Recently I read a rare article on this issue - the elites do not plan to change humanity but to utilize these experiments for the 1% that plan to become Trans human - they create false material to make humans think it’s their future but it’s not true - it’s for elites to live another 1000 years or so. The WEF/Elite are using us - we will die one way or another with the many agendas to kill humans.
Mengele would be proud of these works. I agree that the agenda is to use all the peons for experiments before they are turned off, as this would be seen as not wasting the opportunity for their life extension research.
They may want immortality, but that is where I hope the old prophesy " Men shall seek death but not find it" comes into existence. My first thoughts regarding that were those buried still emitting BT signals, with perhaps neuralink involved which I certainly hope is not the case but don't know. Regardless I will not be buried when done but cremated just to be sure.
As the end aim is probably for the drones ( our descendants ) to start work at about age 8 and be turned off at 30ish (very happy but owning nothing) we have no choice but to be the victors in this new age war.
Hi Georgia,
" and men shall seek death but not find it" has been repeatedly entering my mind. What I have seen to date, including just yesterday, only reinforces my opinion that this possibility is indeed a possibility ,Today. Enough that I certainly will be cremated when done.
Rediclous as it may sound , or be.
Its not a worry if no intact cells are left behond nor have we been " downloaded " prior to our end.m
Matthew 13:30 KJVS
[30] Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
The tears are going to be gathered upon his return. They're going to be burned up and destroyed
I did 3 EDTA IV therapies And I felt fine afterwards, but I didn't have an ability to test my blood a month later I was around somebody who was just standing next to them and I got deathly ill for three days
I don't know if EDTA works There are some doctors on Substack that have shown that it actually increases the nano technology
Because it's not really metal, they said that it was actually carbon and that the EDTA was taken out metal only
-Right, but please join links of those doctors who claim this and that ! It is too easy to frighten people with no clues and no references.
-No NT has been seen in my blood. So far.
-3 EDTA sessions are not enough, I woud recommand 5 at least, with sessions of Vit and Oxygen.
So what exactly is it that is transmitting/shedding to non-vaxxed?
I understand that nanotechnology and contaminants are being sprayed and inhaled and ingested from our poisoned environment. I find it hard to believe that there is no difference between vaxxed and non-vaxxed now.
You may be right. However, the 80% of the Bible was removed bc the powerful ones didn’t want humanity to know the truth. I hope the scenario you mentioned that I’m familiar with does happen- it’s important that people read the Mesopotamia and Sumerian texts that were used to form the Bibles in order to understand what is happening to humanity now. Blessings!
It is onforgivable how a sick elite think that they can do to humanity what they like. Never ever will we forgive them and when there is a creator these souls should be uncreated never ever to live again.
Thank you as always Dr. Ana - so prolific in your steady flow of updates on your research - you're a Doc, but also a Peach, and I know God is proud of you for all the work you do and share - I know you feel a deep sense of urgency to warn humanity - so thank you and God Bless you. I have been thinking about all your reports on your findings and study, and, have come to understand that, in conjunction with your work, and from my personal circumstance, that, for those of use who believe in the reality of the book of Revelation in the Bible, that, where it speaks of The Mark of the Beast, that all this nano-tech in the blood (in addition to all the other inner and outer tech scaffolding), is going to present itself to be the vehicle for the Evil One (the Anti-Christ) to be able to control the world's population in matters of minutes by, "AO" = Artificial Omniscience. Previously to your findings and reports, I couldn't have conceived how "that part of things" could work - to me, now it's crystal clear. God help Humanity, and God Bless Doc Ana and all the rest on the front lines - tell your friends and neighbors folks. Tell them. Don't be shy. Find a way to share the truth of what is happening.
If this has been going on for decades, I am not seeing it playing out..aside from humans getting sick or dropping dead for no reason, I think this experiment is failing badly, they keep coming up with more vaccines etc...simply because it's not fact it is not a good idea to begin with...the human body is not some simple machine to be changed by a bunch of tech..
Dr Ana, on anthropologist Robert Sepehr (was on Alex Jones space recently) last yt video, at end he shows he's at BioMed expo just in Las Vegas... Then while looking that up I see there's a professional expo group out of UK BioMedEx so it's just FYI if helpful to your research. Love your work and thanks.
it's still all narrative and zero clever experiments which demonstrate how these conclusions have been proven. Feel free to believe it, just like you believe in atom bombs which have only been seen when entirely controlled by governments. And by all means keep on not believing your own eyes which could have seen and still can see that 7 buildings made of steel and concrete were turned into powder in less time than it took them to fall to the ground. Keep on worshipping your hero with no requirement that she ever proves anything she writes. I admit, I haven't read this from beginning to end because I believe I have spotted the psy-op of it. If I"m wrong, please cite me any one actual experiment which had a control and a falsifiable hypothesis which clearly demonstrated that anything she has written about can't also have its observations explained by alternative hypotheses which have not been experimentally disproven.
Time for you to catch up. Dr. Ana is not the only one, there are now many others examining via microscope analysis of blood of both the vaxxed and un-vaxxed, and finding and showing bots now in blood busily doing their jobs, THEN the results showing changes of what was natural into the very unnatural never before seen in blood in the history of mankind (it’s now in animals too, since chemtrail spraying affects water for wild animals, and also they’re vaxxing animals we eat also).
Here is just one example (not from Dr. Mihalcea):
so your logical fallacy is the bandwagon fallacy. Since there are more than one person making baseless claims somehow that substantiates those baseless claims. I'm going to continue to prefer logic over logical fallacy. I hope for you that you can join me one day but my experience shows me that people cling to the death with their logical fallacies.
Marguerite, you said you did not read Dr. Mihalcea’s article she posted here. It has a lot about how nanotechnology is being used right now to alter and take control of blood. And it’s being done via many sources without our consent—as now seen in microscopic analysis of some food, water, meds, jabs, chem spraying, etc. This is not for good or noble reasons/results.
Did you read the article I posted from Karl.C’s Substack with blood microscopy shown?—his microscopy pictures and videos show unusual, unnatural blood workings/changes, as Dr. Mihalcea’s extensive blood microscopy she’s shown here for a couple years also shows.
If one person shows such evidence, I look for others, if I’m finding tens of people are reporting and showing the same microscopic evidence, with never before changes now in the blood of most everyone they look at, I listen.
I feel it’s valuable to read and investigate all of this evidence coming out now, imo. But you may choose differently. I’m grateful to those who are on this case, unafraid to share their findings trying to help humanity, such as Dr. Mahalcea and many others.
it's not clear to me what your "this" is referring to. Is it the failure to see the difference between logic and logical fallacy? What happened with probiotic research? It probably doesn't work as well as moving one's arse and getting some sun and wind and losing some moisture out of sweat glands.
Thanks for clearing up any doubt about your ignorance in the last statement. Microbiome research and the ongoing findings as regards epigenetics alone is one of the most important developments in environmental biology and modern medicine since Darwin. If I was tempted to explain my comment, I feel no need now. The level you display is epic! Ta!
I saw someone who took before and after pictures of a patient's blood. The before picture showed flattened clumped blood cells with geometrical poygonal shapes of god knows what around them. Then he dosed the person with ClO2 gas dissolved in water. The after picture showed the blood containing only pretty spheres electrically repelling each other because of their same charge and their being the only charged objects in the blood vessels.
If you like, I'll find who did that. I believe one of them was Robert O. Young.
Sure, it could just be a coincidence, but I sure like it better than reading somebody's fictional rant about what they believe they're seeing with no proof that it's happening for anything like the reasons they suggest.
Well then you should be able to cure yourself and show us your clean blood results pretty easily then, since chlorine dioxide is cheap and easily made. You should not believe anything Dr Young says though.
Many others have already tried chlorine dioxide as a potential cure though and found it provides at best temporary improvements to the blood. Most people are barely taking any anyway, miniscule amounts once or twice a day like its going to kill them.
I took 10 drops part A and 10 drops part B activated for at least one minute, then mixed into a half cup of purified water every half hour for 8 then 9 then 10 hours three days in a row.
Thats around 250ppm Chlorine Dioxide with my test strips, every half hour.
It doesnt fix it.
Buy a microscope and try it yourself if you are $300 worth of sure.
Or just listen to people who already know more than you do and stop listening to scammers selling zeolite seawater.
No, we are not vaccinated, but we were shed on by two teenagers whose other household got the jabs the very first week they were available at the Microsoft campus in Redmond.
Chlorine Dioxide is good for many things, I use it for cleaning daily and to purify my well water before I put it in my Zerowater filter, but it does not cure the shedding. Or at least it did not for me, and I took more than anyone else seems to be taking.
It is very likely everyone is constantly getting reinfected though, every time they go anywhere, since the Infected are everywhere and what they are shedding transfects in seconds... one trip in a store or gas station or to pickup takeout and you have it again, even if you Were clean from several courses of IV EDTA.
infected? Sounds like an assumption based on insufficient research. I'd say you are being poisoned over and over again. There is zero proof of the existence of pathogenic virus particles, if it were bacteria, you would be able to know that. It's a method of poisoning that is making you suffer.
my results would likely be that I don't know enough to say that this is other than the body's normal reaction to this sort of poisoning. This seems to be a narrative attributing the actions of poison to posited but unproven to exist little beasts. There just isn't any proof that what is being observed is other than the result of the body reacting to whatever this poison is. There is no experiment cited which demonstrates through a clever idea that this is the result of something which is programmed to do what we're seeing rather than just provoking the body to react. As the body reacts, perhaps trying to break things down to haul them away the substances are changed by the body's action and new forces are exposed because of the body's action. It's just people telling a story that they may believe, but they aren't demonstrating why what they are observing is happening. They are making baseless claims and you are believing it because you want to. You, just like people who believe in pathogenic virus particles with zero proof of such, are confusing logic with the logical fallacy of the appeal to authority.
Roman S Shapoval - Apr 20
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
The soul is the singularity, and can't be merged, as it already exists. This is what materialists like Kurzweil don't understand.
Christian - Apr 22
Ar’s Substack
Plan j.uif !
Mike Hoehn - Apr 20
Mike Hoehn
Dr Ana is simply incredible !!
Intellect - Apr 20 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Recently I read a rare article on this issue - the elites do not plan to change humanity but to utilize these experiments for the 1% that plan to become Trans human - they create false material to make humans think it’s their future but it’s not true - it’s for elites to live another 1000 years or so. The WEF/Elite are using us - we will die one way or another with the many agendas to kill humans.
Kim p - Apr 20
Ar’s Substack
The Messiah will never allow them to win He will return and destroy them and all the unrighteous
Christian - Apr 22
Ar’s Substack
Le Messie ne reviendra jamais !
Lisa - Apr 20
This has been my speculation also. They only want a small army of servants that they can control. The rest are useless eaters.
matt. j.a.o.b - Apr 20
matt’s microscopy
Mengele would be proud of these works. I agree that the agenda is to use all the peons for experiments before they are turned off, as this would be seen as not wasting the opportunity for their life extension research.
They may want immortality, but that is where I hope the old prophesy " Men shall seek death but not find it" comes into existence. My first thoughts regarding that were those buried still emitting BT signals, with perhaps neuralink involved which I certainly hope is not the case but don't know. Regardless I will not be buried when done but cremated just to be sure.
As the end aim is probably for the drones ( our descendants ) to start work at about age 8 and be turned off at 30ish (very happy but owning nothing) we have no choice but to be the victors in this new age war.
Intellect - Apr 20
I’m so impressed with your comments. My thoughts exactly in regards to burial and cremation.
Georgia Lynn Justice - Apr 26
Solutions for the Targeted Comm…
Matt whats that mean, if we are buried they can still control our mind? I know that sounds ridiculous, but that worrying me. Can you explain please.
matt. j.a.o.b - Apr 26
matt’s microscopy
Hi Georgia,
" and men shall seek death but not find it" has been repeatedly entering my mind. What I have seen to date, including just yesterday, only reinforces my opinion that this possibility is indeed a possibility ,Today. Enough that I certainly will be cremated when done.
Rediclous as it may sound , or be.
Its not a worry if no intact cells are left behond nor have we been " downloaded " prior to our end.m
Christian - Apr 22
Ar’s Substack
Mengele ? The plan is jewish and judaism the root of evil ! Let Mengele in peace ! Adolf warnt us !
joe stuerzl 85 - Apr 20
joe’s Substack
I agree .They kill humans for their benefit .
Christian - Apr 22
Ar’s Substack
1 % ? Ridicule ! 0,00000...666 %
Areugnat - Apr 20
I am just waking up to this.
Thank you for your excellent work and service to humanity!
Sarah - Apr 20
Welcome to the great awakening!!!♡♡♡♡
Anita Söderman - Apr 20
Anita’s Substack
All your findings have thus become verified, alas! But we are still humans, with a soul, a world and a God who looks out for us! God bless!
Kim p - Apr 20
Matthew 13:30 KJVS
[30] Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
The tears are going to be gathered upon his return. They're going to be burned up and destroyed
Froggy - Apr 20
Goodmorning… ☀️❤️.
Kim p - Apr 20 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
I'm unvaxxed THERE is no difference. My blood is contaminated.
Christian - Apr 22 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
Just like mine ! But Edta seems to work
Kim p - Apr 22 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
I did 3 EDTA IV therapies And I felt fine afterwards, but I didn't have an ability to test my blood a month later I was around somebody who was just standing next to them and I got deathly ill for three days
I don't know if EDTA works There are some doctors on Substack that have shown that it actually increases the nano technology
Because it's not really metal, they said that it was actually carbon and that the EDTA was taken out metal only
Christian - Apr 23
Ar’s Substack
My goodness !!! But Vit C helps too !
Christian - Apr 24
Ar’s Substack
-Right, but please join links of those doctors who claim this and that ! It is too easy to frighten people with no clues and no references.
-No NT has been seen in my blood. So far.
-3 EDTA sessions are not enough, I woud recommand 5 at least, with sessions of Vit and Oxygen.
ABarn - Apr 20 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
So what exactly is it that is transmitting/shedding to non-vaxxed?
I understand that nanotechnology and contaminants are being sprayed and inhaled and ingested from our poisoned environment. I find it hard to believe that there is no difference between vaxxed and non-vaxxed now.
Christian - Apr 22 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
I am one living proof ! Go and see my blood !
Intellect - Apr 20 - Edited
You may be right. However, the 80% of the Bible was removed bc the powerful ones didn’t want humanity to know the truth. I hope the scenario you mentioned that I’m familiar with does happen- it’s important that people read the Mesopotamia and Sumerian texts that were used to form the Bibles in order to understand what is happening to humanity now. Blessings!
Jan de Jong - Apr 20
It is onforgivable how a sick elite think that they can do to humanity what they like. Never ever will we forgive them and when there is a creator these souls should be uncreated never ever to live again.
Kim p - Apr 20
They are Nephilim Spirits living in a body they don't have a soul
Michelle - Apr 21
Thank you as always Dr. Ana - so prolific in your steady flow of updates on your research - you're a Doc, but also a Peach, and I know God is proud of you for all the work you do and share - I know you feel a deep sense of urgency to warn humanity - so thank you and God Bless you. I have been thinking about all your reports on your findings and study, and, have come to understand that, in conjunction with your work, and from my personal circumstance, that, for those of use who believe in the reality of the book of Revelation in the Bible, that, where it speaks of The Mark of the Beast, that all this nano-tech in the blood (in addition to all the other inner and outer tech scaffolding), is going to present itself to be the vehicle for the Evil One (the Anti-Christ) to be able to control the world's population in matters of minutes by, "AO" = Artificial Omniscience. Previously to your findings and reports, I couldn't have conceived how "that part of things" could work - to me, now it's crystal clear. God help Humanity, and God Bless Doc Ana and all the rest on the front lines - tell your friends and neighbors folks. Tell them. Don't be shy. Find a way to share the truth of what is happening.
Terry Lee - Apr 20
If this has been going on for decades, I am not seeing it playing out..aside from humans getting sick or dropping dead for no reason, I think this experiment is failing badly, they keep coming up with more vaccines etc...simply because it's not fact it is not a good idea to begin with...the human body is not some simple machine to be changed by a bunch of tech..
LM2 - Apr 21
Dr Ana, on anthropologist Robert Sepehr (was on Alex Jones space recently) last yt video, at end he shows he's at BioMed expo just in Las Vegas... Then while looking that up I see there's a professional expo group out of UK BioMedEx so it's just FYI if helpful to your research. Love your work and thanks.
Harcourtfentonmudd Marguerite - Apr 20 - Edited
Le Substack de Harcourtfentonmu…
it's still all narrative and zero clever experiments which demonstrate how these conclusions have been proven. Feel free to believe it, just like you believe in atom bombs which have only been seen when entirely controlled by governments. And by all means keep on not believing your own eyes which could have seen and still can see that 7 buildings made of steel and concrete were turned into powder in less time than it took them to fall to the ground. Keep on worshipping your hero with no requirement that she ever proves anything she writes. I admit, I haven't read this from beginning to end because I believe I have spotted the psy-op of it. If I"m wrong, please cite me any one actual experiment which had a control and a falsifiable hypothesis which clearly demonstrated that anything she has written about can't also have its observations explained by alternative hypotheses which have not been experimentally disproven.
Stella - Apr 20 - Edited
Le Substack de Harcourtfentonmu…
Time for you to catch up. Dr. Ana is not the only one, there are now many others examining via microscope analysis of blood of both the vaxxed and un-vaxxed, and finding and showing bots now in blood busily doing their jobs, THEN the results showing changes of what was natural into the very unnatural never before seen in blood in the history of mankind (it’s now in animals too, since chemtrail spraying affects water for wild animals, and also they’re vaxxing animals we eat also).
Here is just one example (not from Dr. Mihalcea):
Harcourtfentonmudd Marguerite - Apr 20 - Edited
Le Substack de Harcourtfentonmu…
so your logical fallacy is the bandwagon fallacy. Since there are more than one person making baseless claims somehow that substantiates those baseless claims. I'm going to continue to prefer logic over logical fallacy. I hope for you that you can join me one day but my experience shows me that people cling to the death with their logical fallacies.
Stella - Apr 20 - Edited
Le Substack de Harcourtfentonmu…
Ignorance is Bliss. Though in this case, later health results might not be blissful.
Harcourtfentonmudd Marguerite - Apr 20
Le Substack de Harcourtfentonmu…
if ignorance is bliss you must be very happy.
Stella - Apr 20
Marguerite, you said you did not read Dr. Mihalcea’s article she posted here. It has a lot about how nanotechnology is being used right now to alter and take control of blood. And it’s being done via many sources without our consent—as now seen in microscopic analysis of some food, water, meds, jabs, chem spraying, etc. This is not for good or noble reasons/results.
Did you read the article I posted from Karl.C’s Substack with blood microscopy shown?—his microscopy pictures and videos show unusual, unnatural blood workings/changes, as Dr. Mihalcea’s extensive blood microscopy she’s shown here for a couple years also shows.
If one person shows such evidence, I look for others, if I’m finding tens of people are reporting and showing the same microscopic evidence, with never before changes now in the blood of most everyone they look at, I listen.
I feel it’s valuable to read and investigate all of this evidence coming out now, imo. But you may choose differently. I’m grateful to those who are on this case, unafraid to share their findings trying to help humanity, such as Dr. Mahalcea and many others.
L. McFarland - Apr 20
L.’s Substack
My grandmother made this argument against probiotic research and application back in the 90s. Not difficult to recognize how that turned out either..
Harcourtfentonmudd Marguerite - Apr 20
Le Substack de Harcourtfentonmu…
it's not clear to me what your "this" is referring to. Is it the failure to see the difference between logic and logical fallacy? What happened with probiotic research? It probably doesn't work as well as moving one's arse and getting some sun and wind and losing some moisture out of sweat glands.
L. McFarland - May 8
L.’s Substack
Thanks for clearing up any doubt about your ignorance in the last statement. Microbiome research and the ongoing findings as regards epigenetics alone is one of the most important developments in environmental biology and modern medicine since Darwin. If I was tempted to explain my comment, I feel no need now. The level you display is epic! Ta!
Bee Gee - Apr 20 - Edited
Bee Gee
A darkfield microscope is $300. We await your results... and potential solutions.
Harcourtfentonmudd Marguerite - Apr 20 - Edited
Le Substack de Harcourtfentonmu…
I saw someone who took before and after pictures of a patient's blood. The before picture showed flattened clumped blood cells with geometrical poygonal shapes of god knows what around them. Then he dosed the person with ClO2 gas dissolved in water. The after picture showed the blood containing only pretty spheres electrically repelling each other because of their same charge and their being the only charged objects in the blood vessels.
If you like, I'll find who did that. I believe one of them was Robert O. Young.
Sure, it could just be a coincidence, but I sure like it better than reading somebody's fictional rant about what they believe they're seeing with no proof that it's happening for anything like the reasons they suggest.
Bee Gee - Apr 20
Bee Gee
Well then you should be able to cure yourself and show us your clean blood results pretty easily then, since chlorine dioxide is cheap and easily made. You should not believe anything Dr Young says though.
Many others have already tried chlorine dioxide as a potential cure though and found it provides at best temporary improvements to the blood. Most people are barely taking any anyway, miniscule amounts once or twice a day like its going to kill them.
I took 10 drops part A and 10 drops part B activated for at least one minute, then mixed into a half cup of purified water every half hour for 8 then 9 then 10 hours three days in a row.
Thats around 250ppm Chlorine Dioxide with my test strips, every half hour.
It doesnt fix it.
Buy a microscope and try it yourself if you are $300 worth of sure.
Or just listen to people who already know more than you do and stop listening to scammers selling zeolite seawater.
Harcourtfentonmudd Marguerite - Apr 21
Le Substack de Harcourtfentonmu…
did you permit yourself to be vaccinated?
Bee Gee - Apr 24
Bee Gee
No, we are not vaccinated, but we were shed on by two teenagers whose other household got the jabs the very first week they were available at the Microsoft campus in Redmond.
Chlorine Dioxide is good for many things, I use it for cleaning daily and to purify my well water before I put it in my Zerowater filter, but it does not cure the shedding. Or at least it did not for me, and I took more than anyone else seems to be taking.
It is very likely everyone is constantly getting reinfected though, every time they go anywhere, since the Infected are everywhere and what they are shedding transfects in seconds... one trip in a store or gas station or to pickup takeout and you have it again, even if you Were clean from several courses of IV EDTA.
macDuff - Apr 25
macDuff’s Substack
infected? Sounds like an assumption based on insufficient research. I'd say you are being poisoned over and over again. There is zero proof of the existence of pathogenic virus particles, if it were bacteria, you would be able to know that. It's a method of poisoning that is making you suffer.
Harcourtfentonmudd Marguerite - Apr 20
Le Substack de Harcourtfentonmu…
my results would likely be that I don't know enough to say that this is other than the body's normal reaction to this sort of poisoning. This seems to be a narrative attributing the actions of poison to posited but unproven to exist little beasts. There just isn't any proof that what is being observed is other than the result of the body reacting to whatever this poison is. There is no experiment cited which demonstrates through a clever idea that this is the result of something which is programmed to do what we're seeing rather than just provoking the body to react. As the body reacts, perhaps trying to break things down to haul them away the substances are changed by the body's action and new forces are exposed because of the body's action. It's just people telling a story that they may believe, but they aren't demonstrating why what they are observing is happening. They are making baseless claims and you are believing it because you want to. You, just like people who believe in pathogenic virus particles with zero proof of such, are confusing logic with the logical fallacy of the appeal to authority.
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