Self Assembly Nanotechnology In Vaccinations And Medication Delivery Are Everywhere Now - How Does This Bioaccumulate In The Body?

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 13, 2025 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Image: Polymer self assembly in COVID19 unvaccinated blood. Magnification 2000x

Many people are waking up to the reality of self assembling nanoparticles in the blood. While some doctors are still denying what has been long proven, the biotechnology literature shows the rapid progression in the deployment of self assembly nanoparticle vaccines. We are bombarded with nanoparticles, from the air via military geoengineering operations, from the food supply and shedding. Its everywhere.

My question is - if nanoparticles are programmed to self assemble, as I can clearly see under the microscope, how do all of these self assembling structures interact with each other? How does the body react when it is saturated with all of these self assembling polymers, self assembling proteins, Quantum Dots and other technologies. Certainly the blood does not look like self assembly is slowing down at all. Has anybody in the world in the nanotechnology sector ever asked what bio accumulation of self assembling nanotechnology will cause in the body?

What happens if you combine all of the polymers with the preexisting metals in the body? How is it assured that bioaccumulated nanoparticles do not enhance each others function? And how does the use in medical applications interface knowingly or unknowingly with biosensor technology self assembly?

Polyethylene Glycol, which has been used for the COVID19 lipid nanoparticle technology also creates nanofibers and mesogens. Is anybody talking about this?

Was It Known In Science That Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), Key Ingredient in C19 Bioweapon Shots, Can Create Self Assembly Nanofibers, Spheres And Mesogen DNA biosensors? Yes, Since 2007

What about the aerogel fog, most commonly made from silica, carbon, iron and metal polymers - people are inhaling this across the country - how is it interacting with the nanotechnology already present?

Self-Assembling Protein Nanoparticles in the Design of Vaccines: 2022 Update

2. Self-Assembling Protein Nanoparticles as Vaccine Immunogens

SAPNs are macromolecular designs with an architecture similar to that of viral capsids. Their structure is defined by replicates of protein subunits that self-assemble in a highly ordered manner to form concrete three-dimensional nanostructures. SAPNs vary in size up to about 200 nm [ 11 ], therefore, their dimensions are in the range of those of viral particles. One of the most relevant features of SAPNs is their accuracy in mimicking the outermost viral protein shells, and consequently, their immunogenicity

Here is microscopy of self assembly:

Darkfield Microscopy of Canine Distemper - Adenovirus Parainfluenza-Parvovirus Vaccine - Routine Vaccination For Dogs Shows Microbots and Polymer Self Assembly

The literature discusses how self assembling nanoparticles are the future of vaccination.

Self-Assembling Nanoparticles Usher in a New Era of Vaccine Design

Remember Fauci spoke about the self assembling nanoparticles:


This self assembly mechanism is being used now for many different drugs:

Recent Advances in Self-Assembled Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery

The collection of different bulk materials forms the nanoparticles, where the properties of the nanoparticle are solely different from the individual components before being ensembled. Selfassembled nanoparticles are basically a group of complex functional units that are formed by gathering the individual bulk components of the system. It includes micelles, polymeric nanoparticle, carbon nanotubes, liposomes and niosomes, etc . This self-assembly has progressively heightened interest to control the final complex structure of the nanoparticle and its associated properties. The main challenge of formulating self-assembled nanoparticle is to improve the delivery system, bioavailability, enhance circulation time, confer molecular targeting, controlled release, protection of the incorporated drug from external environment and also serve as nanocarriers for macromolecules. Ultimately, these self-assembled nanoparticles facilitate to overcome the physiological barriers in vivo . Self-assembly is an equilibrium process where both individual and assembled components are subsisting in equilibrium. It is a bottom up approach in which molecules are assembled spontaneously, non-covalently into a stable and welldefined structure. There are different approaches that have been adopted in fabrication of self-assembled nanoparticles by the researchers. The current review is enriched with strategies for nanoparticle selfassembly, associated properties, and its application in therapy.

We have more questions then answers. I think asking questions is far wiser in safeguarding the future of humanity then ignoring the problem.

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joe stuerzl 85 - Jan 13

joe’s Substack

If they have the right to shoot us with vaxes ,then we should have the right to shoot back with a shot gun .

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Eccentrik - Jan 13

Eccentrik’s Substack

makes you wonder how many people are walking around with this growing inside them...
will they 'take' and sync up to some Internet of Bodies successfully or will they die? Will they all slowly degrade and end up with those strange calamari clots?
A lot of questions, still not enough answers!

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