Pharmakeia War with Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Dr…

Oct 12, 2023

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Pharmakeia War with Dr.


John - Oct 12, 2023 - Edited

Laughing’s Substack

A message here is for Dr. Ana with a question. Dr. Ana are you familiar with the work of Royal Raymond Rife? He was brilliant and built a microscope in the 1930s that could see live micro organisms at very small size. He could even see what are called viruses with his microscope without the use of an electron microscope. He also researched and determined that all microorganisms existed at a special frequency unique to each one. He discovered a way to target those pathogenic micro organisms using that same frequency with a device that he created. He was basically destroyed by the Medical Mafia because of his success with terminally ill cancer patients in California. His microscope and equipment were all destroyed.
Dr. Ana according to what I have learned Dr. Rife's frequency generators have been recreated and improved with modern technology and are not only able to kill pathogens but remove heavy metals.
This needs to be explored in depth as another weapon to use against the evil nanotechnology hyrdrogels.


Blue Electric Storm - Oct 13, 2023 - Edited

Laughing’s Substack

and how, precisely, did he identify "pathogenic organisms"?
Same way conquerors identify "pathogenic populations" which they decide "should" be eliminated to make way for their privileged excellence?
Can you people even see/hear the way you think?


John - Oct 13, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

I refer you to this reference for an explanation and definition of the term pathogenic which is an adjective.
The germ theory of disease relates to what is defined as disease causing or pathogenic. I have no idea what you are talking about when your refer to pathogenic populations. Dr. Rife studied and examined the the known micro organisms that science of microbiology determined at that time were the causes of certain diseases. Dr. Rife determined via trial and error using different frequencies generated by his device. He discovered frequencies that were specific to each organism that he studied microscopically. He found that those frequencies could disrupt the micro organism and kill it. The ones that at the time were determined to be disease causing were his emphasis.


Blue Electric Storm - Oct 13, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

perhaps a review of the meaning..definition...explanation...all that and more...of the word...
THEORY...would be helpful?


Blue Electric Storm - Oct 13, 2023

Laughing’s Substack



RedShoe - Oct 12, 2023

Everyone should read the timeline titled
Obama - Trump
2010 - 2019


Agent Midnight Rider - Oct 12, 2023

Agent’s Substack

The Florida Governor knows that it is BIO-WARFARE weapon, why hasn't he said anything about it??? The SAME reason why NONE of the Presidential candidates attacked Trump on operation Warp Speed in the debates. They are all DEEP STATE FLUNKIES. As a matter of fact, if you were following Trump on Truth social, he CALLED OUT DesANCTIMONIOUS for his TESTING, TESTING, TESTING for the China Virus around March of this year. see check Q post 4620 and see if you can CONNECT THE DOTS.... intel courtesy of Agent Midnight Rider


Nostradamus X - Oct 13, 2023

Nostradamus X

The UK and Australia have banned any investigations into the massive excess deaths that their own stats report since 2021. Go figure!


Agent Midnight Rider - Oct 13, 2023

Agent’s Substack

The governments that did it to us are NOT going to investigate themselves for war crimes that require the DEATH PENALTY. Our only hope is Obi-Wan Kenobi..... ie MILITARY TRIBUNALS....


Lisa - Oct 12, 2023


Thank you for continuing to share this message!


Agent Midnight Rider - Oct 12, 2023

Agent’s Substack

That AWKWARD moment when you find out that Israel injected the entire Jewish community with the COVID Antidote before launching a Biowarfare attack on the rest of humanity..... intel courtesy of #Agentmidnightrider


Grandpa Castorini - Oct 12, 2023

As Margaret Alice notes in her stack, we are fighting "Philanthropaths." Yes, just as it sounds. Yet i hold that a small, dedicated, truthful group can and will make a difference against such as those.


Margie Chism - Oct 12, 2023

Margie Chism

Friday 13, 2023 ■ TOMORROW declared to be worldwide Muslim JIHAD UPRISING day in response to Israel's CARPET BOMBING of Gaza


Blue Electric Storm - Oct 13, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

Declared? Who? Where?
This is what we call "disembodied statements coming from nowhere and everywhere at once. "


Margie Chism - Oct 13, 2023

Margie Chism

Blue - It is the video ■ [t]itle. M


bradley brooks - Oct 12, 2023

bradley’s Substack

thank you Dr. Ana for everthing you do i think you are a wonderful person i wish the world was full of people like yourself


Margie Chism - Oct 12, 2023

Margie Chism

Excellent video ■ Yes, it is murder; the team of two or more I found to be a witness with an established credited merit; more powerful than one only. M
■ And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof. Ezekiel 9:4 KJV — blueletterbible


psychoNWO - Oct 16, 2023 - Edited


"non-chemical signalling between isolated mitochondria."..... when transhumanist's talk about quantum level phenomena they are referring to a light based medium,, ie, quanta is light. There's a reason we are called Hue-mans.
The name of the transhumanist game is energy harvesting. The Gnostics warned us about this 2,000 years ago, until Constantine and the Church murdered them all. Funny that.
Non-chemical signalling between mitochondria. As you will know, the mitochondria is where all the energy's at...
These CDB's are energy dependent. They use light energy as a transfer medium. Light is abundant so obviously that's not the target here - so these little nano-fuckers must be after something else. Since they are half biology and half machine intelligence, it would be reasonable to assume that the answer involves both these components. One component is energy rich and the other is energy deficient so its likely that human bio-energy is being utilized in some way by an "outside intelligence". Just as the Gnostics warned us.
Maybe Gnostic Christianity has some insights worth investigating...
When doing so, keep in mind that Jews are behind transhumanism, and also the COVID poison shots that are making transhumanism possible. Both are needed to build their New World Order. Its not just that. The entire New World Order paradigm has Jewish fingerprints all over it.
The Gnostics inform us that the Demiurge doesn't have its own energy source. The Aeons in the Gnostic Pleroma passed their precious loosh energy to hue-mans only - so the Demiurge needs this energy to run His Creation. So its possible that the New World Order is building a bio-digital prison farm for hue-mans so that the Demiurge can siphon off their bio-energy to run His diabolical Creation.
The Jews are proxies for the Archons. According to the Talmud, the reward from their psycho God will be 2,800 slaves for every Jew..
The Jewish God is a Psychopath...
Why Gnosticism is The Christianity That’s Needed Today...


Frank McDonald - Oct 13, 2023

F Mac here. Dr. Ana, would you please run the blood through an MRI and see if it deactivates or disables the nanos. Thank you, from me, my family and all of mankind.


psychoNWO - Oct 13, 2023


DARPA Transhumanist Mind Control Grid...


Gary McCollom - Oct 13, 2023

"The Great 'Transhumanism' Reset: 'Smart Dust' Spying on Your Brain, Human Microchipping"


LM2 - Oct 13, 2023 - Edited
Geophysicist about anomalous frequencies recently around earth that effect us physically


Blue Electric Storm - Oct 13, 2023 - Edited

Laughing’s Substack

Is there a list of all persons/entities/concerns that own stocks in every poison pushing outfit on the planet? No, not yet?
I'm waiting for the real nitty gritty. How much stocks in pharma do you own, Ana? That's all I want to know about anyone online these days. That and maybe...military industry stocks, all that money stuff. Dirty dirty money. Money, Sex, and Power. The Real Nitty Gritty of Market Man World.
So...know anyone as holds stock in any Pharma whatever....y'all on the microphones and cameras?
Anyone of you know anyone at all as owns stocks in Pharma? Hotel rooms and whores aren't the only perks they offer their poison pushers, for damned sure. Everyone as ever worked in medicine or pharma most likely has many investments in stocks in these.
So, yeah, until I see those lists...ho hum. Yada yada yada. Keep pointing that finger...that excellent privileged euro finger, outward. I'm focusing on the three pointing inward at yourselves. Fess up. Or shut up.


Pamela Raditsch - Oct 13, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

Oh no, Blue is back 🙄


Annabel Smart - Oct 12, 2023

Annabel Smart

Amazing to be getting this out there to a wider audience. I found it really difficult with this guys shouty style and copious adverts etc, but congratulations nonetheless. Maybe Maria Zee will have you on her channel.


Blue Electric Storm - Oct 13, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

she did....go get it!!!


Annabel Smart - Oct 13, 2023

Annabel Smart

Fantastic. Is this with very recent updates ? I’ve seen the older interview.


Pamela Raditsch - Oct 13, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

Just last week Dr. Ana posted it in her Substack



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