How can we be sure of this this is alien stuff given to humans who agreed to exterminate the population in return for the false promise of immortality as false gods , when really they will just become demons
Hello Thomas: I think immortality is a kind of given on quantum levels... If one exists within one domain of time and space, one exists in all fields of time and space. The rest is simply faulty measurement...
I once spent a long afternoon of conversation with a native American story teller and shaman. When the conversation drifted into concepts of "alien" existence, his reply was: "I don't know. The Universe is a pretty big place. What's alien?" Good question...
Interesting , "alien" is only relevant to a given time place and frequency isnt it? If we are traveling adventurers then we can kind of feel alien when we go elsewhere kind of like vacation in a foreign country LOL. Many of the churchianity beliefs are always terrorizing others with this "if you dont get it right , and believe as I do then you are doomed to suffer for eternity in a hellish place " So I ask them " if I can suffer for eternity in some terrible place for not believing as you do or have a different concept of a Supreme Creative Mind, then I must be an eternal being right ? So I think Ill navigate somewhere wonderful for eternity. " LOL
Hello Thomas: It's rather funny that persons of a certain belief can condemn another for eternity. If there is an eternity, then aren't we already there?
Another aspect I find interesting, is that persons who threaten eternal Hell are utilizing black magic as a vehicle to support their condemnation of some magic they disagree with... Pretty *damn* ironic. (Pardon the pun)
So true , they dont even bother to think about such things , just recycle what fear based stuff someone else told them. For a very long time I wouldnt comment on such things , but now I fed up with it , its the worst divide and conquer program of all , and they have never even really researched any of it . I have .
But they managed to kill an awful lot of people & isn’t that their true end goal .. depopulation.. & if the tech ends up working for them .. great .. if not .. a few million useless eaters are gone. It’s a win win for the psychopaths
WE employ the psychopaths via our embrace of corporate racketeering and corporate dictate via oligarchy. Every investment in stock and financial markets, pounds another nail in the coffin.
Very few persons ever reply to my critique of market capitalism, because they're invested in the ponzi game... Too bad...
As related to reported or estimated vaccine deaths - 17 million dead. Fulfillment of the "plan" will require an additional 7.5 billion bodies. Everyone will lose when the nuclear power plants go thermal runaway... Happy thoughts...
I have often wondered how these evil elite think they will manage that, nuke plants, chemical plants , hydro dams , space stuff , military insanity , we barely manage one step away from disaster now with 7 billion + who HAVE to work to keep pace with their debt currency instrument economy, they cant possibly get A.I. and robots to do all this that quickly, and they cant even really get a driverless car to work right yet. When they first started talking about driverless cars , I told everyone , "it will never work because to saturate the living environment with that much EMF , all the cars will be driverless because everyone will be dead.
My take has always been that the "elite" are not even coherent, much less able to understand entropy systems... What goes up, must come down. They need to be taken down, by force...
Thomas, you answered your own question.
"it will never work because to saturate the living environment with that much EMF , all the cars will be driverless because everyone will be dead.“
That’s exactly how they can murder everyone all at once with EMF radiation, if that’s really their ultimate plan. All they have to do is set it to the ‘kill’ frequency and poof, game over, while they hide away in their underground facilities. Easy peasy!
They have enough towers and 5G cells erected across the earth in order to fry everyone today.
They won’t do that until they have perfected whatever is necessary to reach their end goal. Until then, we won’t be considered completely useless. They need their human lab rats to keep experimenting on.
Not so sure. I had a spinal cord implant & it worked fine.. the technology of it .. and that was installed in 2006. So I’m pretty sure they got all kinks out by now
Hi Duchess,
I've been listening to Sabrina too, but she's way too smart and most of it goes over my head. Is the gist of this that CVD is not only an electromagnetic attack but that it's also targeted at specific people, and that they can eliminate whomever they choose with impunity? That's what I feel like happened in our home...and it would also explain the excessive number of "anti-vxxers" who apparently "died of CVD" following the roll-out of the jabs. A lot of this is documented on a horrifying websitesorryantivaxxer.comwhich mocks people who spoke out on social media (or elsewhere) to warn people and then conveniently "died of CVD" to support the official story & Agenda.
It is all so far above my head that I don't puzzler is pooped! But you understand more than I, so thanks for sharing. I'm kinda feeling now I have wasted much time on trivial things, and not developed the brain God gave me....and I am so sorry I am just learning about things now...
But I have no doubt that we are electrical beings in some kind of electrical plasma universe. I also have no doubt that electricity /radio waves/etc. do affect us but how and to what extent, I am not smart enough to even approach understanding...I am at the point where I know what is not true (oil is not dead dinosaurs, the earth is not warming because of CO2, that vaccines did not cure polio, modern medicine can fix a broken leg but not chronic diseases, that most food is crap and we are all peeing out glysophate, our soils are depleted...etc etc etc.)
but am not smart enough to figure out where that leaves us? Can they really use our body's electric aura? Was kirlian photography showing us it? Do the injected people really give off Mac addresses? I find it all fascinating...but I find electricity and radio frequencies complicated to understand and need to put a lot more time into understanding the entire thing. I think what you are saying above is what Sabrina and others (rare others) are saying...and it is a frightening thing to contemplate.
It is poorly written. Perhaps written by someone with a poor grasp of English vocabulary and mechanics.
You might be well served to read “The Invisible Rainbow“ by Arthur Firstenburg. It will help you understand the logistics and growing problem of electrification of our environment by those advancing this premeditation that’s been building for decades to centuries.
Yes. The Invisible Rainbow covers a lot of territory. Mr Firstenburg condenses massive amounts of information in his book, yet it is quite readable. Thanks for posting.
It does, indeed, cover a lot of territory. If I remember correctly, the book contains 150+ pages of notes and citations for additional personal research. I found the book quite fascinating. If you haven’t already come across it, “The Giza Power Plant--The Technologies of Ancient Egypt” by Christopher Dunn is a bit of an obscure volume but I assure you his thesis is not. He is a mechanical/electrical engineer with an addictive passion for understanding the construction of the pyramids. He’s one of quite a few engineers who believe as he does. It is not flamboyant reading and can be quite technical in parts, but his observations of those technicalities are extremely fascinating and are possibly closer to the truth than anything we learned from school and the media. He has another that is equally as eye opening called “The Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt--Advanced Engineering in the Temple of the Pharaohs.”
just bought that & The Lost Tech Of Ancient Egypt.
Also The Giza Death Star Revisited. The Reich Of The Black Sun & & The SS Brotherhood Of The Bell (Joseph Farrrell)
The Giza Prophecy (Crieighton & Osbourn) & more
So.many books to read,, I have The Invisable Rainbow & Dr Ana's Light Medicine but have misplaced them !
Farrel’s books you mentioned above look fascinating. I know I read one of his books years ago. The greatest Nazi men were outside of Germany in America and the midd east funding its endeavors and wars. The pyramids were never burial chambers. IMHO, they were either WMDs or electrical production facilities. They’ve been gutted of the technology to keep us blind to our past. The world’s large desert regions are evidence of the destruction of this weaponry. Most would say this is a stretch of my imagination but, frankly, I believe the technology that the masses are aware of today does not even represent 10% of the technology exposed to earlier civilizations. DEWs have the capacity to turn everything to sand and dust leaving no remnant except the pillars of salt you find in the Sahara relegated to natural wonders. Laughable.
I recently heard a Higher Side Chat with Richard Hoagland who wrote 'Dark Mission: The Secret History Of NASA' with Mike Bara which I really enjoyed where Hoagland mentioned that J. Farrell was one of the 1st to expose it all - Secret NAZI Space Tech & the assassination of JFK, Deep State & Secret Alien Tech, Secret NAZI bases post WWII & on & on & that he had inspired many to dig into history & science to get to the truth so I thought I 'd better read some of his books if he was so highly recommended.
I think a lot of ppl are utterly mesmerized by the Giza Pyramids & Sphinx (& the missing chamber of Thoth containing the Atlantis records). You are correct to say it wasn't a tomb, no writing/funeral dedication inside (so they came up with that dedication between the Sphinxes paws - the Stele) The sarcophagus with the smashed corner used to eminate a specific frequency when struck, so the corner was smashed to stop anyone being able the access it. It's not a sarcophagus at all, a container for giant Crystal's that were part of the weapon & yes, all the tech gutted & nice little psy-op cover story passed down. The strange channels that line up with Constellations but are blocked.
Then theres the sphinx with the unnaturally small head, obviously remodelled from something else, again as a cover up. Was it a Lion as the Sphinx would have faced the constellation of Leo at the time it was built. The 3 pyramids lining up with Orion/Hunter Nimrod - all very mysterious & it was or is on the 33rd parallel (same as Disney Land California & many other occult sites).
Looking forward to hearing the theories in the books.
I think the dark powers have some incredible secret tech, not just the US but the Russians as well, who are probably more advanced - they took NAZI Scientists after WWII in their own little Operation Paperclip & I bet they put them to work making secret tech
Have you heard about the Romanian Bucegi Sphinx???
See 'Transylvanian Sunrise' by Peter Moon. There are others - some ppl think the 2 Sphinxes are connected Stargates - Sadam Hussein was said to have been murdered because he bragged he'd found a Stargate - do you remember that famous photo of all the US Soldiers walking down the Ziggurut?? And the strange raid on the Ciaro museum where they knew exactly what to steal.
Heather Lynn is an rouge Archaeologist because she refuses to tow the elites line on what has been found & hidden. She says the whole middle eastern conflict is an excuse to get over into that ancient land to look for artifacts a la Indiana Jones & that billionaire elite families like the Thyssens are funding secret digs looking for ancient weapons of mass destruction - fascinating stuff
Yes power production machines and more but not WMD though I suppose you can misuse any EMF tech as a weapon look at radio frequencies now used a total weapons system. Yes many ancient civilization possessed advanced tech. They were also initiation temples and used for teleportation. If Tesla had been allowed to really do all his tech we would have all understood the great pyramids which also exist many other places and many not completely uncovered and are even , I got kicked out of Sunday school at age 8 for telling them they were idiots to believe the great pyramids were built by slaves and ropes and ramps and and simple copper tools
Firstenburg is an author I had always admired and respected until I came across this newsletter in my email written by him:
I was absolutely shocked by his defense of the idea that "chemtrails" are a hoax.
So, I reached out to him by email and we had a friendly exchange.
I wrote:
Hello Mr. Firstenberg,
I respect all the great work and research you have undertaken in the past (and continue to do so today), but this article was a huge disappointment.
I couldn't even believe what I was reading.
Still in shock.
What about the mountain of evidence, mainly laboratory reports, from all over the world that clearly prove that there has been an enormous and unexplainable increase of aluminum, barium, strontium, etc in the soil, rivers, lakes, wells, etc?
How about the attached pictures taken yesterday with my amateur microscope of the tap water from my home that came from a water hole 90 meters located in a pristine sparsely inhabited rural area in northern Portugal?
What is it and where did it come from?
Is it natural or supposed to be there?
Sometimes it´s better to use intuition tha to put your trust in so-called "science".
I suggest you take a better look at the subject.
Kind regards,
He replied (at the end, after I had sent him pictures of severely poisoned skies):
"It is normal. It is exactly what I have been seeing since I was young in the 1960s. It is a result of air traffic. Sorry."
Following this exchange, he lost an awful lot of credibility to me.
He is controlled opposition on this or under threat he is saying its an insane lie about chemtrails and has called many of us who really know this stuff and have been revealing it for a long time mentally ill.
Hi, As an IT specialist with a background in Telecoms, I am fully versed in EMF/EMR technology and its adverse effects on the body , and a long time subscriber to Arthur Firstebnberg. However, as you say, this article is written by someone with " a poor grasp of English vocabulary and mechanics." I can barely understand this article and it is not due to a lack of EMR knowledge. Yes , it's a good idea for people to read AF' books/ work, but I doubt it will help much
I think this is the same thing, but in Engish.
Len Ber MD
My conversation with Mat Taylor is about how nanotechnology [in the bodies of the vaccinated] creates a Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN), and its tell-tale sign, a MAC address [Medium Access Control]. MAC emissions can be detected using BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) unnamed device protocol.
This indicates that we have entered the era of "surveillance under the skin" and bi-directional brain-cloud interface with the ability to read from the living brain, and write into the living brain.
Actually it was John Lukach who broke the story with this article - seems to have taken up where Andersen left off. If this is your field of interest, I would say it's indispensable reading! Many other related articles on same blog.
It is that simple , AND your destroying yourself slowly by self choice if you use them . And giving away all your Inalienable rights, and acidifying the oceans, and transmitting disease symptoms, its a WEAPONS SYSTEM PEOPLE not for your communication and entertainment convenience.
I read from Dr. Hulda Clark that like a wine glass breaks by a singers voice it is because the singer matched the frequency (measured in HZ, like on the back of a speaker) of the glass thereby causing it to explode. Same in organisms. If an organism is zapped with the same frequency it omits the life is terminated.
Dr. Hulda Clark's books taught me that if an organism is hit with the same frequency it omits the life of the organism will be terminated. Just like a singer's voice matching the frequency of the wine glass will cause it to break apart.
I imagine your talking about smart phones??
Maybe ppl should get a really old pre-smart phone that doesn't have all the evil stuff in it & just keep the smart phone for buying online etc but store it turned off in a privacy pouch when not used - just use the old non smart phone for calls, the old phones that cant connect to the net
Maybe a bit better a little less microwave dose, but not safe or secure either , even way back before the cell net and towers , the GWEN [ground wave emergency system] was the weapons system of domestic control. They have been at all this for a long time .
Yes, I would imagine they pre-date all the 'Smart Crap'
I only use 2nd hand non 5G phones without the pre installed Convid tracing tech & I've noticed the ebay auctions are always very busy for these older phones, I dont think it's just a money saving thing, I think a lot of ppl are choosing to use older phones that don't have all the latest evil tech in them
As Sasha Latypova says, we are in the midst of of a 'Live Military Excersise' & we should subvert & disrupt the enemy any way we can & even small evasive measures can be useful - if your not carrying the correct receiver, you can't receive their evil signals
Yes, the English is not good. Actually it was John Lukach who broke the story - see does a thorough analysis of the article in layman's terms
Thank you for your work!
I am posting this here and at other substacks because of the critical importance of this information TODAY in saving America…
This is the MOST important information that must be addressed FIRST, repeat FIRST to save America!
Get this priority issue right and then we will be able to fix the rest of this horrifying mess!
Writer, Lex Greene and I belong to the only strategic AMERICA FIRST organization…
Please send this information far and wide to finally UNITE The People in a true Freedom Movement at this late date where our enemies are completely winning!
Nothing else is more important than getting this NATURAL BORN CITIZEN issue right because of all the illegals pouring into our wide open borders and…because of unconstitutional GOP presidential candidates who do NOT fulfill 1 of 3 requirements to be president. You MUST be a natural born citizen to be president or VP!
Good always wins over evil…only if you UNITE and do something!
This is true but then they did the 14 th which made everyone both black and white 'Federal slave citizens, voluntary slavery for the benefits of the corporation is lawful. That is the SS # AND WHY I DONT HAVE AND NEVER WEILL HAVE ONE.
America died with the Immigration Act of 1965. It’s a recreation of America as a chaotic globalist disunified mess, with the intentional importing of many South and East Asians to build a technocratic slave state. It’s utterly unrecognizable to me.
This just in…Anthony Fauci to receive 2024 Inamori ethics prize from Case Western Reserve University. I guess CWRU has no problem heaping praise on Josef Mengele 2.0.
Fauci makes a great false prophet ■ if so, then the lake of fire.
■And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
21And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh. Revelation 19:20-21, KJV, blueletterbible
WOW....just disgusting! So we need to believe the opposite of everything we are told by the PTB....down is up, up is down. We are truly living in The Matrix!
Do you really belief Josef Mengele was really the sinister, evil doctor-monster they write about in the fairy-tale history books?
That the "Holocaust" really happened?
That 99% of what has been written in school textbooks and taught in school about WWII (and WWI and so many other things) are true??
Do some digging.
You may be surprised by what you discover.
Almost everything we´ve been told is a LIE!
You can start digging here:
My former mother-in-law was a WWII German immigrant. She emphatically stated Hitler was a great man who was smeared by western politicians. Do you think she was correct?
No , even though some believed that, he was a bastard child of a Rothschild, he was a puppet, he modeled everything after the Jesuit. Vatican model for world domination, he was used, he did not die in his bunker by suicide , that was one of many doubles , he was smuggled to S. America , lived quite awhile longer and even visited America for secret meetings before death. He was a globalist puppet. He may have been smeared in the beginning to rev up for war , but he was also financed by many American financial elite like Bush family.
Your being manipulated by psyops , yes we have been lied to , but there have been MANY HOLOCAUSTS not just one WW11 time, which did indeed happen , its ridiculous to argue about the numbers. Upon landing in the western hemisphere in 1492 Columbus and churchianity proceeded to start a HOLOCAUST of extermination of 100 million indigenous people , continuing to this minute with the death shots., Read David E Stanards book American Holocaust, why does no one talk about this ?
The paper "Effect of Coronavirus Worldwide through Misusing of
Wireless Sensor Networks" is quite unreadable, I assume due to bad translation.
The only person that I've heard who speaks cogently on the subject of nano-tech and radio frequency emissions is Mat Taylor, this is because he has electrical knowledge . He lives in an isolated spot free from mobile masts. Unfortunately he doesn't appear to write on Substack but he has videos on Bitchute. Here he talks to Stew Peters: states that in the absence of significant RF signals, the nano tech constructions fade away, which is very encouraging.
Actually it was John Lukach who broke this story with this article - knows much more about the subject than Matt.
What part of AIRBORN VIRUSES don't exist don't you understand???? and they NEVER HAVE... It has been a depopulation GENERATIONAL PSY-OP back to the Spanish Flu, why do you think you are finding NANO tech in ALL INJECTABLES?
Why do you think AMISH have zero cancer, diabetes, autism rates??? because ALL cancers and other diseases are INJECTED into to you, THATS WHY...
Even in the ones giving to FIDO in the rabies vaccines.
BREAKING: Former Pfizer VP, Dr. Michael Yeadon, says he doesn’t believe the COVID virus ever existed.
People are going to be REALLY PISSED, when they find out they injected themselves and THEIR CHILDREN, with a BIO-WEAPON for a virus that never existed HUH????
Intel courtesy of your boy!!!!! Agent Midnight Rider
watch closely .....
Oh come off it Ana - If you post nutjob BS like this you will lose credibility
This article is 100% BULLSCHITT
Easy now AJ. I haven't read the post or watched the vid but I find Todd to be very reputable. I saw the eye diagram and I was just commenting on Tony's Substack cause he has found and presented slides of nano cameras he has found in contact lenses. Just saying...
How do you reconcile “I find Todd to be very reputable” with the fact he was totally wrong about the “zombie apocalypse” happening after the FCC Emergency Broadcast?
Actually I heard him speaking to. Maria Zee saying it would not be immediate. Silent frequencies still being admitted. He thinks illness will escalate next month. I don't know what to think.
Appreciate your note, JustANobody. I do wish he had mentioned the “would not be immediate” portion in his original statement! 😊 Another thing he mentioned originally is that the emergency broadcast would trigger Marberg. I don’t think I’ve heard anyone talking about a Marberg breakout yet. I agree, it is very difficult to know exactly what to think at this point! However, I am sincerely hoping that he was wrong in his prediction. We are truly living in uncertain times, and I like to keep the unnecessary fear quotient tamped down as much as possible.
All the best to you!
Im certain that can be triggered BUT do you think they would warn everyone first when they are actually going to do it, its hard to calculate what actually was done with the test. BUT THEY ARE ACTUALLY DOING ALL THIS ALL THE TIME. The cell phone is the weapons system of delivery ALL THE TIME. The chemtrail spray programs the nano pre delivery.
Thanks Thomas...You have an excellent point. And I feel like I have more complete understanding of things after reading John Lukach’s post at this link, with which I think you will find much agreement!
Yes. He stated the money was already spent and vaccines made plus whatever else they deem appropriate. I appreciate the kind words. I agree about the fear and not wanting to get folks worked up. Blessings to you as well.
Thanks for your reply, SJF.! The statements Callender made were definitive NOT speculative. He says it will *definitely* happen in this youtube clip:
I am inclined to "ditch" analysts not for being incorrect but for being silent after they are incorrect. I think we are talking about the same prediction - Callender called for mid-September a 5G pulse that would create a massive Marburg epidemic and the zombie aftermath. He was not correct in that provocative and stunning prediction. So? - What has he said about that in the last month? - Nothing as far as I know. What did he get wrong? He's not saying. I had a very high confidence hunch about him - and was to an extent apprehensive as mid-September approached. That confidence has mostly drained away. At least he didn't try to sell us miracle anti-Marburg cures at a $100 a pop - like that snake venom-in-the-vaccines guy did two years ago!
you are hilarious....It is genius and they have made it this way so people think the person who put it together is a nut job...THEY AREN'T! This is why humanity has been held back, for decades if not longer....there is hidden technology that has been quashed, and originators of the information "disappeared", "suicided" or made to look "mentally ill", get my drift? WAKE UP !!!
Optogenomics makes it all plausible. Read Josep Jornet at ResearchGate or watch his YT vids. If latent payloads were distributed through the vaccines, i.e. Marburg, as Calendar posits, one could conceivably start sequencing that DNA through electromagnetic pulses. We wouldn't know if something happened October 5 yet, if anything did. Jornet works with Terahertz nanoantennas, which are documented in the vaccines.
The microwires documented by LQC are comprised of sensors, i.e., nanosensors. I believe she is just drawing the science into supporting the work accomplished now and the work at hand. You're right in certain respects: the other elements discovered in the vaccines, like Morgellons, only serve to discredit the theorists. I think these are red herrings intentionally installed in the vaccines.
Dr Ana isn't the only person warning of this tech, there are patents out on this stuff that others have seen
Go watch Maria Zeee & Attorney Todd Callender who also exposed this recently though I remember seeing stuff like this over a year ago - why do you think they're throwing 5G towers up as fast as they can??
Very real friend, been saying it for 2 years that cell phones were the last major piece they needed to try what they are trying.
For months now they have been trying to bathe me in this type of attack. I know because when I feel like shit and check out my apps and trifield I have to 'unknown cell operators' signals that are way above 'safe' levels.
Your incorrect she is well aware of all aspects of this , you dont know her back round , level of knowledge and experience , you try revealing all this to a confused and divided population, mind controlled churchianity people , overcome the big pharma and controlled opposition propaganda and more , lets see how you do , and what people will respond to you. How many have you healed or helped? Lets see all your better knowledge and evidence, lets see your dark field microscope photos, show us how many patients you have treated while doing all this.
They are not targetting us individually which is how I understand the 5g/cell phone so called attack. I've listened to Matteo Taylor who is the first to explore the idea.
TPTB are just waiting for the inevitable deaths from the vaccines. Ludicrous to think they are targetting individuals with secret 5g electronic attacks.
That is unnecessary from them as they have got 6.6 billion jabs working for them now.
Mike Yeadon says they are happy with that and he is accurate in my experience.
Todd Callender may be OK but seems to me too quick to make pronouncements and is clearly enjoying his ride on the Covid Hoax. $$$ for him is what is obvious.
As for Ana Maria - What do you say about her? All her outstandingly good work yet she is clearly a nutjob religionist.
You have to overlook that if you want to accept her as an accurate point of reference
I myself am a science based atheist.
Dr Ana is NOT a nut job religionist , or a nut job anything, I have known her 15 + years , have you ? Go listen to her interview with Dr Len Bur to understand the targeted individual attack she has SURVIVED, as well as the verbal attacks from churchianity, before you make any judgement, could you survive such? Looks to me like the however many billion jabs actually delivered are not fast enough for them , so now they have whipped up their armegeddon insanity , war , famine, and this type of destruction is much faster way for their depopulation agendas.
She identifies as a religionist. Read her many posts which invoke jesus/god.
What are you saying? She is pretending to be a religionist.
You want to get personal schitt for brains?
What is the best guitar you own?
It's classic hegelian dialectic. It was the backup plan in case they couldn't get a mandate.
The biohackers ARE orchestrated by the deep state.
Their "solution" will be tracked and traced by us instead so we can protect you...
FDA’s ‘Suspicious’ Deal With Gates Foundation Could ‘Corrupt the Whole System’ ■ Experts are concerned that a memorandum of understanding between the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration could give Gates “undue influence” over the agency’s regulatory decisions.
I have yet to read this post by Ana, but I just wanted to inform that on Tony's Substack, he posted that he has found nano cameras in contact lenses and has presented the slides showing them. You may want to look at Tony's post.
This is some of the PROOF it is being done, "infecting" people with synthetic, digital "disease(s)" to "justify" poisoning and murder with "mRNA/DNA 'vaccines'". The "emergency", to the mass-murderous corporate-fascist, neo-Nazi, "Fourth Reich" globalists (aka, global enslavers and exterminators of most of humanity), is the so-called "overpopulation" that supposedly "requires" emergency liquidation of the vast majority of humankind, post haste. Thank you for backing up and proving the truth so thoroughly. Needless to say, it is extremely disconcerting and discouraging, but the truth sets us free.
Even after showing such evidence to most people, they still wouldn't believe it. It is sci-fi horror become "reality". It is the "Matrix" control grid on steroids. The PTB aren't fooling around. This is NOT a limited experiment. This IS a long-term, intentional, widespread culling of the planet's human population. Most people who would at least try to stop it if they knew it is true, not only refuse to believe it is happening, and choose to falsely believe that it's a "conspiracy theory" that only nutcases believe, just as was purposefully socially engineered to occur, they refuse to believe the evidence.
which is why at the very outset any mention of any connection between wireless tech and the 'virus' was immediately stamped out. Same as any mention of the long list of side effects
Len Ber (
My conversation with Mat Taylor is about how nanotechnology [in the bodies of the vaccinated] creates a Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN), and its tell-tale sign, a MAC address [Medium Access Control]. MAC emissions can be detected using BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) unnamed device protocol.
This indicates that we have entered the era of "surveillance under the skin" and bi-directional brain-cloud interface with the ability to read from the living brain, and write into the living brain, "blatantly so".
Daniel Chapter 11:20-45, KJV, BLB ■ This is what I will study for this, and particularly the word 'devices'. M
Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.
21And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
22And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant.
23And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.
24He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.
25¶And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army; but he shall not stand: for they shall forecast devices against him.
26Yea, they that feed of the portion of his meat shall destroy him, and his army shall overflow: and many shall fall down slain.
27And both these kings' hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table; but it shall not prosper: for yet the end shall be at the time appointed.
28Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the holy covenant; and he shall do exploits, and return to his own land.
29¶At the time appointed he shall return, and come toward the south; but it shall not be as the former, or as the latter.
30For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant.
31And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.
32And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.
33And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.
34Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.
35And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.
36¶And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
37Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
38But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
39Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.
40¶And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
41He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.
42He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
43But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.
44But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many.
45And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.
Obviously the writers first language is NOT English, but somebody knowledgable about the subject should look at this and see if it's bs or not or if it's partially true.
Actually it was John Lukach who broke this story here - he provides thorough analysis. He's also checked credentials of authors, magazine etc and confirms it's not bs even tho he was dubious initiallyt
Baby talk usually starts with ■ dada/abba. M
■Matthew 21:16 KJV — And said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise? KJV, blueletterbible
Duchess - Oct 25, 2023 - Edited
Is this what Sabrina Wallace is talking about?
Annabel Smart - Oct 25, 2023 - Edited
Annabel Smart
Also check Lookoutfacharlie on YT - he has been talking about this for years
kerrylyn - Oct 28, 2023 - Edited
Actually it was John Lukach who broke the story with this article -
psychoNWO - Oct 29, 2023 - Edited
See video description...
Rockefeller document - Radio Genetics and manipulating neurons from a distance using EMF's...
kaal - Oct 29, 2023
Demon hunter sky dome atlantis- still on yt video sky dome atlantis FAKE ALIEN invasion MIND CONTROL Smart dust digitized AI artificial canopy.
Paul Vonharnish - Oct 26, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Just more staring into the abyss. The more complex the technology, the less reliable it becomes. These devices will fail to operate as designed.
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 26, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
How can we be sure of this this is alien stuff given to humans who agreed to exterminate the population in return for the false promise of immortality as false gods , when really they will just become demons
Paul Vonharnish - Oct 29, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Hello Thomas: I think immortality is a kind of given on quantum levels... If one exists within one domain of time and space, one exists in all fields of time and space. The rest is simply faulty measurement...
I once spent a long afternoon of conversation with a native American story teller and shaman. When the conversation drifted into concepts of "alien" existence, his reply was: "I don't know. The Universe is a pretty big place. What's alien?" Good question...
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 29, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Interesting , "alien" is only relevant to a given time place and frequency isnt it? If we are traveling adventurers then we can kind of feel alien when we go elsewhere kind of like vacation in a foreign country LOL. Many of the churchianity beliefs are always terrorizing others with this "if you dont get it right , and believe as I do then you are doomed to suffer for eternity in a hellish place " So I ask them " if I can suffer for eternity in some terrible place for not believing as you do or have a different concept of a Supreme Creative Mind, then I must be an eternal being right ? So I think Ill navigate somewhere wonderful for eternity. " LOL
Paul Vonharnish - Oct 29, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Hello Thomas: It's rather funny that persons of a certain belief can condemn another for eternity. If there is an eternity, then aren't we already there?
Another aspect I find interesting, is that persons who threaten eternal Hell are utilizing black magic as a vehicle to support their condemnation of some magic they disagree with... Pretty *damn* ironic. (Pardon the pun)
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 30, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
So true , they dont even bother to think about such things , just recycle what fear based stuff someone else told them. For a very long time I wouldnt comment on such things , but now I fed up with it , its the worst divide and conquer program of all , and they have never even really researched any of it . I have .
John Vargo - Feb 11, 2024
John Vargo
Yeah I wanted to know the big picture,no one wants to talk about it though.This is the so called "Elite"
John Vargo - Feb 11, 2024
John Vargo
This is the "Alien" agenda.
JP Spatzier - Oct 26, 2023
JP Spatzier
But they managed to kill an awful lot of people & isn’t that their true end goal .. depopulation.. & if the tech ends up working for them .. great .. if not .. a few million useless eaters are gone. It’s a win win for the psychopaths
Paul Vonharnish - Oct 26, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
WE employ the psychopaths via our embrace of corporate racketeering and corporate dictate via oligarchy. Every investment in stock and financial markets, pounds another nail in the coffin.
Very few persons ever reply to my critique of market capitalism, because they're invested in the ponzi game... Too bad...
As related to reported or estimated vaccine deaths - 17 million dead. Fulfillment of the "plan" will require an additional 7.5 billion bodies. Everyone will lose when the nuclear power plants go thermal runaway... Happy thoughts...
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 30, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
I have often wondered how these evil elite think they will manage that, nuke plants, chemical plants , hydro dams , space stuff , military insanity , we barely manage one step away from disaster now with 7 billion + who HAVE to work to keep pace with their debt currency instrument economy, they cant possibly get A.I. and robots to do all this that quickly, and they cant even really get a driverless car to work right yet. When they first started talking about driverless cars , I told everyone , "it will never work because to saturate the living environment with that much EMF , all the cars will be driverless because everyone will be dead.
Paul Vonharnish - Oct 30, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
My take has always been that the "elite" are not even coherent, much less able to understand entropy systems... What goes up, must come down. They need to be taken down, by force...
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 31, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Éva LaRoche - Feb 12, 2024
Éva LaRoche
Thomas, you answered your own question.
"it will never work because to saturate the living environment with that much EMF , all the cars will be driverless because everyone will be dead.“
That’s exactly how they can murder everyone all at once with EMF radiation, if that’s really their ultimate plan. All they have to do is set it to the ‘kill’ frequency and poof, game over, while they hide away in their underground facilities. Easy peasy!
They have enough towers and 5G cells erected across the earth in order to fry everyone today.
They won’t do that until they have perfected whatever is necessary to reach their end goal. Until then, we won’t be considered completely useless. They need their human lab rats to keep experimenting on.
BKBlair - Oct 25, 2023
Conspiracy Sarah - Oct 26, 2023
Conspiracy Sarah
JP Spatzier - Oct 26, 2023
JP Spatzier
Not so sure. I had a spinal cord implant & it worked fine.. the technology of it .. and that was installed in 2006. So I’m pretty sure they got all kinks out by now
Swan - Nov 2, 2023
Hi Duchess,
I've been listening to Sabrina too, but she's way too smart and most of it goes over my head. Is the gist of this that CVD is not only an electromagnetic attack but that it's also targeted at specific people, and that they can eliminate whomever they choose with impunity? That's what I feel like happened in our home...and it would also explain the excessive number of "anti-vxxers" who apparently "died of CVD" following the roll-out of the jabs. A lot of this is documented on a horrifying websitesorryantivaxxer.comwhich mocks people who spoke out on social media (or elsewhere) to warn people and then conveniently "died of CVD" to support the official story & Agenda.
Duchess - Nov 2, 2023
It is all so far above my head that I don't puzzler is pooped! But you understand more than I, so thanks for sharing. I'm kinda feeling now I have wasted much time on trivial things, and not developed the brain God gave me....and I am so sorry I am just learning about things now...
But I have no doubt that we are electrical beings in some kind of electrical plasma universe. I also have no doubt that electricity /radio waves/etc. do affect us but how and to what extent, I am not smart enough to even approach understanding...I am at the point where I know what is not true (oil is not dead dinosaurs, the earth is not warming because of CO2, that vaccines did not cure polio, modern medicine can fix a broken leg but not chronic diseases, that most food is crap and we are all peeing out glysophate, our soils are depleted...etc etc etc.)
but am not smart enough to figure out where that leaves us? Can they really use our body's electric aura? Was kirlian photography showing us it? Do the injected people really give off Mac addresses? I find it all fascinating...but I find electricity and radio frequencies complicated to understand and need to put a lot more time into understanding the entire thing. I think what you are saying above is what Sabrina and others (rare others) are saying...and it is a frightening thing to contemplate.
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 26, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
kerrylyn - Oct 28, 2023
Actually it was not Callender/Ana but John Lukach who broke this story here
JP Spatzier - Oct 30, 2023
JP Spatzier
You are all wrong. Sabrina over on odyssey has been talking about this forever. They are using her work with her permission ..
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 28, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
I said it at the beginning of plandemic, and in my podcasts , and on Tv interview long before any of those folks were commenting on it.
Marla - Oct 25, 2023 - Edited
Jacob Worm
Is there somewhere that this is available in English? I don’t understand the language of this paper.
Jacob Worm - Oct 25, 2023 - Edited
Jacob Worm
It is poorly written. Perhaps written by someone with a poor grasp of English vocabulary and mechanics.
You might be well served to read “The Invisible Rainbow“ by Arthur Firstenburg. It will help you understand the logistics and growing problem of electrification of our environment by those advancing this premeditation that’s been building for decades to centuries.
Paul Vonharnish - Oct 26, 2023 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
Yes. The Invisible Rainbow covers a lot of territory. Mr Firstenburg condenses massive amounts of information in his book, yet it is quite readable. Thanks for posting.
Jacob Worm - Oct 26, 2023
Jacob Worm
It does, indeed, cover a lot of territory. If I remember correctly, the book contains 150+ pages of notes and citations for additional personal research. I found the book quite fascinating. If you haven’t already come across it, “The Giza Power Plant--The Technologies of Ancient Egypt” by Christopher Dunn is a bit of an obscure volume but I assure you his thesis is not. He is a mechanical/electrical engineer with an addictive passion for understanding the construction of the pyramids. He’s one of quite a few engineers who believe as he does. It is not flamboyant reading and can be quite technical in parts, but his observations of those technicalities are extremely fascinating and are possibly closer to the truth than anything we learned from school and the media. He has another that is equally as eye opening called “The Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt--Advanced Engineering in the Temple of the Pharaohs.”
Odessa - Oct 26, 2023
Jacob Worm
just bought that & The Lost Tech Of Ancient Egypt.
Also The Giza Death Star Revisited. The Reich Of The Black Sun & & The SS Brotherhood Of The Bell (Joseph Farrrell)
The Giza Prophecy (Crieighton & Osbourn) & more
So.many books to read,, I have The Invisable Rainbow & Dr Ana's Light Medicine but have misplaced them !
Jacob Worm - Oct 26, 2023
Jacob Worm
Farrel’s books you mentioned above look fascinating. I know I read one of his books years ago. The greatest Nazi men were outside of Germany in America and the midd east funding its endeavors and wars. The pyramids were never burial chambers. IMHO, they were either WMDs or electrical production facilities. They’ve been gutted of the technology to keep us blind to our past. The world’s large desert regions are evidence of the destruction of this weaponry. Most would say this is a stretch of my imagination but, frankly, I believe the technology that the masses are aware of today does not even represent 10% of the technology exposed to earlier civilizations. DEWs have the capacity to turn everything to sand and dust leaving no remnant except the pillars of salt you find in the Sahara relegated to natural wonders. Laughable.
Odessa - Oct 26, 2023
I recently heard a Higher Side Chat with Richard Hoagland who wrote 'Dark Mission: The Secret History Of NASA' with Mike Bara which I really enjoyed where Hoagland mentioned that J. Farrell was one of the 1st to expose it all - Secret NAZI Space Tech & the assassination of JFK, Deep State & Secret Alien Tech, Secret NAZI bases post WWII & on & on & that he had inspired many to dig into history & science to get to the truth so I thought I 'd better read some of his books if he was so highly recommended.
I think a lot of ppl are utterly mesmerized by the Giza Pyramids & Sphinx (& the missing chamber of Thoth containing the Atlantis records). You are correct to say it wasn't a tomb, no writing/funeral dedication inside (so they came up with that dedication between the Sphinxes paws - the Stele) The sarcophagus with the smashed corner used to eminate a specific frequency when struck, so the corner was smashed to stop anyone being able the access it. It's not a sarcophagus at all, a container for giant Crystal's that were part of the weapon & yes, all the tech gutted & nice little psy-op cover story passed down. The strange channels that line up with Constellations but are blocked.
Then theres the sphinx with the unnaturally small head, obviously remodelled from something else, again as a cover up. Was it a Lion as the Sphinx would have faced the constellation of Leo at the time it was built. The 3 pyramids lining up with Orion/Hunter Nimrod - all very mysterious & it was or is on the 33rd parallel (same as Disney Land California & many other occult sites).
Looking forward to hearing the theories in the books.
I think the dark powers have some incredible secret tech, not just the US but the Russians as well, who are probably more advanced - they took NAZI Scientists after WWII in their own little Operation Paperclip & I bet they put them to work making secret tech
Have you heard about the Romanian Bucegi Sphinx???
See 'Transylvanian Sunrise' by Peter Moon. There are others - some ppl think the 2 Sphinxes are connected Stargates - Sadam Hussein was said to have been murdered because he bragged he'd found a Stargate - do you remember that famous photo of all the US Soldiers walking down the Ziggurut?? And the strange raid on the Ciaro museum where they knew exactly what to steal.
Heather Lynn is an rouge Archaeologist because she refuses to tow the elites line on what has been found & hidden. She says the whole middle eastern conflict is an excuse to get over into that ancient land to look for artifacts a la Indiana Jones & that billionaire elite families like the Thyssens are funding secret digs looking for ancient weapons of mass destruction - fascinating stuff
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 26, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Yes power production machines and more but not WMD though I suppose you can misuse any EMF tech as a weapon look at radio frequencies now used a total weapons system. Yes many ancient civilization possessed advanced tech. They were also initiation temples and used for teleportation. If Tesla had been allowed to really do all his tech we would have all understood the great pyramids which also exist many other places and many not completely uncovered and are even , I got kicked out of Sunday school at age 8 for telling them they were idiots to believe the great pyramids were built by slaves and ropes and ramps and and simple copper tools
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 30, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
His stuff on Egypt is fantastic , have studied it all superb .
Marcelo Araujo - Oct 29, 2023
Marcelo Araujo
Firstenburg is an author I had always admired and respected until I came across this newsletter in my email written by him:
I was absolutely shocked by his defense of the idea that "chemtrails" are a hoax.
So, I reached out to him by email and we had a friendly exchange.
I wrote:
Hello Mr. Firstenberg,
I respect all the great work and research you have undertaken in the past (and continue to do so today), but this article was a huge disappointment.
I couldn't even believe what I was reading.
Still in shock.
What about the mountain of evidence, mainly laboratory reports, from all over the world that clearly prove that there has been an enormous and unexplainable increase of aluminum, barium, strontium, etc in the soil, rivers, lakes, wells, etc?
How about the attached pictures taken yesterday with my amateur microscope of the tap water from my home that came from a water hole 90 meters located in a pristine sparsely inhabited rural area in northern Portugal?
What is it and where did it come from?
Is it natural or supposed to be there?
Sometimes it´s better to use intuition tha to put your trust in so-called "science".
I suggest you take a better look at the subject.
Kind regards,
He replied (at the end, after I had sent him pictures of severely poisoned skies):
"It is normal. It is exactly what I have been seeing since I was young in the 1960s. It is a result of air traffic. Sorry."
Following this exchange, he lost an awful lot of credibility to me.
JayD - Nov 5, 2023
Wow! I feel your shock! Thanks for this. Does he not consider that if it's been the same since the '60s that it might have started earlier!!?
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 30, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
He is controlled opposition on this or under threat he is saying its an insane lie about chemtrails and has called many of us who really know this stuff and have been revealing it for a long time mentally ill.
JayD - Nov 5, 2023
Jacob Worm
Hi, As an IT specialist with a background in Telecoms, I am fully versed in EMF/EMR technology and its adverse effects on the body , and a long time subscriber to Arthur Firstebnberg. However, as you say, this article is written by someone with " a poor grasp of English vocabulary and mechanics." I can barely understand this article and it is not due to a lack of EMR knowledge. Yes , it's a good idea for people to read AF' books/ work, but I doubt it will help much
Jacob Worm - Nov 5, 2023
Jacob Worm
Hi, JayD. You’re correct. It won’t help as a panacea for this growing EMF dragon, but it will help with understanding for as long as that matters.
Diana Barahona - Oct 25, 2023 - Edited
Full Disclosure
I think this is the same thing, but in Engish.
Len Ber MD
My conversation with Mat Taylor is about how nanotechnology [in the bodies of the vaccinated] creates a Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN), and its tell-tale sign, a MAC address [Medium Access Control]. MAC emissions can be detected using BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) unnamed device protocol.
This indicates that we have entered the era of "surveillance under the skin" and bi-directional brain-cloud interface with the ability to read from the living brain, and write into the living brain.
Julie Parker - Oct 25, 2023
J.L. Parker, author, Newsletter
This is my area of research also. Did you ever run across Mik Andersen's work before it was scrubbed online? Maybe we could compare notes.
kerrylyn - Oct 28, 2023
Actually it was John Lukach who broke the story with this article - seems to have taken up where Andersen left off. If this is your field of interest, I would say it's indispensable reading! Many other related articles on same blog.
Agent Midnight Rider - Oct 26, 2023 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
Allow me to Translate??? Basically, you can be assassinated through your cell phone. by hackers
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 31, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
It is that simple , AND your destroying yourself slowly by self choice if you use them . And giving away all your Inalienable rights, and acidifying the oceans, and transmitting disease symptoms, its a WEAPONS SYSTEM PEOPLE not for your communication and entertainment convenience.
Canadian Apple Pie - Oct 27, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
I read from Dr. Hulda Clark that like a wine glass breaks by a singers voice it is because the singer matched the frequency (measured in HZ, like on the back of a speaker) of the glass thereby causing it to explode. Same in organisms. If an organism is zapped with the same frequency it omits the life is terminated.
Agent Midnight Rider - Oct 27, 2023
Agent’s Substack
Correct, one of the cures is suppose to be a frequency.
Canadian Apple Pie - Nov 6, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
Dr. Hulda Clark's books taught me that if an organism is hit with the same frequency it omits the life of the organism will be terminated. Just like a singer's voice matching the frequency of the wine glass will cause it to break apart.
Paul Vonharnish - Oct 26, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Heh, heh. Made me laugh. Great synopsis.
Odessa - Oct 26, 2023 - Edited
Thomas’s Substack
Comment removed.
Odessa - Oct 26, 2023 - Edited
Thomas’s Substack
I imagine your talking about smart phones??
Maybe ppl should get a really old pre-smart phone that doesn't have all the evil stuff in it & just keep the smart phone for buying online etc but store it turned off in a privacy pouch when not used - just use the old non smart phone for calls, the old phones that cant connect to the net
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 31, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Maybe a bit better a little less microwave dose, but not safe or secure either , even way back before the cell net and towers , the GWEN [ground wave emergency system] was the weapons system of domestic control. They have been at all this for a long time .
Odessa - Oct 26, 2023 - Edited
Thomas’s Substack
Comment removed.
Odessa - Oct 26, 2023 - Edited
Thomas’s Substack
Yes, I would imagine they pre-date all the 'Smart Crap'
I only use 2nd hand non 5G phones without the pre installed Convid tracing tech & I've noticed the ebay auctions are always very busy for these older phones, I dont think it's just a money saving thing, I think a lot of ppl are choosing to use older phones that don't have all the latest evil tech in them
As Sasha Latypova says, we are in the midst of of a 'Live Military Excersise' & we should subvert & disrupt the enemy any way we can & even small evasive measures can be useful - if your not carrying the correct receiver, you can't receive their evil signals
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 31, 2023 - Edited
Thomas’s Substack
Yes you can , see everything from Sabrina Wallace ITS RADIO FREQUENCY SIGNALS can be sent many ways
Oct 26, 2023
Comment removed.
Agent Midnight Rider - Oct 26, 2023
Agent’s Substack
Dr. Deagle spoke of this in his 2006 intel drop, how he saw a bunch of NSA spooks working for Cell phone manufacturers.
Annabel Smart - Oct 25, 2023 - Edited
Annabel Smart
It has been translated fairly poorly, and I find it difficult to understand.
kaal - Oct 26, 2023 - Edited
Its comprehensive. just read it technically. i think its trying to say this is healthcare and good but done by bad actor hackers so its bad.
kerrylyn - Oct 28, 2023
Actually it was John Lukach who broke this story with this article -'s much easier to understand
kaal - Oct 29, 2023
Jaye B from Reset News substack. addresses Rogan, Alex Jones and more.
Ernie Rockwell - Oct 25, 2023
Ernie Rockwell
I had trouble comprehending the specifics. Going from the unknown to the unknown makes it harder to follow.
kerrylyn - Oct 28, 2023
Yes, the English is not good. Actually it was John Lukach who broke the story - see does a thorough analysis of the article in layman's terms
Truth Matters - Oct 25, 2023
Truth’s Substack
Thank you for your work!
I am posting this here and at other substacks because of the critical importance of this information TODAY in saving America…
This is the MOST important information that must be addressed FIRST, repeat FIRST to save America!
Get this priority issue right and then we will be able to fix the rest of this horrifying mess!
Writer, Lex Greene and I belong to the only strategic AMERICA FIRST organization…
Please send this information far and wide to finally UNITE The People in a true Freedom Movement at this late date where our enemies are completely winning!
Nothing else is more important than getting this NATURAL BORN CITIZEN issue right because of all the illegals pouring into our wide open borders and…because of unconstitutional GOP presidential candidates who do NOT fulfill 1 of 3 requirements to be president. You MUST be a natural born citizen to be president or VP!
Good always wins over evil…only if you UNITE and do something!
Paul Vonharnish - Oct 26, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Hello Truth Matters: Please take the time to investigate the erasure of the Original 13th Amendment. All Amendments subsequent to this act of treason by Abraham Lincoln, are null and void. >>> The Missing 13th Amendment: No Lawyers Allowed In Public Office >>> August 6, 2019 >>>,lawfully%20repealed%2C%20it%20is%20still%20the%20Law%20today.,lawfully%20repealed%2C%20it%20is%20still%20the%20Law%20today
Also: CONFIRMED: The Original Thirteenth Amendment Was Ratified, And Then Improperly Removed From The Constitution >>> by Richard C. Green >>> April 2, 2017
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 26, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
This is true but then they did the 14 th which made everyone both black and white 'Federal slave citizens, voluntary slavery for the benefits of the corporation is lawful. That is the SS # AND WHY I DONT HAVE AND NEVER WEILL HAVE ONE.
Chris - Oct 25, 2023
America died with the Immigration Act of 1965. It’s a recreation of America as a chaotic globalist disunified mess, with the intentional importing of many South and East Asians to build a technocratic slave state. It’s utterly unrecognizable to me.
Truth Matters - Oct 25, 2023
Truth’s Substack
What shall we do about that?
Chris - Oct 25, 2023
Pray for wisdom and discernment as a start.
Truth Matters - Oct 26, 2023
Truth’s Substack
Judges…Gideon’s Army of 300 that does exist today, all possessi the gifts and blessings of wisdom and discernment!
Thank you for your comment!
kerrylyn - Oct 28, 2023
Actually it was John Lukach, not Callender, who broke this story -
GLK - Oct 25, 2023 - Edited
Susan Hojdik
This just in…Anthony Fauci to receive 2024 Inamori ethics prize from Case Western Reserve University. I guess CWRU has no problem heaping praise on Josef Mengele 2.0.
Susan Hojdik - Oct 25, 2023
Susan Hojdik
Hope the little rat bass tard falls in a vat of his own poison
Margie Chism - Oct 25, 2023
Margie Chism
Fauci makes a great false prophet ■ if so, then the lake of fire.
■And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
21And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh. Revelation 19:20-21, KJV, blueletterbible
GLK - Oct 25, 2023
That would be delightful.
EmEm33 - Oct 25, 2023
WOW....just disgusting! So we need to believe the opposite of everything we are told by the PTB....down is up, up is down. We are truly living in The Matrix!
GLK - Oct 25, 2023
Yes. CWRU, like Harvard is fully captured. Most colleges are shit anymore. Hillsdale in MI seems to be an exception.
Odessa - Oct 26, 2023
Marcelo Araujo - Oct 29, 2023
Marcelo Araujo
Do you really belief Josef Mengele was really the sinister, evil doctor-monster they write about in the fairy-tale history books?
That the "Holocaust" really happened?
That 99% of what has been written in school textbooks and taught in school about WWII (and WWI and so many other things) are true??
Do some digging.
You may be surprised by what you discover.
Almost everything we´ve been told is a LIE!
You can start digging here:
GLK - Oct 29, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
My former mother-in-law was a WWII German immigrant. She emphatically stated Hitler was a great man who was smeared by western politicians. Do you think she was correct?
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 31, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
No , even though some believed that, he was a bastard child of a Rothschild, he was a puppet, he modeled everything after the Jesuit. Vatican model for world domination, he was used, he did not die in his bunker by suicide , that was one of many doubles , he was smuggled to S. America , lived quite awhile longer and even visited America for secret meetings before death. He was a globalist puppet. He may have been smeared in the beginning to rev up for war , but he was also financed by many American financial elite like Bush family.
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 31, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Your being manipulated by psyops , yes we have been lied to , but there have been MANY HOLOCAUSTS not just one WW11 time, which did indeed happen , its ridiculous to argue about the numbers. Upon landing in the western hemisphere in 1492 Columbus and churchianity proceeded to start a HOLOCAUST of extermination of 100 million indigenous people , continuing to this minute with the death shots., Read David E Stanards book American Holocaust, why does no one talk about this ?
John Lawton - Oct 25, 2023 - Edited
John Lawton
The paper "Effect of Coronavirus Worldwide through Misusing of
Wireless Sensor Networks" is quite unreadable, I assume due to bad translation.
The only person that I've heard who speaks cogently on the subject of nano-tech and radio frequency emissions is Mat Taylor, this is because he has electrical knowledge . He lives in an isolated spot free from mobile masts. Unfortunately he doesn't appear to write on Substack but he has videos on Bitchute. Here he talks to Stew Peters: states that in the absence of significant RF signals, the nano tech constructions fade away, which is very encouraging.
kerrylyn - Oct 28, 2023
Actually it was John Lukach who broke this story with this article - knows much more about the subject than Matt.
EmEm33 - Oct 25, 2023
Happy to see you followed up on Sabrina's shared info....
Big respect!!!
Marty - Oct 26, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
I hope Maria can interview Sabrina at some point, it's so important to bring this information to the public in a comprehensible way.
kerrylyn - Oct 28, 2023
She should also interview John Lukach who broke the story - see's much easier to understand than Sabrina
EmEm33 - Oct 26, 2023
Yes, I agree.
kerrylyn - Oct 28, 2023
Actually it was John Lukach who broke this story with this article -
Agent Midnight Rider - Oct 25, 2023
Agent’s Substack
What part of AIRBORN VIRUSES don't exist don't you understand???? and they NEVER HAVE... It has been a depopulation GENERATIONAL PSY-OP back to the Spanish Flu, why do you think you are finding NANO tech in ALL INJECTABLES?
Why do you think AMISH have zero cancer, diabetes, autism rates??? because ALL cancers and other diseases are INJECTED into to you, THATS WHY...
Even in the ones giving to FIDO in the rabies vaccines.
BREAKING: Former Pfizer VP, Dr. Michael Yeadon, says he doesn’t believe the COVID virus ever existed.
People are going to be REALLY PISSED, when they find out they injected themselves and THEIR CHILDREN, with a BIO-WEAPON for a virus that never existed HUH????
Intel courtesy of your boy!!!!! Agent Midnight Rider
watch closely .....
AJPreston - Oct 25, 2023 - Edited
Oh come off it Ana - If you post nutjob BS like this you will lose credibility
This article is 100% BULLSCHITT
Stephan - Oct 25, 2023 - Edited
Easy now AJ. I haven't read the post or watched the vid but I find Todd to be very reputable. I saw the eye diagram and I was just commenting on Tony's Substack cause he has found and presented slides of nano cameras he has found in contact lenses. Just saying...
Michael - Oct 25, 2023 - Edited
How do you reconcile “I find Todd to be very reputable” with the fact he was totally wrong about the “zombie apocalypse” happening after the FCC Emergency Broadcast?
JustANobody - Oct 26, 2023 - Edited
Actually I heard him speaking to. Maria Zee saying it would not be immediate. Silent frequencies still being admitted. He thinks illness will escalate next month. I don't know what to think.
Michael - Oct 26, 2023 - Edited
Appreciate your note, JustANobody. I do wish he had mentioned the “would not be immediate” portion in his original statement! 😊 Another thing he mentioned originally is that the emergency broadcast would trigger Marberg. I don’t think I’ve heard anyone talking about a Marberg breakout yet. I agree, it is very difficult to know exactly what to think at this point! However, I am sincerely hoping that he was wrong in his prediction. We are truly living in uncertain times, and I like to keep the unnecessary fear quotient tamped down as much as possible.
All the best to you!
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 31, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Im certain that can be triggered BUT do you think they would warn everyone first when they are actually going to do it, its hard to calculate what actually was done with the test. BUT THEY ARE ACTUALLY DOING ALL THIS ALL THE TIME. The cell phone is the weapons system of delivery ALL THE TIME. The chemtrail spray programs the nano pre delivery.
Michael - Oct 31, 2023
Thanks Thomas...You have an excellent point. And I feel like I have more complete understanding of things after reading John Lukach’s post at this link, with which I think you will find much agreement!
JustANobody - Oct 26, 2023 - Edited
Yes. He stated the money was already spent and vaccines made plus whatever else they deem appropriate. I appreciate the kind words. I agree about the fear and not wanting to get folks worked up. Blessings to you as well.
Stephan - Oct 26, 2023
I apologize for being snarky and rude. I was out of line. Sorry
Michael - Oct 26, 2023
Thanks very much Stephan. I’m very sorry we got off on the wrong foot.
Stephan - Oct 26, 2023
Cool cool! No hard feelings aye! My bad. Appreciate your response. Have a good Nite Micheal. 🤝
Michael - Oct 26, 2023
And a good night to you as well Stephan! 🤝
Michael - Oct 25, 2023
Comment removed.
Michael - Oct 25, 2023
Thanks for your reply, SJF.! The statements Callender made were definitive NOT speculative. He says it will *definitely* happen in this youtube clip:
RegretLeft - Oct 25, 2023
Comment removed.
RegretLeft - Oct 26, 2023
I am inclined to "ditch" analysts not for being incorrect but for being silent after they are incorrect. I think we are talking about the same prediction - Callender called for mid-September a 5G pulse that would create a massive Marburg epidemic and the zombie aftermath. He was not correct in that provocative and stunning prediction. So? - What has he said about that in the last month? - Nothing as far as I know. What did he get wrong? He's not saying. I had a very high confidence hunch about him - and was to an extent apprehensive as mid-September approached. That confidence has mostly drained away. At least he didn't try to sell us miracle anti-Marburg cures at a $100 a pop - like that snake venom-in-the-vaccines guy did two years ago!
EmEm33 - Oct 25, 2023
you are hilarious....It is genius and they have made it this way so people think the person who put it together is a nut job...THEY AREN'T! This is why humanity has been held back, for decades if not longer....there is hidden technology that has been quashed, and originators of the information "disappeared", "suicided" or made to look "mentally ill", get my drift? WAKE UP !!!
Julie Parker - Oct 25, 2023 - Edited
J.L. Parker, author, Newsletter
Optogenomics makes it all plausible. Read Josep Jornet at ResearchGate or watch his YT vids. If latent payloads were distributed through the vaccines, i.e. Marburg, as Calendar posits, one could conceivably start sequencing that DNA through electromagnetic pulses. We wouldn't know if something happened October 5 yet, if anything did. Jornet works with Terahertz nanoantennas, which are documented in the vaccines.
Julie Parker - Oct 26, 2023 - Edited
J.L. Parker, author, Newsletter
Comment removed.
Julie Parker - Oct 26, 2023 - Edited
J.L. Parker, author, Newsletter
The microwires documented by LQC are comprised of sensors, i.e., nanosensors. I believe she is just drawing the science into supporting the work accomplished now and the work at hand. You're right in certain respects: the other elements discovered in the vaccines, like Morgellons, only serve to discredit the theorists. I think these are red herrings intentionally installed in the vaccines.
Odessa - Oct 26, 2023
Dr Ana isn't the only person warning of this tech, there are patents out on this stuff that others have seen
Go watch Maria Zeee & Attorney Todd Callender who also exposed this recently though I remember seeing stuff like this over a year ago - why do you think they're throwing 5G towers up as fast as they can??
Gary McCollom - Oct 26, 2023
Very real friend, been saying it for 2 years that cell phones were the last major piece they needed to try what they are trying.
For months now they have been trying to bathe me in this type of attack. I know because when I feel like shit and check out my apps and trifield I have to 'unknown cell operators' signals that are way above 'safe' levels.
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 31, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Your incorrect she is well aware of all aspects of this , you dont know her back round , level of knowledge and experience , you try revealing all this to a confused and divided population, mind controlled churchianity people , overcome the big pharma and controlled opposition propaganda and more , lets see how you do , and what people will respond to you. How many have you healed or helped? Lets see all your better knowledge and evidence, lets see your dark field microscope photos, show us how many patients you have treated while doing all this.
AJPreston - Oct 31, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
They are not targetting us individually which is how I understand the 5g/cell phone so called attack. I've listened to Matteo Taylor who is the first to explore the idea.
TPTB are just waiting for the inevitable deaths from the vaccines. Ludicrous to think they are targetting individuals with secret 5g electronic attacks.
That is unnecessary from them as they have got 6.6 billion jabs working for them now.
Mike Yeadon says they are happy with that and he is accurate in my experience.
Todd Callender may be OK but seems to me too quick to make pronouncements and is clearly enjoying his ride on the Covid Hoax. $$$ for him is what is obvious.
As for Ana Maria - What do you say about her? All her outstandingly good work yet she is clearly a nutjob religionist.
You have to overlook that if you want to accept her as an accurate point of reference
I myself am a science based atheist.
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 31, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Dr Ana is NOT a nut job religionist , or a nut job anything, I have known her 15 + years , have you ? Go listen to her interview with Dr Len Bur to understand the targeted individual attack she has SURVIVED, as well as the verbal attacks from churchianity, before you make any judgement, could you survive such? Looks to me like the however many billion jabs actually delivered are not fast enough for them , so now they have whipped up their armegeddon insanity , war , famine, and this type of destruction is much faster way for their depopulation agendas.
AJPreston - Oct 31, 2023
She identifies as a religionist. Read her many posts which invoke jesus/god.
What are you saying? She is pretending to be a religionist.
You want to get personal schitt for brains?
What is the best guitar you own?
Heidi - Nov 1, 2023
It's classic hegelian dialectic. It was the backup plan in case they couldn't get a mandate.
The biohackers ARE orchestrated by the deep state.
Their "solution" will be tracked and traced by us instead so we can protect you...
Margie Chism - Oct 25, 2023
Margie Chism
FDA’s ‘Suspicious’ Deal With Gates Foundation Could ‘Corrupt the Whole System’ ■ Experts are concerned that a memorandum of understanding between the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration could give Gates “undue influence” over the agency’s regulatory decisions.
Stephan - Oct 25, 2023
Ernie Rockwell
I have yet to read this post by Ana, but I just wanted to inform that on Tony's Substack, he posted that he has found nano cameras in contact lenses and has presented the slides showing them. You may want to look at Tony's post.
Ernie Rockwell - Oct 25, 2023
Ernie Rockwell
What is Tony’s Substack called?
Stephan - Oct 25, 2023
Tony's Substack. Hit my dog pic, hit "reads" and sub thru my Subscriptions. 👍
Wolf-Steppen - Oct 25, 2023 - Edited
This is some of the PROOF it is being done, "infecting" people with synthetic, digital "disease(s)" to "justify" poisoning and murder with "mRNA/DNA 'vaccines'". The "emergency", to the mass-murderous corporate-fascist, neo-Nazi, "Fourth Reich" globalists (aka, global enslavers and exterminators of most of humanity), is the so-called "overpopulation" that supposedly "requires" emergency liquidation of the vast majority of humankind, post haste. Thank you for backing up and proving the truth so thoroughly. Needless to say, it is extremely disconcerting and discouraging, but the truth sets us free.
Even after showing such evidence to most people, they still wouldn't believe it. It is sci-fi horror become "reality". It is the "Matrix" control grid on steroids. The PTB aren't fooling around. This is NOT a limited experiment. This IS a long-term, intentional, widespread culling of the planet's human population. Most people who would at least try to stop it if they knew it is true, not only refuse to believe it is happening, and choose to falsely believe that it's a "conspiracy theory" that only nutcases believe, just as was purposefully socially engineered to occur, they refuse to believe the evidence.
Pam Vernon - Oct 25, 2023
which is why at the very outset any mention of any connection between wireless tech and the 'virus' was immediately stamped out. Same as any mention of the long list of side effects
Diana Barahona - Oct 25, 2023 - Edited
Full Disclosure
Len Ber (
My conversation with Mat Taylor is about how nanotechnology [in the bodies of the vaccinated] creates a Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN), and its tell-tale sign, a MAC address [Medium Access Control]. MAC emissions can be detected using BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) unnamed device protocol.
This indicates that we have entered the era of "surveillance under the skin" and bi-directional brain-cloud interface with the ability to read from the living brain, and write into the living brain, "blatantly so".
kerrylyn - Oct 28, 2023
See also John Lukach article - was Lukach who broke the story actually.
Peralta - Oct 25, 2023
Hi Dr. Mihalcea: how can I find someone near me who does dark field microscopy/LBA? Thank you.
Webe1 - Oct 26, 2023
I’d like to know that, too. My gp doesn’t do it and the Mayo doesn’t do it either (found that even more surprising).
Margie Chism - Oct 25, 2023
Margie Chism
Daniel Chapter 11:20-45, KJV, BLB ■ This is what I will study for this, and particularly the word 'devices'. M
Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.
21And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
22And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant.
23And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.
24He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.
25¶And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army; but he shall not stand: for they shall forecast devices against him.
26Yea, they that feed of the portion of his meat shall destroy him, and his army shall overflow: and many shall fall down slain.
27And both these kings' hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table; but it shall not prosper: for yet the end shall be at the time appointed.
28Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the holy covenant; and he shall do exploits, and return to his own land.
29¶At the time appointed he shall return, and come toward the south; but it shall not be as the former, or as the latter.
30For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant.
31And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.
32And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.
33And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.
34Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.
35And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.
36¶And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
37Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
38But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
39Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.
40¶And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
41He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.
42He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
43But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.
44But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many.
45And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.
Richard A - Oct 25, 2023
Obviously the writers first language is NOT English, but somebody knowledgable about the subject should look at this and see if it's bs or not or if it's partially true.
kerrylyn - Oct 28, 2023
Actually it was John Lukach who broke this story here - he provides thorough analysis. He's also checked credentials of authors, magazine etc and confirms it's not bs even tho he was dubious initiallyt
Margie Chism - Oct 25, 2023
Margie Chism
Baby talk usually starts with ■ dada/abba. M
■Matthew 21:16 KJV — And said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise? KJV, blueletterbible
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