Jun 1, 2023
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Many people have contacted me after writing about the microscopic findings of the clots and prior documentation of our research - describing their experiences with EBOO/RHP (Recirculatory Hæmoperfusion) treatments.
TimeIsNear - Jun 1, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
Embalmers are unable to find any willing scientist to analyze. They better start acting and speaking up because this affects them along with their family and friends. I've never seen so many cowards in the medical profession in my life. Do they think this is going to end well for them. They'll be the next to go. My gut feeling is many are going to start dying all at once and they'll probably blame in on something else. I also feel something big is coming. I see them ramping up the war in Ukraine. Look at what the EU just did. It's playing out just like WWII with Germany. This is one of the most diabolical conspiracies ever committed on humanity.
Nostradamus X - Jun 2, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
Find the key below if you have time to read the article.
The “City” of London: Did you know that only one SQUARE MILE dominates the entire planetary civilization?
TimeIsNear - Jun 2, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
DC, London, and the Vatican are their own city states. None of them are a part of the country they are in. If one has never heard of the Act of 1871, I suggest researching it. We've been play for a very long time and it's all coming out.
Nostradamus X - Jun 2, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
When I used to talk about this in the 90s, I was called a conspiracy theorist.
The cat is out of the bag since 2020 for those who want to see it.
The Vatican is actually the institution driving the NWO agenda since 1958 when it was finally subdued by its 33rd degree masons - aka cardinals.
In 2021 the pope coerced the entire city to get genetically modified or be fired.
Wait a minute, the "Catholic" Church coercing its followers to get abortive fetal cells infested transgenic injections?
Friar Tuck - Jun 2, 2023
Friar Tuck
Who’s the puppeteer
Language fraud perpetrated by the cabal
Friar Tuck - Jun 2, 2023
Friar Tuck
Who’s the puppeteer
Language fraud perpetrated by the cabal
Philip Edwards - Jun 1, 2023
Philip Edwards
Ana, I’m so grateful that we have a Godly woman like you pursuing Truth. I believe that your work is important to the Kingdom. You are in my daily prayers. May God continue to bless you.
Okisuke - Jun 2, 2023 - Edited
Okisuke’s Substack
For relief of multiple symptoms including chest pain, vertigo etc. I got a modified major autohemotherapy (10 sessions). The doctor takes a certain amount of blood from a vein, enriches the blood with an ozone-oxygen mixture, then administers this mixture back into the vein as a drip infusion. After every 2nd treatment I got vitamin C 1000 mg, alpha lipoic acid 25 mg, glutathione 600 mg as an infusion. My blood was almost as black as in these pictures above and it gradually improved.
Edit: I documented the whole process in one of my posts with some photos.
So why is no one talking about this? Besides EDTA chelation it's one of the most efficient treaments I've experienced so far with very little to no side-effects, if done correctly. For those who don't know, I got both EDTA chelation and ozone treatment. I'm still searching for a solution for my problem and there are only a few information resources that I can rely on. Every time I talk with my naturopaths and doctors I tell them it's the utmost importance to analyze the ingredients of these shots in order to find effective treatments.
Jane 333 - Jun 2, 2023 - Edited
Lung physiology equals salt plu…
Red blood cells carry salt plus water. Nothing to do with oxygen or ozone.
Lungs are rehydrating RBCs as they pass through the alveoli capillary beds with saline water. Lungs are not exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Oxygen is a product of air, manufactured by drying and compression. Oxygen is calibrated by its dryness.
Eg medical oxygen has 67 ppm of water contamination
Lungs require air reaching the alveoli to be at 100% humidity
Do you see the conflict?
Oxygen toxicity injuries and kills. I say this is due to its ability to dehydrate
The ubiquitous saline drip also rehydrates RBCs
RBCs have two states
Dark and contracted - dehydrated
Bright and expanded - hydrated
The red light monitors are watching hydration, not oxygen levels
Hence I suggest experimenting with saline water - hydration is the best tool for the body’s physiology to solve toxicity issues
My article is titled
We breathe air not oxygen
Joe - Jun 2, 2023
Joe’s Substack
understood however in regards to the hydrogels that causes blood clots EDTA is the only solution as it desolves these manmade clots
Jane 333 - Jun 3, 2023
Lung physiology equals salt plu…
In addition to calcium chelators described here (EDTA and sodium citrate), I can recommend you using alginate lyase. You can disolve 0.5 mg/mL (increase concentration as needed) in PBS or cell culture medium. This is the protocol I follow to deencapsulate cells from my alginate hydrogels. You can optimize the temperature and concentration for your requirements...
Jane 333 - Jun 2, 2023
Lung physiology equals salt plu…
By what process are these hydrogels undone? What are the final products?
Joe - Jun 2, 2023
Joe’s Substack
seems like EDTA schelation via IV is best but the EDTA chelation cream is alot less aggressive as you apply small amounts daily and make sure to take minerals and clacium while taking the cream...not medical advice but seems to work
Jane 333 - Jun 3, 2023
Lung physiology equals salt plu…
I’m asking how the edta dissolves the hydrogels
Here’s what I’ve found so far
Jane 333 - Jun 3, 2023
Lung physiology equals salt plu…
An average of 2 min was required for degradation of the hydrogel with encapsulated SHED by a dissolving agent consisting of 100 mM sodium citrate and 100 mM EDTA.
Joe - Jun 3, 2023
Joe’s Substack
Nice finding…idk listen to dr Ana she explains it…I’m just to scared of doing edta via IV as it may be dangerous…I rather start with the cream for two months and see
kaal - Jun 2, 2023
not necessarily. that is what i think dr ana said. would oil of oregano or cayenne pepper oil?
Joe - Jun 2, 2023
Joe’s Substack
if oregano or cayenne pepper would work on these hydrogels than it would have been discovered by now-
kaal - Jun 2, 2023
has it been tried? oil of oregano healed morgellans when applied to skin.
Joe - Jun 3, 2023
Joe’s Substack
We are talking about hydrogel which is resistant to high heat and mercury…u need something strong like edta as it can resolve bone which is calcium in the arteries due to bad fat/oils…if the oregano can do that without effecting the nearby veins and tissue then it may work
Okisuke - Jun 2, 2023 - Edited
Okisuke’s Substack
The first part looks like a copy and paste response to another comment of someone who doesn't know that the air composes of 78 % N2, 21 % O2 and the rest noble gases such as Ar, Hr, Kr and other trace substances.
I'm an open minded chemist and very well know the difference between O2, O3 and the air we breathe in. Unlike you, I at least looked at your post and can see that you in fact did some research. At first glance I've to dismiss it completely, because it goes against every chemistry book I've read during my studies. And yes I used 250 ml 0,9 NaCl solution for my EDTA chelation treatment and it helped for sure. Read the scientific papers I've shared in my ozone post. The mechanism behind is quite counter intuitive, but the results speak for themself. Just ask yourself the question why the FDA and other authorities worldwide dismiss this treatment as well as EDTA chelation as dangerous and not scientifically proven.
Jane 333 - Jun 2, 2023
Lung physiology equals salt plu…
Please tell me how oxygen is calibrated, what differentiates medical oxygen from industrial oxygen? How is it manufactured from air?
Then tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about
THEY teach all manner of deceptions. It’s a great way to retard medicine and science.
The biggest thing they teach in our schooled daze is ‘you know it all’ there is nothing left to discover. Here are the ‘facts.’
Regurgitation is not knowledge.
Science is scrutiny.
Surely this is the lesson from cv19 everyone has learnt. THEY said take the shots and they are safe and effective.
Those who scrutinise did not take THEIR shots.
Water is inert.
Water is an element.
Electrolysis only occurs when a salt is added.
Water is an insulator
After a few days water decomposes electrodes and their salts now make a current.
Total dissolved solids have to be present to create a current
Water is the great undoer of man’s creations
Water the decomposer
Water only cycles because it never reacts. It is the medium and carrier instead. Hence we can distill water have all manner of muck.
I suggest you read
100 reasons water is not H2O
By Peter Peterson
The spell of thinking water is H2O is broken once you reflect on his reasoning.
Curiosity is our friend
Arrogance is not
We breathe air not not oxygen is a fact
Research oxygen toxicity and how it damages the alveoli and causes micro clots and death
We are most VULNERABLE to dehydration my friend
hydration equals salt plus water
Hence the hospital’s main tool is the ubiquitous saline drip
When you know the RBCs are transporting - salt water - answers to counteracting THEIR toxins will become apparent.
Connecting The Dots - Jun 2, 2023
Connecting the Dots
Hi Doc,
Found this in another Stack and thought you would be very interested. It's long and unless you speak Spanish or can figure out a way to get it to translate, it's all subtitled. These researcher, do a great job of methodically laying out their investigation and tests of vials of "vaccines", to include ordering graphene products and showing the microscopy of that alone, in the first portion of the presentation, for reference.
It's the closest I've seen, to what I have been asking for...an analysis of what is in the vials and the clots.
David Merrill - Jun 1, 2023
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
I keep an Academia subscription handy:
These are the top two hits "edta chelation hydrogel".
kaal - Jun 1, 2023
Cayenne pepper oil is supposed to be able to stop a heart attack and thin blood. ???
thomas - Jun 2, 2023
They use it in Japan in their emergency-response vehicles-- (cayenne pepper)
Joe - Jun 2, 2023
Joe’s Substack
yes but not desolving blood clota that are man made
solutions - Jun 2, 2023
solutions’s Substack
In my experience, pepper has a lot of affinity with grafene
Crosby Guy - Jun 2, 2023
That's Hotly debated in my opinion 😊
TimeIsNear - Jun 2, 2023
solutions’s Substack
Can you please elaborate?
solutions - Jun 2, 2023
solutions’s Substack
maybe because it has neurotoxin properties, there could be a gradient flow of concentration and it could catalyze the initial content of grafene in the body. Grafene is also the base material for programmable neurotoxins
jeffrey p lubina - Jun 2, 2023
jeffrey p lubina
The world’s wealthiest Investigative Reporters and most powerful Government Agency Directors, such as the CIA, FBI, NSA, DARPA, DOD, MI6…all remain silent, and so the majority of our world’s population remain completely ignorant, and those with the most influence who understand what has been going on—such as American Senators, State Representatives and Governors—are still calling legitimate researchers and investigators “conspiracy theorists,” code for “delusional nuts,” which the media continues to repeat on a global scale, in sync. So no matter the reality of mRNA Bioweapons, DARPA’S 5G and other weaponized energy sources, Genetic-Altering & Cancer Causing ChemTrails…the methodical, radical push to “depopulate” the planet continues—with our high-ranking Military General Officers and Police Commanders all complicit, meanwhile trapping low ranking soldiers with threats of prison or execution—if they attempt to “conscientiously object” to this worldwide Genocide Program.
Nostradamus X - Jun 2, 2023
Nostradamus X
• We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services. Henry Kissinger, WHO 2009
Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009:
"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services"
TimeIsNear - Jun 2, 2023
Joe’s Substack
Not ignorant. They are all in on it even at the state level. Now, I don't believe all those working in lower levels knew. All one has to do is pay attention to the details and they will see the lies in everything they have ever told us for decades. For example, when the politicians and celebrities were supposedly getting jabbed on TV to deceive others into taking it, it was just a scam. In some, you could see the needle retract back into the plunge or they didn't bother even taking the cap off or maybe saline. They really targeted the western nations more. The reason why would take a long time to explain but those who have been digging for many years have a good understanding of what's going on. This is a massive conspiracy to depopulate billions. I've been called a conspiracy theorist too many times and made fun of but now this isn't happening much anymore. There's no need in trying to argue with them now. They will know soon enough. My immediate family didn't take it. I know many more didn't take it out in the rural are we live in. I do have family and friends who took it and many now have health issues. Mostly clots and 2 passed away maybe 3 but I don't have all the details on one of them.
Joe - Jun 2, 2023
Joe’s Substack
what do you do for shedding, air and food as its in almost everything?
jeffrey p lubina - Jun 2, 2023
jeffrey p lubina
Agree, totally. And still there are many who almost seem to covet “end of times,” like those still supporting ethnic cleansing of Palestine for an all Zionist Israel; The crazies in my state who worship an extreme version of Christianity who really seem to love the thought of Armageddon, so in spite of knowing the mRNA shots are deadly, they still have their families lining up for round three and four. I just don’t get it, but being autistic I’ve never really been capable of understanding radical, emotion-based beliefs. Like you, I’ve often been called a conspiracy theorist. I’m totally not about hypotheticals that don’t evolve. I love real science methods; I like to see an evolutionary progress of things, but the radicals love things just set in stone—with the right to shame & punish people into believing. I just start flailing. I’m still an optimist for rational human-majority and their ability to overcome this madness, but it’s going to require the end to the Left vs. Right extremes, with Nuremberg trials, and the ultra-rich will need to be imprisoned & liquidated—or all of humanity is doomed, not just the USA.
Isabella Arrada - Jun 2, 2023
Well, I should not think that it is difficult to contact Mike Adams, known as the Health Ranger, the owner of the platform BRIGHTEON.
Dr. Ana, you were interviewed by Mike Adams 3 months ago. So what is the problem? Talk to him and don't complain.
He has analyzed these clots and he has the laboratory equipment to do it.
dyr - Jun 2, 2023
I urge a term other than 'clot' be used for the growth and spread and finding of the rubbery aspect. It is my experience as uninjected that throbs are caused in myself by novel electromagnetism radiating from injectees. Various self-experiments have proved this beyond doubt. Whether an important factor is the presence of some resonating material in myself, I early on speculated inhaled graphene compounds of some sort, or not may or may not be germane. Important self-experimentation examples involved intermediary metallic objects held just prior by injectees, which transfer the effect after I grasp them in turn but not taken directly from the prior holder, the effect in my hand that grasps. This would seem to guarantee the electromagnetic effect. Also when encountering injectees if I am a moving target I do not experience the throbs afterward, only if I stay stationary for a few seconds at least. Also the effect is had at up to so far 15 ft away. Both these aspects also attest to e-effect. The effects have typically never lasted more than two days. However, when I have taken hawthorn berry in strong brew to help be clear of any accumulated clots i have not felt go through, this after the typical max. two days post-exposure, I indeed have felt additional throbs strongly suggesting that what is felt in throbs/clots close to exposures may at times not be all. Hawthorn does clear it in me, I feel no more until after next exposure. (There are many other fungal and herbal supplements taken that also help me, old friends as it were over the years, maybe to share another day.) In a few rare longish encounters I have not received these effects, these injectees also seeming to have no effects themselves, suggesting either their personal "types" (similar to each other) does not allow the worst of it to take and transmit, and/or they got ineffective injections. I mention all this here to emphasize that while the hydrogel may be electrically active, and itself forming masses, these differ from clots proper. I theorize that these are clots clinging at first to blood vessel walls. Hyperconductive elements such as some graphene compounds emitting particularly clot-effective frequencies/patterns (which one might expect used at stronger focussed power serve as weaponry), I think should be considered the primary culprit re actual clots and interpersonal transmission such as I and surely very many feel effects of. As layperson i do not know what term to suggest but I believe it is somewhat confounding to refer to hydrogel clumps so importantly revealed by Dr Mlhalcea et al as clots, at least without qualifying adjective. I will repeat that my taking and enjoying significant quantities of brown seaweed (kombu) has attenuated symptoms. Scanning some literature on graphene there is reference to production of terahertz, and also surprise that terahz frequencies have been found to not necessarily be blocked as expected by water. Thus skin-level generation of e-effects from injectees may not be the whole of it, although I do think a probable part, since I obtain these effects at times from various uninjected who have had long and close enough contact with injectees (but not very long or close may be needed). From other aspects of my experience I suggest that low resistance areas on skin near acupuncture "points'' are primary entrances for these external pathogenic factors (except from direct touch of transferor, metallic object as mentioned or person injected). I hope this personal and other info is of use and interest to others.
solutions - Jun 2, 2023
solutions’s Substack
hydrogel sources: vax and pcr swab. vaccine=hydrogel+parasite(hydra). hydrogel= luciferase + grafene.
Joe - Jun 2, 2023
Joe’s Substack
pcr test have graphene not a vaccine we must seperate the two as the effects are not the same in a consentrated level
Leon - Jun 2, 2023
Hello, Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD. Thanks for your work. The hydrogel polymers mainly are in human circulatory system. Relatively simple & inexpensive hemodialysis could help.
Sandy K - Jun 2, 2023
Sandy K
Dr Ana...does Walter M. Chesnut have the means to test this stuff? He is a fantastic researcher here on Substack.
Connecting The Dots - Jun 2, 2023
Connecting the Dots
I just posted this in a separate comment here, but you may be interested in the following.
Very good video and analysis of the "vaccines".
A heads up, it is in Spanish, but subtitled.
Sandy K - Jun 2, 2023
Sandy K
Hey thanks...I discovered La Quinta in 2020 ;-)
REW - Jun 1, 2023
REW’s Substack
LONG In The TRUTH - Jun 1, 2023
Hamish625’s Substack
.....been MEANING to share this observation, Ana-Maria - George Webb contends that these fibrous white formations are STRONG evidence this synthesized disease-state is ACTUALLY wrapped in a FOUL anthrax bacterial 'candy coating' - and given what I already knew, do CONCUR with the possibility.....
Nostradamus X - Jun 2, 2023
Nostradamus X
WEF Klaus Schwab 2016 Planned brain Chips by 2026 (2 minutes)
Me - Jun 8, 2023
Hi Dr Ana, i have a question about EDTA Chelation therapy. Are the doctors who are licensed to provide this therapy willing to administer it to people who have had the clotshots, or will they balk and only allow it for heavy metal poisonings?
Deborah Richardson Evans - Jun 3, 2023
Deborah’s Newsletter
I’d seen this before and just was horrified, knowing what the results would be !
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