Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 16, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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In this post, I would like to discuss the relationship of what appears to be artificially intelligent micro robots or possibly self assembled Quantum Dots. In the blood, there appears to be ongoing oxidative stress and rouleaux formation in the vicinity of these technological devices. Could there be a relationship with the presence of these technologies and the blood findings? People question weather the dots are just part of a figment of our imagination. You make up your own mind. I think that these artificially intelligent technologies do not belong into human blood. All examples shown here are C19 un injected. If they are now in everyone, how did they get there? If you look and only consider those micro bots that a actively moving and blinking, we are excluding possible artifacts. In the above video we see a hydrogel that has self assembled with surrounding rouleaux and in the left upper corner a moving light emitting spherical object or micro bot.
In the below video one can see a very luminous blinking light. Rouleau formation is also seen:
The article below discusses that Quantum Dots can induce oxidative stress in cell lines and even cell death:
In the below video also similar blinking Micro bots and oxidative stress is seen as well as a spherical hydrogel construction site
The Quantum Dots were encapsulated in micro spheres and reached 15.7 micro meter. This could be seen with an optical microscope.
Here you can see a hydrogel filament that has been built with many blinking micro bots flowing and moving rapidly - the red cells are in oxidative stress as indicated by the spikes they exhibit. It is seen that the blinking micro bots are part of the hydrogel construction site:
Below is a more longitudinal blinking micro bot that is more akin to what we have seen in the Pfizer C19 bioweapon:
We are clearly observing anomalous artificially intelligent blinking micro bots in the human blood. Further investigation of this phenomenon is warranted.
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Iseeit - Sep 16, 2023
Rob’s Newsletter
I'd like to see testing done using blood samples selected based on different lifestyle groups. I'd want a sufficient number of samples randomly choosen from within subpopulations such as Amish, vaccinated, unvaccinated, unvaccinated persons in frequent close contact with vaccinated, unvaccinated who have only had limited contact, or no intimate contact.
Finding the source of this contamination is critical.
Finding ways to potential cleanse the blood is also critical.
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hope4gaia - Sep 16, 2023
As a type1 diabetic unjabbed, it freaked me out to know this contamination is in the insulin I can't live without.
I've been taking ivermectin once a week since this started. I hope Dr Ana can find a solution to this poison within us.
I pray and trust that she will.
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