From a purely technical standpoint, at this time, many countries could engineer pathogens to infect others while rendering their own populations immune through mRNA vaccines. You mean IMMUNE like how RFK said the JOOOOS and Chinese Are???? What a COINCIDENCE!!!! since isnt it joos who were in charge of EVERY STAGE OF COVID????.... Are you connecting the DOTS YET ROOKIE????....
The Author understood Mossad had infiltrated NIAID/NIH and was scheming a large bioweapons attack. He understood that Mossad intended to “preempt the next Jewish Holocaust” and planned genocide on a large number of ethnic groups including in the US.
📽 "We'll just get rid of all the whites in the United States."
-Dr. Carol Baker 🧯💨
Bonus Briefing..............>
I can't BELIEVE my SALTINE AMERICAN friends are going to let these PUNKS get away with it!!! I think the water has turned all their men GAY!!! What is the world coming too???
Intel courtesy of your boy!!!... Agent Midnight Rider ....Q-
I wonder if c19 vaxing of Israelis at one of world's greatest national rate was an antidotum deployment. An Isreali company tested in Ukraine "etnically selective vaccines" early in the "vax" rollout -- I read in an Israeli R&D/tech publucation.
A year old. Will it be implemented? Globally?
"most people would be advised to simply get whatever the latest version of the vaccine is annually each fall like the flu vaccine. They wouldn't have to worry about how many shots they've already gotten and which one they got when. Those who still need to receive two doses initially, such as young children and older people, would use the same formulation for all three shots."
It looks like the new c19 bioweapon batches contain complete sets of req'd nanotech, maybe "the flu vaccine" does, too. Less emphasis on must-take, perhapps shedding was doing its job adequately already a year ago ?
I have no idea. It kind of amuses me that no one talks about nutrition as source of health but medication/injections. It is a mad “science” whatever it is, manipulated by imposters, not by the wise.
Whatever is called is laughable. It is so damn sad that people fell for it as “science” , put so much trust in pills they don’t know what contains, medical devices, un-necessary supplements and all the BS they are told is good for them.
DING DING DING!!!, Here is what you DONT KNOW, the entire CHOSEN ONE Population was giving the COVID VACCINE ANTIDOTE in 2018 disguised as the MMR MEASLES VACCINES. so it didn't MATTER HOW MANY SHOTS THEY GOT, they already had the ANTIDOTE. You have been PLAYED .....#Agentmidnightrider
What evidence do you offer? How do you know that all c19 shots for Israelis weren't placebos?
Please keep exchanges free of ad personam. And you don't need to shout. You didn't inform me on time -- that makes you a disinfo agent. LOL
Your PROJECTION smells DELICIOUS...... But I'm SO GLAD you asked for EVIDENCE... take a ride over toyandex.comand research Joseph Moshe....#Agentfreaknasty
Thanks, that's better. Isn't Joseph Moshe the guy who made a chutzpah in Ukraine resisting arrest/attack by agents during the swine flu plandemic in 2009?
Yandex 1st page shows only one entry for J.M. + #A...
Is that it, AMR?
I glanced the conclusion. Does not look believeable from the point of my research of the bankster cabal, under whom Mossad is one of many subservient tools. Will read the article tomorrow.
Hmmm that's ODD, who every wrote that article is a GENIUS, let me tell sumTIN to you....
Why don't you find out What BIG PHARMA company OBAMA invested 50,000 in in 2005. and then calculate the odds of that same company manufacturing 60 million doses of the COVID VACCINE contracted through Moderna....
Dr. Joseph Moshe was, he has not been heard of since his capture, a Jewish American virologist who studied a number of potential deadly microbiotic agents [26]. According to reports, in 2009 [2426] “Professor Moshe had called into a live radio show by Dr. A. True Ott, broadcast on Republic Broadcasting claiming to be a microbiologist who wanted to supply evidence to a States Attorney regarding tainted H1N1 Swine flu vaccines being produced by Baxter BioPharma Solutions. He said that Baxter’s Ukrainian lab was in fact producing a bioweapon disguised as a vaccine.”
Well, now that you mention it, there is ample documentation of their biblical level intent to genocide all other races, so intent -and motive are pretty well established. Access and means are looking pretty easy to prove...
i gave it a like too Midnight,means more to me now than it did 12 yrs ago.A few months ago google threatened to kick me off youtube just for my comments!.Truth is should volunteer.
"September 2028…"
You seem to believe Rand's lie that there is a virus, but there is no virus. Its all Hegelian dialectic. Think climate change. They need a problem (real or fictitious, an already existing or a new one; a "virus", "anthropogenic climate warming"…), to scare the people, control the reaction and install the final solution (German "Endlösung")... for mankind, except God's chosen psychopaths of course.
Dr. Stefan Lanka has proven, that their so called virus does not exist. A virus wouldn't also make any sense for life as such. He also said the the genome is dead since more than a decade or so. So what are we talking about?
Dr. Ana: How do I Stop Ivermectin, shipments?? ordered 3-months worth Only. Keeps coming? Can NOT Afford!!! me USER #qZ6BR8ZNMVC1kj77nKqr , Please my funds depleting (or will have to CANCEL Credit Card & Not Sure can get another one: John Staub, Richfield, OH 44286-9727 US THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP - email keep on your mailing list of future offerings & Dr. Ana M. Mihalcea, website
We are more powerful than we realize. Do not accept this narrative.
Fear will put you exactly where these parasites want you.
You are their energy supply. Their food source.
Call it out. Rebuke it. I will not comply, I do not consent.
Psalm 91. Stand tall. Claim your sovereignty.
O.M.G. (I'm rarely short on words but they are wargamin' the ultimate kill box fer us all...) As JJ Couey said, James Giordano is laffin' his u-know-whut off... eeek!
Genomic enhancement, proteomics, genetic engineering, strategic use of bioweapons, and it goes on. The stuff of nightmares for sure. I must've missed something, but what vectors do these monsters propose as the delivery system/s?
Thank you for this important information. Your other article about "Future Shock", is relevant here also. Wars and intel (spying) at the nano level are incredibly concerning. It is good that the military is preparing for such attacks, detection of nano interference is essential. Thank you again 🙏 ✨
TARGETED INDIVIDUALS SYMPOSIUM. 🤩 😯 😮 Wow! watched entirely.
1. How did that get into his throat if he doesn’t know? makes me want to go to Walmart.
2. If we get rid of our cell phone how do we know what is going on? how would we follow these people?
3. There are approximately 4 million people who DONT KNOW they are targeted? That must be awful for them🥹
I was looking for the TRUTH during covd when all these red flags 🚩 appeared and I now understand it’s a bioweapon. Never took one. Everything I watch and read takes me closer to the TRUTH. Thank you for your lead. The hole keeps getting bigger and deeper. It’s sickening!!!
Agent Midnight Rider - Jan 29, 2024 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
From a purely technical standpoint, at this time, many countries could engineer pathogens to infect others while rendering their own populations immune through mRNA vaccines. You mean IMMUNE like how RFK said the JOOOOS and Chinese Are???? What a COINCIDENCE!!!! since isnt it joos who were in charge of EVERY STAGE OF COVID????.... Are you connecting the DOTS YET ROOKIE????....
The Author understood Mossad had infiltrated NIAID/NIH and was scheming a large bioweapons attack. He understood that Mossad intended to “preempt the next Jewish Holocaust” and planned genocide on a large number of ethnic groups including in the US.
📽 "We'll just get rid of all the whites in the United States."
-Dr. Carol Baker 🧯💨
Bonus Briefing..............>
I can't BELIEVE my SALTINE AMERICAN friends are going to let these PUNKS get away with it!!! I think the water has turned all their men GAY!!! What is the world coming too???
Intel courtesy of your boy!!!... Agent Midnight Rider ....Q-
Piotr Bein - Jan 29, 2024 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
I wonder if c19 vaxing of Israelis at one of world's greatest national rate was an antidotum deployment. An Isreali company tested in Ukraine "etnically selective vaccines" early in the "vax" rollout -- I read in an Israeli R&D/tech publucation.
Tiff - Jan 29, 2024
Just started doing this it
Adriana - Jan 30, 2024
Is not over..
Piotr Bein - Jan 30, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
A year old. Will it be implemented? Globally?
"most people would be advised to simply get whatever the latest version of the vaccine is annually each fall like the flu vaccine. They wouldn't have to worry about how many shots they've already gotten and which one they got when. Those who still need to receive two doses initially, such as young children and older people, would use the same formulation for all three shots."
It looks like the new c19 bioweapon batches contain complete sets of req'd nanotech, maybe "the flu vaccine" does, too. Less emphasis on must-take, perhapps shedding was doing its job adequately already a year ago ?
Adriana - Jan 30, 2024
I have no idea. It kind of amuses me that no one talks about nutrition as source of health but medication/injections. It is a mad “science” whatever it is, manipulated by imposters, not by the wise.
Piotr Bein - Jan 30, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
Absolutely, Andriana. That's called rockefelller medicine.
Adriana - Jan 31, 2024
Whatever is called is laughable. It is so damn sad that people fell for it as “science” , put so much trust in pills they don’t know what contains, medical devices, un-necessary supplements and all the BS they are told is good for them.
Agent Midnight Rider - Jan 30, 2024 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
DING DING DING!!!, Here is what you DONT KNOW, the entire CHOSEN ONE Population was giving the COVID VACCINE ANTIDOTE in 2018 disguised as the MMR MEASLES VACCINES. so it didn't MATTER HOW MANY SHOTS THEY GOT, they already had the ANTIDOTE. You have been PLAYED .....#Agentmidnightrider
Piotr Bein - Jan 30, 2024 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
What evidence do you offer? How do you know that all c19 shots for Israelis weren't placebos?
Please keep exchanges free of ad personam. And you don't need to shout. You didn't inform me on time -- that makes you a disinfo agent. LOL
Agent Midnight Rider - Jan 30, 2024 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
Your PROJECTION smells DELICIOUS...... But I'm SO GLAD you asked for EVIDENCE... take a ride over toyandex.comand research Joseph Moshe....#Agentfreaknasty
Piotr Bein - Jan 30, 2024 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Thanks, that's better. Isn't Joseph Moshe the guy who made a chutzpah in Ukraine resisting arrest/attack by agents during the swine flu plandemic in 2009?
Yandex 1st page shows only one entry for J.M. + #A...
Is that it, AMR?
I glanced the conclusion. Does not look believeable from the point of my research of the bankster cabal, under whom Mossad is one of many subservient tools. Will read the article tomorrow.
Agent Midnight Rider - Jan 30, 2024
Agent’s Substack
Hmmm that's ODD, who every wrote that article is a GENIUS, let me tell sumTIN to you....
Why don't you find out What BIG PHARMA company OBAMA invested 50,000 in in 2005. and then calculate the odds of that same company manufacturing 60 million doses of the COVID VACCINE contracted through Moderna....
Dr. Joseph Moshe was, he has not been heard of since his capture, a Jewish American virologist who studied a number of potential deadly microbiotic agents [26]. According to reports, in 2009 [2426] “Professor Moshe had called into a live radio show by Dr. A. True Ott, broadcast on Republic Broadcasting claiming to be a microbiologist who wanted to supply evidence to a States Attorney regarding tainted H1N1 Swine flu vaccines being produced by Baxter BioPharma Solutions. He said that Baxter’s Ukrainian lab was in fact producing a bioweapon disguised as a vaccine.”
Brigadoon - Jan 29, 2024
Well, now that you mention it, there is ample documentation of their biblical level intent to genocide all other races, so intent -and motive are pretty well established. Access and means are looking pretty easy to prove...
REPLY - Jan 29, 2024
"…the next Jewish Holocaust…" Well, you could read that so or so, if you understand what I mean.
Just for the record: video description) as part of a much bigger agenda
John Vargo - Jan 29, 2024
John Vargo
John Vargo - Jan 31, 2024
John Vargo
i gave it a like too Midnight,means more to me now than it did 12 yrs ago.A few months ago google threatened to kick me off youtube just for my comments!.Truth is should volunteer.
REPLY - Jan 29, 2024 - Edited
"September 2028…"
You seem to believe Rand's lie that there is a virus, but there is no virus. Its all Hegelian dialectic. Think climate change. They need a problem (real or fictitious, an already existing or a new one; a "virus", "anthropogenic climate warming"…), to scare the people, control the reaction and install the final solution (German "Endlösung")... for mankind, except God's chosen psychopaths of course.
Dr. Stefan Lanka has proven, that their so called virus does not exist. A virus wouldn't also make any sense for life as such. He also said the the genome is dead since more than a decade or so. So what are we talking about?
John Staub - Jan 29, 2024
Alpha Publications
Dr. Ana: How do I Stop Ivermectin, shipments?? ordered 3-months worth Only. Keeps coming? Can NOT Afford!!! me USER #qZ6BR8ZNMVC1kj77nKqr , Please my funds depleting (or will have to CANCEL Credit Card & Not Sure can get another one: John Staub, Richfield, OH 44286-9727 US THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP - email keep on your mailing list of future offerings & Dr. Ana M. Mihalcea, website
Adriana - Jan 30, 2024
No worries. If you got too much, I can buy from you what you do not need. I shall send a private mail to the one you posted.
Carol B - Jan 29, 2024
Carol B
We are more powerful than we realize. Do not accept this narrative.
Fear will put you exactly where these parasites want you.
You are their energy supply. Their food source.
Call it out. Rebuke it. I will not comply, I do not consent.
Psalm 91. Stand tall. Claim your sovereignty.
Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot - Jan 29, 2024
The Heterodox Cheering Section …
O.M.G. (I'm rarely short on words but they are wargamin' the ultimate kill box fer us all...) As JJ Couey said, James Giordano is laffin' his u-know-whut off... eeek!
John Vargo - Jan 31, 2024
John Vargo
He's a useful idiot
Missfit Infinitum - Jan 29, 2024
Missfit Infinitum
Genomic enhancement, proteomics, genetic engineering, strategic use of bioweapons, and it goes on. The stuff of nightmares for sure. I must've missed something, but what vectors do these monsters propose as the delivery system/s?
John Wells - Nov 26
Thank you for this important information. Your other article about "Future Shock", is relevant here also. Wars and intel (spying) at the nano level are incredibly concerning. It is good that the military is preparing for such attacks, detection of nano interference is essential. Thank you again 🙏 ✨
Cynthia Mercado - Feb 4, 2024
Cynthia’s Substack
Knowledge is power, read this to arm yourself with different scenarios.
EAMBDGC - Jan 30, 2024
TARGETED INDIVIDUALS SYMPOSIUM. 🤩 😯 😮 Wow! watched entirely.
1. How did that get into his throat if he doesn’t know? makes me want to go to Walmart.
2. If we get rid of our cell phone how do we know what is going on? how would we follow these people?
3. There are approximately 4 million people who DONT KNOW they are targeted? That must be awful for them🥹
I was looking for the TRUTH during covd when all these red flags 🚩 appeared and I now understand it’s a bioweapon. Never took one. Everything I watch and read takes me closer to the TRUTH. Thank you for your lead. The hole keeps getting bigger and deeper. It’s sickening!!!
Edward Bernaysauce - Jan 30, 2024
Edward Bernaysauce
The mind, has been the preeminent “Unofficial “ domain of warfare - for some time now...
Anita Söderman - Jan 29, 2024
Anita’s Substack
Thanks for this summarizing overview of a hitherto unknown field. Very handy, t o know all of this these times!
Tiff - Jan 29, 2024
Just started doing this it
John Vargo - Jan 29, 2024
John Vargo
Well if you're going to use our admiralty courts,
John Vargo - Jan 29, 2024
John Vargo
C-60 Dr.Ana,fact or fiction?Even though endorsed by Alford Lamont Webre I'm leaning fiction although I think it's mentioned in your book.
Lauretta Walker - Jan 29, 2024
Lauretta Walker
Reply (2) - Jan 29, 2024
Fritz’s Freud
Comment removed.
REPLY - Jan 29, 2024
"Planet Gentile Genocide." Right.
REPLY - Jan 29, 2024
Reg. "planet Auschwitz"…
Just for the record: video description) as part of a much bigger agenda
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