Best -- most comprehensive, hard-hitting, truly nail-biting, but enlightening -- critique of MegaloPharma* I've ever encountered. Thank you, Ana.
May I pass it along to anyone interested on other Substack sites, such as Steve Kirsch's and Paul E Alexander's?
The film's viewing might be a really good primer to best appreciate a new book out, an edited English version of a recent translation-attempt from the Hebrew, titled "Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myths" -- which is, according to Steve Kirsch (tonight, in an interview with the book's two English-translation editors on his VSRF's weekly webinar), the definitive** knockout-blow to the present -- and pretty much, I understand, entire history of our modern-era's so-called science-based, advanced civilization's obsession with what is increasingly understood to be nothing more than a total -- vaccination scam-horror against humanity of gargantuan dimensions.
* Note the industry's -- and the steady and increasingly attendant, unholy, fascistic marriage between the global industry and world governments -- a psychopathological devolution on the industry side of the perverse partnership -- from Pharma, to BigPharma, to MegaPharma, to today's most severe and, for all of us, pernicious condition, MegaloPharma.
** . . . And anonymously written; so, "critics," be that as they may and as they'll inevitably arise, will have to talk -- if they must, and they must respond, of course, in order to earn their megalo-pharma-powered but well-laundered and disguised silver -- only to the published arguments and supportive evidence, and not ad homines, as pusillanimous frauds both need and can only resort to, in the end.
After watching the long 2.5 hour video, there was a lot of reference to terms such as GOD and the soul with implications for human rights and freedoms together with bodily integrity..
Ana grew up in Germany and should know the word GOD derives from the German word GOTT meaning "King of Wisdom". These are human beings wrongly elevated to the level of the Creation.
The purpose of the Creation is Consciousness Evolution. The Creation creates manifold Universes each governed by a unique set of Creational regulations so that no two Universes are the same. The Creation is currently in it's seventh phase of expansion and this has manifested in Universes having seven belts each belt having seven dimensions. The material belt contains all the Galaxies, stars, planets, ....
Planets in the life zone of stars create the distinct corporeal forms for life starting with distinct single celled organisms that evolve into their complex forms such as humans. Each human is given only a unique Creational fragment and the brazen regulation (Creational laws) at inception. From that point forward, that wesen is tasked to evolve its consciousness block. During each moment of each lifetime, humans have to evolve their consciousness through the stages of cognition, working experience, knowledge acquisition, re-cognition as in recognition and insight and upon arrival at truth there is self disclosure in wisdom. After mastery over many subjects or disciplines, such a human reaches the stage of King of Wisdom also known as God. Evolution however continues so that after 40 - 60 million years the wesen evolves beyond the need for a corporeal form into the lowest levels of the pure consciousness levels of the Arahat Athersata. Thereafter another 7 x 51 million years are required for that pure consciousness wesen to evolve and merge back into the Creation. This occurs uniquely for each Creational wesen allowing the Creation to realize its purpose for consciousness evolution.
From this description it is clear why the agenda to hijack the human brain and consciousness counters the purpose of the Creation. The Creation remains completely neutral through it all and does not listen to anyone's prayer. The Creation has no intercessor. It is up to humanity alone to fulfill it's task for consciousness evolution. No one is coming to save us. We have to step up and save ourselves. The agendas directed at humanity will plague humanity in a descent over the next 200 years. A further 300 tears will be required to recover our current condition.
All the religions of the Earth are the product of misunderstanding, misinterpretation, fabulation and fabrication having no semblance to the ever-same Creational teaching brought to Earth humanity by the Nokodemion heralds. In the present time, the seventh Nokodemion herald has renewed the ever-same Creational teaching by himself called the "Goblet of the Truth". This teaching can be downloaded here:
The source of all the problems on the Earth is the over-population that currently stands at 9.2 billion nearly 19.5 times the service limit of 529 million. See GOTT p.LXIX and p.117 v.5. Maximal consciousness evolution is possible only when populations are under the Earth's service limit of 529 million.
The humane solution is a cycling global multi-year birth-stop followed by a year when births are allowed until populations stabilize below 529 million. After that, care must be taken for populations to remain under that service limit to prevent the snowball effect of uncontrolled population growth and related problems.
Failure in the practice of moderateness can lead to the destruction of the planet. In such a case, all the wesen have to migrate to the closest life-bearing planet with human life to again wait their turn to take human corporeal form to continue the process of consciousness evolution.
Dear Dr. Ana, regarding your question: "I ask why the so-called medical resistance completely ignores and even attacks these findings?", I came to the conclusion a long time ago that there are "prominent figures" posing as the opposition. In reality, they are guarding this secret of the use of nanotechnology in these injections. They stir up a narrative about the Spike protein and mRNA, but never about the technology used exactly nanotechnology
Owl/GatorGuy - Oct 21, 2022 - Edited
Owl/GatorGuy’s Substack
Best -- most comprehensive, hard-hitting, truly nail-biting, but enlightening -- critique of MegaloPharma* I've ever encountered. Thank you, Ana.
May I pass it along to anyone interested on other Substack sites, such as Steve Kirsch's and Paul E Alexander's?
The film's viewing might be a really good primer to best appreciate a new book out, an edited English version of a recent translation-attempt from the Hebrew, titled "Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myths" -- which is, according to Steve Kirsch (tonight, in an interview with the book's two English-translation editors on his VSRF's weekly webinar), the definitive** knockout-blow to the present -- and pretty much, I understand, entire history of our modern-era's so-called science-based, advanced civilization's obsession with what is increasingly understood to be nothing more than a total -- vaccination scam-horror against humanity of gargantuan dimensions.
* Note the industry's -- and the steady and increasingly attendant, unholy, fascistic marriage between the global industry and world governments -- a psychopathological devolution on the industry side of the perverse partnership -- from Pharma, to BigPharma, to MegaPharma, to today's most severe and, for all of us, pernicious condition, MegaloPharma.
** . . . And anonymously written; so, "critics," be that as they may and as they'll inevitably arise, will have to talk -- if they must, and they must respond, of course, in order to earn their megalo-pharma-powered but well-laundered and disguised silver -- only to the published arguments and supportive evidence, and not ad homines, as pusillanimous frauds both need and can only resort to, in the end.
oneno - Oct 21, 2022 - Edited
After watching the long 2.5 hour video, there was a lot of reference to terms such as GOD and the soul with implications for human rights and freedoms together with bodily integrity..
Ana grew up in Germany and should know the word GOD derives from the German word GOTT meaning "King of Wisdom". These are human beings wrongly elevated to the level of the Creation.
The purpose of the Creation is Consciousness Evolution. The Creation creates manifold Universes each governed by a unique set of Creational regulations so that no two Universes are the same. The Creation is currently in it's seventh phase of expansion and this has manifested in Universes having seven belts each belt having seven dimensions. The material belt contains all the Galaxies, stars, planets, ....
Planets in the life zone of stars create the distinct corporeal forms for life starting with distinct single celled organisms that evolve into their complex forms such as humans. Each human is given only a unique Creational fragment and the brazen regulation (Creational laws) at inception. From that point forward, that wesen is tasked to evolve its consciousness block. During each moment of each lifetime, humans have to evolve their consciousness through the stages of cognition, working experience, knowledge acquisition, re-cognition as in recognition and insight and upon arrival at truth there is self disclosure in wisdom. After mastery over many subjects or disciplines, such a human reaches the stage of King of Wisdom also known as God. Evolution however continues so that after 40 - 60 million years the wesen evolves beyond the need for a corporeal form into the lowest levels of the pure consciousness levels of the Arahat Athersata. Thereafter another 7 x 51 million years are required for that pure consciousness wesen to evolve and merge back into the Creation. This occurs uniquely for each Creational wesen allowing the Creation to realize its purpose for consciousness evolution.
From this description it is clear why the agenda to hijack the human brain and consciousness counters the purpose of the Creation. The Creation remains completely neutral through it all and does not listen to anyone's prayer. The Creation has no intercessor. It is up to humanity alone to fulfill it's task for consciousness evolution. No one is coming to save us. We have to step up and save ourselves. The agendas directed at humanity will plague humanity in a descent over the next 200 years. A further 300 tears will be required to recover our current condition.
All the religions of the Earth are the product of misunderstanding, misinterpretation, fabulation and fabrication having no semblance to the ever-same Creational teaching brought to Earth humanity by the Nokodemion heralds. In the present time, the seventh Nokodemion herald has renewed the ever-same Creational teaching by himself called the "Goblet of the Truth". This teaching can be downloaded here:
The source of all the problems on the Earth is the over-population that currently stands at 9.2 billion nearly 19.5 times the service limit of 529 million. See GOTT p.LXIX and p.117 v.5. Maximal consciousness evolution is possible only when populations are under the Earth's service limit of 529 million.
The humane solution is a cycling global multi-year birth-stop followed by a year when births are allowed until populations stabilize below 529 million. After that, care must be taken for populations to remain under that service limit to prevent the snowball effect of uncontrolled population growth and related problems.
Failure in the practice of moderateness can lead to the destruction of the planet. In such a case, all the wesen have to migrate to the closest life-bearing planet with human life to again wait their turn to take human corporeal form to continue the process of consciousness evolution.
oneno - Oct 21, 2022
Can Dr. Ana speak about terahertz waves with respect to health and healing.
JW - Oct 20, 2022
That video was excellent! Thank you for the link. I will share it far and wide.
OUTRAGED HUMAN - Oct 20, 2022 - Edited
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
Dear Dr. Ana, regarding your question: "I ask why the so-called medical resistance completely ignores and even attacks these findings?", I came to the conclusion a long time ago that there are "prominent figures" posing as the opposition. In reality, they are guarding this secret of the use of nanotechnology in these injections. They stir up a narrative about the Spike protein and mRNA, but never about the technology used exactly nanotechnology
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 20, 2022 - Edited
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
I agree, weather knowingly or not, that is happening.
OUTRAGED HUMAN - Oct 20, 2022 - Edited
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
Quite a few of them knowingly and they have thousands of paid subscribers on the Substack. So sad that people buy their false leadership so easily
Sally Gould - Oct 20, 2022
Sally’s Newsletter
Thank you!
An EXCELLENT Gary Null video, Science for Hire!
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