Pilots Testify Bill Gates Is Carpet Bombing…

Jul 1, 2024

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Pilots Testify Bill Gates Is Carpet Bombing Cities With Chemtrails


Skupe - Jul 1


Too many people still don't know about the chemtrails.


Kathleen Nathan - Jul 1

Kathleen Nathan

Many people do not know their noses are on their faces until some "expert" tells them so.
I have shown these trails to people and weirdly they become confused and angry at ME for revealing the plain fact we are being sprayed routinely with unidentified substances that some scientists claim are toxic. What is in those chemtrails? We don't fully know. In Tennessee a law was passed that banned their use. Good first step. Every state needs to do this. And it needs to be done on a national level.


Be Concerned - Jul 1

Penny’s Substack

Dane Wigington, founder of Geoengineering Watch, captured air from chemtrails & had it analyzed. Contained what was mentioned in the article. These people are EVIL. I live in NW Georgia near Tennessee. Right now, I wish I lived in Tennessee. Georgia has become pretty woke, I can't see Georgia banning the chemtrails. Am praying it will happen, though. You're right, it needs to be done on a national level, but unfortunately, the Deep State is behind all this & controls our government.


Penny's Ponderings - Jul 1

Penny’s Substack

You're right. Georgia legislature won't follow Tennessee's lead, unless Georgia residents DEMAND it. They need to inundate senators and representatives and insist that they pass a similar bill. And, if your representatives won't listen to you, did you know that there's a procedure called a recall election to remove them from office before their expiration date?


Reply (2) - Jul 2

crapshoot farmer

Comment removed.


crapshoot farmer - Jul 2

crapshoot farmer

They changed their name but they keep at it. And "like" their own spam!
Don't click on their link.


jen - Jul 2

''Humanity is about to be tested.......mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe


Neve O - Jul 2

Neve O

Most world governments are owned by the globalist psychopaths so do nit work for the people but are doing all they can to kill them. Praying and hoping will not stop this genocide but action ofsoe kind by people could. It is not easy to know what to do but people need to join together - or those who know need to. Those unaware are not to blame Isuppose even though its infuriating - governments use Mind Control methods in many ways which starts from birth - MSM, music, films, books, school, doctors and more all make us believe the lies and trust the criminals instead of getting rid of them.


Elke - Jul 1

Elke’s Substack

They are currently still spraying every day here in Tennessee unfortunately!


Robert Curlin - Jul 1

"Supposedly" it is to be banned effective TODAY. (Not holding my breath that anything will change.) Meanwhile, #EYESUPTN


Be Concerned - Jul 1


Seriously?? Wow. It needs to be reported...hopefully that would get some results.


Skupe - Jul 2


Prince, the singer and also Merle Haggard, the country singer died (were killed) attempting to alert the people.


Penny's Ponderings - Jul 2

Penny’s Substack

Can you please provide links to this info?


Skupe - Jul 2


You google it. I'm tired of researching for everyone who won't do it themselves.


Sheila England - Jul 2

The bill was to go into affect 1 July is what I read from Gov Lee's office.


T'ree - Jul 7

I still see tons of persisting trails. Plus the bill was explicitly pertaining to "weather". Which would be inapplicable to depopulation.


Sheila England - Jul 8

The bill was carefully worded. Meaning no geoengineering or spraying of any kind.


rachel - Jul 2


and everywhere of course, as here in Fllorida. a desperate attempt to pollute
and destroy. Oh, we have also been assaulted with GE mosquitos that look like
black robots.


Skupe - Jul 2


I have been against the mosquitos for more years than I can count, first in CA and now in FL.


Honeybee - Jul 1

Honeybee’s Substack

Thank you, Elke. I planned to ask this very question in this forum today. And thank you, Robert. Let's see if they obey Tennessee law.


Skupe - Jul 2


Or if enough people in GA know about this, they can go to a mostly honest and very thoughtful Congressperson like Marjorie Taylor Greene and bombard her office with requests.


crapshoot farmer - Jul 2

crapshoot farmer

That's typical government.
Even if they stopped all they'd do is spray the next state extra thick when the prevailing winds favor their genocide.


rachel - Jul 2


Aluminum, barium, and many more nasties and the mix also changes..
Most humans do not want to know the truth about most things, its' too much to handle.
When "disclosure" happens, some will not survive the facts


Skupe - Jul 2


Until they get Alz possibly from aluminum which many people are still unaware of. They also don't want to crash the aluminum market and big companies like Reynold's. I haven't bought tin foil (or plastic wrap) for at least twenty years.


Skupe - Jul 1




Sheila England - Jul 2

Agreed from TN! 🙌


Thomas A Braun RPh - Jul 1

the secular heretic

Need a video showing them loading the plane with the toxic substances. Who is manufacturing the deadly brew? Need investigative reporters that can expose the whole process. Bill Gates endorses anything that will achieve depopulation. RNA is his favorite!


Kyle Young - Jul 1

the secular heretic

Here is the next best thing.


Thomas A Braun RPh - Jul 1

the secular heretic

Thank you! This is criminal! CIA maintains it's own airfields. I know one is in Kingsman Az and has a 10 foot brick wall around it. President Ford supposedly banded CIA from taking any activities on domestic soil. I guess that was BS.


Be Concerned - Jul 1

Yes, unfortunately so many things that we believed were never true. That's the one good thing that has come from C19 -- so many lies have been exposed in the past 3-4 years.


Thomas A Braun RPh - Jul 1

True, but the deranged medicine man and the money men are hell bent on pushing RNA injections as the new best way to fight disease states. Billions and billions being invested and over 100 RNA projects on the drawing board!
Humans are now classified as lab rats and expendable.


Be Concerned - Jul 1



Kyle Young - Jul 1

the secular heretic

Yes, BS.


Honeybee - Jul 1

Honeybee’s Substack

Thank you. Excellent article. I red pilled in 2015, and my initial rabbit hole was chemtrails because I had a recurring "flu" every couple of months. After heavy metal detox, I never experienced the "flu" again.


Kyle Young - Jul 1

the secular heretic

It seems many are now realizing that what is making us all sick are toxins, EMF's, heavy metals, nanotech and all of the rest of the gobbledygook that comes with modern syphilization.


rachel - Jul 2


OK, so reveal what your heavy metal detox was...and, understand you will
need to repeat it because of bioaccumulation...cheers


Honeybee - Jul 2

Honeybee’s Substack

I'm actually formulating my own protocol to attack the nano at this time. The best suggestions have come from reading substack comments!! I read extremely widely. The detox I did in 2015 was simply a heavy metal detox. Anyone can read on the internet and construct their own. I also had an herbalist at the time who was suggesting various concoctions which worked really well.
The one I'm devising now will be ongoing. I'm still formulating it. Then, I'll see if the protocol does what I hope. If I find one which works, I'm happy to share my experience. Everyone praises MB, e.g., but MB causes bowel troubles for me and is contraindicated...so that doesn't work in my case.
Belief is a subtle mechanism which often decides the outcome of situations including better health. I always think the best approach is for everyone to read extensively and, because they know their own bodies, devise their own protocol. Then, test it out. They can certainly ask for advice from other people if they like.


Karrien - Jul 2

Yes, I have seen protocols on metal detox but am still taking in data to make sure I’m not poisoning myself or others. Can you at least share where you are at right now, what you are using and quantities, etc? (Understanding that you are perfecting your formula)


Dr Margaret Aranda - Jul 2

The Rebel Patient™

Nice article, thanks!


Kyle Young - Jul 2

the secular heretic

Thank you Margaret.


Be Concerned - Jul 1

Thank you!!!


Kathryn - Jul 1




Neve O - Jul 2

Neve O

He needs to be dealt with by the people ASAP as do others like him ie billionaire psychopaths destroying the human race gleefully and the planet.


Skupe - Jul 1


Great idea!


Thomas A Braun RPh - Jul 1


Isn’t this air pollution? Where is the EPA? Sunshine and fresh air is being canceled! We need action on this now!


rachel - Jul 2


The inmates are running the prison, the foxes are in the henhouse, the
perpetrators are running all the agencies and corporations...WE are the solution


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 2

Paul Vonharnish

Correct. The inmates ARE running the prison. We are the guards...
Principal and executive staff within these agencies need to be served writs of Quo Warranto and removed from their positions. The Environmental Protection Agency has been corrupt and fraudulent since day one. Lawsuits are not the way forward.


Thomas A Braun RPh - Jul 2

Only if we can cut the head off the hydra! A daunting task!


EK MtnTime - Jul 1

EK MtnTime

Every alphabet agency is in on this and have been for many decades! We only have ourselves and God to depend on for surmounting the atrocities.


Skupe - Jul 1


We need to get rid of the top brass on all the lettered agencies. It's the same way with the FDA, the FBI, CIA, EPA, the Fed, etc. They all need to go back to work for us and our health.


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 2

Paul Vonharnish

Nah. They don't need to work for us. They need to be hung from a gallows. We don't need ANY of these agencies nor the criminal/executive classes they employ.


rachel - Jul 2


true, they are all demons inhabited by malevolent reptilians, send them to Guantanamo


John Tuinman - Jul 2


By now they can know but choose to look away for one reason or another. That makes them compliant, as Bonhoeffer said so well.


Skupe - Jul 2


Then blame it on conspiracy and Communism.


moando - Jul 3


I've shown them to people. Response: THEY'RE CONTRAILS!...refusing to listen to the distinction.
Also, "They're dumping fuel."


Skupe - Jul 3


They don't want to know.


Roman S Shapoval - Jul 1 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

They know the Sun is a potent healer.
This is why we must take full advantage of the longer red wavelengths at Sunrise:


Thomas A Braun RPh - Jul 1


What do the birds do the first thing in the morning? Greet the sun!


Crixcyon - Jul 1


Unless they have the birdy flew and then they just stay in their nests.


Roman S Shapoval - Jul 1

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

exactly Thomas!


Lisa - Jul 1


It's more than just blocking the sun, as diabolical as that is. We are getting poisoned with heavy chemical fog. I don't think people understand how advanced it is.


rachel - Jul 2


true, engineered for multiple evil goals...heavy metals spray works with 5G and
making humans into radio tower antennas


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 2

Paul Vonharnish

Thank you. You are quite correct. >>> Electroencephalographic Rhythms in Alzheimer's Disease >>> International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease >>> Published online May 12, 2011 >>>https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3100729/
Excerpt: “It should be noted that a high temporal resolution is crucial for the study of an emerging property of brain activity, namely, the spontaneous and event-related oscillatory activity at different frequencies ranging at 2–4 Hz (delta), 4–8 Hz (theta), 8–13 Hz (alpha), 13–30 Hz (beta), and >30 Hz (gamma). Each of these frequencies conveys peculiar physiological information on brain functional state during sleep and wake periods.” [End quote]
These brain wave frequencies are being modulated via HAARP, NEXRAD, SBX radars, and other sub-carrier wave broadcast forms…


Lisa - Jul 3


Heavy metals also cause diabetes, heart disease, neurodegenerative disease, liver diseases, cancers.


Honeybee - Jul 1

Honeybee’s Substack

I agree.


moando - Jul 3


We often experience apocalyptic chemtrail coverage here. One year the grass was gummy even during a dry spell and I would look at the cows munching the grass in the field across from us. So unfortunate especially since these girls weren't in feedlots!


Lisa - Jul 3


We have for years, as well. Then last year something completely different came along -- a repeated torrent of clouds filled with a horrific burnt chemical smell that damaged all of our plants. I started getting very sick from the air and upon eating our homegrown organic produce. Our chickens were sick and several died. It gave a new definition to the phrase "choose your poison". Crops and animals grown under cover may have some advantage we had not been thinking of.


moando - Jul 4


Absolutely dreadful....I'm so sorry! I suppose others in the area experienced the same thing - what did they think?
A few years back, I was discussing chemtrails with a shopkeeper. He said he found small loops hanging from his tomato plants and threw them out. Sometime later, when it was winter here, one morning I stepped out on the deck and saw that hundreds of small frosty loops were hanging off a metal grid - melted to the touch but they were distinctive swags.
I washed off the whole deck, but before that I took pictures.


Skupe - Jul 1 - Edited


We were always taught the best D3 levels are between 10AM and 2PM. I will read the link.


Roman S Shapoval - Jul 1 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Yes - as a general rule when the UV index hits 1, that's when we can absorb D3 (but need LDL cholesterol in our blood for sulfation), and it's optimal to have early AM exposure to red wavelengths, which helps us absorb shorter wavelengths of UV.


Skupe - Jul 1


Astaxanthin helps immensely with UV rays.


Roman S Shapoval - Jul 1

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Yes! Via carotenoid protection. How/ when did you learn that Skupe?


Skupe - Jul 1


I have been taking since 2007, daily 12 mg and now that they have a 12 mg not just a 4 mg capsule I only have to take 1. I learned about it fromNaturalNews.com. Aside from the UV rays and not needing caustic sunscreen, my vision is holding it's own, which at almost 65 is great. The vision in my right eye is now closer to 20/20 than ever before. Daily mega C doses also helps as well as lutein, zeaxanthin and bilberry.


Roman S Shapoval - Jul 1

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Thanks for that info Skupe! I like to eat my 'sunscreen' as a shellfish stock:


Be Concerned - Jul 1 - Edited

Right -- sunrise exposure. Hate to say it, but I don't get up at sunrise, usually. I bought a SaunaSpace red Photon Light Therapy device, for this same purpose. The harmful UV has been removed (reverse engineering, took years), leaving the healing UV rays.


Crixcyon - Jul 1


The sun is the healer.


Lisa - Jul 3


I love the sun. Have used it as medicine for years. When we have it.


Be Concerned - Jul 1

100% true!!


rachel - Jul 2


THATS' why they always spray overnight, especially exactly where the sun rises, so the sun rays pass through the disgusting white spray...cheers


Chris @healthwave - Jul 1

Chris @healthwave

The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 1

Paul Vonharnish

Excellent quote. Thank you.


Be Concerned - Jul 1

So true. Thank you!!


moando - Jul 3


I was hung up on when I said, "There's data now"...click!


Kathleen Nathan - Jul 1

Kathleen Nathan

Yes...this is true. I am a caregiver to my blind and disabled husband. At a doctors appointment about six months ago I was in the room when a physician took out a syringe and told him he should "get vaccinated" He did not state what the "vaccine" was for. We refused this injection and wrote a scathing letter to the management there. This MD does not work in that clinic any more. Just say "no" to any medical device until you have researched it.


Kathryn - Jul 1


The nerve of some doctors/nurses. We were told my daughter “had” to get gardasil at the pediatricians several times. She had already been harmed by a flu vax. The dummies didn’t see the connection, even when blood tests revealed it. I’m disgusted.


Sheila England - Jul 2

crapshoot farmer

Since when do physicians give shots? Never had a Dr give a shot.


crapshoot farmer - Jul 2

crapshoot farmer

Because they get a kickback from the pharma companies.


westernhalf - Aug 26

That is insane. Reminds me of a friend's mother in Georgia, who went in for the jab, but at the last minute began vocalizing that maybe she didn't want it, after all. The nurse jabbed the needle into her, anyway. I call this "assault."


Mario A Leblanc - Jul 1

Mario’s Substack

Danger: Chemtrails – Aerial Spraying of Toxic Chemicals By Foster Gamble
Governments and corporations are deliberately manipulating and altering Earth’s climate, endangering the lives of people all over the world. Two of the most extreme cases of geo-engineering are chemtrails – the release of toxic chemicals into the air that are poisoning people and the planet – and HAARP – an electromagnetic antenna array based in Alaska that can send radio-frequency radiation over large geographical areas and manipulate weather patterns causing earthquakes, tsunamis, and more. These projects represent some of the worst crimes in history, yet most people are unaware of them.
Over a hundred patents [1] have been granted to major corporations, including Monsanto, for aerial spraying of materials that can penetrate your lungs and blood, cause disease, disrupt your mental capacity, cause you to be sterile and even cause premature death. These materials are being sprayed all over our planet – and on you – right now, without your knowledge or consent.
For over ten years, observers have been noticing white aerosol trails being dispersed in the skies that don’t behave like usual condensing jet exhaust. When seeking explanation, investigators are told by the government that these are just the normal “contrails” that we see coming from commercial jets and that they are perfectly safe. However, they don’t dissipate the way regular condensation trails do. They linger for hours, spreading across the sky, and are often laid out in cross hatch patterns. The government has refused to test samples collected underneath the trails. Now a TV news report from Germany has confirmed that their military is in fact doing aerial spraying of chemtrails.[2]
An article from the NIH, the National Institutes of Health, confirms that not only are chemtrails real, but they are suspected to be responsible for a variety of neurotoxic conditions including MS.[3]
In 2001, Congressman Dennis Kucinich of Ohio introduced “The Space Preservation Act”, HR 2977. As former head of the House Armed Services Committee overseeing U.S. military projects, Kucinich’s bill called for the peaceful use of space and a ban on “exotic weapons”, including chemtrails.
Intense spraying of dangerous chemicals from planes has been reported in, at least, the US, Canada, Germany, England, Australia, Mexico, South Africa, Bahamas, Puerto Rico and Croatia. A nasty mixture of parasites, pathogens, toxic heavy metals and nano-engineered particles have been found falling to earth from the trails of certain planes. Aluminum, barium, bacillus spores, radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow mycototoxins, ethylene dibromide and synthetic nano-fibers are among the ingredients found in collected samples. As these fill the atmosphere and lodge in our lungs and blood streams through the air we breathe and the food we eat, it represents the most unavoidable toxic pollution in history.
In some areas under the spray, aluminum levels in the soil are so elevated certain trees and crops are struggling to survive. Interestingly, the USDA, which receives royalties on GMO crops, was recently granted a patent for seeds that can grow in soil with high aluminum content.
There are hundreds of photos of Chemtrails, ground based videos, and even a video shot from above a plane while it was turning on and off its sprayers.
The Council on Foreign Relations ran an article in its Foreign Affairs journal promoting the use of dumping heavy metals in the atmosphere to combat global warming. They also held workshops on the subject titled: “Unilateral Planetary Scale Geo-engineering and the Challenge of Global Governance.” Recently their conference in Monterey, California, called “Strategic Aerosol Geo-engineering” announced a ban on reporting such activities.¨ Read More


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 1

Paul Vonharnish

Excellent post. Thank you.


Butternut Saskatoon - Jul 1

Butternut’s Substack

Good one!!!


Mario A Leblanc - Jul 2

Mario’s Substack

They want Mass Depopulation. This is what they are doing. Time to wake up. Chemtrails, Vaccines, Fluoride, GMO's, Nanoparticles in the chemtrails, Scalar Waves for Mind Control, Chemo Theraphy that kill people, Haarp, Big Pharma with their inneficient drugs that are invented to keep you sick for the remain of your life are all WARFARE TOOLS. The enemy is inside.
This is a project from a small group of psychopaths, very sick minds.
They have to be stopped, arrested and charged for Crime Against Humanity!


crapshoot farmer - Jul 2

crapshoot farmer

And I just read that the Pacific NW and Belgium are the most heavily sprayed.
I wonder if it really mattIers where you are.
I'd move to Borneo if it was safe, lol.
Being here in the Caribbean I had thought we're out of the loop. Ha.
You mentioned our location. Damn. Lots of mindless people here, liberals wearing masks...why kill them?


Mario A Leblanc - Jul 2

Mario’s Substack

They want Mass Depopulation. This is what they are doing. Time to wake up. Chemtrails, Vaccines, Fluoride, GMO's, Nanoparticles in the chemtrails, Scalar Waves for Mind Control, Chemo Theraphy that kill people, Haarp, Big Pharma with their inneficient drugs that are invented to keep you sick for the remain of your life are all WARFARE TOOLS. The enemy is inside.
This is a project from a small group of psychopaths, very sick minds.
They have to be stopped, arrested and charged for Crime Against Humanity!


Mario A Leblanc - Jul 2

Mario’s Substack

How is it where you are? I have been in The Carribbean before when I was a pilot but that was more then ten years ago. No chemtrails. I don't know now.
They seem to target more North America and Europe. I have found myself also in Africa, Middle East, Asia and no chemtrails in those times. I don't know now.
We need feedback from those living there.


crapshoot farmer - Jul 2

crapshoot farmer

I'n not seeing them like pictures of North America but a friend here asked if I've noticed them more frequently and I haven't. Trade winds help but the're not as prevalent iin the summer months.
I'm sure they're covering the whole planet though.


moando - Jul 3


Florida had the most beautiful billowy clouds. In an interview, Barry Gibb said he moved to Florida for the clouds.
Last time I was in South Florida, it was smeary skies like everywhere else.


Mario A Leblanc - Jul 1

Mario’s Substack

We are under attack and those behind this are not from an foreign country. They are American pilots. Americans aircrafts. Done by people who have sold their soul to the devil for money and promotion.
Me, Mario, ten years ago speking to those pilots: To the military pilots - You are spraying chemicals over your own country, your fellow citizens, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters and you believe that you are rock stars? This is also against the American Constitution. You are traitors. STOP THIS NOW!


Be Concerned - Jul 1

Good for you! You are absolutely right.


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 3

Paul Vonharnish

Yes. And there are reams upon reams of legislation approving these programs. Sort of like this:
[Texas] Agriculture Code, Title 9, Weather and Climate >>> "SUBCHAPTER G. IMMUNITY; CERTAIN LEGAL RELATIONSHIPS >>> Section 301.301. Immunity of State.
The state and its officers and employees are immune from liability for all weather modification and control activities conducted by private persons or groups.
Section 301. 302. Private Legal Relationships. >>>
(a) This chapter does not affect private legal relationships, except that an operation conducted under the license and permit requirements of this chapter is not an ultra hazardous activity that makes the participants subject to liability without fault.
(b) The fact that a person holds a license or permit under this chapter or that the person has complied with this chapter or the rules issued under this chapter is not admissible as evidence in any legal proceeding brought against the person."
Please refer to all listed "Codes" regarding known weather modification by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation:https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/weather/weatherlaw.htm
Thank you for your comments and posts.


Chris @healthwave - Jul 1

Chris @healthwave

The bankers will ensure we stay in debt. The pharmaceutical companies will ensure we stay sick. The weapons manufacturers will ensure we keep going to war.
The media will ensure we are prevented from knowing the truth. The Government will ensure all of this is done legally."🤫


moando - Jul 3


Look at education. Even down to your lowly school board members all with their heads down playing on their devices as parent after parent comes to the mike saying they don't want trans kids in the female locker rooms, porn in the school libraries, or emphasis on CRT...this is besides the mind numbing Common Core curriculum.
Too many regular folk are unaware or squarely complicit with the agendas.


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 2

Paul Vonharnish

Nice succinct comment. Right on target.


Raimes - Jul 1


Better still, use Merchant Law and the Notice of Liability (NoL) process to go after them in their private capacity rather than spend excessive funds through the fraudulent CORPORATE court system, where it's very hit and miss in achieving results. Plus, it can be very costly. They cannot rebut the facts of their heinous crimes and any effort to do so implicates them, so it's a slam dunk as it results in hefty liens (subject to staying within the bounds of the Bills of Exchange Act) once the procedure is completed. Notify their private and commercial insurers of the lien who will refuse to insure them. The upshot is, they're no longer able to continue working in the role of slaying people for the dosh and the hell of it.


Sarah - Jul 1


This Right Here !!!! trust me, merchant law precedes any constitution or civil suits in the courts.
Perhaps if anyone reading this is remotely curious, check outwww.inpowermovement.org.
This organization has developed 4 pillars of attack, so to speak: Vaccines, Geo-Eng (chemtrails), 5G (equally as dangerous) and lastly, Smart Meters - get these things away from your dwellings!
They have had, and are having TREMENDOUS success getting people to resign from positions pushing these death weapons.


MJB - Jul 1

Yes! The only way to ever stop this is if we hold the individuals accountable. Look at what Scott Schara is doing!


Jewell Highers - Jul 1

Jewell Highers

Here is the link to Rebecca Charles substack. Please help her find a lawyer to take her case. She has All the proof to win the case, and to provide a ruling for so many others that were Intentionally Murdered in hospitals for covid funding.


J. L. Ward III - Jul 1


Why stop with justice against murderous docs, nurses, pilots, school boards, and administrators of the 'Agencies' ?
How about all those working in the factories building the kinetic WMD's - getting paid to build implements of mass murder and destruction?! And... while we're at it, indict, serve NOL's to the Captains of the Subs and Destroyers, and the Generals tending to the Silos. Honestly, I'm not being sarcastic. This is where 'waking' up to Evil , being 'Awake' , leads. There's no going back. Only forward. Tearing down of all the old demonic M.I.C.


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 1

Paul Vonharnish

15 U.S. Code § 2606 - Imminent hazards >>> Excerpted from: 15 U.S. Code § 2606 - Imminent hazards
(f) “Imminently hazardous chemical substance or mixture” defined “For the purposes of subsection (a), the term “imminently hazardous chemical substance or mixture” means a chemical substance or mixture which presents an imminent and unreasonable risk of serious or widespread injury to health or the environment, without consideration of costs or other nonrisk factors.
Such a risk to health or the environment shall be considered imminent if it is shown that the manufacture, processing, distribution in commerce, use, or disposal of the chemical substance or mixture, or that any combination of such activities, is likely to result in such injury to health or the environment before a final rule under section 2605 of this title can protect against such risk.” [End quote] Complete text:https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/15/2606
Any questions?


Kyle Young - Jul 1

the secular heretic

Just wondering if you have any legal experience with this?


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 1

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Kyle: I have no legal experience related to these agenda. I'm simply a civilian person who's taken time to peruse legal Code and Statute. There are numerous Statute describing civil and criminal penalties for environmental violation of water and soils. Geoengineering and weather control programs have been ongoing for over 70 years. The Environmental Protection Agency is a fraud.
The ENMOD Convention on the prohibition of military or any hostile use of environmental modification techniques was signed by *all* member parties December 10, 1976. ALL member parties then turned right around and violated every precept of the agreement. >>>https://www.onlinelibrary.iihl.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/24_ENMOD-EN.pdf
There are a number of American States attempting to ban weather control (geoengineering) activities. Several European countries are also discussing partial or complete bans on the poisoning of Earth’s atmosphere. These discussions are about 70 years too late. Please refer to: Americans For A Clean Atmosphere >>>


Kyle Young - Jul 1

the secular heretic

Thank you for the research you do Paul. If more folks like you worked on these issues I think we would see some swift progress.
I may be using some of your links. Thank you!


DAVY Udal - Jul 1

DAVY’s Substack

Dimming the amount and intensity of sunlight also reduces the available Vitamin D. All plants and animals manufacture vitamin D but they all need sunlight to perform that task. We The People need to demand our sun not be obscured, especially with poisons and chemicals. How many diseases are related to vitamin D and the associated connection to Calcium?


Mario A Leblanc - Jul 1

Mario’s Substack

For those who need more information about CHEMTRAILS :
Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Says Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped 2:19 min


Mario A Leblanc - Jul 1

Mario’s Substack



Sunny B - Jul 1

Sunny B

Absolute criminal goings-on 🤑🤑


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 1

Paul Vonharnish

Potential risk of acute toxicity induced by AgI cloud seeding on soil and freshwater biota
Published in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety >>> Volume 133, November 2016, Pages 433-441 >>>https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0147651316302342?via%3Dihub
I downloaded this study in late 2016, and received numerous comments in which the commentators had obviously failed to read the entire study or neglected to comprehend that *they* are eating, breathing, and bathing in this hazardous material. There are Laws defining these activities as Criminal acts. Lawsuits are not the way forward. Please get a grip.



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