Dr Anna,
Something you said in a recent interview resonated strongly with me. Paraphrasing, the technology you're encountering in your research appears to vastly exceed 'our own'. That sort of begs the question, whose is it then? In fact I quote you in my recent substack. Either its compartmentalized knowledge from some 'breakaway' vanguard of humanity and/or its provided by some alternate sentience altogether. Whatever the source, it is indeed a chilling proposition. Thank you for your brave work on our behalf.
Dear Dr Ana and readers,
I am an acquaintance of Celeste Solum and a huge supporter of Clifford Carnicom’s voluminous collection of works from the late 90’s on.
I will start and end with a fitting scripture
replete with deep meaning for our **juncture in biblical history:
Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand. Daniel 12:10
My greatest hope in writing is to shed light on the current events we are seeing and living in. In hopes no one is caught off guard as to “why” there is such out and out war for the souls of mankind.
I am posting a few links for a deeper dive into the spiritual / biblical background that I hope will help lay firm groundwork.
**A point in time, especially one requiring a decision to be made.
Thanks for covering this. I can tell you morgellons/ cdb is very painful and scary. A heavy metal detox helped me along with non gmo food and reverse osmosis water. I used a lot of borax when it was really bad.
Boron is an element necessary for plant growth. In areas of the world with boron depleted soil, arthritis is higher than elsewhere. Also, of note: Germany banned Borax (Mule Team) because they didn't want people using it in the water solution. Hum.. why's that? It tends to help men with T levels and women with Estrogen. In Australia they also banned (and that's where this one plant doctor found out for many arthritis patients it 'cured' the arthritis). Boron is needed in the body to help Calcium stay in the bones... and make strong bones. Got osteoporosis? Try the boron! Use borax water. In moderation, many many health benefits. I hear it is also a good antifungal and maybe some what of an antiviral? Wouldn't surprise me in the least...
A pinch. I was reluctant to do that often( once a week I think) because it gave me pain on my right side at my waist & I was very weak at the time, didn’t want to overtax my liver or kidneys. Friends have taken a pinch in water a day. (I was lugging in distilled water in plastic jugs and would put it in glass containers. I’d run it through a coffee filter too. It’s amazing how plastic leaches)
How much would you recommend adding to drinking water? I had been using ~1/16 tsp per 8 oz 2 or 3 times a day for over a year and found no benefit. Thanks for any information.
Thanks for that I can't find it in any commercial setting (washing products) and I had read before Australia doesn't have this naturally occuring mineral here.
how many of you guys have lost someone to the Bio weapons or have a injured person you know. how many of you guys had someone Killed in the Hospital since the CONvid started with Protocol or have someone injured due to hospital protocal
they all must be held accountable for what they have done. my brother died early in hospital. muitiple family members died from bio weapons. sorry that you have been affected to. I truly know your pain
I think I was the person who brought up the topic of morgellans, Dr James Giordano, Dr Robert Duncan. I did because of the site lookoutfacharlie. He explained that chemtrails particles build up on the SKIN and there is a fungal infection BENEATH these layers of skin that result in one becoming targeted tortured developing "schizophrenia" hauntings etc because you become sensitized to the radio frequencies all around us. He also desensitized himself by a long process of sloughing off those layers of skin to get to the fungal infection beneath the skin- along w internal detox. Someone posted their skin became plastic- like. LOFC mentions that.
Love his channel. He helps a lot of targeted individuals. Sophia Smallstorm has spoken on podcasts about morgellons a little as well. Dr Duncan’s first book was a disappointment for me, back then all his info was on YouTube various channels. I can’t remember the Canadian guy who teaches how to make a bucket & detox through the feet. Many people have had improvements. Herbs&beadsplus or something similar.
I had the strangest things come out of my skin. Some was plastic-y .
Hello! The gentleman's name is Tony Pantalleresco. He has researched Morgellon's and nanotechnology removal for many years. His channel on Bitchute is called Independz . LINK:https://www.bitchute.com/channel/independz/Many of his videos are reposted on Rumble on a channel called Aroy Mak. LINK :https://rumble.com/c/c-669867Tony has a YouTube channel (but not much remains from the last three years). His YouTube channel name is HerbsPlusBeadWorks. LINK:https://www.youtube.com/@HerbsPlusBeadWorks/videosTony also has two podcasts. Podcast LINK 1:https://player.fm/series/the-independzs-podcastPodcast LINK 2:https://tunein.com/podcasts/Education-Podcasts/Tonys-Show-p1379445/****I hope that this is helpful for people. Tony has a very 'casual' presentation manner, but his dedication to research seems to outstanding. Holistic health experts with whom I have spoken personally speak very highly of him, and report excellent results from using his recommended protocols and inventions. ****
OMG! I've been looking for this site again hoping to get it a second time. I found it once about 3 years ago and lost it. OMG! OMG! OMG! Bless you!
Can you provide the website where these instructions came from? I remember a 2-hour video and more info.
It is important to separate the Morgellon syndrome data from hydrogel contaminants. The two are exclusive, and only related via alleged appearance. Morgellon syndrome is a biological reaction to infection of a modified Agrobacterium derived from Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Note: The mechanism by which Agrobacterium inserts materials into the host cell by a type IV secretion system is very similar to mechanisms used by pathogens to insert materials (usually proteins) into human cells by type III secretion. It also employs a type of signaling conserved in many Gram-negative bacteria called quorum sensing. This makes Agrobacterium an important topic of medical research as well.
Complete text:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agrobacterium_tumefaciens
Also read: Agrobacterium & Morgellons Disease, A GM Connection? | Global Research
And this: ISIS News no.11/12 -Common Plant Vector Injects Genes into Human Cells
It is also important to realize that bacteria such as Agrobacterium tumefaciens as well as Bacillus thuringiensis (as used in Monsanto's Bt modified crops) can mutate via horizontal gene transfer. See: > The Microbial World: Bacillus thuringiensis
Produced by Jim Deacon
Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, The University of Edinburgh
One commenter asks, "Do these hydrogels cause the blood clots and bleeding?"
I think that the clot factors are in the main generated by manmade electromagnetic fields. There must be a very conductive presence along with the rubberiness caught visually, and graphene compounds 1st called out I think by the Quinta Columna group, must be the prime candidate, amplifying and making out of more and more "electrosensitives" (a very bad term but prevalent one). "Long covid" is also this.
This is why I ask again, if any researcher has with spectrum analysis gotten a handle on what is coming off injectees, and as I've experienced (symptomatically) from non-injies who've been around injies for long enough, this could be critical to getting much more of what is going on.
When things went over-the-top awry on mainstream media in Canada where I am, right away mid-March 2020 I called this a "5G flu", but then not really for medical reasons. Within a few months I added the medical notion part to the broad view of what I called March 2020, a "war on us all". Some of the wavelengths used in newer e-infrastructure and/or patterns of transmissions may be particularly clot-effective. When in the last 3 years we leave our relatively isolated home site for weekly small town errands, we feel effects as never before as well. These are without doubt "electro-smog" based, as I strongly believe what is going on in interpersonal exchange is as well now.
(QC early on suggested one's own - corrupted by mrna? if the mrna hype has not been a complete/partial layered hoax to distract - dna signalling is pathologically affecting others, who knows maybe that is some of the picture, but surely signal needs great amplification to affect others at a distance such as i have felt at even some 15 ft away from an injie or 2nd-hander non-injie. One possible "limited hangout"type tapped by intel involved, a to me suspicious character anyway, mentioned in publications early on what some found off-the wall but I knew of, viz the late Martin Blank's research on dna as fractal antenna, he having being a prominent advocate against e-dangers whom I knew from my own similar involvements. If this is a hint dropped about corrupted cell transmissions, doomsayers' forecasts may be on the mark. That same fellow noted the role of collapsing life insurance as central to unfolding financial collapse - at the heart of the story, but I can maybe put more on that later,here's a quote from what i wrote also mid-March 2020: "cover for segue into another technomanic financialized system of greater surveillance & control still than already available" - and some readers will have noticed insurance company reports of increased claims, yet actuaries fall back in cowardly fashion to blame mortality spikes on "covid". )
Dr. Anna, thanks for these resources. I have not had the opportunity to look into all of this hydrogel science, but this primer has been dully archived and will allow me to better understand the arguments based on them. It does make much more sense now.
I am a bit clueless about the action of different oxygen concentrations on hydrogel growth. In these two paragraphs below, don't you give a contradictory idea in that sense ?
1. In the article below, it is discussed that hydrogels can grow like biological tissues and that oxygen tension can control the growth. The more oxygen there is the faster they grow. Normal blood is carrying oxygen. There are many more ways to control the growth, this is just one
2. Jimmy Hsia and NTU President-designate Prof Subra Suresh, showed that through manipulation of oxygen concentration, one can pattern and control the growth rate of hydrogels to create the desired complex 3-D shapes. The team found that higher oxygen concentrations slow down the cross-linking of chemicals in the hydrogel, inhibiting growth in that specific area.
We are being killed off. Genocide of ALL humanity. Why? Something/one NOT HUMAN is controlling this. Aliens who want our planet? Demons from another dimension? Angels fallen from 'Heaven"? Look beyond the humans... it is indeed a spiritual battle, one of powers and principalities as the Bible says... amazing the Bible contains such truths... even as manipulated as it is, echos of truths are still there... And no we do not know our history, it has been hidden from most for a reason. If it were known? The mass of humanity would no longer be controllable... all would fall apart and those with evil intent, intent to 'harvest you" ... would no longer be able to do so. Remember, they tell you what they are doing, and if you do not fight, protest, or tell them YOU DO NOT CONSENT to CONTRACT with them... you are fair game.
Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart;
naught be all else to me, save that thou art -
thou my best thought, by day or by night;
waking or sleeping, thy presence my light.
Be thou my wisdom, and thou my true word;
I ever with thee and thou with me, Lord.
Thou my great Father; thine own may I be,
thou in me dwelling and I one with thee.
Riches I heed not, nor vain, empty praise;
thou mine inheritance, now and always;
thou and thou only first in my heart,
high King of heaven, my treasure thou art.
High King of heaven, my victory won,
may I reach heaven’s joys, O bright heaven’s sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
still be my vision, O Ruler of all.
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.
Isaiah 54:17
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6
Thanks for your replay.
My question is quite simple and concrete. Within all the factors that independently affect hydrogel growth, does increasing oxygen concentrations reduce or increase that growth ?
Thank you. That's what I think. Maybe in athletes the hydrogel grows more because of the higher oxygen consumption. And they would have more complications.
In the past I would be lost after the first few paragraphs, but due to your explanation and the ability to look up terms on the web to understand, I get it.
So the question which comes to my mind Concerning this: "Synthetic techniques summarized in this review are particle replication in nonwetting templates (PRINT), film stretching, self-assembly (SA), crystallization-driven self-assembly (CDSA), polymerization-induced selfassembly (PISA), and temperature-induced morphological transformation (TIMT)."
What particular purpose whould they be using this for? My brain jumped to the following.
They think using the above processes that they can connect people to each other and we would all bee like a hivemind.
I think this is their stated goal. Do you remember the original StarTrek episode where they were transported against their will to a place where folks who thought themselves gods, could control the crews actions just with a thought? I think this is what they are driving for. Everyone knows they want complete control and that to do that, all must have this tech in them so it can be manipulated, in the way they desire. In other words, a controllable cancer.
Use this way to make more growth, this way to make more connections, and this way to kill off rebellousness. There would also be a reward method; only all this would be at their whims.
What they have not banked on is this tech is incompatible with life. Killing their own invention.
Funny about that StarTrek episode. If I remember correctly, Papa was not happy with what his boy had done to the crew, and restored the crew and punished the son who had done this.
Wow the paralells to the Bible story of the fallen son of God being destroyed by God and the creation being restored to what it was in the first place? Uncanny.
Please keep in mind I am no lettered scientist, but this is the impression I have, considering all I have read by lettered scientists, along with impressions as allegories. Somehow in my head all of it fits.
Hi Dr Ana, can you provide the minimum set of requirements for a microscope that can see the level of detail you are showing in your articles on live blood analysis. I would like to buy one and see this for myself.
Reposting from Spartacus's stack on Wifi and 5G and how it affects the human body, and particularly well.. read it and about the calcium ion channels that are bio electric (eg have a potential gradient) and that can if disrupted bring harm to the body. Further these Ca channels are favored by Spikes... and EDTA targets? Excess minerals and heavy metals. One of which is? CALCIUM. I don't know but there's something here I think... maybe it is why when in a Faraday cage nano bots stop forming? Because you've cut off the energy source eg stimulation of the Calcium channels that it is 'feeding on'
Of course I may be way way off base, but then again, shrugging...
Full Spectrum Domino - May 21, 2023
Full’s Substack
Dr Anna,
Something you said in a recent interview resonated strongly with me. Paraphrasing, the technology you're encountering in your research appears to vastly exceed 'our own'. That sort of begs the question, whose is it then? In fact I quote you in my recent substack. Either its compartmentalized knowledge from some 'breakaway' vanguard of humanity and/or its provided by some alternate sentience altogether. Whatever the source, it is indeed a chilling proposition. Thank you for your brave work on our behalf.
John Vargo - May 20
John Vargo
Chilling is one word but you have to know to ascend,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Full_Disclosure_Event
Tom Martin - May 21, 2023
Paul Black
Dear Dr Ana and readers,
I am an acquaintance of Celeste Solum and a huge supporter of Clifford Carnicom’s voluminous collection of works from the late 90’s on.
I will start and end with a fitting scripture
replete with deep meaning for our **juncture in biblical history:
Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand. Daniel 12:10
My greatest hope in writing is to shed light on the current events we are seeing and living in. In hopes no one is caught off guard as to “why” there is such out and out war for the souls of mankind.
I am posting a few links for a deeper dive into the spiritual / biblical background that I hope will help lay firm groundwork.
**A point in time, especially one requiring a decision to be made.
Paul Black - May 22, 2023
Paul Black
I found Eustace Mullins Curse of Canaan illuminating too
Rosalind McGill - May 21, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thanks for covering this. I can tell you morgellons/ cdb is very painful and scary. A heavy metal detox helped me along with non gmo food and reverse osmosis water. I used a lot of borax when it was really bad.
Unagnu - May 21, 2023
Boron is an element necessary for plant growth. In areas of the world with boron depleted soil, arthritis is higher than elsewhere. Also, of note: Germany banned Borax (Mule Team) because they didn't want people using it in the water solution. Hum.. why's that? It tends to help men with T levels and women with Estrogen. In Australia they also banned (and that's where this one plant doctor found out for many arthritis patients it 'cured' the arthritis). Boron is needed in the body to help Calcium stay in the bones... and make strong bones. Got osteoporosis? Try the boron! Use borax water. In moderation, many many health benefits. I hear it is also a good antifungal and maybe some what of an antiviral? Wouldn't surprise me in the least...
Gary McCollom - May 22, 2023
Everyone should be supplementing with roughly 10mg of boron a day. Works great with Vitamin d as well, like magnesium it helps the D be absorbed.
Rosalind McGill - May 21, 2023
Rosalind McGill
I took a bath in it almost every day for a year. I use it in laundry and for cleaning. I’m sensitive to chemicals now.
Interesting history, thanks
Andrea Borella - May 22, 2023
Rosalind McGill
What amount of Borax to what amount of bath water (roughly) did you find was just right?
Rosalind McGill - May 22, 2023
Rosalind McGill
I used 2-3 cups in the bath . Other people use an entire box . I couldn’t afford that nor tolerate that much, I guess it depends on your size.
Astrid Maria R - May 22, 2023
Rosalind McGill
How much would you recommend adding to drinking water? Thanks.
Rosalind McGill - May 22, 2023
Rosalind McGill
A pinch. I was reluctant to do that often( once a week I think) because it gave me pain on my right side at my waist & I was very weak at the time, didn’t want to overtax my liver or kidneys. Friends have taken a pinch in water a day. (I was lugging in distilled water in plastic jugs and would put it in glass containers. I’d run it through a coffee filter too. It’s amazing how plastic leaches)
Astrid Maria R - May 22, 2023
How much would you recommend adding to drinking water? I had been using ~1/16 tsp per 8 oz 2 or 3 times a day for over a year and found no benefit. Thanks for any information.
koppykat - May 22, 2023
Hi thanks for the info. Can anyone tell me where I can get it in Australia?
Unapologetically Me - May 22, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
Search for "sodium tetraborate".
koppykat - May 22, 2023
Thanks for that I can't find it in any commercial setting (washing products) and I had read before Australia doesn't have this naturally occuring mineral here.
Unapologetically Me - May 22, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
My pleasure.
John Thomas - May 22, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
how many of you guys have lost someone to the Bio weapons or have a injured person you know. how many of you guys had someone Killed in the Hospital since the CONvid started with Protocol or have someone injured due to hospital protocal
Unapologetically Me - May 22, 2023
Just Another Canadian Dissident.
I have lost family, post jab.
Injured: My son.
John Thomas - May 22, 2023
they all must be held accountable for what they have done. my brother died early in hospital. muitiple family members died from bio weapons. sorry that you have been affected to. I truly know your pain
Pamela Raditsch - May 26, 2023
Pamela Raditsch
Very sorry to hear that
kaal - May 21, 2023 - Edited
I think I was the person who brought up the topic of morgellans, Dr James Giordano, Dr Robert Duncan. I did because of the site lookoutfacharlie. He explained that chemtrails particles build up on the SKIN and there is a fungal infection BENEATH these layers of skin that result in one becoming targeted tortured developing "schizophrenia" hauntings etc because you become sensitized to the radio frequencies all around us. He also desensitized himself by a long process of sloughing off those layers of skin to get to the fungal infection beneath the skin- along w internal detox. Someone posted their skin became plastic- like. LOFC mentions that.
Rosalind McGill - May 22, 2023 - Edited
Rosalind McGill
Love his channel. He helps a lot of targeted individuals. Sophia Smallstorm has spoken on podcasts about morgellons a little as well. Dr Duncan’s first book was a disappointment for me, back then all his info was on YouTube various channels. I can’t remember the Canadian guy who teaches how to make a bucket & detox through the feet. Many people have had improvements. Herbs&beadsplus or something similar.
I had the strangest things come out of my skin. Some was plastic-y .
Pamela Richardson - May 24, 2023
Richardson Health Report
Hello! The gentleman's name is Tony Pantalleresco. He has researched Morgellon's and nanotechnology removal for many years. His channel on Bitchute is called Independz . LINK:https://www.bitchute.com/channel/independz/Many of his videos are reposted on Rumble on a channel called Aroy Mak. LINK :https://rumble.com/c/c-669867Tony has a YouTube channel (but not much remains from the last three years). His YouTube channel name is HerbsPlusBeadWorks. LINK:https://www.youtube.com/@HerbsPlusBeadWorks/videosTony also has two podcasts. Podcast LINK 1:https://player.fm/series/the-independzs-podcastPodcast LINK 2:https://tunein.com/podcasts/Education-Podcasts/Tonys-Show-p1379445/****I hope that this is helpful for people. Tony has a very 'casual' presentation manner, but his dedication to research seems to outstanding. Holistic health experts with whom I have spoken personally speak very highly of him, and report excellent results from using his recommended protocols and inventions. ****
Rosalind McGill - May 24, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thank you very much for the links. He’s wonderful. My brain fog is frustrating.. thanks again.
Matt - May 22, 2023 - Edited
Here's his website with anti-nano bucket DIY video
Laura - May 23, 2023 - Edited
OMG! I've been looking for this site again hoping to get it a second time. I found it once about 3 years ago and lost it. OMG! OMG! OMG! Bless you!
Can you provide the website where these instructions came from? I remember a 2-hour video and more info.
Rosalind McGill - May 22, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thank you
Paul Vonharnish - May 24, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
It is important to separate the Morgellon syndrome data from hydrogel contaminants. The two are exclusive, and only related via alleged appearance. Morgellon syndrome is a biological reaction to infection of a modified Agrobacterium derived from Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Note: The mechanism by which Agrobacterium inserts materials into the host cell by a type IV secretion system is very similar to mechanisms used by pathogens to insert materials (usually proteins) into human cells by type III secretion. It also employs a type of signaling conserved in many Gram-negative bacteria called quorum sensing. This makes Agrobacterium an important topic of medical research as well.
Complete text:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agrobacterium_tumefaciens
Also read: Agrobacterium & Morgellons Disease, A GM Connection? | Global Research
And this: ISIS News no.11/12 -Common Plant Vector Injects Genes into Human Cells
Paul Vonharnish - May 24, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
It is also important to realize that bacteria such as Agrobacterium tumefaciens as well as Bacillus thuringiensis (as used in Monsanto's Bt modified crops) can mutate via horizontal gene transfer. See: > The Microbial World: Bacillus thuringiensis
Produced by Jim Deacon
Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology, The University of Edinburgh
kaal - May 21, 2023
With borax baths soaks removing layers of skin.
dyr - May 21, 2023
One commenter asks, "Do these hydrogels cause the blood clots and bleeding?"
I think that the clot factors are in the main generated by manmade electromagnetic fields. There must be a very conductive presence along with the rubberiness caught visually, and graphene compounds 1st called out I think by the Quinta Columna group, must be the prime candidate, amplifying and making out of more and more "electrosensitives" (a very bad term but prevalent one). "Long covid" is also this.
This is why I ask again, if any researcher has with spectrum analysis gotten a handle on what is coming off injectees, and as I've experienced (symptomatically) from non-injies who've been around injies for long enough, this could be critical to getting much more of what is going on.
When things went over-the-top awry on mainstream media in Canada where I am, right away mid-March 2020 I called this a "5G flu", but then not really for medical reasons. Within a few months I added the medical notion part to the broad view of what I called March 2020, a "war on us all". Some of the wavelengths used in newer e-infrastructure and/or patterns of transmissions may be particularly clot-effective. When in the last 3 years we leave our relatively isolated home site for weekly small town errands, we feel effects as never before as well. These are without doubt "electro-smog" based, as I strongly believe what is going on in interpersonal exchange is as well now.
(QC early on suggested one's own - corrupted by mrna? if the mrna hype has not been a complete/partial layered hoax to distract - dna signalling is pathologically affecting others, who knows maybe that is some of the picture, but surely signal needs great amplification to affect others at a distance such as i have felt at even some 15 ft away from an injie or 2nd-hander non-injie. One possible "limited hangout"type tapped by intel involved, a to me suspicious character anyway, mentioned in publications early on what some found off-the wall but I knew of, viz the late Martin Blank's research on dna as fractal antenna, he having being a prominent advocate against e-dangers whom I knew from my own similar involvements. If this is a hint dropped about corrupted cell transmissions, doomsayers' forecasts may be on the mark. That same fellow noted the role of collapsing life insurance as central to unfolding financial collapse - at the heart of the story, but I can maybe put more on that later,here's a quote from what i wrote also mid-March 2020: "cover for segue into another technomanic financialized system of greater surveillance & control still than already available" - and some readers will have noticed insurance company reports of increased claims, yet actuaries fall back in cowardly fashion to blame mortality spikes on "covid". )
Matt - May 22, 2023
As per the patents, that is one of the activating vectors. Others include body temperature and low Ph.
Susan Hojdik - May 21, 2023
Susan Hojdik
Seems we humans are being used as monster baby fertilizer
DrugDiscovery - May 22, 2023
Dr. Anna, thanks for these resources. I have not had the opportunity to look into all of this hydrogel science, but this primer has been dully archived and will allow me to better understand the arguments based on them. It does make much more sense now.
FJGI - May 21, 2023 - Edited
Beyond Treason
I am a bit clueless about the action of different oxygen concentrations on hydrogel growth. In these two paragraphs below, don't you give a contradictory idea in that sense ?
1. In the article below, it is discussed that hydrogels can grow like biological tissues and that oxygen tension can control the growth. The more oxygen there is the faster they grow. Normal blood is carrying oxygen. There are many more ways to control the growth, this is just one
2. Jimmy Hsia and NTU President-designate Prof Subra Suresh, showed that through manipulation of oxygen concentration, one can pattern and control the growth rate of hydrogels to create the desired complex 3-D shapes. The team found that higher oxygen concentrations slow down the cross-linking of chemicals in the hydrogel, inhibiting growth in that specific area.
Reply (2) - May 21, 2023 - Edited
Beyond Treason
Comment removed.
Unagnu - May 21, 2023 - Edited
We are being killed off. Genocide of ALL humanity. Why? Something/one NOT HUMAN is controlling this. Aliens who want our planet? Demons from another dimension? Angels fallen from 'Heaven"? Look beyond the humans... it is indeed a spiritual battle, one of powers and principalities as the Bible says... amazing the Bible contains such truths... even as manipulated as it is, echos of truths are still there... And no we do not know our history, it has been hidden from most for a reason. If it were known? The mass of humanity would no longer be controllable... all would fall apart and those with evil intent, intent to 'harvest you" ... would no longer be able to do so. Remember, they tell you what they are doing, and if you do not fight, protest, or tell them YOU DO NOT CONSENT to CONTRACT with them... you are fair game.
Tom Martin - May 23, 2023
Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart;
naught be all else to me, save that thou art -
thou my best thought, by day or by night;
waking or sleeping, thy presence my light.
Be thou my wisdom, and thou my true word;
I ever with thee and thou with me, Lord.
Thou my great Father; thine own may I be,
thou in me dwelling and I one with thee.
Riches I heed not, nor vain, empty praise;
thou mine inheritance, now and always;
thou and thou only first in my heart,
high King of heaven, my treasure thou art.
High King of heaven, my victory won,
may I reach heaven’s joys, O bright heaven’s sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
still be my vision, O Ruler of all.
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.
Isaiah 54:17
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6
Swan - May 22, 2023 - Edited
Genesis 3:15 KJV
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Part 1 of 3
FJGI - May 21, 2023
Beyond Treason
Thanks for your replay.
My question is quite simple and concrete. Within all the factors that independently affect hydrogel growth, does increasing oxygen concentrations reduce or increase that growth ?
Reply (1) - May 21, 2023
Beyond Treason
Comment removed.
FJGI - May 22, 2023
Thank you. That's what I think. Maybe in athletes the hydrogel grows more because of the higher oxygen consumption. And they would have more complications.
Paul F. - May 26, 2023
In the past I would be lost after the first few paragraphs, but due to your explanation and the ability to look up terms on the web to understand, I get it.
So the question which comes to my mind Concerning this: "Synthetic techniques summarized in this review are particle replication in nonwetting templates (PRINT), film stretching, self-assembly (SA), crystallization-driven self-assembly (CDSA), polymerization-induced selfassembly (PISA), and temperature-induced morphological transformation (TIMT)."
What particular purpose whould they be using this for? My brain jumped to the following.
They think using the above processes that they can connect people to each other and we would all bee like a hivemind.
I think this is their stated goal. Do you remember the original StarTrek episode where they were transported against their will to a place where folks who thought themselves gods, could control the crews actions just with a thought? I think this is what they are driving for. Everyone knows they want complete control and that to do that, all must have this tech in them so it can be manipulated, in the way they desire. In other words, a controllable cancer.
Use this way to make more growth, this way to make more connections, and this way to kill off rebellousness. There would also be a reward method; only all this would be at their whims.
What they have not banked on is this tech is incompatible with life. Killing their own invention.
Funny about that StarTrek episode. If I remember correctly, Papa was not happy with what his boy had done to the crew, and restored the crew and punished the son who had done this.
Wow the paralells to the Bible story of the fallen son of God being destroyed by God and the creation being restored to what it was in the first place? Uncanny.
Please keep in mind I am no lettered scientist, but this is the impression I have, considering all I have read by lettered scientists, along with impressions as allegories. Somehow in my head all of it fits.
usernamezzz - May 26, 2023
Hi Dr Ana, can you provide the minimum set of requirements for a microscope that can see the level of detail you are showing in your articles on live blood analysis. I would like to buy one and see this for myself.
Tom Martin - May 21, 2023
Tom Martin - May 21, 2023
James Mangano - May 21, 2023
Common Sense Thinking / Thought…
Excellent research Dr. Ana, Thank you...
Unagnu - Jul 17, 2023
Reposting from Spartacus's stack on Wifi and 5G and how it affects the human body, and particularly well.. read it and about the calcium ion channels that are bio electric (eg have a potential gradient) and that can if disrupted bring harm to the body. Further these Ca channels are favored by Spikes... and EDTA targets? Excess minerals and heavy metals. One of which is? CALCIUM. I don't know but there's something here I think... maybe it is why when in a Faraday cage nano bots stop forming? Because you've cut off the energy source eg stimulation of the Calcium channels that it is 'feeding on'
Of course I may be way way off base, but then again, shrugging...
Tikvah Duesters - May 31, 2023
Tikvah’s Newsletter
what about hydrogel in cosmetics? Is that linked to this as well?
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