Registration Now Open: First International…

Feb 12

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For historical context you can see my substacks about the Swiss Research team on the toxic nanotechnological materials sprayed via geoengineering operations and their recent criminal complaint against Swiss Authorities:


Sharing and Caring - Feb 12 - Edited

Sharing and Caring

I phoned my Pima County Health Department (Tucson, AZ) and asked how to go about filing a formal complaint regarding constant Aircraft spraying over my home. Well, the operator says to me, we do not handle complaints for such a THING. Ok, I say, then who does? Well, ah, you could call the Davis-Monthan AFB where the planes fly out of. Ok, I will do that, thank you. Long story short, the AFB operator told me to call the FBI or my Sheriff’s office. I skipped messing with the fbiiiii, and called the local Sheriff, who stated about three times you can file a complaint, but it will NOT go anywhere. In other words don’t bother and shut your mouth.
Complaint will be filed, at least it will be on record!


Rosalyn - Feb 13 - Edited

Sharing and Caring

I would contact doge. What a waste of tax payer funding! Public servants that dont do the job. Protecting the ppl n their rights is a requirement.


Sharing and Caring - Feb 13 - Edited

Sharing and Caring

(DOGE) Department of Government Efficiency (new to me)
Government efficiency?? (had to chuckle) Could this be as bad as me calling the FBI for help?
Thanks, I will try and educate myself regarding this tentacle of our government bureaucracy. Just wondering when "they" created this, oh Musky and an executive order last month. This explains why I hadn't a clue. Smells like a feel good pacifier to me.
I really try to be positive, but........


ICN News - Feb 15

International Citizen Network

you should write to the DOGE


Leon - Feb 13


Debi mason - Feb 19

Debi mason

If I'm not mistaking, our wonderful government has this program funded thru 2026 ( could be 2028)!!!
RFK Jr is aware of this; just hope he takes action to not only publicly expose it, but completely dismantle the entire program! Then enact a law that would ensure this is never done again! I know I'm dreaming, but one could pray all humanity wakes up!!


Sharing and Caring - Feb 19

Sharing and Caring

Mr. Jr is a good for nothihng flip flop stinking fish. Say's when running for pres, that the mRNA shot was the most deadliest of 'vaccines" Now says, NOTHING! Agrees with all his buddies that have shares of death stock murder$ "They" are all in the cult.
Let us not forget the ongoing Democide/Genocide
In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, February 10-17, 2025:


Lynton Grayson - Feb 17

Lynton Grayson

I did exactly the same thing here in Australia to the EPA Environmental protection authority told me to take it us with CASA I told them NO this is your job as it’s a pollutant from the sky. So it’s good that people are waking up to this genocidal activity


LtJ - Feb 13

Jeff’s Substack

You have got to get Dane Wigington involved in this.
He has been on top of this for over 20 years, his website is
Please get in touch with him!!!


FreedomWarriorWoman - Feb 16

Un-Hackable Animal's Substack

Dane is CIA and Controlled Op (the dominant, self-proclaimed 'expert' voice controlling the Narrative and limiting new information on this topic and getting actual action to succeed), and has tried to destroy others in the Stop Geoengineering movement, according to Elana Freeland, who has written 4 books now on this subject. I believe that Reinette Senum has direct experience with this as well. It's really a shame that more people are not aware of this and keep cheerleading for him.


Rick Zammuto - Feb 13

Rick Zammuto

Ana has already had interviews with him published.


LtJ - Feb 13

Jeff’s Substack

Awesome, thanks for the heads up


Richard - Feb 15

Yes, absolutely. It's undoubtedly too late for the 19th, but there likely will be matters brought up that Wigington IS the expert on. Of course, maybe he was invited to participate, but wasn't available.


Debi mason - Feb 19

Debi mason

Dane has actually interviewed with RFK Jr. If he doesn't take immediate action, I have to say my faith in him will plummet!


Sharing and Caring - Feb 12

Sharing and Caring

Thank you Ana!
Look forward to listening to this and pray it does some GOOD.


Travis Ogle - Feb 13

Travis’s Substack

Sincere thanks to all those responsible for scheduling this event. What a blessing to finally have an open hearing on strategic threats endangering the world population.


Hypersanity Infinitus - Feb 12

Hypersanity Infinitus

Vinegar dissolves them. Vinegar Blue Skies, Wilhelm Reich, Scalar Energy, Orgone Shooter, Orgone Accumulator, Cloud Buster, Succor, The Harmonizer, Tensor Technology, for a few search terms.
Check out my chat


The BarefootHealer - Feb 13

Interesting perspective.
Btw, I've not used VenicAI before, but judging by that conversation, it seems like a total "suck up" version of AI! Lol.
The subject matter is fine, but I feel like punching the AI developer in the face! As if we don't have enough annoying tech already!!๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคฆ‍♀๏ธ


jsinton - Feb 13


God speed.


Bee Gee - Feb 12

Bee Gee

Nice, the truth is getting closer. Somebody should ask them if they have tried Formic acid to dissolve the webs. It works for ants and spiders.


ICN News - Feb 15

International Citizen Network



Sharing and Caring - Feb 13

Sharing and Caring

(DOGE) Department of Government Efficiency (new to me)
Government efficienc?? (had to chuckle) Could this be as bad as me calling the FBI for help?
Thanks, I will try and educate myself regarding this tentacle of our government bureaucracy.
I really try to be positive, but........


Rachel - Feb 13


Wnat about inviting Dane Wigington He's been on this topic for ages


Doreen - Feb 13

Everyone is breathing, drinking, and 'eating' heavy metals discharged by these planes. What about food crops and free range animals slaughtered for human consumption?
Numbers count. Time for everyone to look up, hook up and speak up ... like Mello Kat.
Please open this 2013 post


Gumnut123 - Feb 18


I am surprised nothing has happened since Inauguration USA Day. One presumes that this would be a priority on your MAHA List for your replaced Federal Government.


Jemma - Feb 16

Healthy Horizons

The message reads: "Registration for this event is not possible." Informative, I am sure — although, another conference to discuss the toxicity of what is being sprayed on us (at our expense) — is secondary to what should be happening — an IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY Declaration to halt the intentional POISONING of humanity. A blatant nefarious attempt to destroy all of God’s creation. May His Wrath be upon them.


Edward Cohen - Feb 14

Dane Wigington sucks.


KAY LISA Robson-THOMAS - Feb 13

International Citizen Network

My local MP in NZ says that there is no cloud seeding here and put a link in from a chatbot fact check saying that chatbot has been proved to be incorrect - I wrote back and said that I dont even use chatbot I use my eyes and then sent her images of the skies last night ! I said I trust my eyes and that I actually did science at school way back when schools taught facts lol ! I then went on to mention the USA and states looking into the subject right now! Honestly these stupid politicians - why are they so dumb?


ICN News - Feb 15

International Citizen Network

show the lab results of the drops to them


David Flatley - Feb 13

David’s Substack

Max Jones, “The CDC, Palantir, And The Artifical Intelligence Revolution” 1-13-25.



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