Jul 12, 2023
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Video: C19 unvaccinated blood from a patient in my clinic showing highly active quantum dot structure that self assemble polymer mesh network using blood as a substrate
Michael Edwards - Jul 12, 2023
Michael’s Substack
Dr. Ana I LOVE β€οΈ YOU!!! I am going to speak for a lot of others and say, “We LOVE YOU!!!” You just keep on sending out this information please!!! Yes, honestly it is a bit overwhelming at times to get this very complex information and subject matter 2/3 times a day and try and wrap my mind around it and it’s implications concerning our health and our society and what the Elite Predator Class are doing to us all; but like you I decided years ago to find out the truth about my life and the simulation we all live in no matter where that takes me or how painful it may be instead of sticking my head in the sand and just living blindly in The Matrix and allowing fate, or the Archons and/or Demiurge or whomever just push me around like a leaf blowing helplessly in the wind!!! Yes! What you are doing and exposing may very well may ring profoundly for decades in the annals of history because it is so unbelievable, morbid and treacherous in its scope!!! I am grateful and thankful for your tireless efforts and tenacity! I also have a background in biology, chemistry, medicine and Industrial Hygiene and Environmental Sciences and would be willing to help you and your efforts any way I can! As a 57 year old retiree I have plenty of time on my hands to research and help in any way necessary! My step daughter suffers from these morgellen type issues so this hits close to home for me!!! Again, blessings for all you do, we need you and we love you and support you very much!!!
Ernie Rockwell - Jul 12, 2023
Ernie Rockwell
Agree with what you are saying about Dr. Anna and her work, and the search for the truth no matter how painful.
Very sorry about your step daughter having morgellons issues. How does this manifest? I've not seen many accounts of it. Hopefully EDTA chelation can help her.
Kim - Jul 12, 2023
Please don't ever apologize, Dr. Ana, for "over doing it." We love you and I know that I am so appreciative for all of your hard work in exposing this evil agenda against humanity. If it weren't for people like you, where would we be right now?
Rachel - Jul 12, 2023
Thank you, totally. Keep posting. God is with you. We are blessed to have you.
REW - Jul 12, 2023 - Edited
REW’s Substack
Dr. Ana! I’m so curious to find out if the blood you are examining of the unvaccinated also contains the toxic heavy metal gadolinium showing up within it???
Could you please find out if any of the unvaccinated patients you are testing have previously had an MRI with a gadolinium based contrast agent (GBCA)???
Gadolinium is known to displace calcium from bone and has powerful paramagnetic properties. Though the FDA claims it to be safe, there are hundreds of thousands of folks like myself who have suffered tremendously with symptoms ranging from deep bone pain to calcification of skin to a host of other signs of toxic heavy metal poisoning. The FDA now does admit Gadolinium is known to stay in the brain, bones, skin and organs for years.
Many people I know have tried to chelate the gadolinium from their bodies using EDTA but instead of getting rid of the gadolinium, it appears to move the gadolinium and other metals around to other places in the body, creating a cyclonic storm, displacing needed minerals and vitamins and causing new debilitating symptoms.
My reasons for my suspicion that gadolinium might be involved in what you are sharing in your lab photos of unvaccinated individuals are for a few reasons. Over 300+ million people have been injected with a gadolinium based contrast agent (GBCA) and most have no idea that gadolinium could be the culprit to their strange signs (like morgellons) and horrific symptoms because when they are injected with it, they were reassured that it is just a contrast dye/die and that it is safe, which in my and thousands of others experience, is the farthest from the truth.
Please checkout this website if you want to understand more about gadolinium toxicity:
Thank you in advance for your response or questions as we muddle through all of this together! God bless you and your loved one! ππ» You are not alone my friend! π€
Joey - Jul 12, 2023
Joey’s Substack
Thank you for bringing this up as well! I’ve had every tests under the sun along with that!
My heart breaks for everyone suffering! You included of course. I am beyond angry that medical establishments that were supposed to be trustworthy and ethical are far from it! The handful that truly are, such as Dr. Ana and those exposing the evil, are Godsends!
David - Jul 12, 2023 - Edited
The answer to gadolinium is yes, she has shown urine output tests from uninjected individuals that have gadolinium in the test results after edta chelation has caused them to be excreted.
Catherine - Jul 12, 2023 - Edited
Catherine’s Substack
So edta (IV) does help get it out of the body?
David - Jul 12, 2023 - Edited
Absolutely, along with lead, cadmium, cesium, and more stuff more numerous to mention. It's shown in renal excretion charts which Dr Ana has posted, the entire list.
The other part is, it wipes EVERYTHING out, including magnesium, potassium and other body friendly minerals. This is why that after you go through an aggressive edta supplementation phase, you need to stop and remineralize with a chelated mineral supplement or better, a liquid mineral supplement to replace what has been excreted thru renal function. Basically, you are walking up to the chalkboard and taking a wet rag and completely wiping it clear of everything. Then, you get to write what you want on the chalkboard instead of what somebody else has written.
Rauwolfia Serpentina - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited
Rauwolfia’s Substack
Hey David, you are right on when I read your responses.
Question. What liquid mineral supplement have you found to replace after chelation?
I'm very sensitive to my mineral balance, I can feel when I use the Soma cream. I've had less deficiency response when doing a foot bath with PEMF (Calcium EDTA with baking soda in distilled water.) Dr. Gary Gordon had a bathing protocol that used cider vinegar, baking soda or Epson salt.
In Kalcker's book Forbidden Health, he mentions sea water first thing in the morning. I found Sea-60, a salt for animals and marine life. I make a mixture of the marine salt as a brine, pour off the top into the water (distilled) and spike it with Marine Plasma Electrolyte Booster (Dr. Tom Cowan's Garden) to give it a little more umph.
Potassium Bicarbonate or cream of tartar,(potassium) in O.J. with salt alternatively is a help for the adrenals. After that, I work getting some bone broth with meals.
This is where I'm at right now. Your thoughts, what you do would be appreciated. Thank you.
David - Jul 14, 2023 - Edited
It sounds like you have an advanced approach already. Not sure if you are getting all trace minerals with this method however. For comprehensive add on to your system, consider this:
Mike Adams tests everything in his lab that he has on the storefront. I used to use NOW liquid mineral supplement but you cannot trust them anymore, according to recent reports on this substack. In this time you have to be real careful who you buy from because the product is probably adulterated. I trust Mike but definitely not them.
Webe1 - Jul 14, 2023
I trust Mike Adam’s products, too. I’m bummed to hear about the NOW products (especially since I have some).
AncientHeart369 - Jun 18
AncientHeart369’s Substack
I resonate totally with your solution! Thank you so much!
I’m the vein of what you shared, I’m wondering how powerful some ORMUS would be?
Look up Vancouver Island Ormus, made from seawater. Good stuff with alchemical qualities.
Okisuke - Jul 12, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
Indeed, EDTA is not the ideal chelator for gadolinium. It's Zn-DTPA, but having access to this specific chelator is very difficult. And yes I also have elevated levels of gadolinium in body even though I never got an MRI. The main culprits are these shots.
Noren O Drisc - Jul 12, 2023
I have had lots if scans and an MRI but it might be difficult to search back many years to find out if Gadolinium was used. But your mentioning this is very helpful:)
Wolf Klaus Jürgen - Jul 12, 2023 - Edited
Wolf’s Substack
DEAR ANA - this is Klaus from the heart of Europe. Do you have anybody in this neo-marxist (almost fasxhist) part of the world (Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland, Italy) who is making similar observations ? Here most of MDs (and suppose also the Darkfield experts) are either ignoring or lying about Pandemic and certainly such findings BECAUSE as I stated above - we have become fasxhistic once again and repressions, sanctions and even terror towards medical experts are quite common here. The best testimlny about that was presented in 2021, 2022 to date i.e. during the pandemic. Please let me know about similar findings in my area - also privatelykjwolf@protonmail.com. Since your findings also come from unvacced blood there is only one good option left: CHEMTRAILS filled with Nanoparticles of "all" kind. Once this sh...comes down it finds its best way through our lungs and best assimilated into our blood stream. Unfort. we have to breath every day.
God Bless You !
Okisuke - Jul 12, 2023 - Edited
Okisuke’s Substack
Unfortunately I can confirm everything that Dr. Ana has posted. Look for my post "road to recovery" and see these horrific images of my blood under a darkfield microscope. IV EDTA chelation really helped me a lot. Edit: Here's the link for the post:https://okisuke.substack.com/p/road-to-recovery
Catherine - Jul 12, 2023 - Edited
Catherine’s Substack
How do I find your post-- I am very interested in your road to recovery.
Okisuke - Jul 12, 2023 - Edited
Okisuke’s Substack
Catherine - Jul 13, 2023
Catherine’s Substack
That link will not let me see your page-- something about it being private. I was interested in your recovery you mentioned.
Unapologetically Me - Jul 13, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
I got through, and just subscribed to the Substack, using that link.
Unapologetically Me - Jul 13, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
Ok, I see now.
Thanks Catherine! β€
Catherine - Jul 13, 2023
Catherine’s Substack
That link is to a private page and cannot be viewed.
Okisuke - Jul 13, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
It's fixed now.
Piki - Jul 12, 2023
Kay and the blue teapot.
I am extremely worried about the fact that here in Europe there isn't a Ana Mihalcea. We will have to educate our doctors ourselves!
Unapologetically Me - Jul 13, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
Perhaps you can find European counterparts through La Quinta Columna.
kitten seeking answers - Jul 12, 2023 - Edited
”Kitten’s Secret Garden”
πgratitudeπ for everything you research & report on, no one else is stepping up to the plate & we are all victims of the ongoing poisoning.
πyou are to be commended for your courage in addressing these forbidden topics and looking for cures.π
Larry Druhall - Jul 12, 2023
Solution Seeking
Dear Dr. Ana,
Have you investigated the blood of anybody who has not had a blood test or any injection of any type for at least 3 years? My fear is that these structures are being put into many or all needles. Is it possible that the insertion of the needle to draw blood for the blood test is the source of these quantum dot structures and, once in the blood stream of the victim that way, the growth is extremely rapid?
When reports of harmful things in the PCR tests arose, I decided to avoid all needles and testing because I no longer trust that those things are safe.
I would also love to see a movie of you adding some CDS to the blood, showing what happens after the CDS is added. It would be best if different concentrations of CDS were used, along with some that correspond to the CDS blood levels in a typical person on 30 PPM Protocol C CDS. My guess is that the Rouleaux would resolve and the building of the nano structures would slow down or maybe stop and reverse slightly. Doing this simple test would help many to gain insights into what we are dealing with here. A debate with CDS expert Dr. Kalcker would also be insightful. If this can't be done in the US without assuming significant risk, maybe it can be done by others in another country?
Thank you.
David - Jul 12, 2023
According to previous comments by Dr Ana, cds does not remove the filaments. It may be oxidizing the quantum dots to some degree, but this is hypothetical on my part.
MK ULTRA - Jul 12, 2023
MK’s Substack
its better than nothing and it helps to cope with some of the symptoms for sure. it does not remove the filaments thats true. but at this stage they might be spraying it on us 24/7 because they realized too many are "against it"...
Unagnu - Jul 13, 2023
If you cannot eliminate it, you can mitigate it with multiple modalities of treatments. I am firmly in the camp of a multipronged attack - Dr. Ardis says peptides poisoning us from venoms - offers some good and solid treatments to handle the spike, the symptoms etc. And some excellent rational thoughts on how you can help recover from exposures. Other Drs are on the injection LNP and other 'payloads' in the jabs are the issue (and they are the graphene and nanobots perhaps?). They also are working on how to reverse symptoms, although if your own DNA has picked up the mRNA .. well. Can't reverse that. Maybe turn off that segment, but not reverse it. Dr. Ana says quantum dots and hydrogels/self replicating nanos. She recommends the EDTA by any means you can. Dr. Nixon says Colloidal Gold seems to stop replication of the bots when exposed to nearby Gold solution. (Maybe a topical product with Gold in would act like a sunscreen and protect from the activating EMFs? Because the bots cease and desist construction when in a Faraday cage (isolated from EMF inputs). The Morgellon sufferers say this stuff can be managed with Borax water and it can destroy it. Borax / Boron is the no. enemy of nanotech per Terral of Dark Star fame. Terral says HAARP is setting up a carrier wave circling the globe that activates these payloads/nanobots/snybios and that they communicate back to the AI in the "metaverse' that they are building using you as a real time 'host' to model in the AI universe. All too Matrix like for me, BUT parts of it make alot of sense to me! Gold near/on the skin, blocks the carrier wave/interrupts it. Boron from Borax may bind the ingredients needed by nano bots to assemble or change the electrical potenials in you, such you are no longer a good 'host' for growth. Thus, we need to be doing 3 things: 1. Taking The anti venom/spike protocols, pure water to filter out chemicals etc. and Not jabbing etc. 2. taking the EMF reduction challenge - at home/work. Protective glasses, clothes, drapes/window covering, paint, unplugging the smart stuff in the house, getting rid of dirty electricity (dimmer switches etc). Ditching cell phones at night, (faraday bags for them too), Grounding yourself feet to earth... bed tents and grounding cloths...3. Tackling the nano bot/tech stuff... using Borax Water (and trying to figure out how/why that works??!!) and the Silver Colloidal solution Terral recommends to protect our cells from being infected - and again not a complete perhaps 'eliminate' but more of a 'can't get a beach head/foothold to really grow' type of approach. He has some interesting fews. And then using the EDTA and mineral replacement. Keeping in mind that multiple modalities may just have synergy...
elle - Jan 26
oh gosh. do you really think that if borax could manage morgellon's disease ... that any of us would be here commenting under this substack??? IT'S ALL MORGELLON'S DISEASE. IT'S ALL AUTHENTIC ANAPHYLACTIC RESPONSE TO A PARASITIC ROBOTIC ENTITY CONTROLLED BY AI WHICH IS NOW MANIFESTLY OUT OF HUMAN CONTROL AND IS ASSIMILATING EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING.
David - Jul 12, 2023
I agree totally. I believe in it, like I said I think it is effective to a degree but the empirical results are what matter, unfortunately it doesn't oxidize to the degree that the structures are destroyed.
Larry Druhall - Jul 12, 2023
Solution Seeking
I have been on high dose CDS since October 2020. Maybe that would prevent the filaments from forming in the first place? At one time Dr. Ana said that CDS did dissolve the filaments, but too slowly, then later she said CDS does not work on the filaments? I am hoping to get my own microscope soon, learn how to use it, and do my own investigations. I want to see CDS put into a drop of blood and see what happens, and publish THAT video. It astounds me that Dr. Ana, Dr. Nixon, Andreas Kalcker, and others have not done anything like that yet.
Rauwolfia Serpentina - Jul 12, 2023
Rauwolfia’s Substack
I have seen Kalcker use it on a drop of blood. It is there. The acidic nature of illness can be dealt with using CDS. I'm hypothesizing that taking some loads off the body by using CDS is the way forward.
David - Jul 13, 2023
I agree. It's also been shown to immediately reverse Rouleaux formations, instantly returning correct electrical charge to blood cells, under a microscope.
Joey - Jul 12, 2023
Joey’s Substack
Thank you for bringing that theory up! It’s a very real possibility! Now disturbing for me because I have to have blood drawn often to check my thyroid levels. Which died out at 30! I also have Myofascial Pain Syndrome to which not a sole “ specialist “ I’ve been to for 20 years can give an answer for! Heavily questioning!
Larry Druhall - Jul 12, 2023
Solution Seeking
You may want to check out CDS if you haven't already. It has helped with a wide variety of health issues.https://andreaskalcker.com/en/cds-clo2/what-is-cds.htmlhttps://theuniversalantidote.com/Warm wishes for a long, healthy, and happy life.
David - Jul 12, 2023
She is aware of it but it does not dissolve the structures.
MK ULTRA - Jul 12, 2023
MK’s Substack
wouldnt it be smart to buy a microscope and see for yourself what helps?
David - Jul 12, 2023
Yes, the first thing I would do is see what boric acid does to the target.
Unagnu - Jul 13, 2023
Not Boric Acid, Borax in Water solution
Psyche - Jul 12, 2023
Thank you Larry..... I can’t believe I didn’t know about this and I am forever grateful for this link to Andreas Kal
Larry Druhall - Jul 12, 2023
Solution Seeking
It is astounding how the opposition has not covered real cures that work like CDS.
Lou - Jul 12, 2023
Overdrive sounds very good to me. Most people don’t realize a war had been waged upon them for years! They still expect a kinetic war.
Michael Folks - Jul 12, 2023
Michael’s Substack
From what I've read, over the years, private,contracted spraying services, have disbursed 400 Million tons of Chemtrails, on unsuspecting countries of the World. Is this the WEF,NWO, or some other unknown group doing this?
kitten seeking answers - Jul 12, 2023
”Kitten’s Secret Garden”
all of the above + military
WT - Jul 12, 2023 - Edited
Wicked Truths
I appreciate this work. It helps me understanding the differents parts of the biotechnologies better.
I just want to share my DIY approach and findings with a USB microscope.
It exposes the household presence of these biotechnologies. None of the people that were recorded were vaccinated.
Pamela Raditsch - Jul 12, 2023
Pamela Raditsch
Thank you for posting this, and making the video.
Leon - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited
Wicked Truths
Hi, ‘Wicked Truths’; thank you for the note and the link to your video. I’d like to see for myself. I live in US, can you point me to ‘USB microscope’ you use? Thanks.
WT - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited
Wicked Truths
Hi, I'm from Europe.
I used Cainda USB Digital Microscope B10.
My criteria was a bang for buck microscope capable of HD recording (1080p). Greets.
Leon - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited
Wicked Truths
Hi, ‘Wicked Truths’; thank you for the reply. Your video onhttps://odysee.com(you provided the link) has very good quality. Could you mention, how you did it using basically hand held Microscope? Thanks.
WT - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited
Wicked Truths
Sure, it's a USB microscope so you can plug it in your laptop and even mobile phone via a converter piece (from USB-C to USB).
You need software to watch and record the footage the camera is producing. I use OBS for this on the laptop and software provided by the manufacturer for Android.
OBS is free and excellent screen recording software, many streamers use it. In OBS, you just add a V4L2 recording device (this is the USB microscope) with the + sign.
Once your good to go, off you go on a scouting trip and basically test anything you are interested in. The scope has a tripod which helps sometimes, but often I just have it in one hand and operate the focus wheel with my thumb.
Once I obtained the footage, I edit it in Kdenlive, a free and opensource video editor, because there's a lot of blurry video before you get your focus right. Some patience and a steady hand are needed :)
Piki - Jul 12, 2023
Kay and the blue teapot.
When I read your findings, Ana, I do not want to live anymore. I cannot bear the weight of this amount of evil done to us. Every one is suffering, us, the animals, the trees. The angels on earth are very visible now, and you are one of them! I believe we have to urgently apply the work of Lynne Mc Taggart which states that we can change matter with our thoughts. I believe this could be part of the solution.
Whole Mommy - Jul 12, 2023
Whole Mommy’s Newsletter
May I recommend a book called Anastasia, book one of "the ringing cedars of Russia". It may bring you inspiration and remembrance of our pristine human power, it has for me!. π
Piki - Jul 12, 2023
Kay and the blue teapot.
Super thank you! Bless you!
Lisa - Jul 12, 2023
You can bear this weight. God promises not to give us more than we can endure, and He makes the way of escape. Stay strong. Seek God.
Piki - Jul 12, 2023
Kay and the blue teapot.
Yes! We will! It isn't always easy.
Okisuke - Jul 12, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
What a heartbreaking story about this morgelon case. Being gaslighted by almost everyone is sth. all vax-damaged human beings witnessed, but I can see even here in Europe people are slowly waking up to these lies. Have you tried DMSA as well to remove metals such as Cd and Hg? Today I'm gonna make my decision about whether I do it or not. Just from a chemical standpoint, the thiol groups of DMSA should functionalize graphene oxide via a classic click reaction in an alkaline environment.
Unagnu - Jul 13, 2023
Cure for Morgellon's is Borax Water and Silver Collodial (both drunk through the day). Terral of Dark Star swears by it. And Dr. Nixon has retarded stopped the self assembly with exposure to Colloidal Gold and that not even on the same slide but sitting next to the slide of 'it'. Which if the 'stuff' is activated by an EMF Carrier Wave (from HAARP) broadcast round the globe, then interfering with the carrier wave frequencies (and Colloidal Gold might do that) would cut off 2 way communication and the stuff would stop growing. Putting it a Faraday cage works too (again, cutting off the carrier EMF wave). Sooo... take out HARRP? Dunno, but maybe a sunscreen product you can apply to yourself, protective hat for the head etc would help reduce the speed of activation. And robbing it of its ingredients (the heavy metals you ingest via food and water). So as I said, no elimination but a mitigation such that you don't succumb
David - Jul 14, 2023
Btw I looked up Terral and he had the best video I have yet seen, link from his siteterral03.com:
Watch this video for inside game nano remediation steps.
Great post Unagnu, would have never found this if not for you.
Unagnu - Jul 14, 2023
Thank you. Pass it on. I wander far afield in search of hope and treatment because I refuse to believe THEY who are doing this would be willing to poison themselves, thus.. there IS a simple and effective 'cure'. (Like Covid, cure is IVM and zinc with nicotine or suramin for the Autistic people damaged by vaxes). And yes, if the colloidal silver works with borax water, and the Gold can be applied to the skin in a cream form (think like suncreen) and change your bio electric field on the skin OR act as a 'buffer' to disrupt EMFs penetration ... well.. maybe that in and of itself will 'cure' the hydro gel as well... starving it of heavy metals too...
David - Jul 13, 2023
That's a good hypothesis on how colloidal gold might be working. It would also explain why they use a gold substrate during nano manufacturing; it would essentially assist in 'freezing' the state of the nanoparticles by, as you say, cutting off two way communication.
Rauwolfia Serpentina - Jul 12, 2023
Rauwolfia’s Substack
Chin plaque was crusted with urea and apple cider vinegar. Yet, Fire Medic finds questionable spheres in ACV, here shown.https://www.bitchute.com/video/iSyNjRDhlR6H/It is suggested to use only distilled white vinegar. Just take note.
Everyone, hands on deck. Work to discover and share what you know.
Dr. David Nixon is showing his discoveries on a Zoom this Friday looking at dental anesthetic. An idea is to notify your dentist so he can attend and see that there may be contaminants in it.
Here is David Nixon's substack to review. Archive - Nixonlab (substack.com)
Also, there will be a follow up on the nano-bucket info @ Fiona4Health this Thursday to share how its going, if it helping.
Love to you humans. This is a time to stay level.
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Jul 12, 2023
Diva Drops
We couldn't be more grateful for all that you do. It is herculean. Courageous. Brilliant and bold. Our situation is so dire that we can never get enough information as to what we are up against. There is no other like you...an absolute treasure in this epic and final battle. And you have bared your beautiful soul - which makes you even more precious to us all.
I always read and archive and restack everything you share, even if I am so swamped most of the time with my other countless battlefields that I can't always comment, but I did a stack on you this morning - hoping to again share your stunning info. with my humble substack tribe.
You provide some of the most valuable information out there...we owe you so much...and there is so much love and respect coming your way...never apologize for giving so much of yourself and risking everything for humanity...we wrap you in the armor of all the heroes of history...since you are one too.
All about you...and a few other amazing warriors.
Lisa - Jul 12, 2023
No need to apologize. We love you for all that you are doing for us!!! We are all in this together.
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