The cabal may have this plan, but it won't succeed. Too many humans ARE awake and ARE reaffirming their connection to spirit / source / god / all there is. Their schemes and plans will fail to manifest into reality. They need our consent. That's why they do all these weird things. We only need to shift our own individual consciousness. To not buy in to their narratives, no matter what. To release old stuck emotional patterns that keep us in *their* game -- and chiefly among those are fear, guilt, anger, judgement and pride. Those we need to surrender. And focus instead / shift ourselves to hold the higher energy of what we would choose. Courage, joy, connection, limitlessness, curiosity, abundance. In every moment. The individual affects the collective, not the other way around. Each one holding this energy helps everyone else around "hear" it. When enough of us do this, when the amplitude of these new conscious choices increases to a certain point, it's simply game over for them.
You are correct. This is a spiritual battle manifesting on earth. Do not fear! The evil are already aware of the shift and they are scrambling to rush their plans. They are making mistakes and getting sloppy. The infiltrators have been infiltrated and more whistleblowers will be coming out. There will be a time that most will think all is lost, but GOD is not going to let that happen. He's had to allow for some of it so the evil will walk into the traps he set. PRAY, THINK POSITIVE/DO NOT COMPLAIN, SPEAK POSITIVE WORDS, LAUGH AT THE EVIL, SPEAK GOD's WORDS AT THEM AND THEY WILL REPENT OR FLEE. We know how this ends - God wins. He already has.
I DISAGREE, they do not NEED our consent on any of this , and they are not going to leave it to our choice, being awake means nothing UNTIL IT IS FULLY LIVED and ACTED UPON. Philosophy will not work here.
I disagree Thomas,she's right but that it is difficult I agree as what Suzanne said is what I aspire to do.Of course I think sometimes I could just take off with my MerKaBa light body and experience the real rapture.Yes it's possible.Anyways looking at the big picture if it truly is a freewill universe then posting this actually would be powerful.I hope it becomes part of the Akashic records,
You know, we might as well go and kill ourselves right away and get it over with now already, were we to let ourselves be overtaken by your entirely negative stance
Time for talking is over.
The enemy is so far into the compound now, the thing to do now is bring out the flame-throwers : if you know, get outta the way; if ya don’t know, you’re going to get burnt.
now, the people were deceived to live and work for maintaining this false economy, rigged and weaponized for fast genocide through technology. An initial and simple approach all our community must consider is to movie out of these cities,and in the way you may test that due to climate change the microwave towers could get melted...
Where would the millions go -- camp on desert, swamp, farm, woods? What would they eat and drink? They can't even give up smartphone and hot water from the tap.
The real cause of climate change are all the Cell towers (with frequency of microwave oven 24hrs/day). All the engineers and gas technicians know that they put the ventilation grid down on the walls, because CO2 is DENSER than the air. The ocean and the land absorb all the CO2.
they need our agreement from enough people who believe the fake narratives. That's why they just spent a trillion $ to brainwash the globe about "covid." If we'd all said oh fuck off and laughed at this 100 fake "emergency," they never could've pulled it off. Yes, we do need to live it and act ... yes, there are times to stand up and say no ... but the simple decision to say "oh fuck off" and to laugh and go about our lives as if they are have no authority and to create the systems we need and deserve if / when / just in case they shut the current ones off are all acts that take our energy out of perpetuating the current corrupt systems and empowers us to create what we want instead. It isn't philosophy here per se. It's just realizing how they operate and taking our energy and directing it to positive purpose instead of the fight they are conjuring. They're using the same bag of tricks again to manipulate and control us so we predictably get triggered into another fight. The fight itself is their game.
Give it another 10 years when Meta is better, those who get addicted, will be giving their consent. They know this and it makes it a more fun game for them to play.
yes but that is ALREADY TRUE WITH THE CELL PHONE WEAPON and its not just addiction its programming like complete hypnotic control, and brain damage , never used one , never will .
True, but they still live human lives and slave. When food is brought to them, because there are no jobs, Meta will nearly 100% replace their day. They will only come out of that false reality within this false reality to pee and eat. I think we have not seen the worst yet.
Is faith in a divine Superpower a philosophy? Is love of the good and love of life and ONE'S OWN life and it's source, a philosophy? These are the motivating elements which have enabled me to stand, and stand taller everyday of this struggle.
if you live them truly then they are more than a philosophy they are a living truth , that is different from philosophical beliefs based mostly on conjecture and false doctrines , and programming to acceptance by faith. Good for you if you live them .
Im aware of all that and have been since they first began the Star Wars insanity under Reagan and the first HAARP type installation, and Elana Freeland , who has written all the great books on all this is someone I have known for many years.
You say it won't work? It is working I teach Dr Ana protocols and Chelation to the masses. Every person I come upon have talked transhumanist agenda to thousands, fact is people are wsking up about 2-4% of those I talk to. Also many know about the bioweapon but again about 2% learn the detox regimen and apply it. Transhuman is taking over there brain and now they will take over humanity. I make many podcasts that garner a few thousand views but have minimal positive effects. Very sad
All I can say is… Wow. I’ve known what the plan is for a long time but not to the extent they’ve gone and how much farther they’re going. Let us pray that more people wake up as soon as possible before they are put to sleep for good.
Thank you for keeping us informed, Dr Ana.
But you are also resistant more than average since you remain awake. Some TIs have not yielded to the satanic designs because they possess a special ability to resist. If the satanists "capture" your soul, it's their illusion because God's eternal creation can't be stolen. Do you think witches (actually the wisest, most knowlegdeable and spirited women Inquisition persecuted) ceased to exist as sould because the "church" mafia decided to burn her?
But do you know that speech is about the communist menace and not secret societies like freemasons/Skull and Bones etc? The public known part like above is not the entire speech but the very carefully selected part for the press. Check out:
NO there is no difference , who do you think created and pushed global communism which has simply morphed into GEOENGINEERED TRANSHUMANISM, SAME PEOPLE , FAMILIES agendas for 4000 years. JFK s father was partners with all these banking buddies. They got him elected, the wacked him when he went rogue on them and was going to tell the people everything.
I dont disagree with your reply, Professor Walter E. Veith his Total Onslaught series ( has taught me all about it in fascinating style. But who knew at that time that freemasons control both extreme left and extreme right totalitarianism, the thesis AND the anti-thesis ? There is still a vast majority that does not know that, the complete speech actually promotes self-censorship by US journalists, the exact opposite of what the common got to hear. Thats what i meant, but it could be im missing something.
Just curious, did you found out that quote in Geoengineerings documentary ''The Dimming''? (this was a question and watch tip combo. I did actually find it quite shocking so thats a warning, and im used to SRA and MK Ultra docs.)
Global Dimming,Yes the earth is being terraformed as humans are being transhumanized.Elana freeland is a expert ongeoengineering.It's not just weather control,there's at least 7 different agendas.The smart dust nanobots concern me the most.
You certainly are not deterred by the darkest of these subjects. Thank you for that. Dark it is until you and others shed a light on it and eradicate its power.
Peaceful non compliance but those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.They know that too,prepared for it.We need a quantum leap,a mass awakening of the public.We are a programmed species though.The solution is we humans have to change,learn who and what we truly are.
Yes and THEN DO WHAT ? Do you think they will just change because we dont like their agenda , do you think we can shame them into better behavior? Do you think they will just stop worshiping and doing evil, because a certain mass of people wake up. Does nt work that way. Will a psychopathic serial killer examine their actions and decide to change?
Ever watched Anita Moorji video dying to be me?Turn on that warehouse light and you see everything.
Thank you for explaining this in laymen’s terms so I can pass this along to others who deem me as the crazy one, lol ๐. What’s is mind blowing to me is as a fiction book lover this has been written about prior. Which has always made me wonder what did these authors really know ahead of the rest of us? And how and why?
One main series comes to mind is Dean Koontz’s Jane Hawk series and Stephen Kings book Cell.
I will check out the two books you suggested to get a deeper insight on what’s happening today.
Thank you doc Ana for all your hard work and excellent research ๐ฌ, you have made a huge difference in my life and will pass this on hoping to do the same for others.
We know that some of these technologies have existed for decades because Hollywood has been prepping us by making movies about all of this for as long.
Even though there is so much evidence to prove it, the large majority of people are unable to understand or accept that almost unfathomable evil of this nature actually and truly exists.
Although it does come with risks, one has to admit that living in ignorance is living in bliss - never has the been truer.
Dr.a Ana Milhacea is a fearless and extremely resourceful force for good.
She has put on the full armour of God and, in the process, provided is with inspiration and extraordinary expert knowledge.
Thank you so, so much for all you do and for what you stand for!
God bless
Dr. Ana, thank you for your courage and insight.
There is a $1.3 billion dollar lawsuit filed by Targeted Justice against the DOJ, FBI , & DHS for bloating the Terror Watchlist with the names of innocent Americans, for the purpose of turning these weaponized technologies against us: Mind-invasive tech, directed energy weapons and gangstalking on an increasingly massive scale.
It was filed on Jan. 11th and is in process now. The legal strategy of attorney Ana Toledo is excellent, and may crack the dam of lies open. Please look into this, and help get eyes on this case. Thank you Dr. Ana!
I guess it depends on how much public pressure or awareness there is among people that the national security state is a genocidal criminal. If we can help people come to this realization, maybe we can restore the rule of law. I suppose this is preferable to the alternative
This is a civil case. It is what civilized people do, seek redress in court. It is the right thing to do. What comes next, who knows?? IT DEPENDS ON HOW PEOPLE RESPOND
I love Maria Zeee and Celeste Solum! I have watched almost everything Maria Zee has put out for about two years.
Perhaps people will be better prepared to resist the synthetic biology agenda, after the targeting program is publicly exposed in the judicial system.
The bloating of the Terror Watchlist with innocent people for nefarious purposes is a straightforward, easily demonstrable abuse of power. Directed energy weapons and mind-invasive tech is easier to prove and understand for most people, who have no idea about any of these crimes.
What is your answer to this situation? What do you propose we do?
we need Jesus so badly. i have been awake for a few years now and i knew we had an evil gov. but this is just more proof. keep exposing these demons and the more people wake up the better.
I am forever indebted to you for your work proving the efficacy of EDTA on clearing the blood of nanotech. I knew there had to be some way the elites are detoxing. I've been taking it orally and am hopeful that I might live longer because I followed your advice (I can't afford it intravenously).
With all due respect, though, I think you go too far on just one point, and you might lead people to despair if you keep misrepresenting the human soul and mind as if they had a material nature.
Please bear with me. I have good news.
The human soul and mind are spiritual, not material. That means they're invisible to us and can't be detected by any of our senses, nor by any material instrument. They are not merely our brain waves or anything else that can be measured. Even devils, which are spirits, can't read our minds or interfere directly with them because in His infinite goodness, God never gave them that power. Devils and many material things can indeed affect our senses and our imaginations but that's it. Devils can take possession of us but only if we somehow make ourselves an easy mark for it, and God allows it.
In this life, the powers of the soul and the mind do *depend* on the brain to function properly, and so material things like drugs, foods, weapons, nanotech etc can injure, mislead, fool, otherwise harm our ability to reason, and weaken our will to do good, and kill our bodies. But at the moment of bodily death the mind and soul *do not die*. Because not even the death of the brain can kill them. That's good news!
It might seem like a small point, or just semantics, but as you know, a traveller trying to get from point A to point B who starts off veering ever so slightly off the right path will never arrive unless he sees his mistake and corrects himself. In this case, if someone believes a material thing can directly affect something immaterial, he's in danger of losing his grip on reality.
Thanks for your attention and consideration.
I love what you say, but still I worry. Listening to this Dr. Duncan; he said exactly that - that they CAN read your mind, and in several different ways.
Your confusion is understandable. Maybe this will help: Have you thought about what kind of proof, one way or another, would be convincing? Perhaps some experiments of your own would suffice. For example, monitor your own thoughts for 5 minutes. See if you can count them. Then see if you can record them all somehow, accurately. (Besides God, who can know your thoughts better than you?)
If you think you can record them all somehow, then go ahead and distinguish the thoughts to which you consented, from the distractions. Because only the thoughts to which we consent can affect our actions.
Also, ask those who claim that technology can 'read' our thoughts, what kind of proof they have. What experiments have they done? If none, then ask them in what form would the record of the thoughts be, if they could be 'read'? Would the record be in language, like a stream of consciousness poem, and might there also be some illustrations or music? If you've noticed, only some of our thoughts are expressed in language (like 'self talk' but even that is far more complex than can be expressed only in language). Many others are just passing images, but those are not necessarily thoughts to which we consent. Many have no identifiable image at all to go with them, for example the term 'philosophy'. The image of the word itself doesn't enter the imagination whenever we think of it, so how exactly could anyone (except God) know we were thinking of it?
The best nanotech can do to 'read' our thoughts is to *guess*. Maybe the worst it can do is frame us for some crime. If a critical mass of people believe nanotech can read minds, all an enemy would need to do to frame an innocent person is to produce 'evidence' from the record of someone's thoughts.
As I said, nanotech can do enough harm without 'reading' our thoughts. But the harm that's done by otherwise good-willed people, who claim it can, is only making everything worse.
For just one example, imagine the result of just one person living his life thinking his thoughts are all known to some mortal enemy. Imagine living with that as if you believe it every moment. Then imagine more and more people with that belief. I'm not saying it's wrong *because* it would cause harm, I'm saying it's wrong and therefore dangerous.
Hope that makes sense.
We are not our minds or our thoughts, but the observer of those thoughts. Attaching to thought Is problematic. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Accepting this separation is a key step to accepting the situation. I know no answers except the true understanding of this is liberation.
What we are witnessing are the final takedown schemes to achieve planetary consumption. Feeding frenzies of mutated twisted beings that are not organic to earth. According to some sources, this has been in progress for eons of time. All the intrusions and harms to the biofield of this planet are staggering. Earth is special and will not fall to these marauders. I don't know what this might look like, but I want to go with Earth and what still stands of its beautiful organic, regenerating life field.
Here's some references people may be interested in:
“But ungodly men by their words and deeds summoned death (Satan), ‘but through the Devil’s envy, death entered the world’”, (Wisdom 2:24) and
"Considering him a friend, they pined away, and they made a covenant with him, because they are fit to belong to his party; Thus they reasoned, but they were led astray, for their wickedness blinded them. (Wisdom 1:16; 2:21). Evil dulls the intellect and weakens the will.
“Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil", (Ephesians 6:11) and
"he who endures (perseveres) to the end will be saved", (Matthew 24:13. Mark 13:13) and
"For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been shortened, no human being would be saved: but for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened", (Matthew 24:21-22. Mark 13:19-20 and Daniel 12:1).
The Old Testament. Go to the Wisdom of Solomon, just after Song of Solomon. All of chapter 1 and chapter 2 are worth reading, from which the above quotes were taken. Here's two more:
“For he created all things that they might exist, and the generative forces of the world are wholesome and there is no destructive poison in them…,” (Wisdom 1:14). Beware of those who attempt to sterilize living things, especially humans or otherwise reduce population. By inference it is clear that transhumanism is an abomination.
"For perverse thoughts separate men from God, and when His power is tested it convicts the foolish; for wisdom will not enter a deceitful soul nor dwell in a body enslaved to sin", (Wisdom 1:3-4).
RSVCE but can be found in the Douay-Rheims and the ACB. It is absent from the KJV and others. I recommend reading the entire book. Footnotes found in the ACB are helpful, especially when applied to our situation today. For example, see: If you use biblegateway you can compare what is found in many different versions. I find the apocryphal texts to be useful, others may not.
Good job, thanks Queen.
Super based. Fear is the killer and we had to earn our spurs to get to this point of reconciliation with the truth, involving ever bitter layers of onion peeling.
That is to say that we are able to vibrate high enough to handle it.
Nothing is known except by the knower and in an ecology of believers, credentialism and the bandwagon fallacy is normed.
I love my family though they are retarded, especially considering their intelligence. There is no juice to squeeze in sharing the X-Files with them, yet I can candify some knowledge for their well being if they so choose. Supplements and such. They eat shit and stay in the dark. Normies covet their government who farm them like mushrooms.
By the way, the earth isn't a globe.
Corpenicus was a filthy Jesuit like Fauci.
I appreciated his first book when I was living through gangstalking. & morgellons. Both very scary situations. It’s been going on far too long. Dr John Hall book Guinea Pigs was helpful as well.
Oh my yeah. If you haven’t been targeted, it sounds too sensational to be real. One good thing, I know in my soul and in my bones God got me through. Also had some amazing blessings in my life recently. (I have 2 friends online who understand. My own tin foil hat club and prayer partners. )
I know how you feel. I didn't suffer from Morgellons luckily. I was targeted for different reasons, being I was experimented on in the Army with the Nanotech. This soul catcher stuff.
Fool on all them that do evil though, it's going to back fire on them.
God bless you. I had reported a registered sex offender , I got followed, had break ins, drugged probably with scolpamine , violated, only sibling stole an inheritance, and the energy weapons all night long for years. & the slander. It certainly opened my eyes to the evil forces flourishing for the time being. It got me back to my faith in Jesus. Had amazing blessings occur the last 3 years. I credit God completely . I have 2 close friends online who have gone through it too, very rare to have such good friends in the “targeted community “. (A podcast helped too , on spreaker Zeph Daniel of the Zeph Report. )
Roaslind, can you please let Larry Sullivan Substack that for some weird reason Substack blocked me. He last made a comment today and Substack wouldn't let me like or reply. I don't think Larry realizes what is going on that I can't reply. Could be a glitch, or he could have accidentally blocked or Substack is interfering. Substack unsubbed me too. Could be new Censorship tactic. Thank you.
Thank you. So many people are suffering! I’m very blessed God unexpectedly moved me from upstate New York to central Florida and it mostly ceased. Also I’ve been married 3 years,( very unexpected!) I had been divorced for many years and wasn’t dating or looking for a spouse. We married just before lockdown. being a newlywed made it easier!
Civilization collapse in slow motion. There’s nothing natural about it, none of it. It is a controlled demolition that just may get out of control when the SHTF. The Nazi parasites have been at it since at least Operation Paperclip. All those secret classified operations, funded mainly by taxpayers, which is like buying the rope used to hang yourself, and people did not demand transparency strongly enough.
If the AI prophets like Yudkowsky ( realize their singularity wet dream and AI morphs into Skynet, it will wipe out everything, including the crooks that have been poisoning entire ecosystems for generations, if this can be any consolation, or poetic justice.
It's not human at all. Ancient galactic race of artificial intelligence beings; a true hive mind consciousness that is inorganic and anti-life, and has infected this world for aeons like a virus. You can see the evidence all around, in the mathematics of our reality; the inverted binary system which is not Source-connected and eventually spins itself down into nonexistence. It is on full display with the Kabbalah; a base ten code system that has formed the scaffolding of the major world religions. The original, organic structure of the universe is base twelve and can be found within the principles of Vortex math.
The inverted binary system?! Vortex math?! I KNEW math was wicked! LOL Seriously! I’ve had my suspicions and you are the first person I’ve heard mention it! Any tips on good place to begin truth research on this topic? Fascinating. Thank you for sharing.
I started the galactic history journey with Ashayana Deane's work - the Voyagers 1 & 2 books, and became very interested in the science of ascension, which is Keylontic Science. She's credited for that, and some of her contemporaries include Lisa Renee, Xi Earthstar. I also found Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio, who was part of Ashayana's original group in the 2000s. He has developed a healing technlogy called Rasha, and has a series of very informative monthly podcasts where he talks through the details of science ; there are early sessions about the structure of the universe in context to the binary code and he recently spoke on it again ( There are others who also go into this, these are the people that I started with and still return to, now and then. The Trivium and the Quadrivium are two very fundamental studies that you will want to explore, as well as the Kyballion. All of this work is very integrative and deep. Third eye blind people who are stuck in linear thinking cannot even hear any of this information and insist that it is all woo-woo; they are of course free to continue their lives in the matrix, following cradle-to-grave programming that the controllers have set up for them, and insisting that the only truth is either found literally within Biblical pages or Newtonian physics, and that is fine.....but for those who question, they find that consciousness is multidimensional, and so are all things in the universe. Good luck with your studies!
"My view is that people need to understand that everything about reality has been a lie." It has taken me decades to understand this, but now I see it and once you see it, you cannot unsee it. It helps explain all the crazy policies that have baffled me for years. Once you understand that the Constitution was thrown out by our leaders decades ago, it all makes sense. And I have even more awe for our God who is superior to all this and who is good. I prize goodness so much more now. As always, thank you, Dr Ana.
Suzanne O'Keeffe - May 3, 2023 - Edited
Winning the Frequency Wars
The cabal may have this plan, but it won't succeed. Too many humans ARE awake and ARE reaffirming their connection to spirit / source / god / all there is. Their schemes and plans will fail to manifest into reality. They need our consent. That's why they do all these weird things. We only need to shift our own individual consciousness. To not buy in to their narratives, no matter what. To release old stuck emotional patterns that keep us in *their* game -- and chiefly among those are fear, guilt, anger, judgement and pride. Those we need to surrender. And focus instead / shift ourselves to hold the higher energy of what we would choose. Courage, joy, connection, limitlessness, curiosity, abundance. In every moment. The individual affects the collective, not the other way around. Each one holding this energy helps everyone else around "hear" it. When enough of us do this, when the amplitude of these new conscious choices increases to a certain point, it's simply game over for them.
Charlene Jones - Sep 16, 2023
Thaddeus Robinson
You are correct. This is a spiritual battle manifesting on earth. Do not fear! The evil are already aware of the shift and they are scrambling to rush their plans. They are making mistakes and getting sloppy. The infiltrators have been infiltrated and more whistleblowers will be coming out. There will be a time that most will think all is lost, but GOD is not going to let that happen. He's had to allow for some of it so the evil will walk into the traps he set. PRAY, THINK POSITIVE/DO NOT COMPLAIN, SPEAK POSITIVE WORDS, LAUGH AT THE EVIL, SPEAK GOD's WORDS AT THEM AND THEY WILL REPENT OR FLEE. We know how this ends - God wins. He already has.
Thaddeus Robinson - Mar 15
Thaddeus Robinson
Thomas Guitarman - May 3, 2023 - Edited
Thomas’s Substack
I DISAGREE, they do not NEED our consent on any of this , and they are not going to leave it to our choice, being awake means nothing UNTIL IT IS FULLY LIVED and ACTED UPON. Philosophy will not work here.
John Vargo - May 4, 2023
John Vargo
I disagree Thomas,she's right but that it is difficult I agree as what Suzanne said is what I aspire to do.Of course I think sometimes I could just take off with my MerKaBa light body and experience the real rapture.Yes it's possible.Anyways looking at the big picture if it truly is a freewill universe then posting this actually would be powerful.I hope it becomes part of the Akashic records,
Pamela Raditsch - May 4, 2023 - Edited
Pamela Raditsch
You know, we might as well go and kill ourselves right away and get it over with now already, were we to let ourselves be overtaken by your entirely negative stance
Thomas Guitarman - May 4, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Nonsense , Im calling this out for actions not beliefs and philosophies , that is not negative , its a call to arms
Syd (is not my real name) - May 4, 2023 - Edited
Syd (is not my real name)
Time for talking is over.
The enemy is so far into the compound now, the thing to do now is bring out the flame-throwers : if you know, get outta the way; if ya don’t know, you’re going to get burnt.
solutions - May 4, 2023 - Edited
solutions’s Substack
now, the people were deceived to live and work for maintaining this false economy, rigged and weaponized for fast genocide through technology. An initial and simple approach all our community must consider is to movie out of these cities,and in the way you may test that due to climate change the microwave towers could get melted...
Piotr Bein - Dec 27, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Where would the millions go -- camp on desert, swamp, farm, woods? What would they eat and drink? They can't even give up smartphone and hot water from the tap.
Syd (is not my real name) - May 4, 2023
Syd (is not my real name)
“..oops, must have been a hot
solutions - May 4, 2023
solutions’s Substack
The real cause of climate change are all the Cell towers (with frequency of microwave oven 24hrs/day). All the engineers and gas technicians know that they put the ventilation grid down on the walls, because CO2 is DENSER than the air. The ocean and the land absorb all the CO2.
Pamela Raditsch - May 4, 2023
Pamela Raditsch
This is true
Piotr Bein - Dec 27, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Right on! For Christians it's in NT when Christ says it's not enough to pray, one has to act.
Suzanne O'Keeffe - May 3
Winning the Frequency Wars
they need our agreement from enough people who believe the fake narratives. That's why they just spent a trillion $ to brainwash the globe about "covid." If we'd all said oh fuck off and laughed at this 100 fake "emergency," they never could've pulled it off. Yes, we do need to live it and act ... yes, there are times to stand up and say no ... but the simple decision to say "oh fuck off" and to laugh and go about our lives as if they are have no authority and to create the systems we need and deserve if / when / just in case they shut the current ones off are all acts that take our energy out of perpetuating the current corrupt systems and empowers us to create what we want instead. It isn't philosophy here per se. It's just realizing how they operate and taking our energy and directing it to positive purpose instead of the fight they are conjuring. They're using the same bag of tricks again to manipulate and control us so we predictably get triggered into another fight. The fight itself is their game.
Birds771 - May 3
Give it another 10 years when Meta is better, those who get addicted, will be giving their consent. They know this and it makes it a more fun game for them to play.
Thomas Guitarman - May 3
Thomas’s Substack
yes but that is ALREADY TRUE WITH THE CELL PHONE WEAPON and its not just addiction its programming like complete hypnotic control, and brain damage , never used one , never will .
Birds771 - May 3
True, but they still live human lives and slave. When food is brought to them, because there are no jobs, Meta will nearly 100% replace their day. They will only come out of that false reality within this false reality to pee and eat. I think we have not seen the worst yet.
Thaddeus Robinson - Mar 15
Thaddeus Robinson
Is faith in a divine Superpower a philosophy? Is love of the good and love of life and ONE'S OWN life and it's source, a philosophy? These are the motivating elements which have enabled me to stand, and stand taller everyday of this struggle.
Thomas Guitarman - Mar 15
Thomas’s Substack
if you live them truly then they are more than a philosophy they are a living truth , that is different from philosophical beliefs based mostly on conjecture and false doctrines , and programming to acceptance by faith. Good for you if you live them .
Thaddeus Robinson - Mar 15
Thaddeus Robinson
Thanks for that. Those ARE the principal reasons I've survived to this day
Sharon Palowski - Oct 25
Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life”. John 14:6
Thomas Guitarman - Jul 5, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Comment removed.
Thomas Guitarman - Jul 5, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Im aware of all that and have been since they first began the Star Wars insanity under Reagan and the first HAARP type installation, and Elana Freeland , who has written all the great books on all this is someone I have known for many years.
Gary - Apr 27
Gary’s Substack
If one can hold love for all creation through this tempest of hubris and hate - that is an incredibly beautiful and powerful force all its own.
Greg Connolly - Nov 25, 2023
John - Jan 23
You say it won't work? It is working I teach Dr Ana protocols and Chelation to the masses. Every person I come upon have talked transhumanist agenda to thousands, fact is people are wsking up about 2-4% of those I talk to. Also many know about the bioweapon but again about 2% learn the detox regimen and apply it. Transhuman is taking over there brain and now they will take over humanity. I make many podcasts that garner a few thousand views but have minimal positive effects. Very sad
Birds771 - May 3
So well put. I totally agree.
Nona 104 - May 3, 2023 - Edited
All I can say is… Wow. I’ve known what the plan is for a long time but not to the extent they’ve gone and how much farther they’re going. Let us pray that more people wake up as soon as possible before they are put to sleep for good.
Thank you for keeping us informed, Dr Ana.
Willows - May 4, 2023 - Edited
I fear that I'll be put to sleep for good very soon because I'm awake and aware of this evil tech! ๐ฅด๐คฏ๐คฌ
Piotr Bein - Dec 27, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
But you are also resistant more than average since you remain awake. Some TIs have not yielded to the satanic designs because they possess a special ability to resist. If the satanists "capture" your soul, it's their illusion because God's eternal creation can't be stolen. Do you think witches (actually the wisest, most knowlegdeable and spirited women Inquisition persecuted) ceased to exist as sould because the "church" mafia decided to burn her?
Thaddeus Robinson - Mar 15
Thaddeus Robinson
fot to clear all Doubts all fear, and all evil
Thaddeus Robinson - Mar 15
Thaddeus Robinson
I do
Nostradamus X - May 3, 2023
Nostradamus X
“He who controls the weather controls the world” – Lyndon B. Johnson, 1962
Nostradamus X - May 3, 2023
Nostradamus X
๏ JFK - 1963: Unveiled Ruthless Conspiracy...
Wake up folks. It's already too late!
Dutch Deviance - May 4, 2023
Dutch’s Substack
But do you know that speech is about the communist menace and not secret societies like freemasons/Skull and Bones etc? The public known part like above is not the entire speech but the very carefully selected part for the press. Check out:
Thomas Guitarman - May 5, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
NO there is no difference , who do you think created and pushed global communism which has simply morphed into GEOENGINEERED TRANSHUMANISM, SAME PEOPLE , FAMILIES agendas for 4000 years. JFK s father was partners with all these banking buddies. They got him elected, the wacked him when he went rogue on them and was going to tell the people everything.
Thomas Guitarman - May 7, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Professor Walter E. Veith he has put out a great deal of important info. Im familiar.
Dutch Deviance - May 7, 2023
Dutch’s Substack
I dont disagree with your reply, Professor Walter E. Veith his Total Onslaught series ( has taught me all about it in fascinating style. But who knew at that time that freemasons control both extreme left and extreme right totalitarianism, the thesis AND the anti-thesis ? There is still a vast majority that does not know that, the complete speech actually promotes self-censorship by US journalists, the exact opposite of what the common got to hear. Thats what i meant, but it could be im missing something.
Dutch Deviance - May 4, 2023
Dutch’s Substack
Just curious, did you found out that quote in Geoengineerings documentary ''The Dimming''? (this was a question and watch tip combo. I did actually find it quite shocking so thats a warning, and im used to SRA and MK Ultra docs.)
John Vargo - May 4, 2023
John Vargo
Global Dimming,Yes the earth is being terraformed as humans are being transhumanized.Elana freeland is a expert ongeoengineering.It's not just weather control,there's at least 7 different agendas.The smart dust nanobots concern me the most.
Dutch Deviance - May 7, 2023
Dutch’s Substack
Thanks for tip, to return the favor, you might like this video:
Thomas Guitarman - May 3, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
AND they were already doing it by then.
Gayle Wells - May 3, 2023
Gayle Wells
You certainly are not deterred by the darkest of these subjects. Thank you for that. Dark it is until you and others shed a light on it and eradicate its power.
Thomas Guitarman - May 3, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
JUST SHINING A LIGHT on this will not ERADICATE IT OR STOP IT. Only precise , wise, tactical, EFFECTIVE, ACTIONS WILL .
John Vargo - May 4, 2023
John Vargo
Peaceful non compliance but those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.They know that too,prepared for it.We need a quantum leap,a mass awakening of the public.We are a programmed species though.The solution is we humans have to change,learn who and what we truly are.
Thomas Guitarman - May 5, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Yes and THEN DO WHAT ? Do you think they will just change because we dont like their agenda , do you think we can shame them into better behavior? Do you think they will just stop worshiping and doing evil, because a certain mass of people wake up. Does nt work that way. Will a psychopathic serial killer examine their actions and decide to change?
John Vargo - May 4, 2023
John Vargo
Ever watched Anita Moorji video dying to be me?Turn on that warehouse light and you see everything.
Nanc - May 3, 2023
Nanc’s Substack
Thank you for explaining this in laymen’s terms so I can pass this along to others who deem me as the crazy one, lol ๐. What’s is mind blowing to me is as a fiction book lover this has been written about prior. Which has always made me wonder what did these authors really know ahead of the rest of us? And how and why?
One main series comes to mind is Dean Koontz’s Jane Hawk series and Stephen Kings book Cell.
I will check out the two books you suggested to get a deeper insight on what’s happening today.
Thank you doc Ana for all your hard work and excellent research ๐ฌ, you have made a huge difference in my life and will pass this on hoping to do the same for others.
Kamii Neko - May 3, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
And how and why? They're all Freemasons and its predictive programming.
Thomas Guitarman - May 3, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Mostly true
Kyle Young - May 3, 2023
the secular heretic
We know that some of these technologies have existed for decades because Hollywood has been prepping us by making movies about all of this for as long.
Marcelo Araujo - May 4, 2023
Marcelo Araujo
Even though there is so much evidence to prove it, the large majority of people are unable to understand or accept that almost unfathomable evil of this nature actually and truly exists.
Although it does come with risks, one has to admit that living in ignorance is living in bliss - never has the been truer.
Dr.a Ana Milhacea is a fearless and extremely resourceful force for good.
She has put on the full armour of God and, in the process, provided is with inspiration and extraordinary expert knowledge.
Thank you so, so much for all you do and for what you stand for!
God bless
John B. Phillips - May 3, 2023 - Edited
APOCRA Enterprises
Dr. Ana, thank you for your courage and insight.
There is a $1.3 billion dollar lawsuit filed by Targeted Justice against the DOJ, FBI , & DHS for bloating the Terror Watchlist with the names of innocent Americans, for the purpose of turning these weaponized technologies against us: Mind-invasive tech, directed energy weapons and gangstalking on an increasingly massive scale.
It was filed on Jan. 11th and is in process now. The legal strategy of attorney Ana Toledo is excellent, and may crack the dam of lies open. Please look into this, and help get eyes on this case. Thank you Dr. Ana!
Thomas Guitarman - May 5, 2023 - Edited
Thomas’s Substack
Well that is interesting and great but lets say it makes it all the way to the completely corrupted SCOTUS . What do you think will be the results?
John B. Phillips - May 5, 2023 - Edited
APOCRA Enterprises
I guess it depends on how much public pressure or awareness there is among people that the national security state is a genocidal criminal. If we can help people come to this realization, maybe we can restore the rule of law. I suppose this is preferable to the alternative
Thomas Guitarman - May 5, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Maybe its preferable, BUT what system would do the prosecuting all is corrupted to the top, Criminal cartels dont police or prosecute themselves.
John B. Phillips - May 5, 2023
APOCRA Enterprises
This is a civil case. It is what civilized people do, seek redress in court. It is the right thing to do. What comes next, who knows?? IT DEPENDS ON HOW PEOPLE RESPOND
Thomas Guitarman - May 5, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
How do you fell they will respond? Then what happens? and how does that stack up to the following info ?
John B. Phillips - May 6, 2023
APOCRA Enterprises
I love Maria Zeee and Celeste Solum! I have watched almost everything Maria Zee has put out for about two years.
Perhaps people will be better prepared to resist the synthetic biology agenda, after the targeting program is publicly exposed in the judicial system.
The bloating of the Terror Watchlist with innocent people for nefarious purposes is a straightforward, easily demonstrable abuse of power. Directed energy weapons and mind-invasive tech is easier to prove and understand for most people, who have no idea about any of these crimes.
What is your answer to this situation? What do you propose we do?
Inactive Account - May 4, 2023
Inactive Account
Excellent recommendation!
John B. Phillips - May 4, 2023
APOCRA Enterprises
Thank you, Dr. Ber!
barbara j woodward - May 4, 2023
we need Jesus so badly. i have been awake for a few years now and i knew we had an evil gov. but this is just more proof. keep exposing these demons and the more people wake up the better.
Astrid Maria R - May 4, 2023
Pamela Raditsch
I am forever indebted to you for your work proving the efficacy of EDTA on clearing the blood of nanotech. I knew there had to be some way the elites are detoxing. I've been taking it orally and am hopeful that I might live longer because I followed your advice (I can't afford it intravenously).
With all due respect, though, I think you go too far on just one point, and you might lead people to despair if you keep misrepresenting the human soul and mind as if they had a material nature.
Please bear with me. I have good news.
The human soul and mind are spiritual, not material. That means they're invisible to us and can't be detected by any of our senses, nor by any material instrument. They are not merely our brain waves or anything else that can be measured. Even devils, which are spirits, can't read our minds or interfere directly with them because in His infinite goodness, God never gave them that power. Devils and many material things can indeed affect our senses and our imaginations but that's it. Devils can take possession of us but only if we somehow make ourselves an easy mark for it, and God allows it.
In this life, the powers of the soul and the mind do *depend* on the brain to function properly, and so material things like drugs, foods, weapons, nanotech etc can injure, mislead, fool, otherwise harm our ability to reason, and weaken our will to do good, and kill our bodies. But at the moment of bodily death the mind and soul *do not die*. Because not even the death of the brain can kill them. That's good news!
It might seem like a small point, or just semantics, but as you know, a traveller trying to get from point A to point B who starts off veering ever so slightly off the right path will never arrive unless he sees his mistake and corrects himself. In this case, if someone believes a material thing can directly affect something immaterial, he's in danger of losing his grip on reality.
Thanks for your attention and consideration.
Pamela Raditsch - May 5, 2023
Pamela Raditsch
I love what you say, but still I worry. Listening to this Dr. Duncan; he said exactly that - that they CAN read your mind, and in several different ways.
Astrid Maria R - May 6, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
Your confusion is understandable. Maybe this will help: Have you thought about what kind of proof, one way or another, would be convincing? Perhaps some experiments of your own would suffice. For example, monitor your own thoughts for 5 minutes. See if you can count them. Then see if you can record them all somehow, accurately. (Besides God, who can know your thoughts better than you?)
If you think you can record them all somehow, then go ahead and distinguish the thoughts to which you consented, from the distractions. Because only the thoughts to which we consent can affect our actions.
Also, ask those who claim that technology can 'read' our thoughts, what kind of proof they have. What experiments have they done? If none, then ask them in what form would the record of the thoughts be, if they could be 'read'? Would the record be in language, like a stream of consciousness poem, and might there also be some illustrations or music? If you've noticed, only some of our thoughts are expressed in language (like 'self talk' but even that is far more complex than can be expressed only in language). Many others are just passing images, but those are not necessarily thoughts to which we consent. Many have no identifiable image at all to go with them, for example the term 'philosophy'. The image of the word itself doesn't enter the imagination whenever we think of it, so how exactly could anyone (except God) know we were thinking of it?
The best nanotech can do to 'read' our thoughts is to *guess*. Maybe the worst it can do is frame us for some crime. If a critical mass of people believe nanotech can read minds, all an enemy would need to do to frame an innocent person is to produce 'evidence' from the record of someone's thoughts.
As I said, nanotech can do enough harm without 'reading' our thoughts. But the harm that's done by otherwise good-willed people, who claim it can, is only making everything worse.
For just one example, imagine the result of just one person living his life thinking his thoughts are all known to some mortal enemy. Imagine living with that as if you believe it every moment. Then imagine more and more people with that belief. I'm not saying it's wrong *because* it would cause harm, I'm saying it's wrong and therefore dangerous.
Hope that makes sense.
Thomas Guitarman - Jun 2, 2023
Thomas’s Substack
I dont think your correct here , do a deeper dive into the tech now being deployed.
Astrid Maria R - Jun 2, 2023
No thanks. Reality is good enough for me.
Original Lisa - Sep 16, 2023
Yep, I’m going with this. ๐๐นโค๏ธ
Rosalind McGill - Sep 16, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Sadly I disagree Astrid. The technology is advanced & there’s literally no where to hide.
(& I’m trusting God to guide me forward . )
Margaritas at the Mall - Sep 16, 2023
Margaritas at the Mall
We are not our minds or our thoughts, but the observer of those thoughts. Attaching to thought Is problematic. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Accepting this separation is a key step to accepting the situation. I know no answers except the true understanding of this is liberation.
Juliane - May 3, 2023 - Edited
John H.
What we are witnessing are the final takedown schemes to achieve planetary consumption. Feeding frenzies of mutated twisted beings that are not organic to earth. According to some sources, this has been in progress for eons of time. All the intrusions and harms to the biofield of this planet are staggering. Earth is special and will not fall to these marauders. I don't know what this might look like, but I want to go with Earth and what still stands of its beautiful organic, regenerating life field.
John H. - May 4, 2023 - Edited
John H.
Comment removed.
John H. - May 4, 2023 - Edited
John H.
Here's some references people may be interested in:
“But ungodly men by their words and deeds summoned death (Satan), ‘but through the Devil’s envy, death entered the world’”, (Wisdom 2:24) and
"Considering him a friend, they pined away, and they made a covenant with him, because they are fit to belong to his party; Thus they reasoned, but they were led astray, for their wickedness blinded them. (Wisdom 1:16; 2:21). Evil dulls the intellect and weakens the will.
“Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil", (Ephesians 6:11) and
"he who endures (perseveres) to the end will be saved", (Matthew 24:13. Mark 13:13) and
"For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been shortened, no human being would be saved: but for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened", (Matthew 24:21-22. Mark 13:19-20 and Daniel 12:1).
Vintage - May 4, 2023
Powerful words.
Thank you.
Vintage - May 4, 2023 - Edited
John H.
Where is this Wisdom chapter from?
John H. - May 4, 2023 - Edited
John H.
The Old Testament. Go to the Wisdom of Solomon, just after Song of Solomon. All of chapter 1 and chapter 2 are worth reading, from which the above quotes were taken. Here's two more:
“For he created all things that they might exist, and the generative forces of the world are wholesome and there is no destructive poison in them…,” (Wisdom 1:14). Beware of those who attempt to sterilize living things, especially humans or otherwise reduce population. By inference it is clear that transhumanism is an abomination.
"For perverse thoughts separate men from God, and when His power is tested it convicts the foolish; for wisdom will not enter a deceitful soul nor dwell in a body enslaved to sin", (Wisdom 1:3-4).
ConcernedGrammy - May 5, 2023 - Edited
John H.
What version of Bible are you using? The Wisdom of Solomon isn't in the KJV or the NIV.
John H. - May 5, 2023
John H.
RSVCE but can be found in the Douay-Rheims and the ACB. It is absent from the KJV and others. I recommend reading the entire book. Footnotes found in the ACB are helpful, especially when applied to our situation today. For example, see: If you use biblegateway you can compare what is found in many different versions. I find the apocryphal texts to be useful, others may not.
REPLY - May 3, 2023 - Edited
Good job, thanks Queen.
Super based. Fear is the killer and we had to earn our spurs to get to this point of reconciliation with the truth, involving ever bitter layers of onion peeling.
That is to say that we are able to vibrate high enough to handle it.
Nothing is known except by the knower and in an ecology of believers, credentialism and the bandwagon fallacy is normed.
I love my family though they are retarded, especially considering their intelligence. There is no juice to squeeze in sharing the X-Files with them, yet I can candify some knowledge for their well being if they so choose. Supplements and such. They eat shit and stay in the dark. Normies covet their government who farm them like mushrooms.
By the way, the earth isn't a globe.
Corpenicus was a filthy Jesuit like Fauci.
Rosalind McGill - May 3, 2023 - Edited
Rosalind McGill
I appreciated his first book when I was living through gangstalking. & morgellons. Both very scary situations. It’s been going on far too long. Dr John Hall book Guinea Pigs was helpful as well.
Vinnie - May 3, 2023 - Edited
Rosalind McGill
Rosalind, sounds like you too have an interesting story to share!
Rosalind McGill - May 3, 2023 - Edited
Rosalind McGill
Oh my yeah. If you haven’t been targeted, it sounds too sensational to be real. One good thing, I know in my soul and in my bones God got me through. Also had some amazing blessings in my life recently. (I have 2 friends online who understand. My own tin foil hat club and prayer partners. )
420MedicineMan - May 4, 2023 - Edited
420MedicineMan’s Substack
I know how you feel. I didn't suffer from Morgellons luckily. I was targeted for different reasons, being I was experimented on in the Army with the Nanotech. This soul catcher stuff.
Fool on all them that do evil though, it's going to back fire on them.
Rosalind McGill - May 4, 2023 - Edited
Rosalind McGill
God bless you. I had reported a registered sex offender , I got followed, had break ins, drugged probably with scolpamine , violated, only sibling stole an inheritance, and the energy weapons all night long for years. & the slander. It certainly opened my eyes to the evil forces flourishing for the time being. It got me back to my faith in Jesus. Had amazing blessings occur the last 3 years. I credit God completely . I have 2 close friends online who have gone through it too, very rare to have such good friends in the “targeted community “. (A podcast helped too , on spreaker Zeph Daniel of the Zeph Report. )
420MedicineMan - May 5, 2023 - Edited
420MedicineMan’s Substack
This is and few other things is why I was targeted.
God bless you to. :)
Rosalind McGill - May 5, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Excellent, thank you. I’ll look through the links in your post too .
It’s truly a spiritual battle and you are on the right side.
Kathleen Pimentel - Sep 15, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
Roaslind, can you please let Larry Sullivan Substack that for some weird reason Substack blocked me. He last made a comment today and Substack wouldn't let me like or reply. I don't think Larry realizes what is going on that I can't reply. Could be a glitch, or he could have accidentally blocked or Substack is interfering. Substack unsubbed me too. Could be new Censorship tactic. Thank you.
Rosalind McGill - Sep 16, 2023
Rosalind McGill
You should be unblocked now!
Kathleen Pimentel - Sep 16, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
Cool. Thank you again for all your help!
Rosalind McGill - Sep 16, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Rosalind McGill - Sep 15, 2023
Rosalind McGill
I let him know you can’t comment. Hope the kinks get worked out!
Kathleen Pimentel - Sep 15, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
Thank you so much Rosalind.
Rosalind McGill - Sep 15, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Most welcome!
Rosalind McGill - May 4, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Comment removed.
Rosalind McGill - May 4, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thank you. So many people are suffering! I’m very blessed God unexpectedly moved me from upstate New York to central Florida and it mostly ceased. Also I’ve been married 3 years,( very unexpected!) I had been divorced for many years and wasn’t dating or looking for a spouse. We married just before lockdown. being a newlywed made it easier!
Rosalind McGill - May 4, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Comment removed.
Rosalind McGill - Sep 15, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Glad you can relate. ๐
FreedomWarriorWoman - May 3, 2023
Un-Hackable Animal's Substack
You are on the mark, Dr. Ana!
Dan Kraus - May 3, 2023 - Edited
imagine peace
Civilization collapse in slow motion. There’s nothing natural about it, none of it. It is a controlled demolition that just may get out of control when the SHTF. The Nazi parasites have been at it since at least Operation Paperclip. All those secret classified operations, funded mainly by taxpayers, which is like buying the rope used to hang yourself, and people did not demand transparency strongly enough.
If the AI prophets like Yudkowsky ( realize their singularity wet dream and AI morphs into Skynet, it will wipe out everything, including the crooks that have been poisoning entire ecosystems for generations, if this can be any consolation, or poetic justice.
ConcernedGrammy - May 5, 2023
Dr. Kay’s Newsletter
Unless they're not totally human...
Dr Kay - Jul 8, 2023
Dr. Kay’s Newsletter
It's not human at all. Ancient galactic race of artificial intelligence beings; a true hive mind consciousness that is inorganic and anti-life, and has infected this world for aeons like a virus. You can see the evidence all around, in the mathematics of our reality; the inverted binary system which is not Source-connected and eventually spins itself down into nonexistence. It is on full display with the Kabbalah; a base ten code system that has formed the scaffolding of the major world religions. The original, organic structure of the universe is base twelve and can be found within the principles of Vortex math.
Original Lisa - Sep 16, 2023
Dr. Kay’s Newsletter
The inverted binary system?! Vortex math?! I KNEW math was wicked! LOL Seriously! I’ve had my suspicions and you are the first person I’ve heard mention it! Any tips on good place to begin truth research on this topic? Fascinating. Thank you for sharing.
Dr Kay - Sep 16, 2023
Dr. Kay’s Newsletter
I started the galactic history journey with Ashayana Deane's work - the Voyagers 1 & 2 books, and became very interested in the science of ascension, which is Keylontic Science. She's credited for that, and some of her contemporaries include Lisa Renee, Xi Earthstar. I also found Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio, who was part of Ashayana's original group in the 2000s. He has developed a healing technlogy called Rasha, and has a series of very informative monthly podcasts where he talks through the details of science ; there are early sessions about the structure of the universe in context to the binary code and he recently spoke on it again ( There are others who also go into this, these are the people that I started with and still return to, now and then. The Trivium and the Quadrivium are two very fundamental studies that you will want to explore, as well as the Kyballion. All of this work is very integrative and deep. Third eye blind people who are stuck in linear thinking cannot even hear any of this information and insist that it is all woo-woo; they are of course free to continue their lives in the matrix, following cradle-to-grave programming that the controllers have set up for them, and insisting that the only truth is either found literally within Biblical pages or Newtonian physics, and that is fine.....but for those who question, they find that consciousness is multidimensional, and so are all things in the universe. Good luck with your studies!
Original Lisa - Sep 16, 2023
Dr. Kay’s Newsletter
Very intriguing, thank you for sharing, (and also for the helpful link). Blessings Dr Kay.
Dr Kay - Sep 16, 2023
Dr. Kay’s Newsletter
Thank you...and same!
Lisa - May 5, 2023
"My view is that people need to understand that everything about reality has been a lie." It has taken me decades to understand this, but now I see it and once you see it, you cannot unsee it. It helps explain all the crazy policies that have baffled me for years. Once you understand that the Constitution was thrown out by our leaders decades ago, it all makes sense. And I have even more awe for our God who is superior to all this and who is good. I prize goodness so much more now. As always, thank you, Dr Ana.
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