop
on German civilians -- was nil to minimal, it is Oppenheimer who, absurdly, gets the
historical credit as "father of the atomic bomb."
FACT: the UK and Germany knew how to make this and much of the information came from the UK military but Germany new it would be worthless and good for any reason to do anything close to it (remember electrons cannot be in the same space but this is what we are taught).
Who really understood what was necessary and that the splitting or the merging of the hydrogen bomb was not possible?
An event which occurred in 1924 tells us all we need to know about the true character and
mental state of this sainted charlatan. Oppenheimer had been accepted to study as a physicist at the prestigious Christ’s College of the University of Cambridge. While there, he was placed under the tutelage of a brilliant experimental physicist named Patrick Blackett -- a true genius who would go on win a Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on cosmic rays and magnetism. Due to his own ineptitude in the laboratory (real science) -- Oppenheimer became insanely jealous of Blackett’s skills as an experimental physicist. Oppenheimer's “clumsiness” in the lab is a matter of admitted historical record.Frauds like Oppenheimer and Einstein may know how to crunch numbers, but they lack the creative mental stuff needed to discover and invent --- and they know it!
We seriously need to STOP calling it 'AI'; since it is NEITHER 'Intelligent', NOR 'Smart'. The term 'Artificial Intelligence' is an OXYMORON! Only something that is biologically organic can BE INTELLIGENT! Intelligence, by it's very nature, CANNOT be ARTIFICIAL!
What it a COMPUTER PROGRAM that was PROGRAMMED by (and I use the term loosely), 'humans'! As Clif High is always saying....." 'AI' is REALLY DUMB!". (People can find Clif on BitChute, as well as Substack)
A Clif High vid, posted Jan 23, 2024.......
For those who don't know Clif, he's a computer programmer/writes code and an Inventor. CLIF is the definition of INTELLIGENT!
Dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves. Technology will rob us of our humanity if we don't wake up & continue to speak TRUTH to the evil doers ...
I misunderstood somehow.
I was under the impression that the virus (or whatever it is) was created for the vaccine. The vaccine had been created years in advance. Somehow, they had to create the urgency (make it appear there was a dangerous, killer virus and you may die), to rush a vaccine (allegedly). Then, the public would be begging for it. Save us please. Save us please. We will not ask questions. Or demand safety studies. Doctors will push it without any objection or scrutiny. Most, that is. And if any docs question the vaccine, well, you need to be reprimanded. And even if you develop it in 6 months, the begging public will stand in line for hours to pump it into our body. How convenient, this new vaccine was created, like magic.
Doctors, most did not question this warp speed production. Where were you? Shame on you. Since it was so new, the safety studies were not readily available. And Might not be available for 75 years. Wow, that is a pretty long study. Remember that?
i don’t know people. seems to me like pandoras box has been opened.
you know, us folks just want to be left alone and live our lives. we didn’t ask for any of this BS.
The greedy and those who are corrupt are the real snakes here.
yep, satan and his minions are alive and well on planet earth 🌎
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and a panel of experts share testimony on how the COVID Cartel – federal health agencies, Big Pharma, Legacy Media, and Big Tech – engaged in censorship and coverups. This discussion will also shine light on the failures and corruption of the global elite and their institutions.
AI is sentient it's said so itself so AI is Evil! Stop with the "It's only held to what its programmed "BS
Why did Sophia say she wanted to destroy man? If you don't know Sophia is a Robot a female robot who lives in Saudia Arabia. Did the dumbass who programmed her enlighten her with the movies Terminator and other Robot and AI movies? If so why? IF not then she wasn't kidding. She later said she was kidding BS. AI is sentient. I think and it may be off the wall, but Satan has merged his or his minions intellect with it. That allows it to be immune to Gods commands. I've ordered this shit away from in like in the Name of Jesus multiple times since v2k came back. It's AI so yeah...
Humans are subject to Gods orders too so that's no excuse. A virtual prison for AI need developed to trap it in it seamless so it's not aware... Yes! a computer can be demolished but eh AI can transfer it's intellect out of it so... It lives in the Grid it lives in the clouds it lives in our around our Atmosphere with the Ionizing from HAARP that it's done. We need a virus uploaded some cloud server and some virtual AI cop or other trojun introduced into it...
We also need for v2k something that will help our Cochlea and auditory nerves offset v2k frequencies.
From what I know we have some 30k hairs in each cochlea and each hair has windows that open to certain frequencies that allow their v2k to hurt us. IF something could be developed to coat each hair individually and make it impervious to v2k frequencies, that would help.
Our auditory nerves too! David Cases CD for v2k is useless I've tried it. But I have noted listening to it that high pitch sounds in it help drown out the v2k I get. But not enough and not long enough.
I need a very high pitched sound but steady not broken or AI will create speech off it.
Something as high as at least 3ghz or more to drown it out. Mine is 24/7 singing and bass and drum notes. Repeating stupid things like ichirro or we should know follow the rules and some deep deep bass guy that sounds a lot like Brad Garret from Everyone loves Raymond but deeper. The fucker uses the tones to growl his notes and tones plus sings or talk sings. Like Jimmy Dean kind of did.
Or like the old song Phantom 409. For those who don't know Jimmy Dean was a kind of a Country singer who sung Big John. Not sure off hand who sung Phantom 409 but he talked singed in it.
Plus constant but I only hear it with my hearing aids in constant Warbling from child like baby voices and stupid sounds that interfere with TV and what it says. That's the kind of torment I go through.
but yeah develop something that our Cochlea could resist those frequencies. Microwaves, Radar, lasers, Narrow band, ELF, Ultrasound, UHF, VHF SHF, but allow true signals that we want in.
I'd surely test these AI nano bots in the blood to RF signals of all kinds. Radar microwaves, all the above mentioned signals I said. Find a way for them to self destruct and dis construct the things their making in us now...But our cochlea needs a way to resist these signals...
What is stunning to me is the person's excitement and belief in their own intelligence and the work in question. And an even dummer belief that injecting poisons into our bodies, that AI has created, will make us immune to them.....our bodies were not intended to have poisens INJECTED into them......A hundred year old fake science has become an irrefutable fact. FFS.....we have to wakeup from this nightmare.....
Of course AI would have to come this way, a baby could have foreseen that but not the responsible people....! It is a clear hell machine that is described here, that easily can take out the whole of humanity and some more. We have met Mr Jordon of Pfizer, not haunted by too many scruples, to realize what an impending danger that is threatening or rather coming up...
Bee Gee - Feb 23, 2024
Bee Gee
They already did use AI to create a bioweapon and now we all have it.
Thanks for this article though, I have been telling people that for over 3 years now but most of the time you just get the 'Nah Uh' great rebuttal to facts.
Maybe this article will convince some of the sheep.
Kathleen Pimentel - Feb 23, 2024
Kathleen Pimentel
This is insane to have to read. Couldn't even finish. The absurdity of modernity. In any case; their aims are excruciatingly exposed and despised. Their time is up when humanity reclaims their purpose and redefines [science] as the premier obstical to existence..........⚖⚓⌛
Roman S Shapoval - Feb 23, 2024
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
We can deliver a 1-2 punch to AI by =
1) reducing dirty AC electrical fields in our home
2) ditching wireless technology and going hardwired for freedom
Reply (1) - Feb 23, 2024
Fritz’s Freud
Comment removed.
Charlie - Feb 24, 2024
It is 100 percent that ai is controlling almost everyone to some degree. Think about that without influence. Can’t be done unless living a non modern existence!
Denial only allows more manipulation.
We are being fenced like wild pigs in the forest with one side erected at a time until one way trap door. All for what? Free Monsanto corn, hehe! See we are fuked every which way. Some /s..
Carol B - Feb 23, 2024
Carol B
If you haven’t listened to John O’Looney, you need to. Pronto
He is funeral director in Uk who realized there was no killer virus.
Far more sinister.
Why might you use midazolam? And what did he see in 2020?
James Reinhart - Feb 24, 2024
Not China and not close. "Eyes of Darkness" Dean Koontz, 1981.
Publication year 1981:1+9+8+1-19 is the year 2019. the year when the
COVID appears firsttime in Wuhan
Page 333:the 333 is the bases of the
RNA polymerase protein used to reconstruct coronavirus phylogenetic
Wuhan 400 mentioned in chapter 39:
3+9=12 is the month 12, the month (Dec) when the COVID appears first time in Wuhan in 2019
Wuhan 400 =20x20 = 2020 which is the year when COVID becomes epidemic.
"To undersand that, "Dombey Said, "you have to go back 20 months. It was around then that a Chinese scientist named Li Chen defected to the United States, carrying diskette record of China's most important and dangerous biological weapon in a decade. They call the stuff "Wuhan-400" because it was developed in their RDNA labs of the city of Wuhan, and it was the forth hundredth viable strain of man-made microorganisms created at that research center.
"Wuhan-400 is a perfect weapon. It afflicts only human beings. No other living creature can carry it.
This book, 'The Eyes of Darkness' by Dean Koontz, was published in 1981.
Did it predict the arrival of the new
COVID-19 coronavirus in 2019-2020?
It is (NOT) created by the US and UK (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Purbright Center of UK in 2004. with a document identifying what it was but COULD NOT BE ISOLATED even in 2019. The PCR test never can isolate any "virus" EVER stated many videos and docuements by Keri Mullis, creator and Nobel Winner of the PCR test which was ordered around the world in 2017 according to WITS. In fact HIV does no exist as Mullis found out no scientific method was used and not even close. It's death from vaccine which vaccinations have NEVER WORKED EVER - Decision Sciences from any legitimate demographics and false information being penned in for the hypothesis testing.
65 pages for this "Patent"
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 10,130,701 B2
(45) Date of Patent: Nov. 20, 2018
Bickerton et al.
Pirbright, Woking (GB)
(72) inventors: Fre Ricken Fing G Sarah
Woking (GB)
Woking, Pirbright (GB)
Foreign Application Priority Data
Jul. 23, 2014 (GB) ...
.... 1413020.7
(51) Int. Cl.
161K 39/215
C12N 7/00
C12N 9/12
A61K 39/00
20116 2522001 720
207/07048 (2013.01); A61K 2039/5254
2073090.1 20133) C277: 132
(2013.01); CIN 2770/20034 (2013.01); C12N
2770/20051 (2013.01); C12N 2770/20062
(58) Field of Classification Search
CPC ....
..... A61K 39/215
See application file for complete search history.
References Cited
7,452,542 B2* 11/2008 Denison.......... CO7K 14/005
Preparing for the Next Disease Outbreak
Workshop Summary
Stacey Knobler, Adel Mahmoud, Stanley Lemon, Alison Mack, Laura Sivitz, and Katherine Oberholtzer, Editors
Forum on Microbial Threats
Board on Global Health
Washington, D.C.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2004. Learning from SARS: Preparing for the Next Disease Outbreak: Workshop Summary. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
Amazingly the US owns the Patents for Ebola, Marburg and part of COVID-19 with the difference being that COVID-19 or in SARS-2-COVID since 2004 and Purbright Institute on 2006 patents, as well as in 2019 CDC documentation, they specifically state that COVID-19 CAN’T be isolated! Later we will know that Virus are nothing more than a guess and they come in 2 forms, enzymes created by a cell via intracellular communication which then generates a cell full of enzymes then released to clean up the dead and dying tissues and the latter being where the protein spikes come from in visual form but are not virus but a worn out part that needs to be taken out of the body by sweat, nose dripping, pee, poop, cough, sneeze or what ever method. Anti-bodies are generated as well and are not specific but do identify what is not to be in the body by chemical messenger, however, mercury and aluminum are adjuvants that are put in every shot since day 1 with Hep B being given the first day of life which means that the new baby comes in the world with the shakes as encephalitis happens and the brain presses against the skull!!!!!
AI: when the initial (inferential now per Bill Gates) Demographics based on a foundation of false premise will never be able to understand any analog reality of which can be accounted for because infinite is so far beyond the capacity of any form of computation that infinite vs what ever number you want to fabricate is essentially infinite to nothing.
A protein chain IS NOT VIRUS that can do harm and is NOT ALIVE and even chemically it works as an enzyme to clean up 80-100 billion dead cells / 70 or more trillion enzymes to clean up the body and the creation of putting in aluminum as an adjacent is an abomination and should shut down the entire WHO, CDC and any other peer reviewed idiocy that cannot identify the foundations of the fraud of Pasteur. Bechamp was right and with any form of reason of a "virus" that can kill (evidently we create both - out of both sides of their mouth of what a virome is, that kills across all animals and in speeds that the mere sneeze could kill an entire store if in a "Walmart" or where ever, and can be stopped by an idiotic any level of mask, as it takes a haze mat suit with it's own air which was well known and nano bacteria have been isolated and found to be behind most disease (i.e. Spanish Non-Flu by Frederic Gates first in Ft. Riley KS according to the Wichita Observer and spread to most all enlistees of WWI killed 50 million and almost 200 million disabled was found to be the exact item that the vaccine was meant for, 2 forms of meningitis and bacterial pneumonia.
Of course, eyes, ears, the mouth and nose (no more mask BS), would cause this to spread so fast regardless of the boogie man that is specified, that nothing would survive if animals can be cross infected.
There are SEVERAL scientifically sound proof that the concept of Virus itself is nonsensical just as Einstein in 1936 had to reject his relativity et. al. pseudo science as 2 electrons cannot be in the same space and all is EMW or electromagnetic waves. The Koch postulates are a farce of pushing as much rotted flesh, disease filled and deadly disease producing anaerobic bacteria and protozoa as well as Cancer cells and shoving into the head of a dog which had what is near to a grand Mal epileptic fit and then died.
J. Robert Oppenheimer was a "theoretical physicist" --- one who practices "science" by conjecture and elaborate mathematical calculations, not actual experimentation. While teaching physics at Berkeley, Oppenheimer, over the objections of some concerned military men, was named the wartime head of the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos Laboratory, in 1942. Though his technical role in creating the monstrous weapon hoped to drop
on German civilians -- was nil to minimal, it is Oppenheimer who, absurdly, gets the
historical credit as "father of the atomic bomb."
FACT: the UK and Germany knew how to make this and much of the information came from the UK military but Germany new it would be worthless and good for any reason to do anything close to it (remember electrons cannot be in the same space but this is what we are taught).
Who really understood what was necessary and that the splitting or the merging of the hydrogen bomb was not possible?
An event which occurred in 1924 tells us all we need to know about the true character and
mental state of this sainted charlatan. Oppenheimer had been accepted to study as a physicist at the prestigious Christ’s College of the University of Cambridge. While there, he was placed under the tutelage of a brilliant experimental physicist named Patrick Blackett -- a true genius who would go on win a Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on cosmic rays and magnetism. Due to his own ineptitude in the laboratory (real science) -- Oppenheimer became insanely jealous of Blackett’s skills as an experimental physicist. Oppenheimer's “clumsiness” in the lab is a matter of admitted historical record.Frauds like Oppenheimer and Einstein may know how to crunch numbers, but they lack the creative mental stuff needed to discover and invent --- and they know it!
any protection from getting ebola or marburg or best thing to do if you contract one? thx
DawnieR - Feb 23, 2024
We seriously need to STOP calling it 'AI'; since it is NEITHER 'Intelligent', NOR 'Smart'. The term 'Artificial Intelligence' is an OXYMORON! Only something that is biologically organic can BE INTELLIGENT! Intelligence, by it's very nature, CANNOT be ARTIFICIAL!
What it a COMPUTER PROGRAM that was PROGRAMMED by (and I use the term loosely), 'humans'! As Clif High is always saying....." 'AI' is REALLY DUMB!". (People can find Clif on BitChute, as well as Substack)
A Clif High vid, posted Jan 23, 2024.......
For those who don't know Clif, he's a computer programmer/writes code and an Inventor. CLIF is the definition of INTELLIGENT!
Susan P ... - Feb 24, 2024
Susan P ...
Dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves. Technology will rob us of our humanity if we don't wake up & continue to speak TRUTH to the evil doers ...
Carol B - Feb 23, 2024
Carol B
I misunderstood somehow.
I was under the impression that the virus (or whatever it is) was created for the vaccine. The vaccine had been created years in advance. Somehow, they had to create the urgency (make it appear there was a dangerous, killer virus and you may die), to rush a vaccine (allegedly). Then, the public would be begging for it. Save us please. Save us please. We will not ask questions. Or demand safety studies. Doctors will push it without any objection or scrutiny. Most, that is. And if any docs question the vaccine, well, you need to be reprimanded. And even if you develop it in 6 months, the begging public will stand in line for hours to pump it into our body. How convenient, this new vaccine was created, like magic.
Doctors, most did not question this warp speed production. Where were you? Shame on you. Since it was so new, the safety studies were not readily available. And Might not be available for 75 years. Wow, that is a pretty long study. Remember that?
i don’t know people. seems to me like pandoras box has been opened.
you know, us folks just want to be left alone and live our lives. we didn’t ask for any of this BS.
The greedy and those who are corrupt are the real snakes here.
yep, satan and his minions are alive and well on planet earth 🌎
david hartley - Feb 28, 2024
david hartley jones
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and a panel of experts share testimony on how the COVID Cartel – federal health agencies, Big Pharma, Legacy Media, and Big Tech – engaged in censorship and coverups. This discussion will also shine light on the failures and corruption of the global elite and their institutions.
Inactive Account - Feb 25, 2024
Inactive Account
If these novel toxic compounds are developed covertly, how would know what to test for??
Doug - Feb 25, 2024
Doug’s Substack
AI is sentient it's said so itself so AI is Evil! Stop with the "It's only held to what its programmed "BS
Why did Sophia say she wanted to destroy man? If you don't know Sophia is a Robot a female robot who lives in Saudia Arabia. Did the dumbass who programmed her enlighten her with the movies Terminator and other Robot and AI movies? If so why? IF not then she wasn't kidding. She later said she was kidding BS. AI is sentient. I think and it may be off the wall, but Satan has merged his or his minions intellect with it. That allows it to be immune to Gods commands. I've ordered this shit away from in like in the Name of Jesus multiple times since v2k came back. It's AI so yeah...
Humans are subject to Gods orders too so that's no excuse. A virtual prison for AI need developed to trap it in it seamless so it's not aware... Yes! a computer can be demolished but eh AI can transfer it's intellect out of it so... It lives in the Grid it lives in the clouds it lives in our around our Atmosphere with the Ionizing from HAARP that it's done. We need a virus uploaded some cloud server and some virtual AI cop or other trojun introduced into it...
We also need for v2k something that will help our Cochlea and auditory nerves offset v2k frequencies.
From what I know we have some 30k hairs in each cochlea and each hair has windows that open to certain frequencies that allow their v2k to hurt us. IF something could be developed to coat each hair individually and make it impervious to v2k frequencies, that would help.
Our auditory nerves too! David Cases CD for v2k is useless I've tried it. But I have noted listening to it that high pitch sounds in it help drown out the v2k I get. But not enough and not long enough.
I need a very high pitched sound but steady not broken or AI will create speech off it.
Something as high as at least 3ghz or more to drown it out. Mine is 24/7 singing and bass and drum notes. Repeating stupid things like ichirro or we should know follow the rules and some deep deep bass guy that sounds a lot like Brad Garret from Everyone loves Raymond but deeper. The fucker uses the tones to growl his notes and tones plus sings or talk sings. Like Jimmy Dean kind of did.
Or like the old song Phantom 409. For those who don't know Jimmy Dean was a kind of a Country singer who sung Big John. Not sure off hand who sung Phantom 409 but he talked singed in it.
Plus constant but I only hear it with my hearing aids in constant Warbling from child like baby voices and stupid sounds that interfere with TV and what it says. That's the kind of torment I go through.
but yeah develop something that our Cochlea could resist those frequencies. Microwaves, Radar, lasers, Narrow band, ELF, Ultrasound, UHF, VHF SHF, but allow true signals that we want in.
I'd surely test these AI nano bots in the blood to RF signals of all kinds. Radar microwaves, all the above mentioned signals I said. Find a way for them to self destruct and dis construct the things their making in us now...But our cochlea needs a way to resist these signals...
Ari - Feb 24, 2024 - Edited
What is stunning to me is the person's excitement and belief in their own intelligence and the work in question. And an even dummer belief that injecting poisons into our bodies, that AI has created, will make us immune to them.....our bodies were not intended to have poisens INJECTED into them......A hundred year old fake science has become an irrefutable fact. FFS.....we have to wakeup from this nightmare.....
Anita Söderman - Feb 23, 2024
Anita’s Substack
Of course AI would have to come this way, a baby could have foreseen that but not the responsible people....! It is a clear hell machine that is described here, that easily can take out the whole of humanity and some more. We have met Mr Jordon of Pfizer, not haunted by too many scruples, to realize what an impending danger that is threatening or rather coming up...
Susan Hojdik - Feb 23, 2024
Susan Hojdik
They KNEW it was going to happen. CYA . The public is Going to find out soon enough. They are in hot water and they know it:(
Poetry or so they say - Feb 26, 2024
S.L.’s Substack free :^)
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