Quantum Dot/ Micro Robotics In Live Blood…

Oct 1, 2023

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Please check out this video announcement for our upcoming Quantum Dot/ Micro Robotic Symposium on Friday, October 6th, 4pm PST.


Thomas Guitarman - Oct 1, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Be FOREWARNED turn off all Electromagnetic devices , shield yourself and children keep them home from all schools with wi fi, 4g 5g stay home with them and have a home education day , turn off routers, cover smart meters with aluminum foil or aluminum screen. This TEST OCT 4TH, cannot ONLY be what they are telling you , and why would you believe ANYTHING from Gov or FEMA Dont gamble with your health and lives. All the info and evidence is there as to the dangers of EMF transmissions. They are desperate to activate phaze 2 of plandemic , and lockdowns . NYC flood and gov shutdown and this test ALL at same time CANNOT BE COINCIDENTAL. There are no coincidences anyway, everything has a cause and effect. Test Oct 4th 2.20 PM EST in America SK


Christian - Oct 2, 2023

Ar’s Substack

Is it only in Usa ?


Scipio Eruditus - Oct 1, 2023

Dispatches from Reality

Myself and a small team of researchers have been conducting similar experiments, as well as live blood analysis. I have reached out to Dr. Ana and Dr. Nixon on several posts in the last month, yet have not received a response so far.
My latest work includes a historical look back at the history of neurotechnology and brain computer interfaces:
An ER visit is no longer safe, as our former control patient found out after testing his blood a few weeks ago:
We are still in the process of testing natural detox regimens and solutions:


John - Oct 2, 2023


I clicked your link about ER visits. It opened your page but returned file not found for the ER link.


Scipio Eruditus - Oct 2, 2023

Dispatches from Reality

Thanks for the heads up, this one should work.


Thomas Lewis - Oct 1, 2023

Useless Liberal

Hey Bill Gates,
When, Anyone, In This Case You,
And A Cadre Of Morons
Attempts To Kill Off
Other Humans (In The Millions)
Rule # 1 Has To Be - And Is
You Have To Succeed On Your First Try.
I Just Can't Emphasize This Enough Young Fella.


Grandpa Castorini - Oct 2, 2023

Dont know if they do or not sir... but given the trajectory of the past 3+ years, guess everyone is rightly on edge, yes?
If they do plan on mischief? They'd best not fumble it, all i can say.
(If looking for a great place to shield your cells, etc during the 'test' microwaves are faraday cages by design.)


Kyle Young - Oct 1, 2023

the secular heretic

Your part with Todd's 5G symposium was powerful.
Thanks for the above links.
Looking forward to your next symposium.


Charles Redwine - Oct 1, 2023

Dr. Ana, there was some mentioning of a synthetic parasite that was also associated with the vaccines. Has anyone discussed this? Has anyone attempted to treat it? I refer to the 1st Reece report on nanotechnology in the vaccines.


Margie Chism - Oct 2, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Yale Researchers Develop ‘Airborne’ mRNA Vaccines ■ Some scientists are hailing the creation as an easy way to vaccinate the masses, but critics wonder if the development of an airborne vaccine could be used for nefarious purposes


420MedicineMan - Oct 2, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

Being called a nerd is a compliment I say. I was a nerd/jock, protector of nerds. :) Who were all my friends.
Great work Dr Ana and fellow Microscopy enthusiasts. It's so awesome.
Really enjoyed the last symposium, though the interwebs was being severely attacked that night could only watch the recording.


Claudia - Oct 2, 2023


A sincere thank you to every researcher who continues to seek Truth and bravely show it to others to help save humanity.


Kimberly Williams - Oct 1, 2023

I’ve been wondering if the Schumann frequency ( 7.83 Hz I think) would be helpful when applied to blood samples. Since the technology is frequency sensitive, might the Earths resonant electromagnetic frequency be beneficial? Has anyone tried this?


Grandpa Castorini - Oct 2, 2023

An excellent thought, to my mind.


Stella - Oct 1, 2023 - Edited

Thomas’s Substack

Thank you for all the incredible work you’re doing Dr. Ana.
I’m wondering about something, I’m finding out through some very simple viewing just using my phone’s camera blowing it all the way up, that most supplements I’ve been taking in a capsule form look like they’re contaminated. A couple days ago I put several in small individual dishes of my home’s five filtered reverse osmosis water which I’d very slightly heated to luke warm only, and saw couple things that didn’t look right. One, a Nattokinaise capsule, I again looked at today has now changed, where yesterday it had a very small only seen when enlarged some few close together specks of light, now today that looks somewhat like some kind of insect. Can still faintly see the lights on the edges of it.
However today I wondered—could it have originated from the water? Not the capsule? So today I took another of the same capsule (a Nattokinaise capsule), and first BOILED the water then let it cool to luke warm and put a Nattokinaise capsule in it and looked with my camera on my phone. I again saw some little specks of light, so tomorrow I will look at it again and see if this too turns into something else like the first one did (an almost insect looking thing).
I’d also earlier seen some strange things in vitamin supplements in capsule form I was taking. So for now, I’m just taking some things I have that are in tablet form, and gummies, hope those are safer. And I would think the EDTA in cream form might be okay. It’s the capsules I’m a bit worried about now.


Thomas Guitarman - Oct 2, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

graphene is in gel caps for supplements dump out ingredients or buy powder or tincture or make your own, eventually none will be safe , they are NOT going to leave this to our choice or rebellion , they DO NOT HONOR free will , these monsters are a death cult.


Margie Chism - Oct 1, 2023

Margie Chism

FRIDAY I'M IN LOVE - The Cure Cover -Springsteen Style ■ Puddles Pity Party


Laura - Oct 1, 2023

Modern Healthcare

God created the kidneys to produce monoclonal antibodies, stem cells & fibrinolytic (urokinase). Please share the truth. The kidneys produce the antidote to the plasmid DNA that will induce the “Marburg”, it might just be the e. Coli strain (0104:H4) that’s producing the tech fibers. The people who die will die from lack of knowledge, not lack of antidote.


Lynn Ferguson - Oct 2, 2023

Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson

Can someone link this event on Telegram? There are people (RSE students on the chat) who want to know how and where to view it?


Paul Boner - Oct 2, 2023

Wonderful work and beautifully set forth. Thank you for your work to challenge the deceivers and counterfeiters. In the end each man's work will stand or fall before the Lord God. Keep pressing on toward the high mark of truth.


Christian - Oct 2, 2023 - Edited

Ar’s Substack

I do not think at all that only 17 millions died si far, I guess it is much more, as I know of 56 people who died, vaxx related, from Bretagne, Auvergne, South of France and North of Italy ...


Pasheen Stonebrooke - Oct 2, 2023

Diva Drops

This should be fantastic. Thanks for the heads up! And for all you amazing warriors do for us!



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