So it's okay to use in a war scenario.
So, deploy on their own citizens and blame it on Russia, and Russia can do the same to theirs, and blame it on NATO. China can work on same blame game too.
Nope, not a mute point. Where there is will, a vision for a better future and determination to never give up fighting for that future, there is a way. Never, ever give up or admit defeat to those who would crush the Human Spirit and enslave the peoples of the world.
Never ever stop fighting like your life depends on it. Because it does.
Oh, You again, Hi kerrylyn, well, yes, unless one really meant to write mute that is, because one man's language id·i·o·syn·cra·sy could be another man's literary masterpiece in disguise. One just never knows for sure, eh?
I had ( may still have) morgellons. I think it’s from the Chen trails and my autoimmune issues made me more vulnerable & having Lyme. It was horrible. Strange fibers came out of my psoriasis spots . A man made parasite? Insurance dictated doctors called it delusional parasitosis! My symptoms improved after a heavy metal detox with my integrative medicine doctor. I think morgellons sufferers were the test subjects for much of this. People have committed suicide because of it, very painful and very scary & then the gaslighting by doctors. I am susceptible to shedding around the jabbed.
& sometimes I could feel it inside, the most uncomfortable, unnatural feeling in the world. Lesions and bumps all over my body. Dr said it was my psoriasis flaring up, as he looked from across the room! Insulting & humiliating.
& distilled water or reverse osmosis, non gmo food. I took borax baths almost every night for a year. Heavy metal detox helped a lot also. I had forgotten about palo santo oil, thanks.
Rosalind my heart goes out to you. Thank you for sharing. May I ask what part of the world you live in? I am in the southeast Michigan area. Heartfelt Prayers and Peace to you. Michelle
Thank you! I lived in upstate New York most of my life & just before lockdown I moved to central Florida. The weather is so beneficial to me and I would have lost my mind in New York with all their draconian measures. God blessed me greatly! I’d been trying to get to Florida to be near my snowbird Mom for a while. Thank you for your prayers. God hears them!
this is truly troubling...not jabbed but I fear the upcoming Davos, WEF forum and the WHO wanting control for all future
Planned Plandemics will MANDATE all THE PEOPLE! It's war isn't it! The destruction of the human race!!! They should make this a BLACKLIST EPISODE ON NETFLIX! NUREMBERG 2.0 ......the bastards have put it in the SAFE AND EFFECTIVE !
we are fighting back now, don't worry ! keep informing people and waking up some - I turned 2 vxed people around and helped them see this and they are on it and both will convince 10-20 more .... it took ages but success is coming - then I am spreading all info especially the best scientific documentations all over the place :-)
Total noncompliance, total knowledge and exploration of working treatments and solutions, take real action in all ways, protect the children and live a preparedness consciousness , and leave the cities, and be prepared to actually fight for your survival when it comes to that. YSK
"The information in this document is so truthfully devastating, it requires no comment." You weren't kidding. That's why they're shoving the testing swabs up everybody's noses up into the olfactory nerve. They are so evil!
The US so-called "regulatory" agencies don't even properly regulate known carcinogens/neurotoxins line glyophosphate. They are so captured by the industries and military brass that they can't be trusted to perform their basic functions at all.
I really appreciate your work Dr. Anna!
The true bottom line is Spiritual.
These fallen beings we are under are sentenced already and have no hope.
They fully understand this.
At this point it's an effort to drag as many possible into the abyss and away from Jesus Christ as possible.
If you rock up willingly for the augmentation, there you go, you made a free will choice.
Repent, repent, repent...or don't.
John Lukach has a wealth of knowledge. May be a good person to interview. See also his book "What Now? Recovering from a Tragic Mistake. A covid vaccine injury protocol."
"The information in this document is so truthfully devastating, it requires no comment."... You weren't kidding. That's why they're shoving the test swabs up the nose to the olfactory nerve. They are so evil!
You are on it Ana ! Fabulous work! I said that since I have seen Nixons Microscophy - we need to regulate this now and globaly and stop production, just like nuclear power
Dr Ana,
A while back you were talking about using covid vaccines on animals. This appears to be a deliberate attempt to poison the food supply.
Do we know whether cooking meat from animals that were injected with mRNA gene therapy drugs will destroy the spike protein created by the "vaccines"?
Heat can de-nature proteins so am hopeful it may be possible to make meat safe by ensuring its cooked to a well done state, or do the spike proteins survive cooking and we need to literally start living off food we have grown ourselves to survive?
Well, it's a bigger job now, I guess! Seeing how the DoD is the "perpetrator!" HUGE BOOM!!!
Huge FOIA release 2 days ago reported on the Kim Iversen Show w/ Sasha Latypova!
The Pandemic and the RESPONSE is a "response to an act of WAR, and henceforth does not require clinical trials, research or release of information! YEA! MIND BLOWN!
Get your popcorn ready FIRST!
Yes, good article, thank you. For any who are inclined to; there is a book coming out 8th Feb that may will be of interest titled 'Nanotechnology Platforms for Antiviral Challenges Fundamentals, Applications and Advances_by (Editors) Soney C George & Ann Rose Abraham'. For example here is the Contents of Chapter 5:
Toxicology of Nanoparticle-Based Pharmaceuticals
Binu Prakash
5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 79
5.2 Nano-Based Pharmacology or Nanopharmacology ....................................... 80
5.3 Nano-Based Drug Delivery Systems and Therapeutics ................................. 82
5.3.1 Drug-Loaded Nanoparticles ............................................................... 82
5.3.2 Encapsulation of Drugs with Nanomaterials ...................................... 84
5.3.3 Gene Therapy and DNA Nanovaccines .............................................. 84
5.4 Signifcance of Nanomaterials in Human Health ........................................... 85
5.5 Cellular and Tissue-Based Toxicity Effects.................................................... 86
5.6 Possible Mechanisms Behind the Nanotoxicology ......................................... 88
5.7 Toxicological Methodologies’ Profling of Nanomaterials............................. 90
5.8 Ecotoxicology of Nanomaterial-Based Pharmaceuticals ............................... 92
5.9 Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 93
References ................................................................................................................ 93
The Green Hornet - Jan 15, 2023
The Green Hornet
This is part and parcel of their plan for
Dee's meow - Jan 15, 2023
Dee’s Meow
Seems mute to try to regulate whst they have already deployed on the world.
There are no words...
Thomas Guitarman - Jan 15, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Not so , its necessary if we want survive, you need Dr. Ana s spirit on this . SK
kerrylyn - Jan 15, 2023
Cairn - mutual eye-rolling - Jan 15, 2023
Cairn - mutual eye-rolling
So it's okay to use in a war scenario.
So, deploy on their own citizens and blame it on Russia, and Russia can do the same to theirs, and blame it on NATO. China can work on same blame game too.
Thomas Guitarman - Jan 15, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Yes that is basically what is happening. SK
HWG - Jan 19, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Nope, not a mute point. Where there is will, a vision for a better future and determination to never give up fighting for that future, there is a way. Never, ever give up or admit defeat to those who would crush the Human Spirit and enslave the peoples of the world.
Never ever stop fighting like your life depends on it. Because it does.
Thomas Guitarman - Jan 19, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Yes indeed
kerrylyn - Jan 19, 2023
Agree. But you mean "moot", not "mute".
HWG - Jan 19, 2023
Oh, You again, Hi kerrylyn, well, yes, unless one really meant to write mute that is, because one man's language id·i·o·syn·cra·sy could be another man's literary masterpiece in disguise. One just never knows for sure, eh?
kerrylyn - Jan 19, 2023
Never thought of it that way!
Rosalind McGill - Jan 15, 2023
Rosalind McGill
I had ( may still have) morgellons. I think it’s from the Chen trails and my autoimmune issues made me more vulnerable & having Lyme. It was horrible. Strange fibers came out of my psoriasis spots . A man made parasite? Insurance dictated doctors called it delusional parasitosis! My symptoms improved after a heavy metal detox with my integrative medicine doctor. I think morgellons sufferers were the test subjects for much of this. People have committed suicide because of it, very painful and very scary & then the gaslighting by doctors. I am susceptible to shedding around the jabbed.
Rosalind McGill - Jan 15, 2023
Rosalind McGill
& sometimes I could feel it inside, the most uncomfortable, unnatural feeling in the world. Lesions and bumps all over my body. Dr said it was my psoriasis flaring up, as he looked from across the room! Insulting & humiliating.
Rosalind McGill - Jan 15, 2023
Rosalind McGill
The fibers reacted to my body heat, they looked alive. Borax baths almost every night for a year helped.
Rosalind McGill - Jan 15, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Sorry for my tangent but it’s got to be related somehow.
Thomas Guitarman - Jan 15, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Baths with Borax , pascalite clay, Palo Santo oil, baking soda, Epsom salts, will help for sure . SK
Rosalind McGill - Jan 15, 2023
Rosalind McGill
& distilled water or reverse osmosis, non gmo food. I took borax baths almost every night for a year. Heavy metal detox helped a lot also. I had forgotten about palo santo oil, thanks.
Michelle - Jan 15, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Rosalind my heart goes out to you. Thank you for sharing. May I ask what part of the world you live in? I am in the southeast Michigan area. Heartfelt Prayers and Peace to you. Michelle
Rosalind McGill - Jan 16, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thank you! I lived in upstate New York most of my life & just before lockdown I moved to central Florida. The weather is so beneficial to me and I would have lost my mind in New York with all their draconian measures. God blessed me greatly! I’d been trying to get to Florida to be near my snowbird Mom for a while. Thank you for your prayers. God hears them!
Thomas Guitarman - Jan 15, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
All the symptoms you mention are ALL related , yes it has to do with chemtrail spray programs. SK
Rosalind McGill - Jan 15, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Dane Wiggington, Harold Vella Kutz, Clifford Carnicom and a few others are onto this.
mary-lou - Jan 15, 2023
recently Dr. Ana Mihalcea had a great interview with German researcher Harald Kautz-Vella, who explained about morgellons several years ago already: eye-opener! -
Thomas Guitarman - Jan 15, 2023
Thomas’s Substack DOCUMENTARY. SK.
Rosalind McGill - Jan 15, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thanks very much for the link
Rosalind McGill - Jan 15, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thank you!
Jean Pierre LaRocque - Jan 15, 2023
Jean Pierre LaRocque
this is truly troubling...not jabbed but I fear the upcoming Davos, WEF forum and the WHO wanting control for all future
Planned Plandemics will MANDATE all THE PEOPLE! It's war isn't it! The destruction of the human race!!! They should make this a BLACKLIST EPISODE ON NETFLIX! NUREMBERG 2.0 ......the bastards have put it in the SAFE AND EFFECTIVE !
Bufus Alvarius - Jan 15, 2023
we are fighting back now, don't worry ! keep informing people and waking up some - I turned 2 vxed people around and helped them see this and they are on it and both will convince 10-20 more .... it took ages but success is coming - then I am spreading all info especially the best scientific documentations all over the place :-)
Thomas Guitarman - Jan 15, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Total noncompliance, total knowledge and exploration of working treatments and solutions, take real action in all ways, protect the children and live a preparedness consciousness , and leave the cities, and be prepared to actually fight for your survival when it comes to that. YSK
Health-Seeker - Jan 15, 2023
Health-Seeker’s Substack
"The information in this document is so truthfully devastating, it requires no comment." You weren't kidding. That's why they're shoving the testing swabs up everybody's noses up into the olfactory nerve. They are so evil!
Grasshopper Kaplan - Jan 15, 2023
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
Is this why they don't care about losing all of their collective weapons and testicles in newkraine nUkraine?? ,??
RedhorseVA - Jan 15, 2023
Great question.
Cairn - mutual eye-rolling - Jan 15, 2023
Cairn - mutual eye-rolling
Getting rid of old stock you think Grasshopper?
Grasshopper Kaplan - Jan 15, 2023
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
Yes but what I meant is, the new war is , the whole civilized world, with nanoweapons against us all
Grasshopper Kaplan - Jan 15, 2023
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
Remember nanothermite took down the steel frames of WTC one and two, sliced through like knife thru butter, Neils Harit....
JamesDuff - Jan 15, 2023
JamesDuff’s Newsletter
5.4 billion medical nanobot experiments walking among us. How God awful for them and us.
SomeDude - Jan 15, 2023
The US so-called "regulatory" agencies don't even properly regulate known carcinogens/neurotoxins line glyophosphate. They are so captured by the industries and military brass that they can't be trusted to perform their basic functions at all.
The Show and the Game - Jan 15, 2023
Stories on the Go, go, go.
I really appreciate your work Dr. Anna!
The true bottom line is Spiritual.
These fallen beings we are under are sentenced already and have no hope.
They fully understand this.
At this point it's an effort to drag as many possible into the abyss and away from Jesus Christ as possible.
If you rock up willingly for the augmentation, there you go, you made a free will choice.
Repent, repent, repent...or don't.
Lisa Ebaugh - Jan 15, 2023
So many are blind, in so many ways. It’s a difficult time to be walking this earth.
kerrylyn - Jan 15, 2023
John Lukach has a wealth of knowledge. May be a good person to interview. See also his book "What Now? Recovering from a Tragic Mistake. A covid vaccine injury protocol."
Health-Seeker - Jan 15, 2023
Health-Seeker’s Substack
"The information in this document is so truthfully devastating, it requires no comment."... You weren't kidding. That's why they're shoving the test swabs up the nose to the olfactory nerve. They are so evil!
Torgul - Jan 15, 2023 - Edited
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Thank you and shared.
kerrylyn - Jan 15, 2023 - Edited
Fuellmich ('u' before 'e')
Torgul - Jan 15, 2023 - Edited
Indeed thx. Typo and I do need to look it up every time (even this time to check). LOL. :)
And fixed :).
mary-lou - Jan 15, 2023
kerrylyn - Jan 15, 2023
I guess in German it's 'u' + umlaut = 'ue' in English, if that helps you remember!
Torgul - Jan 15, 2023
Thx :)
Bufus Alvarius - Jan 15, 2023
You are on it Ana ! Fabulous work! I said that since I have seen Nixons Microscophy - we need to regulate this now and globaly and stop production, just like nuclear power
Steve - Jan 17, 2023
Dr Ana,
A while back you were talking about using covid vaccines on animals. This appears to be a deliberate attempt to poison the food supply.
Do we know whether cooking meat from animals that were injected with mRNA gene therapy drugs will destroy the spike protein created by the "vaccines"?
Heat can de-nature proteins so am hopeful it may be possible to make meat safe by ensuring its cooked to a well done state, or do the spike proteins survive cooking and we need to literally start living off food we have grown ourselves to survive?
Nurse_SCIENCE - Jan 16, 2023
nurse_SCIENCE's Newsletter
Well, it's a bigger job now, I guess! Seeing how the DoD is the "perpetrator!" HUGE BOOM!!!
Huge FOIA release 2 days ago reported on the Kim Iversen Show w/ Sasha Latypova!
The Pandemic and the RESPONSE is a "response to an act of WAR, and henceforth does not require clinical trials, research or release of information! YEA! MIND BLOWN!
Get your popcorn ready FIRST!
Teza - Jan 16, 2023
Yes, good article, thank you. For any who are inclined to; there is a book coming out 8th Feb that may will be of interest titled 'Nanotechnology Platforms for Antiviral Challenges Fundamentals, Applications and Advances_by (Editors) Soney C George & Ann Rose Abraham'. For example here is the Contents of Chapter 5:
Toxicology of Nanoparticle-Based Pharmaceuticals
Binu Prakash
5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 79
5.2 Nano-Based Pharmacology or Nanopharmacology ....................................... 80
5.3 Nano-Based Drug Delivery Systems and Therapeutics ................................. 82
5.3.1 Drug-Loaded Nanoparticles ............................................................... 82
5.3.2 Encapsulation of Drugs with Nanomaterials ...................................... 84
5.3.3 Gene Therapy and DNA Nanovaccines .............................................. 84
5.4 Signifcance of Nanomaterials in Human Health ........................................... 85
5.5 Cellular and Tissue-Based Toxicity Effects.................................................... 86
5.6 Possible Mechanisms Behind the Nanotoxicology ......................................... 88
5.7 Toxicological Methodologies’ Profling of Nanomaterials............................. 90
5.8 Ecotoxicology of Nanomaterial-Based Pharmaceuticals ............................... 92
5.9 Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 93
References ................................................................................................................ 93
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