Recent Severe Geomagnetic Storms And Their…

Oct 12, 2024

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V Z - Oct 12 - Edited


In a time period steeped in lies, it's hard to see man-made apocalypses. The sun has absolutely nothing to do with it. It's your taxes that pump up the ionosphere via HAARP and the phased array radar network.


Vonu - Oct 12


I guess that you know nothing about solar weather by way of your willful ignorance.
HAARP is a high frequency antenna array with little effect outside of the ionosphere directly above it. Phased array radars have no significant effect on the ionosphere that their frequencies pass through.


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Oct 13

Patti’s Substack

Weather engineering patents have been in existence since 1891. I have a list of 100 of them up to today. Haarp is listed on this list. So it is part of the DOD weather modification program.


Vonu - Oct 13


What difference does that make when you don't appear to understand the function of patents?


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Oct 13

Patti’s Substack

You know nothing of what I understand or don't understand about anything!


Vonu - Oct 13


Have you actually read US patent 4686605?
You can find it you want to read it. If not, you are operating on what you have been told, whatever that might be.


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Oct 13

Patti’s Substack

Nope but I have a published patent list on weather engineering that's researchable.


V Z - Oct 15



Vonu - Oct 15


I'm always suspect of anyone unaware that HAARP is an acronym or misspelling it.


V Z - Oct 15



Vonu - Oct 15


Bernard Eastlund knew all about it.


Reply (1) - Oct 13


Comment removed.


Vonu - Oct 13


A healthy stomach pH of 2 to 3 is more than capable of disassembling mRNA.


N M - Oct 12 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Tell that to Ben Davidson and those who contribute to SuspiciousObservers youtube channel, where there is a compilation of all the credible scientific data over the years indicating we are about to undergo another series of cataclysms like the ones that have occurred regularly over thousands of years, caused by the cycles of our Sun, which are in turn caused by the Central Sun of this galaxy.


N M - Oct 12 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Comment removed.


N M - Oct 12 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Not "just", rather 'In addition to"


Roman S Shapoval - Oct 12 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Machines can't control the Sun. Block it out, maybe, but the Sun controls us, not the other way around. Haarp is a huge issue though, and needs to be dealt with, maybe this time, by the Sun.


Vonu - Oct 13 - Edited


Haarp (sic) is a very robustly built antenna array that isn't likely to be affected by solar output in any deleterious manner. It is a university research project, now.


Bella - Oct 17 - Edited


The military is still in charge, despite the pretense of UAF being in charge. There have been many costly upgrades in the last few years. It is just one of several facilities near Fairbanks that work in concert, doing a great deal of heavy lifting as moisture from the South Pacific is directed up to Alaska, then turned around and sent to the lower 48 as the "polar vortex". All that hot water from the South Pacific is actually causing the northern polar ice to melt at record rates.
The last map of facility sites throughout Alaska is from ~ 2012. After that Stanford University made access "forbidden". Everyone my friends and family knew from Fairbanks have left for good. There are 9 military bases in the State. Here's just a little photo from Clear AFB.
It looks like the photo link needs to be copied and pasted.


Isabella - Oct 12

Wow! I’ve been feeling super off all week and have been having headaches. I NEVER get headaches. Couldn’t figure out what happened.


Catherine - Oct 12

My daughter has been experiencing this too and doesnt know the cause.


Kathy collier - Oct 12

Highly recommend watching it makes so much sense- when you know - you know!!


Catherine - Oct 12

Dr M, Methylene Blue can cause severe harmful effects on certain individuals and the literature on line about benefits but more importantly dangerous side effects, should be listed as you promote this as a cure.


Gwendolyn Jones - Oct 12

Gwendolyn’s Substack

“So if you are feeling unusually fatigued, have brainfog and headaches that are unexplainable, and feel a little cranky, it might be that the solar storm is affecting you.”
Targeted individuals cannot ignore the fact that the perpetrators have our dna stored in a computer or cellphone. They can also cause us to have a headache. They can manipulate our bodies to make us cough, make our limbs jerk at night, go to the bathroom 5 or 6 times at night, they can cause vertigo or make us fall asleep involuntarily. How would I know if this is a geomagnetic event or dna manipulation?


Isabella Arrada - Oct 12

Please note that radiation was extremely high the last two days, at least over Europe. I definitely had radiation sickness yesterday (nausea, diarrhea out of the blue, slight disorientation, etc.), but took care of it with Niacin and Nicotinamide. I feel a lot better now and will see, how it will be tomorrow morning.


Depswah - Oct 12 - Edited

Also, let us not forget - There once was a time when our electromagnetic earth was ripe with the beauty of free electricity! Then came, those ever-evil, once again. They moved in for yet another kill shot - The taking of all of the steel, brass and other metal bells, heightened/lowered the mega hertz, changed the sound waves necessary for creating a good vibration, whereby, instating a negative one. Hence the music you play and listen to every day - As if they never made anything past the eighties and nineties!
This in part, then ties to many other influences created by these sicko MuTa Fooks. They prefer you have no understanding, or do not exist on this plane at all - Unless or until, they need your vibration.
You can only become a worthless eater, if you allow them to bring you to that status.
Blessings ~


Bard Joseph - Oct 12

Joseph’s Substack

Reading the book Body Electric and read Invisible Rainbow.
Cycle began 2019 (5G) with Covid and ending for UN 2030. The 11 year cycle solar flare sunspot activity.
Such an event could have triggered the Black Plague.
I notice my back muscles acting up more than usual. The spine is sensitive to electricity. Also Planet Pluto goes direct after a long retrograde.
Dont need manufactured products.
Just diet and exercise with a balanced ph with Sodium Bicarbonate along with meditation to balance my chi.


Paul Vonharnish - Oct 12 - Edited

Paul Vonharnish

What isn't mentioned by any geomagnetic researchers are the 2200+ nuclear bomb tests conducted by military agenda during the 1950's and into the early 1960's. These tests lifted and dispersed Earth's magnetosphere approximately 30 miles. Here's a package of NASA derived obfuscation. >
Man's STUPID practices of flying tens of thousands of commercial aircraft in the lower troposphere 24/7 have also served to deplete and Earth' s protective ozone layer. > the chart. Notice that ozone protects against UV, UVB, and UVC.
Military and private geoengineering subcontractors have also contributed to ozone depletion in a big way. Thus; man no longer enjoys the protective shielding(s) that made life on Earth possible. [But let's not talk about it]


Bella - Oct 17


I guess we shouldn't mention all the rocket launches Mr. Free Speech on X makes, positioning space junk. Launching rockets really does tons of atmospheric/magnetosphere damage. UVC now reaches the surface of Earth, which it never should.


Paul Vonharnish - Oct 17

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Bella. Mr. Free Speech (Elon Musk) is an egregiously evil specter. Thank you for your awareness...


John Vargo - Oct 17

John Vargo

David Icke explains Gates,WEF,WHO as hard sells and Elon is the soft sell.Had the thought about the independence day movie when thinking about all those satellites being put out there by mr free speech,


John Vargo - Oct 14

John Vargo

Mother Earth and all life are under attack,


John Vargo - Oct 14

John Vargo

Solar flares are a key to DNA activation,it's remarkable how our universe truly works,


crapshoot farmer - Oct 12

crapshoot farmer

Why is our government at war with us?
Why is it happening in almost every country on Earth?
It’s not new.
From June 6 to June 10, 1966, the US Army conducted biological warfare tests in the New York subway system. Trillions of bacillus subtilis variant niger germs were released into the subway system during peak travel hours. (UFO’s And The National Security State, R.M. Dolan, pg.
Whistleblowers and scientists are being randomly murdered around the world.
Is the goal to eliminate most or all the world’s population?
At times it seems they want to destroy our free will and other times it seems they’re bent on killing all of us.
In the book, “Walking Among Us, The Alien Plan to Control Humanity” by David M. Jacobs, the alien intent is control of humanity. This book, written in 2015, could have been written this year, it is that
up to date and concise.
In 1954 Pres. Eisenhower signed the Greada Treaty with aliens, the greys. He agreed to allow aliens to harvest humans and animals for research but insisted on the aliens wiping the memories of those abducted in exchange for technology. Remember that part.
Then it was found the aliens were abducting far more humans than they agreed to.
Where does that leave us today?
How does a human brain come up with the knowledge to create a microchip or nano robot 1,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair? And atom sized graphene?
Remember that alien tech trade off?
The billionaires and the elite don’t want to die. They think their money and power gives them the right to live forever.
Aliens to them: “We cannot keep your bodies alive forever but we can give you eternal life by preserving your mind and consciousness forever.”
Them: “Ok, what do you want us to do?”
Aliens: “Reduce your planet’s population to 500,000 (Georgia Guidestones) and you can live out your physical lives using them as slaves via mind control.”.
[Or] “Kill off your planet’s population because we intend to mine it for it’s resources. It will resemble the moon or Mars when we are finished.”
[Or] “We like your planet and we’re going to live here.
It is ironic that a quote attributed to Eisenhower is, “people want peace so much that one of these days governments better get out of the way and let them have it.”


Bodhimom - Oct 12

Humanity has been a Captured Species. When we realize this, The Great Awakening, we can start to take back our own sovereignty, kick out our parasitic invaders and their minions and finally go into a Great Golden Age, where we will be free to develop ourselves and our new civilizations. The Best is yet to come.


John Vargo - Oct 14

John Vargo

Sarah Lawton wrote a great stack about 1952,


John Vargo - Oct 14

John Vargo

in the 1952 ufo/whitehouse incident that lasted from august 12th to the 29th the white house surrendered to the nazi's.The other theory is they had to accept treaties created by the aliens.The greys took 50,000 instead of 5,000,they never had any intention of honoring any treaties.1952 aircraft had no chance against the flying saucers.Laura Eisenhower said the surrender wasunconditional.Atany rate it was Hitler who may have signed a treaty first because his troops built the underground base in antarctica.Hitler was backed by the Nordics AKA the tall whites, are part of the negative alien agenda. look like we are at the end of a 26,500 yr cycle and the solar flares can upgrade our DNA.


Prometheus Sputnik - Oct 12


Come on! So now they can even tell that because of solar weather people now get bloodclots and strokes but of course its not the jabs! Solar storms is not something new, though it feel it come more often now recently, its exciting how it will affect global temperatures -- If should increase cloud coverage.
I was over the moon at the latest kp index over 8!! It meant Northern Lights all sthe way down to Denmark -- it was an awsome sight! And my first ever !! I hope for more of this !!


Isabella Arrada - Oct 12

Don't ask for too much of it. If the auroras are not green, but other colours, you should know, that an enormous amount of breathable oxygen for animals and people is being destroyed. Just what the baddies want! Gets us out of the picture, if there is not enough oxygen for us.


Prometheus Sputnik - Oct 15

Why you think that?? There is currently 20.9% oxygen -- remember all our fuel use have raised the co2 from 350 ppm to 450 ppm -- not even a fifth of a percent!!
It just ionising gasses that makes the colors - it is particles coming from the sun, so we actually get more of it.


Bella - Oct 17


Because the deadly toxic aerosols for weather modification are nano-sized metals, among other ingredients, the protective atmospheric layers especially the ozone layer is severely stripped. Through millions of years of Earth's history Ultraviolet exposures weren't life threatening. The Sun's essential for life on Earth. Now even UVC, which is one wave length short of an X-ray, reaches the surface of Earth. It's an existential near-term threat.


Prometheus Sputnik - Oct 17

Just to calm you a little, i work outside every day - and no problems yet.. i will keep going outside. Do you have any proof for these weather mods? It is not that i dont believe it happens, just its easy to become paranoid and must find evidence to support our theorys. Also people who claim it dont exist at all and calls us crazy is just stupid, cloud seeding with silver iodine have been used for decades and are in the official dokumentations. I also have heard some try to get a test of dust on their table and stuff - its noteworthy, but i think we need to investigate this alot -- our Northern Light lately was nothing abnormal, also the colors, what is a bit out of normal is that it seem to become more frequently, and as some scientists believe its the sun that drive climate, and a big change in particles and radiation bursts from the sun, could affect cloud cover alot! What do you see lately?? How much sun have we got the last year??


John Vargo - Oct 14

John Vargo

It very well might wake humanity up,we can hope!


Adriana J. Garces - Oct 13

Adriana J. Garces

I’ve returned after completing the read, to say Thank You for this impressive piece! It’s very interesting the many ways one can be affected. I would imagine other life forms have felt the ebbs and flows, as well. Also have noticed various wild animals, birds, doing some things out of the norm.


C. Kaya - Oct 12

Words Long Written Down

Our tax dollars were used to fund the cloud-seeding done by the NOAA and the ground transmission frequencies facilitated by NEXRAD to steer hurricane Helene into the guts of our country and kill a quarter of a million people.
HAARP is slowly being phased-out - they still measure ozone and ionic plasma in the upper atmosphere - which was probably used to help facilitate this nefarious project. NEXRAD has 159 towers and 160 Doppler stations that emit massive amounts of microwave frequencies that work with the cloud-seeding spread across the skies by NOAA.
NOAA has contracts to cloud-seed with the U.S. Government.


Lisa - Oct 12 - Edited


is it the tobacco itself or the nicotine that gets rid of nano ? Why not homeopathic Tabacum or Nicotinum ? Anyone know ?


Kim - Oct 12 - Edited


Here is a Substack on what Dr. Ana has found when testing the tobacco (nicotine) solution. Maybe it can help answer you questions.
Here are some more:
Sorry if I got them out of order by the date posted. You will be able to tell which one was posted first and then which came next in by looking at the dates on them.


Bella - Oct 17


Dr. Bryan Ardis has a video called The Other N Word. Apparently every cell in our body has a receptor for nicotine. It is a nutrient. At least the nicotine can heal long covid, which probably is a vaccine injury. It may cure Parkinson's and other neurodegenerative diseases. This has been the most happy and exciting information of my life.
It seems getting rid of the nano tech in our blood is still ongoing.


Lisa - Oct 13

thank you !


Kim - Oct 12 - Edited


I know that this isn't related to this particular topic but I have to get your guy's opinion on this.
I just watched this Stew Peters interview with Dr. Ardis, and Dr. Ardis is still swearing up and down (not literally) that the cause of all of the covid stuff is because of the venom.
He never mentions any of the nanotechnology or anything else that we all have been learning about. And he is still saying that it is coming through the water system and not through the air (via geoengineering).
And, I will have to admit that what he is saying is compelling, but it just doesn't add up with everything else Dr. Ana and others have been seeing and researching. She has already disputed the complete reversal of symptoms with nicotine, and proven that it helps in getting the nanotech to disappear (hide) temporarily but that it comes back (i.e. isn't gone forever). So, it is helpful as an adjunct but it does not stop the assembly of the nanotech. Maybe it is because he doesn't look at the blood under the microscope or look at anything OTHER than venom, I don't know.
So, what say you guys?
Here is the interview:


Sharing and Caring - Oct 13

Sharing and Caring

Please Listen carefully, at the 15:20 mark, the word "Nanotech" is mentioned. And again, Please Listen, at the 38:00 mark regarding the "WATER."
PLEASE read the book, it could save you or a loved one. I have read it, and it is a must read.


Kim - Oct 13


I will have to listen again, and I have ordered the book to read. Thanks!


Bodhimom - Oct 12 - Edited


I agree with everything you have said and have also thought about this quandary. He also works with Edward Group and their Healing for the Ages Seminars. Outside of his venom fixation, he does put out a lot of good info with lots of personality and enthusiasm. It is just not that trustworthy as far as I am concerned because of these circumstances. So we use our discernment to figure out what we think would be true or applicable.


Kim - Oct 12 - Edited


I agree. Venom MAY be part of it but it doesn't explain what is being seen under the microscope or how this technology reacts with EMF and other things, how it all fits in with the patents, as well as, the whole transhuman agenda, their whole climate change hoax, geoengineering, etc. It is a far cry from all of that.
I know that Dr. Ardis would like to believe that he has solved the riddle, but he hasn't as long as he doesn't address these other glaring obstacles.
And it is dangerous too, IMO. As long as someone is just listening to what he is saying, they will not get appropriate treatment for what this nanotechnology is actually doing inside every single human being.


Bella - Oct 17 - Edited


All the vemons in medicine and personal products are very much a threat, with nicotine as a potential cure. That seems to be a different subject from the nano-tech that seems to be in all of us.
The so-called vaccine was developed by DARPA, which I learned in May, 2020. I tried to warn people to no avail. However the COV illness was spread around, it was already in the environment in late 2019. I awoke one day in November, 2019 with ankles hugely swollen and purple like an elephant stepped on them. Every test amounted to nothing. Dr. Ardis said to watch the water. Dr. Nixon seemed to stop the nanotech development with nano-gold, but I've read nothing since. Nevertheless, with all we know today, where would anyone find appropriate treatment???


Kim - Oct 19 - Edited


Hi again, Bella.
Beware of “silver and gold.” I just read this Substack from 2nd Smartest Guy in the World on DNA Plasmids found in many things getting into the cells. Here it is:
Under the section entitled: So Why Does This Matter, they list "silver and gold nanoparticles" as "transfection agents" that will allow the plasmid DNA to enter your cells.
Now, I don't know why Dr. Nixon would say this but I am sure that he has a very good reason for mentioning that nano-gold stops the nanotech development. I just don't understand it well enough to know what he knows.
Anyway, I wanted to show you this article so you are aware and you can make up your own mind.


Kim - Oct 17 - Edited


That is a good question, Bella. One, that I think we are all grappling with. I know that I, myself, personally, do not trust very many of the medical doctors anymore. Mainly because they just don't understand what they are dealing with and are therefore not looking at the right solutions. I don't necessarily think that they are participating in a conspiracy but rather it is probably actually being hidden from them. Just like it is from us.
Nevertheless, it is their responsibility and duty as practicing physicians to keep "up to date" with any new technology, so they are not let off the hook by any means, IMO. People are trusting them.
So, I think, for myself, the best course of action at this point is prevention and avoidance of getting sick in the first place by doing the things I should do to stay healthy so that I don't have to find myself in a position where I have to go to them. I know that is not always possible, but knowing what we know, it is important that we become our own advocates and speak up by asking questions BEFORE letting anyone do anything to us. I don't think it is outrageous to ask specific questions on how these doctors specifically feel about the "vaccine", and find out how much they know. There are good doctors out there, but many of them find themselves "slaves" to Big Pharma and the Medical Industrial Complex so in many cases, their hands are tied.
You can also look for more "natural" doctors but oftentimes, they don't take health insurance.
I know that I would trust someone like Dr. Ana but she is in Washington state so that may not be possible either.
And also in my case, I can learn for myself. It doesn't take a genius to be able to get an idea of what the problem might be and then see what is recommended to solve it. Trial and error is kind of how I deal with it. I try something and if it doesn't work, I try something else.
Above all, I am a firm believer in letting our God-given immune systems handle it. Given enough time, our own bodies will do whatever is necessary to "right the ship," so to speak. So, try and avoid "running" to the doctor at the first sign that something isn't right and give your own immune system time to fix it.
Try and treat the symptoms as best as you can and then let nature take its course. I always say…it is either going to get worse or it is going to get better!


Gas Axe - Oct 12

Gas’s Substack

Tracking Mac addresses isn't just a cut a dry process.
Many devices have find my phone, Bluetooth, GPS tracking enabled.
My sons iphone 13 gives off 3 in fact. He is unvaxxed and doesn't have Mac broadcasting from his body.
We shut off find my phone,GPS, and Bluetooth functions and they disappear.
Even with the phone off they will broadcast giving you a false negative search unless you shut off all the apps I spoke of above.
Most un explained Macs are not registered and have a dynamic address constantly changing making it harder to ID the holder.
I have yet to single out a human that broadcasts a BT signal without a E-device on them.
I will say people are being tracked, tagged and giving off GPS coordinates but I expect it because of the smart phone and perhaps an application they have installed on the device that is always within arm's reach.
If I find evidence thet broadcasting from the body I will update this comment and publish our groups findings.


Kathy collier - Oct 12

The Alaskan Sky Watcher on you tube has some information everyone should know- regarding the Solar Flares. Highly recommend !



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