"Shape The Future" European Commission Transhumanistic Plan Presentation - Its Happening NOW

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 07, 2025 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Dr Geanina Hagima from Romania sent me this presentation outlining the Transhumanistic Plan of the European Commission. This is the global technocratic gameplan. Nanotechnology is the key to this convergence. Please read carefully.

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Roman S Shapoval - Jan 7

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Anything too good to be true, like expecting to live forever, usually is. Is it more important to live the longest, or live to the fullest?

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Wink - Jan 7

Here’s what blows my mind about all this. Nobody wants this. We need to get together and refuse to work. Everybody stop working. Humans are literally building their own prisons. This prison is a prison of the soul and of the mind.

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