RFK Confirmed. We Are Still Poisoned Daily…

Feb 13

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Congratulations to Mr Kennedy for being confirmed as the head of Health and Human Services.


Lucy - Feb 13 - Edited


How do people not know that RFK is with the Deep State?? Not the people. It is obvious and this author should know it. This is a terrible appointment!!! Against the people. For the democide.


Bruce Cain - Feb 13 - Edited

Bruce’s Newsletter

Give him some time. He is better than anyone Harris would have appointed. So there's that. Believe me whether Trump, Musk, RFK etc. carry water for the globalist agenda I will be writing about it. And yes I do have some concerns.


Lucy - Feb 13 - Edited


He already stated at the hearings that he supports the genocide. Nobody gets into power unless they do as they are told.


Piotr Bein - Feb 13 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

RFK is the right man for the jab
Before, he perpetrated the lie about SARS Cov2 virus existence -- the basis of all lies in the scamdemic.


Reply (1) - Feb 15 - Edited

Bee Gee

Comment removed.


Bee Gee - Feb 16

Bee Gee



Om - Feb 13

Piotr’s Substack

Let us not forget that the Endgame is Technocracy, Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence. They will hand out some candy along the way to pacify us and make us more complacent as we take our eyes off the ultimate Agenda. It is important in my view to keep our eyes on the Endgame and we will be in a better position to protect ourselves and our loved ones, and take appropriate action.


Piotr Bein - Feb 14

Piotr’s Substack

I agree, the noise of elections, "our" candidates winning is a distraction.


Piotr Bein - Feb 13 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

If you haven't written about it yet, you are the last one to speak to the subject.
Trump - puppet of the banksters and Zionists before idiotised masses "elected" him on the very same hopes that are regurgitated here. In his first term, pushed Operation Warp Speed. He started his second one with fake "withdrawing" USA from WHO and advertsing the cabal's "AI"-customised vax in 48 hrs for warp speed victims.
Musk - implementer of transhumanist tech for the cabal.
RFK - at children's fund, silent on non-existence of SARS Cov2 or any other "visrus" -- Pharmafia and the genocidal regime's bread&butter.


Dennis O'Neill - Feb 14

Dennis O'Neill

None of your assertions are backed by evidence that is compelling.


Piotr Bein - Feb 14

Piotr’s Substack

Still a better standard than your delusions... and I'm not asking anybody to believe me. Just wait and see.


the LastManStanding - Feb 14

Rusyn’s Substack

Right you are! What is 'compelling' you to disbelieve the evidence right before your 'lyin' eyes is much stronger than any factual matter could be. Like millions of other westerlings now sleep walking their way to Jonestown 2.0 ... shepherded by their 'heroes' Bobby & Donnie, you have made the choice to keep sipping the foolaid,
and your rewards awaits - just beyond that cliffside!
Ana has shown her hand. Now kiss it!


Thomas Guitarman - Feb 18

Thomas’s Substack

Try listening to this interview and David Icke s last 2 videos
Subject: Re: DOGE, AI and Transhumanist Agenda – Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 49 – Conversation with Karen Kingston
Here is my reply comments to this very meaningful interview SK
Wonderful and informative interview brilliant ladies. NOW my questions to anyone with even 2 actual human brain cells still working is . Why would anyone believe in , support , vote for , or listen to anyone doing so , for TRUMP[GODFATHER OF DEATHS SHOTS], OPERATION,WARP SPEED, GAZA GENOCIDE, Q , and or ANY OF THE TECHNOCRAT EVIL BILLIONAIRE swamp monsters and their agents/Corporations now in this new administration? Also anyone not realizing the corrupted military role in development and support for these anti -life anti human agendas is equally deluded, or already brain hacked . So now what is your solution suggestions brilliant ladies?


Piotr Bein - Feb 14 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

Comment removed.


Piotr Bein - Feb 14 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

You don't need a glass ball. No Trump of this world is in power, they are all obedient servants of the global cabal masters. If they are not, as were some African country leaders during c19 scamdemic, they are no longer among the living.


Thomas Guitarman - Feb 18

Thomas’s Substack

Subject: Re: DOGE, AI and Transhumanist Agenda – Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 49 – Conversation with Karen Kingston
Here is my reply comments to this very meaningful interview SK
Wonderful and informative interview brilliant ladies. NOW my questions to anyone with even 2 actual human brain cells still working is . Why would anyone believe in , support , vote for , or listen to anyone doing so , for TRUMP[GODFATHER OF DEATHS SHOTS], OPERATION,WARP SPEED, GAZA GENOCIDE, Q , and or ANY OF THE TECHNOCRAT EVIL BILLIONAIRE swamp monsters and their agents/Corporations now in this new administration? Also anyone not realizing the corrupted military role in development and support for these anti -life anti human agendas is equally deluded, or already brain hacked . So now what is your solution suggestions brilliant ladies?


Lenmor1776 - Feb 16


Do we really think they’re going to make it obvious to us?


Piotr Bein - Feb 13 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

Dr. Ana invests hopes-- on what basis -- into the cabal's puppet RFK, like she did before in Trump and Musk, then becoming devastated when it turned out to be a lie.


Lucy - Feb 13 - Edited


We should all know by now that all politicians lie. There is no hope there.


John Day MD - Feb 14 - Edited

Dr. John's Blog

That sounds like nihilism.
Both Pollyannaism and nihilism mean that you don't have to work on anything yourself, because it is fine, or it is hopeless.
I always have work to do.
Things never seem to all be fine or hopeless.


Piotr Bein - Feb 16 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

Quit the silly labels, pls. ZIG loves when goyim are distracted by decoys they concote. Yes, there's Hope, but not in humans. I believe only Christ's Second Coming can save Humanity. It's so bad. You don't have to share the belief, and I don't need to answer your offensive posts.
You still have a substack with seemingly revelational piece on Black Nobility -- a disguise of actual culprit. Substack has blocked me following two terminations of my blogs elsewhere for telling the truth about the cabal, their c19 bioweapon assault, and much more. How much worth is your vs. my no-work?


John Day MD - Feb 16

Dr. John's Blog

So you also don't believe that everything is fine, or everything is hopeless, so you work to show evil for what it is. Words are useful to explain. I don't think any of us are off-the-hook to be responsible for the work which The Divine presents for our efforts.


Piotr Bein - Feb 16

Piotr’s Substack

Right. Don't ASSUME (makiing an ASS of U & ME) nor presume. Abstain from labelling in any case.


the LastManStanding - Feb 16 - Edited

Rusyn’s Substack

Subbs is definitely playing games now - to lower the profile of anyone who isn't on the reservation. A while ago I noticed that staxxers of the 'conservative' inclination were complaining about various problems with payment(Stripe=Palantir=Thiel-....u no hoo)and other issues.
The admin are apparently leftish apparatchiks of the usual sort. Even stooping so low as to play games with the likes and what not. Haven't seen anything so overtly silly and desperate since the ol days on zerocred-serohedge... the talmudist kabablist front line tabloid!
And if that experience was any indication... next comes full banning!


Piotr Bein - Feb 16 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

I've been observing the banning (and variations amounting to it) of author/publicist/activist friends I worked with. Some were killed or TI'ed, others lost their family members to "suicide" exactly like forewarned by agents.
I experienced corporation "rules" (all corporations are ultimately under bankster control) during c19 lockdowns when they could nix you from food store because you considered yourself exempt from facediaper wearing without a piece of paper "from your doctor". On one occasion, after loud protest while waiting for intrercity bus next to c19 vax slaughter place for kids, I was punished by the bus company with eternal ban on using their bus service. I was devastated LOL
I have not noticed any leftish bias in the named cases incl. blog terminations (sometimes I sensed empathy and helplessness in face of terror by we-know-who). It's just compliance of sheep led into the abyss of NWO.


Dennis O'Neill - Feb 18 - Edited

Dennis O'Neill

Notice how the Pollyannas, and Nihilsts often ignore evidence contrary to their assertions. The nihilists like Lucy, Piotr Bien, Lenmor1776, and Thomas Guitarman often don't write well which often indicates an inability to think well, and they ignore that the entire Democratic, and Republican establishment has been against Trump as soon as he declared a run with the Obama regime illegally spying on Trump right out of the gate. They love to naively or intellectually dishonestly use Operation Warp Speed as evidence Trump is part of or doing the bidding of a cabal. Operation Warp Speed, the CARES Act, and the rest of the entire democide was set up before Trump was in office. He had no choice but to go along with it or the presstitute media, and Congress would have removed him from office. He fought it by promoting HCQ, and not mandating the modRNA bioweapons. I have concerns that Trump may wittingly or unwittingly allow transhumanist billionaires like Musk, Bezos, Ellison, and Thiel to advance a dsytopian transhumanist agenda but Musk likely turned on the Luciferian creeps because Jesse Czbotar knows he was sexually abused as a teenager by them. She has in great detail exposed the Luciferian hierarchy and how it works. Musk's very odd Dark Maga moment was a huge public display of his turning on the Luciferians. Avoiding the dystopian transhumanist agenda is not just Trump's responsibility nor could he alone prevent its rollout. It's up to humanity to defeat it. The naive nihilists don't believe in salvation as their God is cynicism. The Pollyannas often view Trump almost as a savior. Unfortunately for the naive nihilists, Trump has yet to do anything concrete whatsoever to advance a transhumanist agenda. We'll see what unfold over the next four years.


John Day MD - Feb 18

Dr. John's Blog

The next 2-3 months will reveal a lot. The old-money of London/Europe is waking up to a cold shower.


jsinton - Feb 15


Always the naysayer.


Piotr Bein - Feb 15

Piotr’s Substack

What do you mean?


Kate - Feb 13 - Edited

Kate’s Newsletter

Of course he is not. Have you seen his track record and what his whole worklife has been around.
Some of you are so deep down in the rabbit πŸ‡ hole that I believe you are not capable of seeing the nuances.....in your world its either black or white. You can't even say you believe in Good or bad because the only thing you believe in is " bad" nothing is positive , and no one is good...in your world everything is dark and bad. What is often the common denominator is all of you have seen everything in all of the : fall of the cabal.....and that is your new religion. Not everyone is born a man, not everyone is bad not everyone is part of the Freemasons, not everything is bad..bad..bad. look up and smell the roses ones in a while. πŸ˜‰


the LastManStanding - Feb 14

Rusyn’s Substack

AH yes! This one gets it! Can't just be 'the freemasons'... that's just silly!
Look up the real history behind em...
oops... seems we smellin.... roses... as in 'rosicrucians!'
Dang wabbit whole jus keeps goin n goin!


Piotr Bein - Feb 16 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

Master psycho-analyst, crystal ball reader, remote torsion field detector (like most ppl did in distant past). You need these in order to communicate/connect with a person w/o closeness, or holding his/her object soaked in their field of torsion particles.
As to track record, the cabal destroys it when they plug you to mind control machine. How's that for nihilism, negativity or whatever when it comes to be observant, discerning and schooled empirically by life experience? Some are born extreme positive, others on the opposite spectrum. Nobody is superior, let everyone express their heart and mind, you don't have a monopoly, don't prejudge, present your argument.
I smell flowers, watch insects, birds, and earthworms when gardening on my truly organic acre (except what falls down from the chemtrails). And I still keep delusions away. When it comes and it lasts, then I might be 100% positive. Depends on who remains in real power -- the devil or God. So far, humanity betrayed Him.


Terry Oldberg - Feb 13

Modeling a physical system with…

Dear Lucy:
How do you know that RFK is with the Deep State?
Terry Oldberg
Engineer/Scientist/Public Pollicy Researcher
Los Altos Hills, California


Dennis O'Neill - Feb 14

Dennis O'Neill

She doesn't because the preponderance of evidence is that neither RFK, Jr. nor Trump are doing the bidding of the criminal cartel that runs earth.


Fibro Vision - Feb 14

FibroVision by Jessica

Trump is house of Dan, they've been pissed for generations that they lost power. They certayneber have had humanity in any regard at any point ever that I can tell.


Lucy - Feb 14


Look up and research what he has done. That is the only way you will ever learn and get out of the matrix most people are stuck in.


AwakeRedPilled - Feb 15


Give us some evidence to start this research since you sound like you have acquired so much.
References would be helpful.


Piotr Bein - Feb 13

Piotr’s Substack

How? Simple, as always -- because the deep state controls their minds.


Piotr Bein - Feb 13 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

Lucy, If you, a medical professional, stood up to the lies, you have the gift of discernment and wisdom, which comes with incorruptibility. My hat off to you.


Mark peter - Feb 13 - Edited

Mark peter

Is there a better option? Most are blind to the truth about many issues…


Piotr Bein - Feb 13 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

What "option"?! Don't you see they are all imposed on dumbed down public like yourself who believe "5d chess, better of the two evils, part truth" etc. cabal's BS.


Lucy - Feb 13 - Edited


There are no options and no reason to trust any politician. The only option is resisting and coming together to fight the corruption.


Irene-Marie - Feb 13 - Edited


The problem is resistance brings more of what you are resisting to, and coming together is not happening. I am not dupe, I know the multi-level scheme, but at this level, Kennedy will help.


Lucy - Feb 13 - Edited


How will he help by enforcing the vaccine mandates and schedules? That is not helping. It’s murdering people.


Irene-Marie - Feb 13 - Edited


We are not powerless, if he does not do the job, we will notice and act in accordance


Piotr Bein - Feb 13 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

We are powerless when the cabal hand-picks the "fresh" faces in the office.


Piotr Bein - Feb 16

Piotr’s Substack

Act how and with what means? Revolutions, rebellions like Solidarity in Poland, etc. etc. -- the cabal hijacked and used them to achieve their own goals.


Piotr Bein - Feb 13

Piotr’s Substack

What makes you think so? It all post-pones massive protest and resistance.


Fibro Vision - Feb 14

FibroVision by Jessica

Yeah I found him, tenpenny and the blonde from La Quinta where all part of a larger organisation that were all about eugenics. I can't get anyone to listen.
And if RFK is so I'd Elon and so is Trump. Just had a friend tell me I'm the one that's nuts as Trump is the saviour of the world.....


jsinton - Feb 15


Did I read something about "he will come as a savior"?


Piotr Bein - Feb 16

Piotr’s Substack

Trump almost did: the "Cesar" medal from the occupier of Palestinian lands, for Donnie & his family's service to the bankster's trojan horse, the Zionists.


Larry Arnold - Feb 13

Larry Arnold

Wrong, show proof


Lucy - Feb 13


Do some research. Don’t expect others to do it for you. If you watched the hearings you would know that RFK applauded the Operation Warp Speed democide and reinforced the CDC childhood vaccine πŸ’‰ schedule. He said he was completely in support of all of it.


CK - Feb 13

Terry Davis' Bird

Have you read his books? He said what he said at the hearings to get confirmed. Trump disavowed Project 2025 on the campaign trail but he’s now running the playbook.
It’s called politics.


Randal - Feb 13


Look, I get it. I was fooled into voting for the 1st time in my life because I thought Trump was different. I was wrong. It's a hard realization to come to, to realize EVERY SINGLE one of them are the same. If they are in politics, no matter the party affiliation, they are not on our side.
I no longer keep up with current events. They don't matter. I personally will try to enjoy life as much as I can before the enact their ultimate plan.


Just Comment - Feb 13

Just’s Substack

How is Trump "the same" by literally gutting government dirty games ?


Piotr Bein - Feb 13

Piotr’s Substack

One gutting case that worked and will remain so, please.


Sharing and Caring - Feb 13

Sharing and Caring

“the same” oh, no, no, much much WORST! (just a very excellent actor)
Short 2:35 summary of the “T” if you care to take a look, and of course do your own researh.


Dennis O'Neill - Feb 14

Dennis O'Neill

The sky is falling handwringers suffer from a form of understandable PTSD. They're just incredibly naive.


Sharing and Caring - Feb 13

Sharing and Caring

How many generations have been fooled? Not wasting time and energy on the demon bastardly club. Deja vu nightmare, 2020 - 2024?
Belly of The Beast – Director’s Cut:


Piotr Bein - Feb 16

Piotr’s Substack

I do keep up and mourn mass gullibility and dumbing down. Time is running out for your enjoyment of life. Sheeple rolled up their sleeves for similar resons - a cruise, a flight to exotic place, a cushy job, a reward [er each patient jabbed.


Dennis O'Neill - Feb 14

Dennis O'Neill

People like Lucy don't read much which is why it's easy for them to go to their sky is falling space. They don't look at evidence either because their minds are overwhelmed by the vast complexity of a very old system being gutted. Gutting USAID, exposing immense criminality, eliminating the Department of Education, Trump stating before he was inaugurated that there would be no CBDC, Trump stating he wants the gold standard for the dollar, and so much more are all way beyond the comprehension of naive sky is falling handwringers. It's an understandable space to inhabit though because we all suffer from a form of post traumatic distress syndrome in some ways given what it means to be awake.


the LastManStanding - Feb 14

Rusyn’s Substack

Good stuff. Clearly you've avoided the fate of 'grounded' folk like Lucy... by taking F-Elons Mars Express. You hang with the cutting edge of the all new humanoid hybrid...
and will be 'heads n pork hocks' above the rest of us... once your 'human-porcine chimera' transplant can fully eliminate your ties to us legacy folk!
Enjoy the ride... rocketman!


CK - Feb 14

Terry Davis' Bird

The only thing Lucy has grounded is her IQ, which seems to be right around room temperature.


Just Comment - Feb 13

Just’s Substack

How is Trump running the playbook? By trying to eliminat government waste and corruptions ?


Piotr Bein - Feb 16

Piotr’s Substack

The key word is "trying". Wait and see if you can't foresee.


the LastManStanding - Feb 14

Rusyn’s Substack

You are paying attention to the shells. That's how the mark get's taken every time. The 'hand is quicker than the eye'.... in shell games.
And modern 'mediaz.' Wake up and smell the 'kovfefe!"




People sold each other out for deals. Let’s have hope it’s going to end.


PLR - Feb 16 - Edited


The whole 'former', what we called government, is now in the hands of private entities. And the "CLUB" you ain't in, operates on both sides of debate.
It is called: The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Know thine enemy and you can play them for a fool.
Infiltration has already metastacized pretty much every area of our lives of existence. And as much as it sounds good, the speeches and niceties, politeness and constant referring that they are there for 'the people' of America, and many want to believe those in positions of power are there for 'human' benefit ~ I just don't believe any of them. No matter how many good steps they made, they plant their feet firmly with a handshake in the CLUB.🀝
Government etymologically means:: An instrument to rule mind. Both.
We simply combined “govern” and “-ment” to end up with the result we have today. Now “government” still means “an instrument to direct or rule;”
“-Ment” as a suffix means “mind” in both Latin and Old French. People believed that was the suffix we used to develop “government.” However, we actually used the suffix “-mentum,” meaning instrument, and simply shortened it to suit our needs.
I see it very clearly what 'their' GOAL is. One must think like thine enemy in order to see the journey, the totalitarian tiptoes, towards that goal. Please people do not be swayed.
Unfair Game. You know why? Because our (humanity the people) enemy knows every 'move' we make.
Peace, Rinse, Repeat. Peace.
WE have eyes to see and ears to hear. I appreciate your comment.


Dennis O'Neill - Feb 14

Dennis O'Neill

Because the preponderance of evidence is that neither RFK, Jr nor Trump are doing anything to benefit the criminal cartel that run earth.


the LastManStanding - Feb 14

Rusyn’s Substack

You're right of course! The preponderance of evidence available to the observer who carefully 'shields' their eyes with the appropriate form of 'scientific' blinkers suggested that Don n Bob are ready to 'clean the swamp' and 'make scamerica great again.'
Indeed, many 'studies' with such filters have shown that the wealth and health of merikanos is gonna enter into a phase of expansion... any day now!
Cue foto of the Gang on Trump's plane chowing down on McDonalds n Pepsi!


Jeanette Emmons - Feb 13

Jeanette’s Substack

Why would you ask this? He’s the one exposing THEM … and THEY had his uncle & father killed!!


Lucy - Feb 16


It’s all a scam. You’ll find out when it’s too late. All scripted to fool the sheeple.


the LastManStanding - Feb 14

Rusyn’s Substack

That family enmeshed itself in a struggle for supremacy among the judaic mafiyas. The ultimate winner - the Lansky branch - was able to 'leverage' it's defeat of of the Kennedy branch(the LIQOUR WARS) via it's agent Roy Cohn into the final triumph you are witness to now; Roy was Donnie Dumpster's 'mentor' and groomer. The links in the chain all lead back to the bronfman gang outta GESHER GALICIA, and right onto a plane called EPSTEIN EXPRESS.
Don & Booby were 'passengers' on it. Boobi claimed he was goin ' fossil hunting' with Jeff.
Kinda like he claims he's 'gonna shut down big pharma.
Have another lil sip o the foolaid why doncha ya!


BlazeCloude3 - Feb 13 - Edited


The same threat existed under the HORROR SHOW of the 3rd OBastard Administration
PLUS all the Sexual Perversion, Deviancy and Confusion FORCED onto children with never-ending spending for Illegal Aliens and Govt. of other Nations.
The International Crime Syndicate has now infiltrated almost every aspect of our culture and only allows their cohorts into Govt. as their owned Puppets for us to vote for...Which means they lose regardless of any choice.


Piotr Bein - Feb 13 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

"Voting" is in the unofficial, ruling controller's hands. How else would they keep in power? "Liberte-egalite-fraternite" for useful ignorant masses in "French" revolution aimed at introducing demoncracy that got rid of royal, tsarist and other imperial powers competing then with the now ruling cabal.


the LastManStanding - Feb 14 - Edited

Rusyn’s Substack

Your document is a cogently written & powerful 'truth serum' but when I went to read it the other day it was difficult to make out the author and many or most of the links led nowhere. Perhaps cleaning it up would give it the 'punch' it needs have.


Piotr Bein - Feb 14 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

You're right, as it's a wreck afterPiotrBein.nethas been bulldozed by Hostinger for terrorism, antisemitism and violence against property or something like that LOL
I have had thousands od posts wrecked for second time (first assault elsewhere was in 2021), and managed to save a few dozen before the calamity struck when I was travelling extensively overseas for 6 weeks, cut off from email blocked concurrently by yahoo, following a you-know-whose complaint to Hostinger.
Fixing the links is tedious enough for one paper, and I have a few dozen saved. I need an expert on transferring machine files (which Hostinger sent me after I literally begged) to a new host -- if there are any left unafraid of you-know-who.


the LastManStanding - Feb 14

Rusyn’s Substack

Got it. Bin der, don dat. Nuthin to do but carry on.


Sharing and Caring - Feb 13 - Edited

Sharing and Caring

“Shadow Government” - “Deep State" – "Belly of the Beast"
Belly of The Beast – Director’s Cut:


Dr. Deborah - Feb 13

Dr.’s Substack

Pee Wee Herman would have been a better choice :-)


CK - Feb 13

Terry Davis' Bird

You picked a jewish pedophile. That’s very telling


william schneider - Feb 13 - Edited

william’s Substack

I have personally worked with RFK Jr on vaccination issue here in Oregon. I am Chiropractor here in Oregon and was chair of Public Health Committee for many years. He is no fake!!! He passionately loves all of our children and will fight to the death to promote a better health system in this country. He has been putting his life on the line for years already!!
RFK Jr. helped us stop the mandatory vaccination agenda several years ago by personally flying to Oregon to speak to our legislators.
We can thank God this man is HHS head now. Please pray for his safety and wisdom!!


Sharing and Caring - Feb 13 - Edited

Sharing and Caring

Have you met Dr. Bryan Ardis, and have you read his book? Just wondering what you may think of it, you being a Chiroprator as Ardis is. I actually gifted one to my Chiropractor here in Arizona, back in October.
Restoring Health & Hope for Humanity


william schneider - Feb 13 - Edited

william’s Substack

I have not me Dr. Ardis but I do have his book and have read most of it. Will finish when time. He is superb warrior for truth. I am using his EDTA product for defense.


Sharing and Caring - Feb 13 - Edited

Sharing and Caring

Thanks, good to know. Wish everyone that can read, could read his book. I have learned so much valuable information listening to his weekly podcasts. This one about Cataracts is a must listen, if you care to protect your vision.
Cataracts what your Doctor won’t tell you – 01/01/2025


JulesUSA - Feb 15

william’s Substack

Ardis has an EDTA product?


william schneider - Feb 15

william’s Substack

yes and it is the best on the market I believe. Just check out his website.


Bee Gee - Feb 16

Bee Gee

Its not the best on the market, its actually pretty weak but Dr Ana recommends it and many people like it. Its a good place for many people to start learning to take it Right and not waste it though.


Roman S Shapoval - Feb 13

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

I wonder how RFK will respond to the AI cancer mrna "vaccine"?
Metals + EMF = disaster, and why at least reducing wi-fi can go a long way:


Kyle Young - Feb 13

the secular heretic

Actually, I don't care if he endorses them, as long as he keeps his promise to do away with liability protection for vaccine makers.
Let people exercise their Constitutional right to sue for death and injury and I guarantee vaccines will quickly go away.


crapshoot farmer - Feb 13

crapshoot farmer

That would be great but I doubt he can pull that off.
If he can stop the fluoridation of municipal water systems I'd call that a win.
Otherwise, wait and see what he attempts.
I doubt we can trust him.


Fibro Vision - Feb 14

FibroVision by Jessica

Did they ever resolve the high arsenic levels found in US drinking water?


JulesUSA - Feb 15

He promised that? Cause the act signed by Reagan in the 80s protected them.


Kieran Jaegar - Feb 13

Kieran Jaegar

I just consulted my magic 8-ball.
"Signs point to..." then it went blank.
He won't do anything that threatens the agenda. A little bit of what seems like the right direction so everyone cheers and then looks elsewhere for the Source of Most Ills.


Elizabeth Faraone - Feb 13


Thanks, as always, for your reporting, Ana. I can’t help but wonder what the F is going on. I’m not vaccinated but I work in nursing homes and retirement homes… I try to meditate, take the right vitamins and eat clean food but still I feel funny and dizzy sometimes... Probably from shedding and inhaling these poisons πŸ˜” I stay positive and fight through it. Wishing the best to you and everyone out there as we face this 5G warfare.


Irene-Marie - Feb 13


I had to reply to your post. I am a 70 y old woman, retired naturo. physician. Recently, a couple visited our home, could not do otherwise, and they were quadruple boosted to the point of being totally zombified. 48 h later, I had my periods again. I had read about it but it was a shock. I too a lot of EDTA + ascorbic acid, saunas and I am fine. I cannot linger too long in public places anymore, I avoid hiking when the sky is layered with chemtrails, however, there is a change in what they spray, and what they beam. Don't be surprised, we are all struggling with this onslaught on humanity. Sometimes, when out of my home/retreat, I feel I am walking inside a psychiatric ward... Lets' stay human, all connected.


Sharing and Caring - Feb 13

Sharing and Caring

Talked with a local realtor last Monday, here in southern AZ about 5g towers. He said there is No place that he knows of, even way out in the country that does not have them. They are warp speeding these towers, big time in the U.S. Is there any country free from this radiation poisoning?


Bee Gee - Feb 13

Bee Gee

Yes, the covid vaxxes shed to the unvaxxed. This is one of the most important facts he needs to bring to light.
And maybe 5g contributes but its not required, people in areas without 5g get all the same issues as people in areas without 5g.


JulesUSA - Feb 15

I think Sabrina Wallace also said that about towers. That the Internet of Things/Internet of Bodies doesn't depend on the 5G towers. But the LED's do transmit for the IoT. I have an Energizer LED flashlight. You open it, and the inside where the light is, is a whole computer board.


Larry Arnold - Feb 13

Larry Arnold

Good news, USAID was funding this in 47 states and that source is adios


Piotr Bein - Feb 13

Piotr’s Substack

What's the problem for the genocidal cabal to change funding source?


Mukpo7 - Feb 13

Piotr’s Substack

RFK Jr. started Children's Health Defense. He had to say some disclaimers to get into office, but I feel sure that he knows what he is doing and will move HHS in the right direction.


Piotr Bein - Feb 13

Piotr’s Substack

Children's fund, starlink wifi for everyone, electric car to save the climate.. talk is cheap. And that's how the cabal's agents are planted.


Nathan - Feb 13

Real Protestantism

What has CHD accomplished? Just wondering.


Bee Gee - Feb 13

Bee Gee

Read their site, they have accomplished a lot.
And they know the shedding is real and what is now in the blood of the unvaxxed, which is one of the most important things on earth that needs to get out.


Nathan - Feb 13

Real Protestantism



Bee Gee - Feb 14

Bee Gee

So... you couldn't find it.
Let us know when you accomplish more than they have.


Nathan - Feb 14

Real Protestantism

"Funding studies" and doing basic investigative journalism is nothing...it doesn't change national policies does it? It doesn't bring anyone to justice does it? You're a fan of thought-provoking articles...great.


Bee Gee - Feb 14

Bee Gee

So what the fuck have you done, big talker?


JulesUSA - Feb 15

Real Protestantism

"What has CHD accomplished?" Seriously?


Nathan - Feb 15

Real Protestantism

How exactly has children's health been defended? Did federal regulations change significantly? Was anyone brought to justice?


JulesUSA - Feb 17

Real Protestantism

AWARENESS? Knowledge is power.


Nathan - Feb 17

Real Protestantism

Oh, kindergarten activism...got it.


JulesUSA - Feb 17

I see you call yourself a critical thinker. :-D


JulesUSA - Feb 17

Call it what you want. It works.


JulesUSA - Feb 17

Call it what you want. It works.


Mark peter - Feb 13 - Edited

Mark peter

I’m anxiously watching and waiting to see if the chemtrails come to an end…
Even better if there are criminal charges!
Time will tell if he is legit…


Piotr Bein - Feb 13 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

Strangely, much more blue skies than before he took office. Greater Vancouver, Canada.
Knowing the system of which T is a servile lackey, I don't hold my breath.


Sharing and Caring - Feb 13

Sharing and Caring

"They" have increased over S. Arizona. Day and night, snuffing out the sun, moon, stars. even the beautiful demon created starlink.


jsinton - Feb 15 - Edited


I can affirm that. We had wall to wall clouds in Florida for MONTHS... until the day they shut down USAID... Now it's back to normal too much sunshine.


Piotr Bein - Feb 16 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

Wall to wall since chem-snots appeared yesterday P.M.
Forecasts accurate since couple of yrs ago, consider both natural and geoengineered factors.
I've looked at TheWeatherNetwork (Rothschild owner, dedicated institutes grinding both types of data) for my location: solid cloud cover and intense rain til Feb 23. Artificial clouds or unnatural features would point to engineering. I will report in the coming days.
It looks like Trump blew your s_t over to our good Canadian skies, eh :)


JulesUSA - Feb 15

Ana just did a substack on Smart Dust


JulesUSA - Feb 15

They're UN. I doubt he can stop them.


Cindy Camille - Feb 13 - Edited

crapshoot farmer

RFK’s books and previous track record shows he does care, well educated on MAHA matters & doesn’t trust Fauci, however, during the confirmation hearings, he was being led in directions where they were backing him into corners he was agreeing to that was completely the opposite of what he’s been preaching all along. (I.E. vaccines). I was really disappointed & surprised he didn’t push back more. I don’t recall him being grilled about geoengineering/chemtrails, so hopefully at a minimum he can at least put a stop to that.
In the meantime, we all need to figure out how can we independently protect ourselves from all this mess. I greatly appreciate all the work & evidence Dr. Ana has done/provided. I did purchase her book: “Transhumanism”, which is excellent. I appreciate her suggestion of ETDA chelation & Vit C as a solution , but I still wish she would address the elephant in the room- she keeps suggesting Methylene Blue as helpful, but there is benzene in it- a known cancer causing agent. Is the benefit worth the risk? I truly don’t know. I also would love to hear of more solutions to counteract the damage and help protect us. What about ozone? Ozone IV’s, ozone insufflations? Ozone steam sauna cabinets? Ozone suppositories? We know it’s good, but what specifically does it do to the nanotech? What about Food grade hydrogen peroxide? Dr. Ana also promotes blue light therapy, but what about red light therapy? Dr. Ana, please do tell & keep up the good work. It’s clear you are trying your best. God bless and protect you


crapshoot farmer - Feb 14 - Edited

crapshoot farmer

More on methylene blue. Anyone want my 2 bottles, barely used?


Cindy Camille - Feb 14 - Edited

Bee Gee

Wow!! And what’s even more mind blowing is other very well respected doctors and health practitioners (including Dr. Mercola & Dr. Group) are continuing to push Methylene blue, knowing it contains Benzene. Many docs are even doing IVs of it??
Dr. Mercola makes a big case about sunscreen not containing Benzene, yet here we are.. Dr. Group recently made a video defending MB calling it “lifesaving”. But at what cost?? It is highly misleading and irresponsible for anyone promoting Methylene Blue not to be more transparent about the Benzene component. I’m still trying to understand if the risk is worth the reward, especially when there are plenty of other natural things out there that DON’T contain Benzene that might could help with the same things. Again, don’t know for sure, but I do wish Dr. Ana & the other healthcare professionals promoting MB would address this. I’m getting rid of my bottle of it, too.. lol


Bee Gee - Feb 14 - Edited

Bee Gee

Yet you still dont even say why you think it contains benzene and conveniently ignored my other question with your long rant.
I dont even take it because I researched it before I bought any but you sound full of it. Dont take it then.


Cindy Camille - Feb 14

Bee Gee

Methylene blue, a cationic dye, contains benzene rings in its structure, which are part of the thiazine group, and this connection is crucial for its properties and applications.
Here's a more detailed explanation:
Chemical Structure:
Methylene blue (also known as tetramethylthionine hydrochloride) is a cationic dye belonging to the quinone imides in the Thiazine section.
Benzene Rings:
It's a sulfur dye characterized by two benzene rings joined by a closed ring containing one nitrogen atom, one sulfur atom, and four carbon atoms.


Bee Gee - Feb 14

Bee Gee

Ahh, you think the chemical bonds that make up a substance mean it Contains that substance?!?!
Haha, thats sad. Well since you missed 4th grade chemistry let me enlighten you.
Just because a substance has chemical ionic bonds with something else does Not mean it Contains that thing. Those bonds are often some of the strongest on earth and in some cases, we cannot even break those bonds, no matter how hard we try.
Benzene also has a very distinctive smell, even at very low ppm's, which no one who had bought or tried MB has mentioned. Hmm, I wonder why.
Benzene is also extremely flammable, so much so that if you passed a lit match over a open bottle of something containing benzene, it would flash ignite. Dont do that, but I am just reminding you of facts from our shared reality that you may have missed.
Benzene also evaporates into the air, so you Could also open your bottle, put it in a sealed gallon ziplock or plastic bag, then watch with your eyes. If there was benzene in it, it would evaporate and puff out the sealed bag. Does it do that? No, of course not.
Benzene isnt even legal in products in the EU, yet they sell MB there.
On and on and on and on and on. I don't even take the stuff, because I can read, but Ignorance needs to be debunked.
Just because something is in the Chemical Bonds of another substance does not mean it Contains that substance.
And there are Many Many ways you could have easily proven this for yourself, but instead you came into these comments to talk shit and state stupid lies in that backstabbing weasel kind of way reminiscent of the ignorant heifer Love.
"We Know it contains".. no, you dont know Shit, obviously.


Bee Gee - Feb 14

Bee Gee

Why do you think there is benzene in methylene blue?
And the moderna patent for self-replicating nanoparticles says to stop the self-replication you need to take an antioxidant and a chelator.
Which is why she mentions EDTA and ascorbic acid so often... and she has shown many many many times that they permanently disable the nanotechnology, on the slide at least.
Thats a better solution than methylene blue anyway. Other things that help but do not bind with EDTA include ALA, NAC, glutathione, Vitamins C, D and E, malic acid, sodium citrate and bromelain.
And there are likely other things that help, other enzymes and antioxidants, like curcumin and nattokinase but they bind with EDTA.
And EDTA works best, BY FAR, so the most important thing for anything to add is that it doesnt bind with EDTA.


Sharing and Caring - Feb 13 - Edited

Sharing and Caring

MAHA IS A GRIFT- THE 3 STOOGES TRIED TO WARN YOU – SAME DUPE 80 YEARS LATER - Love her or hate her, Jane Ruby tells it like it is and you may get a good laugh out of watching this, I know I sure did.
As for some solutions, please check out Dr. Bryan Ardis’ book:
Restoring Health & Hope for Humanity


Cindy Camille - Feb 14

Thank you for posting this link. Haven’t seen this one yet.
Love Dr. Jane Ruby and agree 100%- she does tell it like it is. I still don’t believe everything RFK, Jr did was “bad”. His book was amazing and the creation of CHD was as well. He’s made really great contributions. If nothing else, he’s helped wake a lot of people up. I’m just sorry it appears he’s now starting to crawfish on the vaccine topic. (Death threats? Paid off? Who knows) I still hope at a minimum he’ll get rid of the geo engineering/chemtrails, but not holding my breath.


jsinton - Feb 15


I'll tell ya what Ozone does to nanotech. It disables nanotech a number of different ways. I've been doing research using ozone.
Ozone is cheap, cheap, cheap. Easy too. Can be toxic if inhaled too much.
Ozone is highly toxic to bacteria, viruses, and organic life forms. Nanotech is a biomechanical device meaning it also has DNA from living tissue. Ozone destroys living tissue, so it harms nanotech this way. Also, the highly corrosive properties are very hard on the delicate nanobot metals like aluminum and copper and cause corrosion, disabling the nanobots.
Ozone is negatively charged oxygen, so it attracts and adheres to positively charged nanotech. It glops it up and smothers it if enough ozone is present. Once ozone adheres to plastic nanotech structures, it causes them to disassemble. I think it's because the plastic "cinder blocks" must be cemented with magnetism. So ozone destroys plastic nanostructure too.
Ozone air freshener devices for the house are a great idea since the will disable smartdust and polyester filament nanotech which is everywhere. They also have ozone air freshener device necklace which creates an ion field around your ears, nose, throat.
Ozone can be used to disinfect water and food from nanotech.


Nathan - Feb 13

Real Protestantism

It's theater. Even if he shuts down the obvious threat vectors...he won't touch things outside of his lane like civil infrastructure (including the integration of AI). When he officially acknowledges the effects of radiation and the fact that it's able to cause, "flu-like symptoms...maybe we'll get somewhere.


s r - Feb 13 - Edited

s’s Substack

This took a half century or since 1948 of planning. These are decades of psychopaths in our governments. They obviously have done their psychological check boxes for their hiring for the best CIA psychopaths. Kinda like a DEI for psychopaths.


Piotr Bein - Feb 13 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

Post-humanism ideas aka NWO -- much earlier:https://grypa666.net/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Judeocentrics-and-Mass-Crimes-%E2%80%93-Piotr-Beins-blog-Piotra-Beina.pdf


Piotr Bein - Feb 13

Piotr’s Substack

Dr. Ana, having experienced a great disappointment in Trump in whom you invested much hope for change, you are still delusional.


jsinton - Feb 13


We've seen things happen under Trump the last two weeks that normally took decades to occur, if ever. Let's see where this goes. It's far better than waiting for the Biden entity to surely kill us.


Piotr Bein - Feb 14

Piotr’s Substack

Name the things, please.


Bee Gee - Feb 14

Bee Gee



Piotr Bein - Feb 14

Piotr’s Substack

Maybe as with "withdrawal from WHO", Donnie needs $$ to fund Bill gates of Helll pet project?


J.-J. - Feb 13

I like the nuanced language you used to describe Kennedy's (bending-over-backward-to-avoid-the-real-subject) position. I also completely agree with you that every single one of this very long list of criminal acts should be investigated and the perpetrators identified and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


Matthew Gardner - Feb 13

Matthew Gardner

Trump supports this during 1st administration. Why would it change?


Just Comment - Feb 13

Just’s Substack

By learning from new experiences and knowledge ?


crapshoot farmer - Feb 14

crapshoot farmer

Didn't his son have serious vax symptoms?


Piotr Bein - Feb 13

Piotr’s Substack

"Learning" from actor's script.


Das Raciss - Feb 13

Piotr’s Substack

Dr. Ana, the research you do is impeccable!


Piotr Bein - Feb 13

Piotr’s Substack

What research? It's Clifford Carnicom's.
Dr. Ana has not cited it properly as a source in her article.


Nathan - Feb 13

Real Protestantism

In fact, he'll likely say that AI-enabled technologies benefit public health.


Randal - Feb 13


Thank you. I like Dr. Ana's work but when she implies that RFK will do anything at all to help us makes me not trust a word she says. Is it not painfully obvious to EVERYONE at this point that they are all in on it?


Rick Zammuto - Feb 13

Rick Zammuto

You are wrong! I met RFK when we were both 10 years old 62 years ago in Cape Cod MA. I co-founded his first lawyer firm and helped it get funded. I have watched him for 62 years, all that time seeing one of the most truthful people I have known in the world!
Additionally, I have read everything Ana has written and she is the same as RFK, truthful and leading edge!


Nathan - Feb 13

Real Protestantism

It really should be. We've always lived with the illusion of checks and balances. Then, irresponsible partisanship became evident across the branches, but broadcasted widely. Now we don't need to wonder, we know that checks and balances don't exist. The last administration devalued The Constitution and this administration is no different apart from claiming moral superiority. If people don't know where the money goes from the ridiculous infrastructure bills (since the highways and bridges are still trash)...it goes to building the technological backbone of the future. This area of investment has been the same no matter who was in charge or will be in charge.


JulesUSA - Feb 15

Mike Adams and Dr. Tenpenney seem to be hinting to that.



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