Good to keep handling such issues & concerns just like a Scientist!!..
But, this newsletter often seems like a Horror Show to me?!!- It's important not to EVER give up Hope and Positivity!!.. Once they rob that from us, we're truly out the window!-😊
And only we can give away our own Faith & Hope!~😊😅
What do we do now? Ive been told for 25 yrs I have plastic in my blood and the result is that it mimics hormones elevated hence causes the body to believe its pregnant and retain weight. My 28 yr old daughter has been told her blood contained plastic 3 yrs ago. Both of us at various times was told to take a product called DIM (longer name abbreviated derived from broccoli tips). Both of us had a bad reaction to DIM as it pulls plastic from the body it caused both of us to have elevated temps to 100 101 causing a sick feeling like a flu. I was told 20/25 yrs ago that the plastic was from fertilizers, a byproduct of plastic. Why is it only now that Plastic in the blood is such a surprise? No one has done anything before this time to explain it. Its gone ignored even though Drs knew it caused at least Breast Cancer in women. What else does it effect? Has anyone ever studied it? If so, who? Unjabbed and full of plastic for the last 25 yrs I'm aware of. Is it any wonder we are all walking SICK? I was told by my MD of 40 yrs, that in women, it causes breast cancer. Im not shocked by the plastic obviously, but I want to know from where its really coming from and how if your allergic to Methyl Blue, to get it out of my body safely, and without 101 temps. I never handled fertilizer nor used them in my yard but know they are on just about every lawn around me, farm, ect... Can you examine some fertilizers for side by side plastics/polymers and ask doctors if they are aware of DIM? How many are aware of this problem and prescribed this natural product DIM. Many doctors obviously were aware of plastics in the blood. Labs are sure aware of it. Its time to identify the sources and shut it down. Examine the plant food as well as animal blood for these polymers. If we are full of plastic, so are the animals and plants we eat.
From Bing, I asked if plastic was in fertilizers?
Response copied:
"Yes, certain types of plastic can be converted into fertilizer. Specifically, compostable plastics, which are made from plants, can be transformed into fertilizer1. Additionally, bio-based polymers produced from biomass (known as bioplastics) can be chemically recycled back into nitrogen-rich fertilizers2. However, it’s essential to note that not all plastics are suitable for this purpose. Other biodegradable plastics break down, but micro-beads of plastic may remain, making them unsafe for use in fertilizers1. So, while plastic can be repurposed into fertilizers, the type of plastic matters significantly. 🌱"
Diindolylmethane (DIM) is a compound that your body produces when you digest cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage12. Specifically, it’s a metabolite of indole-3-carbinol, which is found in these veggies. DIM has gained attention for its potential health benefits.
Diindolylmethane (DIM), a compound found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and kale, has been studied for its potential health benefits. However, it’s essential to clarify that DIM is not specifically designed to remove plastics from the body. Let’s break it down:
"Plastics and Endocrine Disruptors:
Plastics, especially microplastics, are pervasive in our environment. They leach into food, drinks, and even our bodies.
Plastics contain endocrine disruptors, which can interfere with our hormonal system1.
These endocrine-disrupting chemicals can have adverse effects on health.
DIM and Detoxification:
Some speculation exists that DIM may impact liver pathways and potentially aid in detoxification.
However, there is no direct evidence that DIM specifically targets plastics or removes them from the body.
DIM is more commonly associated with supporting estrogen metabolism and promoting hormonal balance2.
General Detoxification:
While DIM itself doesn’t detoxify plastics, maintaining overall health can help the body eliminate toxins.
A healthy diet, hydration, and proper liver function contribute to detoxification.
BPA and BPS (common plastic components) can be flushed out of the system within 24 hours in a properly functioning body3.
Microplastics and Our Bodies:
Microplastics are tiny fragments found in water and food.
Unfortunately, there’s no known way to completely filter or contain them at present1.
Researchers are actively studying ways to remove microplastics from water4.
In summary, DIM isn’t a targeted solution for plastic detoxification. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and minimizing plastic exposure can contribute to overall well-being. If you’re concerned about plastics, focus on reducing your exposure and supporting your body’s natural detoxification processes. 😊🌱"
I am sorry you're experiencing these issues. It's a horror show, and "doctors" are to blame...
Here's another broadside against the utilization of pharmaceutical poisons to solve the problems created by pharmaceutical poisons: Lithium Orotate Dietary Supplement Is Pharmaceutical Snakeoil >>> DR. ARIYANA LOVE (ND) >>> JUN 25, 2024 >>>
Excerpted from - Conclusion: “There’s no reason under the sun to use any experimental pharmaceutical drugs. 100 years ago humanity got along just fine with natural cures. None of the pharmaceuticals mentioned in this article are effective at heavy metal chelation. I have many clients who were very sick after using EDTA especially, along with other experimental drugs that will not achieve detox. It’s simply not logical to treat poisoning with more poison! To achieve an affective detox, you must eliminate toxins.”
Complete page:
I agree and as for me I had a horrible reaction to Methyl blue. There has to be technology untapped to reverse this. I pray one becomes available, but it can only happen once the Gates Foundation owned and controlled Pharma and its corrupt partners in crime are gone. Every doctor receiving his bonus check from Big Pharma every month for poisoning children and adults, that adds up to millions a year, should be jailed!
Hello Catherine: I successfully treated long term Lyme disease and Morgellon syndrome with combinations of herbal remedy some years ago. I still have nerological damage from the Lyme disease, as 'doctors' weren't even able to diagnose it properly... Long story. In any case, please read the linked Abstract carefully. >>> Dried Whole Plant Artemisia annua as an Antimalarial Therapy
Citation: Elfawal MA, Towler MJ, Reich NG, Golenbock D, Weathers PJ, et al. (2012)
Editor: Georges Snounou, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Received: September 3, 2012; Accepted: November 21, 2012; Published: December 20, 2012 >>>
Also try Barberry root powder, >>> Excerpted from: Barberry | University of Maryland Medical Center >>> Overview
"Medicinal use of barberry dates back more than 2,500 years. It has been used in Indian folk medicine to treat diarrhea, reduce fever, improve appetite, relieve upset stomach, and promote vigor as well as a sense of well being. Today, it is widely used for medicinal purposes in Iran, including for biliary disorders (such as gallbladder disease) and heartburn." There are complete texts regarding this herbal remedy. Here's a supplier:**LP%20-%20NonTM%20-%20DSA&**LP%20-%20NonTM%20-%20DSA&
For detox try Montmorillonite clay. >
Hope you find the information helpful.
Thankyou Paul, Ill check it out.. I had a dream a few months ago and in the dream, It was instructing me to tell everyone to drink HAWTHORN TEA 3 cups a day. I hadnt heard of Hawthorn until then. After looking it up I discovered that its #1 for heart and blood. I began to make a cold hawthorn tea which I drank for a couple months steadily. Its something to consider. Just an interesting bit of info after all these people who got the shot are now experiencing heart issues.
Another interesting note is that the thorns of Christ Crown and the Burning Bush from the bible, were believed to be from and was the Hawthorn bush.
Someone reported here afterwards (after I mentioned the dream on here) that the tea had lowered his blood pressure naturally.
Better to ask a lab or a doctor, I dont know how they know that but its from blood results (like what you see here). Obviously, Im correct because the proof of this plastic is here in this article. Ive known numerous women over the years that have been advised to take DIM to lower the plastics. My doctors over the years have always been Naturopathic and MDs and believe NATURAL is best. They know what causes cancers, they know that the cures allowed are worse than the condition, yet in medicine there are only 3 acceptable cures for cancer in the USA; Surgery, Chemo, Radiation $$$$$. Deviate from those and risk losing your license to practice medicine. Diagnostic machines, unless calibrated correctly by those skilled to do calibrations, are wrong 50% of the time, yet there is a no wait policy for Cancer treatment once diagnosed by a 50% error. BEWARE and RUN when they want to get you in immediately. It took years to grow if its true and you have time to think about your next step. Its all a scam for money. Doctors have cured cancers w/ alternative natural methods, only to be sued like Dr Larry Rawdon of TN who cured kids that were uncured by St Judes, only to be attacked by Medical Controllers and put out of business. Pharma Medicine is a snake poison today. DARPA invest billions of our money in Snake Venom research and development, yet few are ever bitten by venomous snakes. Heart meds and blood pressure meds made of snake venom now reported by Dr Ardis. These meds cause strokes...beware. Everything thats not natural is able to kill you. Its nothing but a money scheme. Get us all sick and then charge us for a cure that can kill us. The serpent in the medical logo.... BEWARE WEGOVY AND OZEMPIC are actual Hela Monster Venom . See Dr ARDIS report how evil this is. Paralyzing your stomach so food rots for weeks and makes you so sick you dont have an appetite. Causes Thyroid Cancer 100%. STOP being their Big Pharma clients and lets put them out of business!!
It is creepy that this stuff keeps growing after the host is dead. Makes one wonder if the walking dead situaton is being set up, so the borg will pop out of the ground like the Micheal Jackson Video Thriller. They are still broadcasting a blue tooth signal as well. Here is a podcast about the blue tooth situation:
A concise and succinct overview of what has bought us to where we are at today.
While its confronting for many to realize that all the sacrifices they made to avoid the poison jabs has not stopped them having this polymer and tech growing inside them, I remain optimistic largely due to the knowledge we have because of Cliffords decades of past works.
Thank You.
Carnicom calls it Cross Domain Bacteria of CDB. It is a man made synthesis of animal/plant/mineral and not naturally occurring under any circumstances other than the circumstances of man creating it. It has been purposefully sprayed in chemtrails for over twenty years. There are many varieties and methods of infection now that have been developed from studying and gathering data from the effects of spraying it all over the world for twenty plus years.
Trying to hold anyone accountable by this point is likely futile. That needed to happen twenty years ago when the spraying and contamination began. If you want in-depth answers to your questions you have to dive deep and study Clifford Carnicom's work for
His entire library of study and experimentation is online for free. Also, read the articles Dr. Ana has linked in this article. These are great places to start investigating.
I highly recommend getting right with God ASAP.
It seems he believes these are being engineered. Are we talking GMO? If so, who authorized it? Where did it come from? When were they first observed? How were they made? And of course for what purpose? Fascinating. If this was deliberately let loose, somebody has a lot of explaining to do imo.
From Cliff Notes "In the food industry, bacteria are used to prepare products such as cheeses, fermented dairy products, sauerkraut, and pickles. In other industries, bacteria are used to produce antibiotics, chemicals, dyes, numerous vitamins and enzymes, and a number of insecticides. Today, they are used in genetic engineering to synthesize certain pharmaceutical products that cannot be produced otherwise (see Chapter 11).
Yes. These contaminants are in wide use via pharmaceutical products and phood production. Thank the United States Patent and Trademark office for allowing these products to be brought to market.
This is almost certainly the kind of blood clot my mum has “from her toes to her hip”. I did two Cafe Locked Outs videos on her massive blood clot which no one will remove, but she is willing to have the procedure and have it tested...
Hi Dr. Milhacea,
If one suspects they have these rubbery clots growing because they are experiencing a loss of blood circulation to one's foot and don't have any injuries to the foot or ankle, how can these clots be identified and safely removed?
The loss of circulation started over 2 years/3 months after the only covid 19 injection btw. This loss of blood flow is causing Plantar fasciitis and also some autoimmune issues as well.
I was repeatedly exposed to shedding from coworkers who had gotten both Pfizer jabs and the booster during 2021.
Many people with the ankle swelling/poor foot circulation have been helped by taking Nattokinase, Curcumin and Bromelain. Taking all three together seems to have a synergistic effect better than even larger amounts of only one or two.
Do not take natto if you have soy issues but you need much more than indicated on the label. I and many others have taken 20000 fu's per day with no issues fwiw, so assuming they are the normal 2000 fu nattokinase pills, I personally would take 5 pills every 12 hours.
All the different curcumins I took had 3 pills as the recommended dose, aprox 3000mg iirc, so I would recommend taking 3 curcumin pills every 12 hours as well. If you only have bromelain pills, I would take 1 every 12 hours.
IMO it is important that you adhere to a Strict 12 hours and drinking a full glass of plain water to take them as well, not 10 hours, not 14 hours, you are trying to maintain a consistent dosage in your blood stream at all times. And not drinking a full glass of water with them makes them less likely to dissolve and work.
Also fresh pineapple has much Much more bioavailable bromelain than bromelain pills, so if at all possible I would Strongly recommend swapping out the above bromelain pills with fresh pineapple Whenever possible.
Im not joking, I buy them 10 or 12 at a time when I can get them because sometimes they are not available. If they are green, put them upside down in direct sunlight for a few days and they will ripen. You can just juice one to get a good amount of bromelain but it is partially dissolved by stomach acid so better than pills but still meh.
If you want to seriously max out the amount of bromelain you can intake however (like I do), just cut off the top and bottom of the pineapple, skin it, and cut the entire thing into chunks.
Chew up each chunk, suck out the juice and then spit out the pulp.
Bromelain absorbs through your mouth and tongue too, so just the physical act of chewing it up and sucking the juice out gets Way more into your system than drinking a glass of fresh pineapple juice. And you dont get any of the fiber either, because that much fiber will cause constipation if you eat a whole pineapple.
I think if you take those 3 things consistently for a week or two, you will start to feel better. They will not permanently cure the shedding or stop the blood polymerization but they will help you regain flexibility in your ankle and better foot circulation.
IMO, because of course I am not giving you medical advice and always research your specific medical situation for drug interactions or issues but I Am telling you what I and others have personally done.
10000 Fus of nattokinase, 3 pills of curcumin and a bromelain pill (or half a fresh pineapple), every 12 hours. I think it will help.
Thankyou to Ana for this horrifying information which of course, as she writes, should be headline news everywhere. But MSM has been complicit from the beginning in the global genocide ie hid and still hide the facts about the vast numbers of deaths due , not to Covid, but to the injections. The BBC and many other news outlets paid millions by, for example, Bill Gates, as was social media we discover, to keep them o ecient and bought. If MSM e er tells the truth about this it will be many months away when the desired quota of deaths ie billions, has been reached - just like how so many doctors and politicians etc are 'apologising' for the wrong advice they gave people about the safety of Covid 'vaccines' These criminals took millions in bribes from the killers and now act as if they did nothing wrong ie 'I was given the wrong information' I have heard a few of these scum say to the public.
Even Pavlov’s Dog
Would Have Figured Out This Charade
And Turned On Its Owner.
Now The Salient Question Is:
How Many Viscous Bites
Would It Take The Doctor
To Turn On Its Owner ?
Ah. What a good question. I had just been thinking about the way the AMA (and also medical insurers) staunchly, aggressively defend doctors who sin. But do other docrtrs really want that? Might they prefer throwing the sinner to the lions? And if so, what is making the AMA do this? (As if we didn't know).
Too many people have been bribed or coerced. You and others present the evidence, but it is ignored. So how do we make it impossible for people to ignore the evidence?
Another person who was ahead of the pack is Harald Kautz-Vella. I don't know how yu can get in touch with him, but maybe someone else does.
Clifford Carnicom has done some earth shaking work in the progression of our understanding of the rubbery clot phenomena. Over the past 6 months, he has cultured from human blood the polymers that are creating the rubbery clots - the very clots that are killing the C19 vaccinated. Remember, Clifford was one of the first to say that the C19 plandemic and the subsequent Covid era with the deployment of the C19 biological weapons of mass destruction is just a continuation of the bio engineering of the human species via geoengineering operations - in other words, the longstanding technocratic transhumanist satanic agenda. We worked to show that the C19 vaccinated and unvaccinated blood had the same chemical signatures as the Cross Domain Bacteria or Morgellons have. I proceeded to call these advanced self assembly nanotechnology, building polymers from nano and microrobots. Regardless of the nomeclature, we have been describing the same thing.
Chemical Composition Analysis Of Synthetic Biology Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) aka Hydrogel/Graphene Filaments In Unvaccinated Blood- Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD In Conjunction With Clifford Carnicom; May 8, 2023
Synthetic Biology Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) NIR Fingerprint Match Found In Human Blood - Hydrogel Signatures Identified - Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD In Conjunction with Clifford Carnicom: May 14, 2023
We also proved that you can transform C19 unvaccinated blood with a low level electrical current into the filaments, which we later showed were growing the rubbery clots:
Unvaccinated Blood: Recurrent New Proof of (CDB) Filaments Growing Under Exposure of Extremely Low Electrical Currents: Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD in conjunction with Clifford Carnicom; March 25, 2023
Clifford then isolated the origin of genesis, named Cross Domain Bacteria, which used to be known as Morgellons.
Replication of Electrical Transformation of C19 Unvaccinated Blood - Filament Growth Documented - CDB Extraction and Isolation -Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD in Conjunction with Clifford Carnicom; May 2, 2023
We also did analysis on the rubbery clots of deceased C19 injected, living vaccine injured C19 injected, and C19 unvaccinated and found the same signatures in all of them, just with varying severity.
Here are those research papers:
Blood Clot Analysis From Living & Deceased Individuals Shows Consistent Findings: A Rubber Like Polymerized Protein - Microscopy Shows Filaments. Part 1 of 3 - Dr. Ana Mihalcea With Clifford Carnicom
Blood Clot Analysis From Living And Deceased Individuals Near Infrared Spectroscopy Shows Multiple Hydrogel Polymer Components - Part 2 of 3 - Dr. Ana Mihalcea With Clifford Carnicom
Blood Clot Analysis From Living And Deceased Individuals - Preliminary Chemical Solubility Testing - Part 3 of 3 - Dr. Ana Mihalcea With Clifford Carnicom
Over a period of several months of specific culture work, which is a method that Clifford developed over the past 25 years of research into the CDB/ Morgellons synthetic biology phenomenon, he was able to isolate and grow several different polymers, that have the same chemical composition that we found in the rubbery clots described above. In the maturation of a biopolymer paper Clifford shows that the origin of genesis of these polymers are what he calls synthetic blood cells - I call them microrobots.
This rubbery polymer was grown over 30 days:
Clifford found four chemical signatures associated with the polymers, which match our previous research. We found polyvinyl plastic and polyamide proteins (nylon, kevlar, silk, including spider silk) in the blood and clot signatures last year.
1. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC): (C-Cl bonds and CH2 bending aligns with PVC)
2. Nitrile rubber (NBR): (C-N and elasticity)
3. Polyamides (Nylons): (C-O-N, CH2 groups, amides)
4. Polyurethanes (PU): (C-O, C-N, CH2, amines)
You can see that polyamides, polyurethane and polyvinyl chloride are mentioned as stealth nanoparticles in the Moderna C19 bioweapon patent. None of these plastic or rubber chemicals should be able to be isolated from human blood.
The polymer can be grown from C19 unvaccinated blood now due to shedding and geoengineering contamination, but we know that the bioweapons accelerate the problem. I have shown in my clinic that C19 unvaccinated blood can grow rubbery clots just like the C19 vaccinated blood. I have described this in the papers below and shown different experiments with the blood to mitigate polymer development. EDTA and Vitamin C prevented the development, as did Methylene Blue.
Visual Inspection Of C19 Vaccinated Live Blood Clots - Rubber (Hydrogel) Like Substance Found - Beware Graphic Images
Huge Rubbery Blood Clots In An Unvaccinated Individual - From Shedding? What Are They Made Of? A Call For Help To Analyze
Rubbery Clot Development In C19 Unvaccinated Individual With Previous Deep Vein Thrombosis and Massive Pulmonary Emboli - While On Eliquis, Nattokinase, Lumbrokinase and Serreptase
Rubbery Clot Development Observations In C19 Unvaccinated Blood With Different Anti Oxidant Compounds - Comparison with Clifford Carnicoms CDB/Morgellons Historical Culture Work
C19 Unvaccinated Have Same Blood Clotting Problem As C19 Vaccinated - EDTA And Vitamin C Prevents Blood Clotting In C19 Unvaccinated
Methylene Blue Prevents Rubbery Clot Formation, Essential Oils Help Too - Experiment Documentation
Clifford finds that the origin of the polymer is synthetic blood. I call these microrobots and have filmed them and shown them extensively to self assemble polymer filaments and microchips called mesogens.
Is Clifford incorrect to call these artificial blood cells? No, what I call microrobot is called by the inventor of the wireless intra body area network, Professor Ian Akyldiz, artificial cells. Here is what they look like: The internet of Bio-Nano things
I have filmed these artificial cells which are nano and micro robots in the blood and shown how they are involved in synthesizing polymers
Artificial Intelligent Transformation Of Humanity - Nano and Micro Robots In Human Blood
Clifford Carnicom’s research achievement is monumental. It is entirely consistent with our previous joint research, my own ongoing findings, and the findings of the embalmers. Please review this interview that I did with Richard Hirschman - who observed - just as I have in the C19 unvaccinated - these clots from the deceased C19 injected continue to grow OUTSIDE of the body - just like a plastic polymer that self assembles due to the temperature change:
Breaking News: Embalmer Richard Hirschman Confirms Rubbery Polymer Clots Grow Outside Of The Body And Were Found In a Deceased Child. Truth, Science And Spirit Ep 7 - Must watch & Share
Clifford always has devoted his work in service of humanity and to the awakening of the human species to realize a long planned potential extinction level event - the culmination and acceleration has been the C19 bioweapons of mass destruction. When will people in the mainstream take note of these findings, or will their silence continue to support global genocide?
The answer to the question “When will people in the mainstream take note of these findings..?” is when more people like talking.
You may want to read the data Professor Hamamoto just put out on his patreon regarding the pyramids, early deaths of those that worked in them, the topic of radiation and Osiris comes up. These predators knew long ago what can cause everything we are seeing. I'm sure it ties into your work. Truly fascinating information.
I thought I would mention adding boron to pva it goes rubbery stringy coagulation dietary available boron and some blood contamination should be investigated exclusive vegetarian may have a high enough dietary boron to start the clot
Just thinking out loud as I have noticed this effect while formulating a few years ago.. it is dependant on the polymer to the effect
Encapsulation and Storage of Therapeutic Fibrin-Homing Peptides using Conducting Polymer Nanoparticles for Programmed Release by Electrical Stimulation
Butternut Saskatoon - Jun 26 - Edited
Butternut’s Substack
God bless you and your colleagues for your tenacity!
SassafrasLemontree - Jun 26 - Edited
Good to keep handling such issues & concerns just like a Scientist!!..
But, this newsletter often seems like a Horror Show to me?!!- It's important not to EVER give up Hope and Positivity!!.. Once they rob that from us, we're truly out the window!-😊
And only we can give away our own Faith & Hope!~😊😅
Catherine - Jun 26 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
What do we do now? Ive been told for 25 yrs I have plastic in my blood and the result is that it mimics hormones elevated hence causes the body to believe its pregnant and retain weight. My 28 yr old daughter has been told her blood contained plastic 3 yrs ago. Both of us at various times was told to take a product called DIM (longer name abbreviated derived from broccoli tips). Both of us had a bad reaction to DIM as it pulls plastic from the body it caused both of us to have elevated temps to 100 101 causing a sick feeling like a flu. I was told 20/25 yrs ago that the plastic was from fertilizers, a byproduct of plastic. Why is it only now that Plastic in the blood is such a surprise? No one has done anything before this time to explain it. Its gone ignored even though Drs knew it caused at least Breast Cancer in women. What else does it effect? Has anyone ever studied it? If so, who? Unjabbed and full of plastic for the last 25 yrs I'm aware of. Is it any wonder we are all walking SICK? I was told by my MD of 40 yrs, that in women, it causes breast cancer. Im not shocked by the plastic obviously, but I want to know from where its really coming from and how if your allergic to Methyl Blue, to get it out of my body safely, and without 101 temps. I never handled fertilizer nor used them in my yard but know they are on just about every lawn around me, farm, ect... Can you examine some fertilizers for side by side plastics/polymers and ask doctors if they are aware of DIM? How many are aware of this problem and prescribed this natural product DIM. Many doctors obviously were aware of plastics in the blood. Labs are sure aware of it. Its time to identify the sources and shut it down. Examine the plant food as well as animal blood for these polymers. If we are full of plastic, so are the animals and plants we eat.
From Bing, I asked if plastic was in fertilizers?
Response copied:
"Yes, certain types of plastic can be converted into fertilizer. Specifically, compostable plastics, which are made from plants, can be transformed into fertilizer1. Additionally, bio-based polymers produced from biomass (known as bioplastics) can be chemically recycled back into nitrogen-rich fertilizers2. However, it’s essential to note that not all plastics are suitable for this purpose. Other biodegradable plastics break down, but micro-beads of plastic may remain, making them unsafe for use in fertilizers1. So, while plastic can be repurposed into fertilizers, the type of plastic matters significantly. 🌱"
Diindolylmethane (DIM) is a compound that your body produces when you digest cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage12. Specifically, it’s a metabolite of indole-3-carbinol, which is found in these veggies. DIM has gained attention for its potential health benefits.
Diindolylmethane (DIM), a compound found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and kale, has been studied for its potential health benefits. However, it’s essential to clarify that DIM is not specifically designed to remove plastics from the body. Let’s break it down:
"Plastics and Endocrine Disruptors:
Plastics, especially microplastics, are pervasive in our environment. They leach into food, drinks, and even our bodies.
Plastics contain endocrine disruptors, which can interfere with our hormonal system1.
These endocrine-disrupting chemicals can have adverse effects on health.
DIM and Detoxification:
Some speculation exists that DIM may impact liver pathways and potentially aid in detoxification.
However, there is no direct evidence that DIM specifically targets plastics or removes them from the body.
DIM is more commonly associated with supporting estrogen metabolism and promoting hormonal balance2.
General Detoxification:
While DIM itself doesn’t detoxify plastics, maintaining overall health can help the body eliminate toxins.
A healthy diet, hydration, and proper liver function contribute to detoxification.
BPA and BPS (common plastic components) can be flushed out of the system within 24 hours in a properly functioning body3.
Microplastics and Our Bodies:
Microplastics are tiny fragments found in water and food.
Unfortunately, there’s no known way to completely filter or contain them at present1.
Researchers are actively studying ways to remove microplastics from water4.
In summary, DIM isn’t a targeted solution for plastic detoxification. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and minimizing plastic exposure can contribute to overall well-being. If you’re concerned about plastics, focus on reducing your exposure and supporting your body’s natural detoxification processes. 😊🌱"
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 26 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
I am sorry you're experiencing these issues. It's a horror show, and "doctors" are to blame...
Here's another broadside against the utilization of pharmaceutical poisons to solve the problems created by pharmaceutical poisons: Lithium Orotate Dietary Supplement Is Pharmaceutical Snakeoil >>> DR. ARIYANA LOVE (ND) >>> JUN 25, 2024 >>>
Excerpted from - Conclusion: “There’s no reason under the sun to use any experimental pharmaceutical drugs. 100 years ago humanity got along just fine with natural cures. None of the pharmaceuticals mentioned in this article are effective at heavy metal chelation. I have many clients who were very sick after using EDTA especially, along with other experimental drugs that will not achieve detox. It’s simply not logical to treat poisoning with more poison! To achieve an affective detox, you must eliminate toxins.”
Complete page:
Catherine - Jun 26 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
I agree and as for me I had a horrible reaction to Methyl blue. There has to be technology untapped to reverse this. I pray one becomes available, but it can only happen once the Gates Foundation owned and controlled Pharma and its corrupt partners in crime are gone. Every doctor receiving his bonus check from Big Pharma every month for poisoning children and adults, that adds up to millions a year, should be jailed!
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 26 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
Hello Catherine: I successfully treated long term Lyme disease and Morgellon syndrome with combinations of herbal remedy some years ago. I still have nerological damage from the Lyme disease, as 'doctors' weren't even able to diagnose it properly... Long story. In any case, please read the linked Abstract carefully. >>> Dried Whole Plant Artemisia annua as an Antimalarial Therapy
Citation: Elfawal MA, Towler MJ, Reich NG, Golenbock D, Weathers PJ, et al. (2012)
Editor: Georges Snounou, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Received: September 3, 2012; Accepted: November 21, 2012; Published: December 20, 2012 >>>
Also try Barberry root powder, >>> Excerpted from: Barberry | University of Maryland Medical Center >>> Overview
"Medicinal use of barberry dates back more than 2,500 years. It has been used in Indian folk medicine to treat diarrhea, reduce fever, improve appetite, relieve upset stomach, and promote vigor as well as a sense of well being. Today, it is widely used for medicinal purposes in Iran, including for biliary disorders (such as gallbladder disease) and heartburn." There are complete texts regarding this herbal remedy. Here's a supplier:**LP%20-%20NonTM%20-%20DSA&**LP%20-%20NonTM%20-%20DSA&
For detox try Montmorillonite clay. >
Hope you find the information helpful.
Catherine - Jun 26 - Edited
Thankyou Paul, Ill check it out.. I had a dream a few months ago and in the dream, It was instructing me to tell everyone to drink HAWTHORN TEA 3 cups a day. I hadnt heard of Hawthorn until then. After looking it up I discovered that its #1 for heart and blood. I began to make a cold hawthorn tea which I drank for a couple months steadily. Its something to consider. Just an interesting bit of info after all these people who got the shot are now experiencing heart issues.
Another interesting note is that the thorns of Christ Crown and the Burning Bush from the bible, were believed to be from and was the Hawthorn bush.
Someone reported here afterwards (after I mentioned the dream on here) that the tea had lowered his blood pressure naturally.
Mrnobody - Jun 29
Check out what Paulette has been doing.
Kris - Jun 26 - Edited
What test did you have that shows plastic?
Catherine - Jun 26 - Edited
Better to ask a lab or a doctor, I dont know how they know that but its from blood results (like what you see here). Obviously, Im correct because the proof of this plastic is here in this article. Ive known numerous women over the years that have been advised to take DIM to lower the plastics. My doctors over the years have always been Naturopathic and MDs and believe NATURAL is best. They know what causes cancers, they know that the cures allowed are worse than the condition, yet in medicine there are only 3 acceptable cures for cancer in the USA; Surgery, Chemo, Radiation $$$$$. Deviate from those and risk losing your license to practice medicine. Diagnostic machines, unless calibrated correctly by those skilled to do calibrations, are wrong 50% of the time, yet there is a no wait policy for Cancer treatment once diagnosed by a 50% error. BEWARE and RUN when they want to get you in immediately. It took years to grow if its true and you have time to think about your next step. Its all a scam for money. Doctors have cured cancers w/ alternative natural methods, only to be sued like Dr Larry Rawdon of TN who cured kids that were uncured by St Judes, only to be attacked by Medical Controllers and put out of business. Pharma Medicine is a snake poison today. DARPA invest billions of our money in Snake Venom research and development, yet few are ever bitten by venomous snakes. Heart meds and blood pressure meds made of snake venom now reported by Dr Ardis. These meds cause strokes...beware. Everything thats not natural is able to kill you. Its nothing but a money scheme. Get us all sick and then charge us for a cure that can kill us. The serpent in the medical logo.... BEWARE WEGOVY AND OZEMPIC are actual Hela Monster Venom . See Dr ARDIS report how evil this is. Paralyzing your stomach so food rots for weeks and makes you so sick you dont have an appetite. Causes Thyroid Cancer 100%. STOP being their Big Pharma clients and lets put them out of business!!
Sober Christian Gentleman - Jun 26
Sober Christian Gentleman Podca…
It is creepy that this stuff keeps growing after the host is dead. Makes one wonder if the walking dead situaton is being set up, so the borg will pop out of the ground like the Micheal Jackson Video Thriller. They are still broadcasting a blue tooth signal as well. Here is a podcast about the blue tooth situation:
matt. j.a.o.b - Jun 26
matt’s microscopy
A concise and succinct overview of what has bought us to where we are at today.
While its confronting for many to realize that all the sacrifices they made to avoid the poison jabs has not stopped them having this polymer and tech growing inside them, I remain optimistic largely due to the knowledge we have because of Cliffords decades of past works.
Thank You.
Stephen Verchinski - Jun 26 - Edited
Stephen Verchinski
What bacteria did Clifford find associated with this?
Pirate Studebaker - Jun 26 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
Carnicom calls it Cross Domain Bacteria of CDB. It is a man made synthesis of animal/plant/mineral and not naturally occurring under any circumstances other than the circumstances of man creating it. It has been purposefully sprayed in chemtrails for over twenty years. There are many varieties and methods of infection now that have been developed from studying and gathering data from the effects of spraying it all over the world for twenty plus years.
Trying to hold anyone accountable by this point is likely futile. That needed to happen twenty years ago when the spraying and contamination began. If you want in-depth answers to your questions you have to dive deep and study Clifford Carnicom's work for
His entire library of study and experimentation is online for free. Also, read the articles Dr. Ana has linked in this article. These are great places to start investigating.
I highly recommend getting right with God ASAP.
Sober Christian Gentleman - Jun 26
Sober Christian Gentleman Podca…
He is finding cross-domain species.
Stephen Verchinski - Jun 26
Stephen Verchinski
It seems he believes these are being engineered. Are we talking GMO? If so, who authorized it? Where did it come from? When were they first observed? How were they made? And of course for what purpose? Fascinating. If this was deliberately let loose, somebody has a lot of explaining to do imo.
Stephen Verchinski - Jun 26
Stephen Verchinski
From Cliff Notes "In the food industry, bacteria are used to prepare products such as cheeses, fermented dairy products, sauerkraut, and pickles. In other industries, bacteria are used to produce antibiotics, chemicals, dyes, numerous vitamins and enzymes, and a number of insecticides. Today, they are used in genetic engineering to synthesize certain pharmaceutical products that cannot be produced otherwise (see Chapter 11).
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 26
Paul Vonharnish
Yes. These contaminants are in wide use via pharmaceutical products and phood production. Thank the United States Patent and Trademark office for allowing these products to be brought to market.
Michelle - Jun 26
Sober Christian Gentleman Podca…
phood. First time I saw that one. Funny and profoundly correct.
Sober Christian Gentleman - Jun 26
Sober Christian Gentleman Podca…
Phood, it looks like food, smells like food but sister that is definitely not food.
Sober Christian Gentleman - Jun 26
Sober Christian Gentleman Podca…
I do not think the creators are worried about patents. They want depopulation and global control.
Sober Christian Gentleman - Jun 26
Sober Christian Gentleman Podca…
There is a power above the national government who are bent on world domination. They are the prime suspects. Who else benifits?
Matilda Bawden - Jun 26
Matilda Bawden
This is almost certainly the kind of blood clot my mum has “from her toes to her hip”. I did two Cafe Locked Outs videos on her massive blood clot which no one will remove, but she is willing to have the procedure and have it tested...
matt. j.a.o.b - Jun 26
matt’s microscopy
Hi Matilda, look up 420medicineman on substack, as his solution may help your mum remove it in situ.
Matilda Bawden - Jun 26
Matilda Bawden
Thanks! Checking it out now!
KT-SunWillShineAgain - Jun 26 - Edited
Hi Dr. Milhacea,
If one suspects they have these rubbery clots growing because they are experiencing a loss of blood circulation to one's foot and don't have any injuries to the foot or ankle, how can these clots be identified and safely removed?
The loss of circulation started over 2 years/3 months after the only covid 19 injection btw. This loss of blood flow is causing Plantar fasciitis and also some autoimmune issues as well.
I was repeatedly exposed to shedding from coworkers who had gotten both Pfizer jabs and the booster during 2021.
Bee Gee - Jun 27 - Edited
Bee Gee
Many people with the ankle swelling/poor foot circulation have been helped by taking Nattokinase, Curcumin and Bromelain. Taking all three together seems to have a synergistic effect better than even larger amounts of only one or two.
Do not take natto if you have soy issues but you need much more than indicated on the label. I and many others have taken 20000 fu's per day with no issues fwiw, so assuming they are the normal 2000 fu nattokinase pills, I personally would take 5 pills every 12 hours.
All the different curcumins I took had 3 pills as the recommended dose, aprox 3000mg iirc, so I would recommend taking 3 curcumin pills every 12 hours as well. If you only have bromelain pills, I would take 1 every 12 hours.
IMO it is important that you adhere to a Strict 12 hours and drinking a full glass of plain water to take them as well, not 10 hours, not 14 hours, you are trying to maintain a consistent dosage in your blood stream at all times. And not drinking a full glass of water with them makes them less likely to dissolve and work.
Also fresh pineapple has much Much more bioavailable bromelain than bromelain pills, so if at all possible I would Strongly recommend swapping out the above bromelain pills with fresh pineapple Whenever possible.
Im not joking, I buy them 10 or 12 at a time when I can get them because sometimes they are not available. If they are green, put them upside down in direct sunlight for a few days and they will ripen. You can just juice one to get a good amount of bromelain but it is partially dissolved by stomach acid so better than pills but still meh.
If you want to seriously max out the amount of bromelain you can intake however (like I do), just cut off the top and bottom of the pineapple, skin it, and cut the entire thing into chunks.
Chew up each chunk, suck out the juice and then spit out the pulp.
Bromelain absorbs through your mouth and tongue too, so just the physical act of chewing it up and sucking the juice out gets Way more into your system than drinking a glass of fresh pineapple juice. And you dont get any of the fiber either, because that much fiber will cause constipation if you eat a whole pineapple.
I think if you take those 3 things consistently for a week or two, you will start to feel better. They will not permanently cure the shedding or stop the blood polymerization but they will help you regain flexibility in your ankle and better foot circulation.
IMO, because of course I am not giving you medical advice and always research your specific medical situation for drug interactions or issues but I Am telling you what I and others have personally done.
10000 Fus of nattokinase, 3 pills of curcumin and a bromelain pill (or half a fresh pineapple), every 12 hours. I think it will help.
Mrnobody - Jun 29
Mrnobody - Jun 29
Neve O - Jun 26
Neve O
Thankyou to Ana for this horrifying information which of course, as she writes, should be headline news everywhere. But MSM has been complicit from the beginning in the global genocide ie hid and still hide the facts about the vast numbers of deaths due , not to Covid, but to the injections. The BBC and many other news outlets paid millions by, for example, Bill Gates, as was social media we discover, to keep them o ecient and bought. If MSM e er tells the truth about this it will be many months away when the desired quota of deaths ie billions, has been reached - just like how so many doctors and politicians etc are 'apologising' for the wrong advice they gave people about the safety of Covid 'vaccines' These criminals took millions in bribes from the killers and now act as if they did nothing wrong ie 'I was given the wrong information' I have heard a few of these scum say to the public.
Neve O - Jun 26
Neve O
To keep them obedient
Thomas Lewis - Jun 26
Useless Liberal
Even Pavlov’s Dog
Would Have Figured Out This Charade
And Turned On Its Owner.
Now The Salient Question Is:
How Many Viscous Bites
Would It Take The Doctor
To Turn On Its Owner ?
Mary W Maxwell - Jun 26
Mary’s Substack
Ah. What a good question. I had just been thinking about the way the AMA (and also medical insurers) staunchly, aggressively defend doctors who sin. But do other docrtrs really want that? Might they prefer throwing the sinner to the lions? And if so, what is making the AMA do this? (As if we didn't know).
Steve - Jun 26
gunnersteve13’s Substack
The mRNA Thing From Another World.
TreeTomato - Jun 26
Arlene’s Newsletter
Too many people have been bribed or coerced. You and others present the evidence, but it is ignored. So how do we make it impossible for people to ignore the evidence?
Another person who was ahead of the pack is Harald Kautz-Vella. I don't know how yu can get in touch with him, but maybe someone else does.
Clifford Carnicom has done some earth shaking work in the progression of our understanding of the rubbery clot phenomena. Over the past 6 months, he has cultured from human blood the polymers that are creating the rubbery clots - the very clots that are killing the C19 vaccinated. Remember, Clifford was one of the first to say that the C19 plandemic and the subsequent Covid era with the deployment of the C19 biological weapons of mass destruction is just a continuation of the bio engineering of the human species via geoengineering operations - in other words, the longstanding technocratic transhumanist satanic agenda. We worked to show that the C19 vaccinated and unvaccinated blood had the same chemical signatures as the Cross Domain Bacteria or Morgellons have. I proceeded to call these advanced self assembly nanotechnology, building polymers from nano and microrobots. Regardless of the nomeclature, we have been describing the same thing.
Chemical Composition Analysis Of Synthetic Biology Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) aka Hydrogel/Graphene Filaments In Unvaccinated Blood- Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD In Conjunction With Clifford Carnicom; May 8, 2023
Synthetic Biology Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) NIR Fingerprint Match Found In Human Blood - Hydrogel Signatures Identified - Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD In Conjunction with Clifford Carnicom: May 14, 2023
We also proved that you can transform C19 unvaccinated blood with a low level electrical current into the filaments, which we later showed were growing the rubbery clots:
Unvaccinated Blood: Recurrent New Proof of (CDB) Filaments Growing Under Exposure of Extremely Low Electrical Currents: Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD in conjunction with Clifford Carnicom; March 25, 2023
Clifford then isolated the origin of genesis, named Cross Domain Bacteria, which used to be known as Morgellons.
Replication of Electrical Transformation of C19 Unvaccinated Blood - Filament Growth Documented - CDB Extraction and Isolation -Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD in Conjunction with Clifford Carnicom; May 2, 2023
We also did analysis on the rubbery clots of deceased C19 injected, living vaccine injured C19 injected, and C19 unvaccinated and found the same signatures in all of them, just with varying severity.
Here are those research papers:
Blood Clot Analysis From Living & Deceased Individuals Shows Consistent Findings: A Rubber Like Polymerized Protein - Microscopy Shows Filaments. Part 1 of 3 - Dr. Ana Mihalcea With Clifford Carnicom
Blood Clot Analysis From Living And Deceased Individuals Near Infrared Spectroscopy Shows Multiple Hydrogel Polymer Components - Part 2 of 3 - Dr. Ana Mihalcea With Clifford Carnicom
Blood Clot Analysis From Living And Deceased Individuals - Preliminary Chemical Solubility Testing - Part 3 of 3 - Dr. Ana Mihalcea With Clifford Carnicom
Over a period of several months of specific culture work, which is a method that Clifford developed over the past 25 years of research into the CDB/ Morgellons synthetic biology phenomenon, he was able to isolate and grow several different polymers, that have the same chemical composition that we found in the rubbery clots described above. In the maturation of a biopolymer paper Clifford shows that the origin of genesis of these polymers are what he calls synthetic blood cells - I call them microrobots.
This rubbery polymer was grown over 30 days:
Clifford found four chemical signatures associated with the polymers, which match our previous research. We found polyvinyl plastic and polyamide proteins (nylon, kevlar, silk, including spider silk) in the blood and clot signatures last year.
1. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC): (C-Cl bonds and CH2 bending aligns with PVC)
2. Nitrile rubber (NBR): (C-N and elasticity)
3. Polyamides (Nylons): (C-O-N, CH2 groups, amides)
4. Polyurethanes (PU): (C-O, C-N, CH2, amines)
You can see that polyamides, polyurethane and polyvinyl chloride are mentioned as stealth nanoparticles in the Moderna C19 bioweapon patent. None of these plastic or rubber chemicals should be able to be isolated from human blood.
The polymer can be grown from C19 unvaccinated blood now due to shedding and geoengineering contamination, but we know that the bioweapons accelerate the problem. I have shown in my clinic that C19 unvaccinated blood can grow rubbery clots just like the C19 vaccinated blood. I have described this in the papers below and shown different experiments with the blood to mitigate polymer development. EDTA and Vitamin C prevented the development, as did Methylene Blue.
Visual Inspection Of C19 Vaccinated Live Blood Clots - Rubber (Hydrogel) Like Substance Found - Beware Graphic Images
Huge Rubbery Blood Clots In An Unvaccinated Individual - From Shedding? What Are They Made Of? A Call For Help To Analyze
Rubbery Clot Development In C19 Unvaccinated Individual With Previous Deep Vein Thrombosis and Massive Pulmonary Emboli - While On Eliquis, Nattokinase, Lumbrokinase and Serreptase
Rubbery Clot Development Observations In C19 Unvaccinated Blood With Different Anti Oxidant Compounds - Comparison with Clifford Carnicoms CDB/Morgellons Historical Culture Work
C19 Unvaccinated Have Same Blood Clotting Problem As C19 Vaccinated - EDTA And Vitamin C Prevents Blood Clotting In C19 Unvaccinated
Methylene Blue Prevents Rubbery Clot Formation, Essential Oils Help Too - Experiment Documentation
Clifford finds that the origin of the polymer is synthetic blood. I call these microrobots and have filmed them and shown them extensively to self assemble polymer filaments and microchips called mesogens.
Is Clifford incorrect to call these artificial blood cells? No, what I call microrobot is called by the inventor of the wireless intra body area network, Professor Ian Akyldiz, artificial cells. Here is what they look like: The internet of Bio-Nano things
I have filmed these artificial cells which are nano and micro robots in the blood and shown how they are involved in synthesizing polymers
Artificial Intelligent Transformation Of Humanity - Nano and Micro Robots In Human Blood
Clifford Carnicom’s research achievement is monumental. It is entirely consistent with our previous joint research, my own ongoing findings, and the findings of the embalmers. Please review this interview that I did with Richard Hirschman - who observed - just as I have in the C19 unvaccinated - these clots from the deceased C19 injected continue to grow OUTSIDE of the body - just like a plastic polymer that self assembles due to the temperature change:
Breaking News: Embalmer Richard Hirschman Confirms Rubbery Polymer Clots Grow Outside Of The Body And Were Found In a Deceased Child. Truth, Science And Spirit Ep 7 - Must watch & Share
Clifford always has devoted his work in service of humanity and to the awakening of the human species to realize a long planned potential extinction level event - the culmination and acceleration has been the C19 bioweapons of mass destruction. When will people in the mainstream take note of these findings, or will their silence continue to support global genocide?
Leon - Jun 26
The answer to the question “When will people in the mainstream take note of these findings..?” is when more people like talking.
Gayle Wells - Jun 26
Gayle Wells
You may want to read the data Professor Hamamoto just put out on his patreon regarding the pyramids, early deaths of those that worked in them, the topic of radiation and Osiris comes up. These predators knew long ago what can cause everything we are seeing. I'm sure it ties into your work. Truly fascinating information.
Kris - Jun 26
Why arent the unjabbed dropping dead then?
Rowley - Jun 26
I thought I would mention adding boron to pva it goes rubbery stringy coagulation dietary available boron and some blood contamination should be investigated exclusive vegetarian may have a high enough dietary boron to start the clot
Just thinking out loud as I have noticed this effect while formulating a few years ago.. it is dependant on the polymer to the effect
KP Stoller - Jun 26
KP’s Substack
What happened to the Spider Silk?
Heidi - Jul 8
Encapsulation and Storage of Therapeutic Fibrin-Homing Peptides using Conducting Polymer Nanoparticles for Programmed Release by Electrical Stimulation
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