Vaxxed or unvaxxed, when you sign up, you can search for people in your hometown with the same blood type so if you’re in an accident or need a transfusion for whatever reason, they can be a Direct Donor avoiding the hospitals mRNA POISONED blood
Thanks, Dr. Ana. I pray that hydrogel/ mRNA has not yet got into my sacred God-made body! Very worried now about what foods it is in, even organic vegetables. I’ve joined a CSA program to get local produce delivered: Community Supported Agriculture. Bless you.
Visualize clean blood and pray, you are blessed. FYI beets can also support cleaning our blood as they help us release nitric oxide, supporting healthy circulation. Other foods that help with nitric oxide are arugula - plus foods that are rich in the NAD molecule can aid our bodies in repair:
Thanks, Roman. I love beets and eat them every week! Also stocked up on beet powder and canned beets. Will look up NAD. In my freezer are lots of red and purple veg/fruit for when they release the Marburg “virus” on us (= hemorrhagic fevers).
Yes! Since I’ve been keen on beets since early 21st C. I have made my own rigged-up borscht recipe that I make a few times a year (lots of sour cream). But my best go-to is just cold beet salad with red onions, vinegar, etc. I found the most delicious white vinegar (from Modena, Italy) at Trader Joe’s but they no longer have it.
I'm very glad that you mentioned the self-healing capabilities of these polymers. During my thesis, I had a colleague who was synthesizing self-healing PIB (polyisobutylene) derivates. As fascinating it was, I never would have imagined in my wildest dreams that almost 7 years later that this specific property will be misused to intentionally harm and kill people. Long story short: Every credible scientist I know from my studies and work got the shot without even questioning it. The real problem is people who think they acted in good faith. Toxic positivity leads to a distorted worldview. I reckon most of them are unable to face the harsh truth and prefer sleepwalking until it's too late.
Why isn’t graphene oxyde mentioned in your article? Isn’t it called the privilege interface material between brain and computer? The best electricity conductor which self assembles when submitted to a magnetic field?
Didn’t recent Pfizer papers reveal that it was (in the end because kept secret until then) an ingredient of the vaccine used to stabilize the lipid nanoparticules ? Or did I get something wrong?
I can’t believe those scientists don’t realize that the best solution for health problems is simply to stop aggressing the human body with glyphosate, vaccines and the likes! In their hubris, they are ready to go against the perfection of nature resulting from million of years of evolution.
Don’t mess with Life! Life, our DNA, is sacred!
Shapeshifting is the word that describes visible efects on bodies after DNA modification. Important to remember that the DNA modification was the cause of the flood! There were hybrids(animal+human) creatures/ chimeras (word used in patents?)
There are reports of vaxed people getting animal features in their bodies, also watch the black eyed babies videos since 2021.
At the beginning of Covid, if someone talked about nanochips/bots or apocalyptic events, the majority of people (unbelievers) described the person as a religious/scif-fi fanatic. And this 3rd strand of DNA, is not only separating the soul from the body, but mutating the bodies.
Careful visiting the dentists folks, heads up!
In this study, a lidocaine-loaded Pluronic® F68-reduced graphene oxide hydrogel was developed to achieve sustained release of lidocaine.
Lidocaine-loaded reduced .... graphene oxide hydrogel .... for prolongation of effects of local anesthesia: In vitro and in vivo analyses
Weifan Li , Guangqi Zhang , Xiaoxia Wei
PMID: 33487069 DOI: 10.1177/0885328220988462
Appendix [Toxicity and Cytotoxicity of Graphene Oxide] >
Jesus Christ: "Get behind me, Satan."
—Matthew 16:23
a magnet to bottom of vial, attracts conductive nano to bottom, syringe draw off from top the seperated solution to use. We are in a Magnetic Field war, EMR Antennae + Nano Tech connecting to the antenna Magnetic Fields. We live in the 'field fractal' Ether, field Hierachy Light [all energy] to Magnetic Field to Electric Fields. Theres no Electric Field without manipulating the Magnetic Field first.
Buy a cheap electrolyser put probes into a brand Bottled Water often not all are contaminated, the graphene oxide infused shall become visible. Covert dose loading people up with the building nano blocaks seeding this crap in all sorts. Remove yourself from EMR esp. when sleeping, high vit.C etc foods , clean structured drinking h2o V>IMPORTANT, other detox protocols like mineral baths, your body shall expell this crap
Suspected presence of Graphene Oxide in injectable Lidocaine -
- 3m 29s - 25)ct21 - ORWELLITO
Oct, 01, 2021
2,646 people reported to have side effects when taking Lidocaine hydrochloride.
Lidocaine hydrochloride and Vitreous floaters - a phase IV clinical study of FDA data -
Yep, the presence of graphene oxide in the water is the big one. It.'s the one product you just can't avoid and from my testing in Australia it's all contaminated and magnetic, so likely it is elsewhere too.
Rainwater from a private tank tested clean here so that's all we use.
a carbon filter would likely clean graphene out being same atomic material my thinking? Dont know for sure not conducted a test experiment. Rainwater been known to contain graphene, Russ Brown + others well exposed this, yes folks there are Stratospheric Aerosol Injection [chemtrails] sprayed graphene oxide to with all the other crap nwo have co-opted commercial aircraft to gps auto switched spray over [1] dense populated areas + [2] food farming areas.
Rainwater harvest my plan eventually, maybe copper storage tanks also earthed? Bottles have been changed from glass to plastic for a reason not just cost of transport weight, but the infused plastics, this nano junk also a syn-bio polymer plastic. 'Structure' of water way more important than most realise.
'Remove yourself from EMR esp. when sleeping, high vit.C etc foods , clean structured drinking h2o'
GO not only nano ingredient in the technology, your body shall remove graphene naturally if not living in RF EMF exposed environment and doesnt self assemble into a big clump. Detox baths do remove nano incl. graphene based nano wires [see Charles M Liebers FET Bosensor antenna patents] at skin surfacedrcarriemadej.comdetox baths. People have called them 'morgellons'.
Your skin largest organ is osmotic. Vit.C strong easy to do chelator there are many other chelators, ever heard of research or what Emoto discovered? Blessings.
research anyone can do & be respectful, why not you?
fyi Lieber case a psyop he is out free working for his nwo WEF Master
Dr Carrie Madej's nano particles detox bath
Detox Bath | Transhumanism | Vaccines | Dr. Carrie Madej
been poisoned chlorine dioxide works great
The Science & Story of Chlorine Dioxide -The Universal Antidote
How to clean your blood + remain healthy
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:
Leviticus 17:11 life is in the blood
BOOK > The pH Miracle >>
Baking soda offers potential anticancer effect, multiple studies reveal - 22Feb23 >
Sodium bicarbonate, better known as baking soda
2016 - Klaus Schwab Wants To Put nano injectables Chips in Your Brain >
2017 - Harvard’s Charles Lieber Patents Syringe-Injectable Mesh Electronics Integrate Seamlessly with Minimal Chronic Immune Response in the Brain >
President and Fellows of Harvard College - graphene 'based' LNPs Liquid Crystal FETs, Field Effect-nano Transistors
ROBERT LANGER - CRISPR CAS SYSTEMS - Jul 6, 2020 - THE BROAD INSTITUTE, INC.- Delivery, use and therapeutic applications of the CRISPR-CAS SYSTEMS and compositions for targeting disorders and diseases using PARTICLE DELIVERY components - Selective perturbation of individual genetic elements, as well as to advance SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY.
.... banality of evil demons ......
Sir James Fraser Stoddart FRS FRSE HonFRSC paved the way for molecular recognition, self-assembly processes for template-directed mechanically interlocked syntheses, molecular switches, and motor-molecules. These advances have formed the basis of the fields of nanoelectronic devices, nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), and molecular machines.
"Spinners" | Mega-Compilation - (When The Graphene Oxide Demons Are Unleashed) >
- 28m 15s - 26May23 - Wake.The.F***.Up
Blessings + Godspeed
They may be "non-toxic" by themselves on a table, but not once inside our bodies. Incredible what they're pushing people to accept.
Hydrogels can also make us more susceptible to EMF, or protect us when negatively charged, this is why structured water is the ultimate way to build our own native hydrogel:
Completely off topic, - it appears that the pathologist, the wonderful Dr. Arne Burkhardt, just died unexpectedly 😳🥺
Old timer Delgado, using primitive electrodes, controlled critter behavior during the 60s. His research was the foundation for today's nano-hydrogel Nazi pharmas.
Going over some of the mRNAs internals mixed with same products from decades of chemtrails, now noting GMOs and many vaccines plus dental anesthesias and more, I suspect mind/perception control is not new. People have inertia in normal conditions. With controlled perception, the Nazi guiders simply tweak new perception built upon old conditioning. Mix that with premature aging which creates illness that assists acceptance of modified perception.
Next thought was that solid clues of modified behavior should be apparent as observed in old timer married couples. The freak show that Squatter in the WH launched had to have precursor intros into internal nano-hydos. There has to be solid evidence of this behavioral control all around us.
Claimed what Swiss Josef Mengele researching in camps was 'trauma' Mind Kontrol techniques. BRAIN INITIATIVE that Obarma launched [not his true name lol] worthy research, links to brain manipulation work / patents of Pieter Cullis UBC, Robert Langer of Moderna, Charles M Lieber, Derrick Rossi, ditto.
The Evolution of Project MK ULTRA - Project Monarch - N*zi Mind Control -
This is also a pretty comprehensive paper on Current Understanding of Hydrogels for Drug Release & Tissue engineering, May 2022 authors all have Chinese-looking names) from the Collection Hydrogel in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine -'m trying to find out whether they're injecting this stuff - or planning to - into psychiatric patients as new generation antipsychotics. Haven't found anything yet but wouldn't put it past them.
"...less likely to attack ....."
Jesus. "we don't know but we are gonna use it anyway...too bad if it turns out that all this hydrogel kills you in about 5 years".
Thank you for this in-depth analysis and information on Hyro-Gels in our lives. Your resolute sharing of information on medical Trans-formation techiques and Agendas is essential reading for truth seekers and lovers of humanity. Many will join this "Brave New World". How will we co-exist, or will we even co-exist?
THIS EVIL JAB IS LIKE GETTING A LIVE POISONOUS INJECTION OF CONRETE , GLUE A COAGULANT LIVE a substance that causes blood or another liquid to coagulate.
"an injection of blood coagulant" noun. (Chemical Engineering: Operations, Liquid-solid operations) A coagulant is a compound or agent which is added to a vessel to help thicken something. Adding a coagulant such as aluminum sulfate to water permits particles to come together and results in the formation of a flocculent mass and foreign computerized components to alter DNA or similar to that
demonicrats enforce Slavery, Murder, Evil pfharmacy, pfizer, pfwho, pfwef, pfnwo, atheist, jihadiphile, terrorists, communistocrats and all evils,,,, UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED IN NUMBERS NOW TO FULLFILL OUR DUTIES AGAINST ALL THES EVILS = That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
Some people who have been vaccinated have died suddenly and some have health problems for life . And now some are turning into transhuman? I’m wondering how long of a transition that would be and what constitutes wheather u die suddenly from the vaccine , or are left with a disease or turn into a cyborg . No one has done an article on these 3 different scenarios.
Mike Gollins, PE - Jun 2, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Vaxxed or unvaxxed, when you sign up, you can search for people in your hometown with the same blood type so if you’re in an accident or need a transfusion for whatever reason, they can be a Direct Donor avoiding the hospitals mRNA POISONED blood
Rosalind McGill - Jun 2, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thanks for the link
Roman S Shapoval - Jun 2, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Thanks so much for this Mike. Do you know anyone who has used this service?
jeffrey p lubina - Jun 3, 2023
jeffrey p lubina
Great resource, Mike. I just hope they know what to look for; how to thoroughly test the blood of donors.
Commoncents - Jun 3, 2023
Thank you
Joanna Gear - Jun 2, 2023
Joanna’s Newsletter
Thanks, Dr. Ana. I pray that hydrogel/ mRNA has not yet got into my sacred God-made body! Very worried now about what foods it is in, even organic vegetables. I’ve joined a CSA program to get local produce delivered: Community Supported Agriculture. Bless you.
Roman S Shapoval - Jun 2, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Visualize clean blood and pray, you are blessed. FYI beets can also support cleaning our blood as they help us release nitric oxide, supporting healthy circulation. Other foods that help with nitric oxide are arugula - plus foods that are rich in the NAD molecule can aid our bodies in repair:
Joanna Gear - Jun 2, 2023
Joanna’s Newsletter
Thanks, Roman. I love beets and eat them every week! Also stocked up on beet powder and canned beets. Will look up NAD. In my freezer are lots of red and purple veg/fruit for when they release the Marburg “virus” on us (= hemorrhagic fevers).
Roman S Shapoval - Jun 2, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Nice! More beets can never hurt. Have you tried making borscht before?
Joanna Gear - Jun 3, 2023
Joanna’s Newsletter
Yes! Since I’ve been keen on beets since early 21st C. I have made my own rigged-up borscht recipe that I make a few times a year (lots of sour cream). But my best go-to is just cold beet salad with red onions, vinegar, etc. I found the most delicious white vinegar (from Modena, Italy) at Trader Joe’s but they no longer have it.
Phoenix - Jun 3, 2023
Yum! That’s my favorite (cold beet salad) as well as pickled beets! And sooooo good for our bodies!
Roman S Shapoval - Jun 2, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Comment removed.
Roman S Shapoval - Jun 2, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Really? I wasn't aware. I'll have to check that out. Got any links? Thanks Gordon.
Phoenix - Jun 2, 2023
Comment removed.
Phoenix - Jun 3, 2023
Thank you both - helpful info!!!
JustANobody - Jun 2, 2023
Do you have a link?
Joanna Gear - Jun 3, 2023
Joanna’s Newsletter
Sorry, friend: a link to what exactly?
Okisuke - Jun 2, 2023 - Edited
Okisuke’s Substack
I'm very glad that you mentioned the self-healing capabilities of these polymers. During my thesis, I had a colleague who was synthesizing self-healing PIB (polyisobutylene) derivates. As fascinating it was, I never would have imagined in my wildest dreams that almost 7 years later that this specific property will be misused to intentionally harm and kill people. Long story short: Every credible scientist I know from my studies and work got the shot without even questioning it. The real problem is people who think they acted in good faith. Toxic positivity leads to a distorted worldview. I reckon most of them are unable to face the harsh truth and prefer sleepwalking until it's too late.
Nostradamus X - Jun 2, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
I am not surprised by your colleagues' behaviour.
4 FDA Advisory Committee Members (Core or Temporary) – Dead or Disabled.
Jean Labbé - Jun 5, 2023
Jean’s Substack
Why isn’t graphene oxyde mentioned in your article? Isn’t it called the privilege interface material between brain and computer? The best electricity conductor which self assembles when submitted to a magnetic field?
Didn’t recent Pfizer papers reveal that it was (in the end because kept secret until then) an ingredient of the vaccine used to stabilize the lipid nanoparticules ? Or did I get something wrong?
I can’t believe those scientists don’t realize that the best solution for health problems is simply to stop aggressing the human body with glyphosate, vaccines and the likes! In their hubris, they are ready to go against the perfection of nature resulting from million of years of evolution.
Don’t mess with Life! Life, our DNA, is sacred!
Nostradamus X - Jun 6, 2023
Nostradamus X
“Genetically Transformed Forever” – Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi (1.5 minutes)
Veronica Evans - Jun 2, 2023
”Shapeshifting substances”. Interesting word choice in one of the excerpts. Isn’t this the way Satan has often been described - as “shapeshifting”?
Duchess - Jun 2, 2023
Really good catch.
solutions - Jun 3, 2023
solutions’s Substack
Shapeshifting is the word that describes visible efects on bodies after DNA modification. Important to remember that the DNA modification was the cause of the flood! There were hybrids(animal+human) creatures/ chimeras (word used in patents?)
There are reports of vaxed people getting animal features in their bodies, also watch the black eyed babies videos since 2021.
At the beginning of Covid, if someone talked about nanochips/bots or apocalyptic events, the majority of people (unbelievers) described the person as a religious/scif-fi fanatic. And this 3rd strand of DNA, is not only separating the soul from the body, but mutating the bodies.
Frank - Jun 2, 2023
Catherine’s Substack
Careful visiting the dentists folks, heads up!
In this study, a lidocaine-loaded Pluronic® F68-reduced graphene oxide hydrogel was developed to achieve sustained release of lidocaine.
Lidocaine-loaded reduced .... graphene oxide hydrogel .... for prolongation of effects of local anesthesia: In vitro and in vivo analyses
Weifan Li , Guangqi Zhang , Xiaoxia Wei
PMID: 33487069 DOI: 10.1177/0885328220988462
Appendix [Toxicity and Cytotoxicity of Graphene Oxide] >
Jesus Christ: "Get behind me, Satan."
—Matthew 16:23
Catherine - Jun 3, 2023
Catherine’s Substack
So what do we do if we need dental work done that requires numbing? I mean seriously!!!!
Frank - Jun 3, 2023
Water’s Substack
a magnet to bottom of vial, attracts conductive nano to bottom, syringe draw off from top the seperated solution to use. We are in a Magnetic Field war, EMR Antennae + Nano Tech connecting to the antenna Magnetic Fields. We live in the 'field fractal' Ether, field Hierachy Light [all energy] to Magnetic Field to Electric Fields. Theres no Electric Field without manipulating the Magnetic Field first.
Buy a cheap electrolyser put probes into a brand Bottled Water often not all are contaminated, the graphene oxide infused shall become visible. Covert dose loading people up with the building nano blocaks seeding this crap in all sorts. Remove yourself from EMR esp. when sleeping, high vit.C etc foods , clean structured drinking h2o V>IMPORTANT, other detox protocols like mineral baths, your body shall expell this crap
Suspected presence of Graphene Oxide in injectable Lidocaine -
- 3m 29s - 25)ct21 - ORWELLITO
Oct, 01, 2021
2,646 people reported to have side effects when taking Lidocaine hydrochloride.
Lidocaine hydrochloride and Vitreous floaters - a phase IV clinical study of FDA data -
Water Magnet - Jun 3, 2023
Water’s Substack
Yep, the presence of graphene oxide in the water is the big one. It.'s the one product you just can't avoid and from my testing in Australia it's all contaminated and magnetic, so likely it is elsewhere too.
Rainwater from a private tank tested clean here so that's all we use.
Frank - Jun 3, 2023
a carbon filter would likely clean graphene out being same atomic material my thinking? Dont know for sure not conducted a test experiment. Rainwater been known to contain graphene, Russ Brown + others well exposed this, yes folks there are Stratospheric Aerosol Injection [chemtrails] sprayed graphene oxide to with all the other crap nwo have co-opted commercial aircraft to gps auto switched spray over [1] dense populated areas + [2] food farming areas.
Rainwater harvest my plan eventually, maybe copper storage tanks also earthed? Bottles have been changed from glass to plastic for a reason not just cost of transport weight, but the infused plastics, this nano junk also a syn-bio polymer plastic. 'Structure' of water way more important than most realise.
Frank - Aug 12, 2023
Comment removed.
Frank - Aug 12, 2023
'Remove yourself from EMR esp. when sleeping, high vit.C etc foods , clean structured drinking h2o'
GO not only nano ingredient in the technology, your body shall remove graphene naturally if not living in RF EMF exposed environment and doesnt self assemble into a big clump. Detox baths do remove nano incl. graphene based nano wires [see Charles M Liebers FET Bosensor antenna patents] at skin surfacedrcarriemadej.comdetox baths. People have called them 'morgellons'.
Your skin largest organ is osmotic. Vit.C strong easy to do chelator there are many other chelators, ever heard of research or what Emoto discovered? Blessings.
Frank - Aug 13, 2023
Comment removed.
Frank - Aug 14, 2023
research anyone can do & be respectful, why not you?
fyi Lieber case a psyop he is out free working for his nwo WEF Master
Dr Carrie Madej's nano particles detox bath
Detox Bath | Transhumanism | Vaccines | Dr. Carrie Madej
been poisoned chlorine dioxide works great
The Science & Story of Chlorine Dioxide -The Universal Antidote
How to clean your blood + remain healthy
GET YOUR APRICOT SEEDS at the life-saving Richardson Nutritional Center HERE:
Leviticus 17:11 life is in the blood
BOOK > The pH Miracle >>
Baking soda offers potential anticancer effect, multiple studies reveal - 22Feb23 >
Sodium bicarbonate, better known as baking soda
2016 - Klaus Schwab Wants To Put nano injectables Chips in Your Brain >
2017 - Harvard’s Charles Lieber Patents Syringe-Injectable Mesh Electronics Integrate Seamlessly with Minimal Chronic Immune Response in the Brain >
President and Fellows of Harvard College - graphene 'based' LNPs Liquid Crystal FETs, Field Effect-nano Transistors
ROBERT LANGER - CRISPR CAS SYSTEMS - Jul 6, 2020 - THE BROAD INSTITUTE, INC.- Delivery, use and therapeutic applications of the CRISPR-CAS SYSTEMS and compositions for targeting disorders and diseases using PARTICLE DELIVERY components - Selective perturbation of individual genetic elements, as well as to advance SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY.
.... banality of evil demons ......
Sir James Fraser Stoddart FRS FRSE HonFRSC paved the way for molecular recognition, self-assembly processes for template-directed mechanically interlocked syntheses, molecular switches, and motor-molecules. These advances have formed the basis of the fields of nanoelectronic devices, nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), and molecular machines.
"Spinners" | Mega-Compilation - (When The Graphene Oxide Demons Are Unleashed) >
- 28m 15s - 26May23 - Wake.The.F***.Up
Blessings + Godspeed
Rea - Jun 6, 2023
Thank You for sharing! 🙏
Pamela Raditsch - Jun 2, 2023
Pamela Raditsch
Wow, Dr. Ana, just - wow...
Thank you for posting so much important information for everyone to be aware of, and for all that you do! 🙏
Roman S Shapoval - Jun 2, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
They may be "non-toxic" by themselves on a table, but not once inside our bodies. Incredible what they're pushing people to accept.
Hydrogels can also make us more susceptible to EMF, or protect us when negatively charged, this is why structured water is the ultimate way to build our own native hydrogel:
Guy LeBlake - Jun 2, 2023
Guy’s Substack
lots of great info. Thanks.
John Burnley - Jun 2, 2023
The Satanic globalists have one really big problem in implementing their plans and there is not a thing they can do about it. If the prophecies of Garabandal are correct, and I believe they are, then God is coming to straighten things out. Hopefully some of us will still be around to witness this.
Pamela Raditsch - Jun 2, 2023
Pamela Raditsch
Completely off topic, - it appears that the pathologist, the wonderful Dr. Arne Burkhardt, just died unexpectedly 😳🥺
Duchess - Jun 2, 2023
Awful. Just awful. What a loss. Didn't he do all the autopsies?
Pamela Raditsch - Jun 2, 2023
Pamela Raditsch
Yes, yes, he's the one! Such a dedicated pathologist and a sincerely honorable gentleman 😥
JustANobody - Jun 2, 2023
Why always humanity's finest? Why not take all of the evil ones?
Pamela Raditsch - Jun 3, 2023
Pamela Raditsch
I have no proof but lately it feels like the fiinest are being killed off
Kamii Neko - Jun 3, 2023
Dr Ana STAY SAFE! Sending protective vibes. She is the planets most precious.
Catherine - Jun 3, 2023
Catherine’s Substack
Did he take the 💉??
Pamela Raditsch - Jun 3, 2023
Pamela Raditsch
No, he knew better.
That's why some of us have our suspicions.
scout - Jun 2, 2023 - Edited
Old timer Delgado, using primitive electrodes, controlled critter behavior during the 60s. His research was the foundation for today's nano-hydrogel Nazi pharmas.
Going over some of the mRNAs internals mixed with same products from decades of chemtrails, now noting GMOs and many vaccines plus dental anesthesias and more, I suspect mind/perception control is not new. People have inertia in normal conditions. With controlled perception, the Nazi guiders simply tweak new perception built upon old conditioning. Mix that with premature aging which creates illness that assists acceptance of modified perception.
Next thought was that solid clues of modified behavior should be apparent as observed in old timer married couples. The freak show that Squatter in the WH launched had to have precursor intros into internal nano-hydos. There has to be solid evidence of this behavioral control all around us.
Frank - Jun 2, 2023 - Edited
Claimed what Swiss Josef Mengele researching in camps was 'trauma' Mind Kontrol techniques. BRAIN INITIATIVE that Obarma launched [not his true name lol] worthy research, links to brain manipulation work / patents of Pieter Cullis UBC, Robert Langer of Moderna, Charles M Lieber, Derrick Rossi, ditto.
The Evolution of Project MK ULTRA - Project Monarch - N*zi Mind Control -
kerrylyn - Jun 2, 2023
This is also a pretty comprehensive paper on Current Understanding of Hydrogels for Drug Release & Tissue engineering, May 2022 authors all have Chinese-looking names) from the Collection Hydrogel in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine -'m trying to find out whether they're injecting this stuff - or planning to - into psychiatric patients as new generation antipsychotics. Haven't found anything yet but wouldn't put it past them.
Duchess - Jun 2, 2023
"...less likely to attack ....."
Jesus. "we don't know but we are gonna use it anyway...too bad if it turns out that all this hydrogel kills you in about 5 years".
Momma Bear - Jun 2, 2023 - Edited
Momma Bear
Thank you for this in-depth analysis and information on Hyro-Gels in our lives. Your resolute sharing of information on medical Trans-formation techiques and Agendas is essential reading for truth seekers and lovers of humanity. Many will join this "Brave New World". How will we co-exist, or will we even co-exist?
Chief Wolf - Jun 3, 2023
Chief’s Substack
THIS EVIL JAB IS LIKE GETTING A LIVE POISONOUS INJECTION OF CONRETE , GLUE A COAGULANT LIVE a substance that causes blood or another liquid to coagulate.
"an injection of blood coagulant" noun. (Chemical Engineering: Operations, Liquid-solid operations) A coagulant is a compound or agent which is added to a vessel to help thicken something. Adding a coagulant such as aluminum sulfate to water permits particles to come together and results in the formation of a flocculent mass and foreign computerized components to alter DNA or similar to that
Chief Wolf - Jun 3, 2023
Chief’s Substack
demonicrats enforce Slavery, Murder, Evil pfharmacy, pfizer, pfwho, pfwef, pfnwo, atheist, jihadiphile, terrorists, communistocrats and all evils,,,, UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED IN NUMBERS NOW TO FULLFILL OUR DUTIES AGAINST ALL THES EVILS = That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
Michelle Carter - Jun 2, 2023
Some people who have been vaccinated have died suddenly and some have health problems for life . And now some are turning into transhuman? I’m wondering how long of a transition that would be and what constitutes wheather u die suddenly from the vaccine , or are left with a disease or turn into a cyborg . No one has done an article on these 3 different scenarios.
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anaunited anacom