Dr. Mihalcea recommends to take 500 mg. of Calcium Disodium and 10000mg. of vitamin C to clear out the contaminated blood caused by the Pfizer poisons . I want to do as she recommends ,but do I have to take that every day ? For how long do I have to take the med. ? For one day or day after day for the rest of my life ? If I have to I can do that ,but I'm not sure .Could someone enlighten me in that matter ,please ??
Unfortunately, every day.
Dr Garry Gordon, the father of oral chelation, used to say, even 20+ years ago, that because of pollution, everyone : kids, pets, farm animals would need some form of oral chelation , every day of our life.
The book’s name is ‘Detox with Oral Chelation’, it’s a good start to get confident and informed.
Dr Gordon was practicing mountain biking in his 70s…
I hope Dr Ana or/and other chelation doctors will write un update to this unique book on oral chelation.
God bless, be well!
Dear Monica above I wrote I want to use the EDTA Calcium Disodium as Dr. Ana recommends ,but the pharmacist said the product is not allowed to be sold in Canada .No reason was given . It must be the same ,like the prohibition of selling or giving Ivermectin to patients in Canada ,because it works . There is no other reason not to sell it here ,because the plan is to exterminate as many of us as possible . More so in Canada than in other places .
There are options on Amazon, very few for Canada but if you buy from US, the shipping should not be a problem. For time being, the psychopaths are creative…
Also, the Global Healing doesn’t seem to ship in Canada.
From final protocol, we’ve learned that it’s either microsomal EDTA , sold by Global and Ardis but doesn’t reach many people for now, or suppository
You may want to look into diy suppositories, it’s not big deal to replicate a simple version , already proven in terms of reviews on multiple websites.
You need a good milligram scale, a professional mold-they are not cheap but you need the real thing ( those used by naturopaths are good, not metallic versions) and weighting the powdered EDTA for each suppository. Organic cacao butter for base. A lot of DIY videos to inspire from.
Whatever fancy products we currently use, a plan B should be put in place.
Nurse Patti W, a friend of great Doctor Gordon, the father of oral chelation, came here to advise and approve on the efficacy of suppositories.
We need to learn to do our staff, at least like a plan B.
Calcium EDTA is what you need, and you may want to look at reviews on bulk stores on line, for powdered version.
God bless!
Thank you Monica ,I will do what I have to . I'm 88 and sometime I think why bother? I lived long enough and dying does not seem such a bad idea ,with the world we live in now .
πplease, don’t loose faith, you are as valuable as everyone on Earth! Just God decides the hour when we’ll go Home, let’s make the best from our life’s journey!
Be blessed!
Joe please stick around. We need the older generation! My neighbor just turned 100 and she is just so great to be near and visit every couple of weeks. And just knowing she is in this world gives me warmth and comfort. Same with all my friends I don't get around to seeing too often. Keep your chin up! :)
I admire and follow many Native cures and rules but we are facing something the Native wisdom never encountered before. We need a detailed,precise fix which destroys the killing toys.
So, all Tobacco people out there, bring the proof that your assumption works, for this particular DARPA assault on us, it will be marvelous to have more antidotes than one.
Lobelia herb also hits the nicotine receptors. And there are many others as well as foods that contain nicotine. Urotherapy is a natural cure used worldwide.
Hi Ana, My name is Gerald and I am a 2 time survivor of Stage 4 Prostate Cancer and use CD$. Have you tried CD$ @3000 ppm in any of your experiments? I use it all the time. I ingest it in my protocols. I am one of the ones who found out in April of 2020 that the shots were bioweapons and never got any of the shots and have been telling people since then and even showing them proof by directing them to the same video that which I learned about it. I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in Nov of 2011 and this was well before I found out anything about CL.O2 and the doctors told me that I needed to have my prostate removed or I wouldn't live more than 3 to 5 years. So I agreed to have it removed. I found out about CL.O2 in a book called Cancer "Step-Outside the Box" written by Ty Bollinger. I bought it in Jan of 2014 and have been learning even more about it and it's rediscover Jim Humble and still use it but I use Andreas Kalcker's infused method which you can see at his web site:https://andreaskalcker.comAndreas is a member of a group of many thousands of doctors, lawyers and nurses called COMUSAV. This is a Latino speaking group. You can also find out a lot onhttps://stopworldcontrolif you are interested. Although your probably know about all of this. Any way I was just wondering. CL.O2 is a very small molecule of 0.57 pico-meters. It takes 433,000,000 of these molecules to equal one red blood cell. Plus this molecule has 5 positive electrons holding it together. One ion of chloride attached with tow of oxygen. It is a oxygen carrier and can go anywhere in the body it needs.
I apologize for not being able to help you financially because I am on SS and live month to month trying to survive.
Good stuff, I am a big Kalcker fan. I use CDS almost daily, as a preventive.
I recommend you look into Fenbendazole and Artemisinin... maybe add Ivermectin... and for another weapon... B17/Amygdalin/bitter apricot seeds...
Sorry you got conned into having your prostate removed... I hope you are not suffering the many nasty side effects of that procedure.
Thanks but I already use them. I am on a anti-parasitic protocol now. First off I consume 32 oz of 150 ppm CDS for one week then lay off so that if there are any egg sacs for them to hatch then I alternate 12 hour interval of 900 mg of Artemisinin and then Vitamin B17 and Quercetin for the nest week. Water fast for 3 days then back on the CDS. I use the 500 mg B17 pills but have eaten the seeds in 2015. I ate 45 per day.
Thanks but no thanks to my VA oncologist who threatened to stop seeing my or having me being able to make appointments if I did not take their prescribed drug of Orgovyx (relugolix). This drug almost killed me by the many side effects. Especially the muscle loss and bone pain. I tore my lower back muscle twice while on this drug and was only on it from March to May 14 which is when I stopped taking it all together. During the time between April and May 14, 2024 I couldn't get up without major pain and had to walk with a cane. One week after stopping take the drug I started feeling stronger. I am now working out a the gym and at least 90% back to health. Along with taking my Anti-Parasitic Protocol I mentioned earlier. My email address isgdmcc8008@twc.comif you want to email me.
Most Big Pharma puppets are the absolute scum of the earth.
Oncologists are the worst... and maybe Covid jab promoters.
I am cancer free (as far as I know), but have great interest in alternative treatments and use many as preventives.
How fucking funny a declared and shown fix and those that are too indoctrinated into the Matrix are like their heads explode. But on the bright side usually new knowledge goes in stages first denial then looking it up then accepting it... or maybe more steps but...
But I saw the tobacco explode the nano chips in theirs so what's the difference? I do if you smoke keep at it Fuck you people!. Stop listening to lies that smoking is bad for you. Chew or smoke or vape.
Lead paint helps against this shit too so would letting us go back to incandescent lights. These God damn led lights emit RF signals which is why they forced that shit on us.
Look out For charlie although I don't go by him alone but he said that the old bulbs can't handle the pulsating crap. That's why they kept going out after a few weeks. I even noticed myself on the old bulbs that they would go out after only a few weeks. It's because they are making us all RIF signal recipients to slow kill us all or make us slaves. Look idiots these fuckers aren't telling you the truth and the paradigm is Smoking is bad and lead paint etc.. but it's not or not as nearly as they've sold you on.
I've done my own research into these areas like Smoking and found the sites they use for the Godfather of the anti smoking league are sketchy at best and the files at research gate are closed off to people. If something's true don't hide it or don't make it hard to research. I can tell you people your fucked if you keep the paradigm they've sold and pushed on us for the last 50-60 years.
ANyways yes good stuff thanks Ana I like others who do think for themselves will keep smoking and maybe try the other too but for now I saw them blow up in the linked video...
Read Richard White's book "Smoke Screens".
Debunks 99% of all anti-tobacco BS. Dr. Ardis is one of the good guys. Dr. Ana can be a bit hysterical. I'd love to see them get together for a talk/debate.
Nicotine probably only stops payloads of the venom/spikes being released by nanotechnology on demand.https://outraged.substack.com/p/the-emergence-of-nanobot-society
And btw. You are awesome! ;-) Also check out Psinergy and Nonvaxer420 on Rumble!
Dr. Ardis showed a video of tobacco tea solution on blood with microchips being dissolved, in his talk yesterday at the Healing for the AGES conference which did show a picture of Dr. Ana earlier in another talk by Dr. Group. So I am sure they are familiar with Dr. Ana's work.
I hope Ardis is correct but have some skepticism.
I tried finding Ardis Labs address and only see a PO Box in Plano Tx. I was trying to find the labs location so I could look at it on google earth but no luck. I did find stuff he sells:
Here's one:https://1360khnc.com/shop
You'll find a 1oz. vial of CBD tincture for $100. (on sale!) and things like 200 mg. of pet shampoo for $32., 8 tblsp. of CBD coffee for $60. , 2 oz. of lotion for dry skin for $47. , 1 oz. of tincture for $105.
And ondrardisshow.comthe Kid's vitamin complex looks ok until you look sideways on the plastic container and see magnesium stearate and stearic acid, 2 things that no one should consume.
I even found one off-the -wall website that claims he is a well known member of the British royal family. He may be doing what some would call God's work but he is getting very wealthy in the process. (Pet shampoo, anyone?)
Yes, it clears venom from the nicotine receptors, and can help dissolve nano. As Dr. Ana states above it is apart of a formula that works along with Disodium EDTA and vit. C. I use food grade vit. C, acerola cherries powder.
Like many other supplements we take , after chelation ENDED in our body.
Dr Ana stays too long on nicotine topic.
There are many details to address and share to the world, related to protocol. There are many questions, people need to be educated about oral chelation, there is much need for a comprehensive handbook to guide the world about the protocol and chelation,in general.
The only serious book on oral chelation was written long time ago…
Her results and work are outstanding and it’s past time to be put at use and be known by the world!
The last podcasts are like an apology to her peers, for having an actual protocol!
I don’t blame Dr Ana here, she is brave and gracious and has to put up with a world where very few are real Doctors like herself.
Thank you, Dr Ana!
In the quest for the best antidote, Tobacco cannot be an option for babies, children , pets , farm animals and many adults on the planet , anyway!
Vit B3, if proven to be beneficial in the process and needed in a larger dose, so be it.
The ‘Tobacco doctors’ should let this one go, maybe? Because we are running out of time and there are still so many details to be put in place for reaching people and countries with a protocol that actually work.
It feels like you need to explain all over that it doesn’t work…please, let them prove that it works.
You and us, your followers, are slandered by guys telling people that EDTA is a peptide… We are running out of time, decent people loose their minds and lives everywhere and a good ol’ chelation will be of huge help.
Looking at all EDTA suppositories available, their directions of use say ‘ every other evening’. Your patient’s protocol says 500mg/ day. Please, advise us, should people stick to producers’ indications or they need to be inserted each evening in a 500mg EDTA per suppository?
Thank you very much for everything, God bless and protect you!
Dr. Ana clearly states nicotine is apart of the protocol- how are people missing this? I guess they just watch the video and do not read the text? Babies can get what they need from Mother's breast milk. Mom takes the herbs and/or foods, along with the dissolving solutions. Animals regularly fast in the wild which is shown to be very effective at dissolving spike proteins, plus they eat foods with nicotine in them and herbs.
You said it: nicotine appart from chelation.
Chelation largely happens in a restricted , known time in the body.
You know, appart cleanest water plus Calcium EDTA and other chelators - just vitamin c in this case- you can’t have anything else , hours before and hours after. Longer the time, better detox.
We have a new and complex challenge now and following the already proven protocols is common sense, I think.
In other words, she delicately excluded nicotine from chelation process which means that , at least for present situation, nicotine is not a chelator.
All these podcasts she does on tobacco solution topics, after the one regarding her final protocol, are simply to not upset dr Ardis and others like him.
The state of vanitous, snobbish medical world!
Our end is near, kids are dying in their sleep but we need to look at tobacco soup some more instead of letting the Lady to share a viable protocol to the world!
Also if anyone is interested you can learn all about the natural antidote to these shots athttps://theuniversalantidote.com
NO, offense but what are you doing that's different? I watched that video and saw Tobacco solutions just annihilate those microchips. I saw them place the solution directly on top of the nano chips so is that what's different? OR is it that American's want to keep their ban on Cigarette smoking and Tobacco? So why is it different in those videos than what you showed Dr Ana? What I saw was they placed the solution directly on them and seconds later began to blow up so???
UH so yes it is if it destroys these chips like the video showed on the Mexican thing it's just about the best solution there is and they want to sell their other crap... But yeah I will get some of the disodium EDTA stuff and try with all three. But I still wonder why your experiments so much different? Are you only placing it to the side and letting it try and spread out to the nano bots? Try placing it directly on them if you do any more and then lets see...
But yeah are we so indoctrinated in our thinking that Tobacco/ Nicotine is so bad for us like it's been said for the last 50 years or more that challenging the paradigm is so mind exploding?
I see this nano crap exploding on contact but n yours all you say it just inhibits the nano antennas? So there has to be a difference in how this is administered and why they explode on contact in the video and not in yours? WHY! and sorry but if it works do it... regardless of the mind control paradigm of Tobacco bad and to be banned... That's what I see anyhow is that the narrative is being challenged and Dr's are like OMFG we can't tell them that or something??? SO, I will keep smoking thank you very much and hopefully keep destroying these things... Others can do what they want...
We need real RF relief though. stop the God damn v2k damnit!
While you show tobacco alone isn't a solution. I have to query if this is why the next push to remove it from sale?
I am sure I remember during covid New Zealand drew up legislation for the stoppage of tobacco imports, not sure the date it goes live. The UK are said to be the next to do this but as far as I'm aware they haven't yet drawn anything up.
Sprang to mind when you first started looking at this.
Well, they are certainly more addictive. I used the stop smoking service (I'd given up for years). They offered me the option of going on their trial for these. Querying the above with her, she agreed that data was showing such. I knew it was a lost cause raising the "logic" with her.
I've been suspicious of their proliferation.
In the UK we have tobacco in the dullest cover, no advertising and its hidden behind doors.
Yet all the arguments they raised to pass this is being ignored with vapes.
All these super delicious colours and flavours in clean glass cases on show.
Also, noting that, similar happened with traditional alcohol some years back. Yet all the new, beers and ciders dance with colors and cartoon characters.
The irony is not lost on me, but no one seems to see.
The vapes make great medical delivery devices indeed.
The children don't need a lighter, they don't cough and gasp when they try to smoke or even smell of smoke. They simply inhale a seemingly delicious Lollie/candy mixture. It's even easier than unwrapping a Lollie/candy and as you say, super addictive.
Nicotine is by prescription only in Australia, which was annouced one week after 'Watch The Water came out, and scheduled to be banned by 2025 in the UK and Kamala U.S. candidate says she will tax nicotine at 98% if selected, I mean elected.
If EDTA and Vit C are so effective for removing these nanobots (which the dark field footage certainly shows)—is it possible to follow a protocol of a week or 10 days a month using this chelating agent along with Vit C instead of using it daily? Also—RE: Dr Bryan Ardis' info showing nicotine to be useful for getting rid of the spike protein in the body—can these two protocols be alternated to take care of both threats? Perhaps with a week or two in between?
joe stuerzl 85 - Sep 15
joe’s Substack
Dr. Mihalcea recommends to take 500 mg. of Calcium Disodium and 10000mg. of vitamin C to clear out the contaminated blood caused by the Pfizer poisons . I want to do as she recommends ,but do I have to take that every day ? For how long do I have to take the med. ? For one day or day after day for the rest of my life ? If I have to I can do that ,but I'm not sure .Could someone enlighten me in that matter ,please ??
Monica Onit - Sep 15
Monica Onit
Unfortunately, every day.
Dr Garry Gordon, the father of oral chelation, used to say, even 20+ years ago, that because of pollution, everyone : kids, pets, farm animals would need some form of oral chelation , every day of our life.
The book’s name is ‘Detox with Oral Chelation’, it’s a good start to get confident and informed.
Dr Gordon was practicing mountain biking in his 70s…
I hope Dr Ana or/and other chelation doctors will write un update to this unique book on oral chelation.
God bless, be well!
terri - Sep 16
Monica Onit
Thanks for the book recommendation
Monica Onit - Sep 17
Monica Onit
You’re welcome!
Monica Onit - Sep 15
Monica Onit
According with Dr Ana, we might stop daily chelation after they ‘ll stop geoingeenering and all these complex attacks on us. We can just hope π
joe stuerzl 85 - Sep 16
joe’s Substack
Dear Monica above I wrote I want to use the EDTA Calcium Disodium as Dr. Ana recommends ,but the pharmacist said the product is not allowed to be sold in Canada .No reason was given . It must be the same ,like the prohibition of selling or giving Ivermectin to patients in Canada ,because it works . There is no other reason not to sell it here ,because the plan is to exterminate as many of us as possible . More so in Canada than in other places .
Monica Onit - Sep 16
Monica Onit
There are options on Amazon, very few for Canada but if you buy from US, the shipping should not be a problem. For time being, the psychopaths are creative…
Also, the Global Healing doesn’t seem to ship in Canada.
From final protocol, we’ve learned that it’s either microsomal EDTA , sold by Global and Ardis but doesn’t reach many people for now, or suppository
You may want to look into diy suppositories, it’s not big deal to replicate a simple version , already proven in terms of reviews on multiple websites.
You need a good milligram scale, a professional mold-they are not cheap but you need the real thing ( those used by naturopaths are good, not metallic versions) and weighting the powdered EDTA for each suppository. Organic cacao butter for base. A lot of DIY videos to inspire from.
Whatever fancy products we currently use, a plan B should be put in place.
Nurse Patti W, a friend of great Doctor Gordon, the father of oral chelation, came here to advise and approve on the efficacy of suppositories.
We need to learn to do our staff, at least like a plan B.
Calcium EDTA is what you need, and you may want to look at reviews on bulk stores on line, for powdered version.
God bless!
joe stuerzl 85 - Sep 16
joe’s Substack
Thank you Monica ,I will do what I have to . I'm 88 and sometime I think why bother? I lived long enough and dying does not seem such a bad idea ,with the world we live in now .
Monica Onit - Sep 16
Monica Onit
πplease, don’t loose faith, you are as valuable as everyone on Earth! Just God decides the hour when we’ll go Home, let’s make the best from our life’s journey!
Be blessed!
Monica Onit - Sep 16
Monica Onit
PureO3 suppositories ship without problems in Canada.
imagine7generations - Sep 17
Joe please stick around. We need the older generation! My neighbor just turned 100 and she is just so great to be near and visit every couple of weeks. And just knowing she is in this world gives me warmth and comfort. Same with all my friends I don't get around to seeing too often. Keep your chin up! :)
Rachel - Sep 17
Do you take these at the same time? When do you remineralize?
Roman S Shapoval - Sep 15
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
There must be a reason why the Native Americans believe Tobacco is so powerful - add this to the list.
Monica Onit - Sep 15
Monica Onit
I admire and follow many Native cures and rules but we are facing something the Native wisdom never encountered before. We need a detailed,precise fix which destroys the killing toys.
So, all Tobacco people out there, bring the proof that your assumption works, for this particular DARPA assault on us, it will be marvelous to have more antidotes than one.
imagine7generations - Sep 15
Monica Onit
Lobelia herb also hits the nicotine receptors. And there are many others as well as foods that contain nicotine. Urotherapy is a natural cure used worldwide.
Monica Onit - Sep 16
Monica Onit
The homeopathic Lobelia Inflata should be a keeper in every home, I guess. Very quick in reducing inflamation.
Gerald McClellan - Sep 16
Abiding Dude
Hi Ana, My name is Gerald and I am a 2 time survivor of Stage 4 Prostate Cancer and use CD$. Have you tried CD$ @3000 ppm in any of your experiments? I use it all the time. I ingest it in my protocols. I am one of the ones who found out in April of 2020 that the shots were bioweapons and never got any of the shots and have been telling people since then and even showing them proof by directing them to the same video that which I learned about it. I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in Nov of 2011 and this was well before I found out anything about CL.O2 and the doctors told me that I needed to have my prostate removed or I wouldn't live more than 3 to 5 years. So I agreed to have it removed. I found out about CL.O2 in a book called Cancer "Step-Outside the Box" written by Ty Bollinger. I bought it in Jan of 2014 and have been learning even more about it and it's rediscover Jim Humble and still use it but I use Andreas Kalcker's infused method which you can see at his web site:https://andreaskalcker.comAndreas is a member of a group of many thousands of doctors, lawyers and nurses called COMUSAV. This is a Latino speaking group. You can also find out a lot onhttps://stopworldcontrolif you are interested. Although your probably know about all of this. Any way I was just wondering. CL.O2 is a very small molecule of 0.57 pico-meters. It takes 433,000,000 of these molecules to equal one red blood cell. Plus this molecule has 5 positive electrons holding it together. One ion of chloride attached with tow of oxygen. It is a oxygen carrier and can go anywhere in the body it needs.
I apologize for not being able to help you financially because I am on SS and live month to month trying to survive.
Abiding Dude - Sep 16
Abiding Dude
Good stuff, I am a big Kalcker fan. I use CDS almost daily, as a preventive.
I recommend you look into Fenbendazole and Artemisinin... maybe add Ivermectin... and for another weapon... B17/Amygdalin/bitter apricot seeds...
Sorry you got conned into having your prostate removed... I hope you are not suffering the many nasty side effects of that procedure.
Gerald McClellan - Sep 16
I used the 500 mg B17 pills in 2015 to help rid my cancer.
Gerald McClellan - Sep 16
That was in Jan of 2012 and I still have side effects from it. The worst thing is adjusting to the different life cycle of obstinate.
Gerald McClellan - Sep 16
Abiding Dude
Thanks but I already use them. I am on a anti-parasitic protocol now. First off I consume 32 oz of 150 ppm CDS for one week then lay off so that if there are any egg sacs for them to hatch then I alternate 12 hour interval of 900 mg of Artemisinin and then Vitamin B17 and Quercetin for the nest week. Water fast for 3 days then back on the CDS. I use the 500 mg B17 pills but have eaten the seeds in 2015. I ate 45 per day.
Abiding Dude - Sep 16
Abiding Dude
Given all that... I would bet a tidy sum that you make it just fine.
Gerald McClellan - Sep 16
Abiding Dude
Thanks but no thanks to my VA oncologist who threatened to stop seeing my or having me being able to make appointments if I did not take their prescribed drug of Orgovyx (relugolix). This drug almost killed me by the many side effects. Especially the muscle loss and bone pain. I tore my lower back muscle twice while on this drug and was only on it from March to May 14 which is when I stopped taking it all together. During the time between April and May 14, 2024 I couldn't get up without major pain and had to walk with a cane. One week after stopping take the drug I started feeling stronger. I am now working out a the gym and at least 90% back to health. Along with taking my Anti-Parasitic Protocol I mentioned earlier. My email address isgdmcc8008@twc.comif you want to email me.
Abiding Dude - Sep 16
Abiding Dude
Most Big Pharma puppets are the absolute scum of the earth.
Oncologists are the worst... and maybe Covid jab promoters.
I am cancer free (as far as I know), but have great interest in alternative treatments and use many as preventives.
Gerald McClellan - Sep 19
If you know anything about microscopes you can purchase one that is a Dark Field scope of 400x to 4000x then you can monitor your self to see if the parasites are disappearing while on your protocol. Watch this video to the end.https://rumble.com/v2vyiu8-video-proof-cancer-is-caused-by-parasites.html
Doug - Sep 16
Doug’s Substack
How fucking funny a declared and shown fix and those that are too indoctrinated into the Matrix are like their heads explode. But on the bright side usually new knowledge goes in stages first denial then looking it up then accepting it... or maybe more steps but...
But I saw the tobacco explode the nano chips in theirs so what's the difference? I do if you smoke keep at it Fuck you people!. Stop listening to lies that smoking is bad for you. Chew or smoke or vape.
Lead paint helps against this shit too so would letting us go back to incandescent lights. These God damn led lights emit RF signals which is why they forced that shit on us.
Look out For charlie although I don't go by him alone but he said that the old bulbs can't handle the pulsating crap. That's why they kept going out after a few weeks. I even noticed myself on the old bulbs that they would go out after only a few weeks. It's because they are making us all RIF signal recipients to slow kill us all or make us slaves. Look idiots these fuckers aren't telling you the truth and the paradigm is Smoking is bad and lead paint etc.. but it's not or not as nearly as they've sold you on.
I've done my own research into these areas like Smoking and found the sites they use for the Godfather of the anti smoking league are sketchy at best and the files at research gate are closed off to people. If something's true don't hide it or don't make it hard to research. I can tell you people your fucked if you keep the paradigm they've sold and pushed on us for the last 50-60 years.
ANyways yes good stuff thanks Ana I like others who do think for themselves will keep smoking and maybe try the other too but for now I saw them blow up in the linked video...
Abiding Dude - Sep 16
Abiding Dude
Read Richard White's book "Smoke Screens".
Debunks 99% of all anti-tobacco BS. Dr. Ardis is one of the good guys. Dr. Ana can be a bit hysterical. I'd love to see them get together for a talk/debate.
Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Sep 15
The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter
Nicotine probably only stops payloads of the venom/spikes being released by nanotechnology on demand.https://outraged.substack.com/p/the-emergence-of-nanobot-society
And btw. You are awesome! ;-) Also check out Psinergy and Nonvaxer420 on Rumble!
Marianne Agnello - Sep 15
Marianne Agnello
Thank you for your persistent work π
imagine7generations - Sep 15
crapshoot farmer
Dr. Ardis showed a video of tobacco tea solution on blood with microchips being dissolved, in his talk yesterday at the Healing for the AGES conference which did show a picture of Dr. Ana earlier in another talk by Dr. Group. So I am sure they are familiar with Dr. Ana's work.
crapshoot farmer - Sep 15
crapshoot farmer
I hope Ardis is correct but have some skepticism.
I tried finding Ardis Labs address and only see a PO Box in Plano Tx. I was trying to find the labs location so I could look at it on google earth but no luck. I did find stuff he sells:
Here's one:https://1360khnc.com/shop
You'll find a 1oz. vial of CBD tincture for $100. (on sale!) and things like 200 mg. of pet shampoo for $32., 8 tblsp. of CBD coffee for $60. , 2 oz. of lotion for dry skin for $47. , 1 oz. of tincture for $105.
And ondrardisshow.comthe Kid's vitamin complex looks ok until you look sideways on the plastic container and see magnesium stearate and stearic acid, 2 things that no one should consume.
I even found one off-the -wall website that claims he is a well known member of the British royal family. He may be doing what some would call God's work but he is getting very wealthy in the process. (Pet shampoo, anyone?)
Paul - Sep 15
John Vargo
Nicotine as Dr Ardis explains is used in a whole body situation
imagine7generations - Sep 15
John Vargo
Yes, it clears venom from the nicotine receptors, and can help dissolve nano. As Dr. Ana states above it is apart of a formula that works along with Disodium EDTA and vit. C. I use food grade vit. C, acerola cherries powder.
John Vargo - Sep 19
John Vargo
Monica Onit - Sep 16
Monica Onit
Like many other supplements we take , after chelation ENDED in our body.
Dr Ana stays too long on nicotine topic.
There are many details to address and share to the world, related to protocol. There are many questions, people need to be educated about oral chelation, there is much need for a comprehensive handbook to guide the world about the protocol and chelation,in general.
The only serious book on oral chelation was written long time ago…
Her results and work are outstanding and it’s past time to be put at use and be known by the world!
The last podcasts are like an apology to her peers, for having an actual protocol!
I don’t blame Dr Ana here, she is brave and gracious and has to put up with a world where very few are real Doctors like herself.
Canadian Apple Pie - Sep 16
Canadian Apple Pie
I am looking forward to Dr. Ana's new book!
Monica Onit - Sep 15
Monica Onit
Thank you, Dr Ana!
In the quest for the best antidote, Tobacco cannot be an option for babies, children , pets , farm animals and many adults on the planet , anyway!
Vit B3, if proven to be beneficial in the process and needed in a larger dose, so be it.
The ‘Tobacco doctors’ should let this one go, maybe? Because we are running out of time and there are still so many details to be put in place for reaching people and countries with a protocol that actually work.
It feels like you need to explain all over that it doesn’t work…please, let them prove that it works.
You and us, your followers, are slandered by guys telling people that EDTA is a peptide… We are running out of time, decent people loose their minds and lives everywhere and a good ol’ chelation will be of huge help.
Looking at all EDTA suppositories available, their directions of use say ‘ every other evening’. Your patient’s protocol says 500mg/ day. Please, advise us, should people stick to producers’ indications or they need to be inserted each evening in a 500mg EDTA per suppository?
Thank you very much for everything, God bless and protect you!
imagine7generations - Sep 15
Monica Onit
Dr. Ana clearly states nicotine is apart of the protocol- how are people missing this? I guess they just watch the video and do not read the text? Babies can get what they need from Mother's breast milk. Mom takes the herbs and/or foods, along with the dissolving solutions. Animals regularly fast in the wild which is shown to be very effective at dissolving spike proteins, plus they eat foods with nicotine in them and herbs.
Monica Onit - Sep 15
Monica Onit
You said it: nicotine appart from chelation.
Chelation largely happens in a restricted , known time in the body.
You know, appart cleanest water plus Calcium EDTA and other chelators - just vitamin c in this case- you can’t have anything else , hours before and hours after. Longer the time, better detox.
We have a new and complex challenge now and following the already proven protocols is common sense, I think.
In other words, she delicately excluded nicotine from chelation process which means that , at least for present situation, nicotine is not a chelator.
Monica Onit - Sep 16
Monica Onit
All these podcasts she does on tobacco solution topics, after the one regarding her final protocol, are simply to not upset dr Ardis and others like him.
The state of vanitous, snobbish medical world!
Our end is near, kids are dying in their sleep but we need to look at tobacco soup some more instead of letting the Lady to share a viable protocol to the world!
Suat Aytac - Sep 15
It is so wonderful to see these Observations of yours. Thanks a lot π
Pam Ragland - Sep 15
Pam Ragland’s Thought Shifting
Hey I have a healing gift to clear those. Would you be willing to test that???
Robert Childs - Sep 15
Robert’s Substack
Pam Ragland - Oct 9
Pam Ragland’s Thought Shifting
Why is that funny?
Gerald McClellan - Sep 16
Also if anyone is interested you can learn all about the natural antidote to these shots athttps://theuniversalantidote.com
Doug - Sep 16
Doug’s Substack
NO, offense but what are you doing that's different? I watched that video and saw Tobacco solutions just annihilate those microchips. I saw them place the solution directly on top of the nano chips so is that what's different? OR is it that American's want to keep their ban on Cigarette smoking and Tobacco? So why is it different in those videos than what you showed Dr Ana? What I saw was they placed the solution directly on them and seconds later began to blow up so???
UH so yes it is if it destroys these chips like the video showed on the Mexican thing it's just about the best solution there is and they want to sell their other crap... But yeah I will get some of the disodium EDTA stuff and try with all three. But I still wonder why your experiments so much different? Are you only placing it to the side and letting it try and spread out to the nano bots? Try placing it directly on them if you do any more and then lets see...
But yeah are we so indoctrinated in our thinking that Tobacco/ Nicotine is so bad for us like it's been said for the last 50 years or more that challenging the paradigm is so mind exploding?
I see this nano crap exploding on contact but n yours all you say it just inhibits the nano antennas? So there has to be a difference in how this is administered and why they explode on contact in the video and not in yours? WHY! and sorry but if it works do it... regardless of the mind control paradigm of Tobacco bad and to be banned... That's what I see anyhow is that the narrative is being challenged and Dr's are like OMFG we can't tell them that or something??? SO, I will keep smoking thank you very much and hopefully keep destroying these things... Others can do what they want...
We need real RF relief though. stop the God damn v2k damnit!
Malcolm B - Sep 16
Malcolm B
Smoke a pipe or cigar or rolling tobacco. Not ciggies
Fibro Vision - Sep 15
FibroVision by Jessica
While you show tobacco alone isn't a solution. I have to query if this is why the next push to remove it from sale?
I am sure I remember during covid New Zealand drew up legislation for the stoppage of tobacco imports, not sure the date it goes live. The UK are said to be the next to do this but as far as I'm aware they haven't yet drawn anything up.
Sprang to mind when you first started looking at this.
Flea Mason - Sep 15
Flea’s Substack
I think it's because they want everyone switched over to vapes which is a perfect delivery system for nanotech
Fibro Vision - Sep 15
FibroVision by Jessica
Well, they are certainly more addictive. I used the stop smoking service (I'd given up for years). They offered me the option of going on their trial for these. Querying the above with her, she agreed that data was showing such. I knew it was a lost cause raising the "logic" with her.
I've been suspicious of their proliferation.
In the UK we have tobacco in the dullest cover, no advertising and its hidden behind doors.
Yet all the arguments they raised to pass this is being ignored with vapes.
All these super delicious colours and flavours in clean glass cases on show.
Also, noting that, similar happened with traditional alcohol some years back. Yet all the new, beers and ciders dance with colors and cartoon characters.
The irony is not lost on me, but no one seems to see.
The vapes make great medical delivery devices indeed.
Flea Mason - Sep 15
Flea’s Substack
The children don't need a lighter, they don't cough and gasp when they try to smoke or even smell of smoke. They simply inhale a seemingly delicious Lollie/candy mixture. It's even easier than unwrapping a Lollie/candy and as you say, super addictive.
Fibro Vision - Sep 15
FibroVision by Jessica
Wasn't the French that originally tried nicotine for COVID symptoms?
imagine7generations - Sep 15
FibroVision by Jessica
Nicotine is by prescription only in Australia, which was annouced one week after 'Watch The Water came out, and scheduled to be banned by 2025 in the UK and Kamala U.S. candidate says she will tax nicotine at 98% if selected, I mean elected.
Fibro Vision - Sep 15
FibroVision by Jessica
I don't think they're making that widely known. Thanks for the update.
Grazyna Samborska - Sep 15
Grazyna’s Newsletter
... Obamala to be selected and installed by the Council. no?
matt. j.a.o.b - Sep 16
matt’s microscopy
In NZ you can still grow your own, up to 50 plants per person. No problem.
Cate Montana - Sep 19 - Edited
Cracking the Matrix
If EDTA and Vit C are so effective for removing these nanobots (which the dark field footage certainly shows)—is it possible to follow a protocol of a week or 10 days a month using this chelating agent along with Vit C instead of using it daily? Also—RE: Dr Bryan Ardis' info showing nicotine to be useful for getting rid of the spike protein in the body—can these two protocols be alternated to take care of both threats? Perhaps with a week or two in between?
Robert Sun - Sep 17
Robert Sun
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