Nov 6, 2022

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Excellent Review of the European Medicines Agency Data by Maria Gutschi, PharmD


Merlin - Nov 6, 2022

Basic common sense should inform us that such a complex product would have been many years in planning and many years to manufacture at the scale that we have seen.


OUTRAGED HUMAN - Nov 6, 2022

OUTRAGED’s Newsletter

Dr. Ana, Many thanks, this is a great work!!!


Rosalind McGill - Nov 6, 2022

Rosalind McGill

Thanks again for sharing your good works


Robin Lloyd - Nov 7, 2022

Robin’s Substack

I just watched Dr. Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS being interviewed on the bioenergetics summit and his interview was titled "Overcome Disease and Unlock Your Infinite Healing Potential: Taming the "Survival Paradox Protein" ". He explained the molecule GALECTIN-3. And I quote him... "...Galectin-3... which I have been researching for almost 30 years. And interesting, right now I got my 2nd and very large N.I.H. Grant to study the depletion of Galectin-3 as a treatment for Sepsis (don't know if I spelled that correctly). Actually you have the body responding to an infection, it goes into severe disregulated inflammation... Cytokine Storm, that now more people are familiar with... and the result is THE DETERIORATION OF THE SYSTEM AND DEATH."
"So we can see how it has a nervous system effect and a biochemical effect, and once we understand it, we can start addressing our existential health in a deeper way... not in the deepest way... but in a deeper way"
end quote. So when I heard the words N.I.H. it caught my attention and then they just passed it by and talked about other things. However I know enough (as you do as well!) to know that the N.I.H. is not interested in curing or treating anything. We know what that grant is really for... "THE DETERIORATION OF THE SYSTEM AND DEATH" And just like all the unsuspecting scientists and doctors doing their research and dirty work for them... this guy is clueless about what they will truly use his information for! I felt I had to pass this info on to whomever I could that may be able to do something about it or at least be aware of their next addition to this horrible agenda.
Thank you for all the courageous work you're doing! I am truly grateful. God Bless you ALL!


Glenn Lawn Girl - Nov 7, 2022

Very informative. So not only did pharma not tell us what’s in their cocktail, they didn’t follow sound normal high quality manufacturing practices. Also I find it interesting Maria Gutschi says she has never seen a spike produced by the “vaccines” This follows with what Karen Kingston says that mRNA is too fragile and impossible to make work. They’re injecting graphene nano tech and the whole thing is a lie. Which Dr Ana is showing in her blood analysis work. Thank you Dr Ana. Exposing this whole nightmare must continue to happen. I pray more people see the truth. It is destroying society. The best thing to happen would be to stop the EUA.


The BarefootHealer - Nov 7, 2022

Excellent work, keep it up. This is the tip of the iceberg...


Astor - Nov 8, 2022

Hello Ana,
Did you have a look at the comments I suggested you read below (even it's in French) ?
David is giving deep explanations about what's going on with this very advanced nano-tech. I think it may help you. ;-)
If you want, I may translate that (better than Google).
All the best,


Sandy Miarecki - Nov 7, 2022

Miarecki Gazette

Ana, I am following up on the EDTA recommendation for jabbed people. During my investigation of options, I see Calcium EDTA, Magnesium EDTA, Sodium EDTA, Magnesium Disodium EDTA, etc. Which formulation is best for the graphene/metals detox for jabbed people? Or is there not a significant difference? Thanks.


Astor - Nov 7, 2022

Hello Ana,
Do you read and understand well French ?
I just read some comments by "David" that are truly mind-blowing, below 2 articles about the C19-shots topic and what is behind.
If you want, I may translate that.
God bless,


MN - Nov 6, 2022 - Edited

Better Late Than Never

Comment removed.


MN - Nov 11, 2022

Better Late Than Never

I'm so sorry, Brenda, about the loss of your brother... so heartbreaking.
Does your family agree it was due to the jab?
Were you able to get any closure, like from the medical examiner?
Sending you prayers of comfort. <3


Reply (1) - Nov 6, 2022

Zombies & Aliens AT THE SAME Ti…

Comment removed.


Rosalind McGill - Nov 6, 2022

Rosalind McGill

What do you suggest as an alternative to voting? I’m seeing your comment a lot on substack.



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