Self-Assembling Nanotechnology In Polio…

Nov 22, 2024

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s r - Nov 22

s’s Substack

Klaus and Harari need to be a thing of the past



CONNIE’s Substack

And Gates!


s r - Nov 22

s’s Substack



Diana - Nov 22 - Edited


Ana I have a question
have any of you tried heating the products then viewing them?
Has dr Zelada also tried heating the graphene and vaccines and dental anesthetic?
since they wanted to keep them cold I am wondering if they are destroyed by heat?


Kim - Nov 22 - Edited


I think the rationale for keeping the vials so cold is that they didn't want the technology to start assembling within the vials before they were able to be injected into people. So, if that is the case, then it would appear that heat actually increases the assembly. That was also evidenced by the warmth of the breath when she breathed on the sample.
I don't know about increasing the temperature to the boiling point though. That would be interesting to find out.


Diana - Nov 22 - Edited


Body temperature and tenp of breath may mobilize them
but i am talking EXTREME HEAT
Boiling point or higher perhaps
could it be so simple for dentists to boil their anesthetics or other injectibles to ensure the death of the add ins by DARPA and the NWO.
It is possible it might be that simple and I think it is worth investigating
imagine only heating the vials prior to use to destroy their plan
it would be fabulous if in fact it does work
It might not destroy the grapehene /antennas but the micelluar and nano bots and hydrtogel it might actually work
it would be wonderful is something so simple is the solution for doctors dentists etc


Kim - Nov 22 - Edited


I agree. It would be wonderful if that did work. That would solve a lot of problems with going to the dentist or having to have other procedures done.
That is why I said that I didn't know (I don't know) about increasing the temperature to the point of boiling, and that it would be interesting to find out.


Claudia - Nov 30


Which makes me think of a another possibility… I’ve been watching videos on the memory of water… If we can find out the metallic substance used to make the nanotechnology, we can learn what destroys it. If so, we can then introduce the anti-nano substance into distilled water and drink it thereby destroying the nanobots in our bodies.


Claudia - Nov 30


Very smart question …


Diana - Nov 30


I am sure the lipid nanoparticles that hold the nano and other elements like diseases they hold and the parasites would die under heat- the right amount of heat
the graphene oxide might survive- but the biggest damaging particles would be damaged I presume.
I wish they would try this- at least with anesthesia injections and the vaccine vials


Claudia - Nov 30


Yes, that seems a logical solution to the injectable fluids.


Ed Straker - Nov 24

My guess is that only activate at body temperature.


Lynn Woodcock - Nov 22

Lynn’s Substack

Meet Sabrina Wallace.


Diana - Nov 22


If you boil these vials will it destroy the structures and stop it from assembling?
Can you do that Ana? Dr Zelada can you do that too?
add some to a centrige tube and put them in a bag and put the bag in a boiled water and see if it detroys it by analayzing it after the vials are in the boiling water a time and see how long it takes to destroy them


Bee Gee - Nov 22

Bee Gee

Better than boiling would be a pressure cooker. That is similar to how they autoclave reusable metal instruments for hospitals.


Diana - Nov 22


Great Idea- but I still think the boiling water heat is a good option
pressure may not be enough- it might need that boiling water heat


Bee Gee - Nov 23

Bee Gee

Pressure cookers have boiling water in them, or you can even submerge the thing in water, its just at higher than normal atmospheric pressure.
And perhaps meat cooked in the pressure cooker for a long time, like a 2 hour roast, may not have the nanotech filaments and hydrogels in it anymore, perhaps high heat and pressure destroys it but I have not seen where anyone has tested it.
Still so much we do not know, but worth a try.


Diana - Nov 23


Yes definitely worth a try
There has to be a way to destroy it
also there are parasites in the vaccines too- one is polypodium Hydroforum and honestly you can't kill that - you can stick it in a blender and it reassembles.
So this is why I think heat might be the trick.
I do not know what is causing the clots- we have to isolate the chemical that is causing the clots.
We really need to test it with the heat- then maybe add it to blood sample kept at body temperature and then wait and see if it develops clots- after removing it from the body temp a week ot two then wait four hours see if it develops clots.


Ed Straker - Nov 24

These aren't organic and won't be destroyed by heat normally associated with sterilisation. Guess. OTOH microwave radiation might be a useful tool.


Robert Childs - Nov 22

Robert’s Substack

Thank you all very much for your help and information. I have been battling this " morgellons" 4 yrs now and I don't know what I would have done without your knowledge of remedies. Much love


Joni Tullier - Nov 22

Unbelievable! Is all I can say. They have got to be stopped. This is crimes against humanity, right? Who can enforce each and every vaccine that is sent out to be reviewed?


Brenda - Nov 22

I cannot see or read most of the English subtitles. The Spanish subtitles are hiding them!
Please reproduce this video with clear English subtitles!


Liz - Nov 23

They were able to vaccinate starving
Gaza children but not get food to them. So sad.


JesuSalva - Nov 22

JesuSalva’s Substack

God bless you and keep your families, thank you


Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Nov 22

The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter

You did a great job, Dr Ana. Wonderful to listen to you, and your Spanish-speaking friends.
¡Puedo casarme contigo en cualquier momento que quieras hacer copias de ti mismo! ;-)


1307stoic - Nov 22

1307stoic’s Substack

Orwells 1984.
The Repo Men 2010 - Big Pharma and the control of Biological replacement technologies.


Aminata Diouf - Jan 10

Aminata Diouf

When the demonic devil Klaus Schwab says:it changes us,he means the technology they inject to human body change human into a digital slave.he says us,but when ever he or his devilish agenda friends talking from us,they meantyou.youare going to be changeched.Not the wef people no no no,listen carefully to them,evry single word.because they talking about enslave humanity.but they dont count their selves to the humanity wich is forced to take a experimentel bioweapon.Or doe you think Schwab would take any of these dangerous experimentel bioweapon injection wich kills or destroy the genome of humanbeen?Of course not.Or Leonardo Di Carprio,would he let gave hisself a experimentel Injection?Never.We are the slave for them.


angela rose - Dec 30

I have oral edta and good quality vitamin c .
What about a child 8 years old? What do they do ? Never been vaccinated but got pcr tests, which the patent i just saw you are vaccinated with the pcr results as proof of vaccination


Claudia - Nov 30


What I would like to know… Who is making all of these nanotech injectable serums?


Terrykay - Nov 25


I DO NOT WANT AI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just Comment - Nov 24

Just’s Substack

WHO Chief Tedros Hospitalized with Cardiac Issues



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