Apr 4, 2024
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I spoke with Maria Crisler today, a Senior Research Scientists who has done some amazing studies with special microscopy confirming all of my findings.
Adrian - Apr 4
In south texas, fibers outside on porch, and inside house at circuit breaker, and on ceiling fans. A friend near Houston has video of fibers floating outside. Tenessee passed a bill banning chemtrails, New Hampshire has same upincoming....we all need to prioritize calling reps daily, to ban sky crop dusting of mankind.
Reply (1) - Apr 4
crapshoot farmer
Comment removed.
crapshoot farmer - Apr 4
crapshoot farmer
beth, or whatever your name is, please stop spaming this forum with your survival food drama BS. If people haven't figured out by now to have food stored it's likely too late. You're being ignored by most so why not give it up.
Kathryn Church - Apr 4
Kathryn Church
Have you experimented with the Nano-silver and Sodium Borate samples that I sent to your office? The Sodium Borate is an emulsifier that ideally eats away at the nanobot appendages and antennas. Does it affect spider silk?
Charlie - Apr 4
Terral03, hmmm
KP Stoller - Apr 4
KP’s Substack
Well.. now it all makes sense. In my article I was only guessing at what this was about but now we know for sure:https://primerascientific.com/pdf/pssrp/PSSRP-03-096.pdf
István - Apr 4
István’s Newsletter
Great writing, thank you!
Doug - Apr 4
Doug’s Substack
OMFG I don't comply wont comply no 666 for me.
Vitor Gabriel - Apr 4 - Edited
But they said there is no biological material in the vials...🤔
Kris - Apr 5 - Edited
I was going to say that..
I just saw a video recently from an Dr from Argentina, the video was translated by la quinta columna and they did:
Fluorescent microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and (I forget the specific term) mass spectrometry to quantify foreign elements in the vials..
What I took away from that was: no MRNA/biologicals detected, fluorescent microscopy confirmed graphene oxide with up to 48 foreign metals/elements bound to it.. Different batches/manufacturers had different quantities of elements.
There were crystallized nanostructures up to 1.6mm in size.
They were pretty adamant no biologics inside, mass spectrometry was done in an independent lab (without disclosing what was to be analyzed).
Graphene oxide was confirmed against sample from sigma aaldrich, all foreign objects gave the same refraction colors in all color filters..
Also this has been reproduced multiple times in multiple places.
The whole MRNA/DNA story seems to be based on the manufacturing process as described but I have not seen evidence.. Is there an hole in their methods with regards to accuracy or are they too destructive?
It can not all be true..
Edit: I was somewhat confused that the Argentina courts were unwilling to look at the evidence especially with the "change of power" (milei), until I learned yesterday that both Milei and Nethanyahu both had their names changed and had the same last name before that..
scout - Apr 4
If I recall, the 'spider' silk is modified to increase bone and tissue strength for one solution. When I briefly scanned web, auto-sport caliber, Italian, made out of similar. Vincette was the name, or similar.
Agent Midnight Rider - Apr 4 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
What #AgentCCP is NOT telling you is that its .A.LIEN DNA caused by E.GGS injected into that cause ..parasit.es
.A.lien DNA and the vaccine fraud - La Quinta Columna
Compilation from
We have the CURE or KILL Switch for the COVID vaccine.
and we give it to humanity FREELY...
Intel Courtesy of your boy!!!!......#AgentMidnightRider
Agent Q
Sandy K - Apr 4 - Edited
Sandy K
La Quinta Columna...listen to Paul Anthony Wallis! It's impossible for most people to wrap their heads around this, but I am slowly coming to the realization that this is true and has been the cause of past genocides that we can see the evidence if we open our eyes (Paris catacombs, for starters...)Thanks, Agent.
Agent Midnight Rider - Apr 4 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
It's a LOT BIGGER than you can imagine. Welcome to the Great Awakening, Welcome to Ascension. Once you Detox, with the DE BUGGING method of your choice, I just you read the COVID Kill Switch 1-7.. It is the CURE to almost every disease including OLD AGE. because we have all been POISONED from day 1 and its been going on a LONG TIME......Cheers.
Sandy K - Apr 4
Sandy K
Yeah...I suspect you've read Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova, too. We have been poisoned for a very long time, but I consider myself *a bit* better off because my generation was not injected with a hundred vaxxines. And I have never owned a TV, stopped watching the BS in 1968-9; have always avoided processed foods, etc....I'll check out your suggestions!!
Sandy K - Apr 4
Sandy K
Which were, btw, excellent. Thanks! I knew O'Bummer was bad news, but didn't know how bad that news was. Hmmm. Maybe he is the Anti-Christ....
Agent Midnight Rider - Apr 5
Agent’s Substack
Try reptilian shapeshifter ... Bill Clinton and the Bushes too.
Sandy K - Apr 5
Sandy K
Ha! I do not doubt anything anymore. I've been reading about Nagas (India) and the biblical work of Paul Anthony Wallis and Mauro Biglino....
Kate Hower - Apr 4
Kate’s Substack
Dr Mihalcea, than’ you for your tireless work ethic and the Tru Blu Light Wrap. Are you fam8liar with Sabrina messaging about our bio field?https://rumble.com/v4naypi-start-asking-yourself-where-did-it-come-from.html
curt s sanders - Apr 4
Sitting in a Nest of Cobras
Thank you.. Ana, The sickening detail of Another American Made Disaster... funded for Decades by the the NIH.. Somehow some way we have to drag these Bast*#ds into Nuremberg... WE CAN let's UNITE and take them ALL DOWN
Claudia - Apr 4
It has to be incredibly difficult being at the forefront of finding and sharing these results. Thank you sincerely for all you’re doing to help humankind.
Alexandra - Apr 4
Alexandra’s Substack
Thank you, Dr. Ana--so happy to see these confirmations. Your warrior spirit inspires and restores us. xo
Thomas Lewis - Apr 4
Useless Liberal
Taking The Vaccine
Was Such A Bad Idea
That It Will Follow Them
Into The Next Life.
It Also Helps Explain
How They Showed Up Here
So Fucking Stupid.
Ann - Apr 4
Ann’s Substack
I thought i read an email how we as unvaxxed can clean our blood before serious clotting now i cannot find it
Alexandra - Apr 4
Alexandra’s Substack
Cube - Oct 28
Give us spike absorption wave it will be the wave they will spread to kill vaccin people ( they will Say it's Marburg pandémies). Spike IS stick on vessels to increase température with vibration and make hémorragie
Jackr - Oct 8
I thought the chemical analysis that was completed on the clots confirmed that they were carbon based and made up of the bodies natural clotting material - but an extreme over reaction of the bodies mechanism that creates this clotting material within the blood. Do you have any links to tests done on the clots that show they can not be dissolved using specific caustic materials?
psd - May 14
i saw this stuff in japan a few years ago. it was late autumn. i remember cos we went to visit a temple in shiga prefecture, which is famous for its maple leaves. I'd only seen, just the day before, some video of someone in the USA showing it blowing down the street.
Cov - Id Project - May 10
Cov - Id Project Substack
It can hardly contain spider genes, something biological, when several doctors have already demonstrated years ago that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines do not contain phosphorus or nitrogen, therefore, nothing biological.
We continue lying to the public!! They do not realize!!
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