Plaquex Effects On Live Blood Oxidative…

Sep 21, 2023

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Many people around the world have now seen with Darkfield microscopy how the human blood is changing.


Roman S Shapoval - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

I love chlorella in combination with grounding barefoot. Why I sleep outside in a tent, and work on a farm part-time as well. I get paid in extra red blood cells:


John Vargo - Sep 24, 2023

John Vargo

The problem with barefoot grounding is all the nano in the soil.Nano everywhere,I can see the tubes everywhere by sunlight reflection.Might have to dig about half a foot now.


Roman S Shapoval - Sep 24, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

You raise a very valid point John. Now I'm going to have to break out my shovel again, just when I thought I was done with it in the garden. This may be why grounding by the beach/ sand could be a better alternative, as the water is constantly rinsing...however not sure. Have you always had this kind of second sight?


BlazeCloude3 - Sep 23, 2023 - Edited


The only way to roll when outside in the summer sunshine...
Even used to run to the mailbox in the snow with bare feet.
City folk may call us Country Hicks...And, that's a COMPLIMENT.
There is a time for all in life and bare feet outdoors in good weather
is wonderful...Just watch for thistles and allow time to acclimate to
stones in the driveway.


Roman S Shapoval - Sep 23, 2023 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Absolutely Blaze! It's amazing how one stinging nettle or thistle can feel like a spear in your foot..but then again nettle is great for warding off arthritis, so a little pain never hurts, eh?


BlazeCloude3 - Sep 23, 2023 - Edited


YOUCH!!! Try to avoid those nettles, too. They really are medicinal though...Arthritis and swelling as well as a quick fix for Diabetic issues...Very important uses.
But, been on the farm for generations of lifetimes and there isn't anywhere mysterious
to any of us for at least two-hundred years. While under control before he had it, Grandfather REALLY made the farm what it is today...Far ahead of his time in practices only now becoming more common. We KNOW where to avoid what.
Our ancestors were some tough people cultivating the land. When allowed to itself without any cultivation; especially with sustainable practices, it returns to its seedy self in no time quick. Since retiring early to resume actually running the day to day business aspects; have remembered what made it so fun to grow-up here. Education and career stunted connectedness to all worthy of dying for the ancestors came here to the U.S. to have as the Feudal System in all of the rest of the world was brutal.
Also, high, heavy leather boots are a wonderful choice in the swamp areas as viperous snakes are the worst. Important to know the proverbial 'lay of the land' and wear whatever or not according to circumstances.


Roman S Shapoval - Sep 24, 2023 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Thank you so much Blaze for your kind words. Our ancestors were truly amazing. I still hear stories from my wife's grandmother, and read in one of my favorite books "Baba's Kitchen Medicines" about the ukrainian settlers who came to Alberta and had to turn those dense woods into farms. So many ancient remedies that fell out of favor with woke pharma even back then - as younger generations felt ashamed of those "backward" remedies. Holding onto that knowledge will be priceless moving forward.
What kind of stuff do you grow? Whereabouts are you located?
The weather here in Niagara Ontario has been wet and cold. Not sure if you've heard of David Dubyne/ Adapt 2030 channel, but he ties in a lot of planetary alignments with the crazy weather we've been having.


BlazeCloude3 - Dec 9, 2023 - Edited


Was cleaning-out Email as there's too much to maintain when it's necessary to put-on another hat and change course in any day's work. Please, accept my apology for not catching this when you wrote it. I often come across you in the 'Comment Sections' and had no idea you left this.
Yes, the older folk did know a great deal more about the nature medicines we're all surrounded with...The purpose of weeds, trees, berries and flowers; they knew far more than most know. My Grandmother was a true genius with this and seldom went to Doctors...She lived a clean life, worked very hard on the farm; more as a man and lived to 90. I still don't know all she knew and that's after taking care of her for the last 3 yrs. of her life and literally documenting everything she knew from our walks into the woods and fields when she rode a specialized trike with a full seat on it made for her.
I'm located in northeast Indiana just west of Toledo, OH...And, am familiar with the Niagra Area. Often our weather patterns are the same as yours and then again...You're just far enough north to generally be a lot colder in winter...More as Michigan. It was drier here this last year; but not really dought conditions, although it was also cooler than usual.
The Techno-Feudal Facists are messing with the world in ways they are clueless about...But then, the Satanic/Luciferian has always messed with things and sought to steal God's creation. All is to be expected for that reason.


Seeking Truth - Sep 21, 2023

Seeking Truth

Do you worry about ticks?


Roman S Shapoval - Sep 23, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

It's a cost/ benefit analysis. Ticks don't bother me - if I get them, I instantly remove and expose affected skin to the Sun. I've only gotten one all summer, and my body has way less inflammation. But being mindful of those ticks never hurts. Can you get to a shore/ beach? There definitely wouldn't be any there.


Roman S Shapoval - Sep 22, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Comment removed.


Roman S Shapoval - Sep 23, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

J.R., thank you! I'm so happy to know this. It's such an easy thing we can all do. I ground almost all day at my backyard, and the farm I work at. It's such an amazing feeling - truly regenerating those ions and free energy available to us all. It's addictive, isn't it? (:


jacquelyn sauriol - Sep 21, 2023

Its hard to believe how hard you must work, to do this research and publish. You are an inspiring person and esp for me as half


Bernie_miltenberger - Sep 21, 2023

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

Great news Dr. Ana! My friend is taking EDTA intravenously at the Bedford wellness center after being flown to Pittsburgh to the ICU for two clots in the lungs & one the leg. I hope she will consider getting them to add the Plaquex also to the treatment protocol. She is C-19 vaxxed injured!


Wolf-Steppen - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited


For we impoverished people who are on nothing but below poverty line Social Security, who are totally physically disabled, who only have Medicare and Medicaid for health insurance, and/or who can't afford any out-of-pocket medical expenses (THERE ARE TENS OF MILLIONS OF US IN THE U.S.!), would you please provide which such treatments are covered by Medicare and/or Medicaid (of course, you probably don't take Medicare and Medicaid patients yourself, as most clinicians unfortunately don't)?
Thank you. Cheers! Signed, Wolf (my middle name and what I go by---barely getting by in la-la-land)


Paul Vonharnish - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Steppen-Wolf: Ain't it "interesting"? All these clinicians offer modalities that 2/3's of the retired populace have no access to and can't afford. Another interesting fact is that these "experts" believe that people are sick, when actually it's the environment that's sick.
Let's EDTA chelate and IV flush every living thing on the planet!!! Sounds like a plan. Not a very good plan, but...


Dee - Sep 25, 2023 - Edited

Paul Vonharnish

I've wondered this myself. Many who've seemed to offer solutions charge fees that are outside the price range of their intended recipients? Disability is rising among the vaccine injured, left too disabled to work - they can't afford these treatments so why advertise it for them? Supposedly a network is forming where doctors are being trained in these treatments/protocols, but again if most of those suffering are priced out of it then what's the point exactly? That's the problem with anything existing inside a system that runs on any status quo or (vulture) capitalist model; it's created a class of haves and have nots. That was the whole reason for its inception and why it's been perpetuated globally. Mainstream medicine is run in this way - 'can't afford treatment you'll be sick or die without? Oh well. Try not being poor next time.' (of course this is the argument they use to foist poison onto people in poor communities ,"saving" them by injecting them with poison). And we're told this is what a civilized society looks like. Another lie in a litany of lies.
Ana has spoken with Clifford Carnicom who's studied Morgellons extensively for over 20 years. They know what's in the environment and that it's being mirrored inside of human bodies. Is someone supposed to get IV EDTA indefinitely while this living detritus is being sprayed on everyone and everything? It's in the food, water, etc. That's a lot of money. There have been scientists/doctors in decades past who've created free or incredibly affordable treatments for various maladies, so it can indeed be done! Sadly most of them have been memory holed or otherwise sabotaged by the medical mafia.


Paul Vonharnish - Sep 25, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Dee: Yes. Our medical "systems" bleed off the lives of those who can afford it, and kills off those who are unable to pay. Morgellon "syndrome" has been around for at least two decades and completely debilitates the victim. AMA ghouls remain at a loss as to treatment. There are research articles relating the disease to BT crops (thanks Monsanto/Sigma) and IDIOT farmers. It's Bacillus thuringiensis - a form of Anthrax. What assholes...
A Lyme "specialist" in Minnesota requires $500.00 up front, $500.00 an hour for consultation, a does not except insurance of any kind. Hey, thanks for your contribution! I'd like to introduce this bitch to my crowbar...


kaal - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited


Medicare/ medicaid would not acknowledge these findings. Research yourself. past substack articles are up w comments that supply info. you may b able to use snap for supplements/ dried herbs/ teas on amazon or whatever research leads you too. seek not to save your flesh only and save your life .


Wolf-Steppen - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited


In Oregon we get all of our SNAP benefits in cash (mine, $151.00/mo.); so, I have to use them 100% for food on my extremely-low income (adding about $100.00/mo. in other cash.
About four years ago Care Oregon, my Medicare insurance coverage, came out with their OTC Card (I guess being able to do so because of the American Rescue Plan and its stimulus package benefits [the bill "Can't(-a)Bide(n)-him" got passed by Congress during the scamdemic---not countable as income]. When I first bothered using it (I didn't bother with it for months after it first became available, wasting money every quarter since the benefits don't carry over to the next quarter), I used it for pharmacies' very expensive supplements (way over priced), and I would spend it all (about $193.00 per quarter, now $393.00 per quarter) on supplements. At first many supplements weren't covered on the card, but eventually more and more of them were added. Now I spend it all on food one month out of three [that way I have some cash left over for CBD, etc. (otherwise, after I paid my bills and bought food, I would be broke for the rest of the month, or pretty close to it---I might have $40.00 or so left, but that's all)]. I'm very responsible with my bill paying and thus have very good credit, even on such an extremely-low income like I have.
Anyway, getting back to supplements, I now have to buy them on credit, so I have to purchase them "within reason". As you know, some of them are extremely expensive, but there are certain ones, like Bromelain, Quecetin, Curcumin, Black Cumin Seed, NAC, NATTO and/or Lumbrokinaise, Ester-C (non-acidic, organic, non-GMO Vitamin C), Calcium Citrate, Wheat Grass Tablets, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Probiotics, K2, an organic multi, etc.; that, even though they are so expensive, are must-haves, so once every few months I have to replenish them. I've consolidated my debt, so I have little or no interest payments right now, having transferred balances from other credit cards I wanted to get rid of (that I never should have gotten in the first place, like Bank of America and Chase), to interest-free balance transfer cards [for a prescribed period of time (ten to twenty or so months interest free)].
I also bought two boxes of Dandelion Root/Leaf tea and did a cleanse with it twice (used up a whole box of teabags, one bag a day, each time). And I'm going to get Dandelion Root tablets soon and take that as well. I will also be purchasing some EDTA tablets, too.
So, you can see I'm doing everything I can do on my below-poverty-line SSA income to try and counteract the nanotech inside all of us. I'm 67 and totally disabled though, so I likely won't be here much longer anyway; unless, God forbid, the nano turns me into a cyborg, walking-dead zombie. God has taken very good care of me, though I don't deserve it.


kaal - Sep 21, 2023


sweet- u have me laughing. yes Im in similar situation. amazon accepts snap for some food items maybe incl dried herbs for tea or powdered herbs. take care.


Wolf-Steppen - Sep 28, 2023 - Edited


Actually, the OTC card came out pre-Biden, like 2018 or '19, so the bill must have been signed into law by Trump.


kaal - Sep 21, 2023


or type in treatment and see if insurance covers it and for what reasons.


Rosalind McGill - Sep 22, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Great comment. I have been way below the poverty level since 2003 , Lyme & a bad booster took me out of the workforce.


kaal - Sep 21, 2023


Subscribe for a fee for access I guess. Otherwise clinics and IV's.


melinda field - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited

Ray’s Newsletter

Thank you Dr. Ana. Please explain how shedding happens to the vaccine free from the vaccinated. Appreciate your knowledge and bravery.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited

Ray’s Newsletter

As a victim of shedding, all it took that a freshly-injected talked into my face for 20-30 seconds from about 10" and my RBCs look the same as those of the injected even after two years.
It would be nice to know what may have happened.


Oj - Sep 24, 2023

Ray’s Newsletter

Wait. You saw your blood and it looks like vaxxed blood? Did you see the nanotech?


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Sep 24, 2023

Ray’s Newsletter

Warped RBCs of various sizes.


Christian - Sep 24, 2023

Ar’s Substack

So, you mean being careful or not does not matter ?


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Sep 24, 2023

Ray’s Newsletter

Being careful would have worked for me, but I was careless, because I knew "covid" didn't exist, but I ignored the bioweapon(s) in the injections. At this point, I don't think I can be cured.


Unapologetically Me - Sep 21, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

Yes, please.


Margie Chism - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Stop Tedros Pandemic Treaty - Petition ■


Reply (1) - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Comment removed.


Margie Chism - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Ted - Book of Enoch (I believe) states that before the Flood, the people just had to change the plants that they even went up into the mountains to pervert the plant, with forbidden knowledge from the watchers/a group of angels that ended in rebellion. ■ I read recently perhaps in the Book of Daniel that the beast/man, that "his" meat/of the field was going to harm "his men"... something like that. There needs to be accountability from all, public and private. Each day makes it clearer and the revealing that it is going to take the Lord Jesus Christ to be sent from God to judge and make war with the nations; Revelation 19. I personally think all should be reading Psalms since King David wrote most of the chapters; he models how to talk to God, how to thank God, how to work with God. It is also written that if God had not shorten the days, then no flesh would survive. Jubilee/50th year is happening this Fall (as some say), some say Feast of Trumpets is now, others have different sightings of the new moon, and more say you add ten days to start in the year of Jubilee. Happy New Year! Margie


Margie Chism - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Comment removed.


Margie Chism - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Jaye - I do not know about this book; thank you. ■ My discussions today are quite grievance to God; I hope to search out this material. However, I just studied this morning Victory Boyd, musician with my Grandson. "David's Brothers," including lyrics; and Victory's song Ps 91. I am very concern about this perversion of DNA; the Jubilee/50th year will end next year. Thank you for providing this information. I have retreated since September 2020, and hope to continue through Fall Feast 2024. I do not know how I will walk in this year, but I do 'plan' to live it as if it is the last year before the coming of the Son of God; the Lord Jesus Christ. There are promises of inheritance and also warnings of rejection based on how one is managing what is the Lord's. Thank you again, yes, Jubilee is a time to know how to navigate. Margie


BMcG33 - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited

mothman777’s Newsletter

So only EDTA Chelation IV works? ... Would the suppliment not work. EDTA is very expensive ... - and not readily available in a lot of places. :(


mothman777 - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited

mothman777’s Newsletter

It is extremely cheap on eBay, the precise molecular form you want that is least toxic and most appropriate for human internal use is calcium disodium EDTA reagent grade, you will see other EDTA names and formulas, but just search through the various names and formulas of EDTA offered till you find the one I have mentioned.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited

Ray’s Newsletter

How much is it and where/how is it available?
High-dosage Vit C through an IV used to be considered a miracle cure, but people were not told that they would need a central line inserted...


peter pankova - Sep 24, 2023 - Edited

Ray’s Newsletter

Can IV Vic C demagnetize "vaccinated" person? If so, what is the protocol and dosage?


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Sep 24, 2023 - Edited

Ray’s Newsletter

That is an important question, and it inspired me to write the following:


peter pankova - Sep 25, 2023 - Edited

Ray’s Newsletter

I read it, thank you. Dr. Ana's last post, "Plaquex Effects On Live Blood Oxidative Stress..." explicitly tells us that the exposure to high EMFs from 5G causes Oxidative Stress, which she leads us to the creation of artificial filaments in RBC. Does that mean that high EMFs can turn human body into a synthetic / transhuman body?


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Sep 25, 2023

Ray’s Newsletter

5G can convert graphene oxide (the nanotech self-assembling in the body) into graphene hydroxide (kills rapidly, usually within two weeks, but it can also be instantaneous).
EMFs, no, but they can be extremely harmful. Millimeter-waves microwave people. Transhumanism requires the nanobots anchored in the body.
How about NAC? Natural antioxidants? Ana said it before, what I also believed even before she said it, that the rate of poisoning is faster than any detox could keep up with.


peter pankova - Sep 26, 2023

5G low and mid bandwidth ran until now. It was not deadly, but aggravating. Millimeter EMFs waves start from 2024. Millimeter waves start from 23-24 GHZ and go up to 300 GHZ. At present is 3.8-4.5 GHz. EMFs will be high and EMFs are crucial in causing oxidative stress, I personally experienced its consequence in early Nov, 2021, It is identical to c..."virus".
NAC is just okay if it's oral. The greater effect to help is IV. Quercetin also not bad, but only ok. Zinc and Magnesium liquid is good, too, in combination. And Vitamin D.


Reality - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited

mothman777’s Newsletter

Do any of these treatments cure ear ringing


mothman777 - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited

mothman777’s Newsletter

Check out shilajit from the Himalayas, otherwise known as mumijo when sourced from the Russian Altai mountains. Also L-Glutathione. These are just pointers, not definites. I have felt some improvment since doing several things; starting using Korean red ginseng, mumijo, cat's claw, and having a major deep clean of my teeth at a periodontal specialist in a novel non-surgical manner, quite expensive but very well worth it (this deep clean had a major definite effect as medically diagnosed post COVID complication of acute generalized neuropathy and lessened bloodflow to gums etc., had resulted in bone infection in my jaw which I think has been a contributory factor that has left me for two years with a deafening array of tinnitus frequencies and in fact an awful 'buzz' all throughout my body like awful toxic blood poisoning like a constant rough hangover, which I think has been caused to a major degree by a resultant infection in my blood producing the tinnitus in combination, as surely, bad gum bacteria reach the brain, and tinnitus is a sympton of brain tissue under attack, likely from infection), but I have done all these things together and am now getting stabilizing dental treatments every 3 months at a periodontal specialist, but otherwise I am not sure how many of the supplements have played a major part, but all are useful.
A lot of people suffer gum recession due to COVID and resultant tooth loss, and the lessening of blood flow due to the brain shorting out and no longer directing the right amount of blood to go to the extremities causes all kinds of problems like nerve pains all over the body of a very assorted and constantly surprising novel nature when they hit, as well as people losing eyesight temporarily, or experiencing sudden total loss of function in their legs leading to sudden collapse, both of which have happened to me on several occasions.
I take Co-Q 10 and several grams of vitamin C each day as well, though they never reduced the tinnitus themselves, though Vit C boosts production of L-glutathione, but the noise, though still there, seems to have lessened and have lost the feeling of terrible toxicity associated with it, at least for the past few weeks, which I am extremely grateful for, but someone else has remarked how their tinnitus went away altogether after starting using Himalayan shilajit, the Russian version 'Mumijo' is vastly cheaper by the way.


Unapologetically Me - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

Thank you so much for that data.
I posted a comment about tinnitus before reading this.
Will give your recommendations a go.


mothman777 - Sep 23, 2023 - Edited

mothman777’s Newsletter

I forgot to mention, of but of course you will know this already, just being as 'thorough' as possible, that 5G causes many people to suffer bad tinnitus from proximity to towers/devices, and the only real remedy to that is to move to an emf free community like they have in some parts of the world.


Unapologetically Me - Sep 23, 2023 - Edited

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

I live around the corner from a cell tower. I understand the danger, for sure.
Barry Trower was an excellent resource in this regard.
I discovered him well over 10 years ago when I was fighting FORTIS over the immanent threat of removal of our analogue electric meter.
Our home which is 100% powered by electricity, was cut off by FORTIS, in late October 2014, (in Canada... cold!!), for our refusal to allow their removal of our analogue electric meter. (It was locked up.)
That was a 2 year fight I ultimately lost.
Our analogue meter was replaced by their "smart" meter in 2014 after the power company turned off our electricity.
FYI: Their "advanced meter" is in "radio off" mode. FORTIS has billed us a "surcharge" to read their stupid meter manually, every month, since they replaced it.


mothman777 - Sep 23, 2023 - Edited

mothman777’s Newsletter

Thankyou for the interesting link, I had not realized that was an 'option' they provide.
Some time ago I took an EMF pollution meter round my local shopping precinct and it went full red danger level even 20 feet away from any visible public street lighting or security cameras, but it was doing that every few feet seemingly in a banded fashion, but on two occasions walking home from there my legs have suddenly given way without the slightest warning exactly as if they have suddenly vanished into thin air, though not literally of course in the visible sense, but in terms of how the experience actually feels, and I have collapsed instantly with no forewarning on exactly the same spot twice in recent months, so I went back up there and looked around, and sure enough, a rooftop overlooking where I collapsed twice is covered in 5G transmitting masts, and those thick round TETRA type dishes all no doubt sending out packets of information like something out of 'They Live', haha, anyway, this reminds me of those videos where birds frantically peck away at such transmitter masts to try to disable them, withe other videos showing entire flocks of birds instantaneously losing their ability to fly mid-air and then dropping en masse to the ground and either remaining unconscious for some time, or being fatally injured, or just plain dead, the videos do not extend to what happens to the birds later to reveal if some of them eventually recover or not.
Since the rollout of mobile technology between 1996 and 2006 or so, according to a report in the Nigerian Times, 75% of all sparrows in Europe have died out, and not just sparrows of course, homing pigeons are not so 'homing' anymore, and bees are just leaving their hives and not coming back, especially if beekeepers make the mistake of going anywhere near them while carrying mobile phones. Even a mobile phone switched off next to a hive will very soon cause an entire hive to vacate and not come back. I reckon they are targetting people with this with deliberate malicious intent.
And certainly a heavy LSD-type experience like having 10 tabs of acid (which I have not taken for several decades, just in my teenage and early twenties, now being in my mid-sixties) I had while experiencing COVID 19 was most definitely linked into some central computerised program like a Pentagon official discusses how EMF weapons or DEW now have the capacity to produce severely disabling mental and physical states, even of apparent 'illnesses' at the press of a button.
I spent two weeks at home completely tripped out like I was in two dimensions at once, not really in a human body anymore, while regularly coughing up half-jugfulls of manila-coloured browish phlegm from 'COVID 19' with my lungs feeling like the tissue was being ripped apart inside my chest, before my local GP rang me on an entitely different matter and discovered I was highly delirious when I somehow managed to crawl over to the phone after not being able to eat or drink for two weeks besides a few occasional mouthfuls of water and a few mere mouthfuls of soup during all that time that I had had to literally force myself to swallow, and the GP called me an ambulance.
TPTB can target people according to individual DNA now of course.
And then the same trip continued even while I was supposed to be unconscious in an induced coma for 4 weeks, and then for a whole further week even after I woke up from the induced coma on an ECMO machine with tubing going into and out of my jugular leaving me with some interesting surgical scars.
Before I was woken up they had removed the tubes and sewed up the surgical incisions, also leaving a long scar round the back of my neck from earlier where they first entered from behind initially to get at the jugular in my right side of my neck without accidentally severing it, then putting the tubing through two additional surgical incisions in the side of my neck, they had put me on that after the initial mechanical ventilator caused complete respiratory failure of my lungs through secondary pneumonia at first adding, to the COVID 19, COVID pneumonia and sepsis I had been diagnosed with already (tocilizumab also known as actemra also caused severe damage to my lungs, which was, according to my medical records the only 'drug treatment' they gave me on the ventilator at all).
An ECMO machine then took over all functions of my lungs and heart during that period, but the LSD-type trip that started at home was continued all that time, it was not like a hospital anaesthetic where you enter a complete blackness that you have no memory of, I was fully conscious constantly, and it was no dream.
You don't get LSD tips that last 7 weeks, this was like one of those programs where scientists reckon they will be able to give a prisoner (this likely being intended also for political dissidents and they are surely already discreetly employing this technique to condition people) a several year prison sentence in just a few hours or few days, I spent 4 weeks actually out of my body fully conscious during that time whilst under medical anaesthesia in a medically-induced coma, and had the psychological and physical beating of my life up there by some most unpleasant people using seemingly multidimensional technologies and drugs, though I eventually encountered some very brave and kind spiritual workers on 'the other side' who saw the total evil of the entire COVID 19 bioweapon and what was really going on who also opposed that with me.
When in the ICU ward just after I was brought out of the coma back in this world, a Jewish-named doctor came up to me and several times ominously and aggressively repeated to me; "The government warned you", and another sallow-skinned 'doctor' in a black suit, curiously wearing no PPE, came into my high security isolation room when everyone else visiting my room had to wear N95 grade masks and was covered in fresh plastic every time they entered and disposed of that immediately after leaving which I regularly watched doctors and nurses doing..


mothman777 - Sep 23, 2023

mothman777’s Newsletter

Though several times, I had to remind some medical staff, even doctors, wearing just the blue public style face nappies that stop nothing at all, maybe their act was slipping, that they were in fact in a signed designated maximum security, high COVID infectious area and needed to wear an N95 mask (meaning 95% effective rate filter) which then resulted in them hurriedly replacing the blue ones with N95 ones which would be useless anyway with any actual virus as the eyes were not protected) and the black-suited Chabad Lubavitcher-looking type doctor waved a written paper statement in his hand by my bedside as I laid there almost like a quadriplegic polio victim, I was that weakened and physically wasted away by disease and after weeks with no food, and asked me why I had made allegations to the police about a certain (Jewish) MP in the UK some years earlier, he had that statement in his hand, that was what this 'doctor' was initially primarily interested in, this was his initial approach to me, indicating that my being put through this 'experience' in fact very likely had a lot to do with this in the first place.
While I was in the ICU ward close to death, having been admitted to hospital with a mere 50% blood oxygen rate, police then used a battering ram to smash my apartment door down and tore my place apart after I had already been taken to hospital, shortly later, my entire WP account with around 3,800 articles, around 50 GB of material, was entirely deleted without my being allowed to recover all that material, and I have been banned for life by WordPress, as my site contained vast amounts of material exposing the COVID-19 bioweapon program and its ultimate connection to the Israeli NWO one world government program currently being fronted by the entirely sinister WEF/UN/WHO.
TPTB in 'the tribe' who regularly practice occult skills like astral projection have some very nasty surprises in store after this life for everyone, their power extends beyoind this realm, now using both technological means as well as mind-based occult skills in combination to be able to totally torture anyone they wish both physically and mentally (and in different realms simultaneously).
All will remain vulnerable unless people are dilligent and mindful enough not only to oppose those powers in this present physical world but also to have prepared themselves to consciously wake up and pray while beyond their present bodies to be taken beyond the reach of TPTB up there, engaging consciously in prayer whilst up there to a higher spiritual intelligence of actual benevolence to avoid being further heavily tortured up there which occurs at a rate like an extremely fast forward film.
Only prayer got me through it on the other side and in this dimension, especially by praying for others both in this world and in that other world who were going through the same awful tortures with me in some other dimension that was just as real as this one, as there was a simultaneous artificial 'epidemic' and political program of equal evil going on in that other dimension as well, but far more intense in many ways.
Whether this was some kind of malicious present Earthly government Star Trek type 'holodeck' construction in my mind (which they do have the technology and occult skills to create) or some alternative actual subtle or gross physical material plane (as in talas and lokas) is of academic interest, though it certainly impacted me very heavily indeed no matter what it actually was, and the people I met were very real indeed, though I do know after years of yoga that people survive this life, and I have always been in communication with people on the other side since a small child, and can engage in telepathic or psychic connection with beings in this present dimension and psychically or spiritually remain in connection with yogis and others who have passed over to other dimensions from this present dimension, though this is not a personal 'ability' as such, it comes like the rising sun enables the eyes to work each day.
The total power that TPTB desires is mostly occult and multidimensional and must of course extend throughout all dimensions that they can access, which are most surely not all dimensions, due to the malevolent agenda of those callous, selfish exploitative usurpers and controllers, they mean to possess and control all means of access to all other dimensions and well-being in as many spiritual and physical dimensions as they can, so as to be able to achieve total control of all others. The megalomaniac Trump is one of them of course who states that anyone who opposes Judaism 'must pay the ultimate price'.
But a higher power does exist beyond the artificial, vengeful and extremely limited Abrahamic conceptions of God, though the Judaic 'religion' itself is just a cryptically coded massive pretence itself made to look like a religion for deceptive purposes that is actually hiding within itself a very real, extremely sophisticated, darkly-intended and formidable military occult power of the most malignant and selfish lower dimensional nature, but there is some actually benevolent supersoul personality consciousness up there beyond all that, that does extend massively that one can call to in prayer, a higher reality that these demonic usurpers have no accurate estimate or appreciation of.


Unapologetically Me - Sep 21, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

Just posted a plea for info on ear ringing, which has been driving me crazy, even as I type this.


Gas Axe - Sep 22, 2023

Gas’s Substack

Mine has gotten worse the past couple weeks.
I have tried all kinds of things and nothing works.
It gets bad then seems to get better for awhile.
Your not alone
I have just adapted to this high frequency in my left ear like the arthritis in my left ankle. I don't let it bother me.
Stress may only make it worse.


Okisuke - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited

Okisuke’s Substack

Wow that was quick. Thank you so much Dr. Ana.
I read Dr. Baxas's article where she mentioned Plaquex and was hoping that someone would show how this Phosphatidylcholine is affecting regeneration.
I will convince my health care practitioner to do an infusion with this, because I already received 5 CaNa2EDTA infusions. And as ususal I'll post about it.


Andreas - Sep 22, 2023

Ana, is it possible that the assumption that nanotech detection in the unvaccinated is evidence of shedding may be a false assumption. Could it not also be that every injection, in fact potentially the entire contents of a drugstore, where it is possible to integrate nanotech into an existing product has been done and that all vectors for nanotech invasion are being thrown at us simultaneously?


Thomas Lewis - Sep 21, 2023

Useless Liberal

The Covid Fallen
And Those That Continue To Die
Every Day
Weren't Prepared For This War.
Who Among You Expected Them To Be ?
And Who Still Does ?
It Is A Serious Question.
And If You Can't Get Past That.
You Are Not Prepared Either.


John Roberts - Sep 21, 2023

John Roberts

Serious questions?
Here is my serious answers.
I had hope for them, but the vast majority in the beginning wouldn’t listen or be willing to see the warning signs and most still don’t. I’ve decided to move on.
People that can’t accept help and don’t want to help themselves, or their own family, probably won’t help others in time of war and that is exactly what we are in.
I may be wrong, but that’s my take and my answer to your question’s.


Unapologetically Me - Sep 21, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

"I’ve decided to move on."
Sadly, I concur.
I must move on too.


Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - Sep 21, 2023

Professor Lulu Fuzzbean



Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - Sep 21, 2023

Professor Lulu Fuzzbean

covering for the woke zombies??? why?


Kathleen Pimentel - Sep 22, 2023

Kathleen Pimentel

Cinnamon disrupts luciferase. Plus has 10 other benefits.


Henrik - Sep 21, 2023

Hi Anna,
Thank you for your great work.
I have a request for you, if you read this message.
I know this is outside you normal research, but would it be possible for you to take a closer look at the cheap burgers that are being released in America these days? We're quite a few people who believe these burgers, combined with the emergency test on the 4th of October with 5G, could be a possible vector for the psychos to kick start the next "wave". You have the equipment to take a look, perhaps it'd be possible to prevent people from eating contaminated food.


420MedicineMan - Sep 21, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

Off topic, a tiktok on all the DEWS and patents.
Madness. It's getting out there to the public.


Seeking Truth - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited

Seeking Truth

Thank you Dr. Anna! A better , superior PC product then Plaquex is Essentiale-N but I have heard it is hard to get in the US.
Does anyone know where to get Essentiale-N in the US?


hurom - Sep 21, 2023 - Edited

Seeking Truth

we in europe can buy it on amazon 600mg per caps would be nice if ana could test the results from taking the supplement orally instead by infusion. such practice limit tremendously the reach of the cure. IV's a re too complicated, too expensive and too limiting (practitioners?!?) for most people.


Seeking Truth - Sep 21, 2023

Seeking Truth

Is that Essential-N? I would need to switch countries to view it.
Many people with lyme & mold toxicity do IV PC. Its calked the PK protocol.


Margie Chism - Sep 21, 2023

Margie Chism

Excellent work! ■ Sharing a new song.
Victory - David's Brothers



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