Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field And 5G Exposure…

May 27, 2023

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I have previously posted our findings on clotting evaluation of C19 vaccinated blood.


Dr. Jeffrey Horelick - May 27, 2023

Dr. Jeffrey Horelick

I appreciate your dedication towards this project and your work is greatly appreciated.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 27, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Thank you Jeffrey.


Paul Vonharnish - May 28, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Ana: Just wondering if you and Mr Carnicom have included any study of "surfactants" as utilized in weather control (geoengineering) modalities? Cationic surfactants are widely used in soaps, detergents, skin care products, etc. There are numerous surfactant products including Amphoteric surfactants. >https://aocs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/jsde.12542
POEA surfactant is one of the more biologically toxic types, and is utilized in many herbicide products such as Glyphosate and Round up...


Lisa Stephens - Dec 27, 2023

Lisa’s Substack

I've been suggesting to Karl C that he may be able to test Willards Water as it was part of the Hildegarde Staninger protocol and acts as a surfactant. I spoke with an RN here in Australia years back and she made a full health recovery using it. I am currently using internally and externally.


sara - May 31, 2023


Comment removed.


sara - Jun 13, 2023


The globalists in the new world order are putting the MRNA vax in your food you need to do this ASAP


MarshaGail - Dec 27, 2023


Unfortunately that blog post has "been removed"


Jeb - May 27, 2023

Ana you are one of God's angels! Thank you for your research and helping humanity!!


stardot - May 27, 2023 - Edited

stardot’s Substack

My first cousin is having surgery at this very moment to remove blood clots from her left leg. She is 78, vaxed with at least 2 boosters. She also has severe heart issues and has had a heart ablation procedure twice.


Jeb - May 27, 2023 - Edited

stardot’s Substack

AFIB is exploding worldwide! I got AFIB in 2016 (unvaccinated) and believe the sources are from poisoned chemtrails, food, and water.


stardot - May 27, 2023 - Edited

stardot’s Substack

I too am unvaccinated. How prevalent is exposure to shedding/dangerous due to a vaccinated relative?


Jeb - May 27, 2023 - Edited

Lisa’s Substack

I may have been poisoned by a dentist when he gave me numbing juice when I told him not to. I didn't catch him doing it as I had my eyes closed and was relaxing.
Anyone that is vaxxed is bad for our health if in close proximity. I take EDTA orally and the cream daily along with NAC, Vit. C, Vit. D3, Zinc, and quercetin every single day. Also Ivermectin horse paste twice a week. I feel pretty darn good!


Kimberly.EA - May 27, 2023

Lisa’s Substack

Oh how I agree that anyone who is vaxxed is at least a risk for us! I have some oral EDTA and have been considering getting the cream as well but Dr. Mihalcea seems to be saying that it won't work - except by IV chelation.


Jeb - May 27, 2023

Lisa’s Substack

Kimberly, I believe the oral is working for me. The only hassle is taking it at least an hour before eating or taking supplements or taking it at least 2 hours after eating or taking supplements. It's crazy, but I have a timing system to work them all in daily and it has helped me a bunch!


Kimberly.EA - May 27, 2023

Well that is encouraging - maybe I should just give it a try. I'm painfully aware of "time juggling" with all the protocols I've been on over all these months - with usually more than one protocol at a time. About 2 weeks ago I started Rife frequency treatments. They are so powerful that I am off all Big Pharma - except for pain, which is currently Aleve.


Lisa Stephens - Dec 27, 2023

Lisa’s Substack

It's hard to find a full list of excipients in the horse pastes. I stopped after finding PEG listed as an ingredient.


Jeb - May 27, 2023

Unless someone does live blood analyses on people that are taking oral EDTA, the dermal EDTA cream, zeolite, NAC, quercetin, ivermectin, vit.c, vit. D3, zinc etc. all at once daily and proves it doesn't help - I will continue this regime. If Jesus calls me, I'm fine with that.


Kimberly.EA - May 27, 2023

With all this hydrogel stuff coming up I actually had a good heart-to-heart with our LORD yesterday.....to tell Him that I never would have imagined that THIS might be what brings me to meet Him....but that His Will be done!


Lisa Stephens - Dec 27, 2023

Lisa’s Substack

I'm going to try as a suppository diy, though there is source online. They claim absorbsion on par with IV. will see how it goes.


Michelle Lester - May 29, 2023

SciloVybin’s Newsletter

She does say oral doesn't work, but recommends the cream.


SciloVybin - Jun 1, 2023

SciloVybin’s Newsletter

My eye doctor prescribed oral type to be used in conjunction with suppository types.


Marcelo Araujo - May 27, 2023

Marcelo Araujo

Thanks Jeb.
I have been taking everything you mention daily for about 2 years now - except the EDTA.
But, also Selenium, Magnesium, Milk thistle and Melatonin.
I take large doses of everything (2g of Vit C, 20000IU of Vit D3+K2) and always ionic drops if available - bioavailability is almost 100%.
Detox baths with baking soda, Borax, Bentonite clay and Epsom salt are also good. I've taken close to 100 baths already.
Take care.
We're probably living in the End Times


thomas - May 27, 2023

yep - we are living in the biblical end times


Misha - May 8

Misha’s Substack

Why did you believe you were poisoned by your dentist? I know that they put poisons in dental anesthetics say for a larger procedure like a crown and have no idea how to to avoid this, do you? Thank you


Stephanie - Apr 27

How do you dose with Ivermectin??


Noren O Drisc - May 29, 2023

I just realised may e its a link you sent me?! I will try it.:)


Noren O Drisc - May 29, 2023

Thanks for your reply about Ivermectin etc I cannot underdestand all the symbols you wrote in an unbroken line. Does it say 2% Ivermectin?!


JohnDH - May 27, 2023


question about oral EDTA. is it Calcium Disodium EDTA or just Disodium EDTA - which is preferred? There are 2 types of EDTA powder, whether for capsule or to take with water. Dr. Ana, or anyone? Thanks.


Jeb - May 27, 2023


John read this.https://life-enhancement.com/pages/exclusive-interview-with-garry-gordon-md-do-oral-chelationIt is one of many articles I've read about this doctor (Father of Oral EDTA Chelation) I believe Disodium EDTA is the way to go. Research him all you can!


Sam - May 28, 2023

Yes, an excellent article! The oral form does has many benefits and based on an absorption rate of 5%, taking 800mg/day will result in about 40mg/month. I currently take the MRM brand called Cardio Chelate which has 1200mg plus Vit C and a couple of other nutrients. I take it 2 hours away from food with RO water so no potential interference.
I have also read that the calcium disodium form is better as it does not chelate as much calcium. This would allow for chelation of more 'bad' stuff. The recommendation in the article was to supplement with 400mg of elemental magnesium, a few hundred mg of vit B6 and zinc. While it states to take these with the EDTA, I believe that they should not be taken together as the EDTA efficacy may be reduced. I supplement with 50mg zinc, 400mg magnesium glycinate and a B-complex contaiing about 50mg B6. Looks like I may need to add additional B6.
I do plan to read further on Dr. Gordon and thanks for the ref! There are many reasons in this article that were part of my decision not to pursue a medical degree. I wouldn't want to be taken out and shot for trying to heal people.


Claudia - May 27, 2023


Fantastic article: one caveat about EDTA-
LE: Do you have to worry about removing other, more beneficial, metals as well?
Dr. Gordon: We know that EDTA is a nonspecific chelator, and we know that everyone who takes EDTA will have less lead in their blood and, presumably, in their body. But, zinc also comes out very fast in the urine, so when you take EDTA, you can induce zinc deficiency easily. I suggest taking it with an aggressive multiple vitamin mineral supplement, emphasizing zinc. A pregnant woman has to be especially careful, because if she becomes zinc deficient, her fetus may develop abnormally


anna burns - May 27, 2023

I'm glad that you asked this question, because I was wondering the same thing.


Noren O Drisc - May 27, 2023 - Edited

Theara’s Newsletter

What is EDTA please? Is Ivermectin paste used intetnally?! I live in UK but GPs will not prescribe Ivermectin. Maybe i should try a vet?! I tok have bern v ill after Covid. for 10 months. Glad you are feeling better


Theara - May 31, 2023 - Edited

Theara’s Newsletter

dont try IVERMECTINE. it wont dissolve hydrogel nor excreete Graphene and PEG it CANT DO THAT
it only can kill parasites and the dose is ONE dose per YEAR of 3
x 3 MG or more BUT depending your weight
at the opposite concerning Hydrogel and Graphene it CANT HELP NO ONE
at the opposite it binds graphene more in the body ( like a sponge )and keep it there for weeks..
its a TRICK.
it was used only when people got the covid fake virus, as a last solution . for killing a part of parasites in the unknown bio weapon
but ITS NOT safe and NOT for personnal use and personal doses as ' a detox' and doesnt detox HYDROGEL OR GO OR PEGS ..
This post is for EVERYONE HERE .


Pamela Raditsch - May 27, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

IVM paste is taken internally, in tubers so as to squeeze it into the mouths of large animals.
You'll want to take only a very tiny amount of the paste so as not to do any harm to yourself.


Jeb - May 27, 2023

Ethylene Diamine Tetra-Acetic Acid. Yes.https://www.amazon.com/s?k=1.87%25+ivermectin+paste&crid=10JBSLFHQO81&sprefix=1.87%25+%2Caps%2C1001&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_6Been using it for a year twice a week.


Roman S Shapoval - May 27, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

I am around a lot of them. My approach is 2-pronged: clean the blood with beets and other food like chlorella, and getting sunlight to help detox any heavy metals and nano:


Liberty Liz - May 27, 2023

Liberty Liz

So grateful for the work you've been doing. Thank you. Are there any reputable "anti EMF" or "anti 5G" wearable "devices" or "shields" which can be worn, carried on one's person, or used to help mitigate or minimize exposure to these frequencies or waves? (Even though placing the samples in Faraday bags didn't seem to help the "clotting" issue, minimizing the exposure seems to be beneficial overall; but am curious to know if there are any products out there that are effective at all at mitigating this electro pollution.


Bob Bichen - May 27, 2023

Bob Bichen

I would suggest that you be extremely skeptical of "EMF shields" that are wearable as pendants etc. The only known means of minimizing EMF exposure are: distance from the source, removing the source, or shielding, e.g., enclosure in a Faraday cage. Note also that distance is not as simple as you might expect. Microwave radiation exhibits a "window effect" regarding its negative effects on biology. Weaker field densities are sometimes more harmful that stronger ones, which is a violation of the standard dose response curve for toxins.
This is a very complicated topic and I've only touched the surface. I've been interested in it for decades and there's a lot of fraudulent "science" purportedly showing safety, but the properties of EMF make it easier to rig "studies" to get the desired outcome than for pharmaceuticals for example.


Paul Vonharnish - May 27, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Bob Bichen: Thank you for pointing out the completely bogus realities represented by EMF "shield" marketeers. The public is woefully out of touch with the EMF nightmare they blithely subscribe to. The entire planet is being microwaved to death so people can walk around mumbling into stupid plastic toys.


Kimberly.EA - May 27, 2023

Bob Bichen

I agree with you about EMF "shields" and therefore went with a BluShield Cube and Portable. Have you done any research regarding that technology?


Bob Bichen - May 27, 2023

Bob Bichen

As soon as I see "scalar energy" in the "how it works" section of a website, I think "scam." The term "scalar" just means the energy is not directed as opposed to the modifier "vector," which indicates it is directional. In this context, it's essentially meaningless, but it sounds "sciency."


Bob Bichen - May 27, 2023

Bob Bichen

Here's a website with vast quantities of sciency nonsense as an example:https://www.orgoneenergy.org/blogs/news/what-is-scalar-energy.


Donna Weigel - Dec 12, 2023

I am not speaking of something you wear, but Scalar energy and frequency is not a scam but amazing technology! Amazing what it can do. Einstein said medicine of the future will be frequency. He wasn't wrong! Frequency is showing up all over. Some of the technology may seem outrageous, but it mostly because we aren't used to it. It definately isn't a scam. As far as pendants that you wear they are not all created equal. I liked this one: BioArc Phone Disc and their pendant is second to none but pricey because it includes frequency discs you can use with it. The phone disc I use and I am VERY happy with it. I have one on all my tables, headset and computers. I am very senstive ot having a laptop on my lap. I start getting restless. This stopped that problem.https://www.chiorganizer.com/chi-o-phi/
No I have nothing to do with selling them.


Liberty Liz - May 27, 2023

Liberty Liz

Exactly. And because I don't know enough about the nuances, I was wondering if there were legitimate products that were of positive value to mitigate exposure.


anna burns - May 27, 2023

Liberty Liz

I agree Bob. There are a lot of shysters out there playing on our concerns and fears selling stuff such as pendants and clips that are worthless . The best way, like you say, is distance and physical shielding.


Liberty Liz - May 27, 2023

Liberty Liz

Or wrapping yourself in a Faraday cage. 😉


Astrid Maria R - May 27, 2023

Soulbee3 Substack

I'm not an expert but I've purchased an EMF meter and some shielded clothing fromLessEMF.comand according to the meter readings during my test of the shielded clothing, the shielding does reduce the EMF quite a bit.


Kirsten - May 27, 2023

Soulbee3 Substack

I found EMF clothing works well too.


Unagnu - May 27, 2023


Plenty of clothing lines, and mesh sliver impregnated cloths, paint additives to make EMF blocking paints, smart meter 'covers', faraday tents for the bed, grounding cloths for under the bed... drapes that can block EMF from line of sight towers, etc etc. I use this web site as a starting point for shopping. If you are very worried get an EMF meter and scope out if you have hotspots in your house...if so where are they in relation to where you spend time, and what can you do to mitigate that? Here's the web site I used to get started on my research and learning about EMF. Oh, and as far as clothing, LAMBS makes a very expensive underwear, Tshirt and hats and poncho/blanket product line... might be worth wearing if you are immersed in the EMF.


Unagnu - May 27, 2023




Mike Watson - May 27, 2023

Watson Medical Protocol:- Cell …

Hello Ana. I research effects of PEMF using dark and bright field microscopy , thermography and measuring cellular voltage on all human organs, noting which frequencies, intensities , proximity and durations are most effective at enhancing blood flow, oxygenation and nutrition delivery. To base your findings on using
Its not at all fair to base your findings using arguably one of the most powerful PEMF Tesla machines (I have the one too) for 3 minutes on the hydrogel blood sample. These powerful systems are used more for severe muscle and bone damage many months or years post surgery , not least muscle / tendon / bone helping achieve better movement.
Bloods and soft tissue need far less intensity and much much lower and specific Hz frequency range ie a PEMF system at the opposite end of the Hz and Gauss spectrum for up to an hours treatment.
Happy to contribute my research.


Pwnda - May 27, 2023

Marcia K.

Hi Mike, I’m interested in your findings. Do you have a website or blog to educate people on PEMF? I have a PEMF machine at home that does low and high frequencies, and I am very comfortable with muscle testing, and I test to see what we need as we need it. I want to learn more about how to use PEMF more efficiently though, instead of just muscle testing about it. I’d like more education in it, so if you have any good resources or recommendations you’d like to share, I would appreciate it. I’m curious about your research too, and I hope Dr. Ana reached out to you regarding it! We need someone who is an expert in PEMF to be a part of these crucial experiments that she is doing. Dr. Ana, please consider doing more research and comparisons with vaccinated versus unvaccinated blood. We need to figure out a way to fix this. Also, we should probably be educating people on IV EDTA and getting centers made around the USA for healing ASAP!


Marcia K. - May 28, 2023

Marcia K.

Dr William Pawluk has a websitedrpawluk.com? where he reviews many PEMF units. Joseph Cohen atselfhacked.cominterviewed Robert DennisPhd. He invented his powerful & affordable PEMF units & sells them atmicropulse.com. I have his ICES A-9 unit ($425) & it is great. It repaired my Mom's broken hip while at a nursing home in Glenview, IL. A physical therapist decided to exercise her stroke paralyzed side that had not been touched in many yrs. Doctor only offered morphine & hospice. I used this unit pn my Mom & it worked. I have used it on my torn meniscus & it worked well.


Pwnda - May 28, 2023

Praise God for providing you with the answers and tools to heal yourself and your mom! Thank you for sharing these resources. I will definitely check them out!!


Alan Tan - May 8

Alan’s Substack

Hi Mike, love to see yr research on Pemf...thnx


NJ Election Advisor - May 27, 2023

NJ Election Advisor

You’re seeing this in unvaxxed blood as well?
Or just in the vaxxed blood?


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 27, 2023

NJ Election Advisor

Have not done it on unvaccinated blood yet.


NJ Election Advisor - May 27, 2023

NJ Election Advisor

Have stopped donating blood , paranoid of what they’re doing with it (other than giving to those in need)
Since the bioweapon was released I’ve noticed they now constantly agitate the blood as it’s coming out. It used to just sit on a balance until it tipped the weight scale.


denise ward - May 27, 2023


I have heard from a good source that blood is not needed for transfusions. During WWII in the navy, they used seawater or coconut water and it worked equally well. I don't know any more about it but blood banks are probably a cover for vampirical Satanists.


Marcia K. - May 27, 2023

Marcia K.

Dr. Ana, you rock! Thank you for your hard work. I would appreciate it if you would test PEMF exposure on unjabbed blood. Or do you think that is not necessary as we unjabbed are exposed to shedding?


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - May 27, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

Have you seen any difference with vegetarians vs. meat eaters? since the meat supply is contaminated.
Also, regardless, you should consider treating the clots with rife frequency, which uses an rf signal at 11x multiple higher than the audio signal. Perhaps this is the "secret" to destroying this vile vaccine and contamination to vibrate it at its' critical resonance frequency and break it up into pieces.
Here is published literature on Royal Rife Frequencies from a subject matter expert that dedicated decades of her life picking up the pieces of Rife's lifework from 1920s and 1930s. Rife passed away in 1971 and five years later we had TAMI and MIND go online in 1976.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 27, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Hi Brandon, many of our colleagues have treated C19 vaccinated with Rife - up to 6 times a day - it does not clear the blood from hydrogel filaments. People feel better, but it does not clean the blood. You can see the effect of any treatment with live blood analysis. The only thing so far that I have seen to verifiably clear the blood is intravenous EDTA ( not oral or transdermal, dose is not high enough). Not very encouraging, which is why more people need to stop assuming and start looking if their therapies work or not. We need pre and post treatment blood assessment, not just conjecture. More people need to seriously look at this


Roman S Shapoval - May 27, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

It would be interesting to do an experiment with someone drinking structured water (or deuterium depleted water) for a month, and getting Am Sun, as melanin in the skin can help with heavy metal detox. I wonder if populations that have more melanin are less susceptible to vax injury:


Pwnda - May 27, 2023

Dr. Ana, have you heard of nanozeolite, and have you tested it’s effectiveness in comparison to IV EDTA?


anna burns - May 27, 2023

Veggies are contaminated also! Bill Gates is seeing to that.


AncientLoveLover - May 27, 2023

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

I have been taking gum spirits of turpentine cyclically which relieves the symptoms I have had since I was infected by long covid. I wonder if you would consider doing tests on this as a possible treatment that brought me back from what I felt was near death. I have done quite a bit of reading on it, but ultimately don’t know what the mechanism is that brings relief. I wish I were closer to Washington as I would volunteer to help find understanding and perhaps a cost effective mitigation.


anna burns - May 27, 2023

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

I have tried taking gum spirits of turpentine years ago because someone I knew believed it was helping her with a case if giardiasis that she contacted. She swore by gum spirits. There is a doctor named Dr. Jennifer Daniels who uses gum spirits and promotes it. When I tried it, even with a low dose, it made me so dizzy and it was so unpleasant that I never took it again, but I am still interested in it.https://www.healbygod.com/dr-jennifer-daniels-turpentine/


AncientLoveLover - Dec 27, 2023

AncientLoveLover’s Substack



AncientLoveLover - Dec 27, 2023

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

The above study is amazing spelling out what the active compounds do in Gum Spirits of Turpentine. It is indicated for antimalarial and anti-leishmania antifungal anti parasitic anti microbial... Keep in mind Bill Gates and fauci are both known to be experimenting with the vectors that carry malaria (mosquitos) and sand flies (fauci and the beagle puppies) which cause leishmaniasis a disfiguring and often fatal parasitic disease.


anna burns - Dec 27, 2023

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

I know that pine gum spirits are beneficial, but I had such a bad reaction to it, even at super low levels. Very unpleasant. My head was spinning and I could not walk.


AncientLoveLover - Dec 27, 2023

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

When I first began detoxing I had some very uncomfortable experiences. I have had to slowly build my tolerance level to some medicines. The worst herxheimer reaction I had was when I over alkalized with baking soda, then I had no idea that reaction would take place. We have spent a life time accumulating toxins, we have to take a light touch to purify ourselve. Just have to start slow with any detox protocol.


AncientLoveLover - Dec 27, 2023

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

This is a herxheimer reaction. It means you are purging high levels of toxicity. You can reduce the dose to just a couple drops or try another source like rosemary oil juniper oil melaleuca or orange peel start with a drop in coconut oil under the tongue. Then an hour later a binder like psyllium to remove toxins safely


NJ Election Advisor - Dec 27, 2023

NJ Election Advisor

Link is gone.


Kirsten - May 27, 2023

Soulbee3 Substack

I'm glad you found some relief! 💕


Stegiel - May 27, 2023 - Edited

The Journal of Lingering Sanity

5G patent for Rockefeller to be used on brains.


Cairn - mutual eye-rolling - May 27, 2023 - Edited

Cairn - mutual eye-rolling

$4.5 billion over twelve years federal funds okayed by Obama to switch on neurons in the brain using nanoparticles and someone called Friedman doing it.
If it goes to plan it will be finished in 2026.
Thank you Stegiel.


Cairn - mutual eye-rolling - May 27, 2023

Cairn - mutual eye-rolling

To be more precise: to switch neurons in the brain on or off.


Stegiel - May 27, 2023

The Journal of Lingering Sanity

https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/. graphene


Kimberly.EA - May 27, 2023

Heather LibertyCricket

I am unvaxxed, but vaccine injured due to transmission - for over 8 months now. I have horrible ulcers/sores on one of my legs from the effects of the transmission on my lymph system, as well as Morgellons and other parasites. For the last 6-8 weeks I have had hydrogel coming out of the sores, along with all the fluids that almost constantly drain from my leg. At first I thought it was 'biofilm' from the parasites, as they come to the surface of my leg, but then I touched the stuff and it is this rubbery substance - very gross - and it clumps together and stretches. I am very interested in more research regarding the effects of PEMF - on the unvaxxed. Especially because I was sold a Bemer body mat after I got sick and continue to use it - daily - assured by the Bemer sales rep and their "medical consultant" that it is safe, and should even help with my blood circulation.


Jeb - May 27, 2023

Kimberly, have you had PCR tests, injections from your dentist, any medical surgeries?? Where do you work to get this chronic transfection? I hope and pray you get help and heal!!!!


anna burns - May 27, 2023

can you find someone that does IV EDTA ? After hearing Dr. Ana's moments on it I think it would benefit you.


Kimberly.EA - May 27, 2023

Actually, Dr. Ana's office sent me a link:https://www.acam.org/to search for someone close to me. There were 2 docs that came up - both more than 20 miles away from me.....I can't even drive around the corner for food most days, so even one-way would be impossible. In spite of what she says about IV, I think I'm going to stick with the Rife frequency machine right now and perhaps start taking the EDTA orally.


Heather LibertyCricket - May 27, 2023

Heather LibertyCricket

Can you describe the hydrogel coming out of your leg? I just had a rubbery quarter inch long thing that I had to RIP out of my leg come out 2 nights ago. left a deep large hole..


Kimberly.EA - May 27, 2023

Yup - gotta love the holes, right? NOT! In my case because I've got my leg covered with gauze pads/roll, it is coming out under the pads, along with all the constant fluid dripping out of my leg, so it's WET - within minutes of applying the pads/roll. I just keep paper towels wrapped around my ankle to catch the constant dripping. So when I remove the pads to change to fresh ones, there is this "film" that lifts in "sheets" from my leg when I pull off the gauze pad(s). If you touch the "film" and move it, it collects together and looks like those "clots" the embalmers are pulling out of dead bodies. It's rubbery/stretchy - very gross - and scary.


Heather LibertyCricket - May 27, 2023

Heather LibertyCricket

Hi Kimberly,
Please make sure you don't use any steroid creams. Doesn't sound like you are, but they will exacerbate your problem.
I have 2 BEMERS and I have assumed they are helpful to us. My husband's blood work was better AFTER his j and j shot than before. He did all the detox stuff a week prior to the shot and for 8 wks after and used the BEMER religiously.
I *think* you would know if it was exacerbating your problems. But you could always try stopping for a week or two and see what happens.
I am very curious about these findings re PEMF as well as I'm pretty sure my 13yo and I are dealing with shedding injuries post husband vax even though he stayed in separate room for 8 wks post vax.
You mentioned you are grounding outside. Although I'm sure outside is preferable, and we will still do our 10 min a day min outside, I purchased grounding pillows and sheets to be delivered tomorrow as the small mat I got my son seems to be helping his tonsils atm and I figure 8 hours for the whole body is better than 10 min.


kaal - May 27, 2023


I believe my elderly relative had morgellans quite a while ago. For some reason i suggested she put oil of oregano on her skin with a carrier oil. She did so without the carrier oil. It burns. BUT she no longer has morgellans and just uses a little bit regularly. I dont want to question her and retraumatize her shes 96. But I think she just uses a bit around entry to nose and ears. Her body WAS very affected.


solutions - May 27, 2023

solutions’s Substack

This test is interesting, because we must be super efficient in time, now testing different kinds of solutions. Let's focus the research on solutions instead of techniques for detection, because at this point with all the multiple sources of pollution and volume, we must treat this biowar as an Adapt to survive the environment problem, were a creature has to adapt to it otherwise it won't survive. We must not treat this bioweapon/biowar as an outlier of the curve.


kaal - May 27, 2023


la quinta columna is saying tech is non human similar to what researchers have found in alleged alien implants.truthcomestolight.comwhat r the images?


WT - Aug 5, 2023

Wicked Truths

That's one of the only things I don't like about la quinta columna, that they're peddling the alien agenda with such statements.
It's easy to label synthetic biology as being alien and extraterrestrial, yet it is completely man-made. Alien implants are most likely nanotech implants by the CIA in illegal experimentation operations.
If we have to go on the fringe route, then I'd go for satanists obtaining the knowledge from demons via satanic rituals.


kaal - Aug 5, 2023


Yes if the tech is derived from / based from alien implants cia could have done it. However there is video of DR deagle wb yrs ago saying chemtrails have synthetic self aware life forms "not of this world" Harold Kautz Vella said it is black goo- esoteric alien. Well i would connect the 2 sources you mentioned. or 3


SciloVybin - May 28, 2023

SciloVybin’s Newsletter

What is the strength and signal of the PEMF? These details matter as anything over 30 microTesla is no longer increasing ATP senthesis.


Delina H Bishop MD - May 28, 2023

Delina’s Substack

My thoughts exactly 👍


WT - Aug 5, 2023

Wicked Truths

936000 microtesla, see technical information:


indi - May 27, 2023

Wicked Truths

What is a safe and reputable supplier for EDTA for IVs?


WT - Aug 5, 2023

Wicked Truths

That's the million dollar question :)
I can't think of anyone I would trust.


Kimberly.EA - May 27, 2023 - Edited

Hi Jeb - thanks so much for your prayers! And nope. No PCR tests at all, no dental appointments, no surgeries. I work from home - alone - so I'm very isolated - EXCEPT - that I tried to hire some help last summer and made the 'fatal' mistake of feeling sorry for a double Pfizer jabbed and boosted person who supposedly had many, many years of experience and hired her. She worked for me for just one week - very closely in my home - using my kitchen, bathroom, etc. and then quit. I got sick just 3 days later and have been sick ever since.


Jeb - May 27, 2023 - Edited

Kimberly, I doubt this one person for a week did this to your body. Has to be the chemtrails, water, and food. I filter my water, and eat mostly organic with cutting down on meat. Zeolite has helped me also for detoxing metals. Something else you could try. Get the EDTA cream also.https://lighthealing.thegoodinside.com/shop/product/pure-body-extra-strengthPraying daily has served me well also!!!


Kimberly.EA - May 27, 2023 - Edited

Ironically, Zeolite is one of those things that has challenged me with all the timing/scheduling of everything! I've been so desperate to heal that I've pretty much tried everything at this point....


Jeb - May 27, 2023 - Edited

Are you 110% sure you have Morgellon's? Just wondering how you're so sure. Lord please help Kimberly!!!!!! It took about a month on my protocol to see a difference. Hope you stuck to some of these remedy's for that long. Detoxing takes some time.


Kimberly.EA - May 27, 2023

Between all the pics I've seen on various sites online and the telltale "fibers"....yup, no doubt - but there's other buggers too....which is partly why it was so frustrating taking the antiparasitical drugs - they are all on different schedules for hatching, maturing, etc. I've stuck with each "thing" at least until things started to turn and get worse - which didn't help at all. So frustrating.


Jeb - May 27, 2023

Darn! I must not have Morgellon's unless it hasn't got to your stage yet. I seem to itch a lot, but my legs have totally healed up. Wish I had more answers. I'm retired and will continue my research daily!


Kimberly.EA - May 27, 2023

I pray you don't have Morgellons - it is extremely painful - although there are others that are also extremely painful! Oh, how I wish I could retire - except that I did a very in depth Bible study a number of years back with a Jewish Rabbi who proved/convinced me that nowhere in the Bible does it talk about "retiring"! Rather, you see people's jobs change - to more "management" or teaching....to the younger. And sadly, I can't retire now anyway! Since all this started all those months ago my entire life savings in my retirement accounts was stolen. Yup. And I'm still one year away from "full retirement age" with the SS Admin, so....good thing for me the Bible basically tells me I must keep working....somehow....


anna burns - May 27, 2023

Dr Lee Merritt, the medical rebel has a really good parasite protocol on her website that she recommends.


Kimberly.EA - May 27, 2023

Yes! She does! I'm a member of her "rebels" and attend all her live Zoom meetings so I'm very familiar with her protocol(s). And that's what I used at the beginning. The problem is, her protocol is really more for a general parasite removal - not if you've got a full-blown parasite attack/infection going on. I had to be far more aggressive than she specifies and even then I've had to move on to more protocols.


anna burns - May 27, 2023

I'm not sure why, but I don't trust the liquid zeolite. I had been using the powder from a reputable source. One must be careful with zeolite. I can be contaminated with mold and also with petroleum products.


anna burns - May 27, 2023

which brand of zeolite do you use?


Mitch - May 27, 2023

What does ‘normal’ blood look like after being left standing for 4 hours? Would be great to have a comparison...


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 27, 2023

Humans no longer have normal blood - we have shown that with live blood analysis. But if you look at the video I posted in the linked previous post, blood should not have a rubber like substance in it. That tells anyone who does not know anything about biology or medicine - there is something seriously wrong.


Jeb - May 27, 2023

Just a red clot consisting of blood components only. You attempt to handle it and it slowly disintegrates. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.



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