Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) Polyamide Nanofiber…

Jul 5, 2023

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This is the blood of an unvaccinated individual who came in this morning.


Roman S Shapoval - Jul 5, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Oschmann showed when researching the blood of individuals how grounding can affect blood flow. I wonder if you did those experiments while the individuals were grounded outside in the Sun... to see how the hydrogel progresses or retreats?


kitten seeking answers - Jul 6, 2023

”Kitten’s Secret Garden”

that would be interesting


Reply (1) - Jul 6, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Comment removed.


Joe - Jul 6, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Live off one protein


NJ Election Advisor - Jul 5, 2023

NJ Election Advisor

Is it from the PCR testing?
The swabs?
Water? Food?
The cullers would be exposed as well in some of these cases, so what's the antidote?


Danna - Jul 5, 2023

Danna’s Substack

A pinch of Borax Mule Team Laundry powder in a pint of filtered clean water (I use AlexaPure that costs a couple hundred US dollars but it eliminated over 260 poisons, impurities , bacteria and viruses {if you believe in a "virus"} and well worth the money) three times a day. I saw this on a videos that Dr Ana mirrored from Dana Ashlie's YouTube channel with an interview with a whistleblower regarding all they are doing to us with frequency. Also, these psychopaths are not human. Notice how they are controlling and destroying all matter, ex rot for the minerals, like gold, silver, palladium, etc? They want our Earth. Notice how we cannot travel over the north nor south poles? Ever hear how alien ships have been reported to enter and leave via volcanos and mountain tops? Or the tic tac video where it dives into the ocean without a splash? Also see a fascinating interview with Laura Eisenhower in SGT Report. They have been here for thousands of years? You all can decide after you dyor. God Bless you all 🙏


Danna - Jul 6, 2023

Danna’s Substack

Omg. I'm on my lunch break and two pieces of 'chaf' dropped into my car. This is not cottonwood. And Dr Ana, I'm in Mill Creek Washington that is only 40 minutes from you. Are you seeing any land where you are? Maybe sit outside for a bit today. I caught a very large one earlier on my break and this one was much smaller. Not cottonwood. It's synthetic.


Butterfly2510 - Jul 7, 2023


Can you please post the link to the YouTube video?


Suzi - Jul 6, 2023

Suzi’s Substack

I have borax in tablets. One tablet has 3 mg borax. Do you think it is enough?


TimeIsNear - Jul 6, 2023


Is it borax or boron tablets? I take 3mg of Boron. You can take up to 13mg of Boron a day. The most I've ever heard anyone taking is 9mg of Boron. 3mg of borax wouldn't be good. All you need is a pinch of borax in 1 liter of water. Look into the difference between boron and borax. Hope this helps.


Unagnu - Jul 9, 2023


Borax is a salt of Boron - with the chemical formula Na2H20B4O17.[1] when put in water it dissolves like salt (Na Cl) does. It is a base not an acid. In chemical laboratories, it is used as a buffering agent to adjust Ph of solutions... In chemistry, tetraborate or pyroborate is an anion (negative ion) with formula B4O2−7; or a salt containing that anion, hanging out therefore looking for a positive charge .... I'll add this too, Boron is a replacement for Fluoride and can be used to treat fluoride toxicity... I find it interesting this study appeared, in all places, the Epidemiology Journal...https://journals.lww.com/epidem/fulltext/2007/09001/Boron_as_an_Antidote_to_Fluoride_Toxicity.360.aspx


Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

Thank you. ❤


Danna - Jul 6, 2023

Danna’s Substack

FDA maximum amount is 1/8 tsp for a 100 pound person and 1/4 teaspoon for a 200 pound person. I'm not sure if it's the same as the gentleman didn't mention tablets, just the laundry powder and don't know if there's some kind of "caking" ingredient that makes it form and hold into a tablet. Be careful and find out before you ingest tablets. If they are the same, then grind them up and take a "pinch". He did say to spread it out (three times a day).


TimeIsNear - Jul 6, 2023

Danna’s Substack

Thank you. I didn't know the actual dosage of the borax. I only knew that a pinch was to be used in a liter of water. For clarification, are you saying one pinch to be spread out over 3 times a day or 3 pinches to be spread out over a day?


Danna - Jul 8, 2023

Danna’s Substack

Good question! I had to go watch that part of the video again. It's on Dana Ashlie's YouTube channel and called, "A solution they DO NOT want you to know" that streamed three years ago. The recommended solution is discussed between the 28:00-32:00 minute timestamp. He puts one pinch in a pint of water at the beginning of the day and pours from that container into his drinking glass and drinks some of it five or six times over the course of the day. She then shows a screenshot that gives the solution called "Not Health Advice" that shows the "3 x a day" part with the measurements. So one pinch over the course of a day. Not three pinches in three pints. The pint of solution is spread out over the course of the day; one pinch total and one pint total.


Danna - Jul 6, 2023

Danna’s Substack

Oh. So sorry. I didn't read all the comments above, just below. I have zero knowledge of boron or it's mg dosage or what it's for. Just waking up and got worried about someone taking 3 mg of a laundry powder when I saw this in my email thread :)


Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

It's not actually a "laundry powder", per se...
Even though it's used for the purpose of disinfecting laundry.
Just as "baking soda" has many useful purposes, other than for baking.


Suzi - Jul 6, 2023

Suzi’s Substack

thank you :)


MK ULTRA - Jul 6, 2023

MK’s Substack

what is the difference? many say its the same


TimeIsNear - Jul 6, 2023


Boron is an element that is necessary for the body’s mineral balance and healthy bones. Borax is a compound that contains boron. Borax is boric acid’s sodium salt, and it’s either anhydrous or with five or ten water crystallization molecules. It is a white mineral compound in alkaline salt deposits. According to their definitions, the difference between borax and boron is that boron is a chemical element while borax is a chemical compound. Both occur naturally. However, borax is more abundant, while boron is a trace element. Also, they have different atomic numbers, molar masses, and melting and boiling points.


Unagnu - Jul 9, 2023


And Borax dissolved in water is basic. From the chemical perspective, borax contains the [B4O5(OH)4]2− ion. In this structure, there are two four-coordinate boron centers and two three-coordinate boron centers.
It is a proton conductor at temperatures above 21 °C. Conductivity is maximum along the b-axis.[14]
Borax is also easily converted to boric acid and other borates, which have many applications. Its reaction with hydrochloric acid to form boric acid is:
Na2B4O7·10H2O + 2 HCl → 4 H3BO3 + 2 NaCl + 5 H2O
rem :Na2B4O5(OH)4·8H2O + 2 HCl → 4 B(OH)3 + 2 NaCl + 5H2O
Borax is sufficiently stable to find use as a primary standard for acid-base titrimetry.[15]: p.316
Molten borax dissolves many metal oxides to form glasses. This property is important for its uses in metallurgy and for the borax bead test of qualitative chemical analysis.
Borax is soluble in a variety of solvents; however, it is notably insoluble in ethanol.[1]


Agent Midnight Rider - Jul 6, 2023

Agent’s Substack

The answer my friend is lying in the WIND. 2 THEORIES. Whoever said the cullers were HUMAN??? Maybe we are being TERRA FORMED. If they are human than I believe this guy has the answer. John Coleman in his video the committee of 300. where he says the elites protect themselves with some type of FREQUENCY TECHNOLOGY and a herbal remedy mixed with sugar....Q-https://archive.org/details/dr.-john-coleman-the-committee-of-300


Unagnu - Jul 9, 2023


That's the book not the video in the link given. Also, with sugar = bitter. Bitter makes me think... Artemisia or Quinine or derivatives which takes me to? HCQ, which further leads me to IVM. Et voila you are now working on frequencies... which makes Colloidal Gold so interesting and the fact that Faraday cages seem to stop the replication cold...


Agent Midnight Rider - Jul 11, 2023

Agent’s Substack

its interesting he said HERBAL, because CBDA and CBGA were peer reviewed to stop replication of the spike protein.... seehttps://medium.com/cannabis-explorations/cbga-and-cbda-bind-to-the-sars-cov-2-spike-protein-in-human-epithelial-cells-ee1fe68d91bb


Joey jinx - Jul 11, 2023

I have a friend who gets his blood checked monthly both of us are unvaxed,and his blood slides show the same as this .However we are both taking nanakinase and blood seems to be clearing up ,the vaccinated are shredding on to the unvaxed.Stand up and believe we must overcome this evil depopulation total control agenda, it is not going away until we say no to the media s propaganda


Veronica Evans - Jul 8, 2023


Borax is a known inhibitor of nanotechnology. See Dana Ashley’s video regarding HAARP, (discusses Chem-trails, Nanobots, & EMF’s).
Dr. Ana posted this video within the last 2 months.


Unagnu - Jul 12, 2023


But how does it inhibit? Do we know?


Joe - Jul 6, 2023

Joe’s Substack

We are doomed


Stepping22 - Jul 6, 2023


No you're not. Stop been afraid or acting like one.
Fear is a spirit and it seeks to master you, don't let it. So you're not doomed my friend, RELAX AND PUT YOUR HOPE IN GOD....


Noren O Drisc - Jul 6, 2023

Oh dear Hid has allowrd mist of the human race to be i injected with poisins and milliins dying oer country but MSM is owned si hides the truth. 'Do nothing but pray and all wiill magically be ok' Great advice to helo evil win every time which it does mainly


Noren O Drisc - Jul 6, 2023

God has allowed


curious butterfly - Jul 9, 2023

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

Isn't it ironic that we are becoming more synthetic every day yet you're asked to "verify you are human" when you log into email? Just a little joke to lighten the mood. :)


Noren O Drisc - Jul 6, 2023

Not if we get rid of the psychopaths doing the genocide Fir now still more iof us rhan them


Mr Johnson - Jul 5, 2023

Mr Johnson

As Nikola Tesla once said think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. What frequency do these hydrogels resonate at, understand that and you may be able to destroy its molecular construction. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife used the same principle with cancer. Just thinking out loud.


scout - Jul 5, 2023


The nanos are running at the EMF level of people; suspect once they reach a certain development, will respond to outside tech commands. I'm visualizing a drone pilot driving one or thousands of people. A hunch.


Unagnu - Jul 6, 2023


What's the EMF of people? And how best to ground?


RobinD - Jul 6, 2023

Robin’s Substack

Go outside and walk in the grass barefoot. Stand there and/or walk around. Hug a tree. Sit on the exposed roots of a tree. Inside use Earthing pads:earthing.com


RobinD - Jul 6, 2023

Robin’s Substack

I'll add more "age old" ways to ground... do Hatha yoga and learn how to breathe using the four part equal breath. The Buteyko Breathing technique is also good.
Shallow breathing from shock inhibits delivery of oxygen to the mitochondria in the cells. Without the mitochondria producing energy, the cells will not function properly and eventually die. It's my understanding that red blood cells (RBCs) do not have mitochondria. But RBCs are made by cells in the bone marrow that do have them. So fix the preceding supply chain. Look into Morley Robbins's Root Cause Protocol atrcp123.orgto learn about the two basic minerals and one protein that insures the mitochondria can produce the energy the cells need to properly function.


JC - Jul 10, 2023

Yes! I agree. Some databases will have experimental frequencies for Morgellen's and other frequencies that can be used to emulate other things that have been found to antidote what is in the c jabs and boosters.


Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.



bss.org - Jul 5, 2023



Dee's meow - Jul 5, 2023

Dee’s Meow

Comment removed.


Dee's meow - Jul 5, 2023

Dee’s Meow

If found let us all know, please.


Susie - Jul 5, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

Just to let everyone know, I had a recent live blood analysis and had NO evidence of hydrogels, luminescent bits, or long stringy filaments. I did have too few red blood cells and many were fused to others, but it was definitely not the stacked formation that Ana often sees. Yes, I did have one vaccine (unfortunately). This post is just to let other substackers know that it isn't everybody who has these things in their blood.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 5, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

When you go to people who do not know what they are looking at, they will ignore it, call it a hologram or degenerative forms or protoplasts. Many live blood analysist are totally blind to this. Shame on them.


Nanc - Jul 5, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

Precisely! What is being found in our blood today is nothing short of horrifying. And this is not something your run of the mill labs are going to pick up on.
I say if folks want to stay in the dark, so be it. It’s been said many times and still holds true today, “Ignorance is bliss”.
That is until it kills you.....


Ronald D Norris - Jul 5, 2023

Ronald’s Substack

Why not do a confirmatory test like have someone draw 30 ml of your blood into a syringe and allow it to clot over 4 hrs and then inspect for gel/plastic? I wanted proof after seeing rouleaux (stacking of blood cells) and it was an eye opener when I saw the gel. I did the test 3 times and after treatment with predominantly EDTA it is now negative for gel/plastic but is likely still there in a monomer form and/or deep in organs.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 6, 2023

Ronald’s Substack

That is awesome. I am treating people with EDTA and the blood normalization is miraculous!


Ronald D Norris - Jul 6, 2023

Ronald’s Substack

Thank you for all you do! As above I had 1.1 ml gel/plastic and dec. to 0.25 in 30 ml of whole blood after IV EDTA x2. I am un-v and with topical and liposomal EDTA is negative. I took my gel/plastic and cut it into 3mm cubes and placed into test tubes with various compound's and saw digestion with nattokinase and serrapeptase after 48 to 72 hrs. Will it work in vivo?


curious butterfly - Jul 9, 2023

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

Could you do the same test again on lumbrokinase, another fibrinolytic enzyme, and see how it compares with the nattokinase?


Ronald D Norris - Jul 9, 2023

Ronald’s Substack

I ordered some lumbrokinase and will let you know (about 1.5 to 2 wks) when done. Blessings in Christ


Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.



Veronica Evans - Jul 13, 2023

Would also like to know how your testing turns out with lumbrokinase. Please!


Veronica Evans - Jul 13, 2023

Hi, Ronald, read all of your comments to Dr. Mihalcea. Would highly recommend you create a Substack & post your findings & post your pics, videos, measurements, etc. What you’re finding & the experiments you’re doing would be of great value to a lot of the public. I myself am planning to get a microscope to examine blood, food products, etc. You can inspire others to do similar experiments & then it will create a community of investigators who can share their findings for the benefit of the public. Notes can be exchanged as to what works & what doesn’t.
Please consider writing a Substack.


Susie - Jul 6, 2023

The practitioner who looked at my blood is holistic and has been doing this for 30 years. I looked at it with her on the screen. Maybe she was trained poorly. I don’t know. But there really wasn’t anything not organic on the slide. By the way, she said she has been seeing filaments in blood since pre Covid, although they have increased somewhat lately. Also, I take all the usual supplements that everyone else takes and have been since 2020.


Truthseeker - Jul 7, 2023

Dr Ana, I truly believe what you are finding in the blood is the next generation on "Nano Domestic Quell", a secret program by DARPA that is a remotely activated killswitch. Search on an overseas engine such as rambler as all US engines will be censored. God bless


scout - Jul 5, 2023

They're in shock, Ana. Escape route back to normal is to forget the truth by blocking the memory. Self mind control; schizotypal personality disorder.


Florida mom - Jul 6, 2023

Ana, is there anyone in SW Florida yo ucan recommend for the live blood analysis?


Florida mom - Jul 6, 2023

Is there anyone in SW Florida you would recommend to do an analysis?


Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

Hi Dr. Ana: Can I make an appointment with you? (I'm a Canadian in B.C.)
Thanks. ❤


Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Jul 5, 2023

Leslie Benjamini #🟦

Thank you for this comment. The hysteria is out of control.


Amethyst - Jul 5, 2023

And how do you know that they did indeed know what to look for?


Susan Hojdik - Jul 5, 2023

Susan Hojdik

I believe that goes back to the lot numbers and Where they were given.


ann watson - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited


Hi Ana - this was on Kevin Barrett's substack today
from Kevin Barrett's Substack
One mRNA expert with an alleged DARPA-related background, Dr. Robert Malone, responded strangely to AFP’s request for an interview about the “bad batch” issue. I emailed him: “Can you direct me to a lucid and well-sourced explanation of how we know who’s right about this?” He responded “no, I cannot because we are not allowed to inquire about this.” "Not allowed by whom?!" I asked. Malone’s one-word answer: “Government.” Subsequent questioning produced no further response.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 6, 2023


If we wait for government to allow us to ask questions and look for answers we will all be dead soon. Humanity was attacked by the military industrial complex. People must rise to save their lives despite being attacked by a multi trillion dollar defense industry. Genius, will, and persistence can do that.


Stepping22 - Jul 6, 2023


No we will not.
While i appreciate your podcasts, rumble interviews and recently substacks, please let's ensure we're not fear mongering people unnecessarily. Not everyone is carrying these ALIEN TECH in them. For starters it's mostly the jabbed and perhaps those unjabbed who mate with them or are in close and daily intermingling with them. Secondly, how can we even trust that these people who claim they are unjabbed are not jabbed just to add unnecessary fear and confusion into the unjabbed fold?
Some background on this individuals journey would be helpful so that we're not unnecessarily getting everyone into a tizzy.
Jesus still rules mightily over all his creation so let the whole earth be still before him.
Thanks for your work and pursuits thus far...


Das Raciss - Jul 6, 2023


Me thinks you need to go get a Dark Field done on yourself. They average about $80-100 in the USA. And physically see for yourself, your own drop of blood in real time, magnified by a very expensive micropscope (the one that my place I go to they said was about $20k). Yes and Amen, Jesus is Lord. But read through the comments here and on her other substacks. There you will read people from all over the world have these goofy unexplained, recently arrived blobs in their blood, that did not take the Kool aid. It's plain and simple...Gubmint/Globalists are trying to depopulate and/or turn us into Transhuman/Aliens Freaks. Pray about it...This is the End Times that the Bible speaks about...My sheep know my voice....


Stepping22 - Jul 7, 2023


Thanks so very much Nicole for your suggestion.
One thing, i don't live in Fear. I don't allow the possibility of what may or perhaps be to bother me because i chose the hard road of not capitulating to prevailing narrative and have paid and "are" still paying for it these past 3yrs. But like Joseph, i believe weeping may endure for a night but joy always comes in the morning.
By his mighty grace, I haven't been to a Dr. in 15yrs and I thank God for his divine health and covenant of healing. Lastly, because His word undergirds me powerfully i have no need for it - NO WEAPON FORMED/ FASHIONED/ DESIGNED - whether it be nanotech, bio OR OTHERWISE SHALL PROSPER- accomplish it's intended mission. It's my heritage as a heir of HIS.
God saw all this ahead of time and made adequate provision for the end-time rampage of the devil.
At the end of the day, it has always been about the seed of the woman and God's proclamation in Genesis 3:15 and the devil wanting to do everything he can to pollute that gene pool. He did in Gen 6 and God had to wipe humanity with a flood. Firstly, it was through sex - fallen ones mating with the daughters of men and now its through a NEEDLE and perhaps other means.
But we need not fear for JESUS overcame already...


ann watson - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

Nanc’s Substack

I bet Robert Malone knows all about this


Nanc - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

Nanc’s Substack

I bet he’s pretty much in on the whole thing. I don’t trust him as far as I could throw him.


ann watson - Jul 5, 2023

yeah - no sympathy


Susan Hojdik - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

Susan Hojdik

Of Course he dose:( Check out Major Prather’s channel


ann watson - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

can you give me a link ? If its telegram never mind - I can't seem to get on telegram - but thanks anyway - actually though - there might be other people who would benefit from you posting Major Prather's Channel -


The BarefootHealer - Jul 5, 2023

The government have known about the nanopathology being a direct result of the "unintentional" terraforming programs. My personal opinion is that the biomodification occurring , partly through the shots, is fundamentally a cover up, much like the HIV, anthrax and thalidomide SNAFUs. If everyone (minus a few, who will somehow remain unaffected) is augmented in someway, then it becomes the norm and also they don't have to compensate. Which is why the whole GoF issue is stillvrattling on to distract- no one except Dr Ana and some others are paying attention to the trillion dollar nanotechnology industry.
Actually, it's more like the aluminium industry- make a toxic waste and then convince the government/populace to buy it off the producers!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


ann watson - Jul 5, 2023

yeah - that makes sense. A money thing. Like aluminum in shots - its the mining industry


scout - Jul 5, 2023

Robert told you , and us, all that he thought that he can get away with; Robert has an idea what he's dealing with, at this point. Cathy O'Brian knows exactly how deep the Deep State Bureaucrats will go when they are confident upon zero accountability. This is why the other arm of the deep state, fake mass media, has been instructed for decades to produce mind control articles for force the disarmament of Americans. The very notion of 300,000,000 armed Americans causing bureaucrats a more than mild sweat.


Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

Kevin Barrett was very active, post 9/11.
Happy to hear he's still a Honey Badger.
Going to find his Substack, STAT.


Green Fields - Jul 5, 2023

Susan Hojdik

I think it is because it is too scary and people don't know what to do about it other than worry themselves sick. If this is right and we are all susceptible then perhaps - for the most part - ignorance is bliss. Let's face it, if even the uninjected are still going to be affected what can we do about it? Is there Anything we Can do, anything which is guaranteed to work? And what about being affected again, and again.... and I do not know the answer to these questions.
Yup, it's too scary for all but a relative few I reckon. Nobody likes hard truths and the easy path feels safer and, well, easier. Who likes it hard? Sometimes I feel like joining the crowd in the sand. I know that is not the answer, but can empathise with those folk.
Thanks for your work and keeping the pressure on Dr Ana.


Susan Hojdik - Jul 5, 2023

Susan Hojdik

I’d rather see it for myself. Always felt it is Better to Know what is coming at you:/


Unagnu - Jul 6, 2023


Sanity. Its all about Mitigation at this point, not Elimination. And figuring out something we CAN do to help ourselves. Panic, doom, fear. WE don't NEED THAT. It isn't productive. Let's instead start working out how to de-arm, break down, or retard the growth of this 'filament' in the body. I favor the Borax Water (have used before) but I use 1/8th of teaspoon in 1 liter of clean water. Then I drink that all day, and do it for a week, then take a break and then start again - too much Borax can be dangerous, so make sure you get enough without over doing it.


GhostWhoWalks - Jul 6, 2023

Well the first thing you should do is open your phone and switch from 5G to 4G LTE for your Internet. Settings>Network and Internet>Internet> (The gear symbol)>preferred network type>LTE . Next you have to try to remember to put your phone on Airplane mode every night before going to sleep. Your phone is continually banged all night long by cell towers to update stuff. That continual banging kills your sleep cycle and starts to affect your energy and repair cycles. Next get the EDTA pills and follow their instructions.


Nanc - Jul 5, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

I get you Green. My husband passed in 2020, there are many times I envy him. Yet, truly understand, each and every one of us is here today for a reason.
Now, what that reason is , is the 64 million dollar question.


TimeIsNear - Jul 6, 2023

Sorry to hear the Nanc. I agree that we are here for a purpose. I'm not sure what it is other than trying to reach and help other people.


420MedicineMan - Jul 6, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

Condolences for your loss. I'm sure he is watching over you.


James Mangano - Jul 5, 2023

Common Sense Thinking / Thought…

Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold" Matthew 24:12 NIV That is what Jesus said around 2,000 years ago and it's happening now right before our eyes.


TimeIsNear - Jul 6, 2023

Oh, there more scriptures than that going on. Not one failed one either. I see the finish line but I don't know if I will be alive to witness it. I hope so because I want to see this evil squashed.


SoCalGal - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

Mnemosyne’s Substack

If the blood is doing that, can it affect someone’s breathing too? Four family members sometimes have breathing problems where we are short of breath for no reason. None of us had any Covid shots, but did have “covid”.
My son thought he was having a heart attack, but the emergency room doctor said he was fine. There was another woman with the same shortness of breath at the hospital too.
A nurse told my son the doctors think they know what it is, but can’t tell anyone. 😳


Mnemosyne - Jul 6, 2023

Mnemosyne’s Substack

The heart's pumping action is regulated by an electrical conduction system that coordinates the contraction of the various chambers of the heart. The earth frequency is 7,83 HZ meaning the earth creates 7,83 vibrations per second (Schumann Resonance). ElectroMagnetic Fields influence the earth magnetic field humans evolved in. The natural EMF has been replaced, especially in crowded areas. Breathing problems can be a result of radiation. 528Hz is a healing frequency, play it at night while you're asleep. At night the power of atennas is turned a notch higher because at night there's little light so data and speech can't travel as far. Make sure that you don't sleep next to a wall outlet, turn wifi and devices off.


RobinD - Jul 6, 2023 - Edited

Robin’s Substack

Check into the Root Cause Protocol atrcp123.org. Short of breath for no reason? There is a reason for hypoxia. It's an energy crisis in your mitochondria. They lack copper, magnesium, and ceruloplasmin to drive the Krebs Cycle reactions and to manage iron recycling. I've been using their simple free protocol for four months and my hypoxia is gone. I'm not CV-vaxxed and in my 70s.


curious butterfly - Jul 9, 2023 - Edited

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

From the site you linked: "And the root cause of inflammation / oxidative stress is “cellular dysfunction” caused by an imbalance of 3 key minerals: 1) Magnesium, 2) Copper, and 3) Iron."
We are using chelation methods to get graphene oxide out of our blood. Everything we are doing towards that end in the way of foods, herbs and supplements is also going to remove other metals like copper and iron, right? How do we keep the metals we want while getting rid of the graphene, mercury, aluminum, etc?


RobinD - Jul 9, 2023 - Edited

Robin’s Substack

We implement the RCP to restore the balance of Mg, Cu, and Fe and to create the protein ceruloplasmin in order to create cellular energy in the mitochondria. Then we sit back and allow consciousness to balance heavy metals, remove graphene, remove nanobots, and reduce pathogen/parasite load using self generated energy/Mg-ATP. Consciousness/God/our innate intelligence knows best how to balance everything that is involved once the necessary substrates are in place to do the job. The RCP also recommends removing excess stored iron by giving blood donations. It's pretty simple. Focus on building up the host and stop fighting the parasitic enemies.


curious butterfly - Jul 10, 2023

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

Yes. Balance is key. Everything we do towards taking care of our health strengthens our defenses against the nanobots. We will not let them win!


Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

Brilliant. Thank you. ❤❤❤


Chew - Jul 5, 2023


That is an easy question to answer. Food, air, water, and other people can play a huge role. Not to mention how the science community does not want to look into how frequency, waves, and electromagnitism plays a role in contamination.


Michael - Jul 5, 2023 - Edited

Michael’s Substack

I take nac, zeolite , edta, cardio chelate, HCQ, ivermectin, nascent iodine, colloidal gold, C, zinc, copper, black seed, Nattokinase, quercitin, egcg. You get it. Just some of it. God help and love us all. ❤️


Marty - Jul 6, 2023 - Edited

Nano Ordo Mundi

Colloidal gold seems to dissolve this evil nanotech. Do you just apply it on the skin ?


TimeIsNear - Jul 6, 2023

Put it under the tongue for 30 sec and then swallow. No different than colloidal silver. I've seen the video that destroys the nano. He recommended 150 ml. I've been taking colloidal silver and boron along with a lot of vitamins. The mid-morning sun and earth grounding are good to do.


MK ULTRA - Jul 6, 2023 - Edited

MK’s Substack

Other sources said it makes it grow, lol


Stella - Jul 6, 2023 - Edited

matt’s microscopy

I heard that too, not to use the metals colloidal gold or silver. I’ve also seen a video that showed that they stay in the body and not in a healthy way.
Not to scare anyone, but I had shortness of breath happen to me last year, too, but only after taking Quercetin. I would take it at night, then go to bed, and had to sit up due to shortness of breath. So I took one of the Quercetin capsules and emptied it into a glass of water to see what it looked like…it had small stringy looking things that then started going together making longer ones. I now take a sample or two of ALL my supplements and do the same put them in a glass of water, have not seen that happen with any others. I never had shortness of breath after I stopped taking my supply of Quercetin; perhaps it was only the exact ones I had, though it was from a reputable known source. So sorry if that is sounding alarming. It’s crazy what’s going on now.


GhostWhoWalks - Jul 6, 2023

Once again , check to see if your supplements are interacting with anything else you are taking.https://www.consumerlab.com/answers/which-supplements-should-be-avoided-when-taking-anticoagulants/warfarin-interactions/


TimeIsNear - Jul 6, 2023

matt’s microscopy

What brand of Quercetin?


Stella - Jul 6, 2023

matt’s microscopy

Oh gee, I hate to say this, as I still take a lot of his other vitamins and I think they’re very good, and he’s great. Dr. Mercola’s Quercetin. I since have tried to justify it, as in maybe I’m one of those few people who genetically can’t take Quercetin. But also I come back to, why were there strings that were joining together? I think it was the manufacturer. I think it can happen to any brand. Now I randomly check.


matt. j.a.o.b - Jul 6, 2023

matt’s microscopy

i put all the suppliments i was taking under a scope and found about 50% were contaminated. you need to look up the business owners as well because many are being bought up via alladin.


Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

Did you do that test with any other Quercetin brands?


TimeIsNear - Jul 6, 2023

I heard Dr. Mercola pulled all his Vit C, D, and Zinc studies down off his website during the Plandemic. I don't know if there is any truth to this. If so, that would make me highly suspicious of him. Remember, they will prop up our hero's which is why a lot of discernment is needed these days.


MK ULTRA - Jul 6, 2023

MK’s Substack

by the way "la quinta columna" found nanotech in HCQ and ivermectin aswell.
i think they found a way to poison everything lol


Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.



Unapologetically Me - Jul 10, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

This is what I have in stock:


Unagnu - Aug 23, 2023


Well if it is smart dust in the air, it will contaminated everything. If it is in the feed stocks used to make drugs etc, it will contaminate. So what is they say? Caveat Emperator. Let the buyer beware. I buy but I think the lady ahead of me has a great idea of testing before using. Colloidal Gold and silver can't be tested tho I make my own silver solution. The gold? Well Gold's supposedly good for arthritis, so... :) Going to take that one. Even if only applied to the skin :) I think the Rife machine might help, I KNOW getting rid of exposures to more EMF than needed works (in bed, in the home, the TV the wifi router, the sheilding clothing etc. Yes, all those are good solutions. The rest? Use the natto, the oral EDTA with supplement to replenish. Take the black seed oil, the IVM (I do note my IVM I got at the outset is better than the prescription stuff. I have my doubts on it, but the original stuff I got, it REALLY does work. 12 mg day 1, 12 mg day 3 nothing for 2 wks, back on. IVM when I feel a cold/virus coming on with C, D3, K1/2 and hydration.


DBArizona - Jul 5, 2023

DBArizona’s Newsletter

Edta chelation, lumbrokinase Nattokinase & NAC.


Unagnu - Jul 6, 2023


I don't do the Natto or Lumbokinase, but do the NAC, the Oral EDTA, the Borax Water and of course my IVM, Siberian Cedar Pine Oils, vitK1/2 and vitD3 Also try to avoid the EMFs as I can.


Unagnu - Jul 9, 2023


I don't take Fish oil, I take Siberian Cedar pine oil, and Black Seed Oil. Neither of those last 2 thin the blood ...


GhostWhoWalks - Jul 6, 2023

DBArizona’s Newsletter

Be careful of the Nattokinase. It is a strong blood thinner. If you are on any Big Pharma Blood thinners the combination of the two can permanently damage you. If you are not on a blood thinner make sure the supplements you are taking are not blood thinners. Many of them are! If you take Nattokinase and notice the next morning strange bruising on your arms and abdomen, stop the Nattokinase. That bruising is bleeding under your skin.


DBArizona - Jul 6, 2023

DBArizona’s Newsletter

Nattokinase is much safer than pharma blood thinners.
But don't use together, yes it can cause problems.


Amethyst - Jul 5, 2023

Matthew 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
“I also gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign between them and Me, that they might know that I am the Lord who sanctifies them” (Ezekiel 20:12).
“It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever; for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth” (Exodus 31:17)
Just saying... we can do what is our responsibility and we should protect life, tend and keep it - but the antidote is Yeshua (Jesus) and God. And its free.


scout - Jul 5, 2023

mat 24:22 has crossed the mind a few times.


Wendy F - Jul 5, 2023

What's the antidote??


James Mangano - Jul 6, 2023

Common Sense Thinking / Thought…

And to add to my last comment, we just had the largest act of Genocide in all of human history take place, with the murder of 20 MILLON INNOCENT PEOPLE, men, women, youth, children, and our precious babies and most don't even know that it happened. It would now at this point be easier to be convinced that I'm just a crazy someone than to believe that I'm telling you the truth.


Missfit Infinitum - Jul 5, 2023

Missfit Infinitum

Perhaps the entire Covid virus theory, death shots, masks, PCR tests, isolation etc was a ruse in the first place? In other words it represents a huge distraction to what is really going on in terms of the lipid nanoparticle invasion of humans to create God knows what. Perhaps they went too far and needed another focus for the livestock to be fearful of while they catch up. It's always more useful to watch the other hand, no? Irrespective, no doubt we're in a depopulation mass extermination event. Those choreographing this massive theatre want to keep the real purpose and methods under wraps until its too late and there's nothing anyone can do. Who knows?
Having said that, brave researchers like Dr Ana and others bringing this to the attention of those who care to see will help to raise awareness for a great awakening. This is what the monsters fear the most, the people alert, awake and angry.


TimeIsNear - Jul 6, 2023

We think the same. Always look at the sleight of hand. However, I know Christ is going to stop it. If I'm here to see it, I don't know.


Lisa - Jul 5, 2023


This truly is of #1 importance, if this is happening to all of us. We are looking into microscopes. That way we can monitor this for ourselves, learn what makes it worse or better and try to keep it at bay, until we can get IV therapy and then maintain with regular edta dosing. This is crazy.


scout - Jul 5, 2023


Remember to keep a calm center.


Lisa - Jul 5, 2023


Yes indeed. Staying in parasympathetic mode. We need to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. :)



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