Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 15, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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It is important to study self elected “the global leaders” in their respective fields. They all seem to have the ability to forecast the future to a high level of precision. People call it predictive programming, but if you really study their published material and look at the reality that is playing out now, it becomes quite clear that the planning process is rather elaborate on their part. Lockstep has been going on for decades. Ray Kurzweil in his book “ The Singularity is Near” goes into extreme detail about how exactly they plan to transform humanity into Human 2.0 and eventually 3.0 through the use of self assembly nanotechnology. Carefully referenced, Ray makes it easy for his followers to get their instruction map for the future. Like all globalist technocrats, their writing sounds so easy going, futuristic and optimistic - describing a fantastic future of curing all diseases, immortality and universal abundance. The catch is that their words have a much different meaning. When looking at how this vision plays out, one realizes that their Orwellian nightmare roadmap is playing out now to the planned extermination of most of humanity.
I highly recommend reading the book, its a treasure trove of information.
On page 248 he writes:
“Scientists at the University of Texas have developed a nanobot-size fuel cell that produces electricity directly from the glucose-oxygen reaction in human blood. Called a “Vampire bot” by commentators, the cell produces electricity sufficient to power conventional electronics and could be used for future blood-borne nanobots.
Japanese scientists pursuing a similar project estimated that their system had the theoretical potential to produce a peak of one hundred watts from the blood of one person, although implantable devices would use far less. ( A newspaper in Syndrey observed that the project provided a basis for the premise in the Matrix movies of using humans as batteries.)
The harvesting of both glucose and ATP is described. ATP is the power source of our human cells. There certainly seems to be energy harvesting going on in human blood as evidenced by Clifford Carnicoms and my joint research on the bloods electrical conductivity and estimated powerloss of up to 47%.
Later he writes about self assembly polymers as electronic devices:
Self assembling electronic devices ( for example, self-organizing biopolymers ), if perfected, will require less energy to manufacture and use and will produce fewer toxic by products that conventional semiconductor manufacturing methods.
He also discusses ( p234)
As nanobased replicators become more sophisticated, more capable of extracting carbon atoms and carbon based molecular fragments from less well controlled source materials, and are able to operate outside of controlled replicator enclosures such as in the biological world, they will have the potential to present a grave threat to the world.
Here are the news articles from 2003, already talking about powering devices embedded in the human body.
Power from blood could lead to 'human batteries'
A device that produces electricity from blood could be used to turn people into "human batteries". Researchers in Japan are developing a method of drawing power from blood glucose, mimicking the way the body generates energy from food. Theoretically, it could allow a person to pump out 100 watts - enough to illuminate a light bulb. But that would entail converting all the food eaten by the individual into electricity. In practice, less power would be generated since food is needed by the body.
However the scientists say the "bio-nano" generator could be used to run devices embedded in the body, or sugar-fed robots. The team at electronics giant Panasonic's Nanotechnology Research Laboratory near Kyoto has so far only managed to produce very low power levels. But the scientists ultimately expect to gain much greater performance from the device. The battery is based on an enzyme capable of stripping glucose of its electrons, The Engineer magazine reported.
Dr Kazuo Eda, heading the research, said: "It is like the metabolism of food. Human bodies can process glucose and obtain energy. When glucose is oxidized, electrons can be obtained." He believed bio-nano fuel cells were the next step for researchers after generators powered by hydrogen, natural gas and methanol now being developed for the car and energy industries.
This is the research from 2004 discussing how they made a DNA nanorobot that creates polymers - they programmed DNA to produce any polymer they want - designer polymers, but also for encryption of information and DNA based computation - certainly sound like what is going on now too. This article was cited by Ray in his book:
Translation of DNA Signals into Polymer Assembly Instructions
We developed a DNA nanomechanical device that enables the positional synthesis of products whose sequences are determined by the state of the device. This machine emulates the translational capabilities of the ribosome. The device has been prototyped to make specific DNA sequences. The state of the device is established by the addition of DNA set strands. There is no transcriptional relationship between the set strands and the product strands. The device has potential applications that include designer polymer synthesis, encryption of information, and use as a variable-input device for DNA-based computation.
We have produced a device that translates a DNA signal into an unrelated sequence. The connection between the signals and the products (the ‘genetic code’ for this system) has been established arbitrarily, so that there is no transcriptional relationship between them. It is evident that this simple device prototypes an arbitrary, but general, encryption method (10). In addition, this type of device has been suggested as the basis for a finite-state machine with variable input, whose output can be used for universal computation (11). From a chemical standpoint, we expect to be able to couple this system with a recent method that adds reactive groups to the backbone residues of nucleotides; that method enables the attachment of arbitrary polymers to the DNA (12). Adding a reactive group to the continuous chain at a few accessible sites (e.g., once per helical turn) would be independent of steric effects. Such groups could be used in this system to scaffold the construction of diverse and unprecedented polymers of well-defined size and composition. This device lacks the translocational capability of the ribosome, so that product length is similar to device size; nevertheless, translocation is well within the scope of DNA nanotechnology (13) suggesting that it can be incorporated in future versions of the device
Here is the self assembly nano machine:
My commentary:
The general strategy of the technocratic transhumanists, who are also satanists, psychopathic and genocidal criminals who want to get rid of 7 Billion people while creating robotic slaves for themselves, is a long term game plan. They forecast their own future with extreme precision and then manage to make multi billion dollar profits off of their criminal enterprise - while deceiving people since their crimes of genocide play out under the veneer of “healthcare”, the destruction of the biosphere that they are creating by poisoning the atmosphere via geoengineering poisons is called “fight for reversal of climate change”. As all devoted satanists do, DECEPTION is the name of their game, pushed via propaganda mind control measures on the uneducated population. INFORMATION warfare is what its called. Humans like to spin information to their benefit, these people are masters of the proverb: “smiling faces do tell lies”.
They deploy psychological military grade operations - its called military industrial complex for a reason - to scare the masses by saying that some non existing virus is going to be the worst thing ever - they release the bio lab created synthetic pathogen, spray it via geoengineering or poison people with vaccines. Make no mistake, ALL vaccines are poison.
If people in their fake plandemic do not die fast enough, they kill them in hospitals by bribing coward physicians and administrators who love to be the handmaiden of evil if just the paycheck reflects their great performance. Most do not recognize that they are simply educated slaves - since they believe in their social status and incorruptibility of their science, they are easy prey. Even though major medical journal editors like Marcia Angell clearly state that most medical science is fraud, these doctors swallow the narrative and hence become weaponized against the people.
The entire criminal healthcare cartel encourages this, while spreading fake propaganda. Then poison manufacturers also known as Big Pharma make billions of dollars creating weapons of mass destruction they call vaccines. Chemotherapeutic agents like methotrexate, produced by Big Pharma, has also been found to be sprayed via geoengineering. Why would an immune suppressing drug be sprayed for weather warfare if the point is not also to poison the population? And of course we know smart dust, self assembly nanotechnology in the form of Morgellons polymers have been sprayed for decades, to the detriment of the health of billions of people.
Under the cover of excuses, the next step of creating Cyborg robots and deploying their nanobots in the blood has been implemented in a fake health crisis. They had the building blocks and planning ideas ready for decades, otherwise how could they be such great prophets?
The same criminals who deployed the bioweapon - that causes via self assembly nanotechnology to create amyloid like protein clots, possibly spider silk mixed with plastics and quantum dots - have a solution. Pfizer happens to have a drug for cardiac amyloidosis and peripheral neuropathy caused by amyloidosis - all approved by the corrupt FDA that employs corrupt individuals who after approving these drugs for Pharma go and get their payment for selling their soul to pure evil in the Pharma Industry - the proverbial revolving door that you can find everywhere in corporate America, government and around the world.
Pfizer’s Vyndaqel® (tafamidis) First Therapy Approved in the European Union for the Rare and Fatal Neurodegenerative Disease Transthyretin Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy (TTR-FAP) (courtesy of Dr Geanina Hagima)
They create a fake problem and have the fake solution, that will create more severe problems so they can make more money, injure and kill more people.
It seems like Ray Kurzweils book is the nanotechnology Event 201 or Crimson Contagion. His new book comes out in June, so we can read what other Armageddon type scenarios these technocratic transhumanist freaks have in store for humanity. While the writing seems scientifically and technologically brilliant, one can clearly see how the most educated people without a conscience have only one pathway - total power, total greed, total intellectual arrogance - ultimately leading to total destruction of life.
Their agenda is far more advanced already than most suspect. Our air is poisoned, our food and water is too, and the burden on our body through excess chemicals, injected bioweapons and other methods of decimating the population are deployed to a degree that it is hard with the most careful measures to protect oneself.
Are we just going to let them get away with it?
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Wayne Copeland - May 15
Wayne Copeland
Thanks always Ana for keeping us informed ... your readers are not lemming or sheep but we're such a minority that it breaks my heart ... please keep going, uniting, caring, being a great example.
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Skupe - May 15
Getting rid of humans is now one of their prime motivators with all of these deadly and made-up viruses.
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