Self Assembly Nanotechnology in COVID19…

Nov 30, 2024

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Figure: Mesogen COVID19 unvaccinated blood.


Danilo - Nov 30 - Edited


Hello! How do they get into un-jabbed blood?
Air? Water? Coca-Cola? Food?
Would like to know. It’s vital.
Thank you.


Miss Parker - Nov 30 - Edited

Miss’s Substack

If you live with a jabee, and air, touch, and bodily fluids can cause transmission.
Perhaps surfaces at home and in public can transmit. We're told the poison tech is being put into our food and water and rains upon us from the chemtrails in the sky.
At any rate, don't drink Coca-Cola for many reasons!


Susan Boyce - Nov 30 - Edited

Susan’s Substack

My best friend's wife got jabbed and she started bleeding in her 60s, my BF did not get jabbed but as you see his wife did and many he worked with as well as getting swabbed up the nose dozen's of times, he died suddenly just before he started up his truck to drive to work, he was going to retire this month, but he died Sept of 2023. His company is owned by the Koch bro's


Miss Parker - Nov 30 - Edited

Miss’s Substack

The toxins seem to have been designed to be transmitted by intimates, crowds, by masks, and by swabs.
Did the Kochs insist upon employees swabbing to keep their jobs?


Susan Boyce - Nov 30

Susan’s Substack

They wanted everyone to get jabbed but the Union fought it, they still had to be tested over and over.


Aminata Diouf - Nov 30

Aminata Diouf

I get also swabed since this time I am sick and magneticed at my body since tree years.


Reply (1) - Nov 30 - Edited

Bee Gee

Comment removed.


Bee Gee - Dec 1

Bee Gee

SPAM... all of these t co links are spam.


Danilo - Nov 30


Oh how sad!


kathie hopler - Dec 1

kathie hopler

sorry this sucks im sans jab but i dont know many i warned everyone🙏🙈


Danilo - Nov 30 - Edited


Thank you for the answer! No we don’t drink Cola of any kind! I just threw that in there for fun!!! for we know they are all bad for us, and everybody.
Sadly everything is suspect now days.
I did once eat Beyond Meat in the Summer of 2020 which I regret to this day. It smelled funky and there were kind of bubbles and foam surrounding the fake burger. I ate one and my brother ate the other one since it tasted strange! so we poured a lot of ketchup and mustard on them so we can eat them.
We didn’t like it at all! The promotion for them those days were all over the place with discounts. So I told my Brother Joe let’s give it a try! Since we were Vegetarians from birth. We Returned the left over patties back to Costco. Found out latter that Bill Gates was somehow involved with them.


Miss Parker - Nov 30 - Edited

Miss’s Substack

OMG, fakegatesburgers must mean the end of natural life as we know it! I mean this sincerely. What they give us as faux substitute products will be toxic for human, animal, and plants, because their agenda is to manipulate and profiteer off of us until our deaths.


kathie hopler - Dec 1

kathie hopler

competition to gates & gates interests are now launching in the Netherlands i believe a new toxic brew shot food additive? so eliminate cows farts ( cant see the harm it that? after all his insanity 🤷‍♀️☮️


NEZ9 - Dec 1

That's the thing about nano tech.. it goes right through all barriers basically. It's being put in food, the air, water, etc. They are even using quantum entangled tech.. Jabbed or not it's important to at least know how to detox.


Clique777 - Nov 30


Maybe all of the above.


Just Comment - Dec 2

Just’s Substack

Dr. Malone warning: mRNA vaccines are being injected into our food supply


CoS - Dec 1


It's airborne, so 'it' has contaminated almost everything. You can capture the stuff with the run off from an AC or dehumidifier, then look at samples under the scope.


Ken MacPhee - Dec 4

Ken MacPhee



Danilo - Dec 4


You mean like Cat hair and Dog hair?


Ken MacPhee - Dec 4

Ken MacPhee

I’m not sure if you were joking or not but simply google up vaccine shedding and you will learn more than you want to.


Oj - Nov 30

Carol Dickinson

Do you survey the unjabbed patients and ask their relationship with vaxxed people?


Carol Dickinson - Dec 1

Carol Dickinson

Every GOOD doctor needs to ask Every patient those questions. Important for diagnosing people more accurately... so they can help them quicker.


Diana - Dec 1


They do not ask anymore
they were asking in the beginning
but clearly- their family/partner is vaxxed in same household as one-
having intimate relations with a vaxxed person
I know they are spraying us with this stuff and its in the food/water
you have to filter your water (make sure no graphene in your filter)
they are putting it in tampons. maxi pads, its everywhere!


Carol Dickinson - Dec 1

Carol Dickinson

True... most doctors... I call Nazi doctors... will not ask... because their boss is the WEF Globalist Elite... who have been paying them handsomely in the last 4 years. These nazi doctors... are not doctors... but globalist henchmen... waiting for their next victim/patient to poison and kill for the money.


Diana - Dec 1


My husband had to go to see doctor and get bloodwork
I have been keeping him away from him because he wants to poison him to death with vaccines so he can get rich.
Well we got there (2 hours sleep mind you for me and really did not want to go but felt the deep need to protect him (he has health issues including mental health issues from a medical treatment they really forced on him_ so I do not dare send him alone- they corner him to force him to comply and i am like the little pit bull wife- protecting my own.
First thing he said when we came in the room after saying hello was oh its time for your vaccines- I went off the hook on him.
I said really- after all the conversations we had about vaccines and how you are killing people you offer him and try to corner him to take vaccines?
Where are all your patients? I see your waiting room is empty!!
How many of them have Turbo cancers or Died Suddenly?
You know EXACTLY what you are doing with these vaccines- you are killing people. I AM trying to keep him alive- are you? NO Isn't that your oath?
By the way- I noticed there is no support staff here for you? Where are they? Dead too?
he sent us for his blood work lol
his response to me on the way out was to look up and to the right (important- means he is making up a fucking story) and said I do not know (regarding his staff.)
Tell me- they will suck every last DIME and kill as many people as they can to get rich or maintain their lifestyles. Not willign to forsake anything in the process for sake of humanity.


Christa Ford - Dec 1

Christa Ford

You are amazing to do this! I am the pit bull to protect my family of 8 and I will never back down just like you won't!


Carol Dickinson - Dec 1

Carol Dickinson

I am proud of you Christa for protecting your loved ones. So many people are STILL asleep concerning the toxicity of these bioweapon shots. Nazi Germany killed 12 million of their own people. Some say 20 million were killed with these shots in the last 4 years... which far surpasses Nazi Holocaust in Germany.


Diana - Dec 1


You are as well- standing up as the wall between demons wearing white coats and your children is no easy task since they have govt backing
considering the govt is to be of the people, by the people and for the people
they have proven to be greedy corporate opportunists destroying humanity
HOLD THE LINE- refuse to back down- never allow them to be vaccinated ever! Look into holistic dentistry because those dental injection are also infused with the death vaccines! Much respect for you too!


Amy Harlib - Nov 30

Amy Harlib

BLESSINGS for all you do! So thankful for your fighting the good fight against THEM!
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT!dhughes.substack.comTechnocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!


Susan Boyce - Nov 30

Susan’s Substack

I believe the current correct term for them now is, Parasitic class


Sandy K - Nov 30

Sandy K

Parasitic, yes. Class, no.
Psychopathic parasites, or Parasitical psychopaths. Either way.


Susan Boyce - Nov 30

Susan’s Substack

I believe saying class, is something that they chose to divide us


Anon - Nov 30

That’s the one


Susan Boyce - Nov 30

Susan’s Substack

Can you tell me where I can find a dark field microscope that isn't very expensive so I can look at my own blood?


Bee Gee - Dec 1

Bee Gee


Susan Boyce - Dec 1

Susan’s Substack

Looked at some that maybe what I need but they're out of stock


Susan Boyce - Dec 1

Susan’s Substack

Thank you. I'm still unsure of what one would be a good choice for blood samples.


Bee Gee - Dec 1

Bee Gee

All of those come with a darkfield condenser so any of them would work.
M-series means monocular, only one eyepiece.
B series is binocular, two eyepieces which is much easier to view.
T series is Trinocular, which has 2 eyepieces and a third eyepiece hole for a camera, at the same time.
Brighter light (more watts) is always better if you can afford it but all of them do darkfield though, which is the important thing.


Susan Boyce - Dec 1

Susan’s Substack

Thank you for the help!


Clique777 - Dec 1


The Spanish science group in 2021 tested vials of mRNA from all of the manufacturers, and you know what they found? All of vials contained not less than 95% graphene oxide. I was the one who identified a nanotech in human bodies relating to mRNAs. I stated online years ago that a nanotech was illegally introduced into my body in the last week of June, 2017. I got introduced to the nanotech in the first week of November 4+ months later, and after much research I concluded the nanotech in my body had to contain graphene oxide, and this is before a single mRNA vaccine was given to the public.
Anybody who isn't talking about EMF when they speak about nanotechs just doesn't know that EMF is the source of energy the nanotech uses. I said about graphene oxide in me that it behaved like a capacitor. One of the first articles I read the author described it as a "Super Capacitor", that it was being extensively researched for use in batteries, and that is was used in MRIs for imaging purposes. So just based on the nanotech's characteristics I experienced I concluded the very same thing before I read anything about it.
In my own experience I've been hit with strong EMF several times. The second time was in the upper right side of my back and it burned. Within 30 minutes the burning migrated from the top of my head to the top of my feet and burned for more than 6 hours.
EMF is what Ana's nanotechs are using as fuel to eventually build and electrical circuitry throughout most of a human body separate for the central nervous system. That's why my feet to the top of my head everything was burning for more than 6 hours. And this EMF causes serious and chronic inflammation throughout the human body, systemically and chronically
And as retired neurosurgeon Dr Russell Blaylock stated years ago, chronic inflammation is the primary cause of most neurodegenerative diseases, heart disease, especially atherosclerosis, myocarditis and pericarditis, and most cancers.
If Dr Ana, as bright as she is, isn't talking about EMF in the same sentence as nanotechs, she just hasn't gotten there yet. EMF is the energy storage system that allows graphene oxide, and probably other nanotechs, to propel itself throughout the human body. Go watch any Youtube video where they excite graphene oxide with a cellphone. That's exacting how it behaved in the top of my right thigh by the end of November, 2017! 2017! 2017!
Anybody who isn't active trying to get the Spike Protein out of their body is crazy. And they absolutely must start treating the chronic inflammation in their bodies. The men and women who died from a heart attack today resulting from atherosclerosis are going to die needlessly, and there isn't a cardiologist you can trust, period. All they have to do to avoid that type of heart attack is to take and any-inflammatory protocol like the one I started taking 18 years ago, and I have atherosclerosis!!!
The one cardiologist worth listening to is Dr Thomas Levy. He's the doctor who cracked the safe on the cause of atherosclerosis. He called it "focal scurvy", believe it or not. He also stated that the point of infection in blood vessels is in the collogen underlying the endothelium, and that the source, thru DNA examination, is the bacteria in the mouths of human beings. He mentions chronic inflammation, he's just not up to speed on that like Russell Blaylock.
And you can get rid of the plaque in arteries using a protocol of all natural substances.
6 months ago in a podcast Dr Levy described the cause of afib and arrythmias as what? "Hypo-Magnesemia". Imagine that, and he has an arrythmia. I've tested it myself and my opinion is he is absolutely right!
You folks should spend a lot more time discussing solutions, and this morning you were just introduced into the #1 cause of a vast, vast number of deadly diseases that are almost all preventable for many, many years.


William - Dec 2

BTW - I think Transhumanism is nothing more than a "benevolent" cover story. The goal is to kill people. The graphene isn't there to control our minds; it's there to cause inflammation/disease/death. I love it when people say they're trying to "mind control" us, and then in the next breath they say they want 95% of us dead. Why would they go through the trouble of mind controlling us if the plan is to just kill us ? It makes no sense.


TagiosItaly - Dec 2


would you mind sharing these "anti-inflammatory protocols"?
it's the most important thing in your message, yet you haven't explored it, despite knowing its importance


Clique777 - Dec 2


BTW, the most important thing I wrote about is more important, EMF. Why? Because anti-inflammatories only help those who take them, while EMF is harming everybody, everyday, and nobody knows about or appreciates that fact, and because is the energy that allows them to harm the human bodies of everyone they want to harm. Without EMF their Transhumanism technology is worthless. And finally, because they can kill anybody with EMF from cellphone towers. Richard Lighthouse, MS in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford, has posted online the fact that the Threat Fusion Center on N Shepherd in Houston, TX has a BeamForming array that can kill anybody from 100 miles away. EMF is their murder weapon. That's why its the most important.
The BeamForming Arrays atop most cellphone towers simply all have to be taken down legally and immediately. Do you know they are tracking you personally 24/7 with EMF from cellphone towers, and you don't need to be carrying your cellphone? They hit you with EMF bullets about 2 per second, in the head, and they can do the same thing with satellites.
HaHaHaHa! I've been posting about it for years and years and years, probably since 2007. It's really surprising how few people ask me about it now since I don't list them anymore, so touche' to you. I call it "Mother Nature's Fire Extinguisher", now changed to "Jesus Christ's Fire Extinguisher":
Magnesium - I use time released malate from Jigsaw Health
Curcumin - I use One Planet Nutrition's Nano Curcumin - its not cheap but 1 gram is the equivalent of 7-10 grams of regular 95% curcumin
Advancin - It's a combination of 7 all-natural anti-inflammatories put together by Dr Russel Blaylock, retired board-certified neurosurgeon, and by far the #1 medical doctor in the world dealing with human health. He has no peers, so go subscribe to his monthly Wellness Report over at Newsmax. I've been following him for almost 20 years. He was talking about almost everything all doctors are just now talking about, for more than 15 years; far and way ahead of his time.
There's other anti-inflammatories than these, but anybody taking the above protocol will 1) be far healthier and 2) live longer unless Joe Biden and the Democrats get thermonuclear weapons flying in the air.


William - Dec 1

Christa Ford

If shedding occurs, in the manner we've been told, then the whole Covid "Operation" would have been unnecessary. Since about 50% of the population take the flu vaccine yearly, they could have just put the nefarious ingredients into the flu shots and just let them "shed" to the other 50% of the population - no Covid operation needed. There is a huge elephant in the room that is not being addressed. When we say that people in "close proximity" to jabbed people get "shed" on, we need to clearly identify whether this involves intimate sexual contact or not. This is a gigantic variable that I do not hear being addressed.


Christa Ford - Dec 1

Christa Ford

Pfizer website mentioned a jabbed person breathing on or touching a non jabbed worker who, could transmit it to his wife and if they conceived a baby, baby could die.


William - Dec 1

Bee Gee

Here's my concern. Any information, put out by "the bad guys", I ignore. Knowing the way they operate, it's probably designed to send us down a rabbit hole. On the one hand, we'll discuss how this is a depopulation operation. In the same breath, we'll cite some of their literature. It's like knowing that the moon landings were as fake as a 3 dollar bill, and then citing other things NASA says about "outer space. I would take it one step further. The demons running the Covid operation knew that people would be observing the contents of the vials under electron microscopes. So, it would not surprise me in the least, if a number of the items observed on the slides were intentionally put there as diversions - sending off down dead end rabbit holes.


Bee Gee - Dec 1

Bee Gee

Shedding passes through the air, and not everything sheds, like the emitting MAC addresses.
However skin contact or body fluid transfer with the infected makes it much worse. Shedding has been proven, just not yet proven to You.


William - Dec 1

Bee Gee

If shedding occurs, why run the "Covid Operation" ? Just put the nefarious ingredients in the annual flu shots and let them "shed" to the other half of the population that don't get flu shots.


Bee Gee - Dec 2

Bee Gee

I dont know their plan, I only know what is happening.
And not everything can be passed via shedding, for example the bluetooth mac address.
IME no unvaxxed emit a MAC address unless they have had extensive body fluid transfer with the vaxxed.


Babel - Dec 1


Absolutely! I have been asking this for a while with these articles. Is it not being asked or reported for specific reasons? Seems like a very obvious variable to include.


Susan Boyce - Dec 1

Susan’s Substack

They also used it to destroy private business and transferred the wealth to the parasite class


john sunderland - Dec 5

shedding is real, you can be contaminated by touching something that a jabbed person has touched, especially things touched often like steering wheel, computer mouse, keyboard, contamination seems to occur more with plastics than with metals, you will sense inching in your fingers hands when using a contaminated object, important to obtain a microscope and check your blood work easy enough to see the foreign elements when you have been contaminated as most have and then begin the process of finding the most effective natural and health given products to help in removing the contaminates, good luck to you all, these are truly end times


David Knowles - Dec 1

These entities are Exterminating us obviously it's time for this population of humans to get together and exterminate them back what else is there to do at this point sit around and take it


Truth Hunter - Nov 30

Truth’s Substack

We know for sure they are bioengineering the sky’s for the last 40 years! Most of the products are all nano particles and they are all dangerous to any life form that breathes! Including our crops, creeks, ponds, rivers and oceans! We are all up a creek without a paddle with no way to get it out of us.


Miss Parker - Nov 30 - Edited

Miss’s Substack

I'm not able to reply directly to most comments, all of a sudden, but this is for Susan Boyce who said, below, about her friend who died, "They wanted everyone to get jabbed but the Union fought it, they still had to be tested over and over."
To which I say:
There you go, a false choice that they murderously give us.
The "tests" are likely covered with the toxic nanotech that's in the jabs but are less lethal than the jabs and hence the need for constant "testing" to seriously afflict those who must submit or who are so ill-informed as to want to "test" often.
We need to find a real alternative to their rigged game and opt out without their dosing us. Sorry about your friend who was trying to keep his job.


CoS - Dec 1


Yes I find the same, anything over 6-7 lines makes the Reply button overlap the next comment.


Miss Parker - Dec 1

Miss’s Substack

Exactly. Is this a technical problem with the site, or are we being discouraged from making long comments?!
I suppose we could break up our comments in serial short posts, meanwhile.


Bee Gee - Dec 1

Bee Gee

Its intentional, there are many UI/UX things they do here to hide information, like their intentionally worthless 'Search'.


Clique777 - Nov 30


Dr Ana, too bad you live so far from me in Texas. Why? I had nanotech illegally introduced into my body in 06/2017 by a crop duster. I've been visited by 7 other crop dusters since then, and I live 90 to 100 miles from where the nearest crop dusters work, in a pine forest.
I'm also unvaxxed! In Jan, 2021 I concluded the nanotech had to included Graphene Oxide based solely on my research and the physical characteristics it produced in me when energized with EMF.
Since 6/2017 I've had a herd of about 400 axis deer killed under circumstances where 1) except for about 3 none of the deer had any external trauma or blood, 2) many, many most, of the deer were killed in groups of 2-6, 3) and the 1 axis buck I had a necropsy performed on at Texas A&M's Large Animal Clinic, they could not find the cause of his death, and he died right next to 3 axis does.
I very recently had a Yorkie die of mouth cancer in about a month, 2 other Yorkies killed, one under the most horrific conditions and without any external marks of trauma and no blood. My eye witnessed died of Turbo Cancer about 12 months ago.
There's a lot more.


Miss Parker - Nov 30

Miss’s Substack

So sorry about your targeted environs. Take care by using anti-cancer foods and regimens. And prayer.


Kim - Dec 6 - Edited


Look at this information coming from a doctor who is a biochemist. How can she say that what is being seen in the jabs are lipids and not nanobots?? Does she know what a nanobot looks like? Has she looked for herself at a vial underneath a microscope or is she just looking at other people's work and making a determination? Has she read the literature from IEEE, or other non-medical institutions or from people like Dr. Ido Bachelet who brags about the nanobots??
"It's NOT nanobots: Lipids on the loose
Dr. Anne Ulrich dispels the "nanobots-in-the-vaccines" narrative."


Linda Tanner - Dec 1

Linda Tanner

I posted a long comment, minutes ago, that seems to have been lost in the ether. Cutting to the chase, what exactly is being shed? It has to be something different from what emits a signal to the cloud, which a Bluetooth Reader can intercept as a MAC accress. That is one difference between jabbed and unjabbed, as we saw when the doctors were reading MAC addresses from graves of the deceased jabbed--still emitting after death. And is the reactivity to 4GHz by jabbed (but not by unjabbed) related to the signal emitted by jabbed?


NB - Dec 7

i have seen no credible evidence of MAC addresses. I walked up and down my apartment on several floors. NO ADDRESSES.


Rollo - Dec 1

Bee Gee

Relative to EDTA usage my doctor pointed out that after IV, the best intake method is suppositories, and after that transdermal cream, and after that oral.
I also wonder why no one is using DMSO as a intake method (with EDTA Granules) because of its wonderful transdermal and transcellular capacities.


Bee Gee - Dec 1

Bee Gee

Thats the conventional chelation wisdom but it is incorrect. Oral EDTA works just fine, and better than some of those other if you just take it right.
Or if you Really care about cleaning your blood like I do, you can fast while you take oral EDTA and other things that help but do not bind with EDTA.


CoS - Dec 1


There aren't many sharing their experiences, but I have shared some of mine in case it helps others. To this I would add, if you have EMF sensitive friends, they are the Canaries, listen to them and find what works, it will help you when the time comes, not if, but when.
I do not live with, or have taken any jabs, but suffer the shedding/transfection phenomena at random after shopping at a supermarket. Sometimes I make a bad choice for what time I set out to buy some necessities, like this Friday when I got within arms distance of a lest say, suspect individual, and now I am dealing with it.
As is well known now, they have to tell us first, social distance, not for the plandemic, but for what comes after when we think it's past.
For what it's worth I tend to agree with Sabrina Wallace that this phenomena is 'load sharing/balancing' with the WBAN. We all have this crap in us now, but some feel the effects more than others. For me, my face burns after shedding, I get additional pinging from smart meters and my body feels like it is being mildly electrocuted (not nice), exploding head syndrome along with Cholonesterase Inhibition which makes it difficult to sleep, which seems to be the best relief and short term cure.
Anyone reading this, I/we do manage this and it subsides with all the suggestions from Dr Ana, Karl C, wireless removal and a strict diet, until the next encounter.


Tony Lohnes - Dec 1

Ana, I do a podcast in Nova Scotia Canada. I have interviewed doctors , funeral embalmers, nurses , vaccine injured. I would love to have you on our show to talk about the unvaccinated.
Please send me a PM. wishes Tony Lohnes


Lady Nenari Anne Diamond - Dec 1

WOW (Words Of Wisdom) With Me, …

One thing that folk may forget and to also understand besides the obvious of aire, water, food etc is the fact that even if you dinnae have the pokes from the c virus, most if nae all on this planet (perhaps with a rare few exceptions) have had the jabs as a child and they are now kicking in and I speak of this in my two podcasts Add that to exposure to shedding which we all do recent jabs or ones from childhood and that is a recipe for disaster.


kaal - Dec 1


used 2 have hate relationship w doc/ vaxxes as very young child in the 60's- rage in the car/ there/ and car going home. and this world seemed weird- juxtaposition substack its all fake scripted symbolic mind control. when i looked at the vatican alter i saw a bug- guess what it IS. johnathon kleck. thought am i just seeing evil- i WAS.



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