Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 03, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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This important event “broke the internet” this weekend and gained worldwide much needed attention. Many people around the world participated and showed that we as united humanity can fight and save humanity. Many speakers were present who gave excellent presentations like Steve Kirsch, Sasha Latypova, David Icke, Embalmer Richard Hirschman, Robyn Cosford, parents of baby Will and the mom of baby Alex who died of a vaccinated blood transfusion and so many more who have given of their time. This event was loaded with Truth and served a great purpose of informing the public about the risks of the C19 injections, the dangers of blood transfusions from injected people, Vax side effects, the concerns about regulatory fraud and so much more.
My interview with Dr. Matt Shelton and Dr. David Nixon starts at 2:55 hours in Truthaton part 1
1pm Saturday, December 3, 2022 to 1pm Sunday, December 4, 2022 Pacific Time
Rather than honor Will’s parents’ wishes, the hospital is taking them to court in an attempt to take legal control of the situation and force Will to undergo the surgery using blood that may include donated blood from people who have been jabbed.
Samantha and Cole have asked the world to help spread the word in order to raise pressure upon the various officials in New Zealand to force them to come to their senses.
Will Savage-Reeves - Infant boy who needs heart surgery
Stephanie Savage-Reeves - Will’s mother who wants Will to have the heart surgery but insists that the hospital use blood from dedicated donors that have not been jabbed.
Cole Reeves - Will’s father who also wants Will to have the heart surgery but insists that the hospital use blood from dedicated donors that have not been jabbed.
Liz Gunn - Journalist who first raised awareness of this issue (FreeNZ Media)
Sue Grey - Lawyer who has stepped in to handle the case
Cornelia Hertzler - Mother of Baby Alexander.
Alexander (Alex) - Alexander was a baby boy who passed away after complications that appear to have been caused by tainted blood.
Starship Hospital - The hospital in which Will currently resides.
The New Zealand Blood Bank - Refuses to use designated donor blood
Name: Samantha Savage
Account Number: 06-0663-0388886-00
Support Will's wellbing:
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Baby Will Update: December 1, 2022
Baby Will Update: November 29, 2022
Will Savage-Reeves is an infant boy in New Zealand who is in need of heart surgery to repair pulmonary valve stenosis. His parents Samantha (Sam) and Cole want him to have the surgery but they insist that the hospital use blood from dedicated donors that have not received the COVID-19 jabs. Will’s parents have already organized many, many unjabbed donors who are willing to donate their blood to Will. The blood from unjabbed donors that Will’s parents want the hospital to use is ABSOLUTELY available and has been for many days. The surgery could (and should) have happened many days ago.
The administrators of Starship Children’s Health Hospital insist that blood from a standard blood bank be used. They refuse to honor Samantha and Cole’s (Will’s parents) demand for blood from the dedicated (unjabbed) donors that they have already organized.
Dedicated blood can be used. Starship Children’s Health Hospital simply won’t use it. The hospital insists upon using standard blood that is available from a blood bank.
Interestingly enough, I was in the middle of writing an article on the topic of dedicated blood donors when this issue grabbed my attention. I decided to publish that article before I was done with it. To learn about dedicated blood donors and the risk of tainted blood, please read the article below…
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James Roguski - Dec 3, 2022
James Roguski
Thanks Dr. Ana!
REPLY | 1 reply by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
Truth & Justice - Dec 4, 2022
Thanks so much for posting this Ana, I was not aware of the live Counterspin media report. Watching live now.
Rest assured ......God wins. God has already won, all *they're* now doing is exposing their dark deeds to the whole world! *They* think they are beyond reproach but they are very wrong!!!
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