Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 20, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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As a Board Member of National ARM, as well as a former research partner of Clifford Carnicom, I am very happy to share this announcement. I consider Clifford’s research a key foundation in understanding the bio-engineering and geoengineering transformation of our biosphere, all life and all of humanity - that has been going on for decades. What Clifford calls cross domain bacteria I now call advanced nanomaterials, nano and microrobots. Regardless of the name, it is the same self-assembly nanotechnology that was deployed on humanity via the COVID19 bioweapons and other injectables. Clifford is the only person to date on this planet that I know of, who has managed to culture the polymers in a laboratory setting.
To ensure the preservation of his research for the benefit of humanity is a great honor for National ARM. Please see this letter from National ARM President David Meiswinkle, Esq.
Dear Friends,
An Intellectual Property Contract has been signed between Scientist Clifford Carnicom of the Carnicom Institute and the National American Renaissance Movement - view here
The purpose of the Agreement is to help preserve, protect and develop the scientific work of scientist Clifford Carnicom for the good of humanity.
The Agreement will make the National ARM a trustees of two thousand pages of very important and essential lab notes never previously published, which involve the intensive study of an air borne filament which has been corroborated to be the same filament found in strange biosynthetic, plastic/rubbery blood clots attributed to the Covid-19 vaccination found by embalmers. These notes are confidential and at this time only for viewing by the Board of Directors of non profit corporations who are parties to the contract. Clifford Carnicom's work which he has already made public can be viewed at this link:
These lab notes are thus far, a culmination of 25 years of work studying the geoengineering of our skies and the bioengineering of our bodies by aerial spraying of nano material consisting of heavy metals such as aluminum, strontium, barium, titanium and strange filaments.
Clifford Carnicom has studied strange filaments being dispersed through the chemtrail spraying and inflicting some people with a horrendous affliction. In 1999 he gave a sample filament to the EPA for identification. A year and a half later they sent the sample back and refused to identify it. For lack of a name, he called it cross domain bacteria (CDB). Today this filament is a disease called Morgellons and is characterized by lesions and synthetic fibers growing out of people's bodies.
The filaments are also known as Covid-19 vaccine hydrogels which attack the human immune system and destroy the red blood cells. This, Clifford has corroborated by studies done with Dr Ana Mihalcea, a Board member of the National ARM who has examined the contents of the Covid-19 vaccine through dark field microscopy and the blood work associated with the vaccine, and compared it with Clifford Carnicom's work on the Morgellon's filament. They are the same.
The work of Dr. Ana Mihalcea and scientist Clifford Carnicom document that the human race is under attack through the dispersion of the Covid-19 vaccination and the chem trail/aerosol spraying.
The Intellectual Property Agreement with the National ARM calls for the creation of an Alliance of Non-Profit Corporations that would serve as Trustees of the Intellectual Property.
This new role as trustees marks a significant step forward for the National ARM, expanding its mission to safeguard and disseminate vital research on geoengineering and bio-engineering. By holding these documents, the National ARM aims to foster collaboration among nonprofit organizations, creating a network of partners who share a commitment to understanding and countering these global health threats. The Alliance of Nonprofit Corporations will serve as a central hub, enabling other nonprofits to access and contribute to this body of knowledge, ensuring the research is used responsibly and effectively. This effort will strengthen collective advocacy, facilitate broader education on the issues, and empower more organizations to take action in addressing the implications of these findings for public health and the environment.
Support the National American Renaissance Movement and our attempt to educate the Public on the assault upon them, and assist in countering the geoengineering and bio-engineering poisoning of mankind through Covid-19 vaccinations and aerosol spraying.
We are fighting for you!
David R Meiswinkle Esq.
National American Renaissance Movement President
To support National ARM click this link
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Sarah - Oct 20
Clifford Carnicom, H E R O !
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Saxxon Creative - Oct 20
Saxxon’s Newsletter
What I want to know is how they usurped consumer law?
All countries have this and certain states have this.
Issuance of a consumer product with no ingredients list is also in contravention of the law.
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