Pope Francis is not the church. He is WEF puppet. Although Catholic I am extremely disappointed in him as pope, so often he speaks on both of his mouth..
@Anti Christ teaching/definition Anti christ is not Anti science or nothing to do with conflict of religion and science since the division exists within science institutions and religious institutions because of corrupt system. Anti christ teaching is about Anti creation of Creator meaning Antilife/Anti humanity beyond Anti true self love and Anti neighbor love ultimately Anti Creator as Non believer. So Definition of Anti christ literally than metaphorically/symbolically is Anti love/Anti peace even Anti peace/love with your self at individual level beyond religious war at group level and ultimately world wars at organization/industrial level like war business and military industrial complex by divide and conquer using human and non human technology including Misuse of Artificial Intelligence than Divine intelligence on corrupt data and machine learning.
Antichrist does not mean against Christ. It is from latin and means, "In place of Christ," which the roman church has certainly done. Many of their documents call the pope, God on Earth. That's why, if you study Daniel & Revelations, you will see that prophecy clearly identifies the roman church as the beast power/antichrist. All the reformers taught that.
"αΌντΞ―" means not only anti in the sense of "against" and "opposite of", but also "in place of", and is from Greek, not Latin. (Latin is the language of the Church that you despise.)
Can you provide an example of the Pope being called God on Earth?
Until the Protestant rebellion—roughly 1,500 years—prophecy clearly did NOT identify the Roman Catholic Church as the “beast power/antichrist”. (See Darby and Schofield.)
All the reformers? Most European countries had at least one.
You have been conditioned to believe that the Roman Catholic Church—along with the other orthodox, catholic churches—are deviant, while in reality, they have been custodians of the teachings of the apostles for nearly two millennia. Your Bible was delineated by the Church Fathers and the critical work of defining orthodox Christology was done in the fourth Century, a full 1,000 years before the Protestants were born.
The Roman Catholic Church has had multiple scoundrels as Pope, but always self-corrects over time. The current surge of interest in traditional Catholicism gives me hope that the errors promulgated since Vatican Two will be erased.
First, I do not despise the church, but despise that system. Most catholics are sincere and good people, but the system is pagan rome in a clerical robe.
The reason the church was not identified as the beast is because the bible was kept from the people by the church who did not want them to see all the inconsistencies that revealed the church did not follow the Bible wholly, but created their own pagan-based traditions. Much history explains the evolution.
I have not been conditioned to anything except deep dives into history. As for the Bible, again the church kept it from the people, until Protestants were born, and opened God's Word to everyone. Vatican 2 can't have errors as popes are unable to make errors.
Here are just a tiny sample of quotes from over the years from your own church:
Lucius Ferraris, Prompta bibliotheca canonica, juridica, moralis, theologica, nec non ascetica, polemica, rubricistica, historica, v. 5 1854. Pp. 1823-1824. The Pope is of such great dignity and exaltation, that he is not a simple man, but as God, and God's vicar. . . . 12. Likewise, the divine monarch, and supreme emperor and king of kings. . . . 15. So that if it were possible that the angels erred in the faith, or felt contrary to the faith, they could be judged and excommunicated by the Pope.
Bellarmine, On the Authority of Councils, Volume 2, Chapter 17. Latin version. “All the names which are given to Christ in the Scriptures, from which it is evident that he is above the Church, are all the same given to the Pope.”
The priest has the power of the keys, or the power of delivering sinners from Hell, of making them worthy of Paradise, and of changing them from the slaves of Satan into children of God. And God Himself is obliged to abide by the judgment of His priests, and either not to pardon or to pardon...When St. Michael comes to a dying Christian who invokes his aid, the holy Archangel can chase away the devils, but he cannot free his client from their chains till a priest comes to absolve him. St. Alphonsus Liguori, The Dignities and Duties of the Priest (1927). Pp. 27, 31.
The Gloss of Extravagantes of Pope John XXII, Cum. Inter, title 14, chapter 4, "Ad Callem Sexti Decretalium", Column 140 (Paris, 1685). In an Antwerp edition of the Extravagantes, the words, Dominum Deum Nostrum Papam ("Our Lord God the Pope") can be found in column 153.
“The pope, who is called God by Constantine, can never be bound or released by man; for God cannot be judged by man" Jonathon Oswald, The Kingdom Which Shall Not Be Destroyed, etc.: An Exposition of Prophecy, More Especially of Daniel, Chap. VII, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1896, p. 98
"Have no fear when people call me the "Vicar of Christ," when they say to me "Holy Father," or "Your Holiness," or use titles similar to these, which seem even inimical to the Gospel. Pope John Paul II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope (New York: Alfred A. Knoff. 1995): 6.
1 Timothy 2:5
5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
Lots to unpack here.
So the Roman Catholic Church kept the Bible away from illiterate Europeans, most of whom were peasants? “The earliest mention of a mechanized printing press in Europe appears in a lawsuit in Strasbourg in 1439” (https://www.britannica.com/technology/printing-press).
Vatican 2 deals with the practice of the Church, not the doctrine. That’s handled by the Magisterium. Papal infallibility? Perhaps you ought to look at the actual doctrine. It’s only been invoked twice. And remember that Martin Luther continued with the veneration of Our Lady.
Can you explain how the canon of Scripture in your faith was developed? The impact of Nicean creed in your belief system? Your Christology?
Let’s cut to the chase. Failures of the clergy led Martin Luther to cut ties with Rome, yet he maintained the core tenets and practices of the Church. (Have you ever attended a Missouri Synod service?)
Protestants don’t recognize the heavy lifting done by the Church prior to the rebellions that occurred in most European countries. Never once in Bible College or seminary did anyone give props to the martyrs of the faith prior to the rebellions.
Most of the time when I speak with a Protestant I feel like I’m talking to a JW. The faith was LOST until Russell got it right. Substitute the leader of your sect.
Hidden in plain sight.
Still people can't recognize it:
1. It's an agenda foretold in guess where - the Bible. Age. Old. Plan.
2. The denial camps will believe anything from aliens, to trump, to New Age Annunakis. Anything but the Truth, even though its unfolding in real time.
3. Most dont care about the Truth, but rather about what affects their life and comfort zones. They trade their soul and the suffering it takes for a meal of porridge and then act surprised when nefarious clowns are happy to oblige....
Sickening. I am not one to judge anyone's religious beliefs but please, no matter what "church" you belong to do not automatically trust your church officials because they are in a position of Religious power. It is like trusting Politician's nefarious agendas just because they are "Officials".
While in this worldwide dictatorship, we better deal directly with the Boss, not trusting these lame intermediaries seems the only sane way left!
Shame on all who still look up to this satanic idiot!
Well, there are obvious signs of major changes in the world, however GOD is not living in Vatican. That place is full of clowns. Like many other places people look at with reverence. Who the world is so curious to know every corner of that building? Who wants to keep us so curious and busy with things what do not really matter?
They forgot that we are the officials and they got their chairs( paydays )because the officials pay them to work for them ( taxpayers)
And not the way around people please let us stand up together and change this world in a better place .
What better way to institutionalize AI than to have it sanctified by the oldest religious institution.
It makes sense that the material realm - in which the Vatican wallows - would ignore the soul killing aspects of AI in favor or the financial benefits it will reap from it.
God, not the blasphemous Catholic cult knows who His real people are - these are the true Saints, not the evil people the Popes have proclaimed over the last 1000 years...Foxe's Book of Martyrs documents the killing and torture implemented during the ongoing Catholic Inquisition against anyone who dares to defy the Pope and His minions by believing in salvation by God alone through faith alone...the Catholic cult's works based religion has doomed millions to hell since its' inception
This child was a victim of MK Ultra/Monarch. Those Vatican Satanists gave him Lukemia and killed him. He was programmed to be this eventual "digital saint". He was another abused child used as a tool to deceive the masses and to further the agenda of the ill-uminati-NWO. Anyone out there who doesn't know by now that the Roman Catholic Church is a Luciferian Cult had better start doing their homework. Countless children are abused and murdered at the hands of these reprehensible monsters.
Weren't the Jesuits formed as a sect of assassins who used many techniques but who were especially known to use poison, and, perhaps, now, radiation, and mask it quite convincingly?
Many first world intel agencies are linked to Jesuit and Vatican interests and methods.
The cia got their organizational structure and methodology from the jesuits. The jesuits were formed in the 1500s as an order to destroy protestantism. They were highly educated, trained and brainwashed. Taught that lying and murdering protestants wasn't a sin. Infiltrated governments, churches, schools, started their own universities, and now control basically all school books and curriculum, including medical school books and pharma. Check how many are on supreme court, house, senate, cabinets. They've won, and they're the head of the snake.
Who founded the Jesuits...https://watch-unto-prayer.org/reformation-2.html
Protestantism and Catholicism were both created by Jews, as was Islam. Its the same divide and conquer technique the jews have been using for millenia.
Tulpa's through the ages. All designed to harness and redirect your creative thought form energy to the God of the Jews,, ie the Demiurge. Which Jewish 'God' Do You Worship?https://ibb.co/DKDG6xJ
Gilad Atzmon in NYC: Jewish Controlled Opposition...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbx23Ygj3YM
The Jews are using the 'Jewish Jesus/Gods chosen' narrative like a bio-energetic Egregore/tulpa/servitor. You create a fake idea/narrative and trick countless billions of people into feeding it with their imaginative (spiritual) energy, then its simply a matter of harnessing and redirecting that energy towards the manifestation of your (supremacist?) ideas (ideology). The Jews were a non entity until 1611 when their KJV bible was introduced into Europe. Now look at them.
Pre-Christian societies used myths and legends in the same manner. The wisest in the community would teach the children how to tap into these powerful energies for the benefit of themselves and their community. However, the Jews persuaded the newly Judaised Christians that these practices where demonic and had them all murdered - while at the same time retaining this important knowledge for their own exclusive use.
Killings for Christianity...https://markhumphrys.com/christianity.killings.html
Jew Christopher Columbus - Introducing the Jewish version of Christianity to the New World...http://www.renegadetribune.com/happy-zarco-day-columbus-jew/
How the Jews took over Christianity...
Short version...http://www.todayscatholicworld.com/marrano-jews.htm
Long version...https://www.heritage-history.com/index.php?c=read&author=pinay&book=plot2&story=infiltration
The Jew John Calvin, who collated the series of texts that eventually became the KJV Bible, had everyone killed that didn't go along with his Torah inspired interpretations...https://www.reenactingtheway.com/blog/john-calvin-had-people-killed-and-bad-bible-interpretation-justified-it
Well I hope that they don’t really won , maybe we still got a chance to change it .
But therefore we the people must stand up and keep together.
I pray for it every day thanks to all the people who already woke up .
Yes, absolutely! They are one in the same. Just a side note. My dad is from Italy and when he was 15 he went to a Jesuit school because his mother wanted him to become a priest. He witnessed many strange occurrences where the head priests would take select boys into their chambers and he believed they were being sexually abused. This was something my mother told me; he never liked talking to his children about his experiences there. A very close friend of his at the school shot himself in the head. He knows without a doubt that it was because of the abuse the boy was experiencing. I think my dad was abused as well by these reprobates because he gets very angry and emotionally charged whenever he speaks about the Catholic church, especially the Jesuits. He dropped out of the school.
How awful for your father and for all young victims. Pedophilia runs throughout Church, government, education, and intel agencies, all of which appear influenced by Jesuit, Jewish, and Masonic teachings and secret, destructive and anti-God practices. Am not really sure what a Judeo-Christian ethos is, anymore.
The underlying values of western culture, at least among the self-styled elite and lower classes, have been reformed into the worship of Self and blood crime. The middle classes are on their way, via indulgence, laziness, and need to conform in order to fit in. It's all satanic, of course.
A whole gaggle of digital retards? Why doesn't the silly pope do something valuable? Like stop WW3 and the cruelty in the ME? He can't because he is human and suffers from the same folly as all humans. I was once Catholic but that ship sailed long ago. Besides that, he's a global warming freak.
He works for The New World Order and nothing else he said ones that the wound on his head is healed ( bible )and that we better not follow him , because than we don’t come to God !!!
For anyone following the Vatican's association to the larger globalist agenda this is really just "more of the same." The focus of us Anti-globalists must remain defeating the entire globalist agenda.
In my version of the Garden of Eden one should always be encouraged to eat from the tree of knowledge but should never meddle with the tree of life as that is above the pay grade of ANY human: past, present or future. Think of the sorcerers apprentice and all the unanticipated problems his meddling created. Those of us that understand the complexity of the global ecosystem tend to abide by the precautionary principle. The globalists have the audacity to think they can meddle with the Tree of Life with no consequence. They they seem to abide by the "Let's just do shit and see what happens" principle. I can't seem to find an antonym for the Precautionary Principle.
Our globalist corporations have obviously ignored this warning as GMO farming began/expanded in the early 1990's. Using CRISPR and other cutting edge technologies they have meddled with the tree of life: terminator seeds, plants that produce insecticides (which we eat), spraying plants with Glyphosate etc. Already it is clear these technologies are causing harm to human health. Then we have fluoride in the water supply, endocrine disruptors, PFAS chemicals etc., in or food and water. None of this makes sense and represents a willful refusal to consider what our collective knowledge (e.g., the tree of knowledge) should be telling us about the harm these substances unleash on the human population. But is goes on unabated because global corporations can profit in the short run.
Then came the Plandemic and the mRNA vaccines the did not prevent infection/transmission but did cause considerable harm and death. Worse yet there is growing evidence that these mRNA injections may actually be modifying our DNA and the consequences are just beginning to be understood. Of course this has all been ignored by globalist corporate media. And over the past year I have read numerous papers about self assembly nanobots within the vaccines and much more. I've yet to write about this subject as, at first, I was a skeptic. But perhaps it is time to cover the subject because there is plenty of evidence/papers etc. which suggest the globalists want to use mRNA concoctions in conjunction with 5G EMF radiation to control our moods and literally allow the government to get inside our heads. And thanks to the author for detailing the programs that are already underway.
It is now obvious that the WEF, UN, WHO etc. want full control of humanity. They aren't even shy about their plans: a Great Reset where you will own nothing (and really won't be happy at all). And it is all spelled out in Agenda21, Agenda2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). They have very complex plans to exert control of every human on planet Earth. Their goal is a fully controlled global population -- which will relegate every human to the status of a slave on a globalist plantation.
WE THE PEOPLE, of planet Earth, need to immediately unite behind our own complex agenda in order to stop this globalist coup. To that end I've put together what I call the "Put People First" agenda, which has developed over the past 5 years. I'm encouraging everyone to endorse this agenda and cite your support at City Council, School Board meetings as well as during protests. As Benjamin Franklin once said at the signing of the Declaration of Independence: "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Here is the PPF agenda as it currently exists:
* No Lockdowns EVER again
* No forced masking ANYWHERE
* No forced vaccinations under ANY circumstance whether that be from injection, food or chemtrails
* Absolutely no vaccine passports or digital currency
* Reinstate all of those that lost jobs for refusing to get the mRNA injection, including all of our Healthcare workers
* Universal non-coercive choice: Wearing a mask or getting a mRNA injection will be up to each individual and there will be ABSOLUTELY no penalty for not complying in or out of the workplace.
* No more censorship of ANYONE whether that be on social media, corporate media or at the workplace. No one should ever be censored or punished for exercising their First Amendment Right to Free Speech.
* Impeach Biden/Harris and reinstate Trump as our president.
* Stop the LGBTQ and CRT indoctrination in our schools and corporations
* Stop the Climate Agenda and make Energy Independence Priority Number One.
* Send every Illegal Alien, that Biden has brought in through Open Borders, back home.
* Stop the illegal mass imigration invasion worldwide
* Legalize the personal cultivation of Cannabis, Psilocybin.
* Legalize the right to take Ivermectin, Hydrochloriquine and other anti-viral herbs and drugs
* Legalize the right to choose when it comes to vaccines, abortion, drugs etc.
* Eliminate Genetically modified vaccines, plants, animals (fish, cattle etc.) and the use of Glyphosate.
* Eliminate the use of Geoengineering: Chemtrails, HAARP etc.* Eliminate the fluoridation of our water supply.
* Stop allowing Blackrock, and other financial institutions from buying up residential properties which will make it impossible for future families to own a home and build up equity.
* Demand your government defund and exit the UN, WHO and WEF
Another substack I just came across today on possible mRNA and 5G EMF Radiation being suspected in an 8 fold increase of racehorses dropping dead during last years Kentucky Derby spring meet (I've been doing a lot of diving and reading since those covid jabs first arrived).
that person who died probably died from wifi and other electromagnetic exposure not only from the mobile phones in the home, the 5g towers, the smart meter for electric and water, and other toxic emfs in the area at home, school and elsewhere.
Andrejka, I thought of that, too. But he also could've been targeted with excessive exposure by certain parties to "sacrifice" him and make him a martyr for their own purposes.
Yes, poison by needle is popular these days, and the C19 family of toxins are alleged to interact with EMF to form dangerous nanotech circuitry and to release toxic LNP payloads.
Great avatar. Misbehave anymore and it could become a Fell on Knee.
not news, the whole religion is a fantasy concocted to give jews energy through the eggregore they created of jesus, without christianity, with each country not invaded by it but if each country had kept their own spirituality and religions they had before christianity invaded globalism couldn't have ever ever happened, heck jews rise to power could never ever have happened at all no energy for these monsters and their masters to consume. stay away from mainstream religion or be food for them and be vampirized by jesus or allah or yahweh your choice, since most people who considers themselves "awake" still fail on the political and/or religious front, as these as the latter leverages the fear of death and it's brainwashed since birth and the former is a projection of parent figures
Right on, Antonella. Any organized religion is a mind/control, mind/fuck apparatus of the Synarchy or Cryptocracy that rules this inferior realm of base matter.
true, except the inferior part, everything is energy everything is one at one level nothing is inferior or superior, debasing matter debases us, knowing it's spirit and it's one ennobles it, that's why i am spiritually an animist
Spiritually I am a Hyperborean Aryan and I despise this realm of created forms and base matter. The realm of matter is a very low and dim vibrational frequency. Everything that has a beginning has an ending. All of creation in this Demiurgic realm will end, as at some point it began. Our focus must be on the Uncreated for only that, which has no beginning and no ending will endure eternally.
I'm very familiar with her work and it is great though with all respect I say it is not quite complete. However she is in the right ballpark. To get a real handle on what this place is, who we are (Aryans) and why we are here, and the cosmic, cataclysmic immensity of it all, I refer you to the works of the incomparable Master, Miguel Serrano.
I myself believe Jesus came to abolish all of the Old Laws. I think whatever "Messiah" or God people choose to believe in, as long as it teaches love above all else, they can't go wrong. Most of these religions are everything EXCEPT LOVE. Religion was created and is still used as a way to control the masses and collect money from the population.
Randal - You mean the Messiah, Yahshua. Yes, he did exist and there is no doubt about that, in all of recorded history. And he did NOT come "to abolish the old laws". Those laws were given by the Creator, and are for all time. The Messiah "fulfilled the law and the prophets". If one does not understand what that means, then they have not studied. Hint: Christianity is not Biblical, it is an offshoot of the false Catholic religion.
Regardless, this article about the false pope and false religion shows what satan wants to do. There is no such thing as a 15 year old saint, and no one but the Almighty can do miracles.
I do not mean his entire purpose was to abolish the Laws of Moses. I disagree with you completely on the subject of studying any religious text. Anyone can interpret anything as the wish. I am not religious in the slightest. To me, after Jesus came and gave his life for sinners, I do not live by any of the Old Testament Laws. Jesus says the number one important law is to Love....when you rule everything in your life with love, most of the 10 commandments goes without saying. How are you even sure these laws which you speak of were not changed to better control the population long before we were able to read of them in the Bible?
jesus itself was created and never existed, historians who should have known him living in the same era and area never mention him, the shroud of turin is a fake for less than a thousand years ago, jesus is a mix of solar gods created by the jews as an eggregore, a focus for the energy of the "goyim" so that all the energy sent to him goes to their evil yahweh/moloch/owl interdimensional alien/archon whatever the heck this monster is, so that the jews could arrive to do the horrors and genocides they are doing today. No jesus cult spreading 1800 or so years ago=western countries sovereignty in religion spirituality and politics=no globalization no wef, no genocide of the human race....wish christianity and islam and judaism for that matter, the root of all evil, never existed we wouldn't be in this mess, we would still have wars issues for land supremacy and squabbles but we wold not be facing the end of humanity and horrors from interdimensional reality beyond comprehension and it's only the beginning if the closing ceremony of the olympics is predictive programming with the insect alien and the greys....
Agree to disagree. I do know the shroud of Turin is fake. And let's say they did make up Jesus altogether, how would an individual giving energy to an "imaginary" God, that's focused on love and all things good, give energy to evil?
Praying to any conception of anyone's God if it is Love and love focused only, can only be a good thing not bad. They did Capitalize off of Jesus and did rewrite the Bible to their advantage. Although I believe Jesus existed, if he very well did not, I believe all of my prayers and energy is still sent to the Universal Energy of Light and Love that SURELY is the ultimate God.
I personally suspect Jesus was actually half extraterrestrial but not an evil ET. One of Light and Love. Angels and demons may very well be "extraterrestrials". I respect your beliefs and understand where you are coming from. I rejected the idea of Jesus for years and years but just recently out of the most despairing point in my life where i was literally possessed by some very evil very dark "energy" came out of it with the help who I now know and believe as Jesus.
how? It's basic magick, an eggregore created by a group of people even if it is perceived to be about love or whatever else if it's charged with the task of delivering energy to someone else to be a proxy that it will do as it's its masters or creators will that created it like that like a programmed computer. As an aside, love even so called unconditional love is used widely in abduction and to lure people in the trap of the light tunnel with the safety it makes people feel and the bliss, see for instance the largely predictive programming tv show remake from 2009 V visitors and Anna's bliss (and the sterilizing shots etc, lots of predicting programming there)
Some call it an egregore, Buddhists call it a tulpa. Thought is pure energy - and energy never dies, it only changes state.
A tulpa is an entity created by a person, a thought form with a degree of will and autonomy of its own. The word is Tibetan.
The word “egregore” comes from Greek and refers to a number of things, but modern occultists mostly use it to describe a tulpa which has been created by a group of people, instead of one person.
A servitor is a tulpa created to serve a magician, usually by accomplishing a specific task. It’s like an astral servant that can be influenced by thought form energy. The more thought energy that can be generated, the more powerful, and thus influential, the magicians idea becomes.
This concept is discussed extensively in a book by Angeliki Anagnostou titled 'Can You Stand The Truth: The Chronicle of Man's Imprisonment' It contains quotes from original Greek texts which were left out of the KJV bible...https://www.amazon.com.au/Can-You-Stand-Truth-Imprisonment-ebook/dp/B00K4CFYO6/ref=monarch_sidesheet_title".
You "know" the Shroud of Turin is fake? How do you know that, since by all the latest scientific studies and evaluations it has been determined to be an actual burial cloth from that time 2,000 years ago. And there is no explanation for exactly how the image was made and impressed into the fibers of the cloth. It is an accurate depiction of SOMEONE'S beating, crucifixion, and burial.
This is not to say it is an object of veneration. It was not even owned by the "catholic church" until several years ago. It had remained in the ownership of a Savoy family for hundreds of years.
I should not have said KNOW. I was under the impression it was fake as years ago, when I still was naive and trusted "scientists" I heard from multiple sources it was faked. Knowing what I know now about how many lies are fed to us from every angle, it very well could be real.
This is the hostile invading alien soul group that intended to conquer this planet and totally exterminate all humans on it.
When they first arrived here it was not in space ships, but by a highly audacious means of forcefully incarnating their souls in hijacked foetuses within the wombs of already pregnant women of Earth species of humans already living here, they are not all openly Jews even today as Rabbi Laitman explains, this is not a matter of 'good and bad in all religions, it is a single hostile enemy alien soul group creating a Jewish so-called religion purely as a political tool, hijacking other religions, hijacking national governments, hijacking national medical practice and research and weaponizing it all against all humanity, even creating fake religions to destroy us with like Christianity and Islam.
The occult researcher and writer Alexandra David Neel consulted Tibetan monks and they told her of black magicians who could forcefully project their soul into someone else's body and dislocate the rightful inhabitant permanently and then permanently hijack that human body, and this is precisely the same black magic technique that these god-dodging interdimensional criminal terrorists and space pirates who wish to artificially extend their lives and artificially rise through the dimensions used when first arriving on this planet, by forcing Gentile souls out of foetuses in Gentile womens' wombs so that their own invading souls could then dwell in those stolen or hijacked foetuses similar to the scenario in 'The Midwich Cuckoos'.
I have met many Jews who have openely told me they do astral projection at night, they use this occult ability to dodge the laws of karma and reincarnate hundreds of times only in the established communities of the invading soul group to maintain and further build on their power and resources over thousands of years. They claim to be a different ans entirely superior species from humans both in terms of soul and body just as Laitman states, and Rabbi Menachem Schneerson has stated exactly the same thing about Jews being an entirely different species to all humans on this planet.
Rabbi: Jews are Not of This World; We’re Sent to Conquer It
Here’s a small part of what Laitman tells his Jewish students:
Rav Michael Laitman: In fact, we are not coming from here. We came from there (points to outer space). This is Israel at their root. So we went through such a route that took us inside by, what is called the “shattering of the vessels”… the shattering of the collective soul…
Question from the audience: Who is the chief of staff that sent the commanding unit?
Rav Michael Laitman: Him. The Creator. Israel is a part of Him…
Question from the audience: So, this chief of staff sent this commando unit?
Rav Michael Laitman: Sent the commando unit. Gave them strength. Gave them the connections. Everything…
But… they have no choice. He broke them. He shattered them. What does it mean? In order to put them inside the hostile land, he had to give them the same form as that hostile land. It’s like we go into a country as an undercover team. And each one of us is exactly like the people of the land. Say we’re being sent somewhere now — Africa for instance. So we’ll take on the same shape and form of the people in Africa. The characteristics, traits, approach, interests, everything. The same exact form — inside and out…
You know, it’s like an undercover agent. He is there for a while, no one touches him. He has to start working, build a house, family… Everything is fine for years and years.
After that, he starts doing something. He gets a reminder from outside: “You’ve got to start working.” He already forgot about it and all of a sudden they call him. Here is your commander, and this and that, you know — like in the movies… This is what’s happening with us.
We have to wake up. We have to remember that we have a special mission. And really, this isn’t our place. We’re coming from a completely different place. So we have to find our friends according to this awakening. Did you get a phone call? I got a phone call, he got a phone call and so on. And then we gather as a group.
So from this entire planet, we are aliens coming from a different galaxy. We receive this ray of light — this awakening — individually. And now we’re gathering as groups starting to prep ourselves to conquer Earth. That’s the mission.
Question from the audience: How do we conquer it?
Rav Michael Laitman: How do we conquer it? We’re also sent the method. We’re being shown everything gradually. We’re being taught. Not being taught, but kind of trained and activated… which sets our minds in motion. But in fact, it’s coming from our original planet. And thanks to that original natural force we have, we will take over those living on Earth.
Why are you looking at me like that? You don’t believe me? I’m telling you seriously! It’s even more than that. It’s not a different galaxy — it’s a different universe. It’s a different dimension altogether. That’s who we are…
Question from the audience: …Why are they aliens?
Rav Michael Laitman: They’re aliens because… I’m not talking about their external form — their body or their flesh and blood organs. I’m talking about that interior that does not exist in other people in the world on Earth but only in them. It’s the inner software that is in them here coming from the other world.
…What we’re talking about now is the phase where those undercover agents have to connect together and organize themselves in order to conquer Earth…
So we came here in order to put things in order — like on our home planet…
Jesus and New Testament are about love, forgiveness and peace, that’s for Congress declared it technically illegal, like Tucker Carlson put it…
If he existed or not, this is up to each of us to grasp, too delicate matter to impose, like with all religions’ prophets actually.
If we sincerely keep this approach, we’ll soon stay together like one, whatever our differences, at the same hour, peacefully against these satans, when the time is up, everywhere on the planet, each one in his village or town.
Every soul is blending right now, let’s stop the debate on religious beliefs and focus on the present war ravaging us all!
They play their last cards left. It’s ugly.
Unfortunately, religion must come into play, because it is satan who is behind the catholic church, and the globalist cabal that seeks world domination.
We are currently in a war, yes, of good versus evil.
Pontius Pilate wrote a letter to Cesar Tiberius describing Jesus and everything that was going on at the time as required. It’s an existing historic document.
The Shroud has been proven to be of a material that was fabricated at that time in that area with pollen that only existed in that location.
Then there’s this.https://www.patternsofevidence.com/2024/11/01/new-x-ray-tests-date-turin-shroud-to-the-time-of-jesus/
And what about Tacitus?
It’s ludicrous to suggest it’s a hoax. The number of individuals that worked miracles in His name is pretty compelling evidence as to His existence beyond historical records. The. There’s the little fact that no one has worked a miracle in Buddha or Mohammed’s name (that I know of), but thousands have received miracles in the name of Jesus Christ.
“I know the resurrection is a fact, and Watergate proved it to me. How? Because 12 men testified they had seen Jesus raised from the dead, then they proclaimed that truth for 40 years, never once denying it. Every one was beaten, tortured, stoned and put in prison. They would not have endured that if it weren't true. Watergate embroiled 12 of the most powerful men in the world-and they couldn't keep a lie for three weeks. You're telling me 12 apostles could keep a lie for 40 years? Absolutely impossible.”
Charles Colson
Right on. The Jewish Piso family created the Christian religion and introduced it through the enemy agent Trump of the day, the very likely infiltrated crypto-Jew soul Emperor Constantine, posing it as a link religion to standardize the intended means of keeping conquered nations within the Roman empire subjugated and mentally conditioned with permanent fear of burning alive in hell forever.
Christianity is a nightmare from start to finish, essentially being no different in its extremely cruel methodology of mind control than Stalin's Pitesti Experiment in Romania, the methodology of which was also carried out even in the beginning the so-called Russian Revolution (criminal terrorist Jewish seizure of Russia) in 1917, with all kinds of horrific tortures taking place, both Communism and Christianity (as well as Islam) are Jewish tools to send people quite insane with fear and hate. Stalin wrote "This is how we shall make the Communist mind".
What person in their right mind agrees with burning all non-Christians alive in hell unceasingly forever, and having their own family members made their own worst enemies as the Bible teaches is to occur, this being nothing other than a form of proto-Bolshevism to destroy the family unit, and to destroy the fabric of society of all target Gentile nations in totality ready for the total enslavement and ultimate total extermination of all Gentiles that is clearly stated as being intended to be made to occur in a principal Jewish scripture, the Zohar, all the so-called Jewish scriptures really being war manuals of the actually atheistic self-worshipping invading tribe.
People need to remember the scores of millions of Gentiles who were put to the sword, garrotted and burned alive or otherwise tortured to death in later years during the Dark Ages to spread this demonic death and hate cult, that entirely resembles 'The Ministry Of Love' in George Orwell's 1984.
The criminal terrorist agenda threatening all life on this planet is Jewish, also involving a vast number of crypto-Jewish military infiltrator souls incarnated in other religions and peoples around the world working alongside the Jews as if one with them as they do in the WEF, which is purely a front for the Noahide Law agenda of the various rabbinical groups, with the Torah itself stating that the war against amalek must be eternal, and that not a single Gentile is to be allowed to remain alive on this entire planet. The attackers are alien souls not from this planet, not even from this dimension, and they are the entire origin of the Jewish so-called religion, and their controlled opposition psy-op warfare tools called Christianity and Islam.
"If Trump is to get Bobby Kennedy confirmed as Secretary of Health and Human Services, he must begin his speeches now putting the Senate and the American people on notice that Big Pharma will purchase from the Senate a non-confirmation vote. Millions of letters must pour into the Senate promising to drive the senators from office if they continue to protect Big Pharma’s assault on Americans’ lives and health. Can Trump do this when his chief of staff is a former Big Pharma lobbyist?"
The catholic church is never-ending in its non-biblical canonizing, and other crazy stuff. The pope is about as viable as Biden, and like Biden, has jesuits writing all his stuff and giving him marching orders.
Wayne MacKenzie - Nov 21 - Edited
Wayne MacKenzie
Pope Francis is not the church. He is WEF puppet. Although Catholic I am extremely disappointed in him as pope, so often he speaks on both of his mouth..
Steveo - Nov 21 - Edited
A complete heretic. Maybe he's the antichrist?
Jan - Nov 21
Or..the False Prophet
Steveo - Nov 21
He's not good, whatever name we assign to him
Kassahun Elias - Nov 21
Kassahun Elias
@Anti Christ teaching/definition Anti christ is not Anti science or nothing to do with conflict of religion and science since the division exists within science institutions and religious institutions because of corrupt system. Anti christ teaching is about Anti creation of Creator meaning Antilife/Anti humanity beyond Anti true self love and Anti neighbor love ultimately Anti Creator as Non believer. So Definition of Anti christ literally than metaphorically/symbolically is Anti love/Anti peace even Anti peace/love with your self at individual level beyond religious war at group level and ultimately world wars at organization/industrial level like war business and military industrial complex by divide and conquer using human and non human technology including Misuse of Artificial Intelligence than Divine intelligence on corrupt data and machine learning.
Steveo - Nov 21
I simply meant anyone/anything which goes against God.
Synickel - Nov 22
Antichrist does not mean against Christ. It is from latin and means, "In place of Christ," which the roman church has certainly done. Many of their documents call the pope, God on Earth. That's why, if you study Daniel & Revelations, you will see that prophecy clearly identifies the roman church as the beast power/antichrist. All the reformers taught that.
Errata in México - Nov 25
Errata in México
"αΌντΞ―" means not only anti in the sense of "against" and "opposite of", but also "in place of", and is from Greek, not Latin. (Latin is the language of the Church that you despise.)
Can you provide an example of the Pope being called God on Earth?
Until the Protestant rebellion—roughly 1,500 years—prophecy clearly did NOT identify the Roman Catholic Church as the “beast power/antichrist”. (See Darby and Schofield.)
All the reformers? Most European countries had at least one.
You have been conditioned to believe that the Roman Catholic Church—along with the other orthodox, catholic churches—are deviant, while in reality, they have been custodians of the teachings of the apostles for nearly two millennia. Your Bible was delineated by the Church Fathers and the critical work of defining orthodox Christology was done in the fourth Century, a full 1,000 years before the Protestants were born.
The Roman Catholic Church has had multiple scoundrels as Pope, but always self-corrects over time. The current surge of interest in traditional Catholicism gives me hope that the errors promulgated since Vatican Two will be erased.
Synickel - Nov 25
First, I do not despise the church, but despise that system. Most catholics are sincere and good people, but the system is pagan rome in a clerical robe.
The reason the church was not identified as the beast is because the bible was kept from the people by the church who did not want them to see all the inconsistencies that revealed the church did not follow the Bible wholly, but created their own pagan-based traditions. Much history explains the evolution.
I have not been conditioned to anything except deep dives into history. As for the Bible, again the church kept it from the people, until Protestants were born, and opened God's Word to everyone. Vatican 2 can't have errors as popes are unable to make errors.
Here are just a tiny sample of quotes from over the years from your own church:
Lucius Ferraris, Prompta bibliotheca canonica, juridica, moralis, theologica, nec non ascetica, polemica, rubricistica, historica, v. 5 1854. Pp. 1823-1824. The Pope is of such great dignity and exaltation, that he is not a simple man, but as God, and God's vicar. . . . 12. Likewise, the divine monarch, and supreme emperor and king of kings. . . . 15. So that if it were possible that the angels erred in the faith, or felt contrary to the faith, they could be judged and excommunicated by the Pope.
Bellarmine, On the Authority of Councils, Volume 2, Chapter 17. Latin version. “All the names which are given to Christ in the Scriptures, from which it is evident that he is above the Church, are all the same given to the Pope.”
The priest has the power of the keys, or the power of delivering sinners from Hell, of making them worthy of Paradise, and of changing them from the slaves of Satan into children of God. And God Himself is obliged to abide by the judgment of His priests, and either not to pardon or to pardon...When St. Michael comes to a dying Christian who invokes his aid, the holy Archangel can chase away the devils, but he cannot free his client from their chains till a priest comes to absolve him. St. Alphonsus Liguori, The Dignities and Duties of the Priest (1927). Pp. 27, 31.
The Gloss of Extravagantes of Pope John XXII, Cum. Inter, title 14, chapter 4, "Ad Callem Sexti Decretalium", Column 140 (Paris, 1685). In an Antwerp edition of the Extravagantes, the words, Dominum Deum Nostrum Papam ("Our Lord God the Pope") can be found in column 153.
“The pope, who is called God by Constantine, can never be bound or released by man; for God cannot be judged by man" Jonathon Oswald, The Kingdom Which Shall Not Be Destroyed, etc.: An Exposition of Prophecy, More Especially of Daniel, Chap. VII, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1896, p. 98
"Have no fear when people call me the "Vicar of Christ," when they say to me "Holy Father," or "Your Holiness," or use titles similar to these, which seem even inimical to the Gospel. Pope John Paul II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope (New York: Alfred A. Knoff. 1995): 6.
1 Timothy 2:5
5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
Errata in México - Nov 25
Errata in México
Lots to unpack here.
So the Roman Catholic Church kept the Bible away from illiterate Europeans, most of whom were peasants? “The earliest mention of a mechanized printing press in Europe appears in a lawsuit in Strasbourg in 1439” (https://www.britannica.com/technology/printing-press).
Vatican 2 deals with the practice of the Church, not the doctrine. That’s handled by the Magisterium. Papal infallibility? Perhaps you ought to look at the actual doctrine. It’s only been invoked twice. And remember that Martin Luther continued with the veneration of Our Lady.
Can you explain how the canon of Scripture in your faith was developed? The impact of Nicean creed in your belief system? Your Christology?
Let’s cut to the chase. Failures of the clergy led Martin Luther to cut ties with Rome, yet he maintained the core tenets and practices of the Church. (Have you ever attended a Missouri Synod service?)
Protestants don’t recognize the heavy lifting done by the Church prior to the rebellions that occurred in most European countries. Never once in Bible College or seminary did anyone give props to the martyrs of the faith prior to the rebellions.
Most of the time when I speak with a Protestant I feel like I’m talking to a JW. The faith was LOST until Russell got it right. Substitute the leader of your sect.
Reply (1) - Nov 22 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
Comment removed.
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 22
Pirate Eyes
I love these books. I have several and they are filled with great information that you can actually use to stay alive and thrive. Thanks.
Monica Onit - Nov 21
Monica Onit
The Church obediently got along pretty well with his calculated madness.
Monica Onit - Nov 21
Monica Onit
May Jesus wipe this putrid, useless hag from the face of the Earth, already!
Dz - Nov 21
Dz’s Substack
Hidden in plain sight.
Still people can't recognize it:
1. It's an agenda foretold in guess where - the Bible. Age. Old. Plan.
2. The denial camps will believe anything from aliens, to trump, to New Age Annunakis. Anything but the Truth, even though its unfolding in real time.
3. Most dont care about the Truth, but rather about what affects their life and comfort zones. They trade their soul and the suffering it takes for a meal of porridge and then act surprised when nefarious clowns are happy to oblige....
Randal - Nov 21
Sickening. I am not one to judge anyone's religious beliefs but please, no matter what "church" you belong to do not automatically trust your church officials because they are in a position of Religious power. It is like trusting Politician's nefarious agendas just because they are "Officials".
Monica Onit - Nov 21
Monica Onit
While in this worldwide dictatorship, we better deal directly with the Boss, not trusting these lame intermediaries seems the only sane way left!
Shame on all who still look up to this satanic idiot!
Adriana - Nov 22
Well, there are obvious signs of major changes in the world, however GOD is not living in Vatican. That place is full of clowns. Like many other places people look at with reverence. Who the world is so curious to know every corner of that building? Who wants to keep us so curious and busy with things what do not really matter?
Anouschka Nitzlnader - Dec 1
Anouschka’s Substack
They forgot that we are the officials and they got their chairs( paydays )because the officials pay them to work for them ( taxpayers)
And not the way around people please let us stand up together and change this world in a better place .
Kyle Young - Nov 21
the secular heretic
What better way to institutionalize AI than to have it sanctified by the oldest religious institution.
It makes sense that the material realm - in which the Vatican wallows - would ignore the soul killing aspects of AI in favor or the financial benefits it will reap from it.
Frank Dee - Nov 21
Exactly. Follow the money π°
Marilynne Mellander - Nov 21
God, not the blasphemous Catholic cult knows who His real people are - these are the true Saints, not the evil people the Popes have proclaimed over the last 1000 years...Foxe's Book of Martyrs documents the killing and torture implemented during the ongoing Catholic Inquisition against anyone who dares to defy the Pope and His minions by believing in salvation by God alone through faith alone...the Catholic cult's works based religion has doomed millions to hell since its' inception
Gary Stone - Nov 21
Just when I thought the Vatican couldn’t be any crazier.
Gabrielle - Nov 21 - Edited
Miss’s Substack
This child was a victim of MK Ultra/Monarch. Those Vatican Satanists gave him Lukemia and killed him. He was programmed to be this eventual "digital saint". He was another abused child used as a tool to deceive the masses and to further the agenda of the ill-uminati-NWO. Anyone out there who doesn't know by now that the Roman Catholic Church is a Luciferian Cult had better start doing their homework. Countless children are abused and murdered at the hands of these reprehensible monsters.
Miss Parker - Nov 21 - Edited
Miss’s Substack
Weren't the Jesuits formed as a sect of assassins who used many techniques but who were especially known to use poison, and, perhaps, now, radiation, and mask it quite convincingly?
Many first world intel agencies are linked to Jesuit and Vatican interests and methods.
Synickel - Nov 22 - Edited
The cia got their organizational structure and methodology from the jesuits. The jesuits were formed in the 1500s as an order to destroy protestantism. They were highly educated, trained and brainwashed. Taught that lying and murdering protestants wasn't a sin. Infiltrated governments, churches, schools, started their own universities, and now control basically all school books and curriculum, including medical school books and pharma. Check how many are on supreme court, house, senate, cabinets. They've won, and they're the head of the snake.
psychoNWO - Nov 22 - Edited
Who founded the Jesuits...https://watch-unto-prayer.org/reformation-2.html
Protestantism and Catholicism were both created by Jews, as was Islam. Its the same divide and conquer technique the jews have been using for millenia.
Tulpa's through the ages. All designed to harness and redirect your creative thought form energy to the God of the Jews,, ie the Demiurge. Which Jewish 'God' Do You Worship?https://ibb.co/DKDG6xJ
Gilad Atzmon in NYC: Jewish Controlled Opposition...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbx23Ygj3YM
psychoNWO - Nov 22 - Edited
The Jews are using the 'Jewish Jesus/Gods chosen' narrative like a bio-energetic Egregore/tulpa/servitor. You create a fake idea/narrative and trick countless billions of people into feeding it with their imaginative (spiritual) energy, then its simply a matter of harnessing and redirecting that energy towards the manifestation of your (supremacist?) ideas (ideology). The Jews were a non entity until 1611 when their KJV bible was introduced into Europe. Now look at them.
Pre-Christian societies used myths and legends in the same manner. The wisest in the community would teach the children how to tap into these powerful energies for the benefit of themselves and their community. However, the Jews persuaded the newly Judaised Christians that these practices where demonic and had them all murdered - while at the same time retaining this important knowledge for their own exclusive use.
Killings for Christianity...https://markhumphrys.com/christianity.killings.html
Jew Christopher Columbus - Introducing the Jewish version of Christianity to the New World...http://www.renegadetribune.com/happy-zarco-day-columbus-jew/
How the Jews took over Christianity...
Short version...http://www.todayscatholicworld.com/marrano-jews.htm
Long version...https://www.heritage-history.com/index.php?c=read&author=pinay&book=plot2&story=infiltration
The Jew John Calvin, who collated the series of texts that eventually became the KJV Bible, had everyone killed that didn't go along with his Torah inspired interpretations...https://www.reenactingtheway.com/blog/john-calvin-had-people-killed-and-bad-bible-interpretation-justified-it
Synickel - Nov 22
Anouschka Nitzlnader - Dec 1
Anouschka’s Substack
Well I hope that they don’t really won , maybe we still got a chance to change it .
But therefore we the people must stand up and keep together.
I pray for it every day thanks to all the people who already woke up .
Gabrielle - Nov 22
Miss’s Substack
Yes, absolutely! They are one in the same. Just a side note. My dad is from Italy and when he was 15 he went to a Jesuit school because his mother wanted him to become a priest. He witnessed many strange occurrences where the head priests would take select boys into their chambers and he believed they were being sexually abused. This was something my mother told me; he never liked talking to his children about his experiences there. A very close friend of his at the school shot himself in the head. He knows without a doubt that it was because of the abuse the boy was experiencing. I think my dad was abused as well by these reprobates because he gets very angry and emotionally charged whenever he speaks about the Catholic church, especially the Jesuits. He dropped out of the school.
Miss Parker - Nov 22
Miss’s Substack
How awful for your father and for all young victims. Pedophilia runs throughout Church, government, education, and intel agencies, all of which appear influenced by Jesuit, Jewish, and Masonic teachings and secret, destructive and anti-God practices. Am not really sure what a Judeo-Christian ethos is, anymore.
The underlying values of western culture, at least among the self-styled elite and lower classes, have been reformed into the worship of Self and blood crime. The middle classes are on their way, via indulgence, laziness, and need to conform in order to fit in. It's all satanic, of course.
Erin Neill - Dec 2
Erin Neill
Gee, what have you been smoking?
Crixcyon - Nov 21 - Edited
A whole gaggle of digital retards? Why doesn't the silly pope do something valuable? Like stop WW3 and the cruelty in the ME? He can't because he is human and suffers from the same folly as all humans. I was once Catholic but that ship sailed long ago. Besides that, he's a global warming freak.
Anouschka Nitzlnader - Dec 1
Anouschka’s Substack
He works for The New World Order and nothing else he said ones that the wound on his head is healed ( bible )and that we better not follow him , because than we don’t come to God !!!
Bruce Cain - Nov 21
Bruce’s Newsletter
For anyone following the Vatican's association to the larger globalist agenda this is really just "more of the same." The focus of us Anti-globalists must remain defeating the entire globalist agenda.
In my version of the Garden of Eden one should always be encouraged to eat from the tree of knowledge but should never meddle with the tree of life as that is above the pay grade of ANY human: past, present or future. Think of the sorcerers apprentice and all the unanticipated problems his meddling created. Those of us that understand the complexity of the global ecosystem tend to abide by the precautionary principle. The globalists have the audacity to think they can meddle with the Tree of Life with no consequence. They they seem to abide by the "Let's just do shit and see what happens" principle. I can't seem to find an antonym for the Precautionary Principle.
Our globalist corporations have obviously ignored this warning as GMO farming began/expanded in the early 1990's. Using CRISPR and other cutting edge technologies they have meddled with the tree of life: terminator seeds, plants that produce insecticides (which we eat), spraying plants with Glyphosate etc. Already it is clear these technologies are causing harm to human health. Then we have fluoride in the water supply, endocrine disruptors, PFAS chemicals etc., in or food and water. None of this makes sense and represents a willful refusal to consider what our collective knowledge (e.g., the tree of knowledge) should be telling us about the harm these substances unleash on the human population. But is goes on unabated because global corporations can profit in the short run.
Then came the Plandemic and the mRNA vaccines the did not prevent infection/transmission but did cause considerable harm and death. Worse yet there is growing evidence that these mRNA injections may actually be modifying our DNA and the consequences are just beginning to be understood. Of course this has all been ignored by globalist corporate media. And over the past year I have read numerous papers about self assembly nanobots within the vaccines and much more. I've yet to write about this subject as, at first, I was a skeptic. But perhaps it is time to cover the subject because there is plenty of evidence/papers etc. which suggest the globalists want to use mRNA concoctions in conjunction with 5G EMF radiation to control our moods and literally allow the government to get inside our heads. And thanks to the author for detailing the programs that are already underway.
It is now obvious that the WEF, UN, WHO etc. want full control of humanity. They aren't even shy about their plans: a Great Reset where you will own nothing (and really won't be happy at all). And it is all spelled out in Agenda21, Agenda2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). They have very complex plans to exert control of every human on planet Earth. Their goal is a fully controlled global population -- which will relegate every human to the status of a slave on a globalist plantation.
WE THE PEOPLE, of planet Earth, need to immediately unite behind our own complex agenda in order to stop this globalist coup. To that end I've put together what I call the "Put People First" agenda, which has developed over the past 5 years. I'm encouraging everyone to endorse this agenda and cite your support at City Council, School Board meetings as well as during protests. As Benjamin Franklin once said at the signing of the Declaration of Independence: "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Here is the PPF agenda as it currently exists:
* No Lockdowns EVER again
* No forced masking ANYWHERE
* No forced vaccinations under ANY circumstance whether that be from injection, food or chemtrails
* Absolutely no vaccine passports or digital currency
* Reinstate all of those that lost jobs for refusing to get the mRNA injection, including all of our Healthcare workers
* Universal non-coercive choice: Wearing a mask or getting a mRNA injection will be up to each individual and there will be ABSOLUTELY no penalty for not complying in or out of the workplace.
* No more censorship of ANYONE whether that be on social media, corporate media or at the workplace. No one should ever be censored or punished for exercising their First Amendment Right to Free Speech.
* Impeach Biden/Harris and reinstate Trump as our president.
* Stop the LGBTQ and CRT indoctrination in our schools and corporations
* Stop the Climate Agenda and make Energy Independence Priority Number One.
* Send every Illegal Alien, that Biden has brought in through Open Borders, back home.
* Stop the illegal mass imigration invasion worldwide
* Legalize the personal cultivation of Cannabis, Psilocybin.
* Legalize the right to take Ivermectin, Hydrochloriquine and other anti-viral herbs and drugs
* Legalize the right to choose when it comes to vaccines, abortion, drugs etc.
* Eliminate Genetically modified vaccines, plants, animals (fish, cattle etc.) and the use of Glyphosate.
* Eliminate the use of Geoengineering: Chemtrails, HAARP etc.* Eliminate the fluoridation of our water supply.
* Stop allowing Blackrock, and other financial institutions from buying up residential properties which will make it impossible for future families to own a home and build up equity.
* Demand your government defund and exit the UN, WHO and WEF
MsDemeanor - Nov 21
Bruce’s Newsletter
Another substack I just came across today on possible mRNA and 5G EMF Radiation being suspected in an 8 fold increase of racehorses dropping dead during last years Kentucky Derby spring meet (I've been doing a lot of diving and reading since those covid jabs first arrived).
Bruce Cain - Nov 22
Bruce’s Newsletter
Humanity is becoming the canary in the coal mine. Sad.
Judy Joyce - Nov 22
Judy Joyce
Susan Hojdik - Nov 21
Susan Hojdik
Absolute Blasphemy!
Andrejka - Nov 21
Andrejka’s Substack
that person who died probably died from wifi and other electromagnetic exposure not only from the mobile phones in the home, the 5g towers, the smart meter for electric and water, and other toxic emfs in the area at home, school and elsewhere.
Miss Parker - Nov 21
Miss’s Substack
Andrejka, I thought of that, too. But he also could've been targeted with excessive exposure by certain parties to "sacrifice" him and make him a martyr for their own purposes.
MsDemeanor - Nov 21
Miss’s Substack
Combined with multiple c19 'boosters'.
A higher rate of cancers/leukemia, and 'turbo cancer' in those previously in long-term remission, have been documented since their rollout too.
I don't doubt they have a lot to do with how batπ© crazy many seem to have become as well.
Miss Parker - Nov 21
Miss’s Substack
Yes, poison by needle is popular these days, and the C19 family of toxins are alleged to interact with EMF to form dangerous nanotech circuitry and to release toxic LNP payloads.
Great avatar. Misbehave anymore and it could become a Fell on Knee.
MsDemeanor - Nov 21
Antonella - Nov 21 - Edited
Hereticdrummer’s Substack
not news, the whole religion is a fantasy concocted to give jews energy through the eggregore they created of jesus, without christianity, with each country not invaded by it but if each country had kept their own spirituality and religions they had before christianity invaded globalism couldn't have ever ever happened, heck jews rise to power could never ever have happened at all no energy for these monsters and their masters to consume. stay away from mainstream religion or be food for them and be vampirized by jesus or allah or yahweh your choice, since most people who considers themselves "awake" still fail on the political and/or religious front, as these as the latter leverages the fear of death and it's brainwashed since birth and the former is a projection of parent figures
Hereticdrummer - Nov 21
Hereticdrummer’s Substack
Right on, Antonella. Any organized religion is a mind/control, mind/fuck apparatus of the Synarchy or Cryptocracy that rules this inferior realm of base matter.
Antonella - Nov 21
Hereticdrummer’s Substack
true, except the inferior part, everything is energy everything is one at one level nothing is inferior or superior, debasing matter debases us, knowing it's spirit and it's one ennobles it, that's why i am spiritually an animist
Hereticdrummer - Nov 21
Hereticdrummer’s Substack
Spiritually I am a Hyperborean Aryan and I despise this realm of created forms and base matter. The realm of matter is a very low and dim vibrational frequency. Everything that has a beginning has an ending. All of creation in this Demiurgic realm will end, as at some point it began. Our focus must be on the Uncreated for only that, which has no beginning and no ending will endure eternally.
Antonella - Nov 21
Hereticdrummer’s Substack
you might like to take a look at the work of isabella greene and escaping the matrix to get straight to the true void
Hereticdrummer - Nov 21
Hereticdrummer’s Substack
I'm very familiar with her work and it is great though with all respect I say it is not quite complete. However she is in the right ballpark. To get a real handle on what this place is, who we are (Aryans) and why we are here, and the cosmic, cataclysmic immensity of it all, I refer you to the works of the incomparable Master, Miguel Serrano.
Randal - Nov 21 - Edited
I myself believe Jesus came to abolish all of the Old Laws. I think whatever "Messiah" or God people choose to believe in, as long as it teaches love above all else, they can't go wrong. Most of these religions are everything EXCEPT LOVE. Religion was created and is still used as a way to control the masses and collect money from the population.
Dave aka Geezermann - Nov 21
Dave aka Geezermann
Randal - You mean the Messiah, Yahshua. Yes, he did exist and there is no doubt about that, in all of recorded history. And he did NOT come "to abolish the old laws". Those laws were given by the Creator, and are for all time. The Messiah "fulfilled the law and the prophets". If one does not understand what that means, then they have not studied. Hint: Christianity is not Biblical, it is an offshoot of the false Catholic religion.
Regardless, this article about the false pope and false religion shows what satan wants to do. There is no such thing as a 15 year old saint, and no one but the Almighty can do miracles.
Randal - Nov 21
I do not mean his entire purpose was to abolish the Laws of Moses. I disagree with you completely on the subject of studying any religious text. Anyone can interpret anything as the wish. I am not religious in the slightest. To me, after Jesus came and gave his life for sinners, I do not live by any of the Old Testament Laws. Jesus says the number one important law is to Love....when you rule everything in your life with love, most of the 10 commandments goes without saying. How are you even sure these laws which you speak of were not changed to better control the population long before we were able to read of them in the Bible?
Antonella - Nov 21 - Edited
jesus itself was created and never existed, historians who should have known him living in the same era and area never mention him, the shroud of turin is a fake for less than a thousand years ago, jesus is a mix of solar gods created by the jews as an eggregore, a focus for the energy of the "goyim" so that all the energy sent to him goes to their evil yahweh/moloch/owl interdimensional alien/archon whatever the heck this monster is, so that the jews could arrive to do the horrors and genocides they are doing today. No jesus cult spreading 1800 or so years ago=western countries sovereignty in religion spirituality and politics=no globalization no wef, no genocide of the human race....wish christianity and islam and judaism for that matter, the root of all evil, never existed we wouldn't be in this mess, we would still have wars issues for land supremacy and squabbles but we wold not be facing the end of humanity and horrors from interdimensional reality beyond comprehension and it's only the beginning if the closing ceremony of the olympics is predictive programming with the insect alien and the greys....
Randal - Nov 21 - Edited
Agree to disagree. I do know the shroud of Turin is fake. And let's say they did make up Jesus altogether, how would an individual giving energy to an "imaginary" God, that's focused on love and all things good, give energy to evil?
Praying to any conception of anyone's God if it is Love and love focused only, can only be a good thing not bad. They did Capitalize off of Jesus and did rewrite the Bible to their advantage. Although I believe Jesus existed, if he very well did not, I believe all of my prayers and energy is still sent to the Universal Energy of Light and Love that SURELY is the ultimate God.
I personally suspect Jesus was actually half extraterrestrial but not an evil ET. One of Light and Love. Angels and demons may very well be "extraterrestrials". I respect your beliefs and understand where you are coming from. I rejected the idea of Jesus for years and years but just recently out of the most despairing point in my life where i was literally possessed by some very evil very dark "energy" came out of it with the help who I now know and believe as Jesus.
Antonella - Nov 21 - Edited
how? It's basic magick, an eggregore created by a group of people even if it is perceived to be about love or whatever else if it's charged with the task of delivering energy to someone else to be a proxy that it will do as it's its masters or creators will that created it like that like a programmed computer. As an aside, love even so called unconditional love is used widely in abduction and to lure people in the trap of the light tunnel with the safety it makes people feel and the bliss, see for instance the largely predictive programming tv show remake from 2009 V visitors and Anna's bliss (and the sterilizing shots etc, lots of predicting programming there)
psychoNWO - Nov 22 - Edited
Some call it an egregore, Buddhists call it a tulpa. Thought is pure energy - and energy never dies, it only changes state.
A tulpa is an entity created by a person, a thought form with a degree of will and autonomy of its own. The word is Tibetan.
The word “egregore” comes from Greek and refers to a number of things, but modern occultists mostly use it to describe a tulpa which has been created by a group of people, instead of one person.
A servitor is a tulpa created to serve a magician, usually by accomplishing a specific task. It’s like an astral servant that can be influenced by thought form energy. The more thought energy that can be generated, the more powerful, and thus influential, the magicians idea becomes.
This concept is discussed extensively in a book by Angeliki Anagnostou titled 'Can You Stand The Truth: The Chronicle of Man's Imprisonment' It contains quotes from original Greek texts which were left out of the KJV bible...https://www.amazon.com.au/Can-You-Stand-Truth-Imprisonment-ebook/dp/B00K4CFYO6/ref=monarch_sidesheet_title".
Dave aka Geezermann - Nov 21
Dave aka Geezermann
You "know" the Shroud of Turin is fake? How do you know that, since by all the latest scientific studies and evaluations it has been determined to be an actual burial cloth from that time 2,000 years ago. And there is no explanation for exactly how the image was made and impressed into the fibers of the cloth. It is an accurate depiction of SOMEONE'S beating, crucifixion, and burial.
This is not to say it is an object of veneration. It was not even owned by the "catholic church" until several years ago. It had remained in the ownership of a Savoy family for hundreds of years.
Randal - Nov 21
I should not have said KNOW. I was under the impression it was fake as years ago, when I still was naive and trusted "scientists" I heard from multiple sources it was faked. Knowing what I know now about how many lies are fed to us from every angle, it very well could be real.
mothman777 - Nov 21
mothman777’s Newsletter
This is the hostile invading alien soul group that intended to conquer this planet and totally exterminate all humans on it.
When they first arrived here it was not in space ships, but by a highly audacious means of forcefully incarnating their souls in hijacked foetuses within the wombs of already pregnant women of Earth species of humans already living here, they are not all openly Jews even today as Rabbi Laitman explains, this is not a matter of 'good and bad in all religions, it is a single hostile enemy alien soul group creating a Jewish so-called religion purely as a political tool, hijacking other religions, hijacking national governments, hijacking national medical practice and research and weaponizing it all against all humanity, even creating fake religions to destroy us with like Christianity and Islam.
The occult researcher and writer Alexandra David Neel consulted Tibetan monks and they told her of black magicians who could forcefully project their soul into someone else's body and dislocate the rightful inhabitant permanently and then permanently hijack that human body, and this is precisely the same black magic technique that these god-dodging interdimensional criminal terrorists and space pirates who wish to artificially extend their lives and artificially rise through the dimensions used when first arriving on this planet, by forcing Gentile souls out of foetuses in Gentile womens' wombs so that their own invading souls could then dwell in those stolen or hijacked foetuses similar to the scenario in 'The Midwich Cuckoos'.
I have met many Jews who have openely told me they do astral projection at night, they use this occult ability to dodge the laws of karma and reincarnate hundreds of times only in the established communities of the invading soul group to maintain and further build on their power and resources over thousands of years. They claim to be a different ans entirely superior species from humans both in terms of soul and body just as Laitman states, and Rabbi Menachem Schneerson has stated exactly the same thing about Jews being an entirely different species to all humans on this planet.
Rabbi: Jews are Not of This World; We’re Sent to Conquer It
Here’s a small part of what Laitman tells his Jewish students:
Rav Michael Laitman: In fact, we are not coming from here. We came from there (points to outer space). This is Israel at their root. So we went through such a route that took us inside by, what is called the “shattering of the vessels”… the shattering of the collective soul…
Question from the audience: Who is the chief of staff that sent the commanding unit?
Rav Michael Laitman: Him. The Creator. Israel is a part of Him…
Question from the audience: So, this chief of staff sent this commando unit?
Rav Michael Laitman: Sent the commando unit. Gave them strength. Gave them the connections. Everything…
But… they have no choice. He broke them. He shattered them. What does it mean? In order to put them inside the hostile land, he had to give them the same form as that hostile land. It’s like we go into a country as an undercover team. And each one of us is exactly like the people of the land. Say we’re being sent somewhere now — Africa for instance. So we’ll take on the same shape and form of the people in Africa. The characteristics, traits, approach, interests, everything. The same exact form — inside and out…
You know, it’s like an undercover agent. He is there for a while, no one touches him. He has to start working, build a house, family… Everything is fine for years and years.
After that, he starts doing something. He gets a reminder from outside: “You’ve got to start working.” He already forgot about it and all of a sudden they call him. Here is your commander, and this and that, you know — like in the movies… This is what’s happening with us.
We have to wake up. We have to remember that we have a special mission. And really, this isn’t our place. We’re coming from a completely different place. So we have to find our friends according to this awakening. Did you get a phone call? I got a phone call, he got a phone call and so on. And then we gather as a group.
So from this entire planet, we are aliens coming from a different galaxy. We receive this ray of light — this awakening — individually. And now we’re gathering as groups starting to prep ourselves to conquer Earth. That’s the mission.
Question from the audience: How do we conquer it?
Rav Michael Laitman: How do we conquer it? We’re also sent the method. We’re being shown everything gradually. We’re being taught. Not being taught, but kind of trained and activated… which sets our minds in motion. But in fact, it’s coming from our original planet. And thanks to that original natural force we have, we will take over those living on Earth.
Why are you looking at me like that? You don’t believe me? I’m telling you seriously! It’s even more than that. It’s not a different galaxy — it’s a different universe. It’s a different dimension altogether. That’s who we are…
Question from the audience: …Why are they aliens?
Rav Michael Laitman: They’re aliens because… I’m not talking about their external form — their body or their flesh and blood organs. I’m talking about that interior that does not exist in other people in the world on Earth but only in them. It’s the inner software that is in them here coming from the other world.
…What we’re talking about now is the phase where those undercover agents have to connect together and organize themselves in order to conquer Earth…
So we came here in order to put things in order — like on our home planet…
Monica Onit - Nov 21
Monica Onit
Jesus and New Testament are about love, forgiveness and peace, that’s for Congress declared it technically illegal, like Tucker Carlson put it…
If he existed or not, this is up to each of us to grasp, too delicate matter to impose, like with all religions’ prophets actually.
If we sincerely keep this approach, we’ll soon stay together like one, whatever our differences, at the same hour, peacefully against these satans, when the time is up, everywhere on the planet, each one in his village or town.
Every soul is blending right now, let’s stop the debate on religious beliefs and focus on the present war ravaging us all!
They play their last cards left. It’s ugly.
Dave aka Geezermann - Nov 21
Dave aka Geezermann
Unfortunately, religion must come into play, because it is satan who is behind the catholic church, and the globalist cabal that seeks world domination.
We are currently in a war, yes, of good versus evil.
Monica Onit - Nov 21
Monica Onit
Catholic church just died today to its sword. Young generations will eventually learn to pray to God without lousy intermediaries.
Monica Onit - Nov 21
Monica Onit
Every soul is bleeding *
Pinco Pallino - Nov 21
Pinco Pallino
Pontius Pilate wrote a letter to Cesar Tiberius describing Jesus and everything that was going on at the time as required. It’s an existing historic document.
The Shroud has been proven to be of a material that was fabricated at that time in that area with pollen that only existed in that location.
Then there’s this.https://www.patternsofevidence.com/2024/11/01/new-x-ray-tests-date-turin-shroud-to-the-time-of-jesus/
And what about Tacitus?
It’s ludicrous to suggest it’s a hoax. The number of individuals that worked miracles in His name is pretty compelling evidence as to His existence beyond historical records. The. There’s the little fact that no one has worked a miracle in Buddha or Mohammed’s name (that I know of), but thousands have received miracles in the name of Jesus Christ.
Antonella - Nov 21
Antonella - Nov 21
Antonella - Nov 21
Pinco Pallino
Pinco Pallino - Nov 27
Pinco Pallino
“I know the resurrection is a fact, and Watergate proved it to me. How? Because 12 men testified they had seen Jesus raised from the dead, then they proclaimed that truth for 40 years, never once denying it. Every one was beaten, tortured, stoned and put in prison. They would not have endured that if it weren't true. Watergate embroiled 12 of the most powerful men in the world-and they couldn't keep a lie for three weeks. You're telling me 12 apostles could keep a lie for 40 years? Absolutely impossible.”
Charles Colson
mothman777 - Nov 21 - Edited
mothman777’s Newsletter
Right on. The Jewish Piso family created the Christian religion and introduced it through the enemy agent Trump of the day, the very likely infiltrated crypto-Jew soul Emperor Constantine, posing it as a link religion to standardize the intended means of keeping conquered nations within the Roman empire subjugated and mentally conditioned with permanent fear of burning alive in hell forever.
Christianity is a nightmare from start to finish, essentially being no different in its extremely cruel methodology of mind control than Stalin's Pitesti Experiment in Romania, the methodology of which was also carried out even in the beginning the so-called Russian Revolution (criminal terrorist Jewish seizure of Russia) in 1917, with all kinds of horrific tortures taking place, both Communism and Christianity (as well as Islam) are Jewish tools to send people quite insane with fear and hate. Stalin wrote "This is how we shall make the Communist mind".
What person in their right mind agrees with burning all non-Christians alive in hell unceasingly forever, and having their own family members made their own worst enemies as the Bible teaches is to occur, this being nothing other than a form of proto-Bolshevism to destroy the family unit, and to destroy the fabric of society of all target Gentile nations in totality ready for the total enslavement and ultimate total extermination of all Gentiles that is clearly stated as being intended to be made to occur in a principal Jewish scripture, the Zohar, all the so-called Jewish scriptures really being war manuals of the actually atheistic self-worshipping invading tribe.
People need to remember the scores of millions of Gentiles who were put to the sword, garrotted and burned alive or otherwise tortured to death in later years during the Dark Ages to spread this demonic death and hate cult, that entirely resembles 'The Ministry Of Love' in George Orwell's 1984.
The criminal terrorist agenda threatening all life on this planet is Jewish, also involving a vast number of crypto-Jewish military infiltrator souls incarnated in other religions and peoples around the world working alongside the Jews as if one with them as they do in the WEF, which is purely a front for the Noahide Law agenda of the various rabbinical groups, with the Torah itself stating that the war against amalek must be eternal, and that not a single Gentile is to be allowed to remain alive on this entire planet. The attackers are alien souls not from this planet, not even from this dimension, and they are the entire origin of the Jewish so-called religion, and their controlled opposition psy-op warfare tools called Christianity and Islam.
240Gordie - Nov 21
"If Trump is to get Bobby Kennedy confirmed as Secretary of Health and Human Services, he must begin his speeches now putting the Senate and the American people on notice that Big Pharma will purchase from the Senate a non-confirmation vote. Millions of letters must pour into the Senate promising to drive the senators from office if they continue to protect Big Pharma’s assault on Americans’ lives and health. Can Trump do this when his chief of staff is a former Big Pharma lobbyist?"
Synickel - Nov 22
The catholic church is never-ending in its non-biblical canonizing, and other crazy stuff. The pope is about as viable as Biden, and like Biden, has jesuits writing all his stuff and giving him marching orders.
NewHumanNewEarth - Nov 21
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