I recall a person responding to my comments on another of your posts about morgellons disease. He said he contracted something VERY unpleasant and had black tangles growing between his fingers. He commented that he believes morgellons was similar to anthrax. He said he believes what saved him was the ER Doctor prescribing Levaquin. Ironically, I had spinal surgery in May of 2015 and was given a prescription for Levaquin because I was told some patients were developing infections with this same procedure, by the same surgeon, at this particular hospital. Unfortunately, I did not take it and 3 years later I developed morgellons. That neurosurgeon and hospital were successfully sued by a person over the infection after our State Supreme Court overturned the lower courts decision in 2021. Nowhere, in the legal paperwork does it say what the name of the infection is. Then our governor signed a law so doctors in this state could only be sued for 1 million and hospitals for 2 million. I called the attorney's office that represented the client that won her case (a former legislator) and asked for the name of the infection and my phone call was never returned.
Yes. That person was myself... Research into fiberopathies such as Morgellon have yielded "mixed" results, to say the least. There are numerous pathogenic states which can result in similar symptoms. Though the lecture has serious audio distortions, I highly recommend reviewing its entire content. > Alan B. MacDonald MD - Fiberopathy Lecture - March 30 2014 >>>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47ByuAvmSC8
There is also this now ancient YouTube introduction to the topic. >>>
Also this:https://youtu.be/f2-N_kxHjK4
Thanks for this reminder Kathy - I don't know much about morgellons, but do know it could be related to geoengineering. I'll take note of your comment here and do a little digging on my end....thanks again for sharing your story. Wow. What are you doing now to help detox? Anything helping?
I have been trying everything, but nothing really works. When I spray EDTA on it though it causes immense pain that radiates through what feels like a network. I got the idea to do this because of Dr. Ana saying EDTA Chelation Therapy helps clear the blood temporarily. I am going to start apitherapy very soon under my own care. I have nothing left to lose at this point.
Hi Kathy. Have you tried Cat's Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa) ? It has cured many people from this kind of conditions. Cat's Claw (it's a woody vine that grows in South America) is an excellent blood detoxifier, there was actually a study done on smokers (with incredibly polluted blood), in 2 weeks of taking cat's claw bark tea, their blood was almost completely clean, it's a miraculous plant.
One eighth teaspoon of Mule Team Borax in 16 ounces of water. Stir well. Drink a third in the morning, a third in the afternoon, and a third before bed. Just try it, I think you'll notice a difference. Take it daily.
Try oil of oregano straight w/out carrier oil- it will burn but just check for adverse rx. It helped a relative who now just maintains success with a bit near/ in nostrils and ear.
When does legal paperwork leave out info like that?! It doesn't! I hate this. Everyday second of everyday is a living nightmare. The most most famous horror fiction novelist can't even come close to coming up with stories this scary. I just want this to end. I'm not afraid to die, but I'm terrified to live. I beg Gid to take me everyday.
Derek Webb’s task force has been covering this too. He’s linked Malone with the Anthrax military stuff. I never really know what to believe, but I try to read everything with a bit of grain of salt and just keep my eyes open. I don’t want to assume judgement on people, but I don’t want to be an unwitting victim ever again either!
......as I may have noted in previous threads, there is GOOD reason to believe that my younger sibling Andrew, who succumbed to complications of not just a brain tumor but, consequences of a 1998 experimental vaccine program at Cedars-Sinai / Los Angeles (as subsequently deemed inoperable, I believe they HOPED to provide a mechanism for breaching his blood-brain barrier but, INEVITABLY - FDA and facility indicated when seeking approval there was just a CHANCE of as much - afflicted him with a now-FAMILIAR form of MS) was among those EARLIEST human subjects injected with the glyco (or of course, 'SPIKE') protein120 as WELL as squalene; a person from southwestern CT (couldn't retain any link at that time TO said exchange; not sure if it was direct or part of a blog, two decades later - my short-term memory is NOT great) familiar with this operation there and OTHERWISE, informedly replied to something I'd noted about it that there was a DIRECT connection to Kadlec / Bioport-Emergent Biosolutions' anthrax 'inoculations'.....
The American people aren’t told much about the first Gulf War; but a lot of us were in the Persian Gulf escorting Kuwaiti tankers in 86, or thereabouts. They were talking about Anthrax then, and they were working on an AIDS vaccine before that. We were told we would have to take the AIDS vaccine when it was finished (it never was), suddenly the AIDS scare went away but we had to take the Anthrax vaccine. Sickest I’ve ever been; in the infirmary below deck, delirium and fever for about a week. They’ve been experimenting on us since around 1917.
I went to the Gulf in 89, have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis since 91 and had 32 years of treatment with experimental drugs, Beta Seron, Avonex and Copaxone shots, fifteen years, 15 years, 157 infusions with "Tysabre", monoclonal antibodies which I ended in 2020. This year I got an MRI for the first time since that had no brain lesions and I am considered "symptom free" sort of. John McClain, GySgt, USMC, ret.
I remember sitting in the waiting room one day, trying to get this thought out of my head: What are we all doing here? A friend suggested I get an advocate; I wondered, why can’t I be my own advocate? Eventually, I told them I’m done; no more shots, surgeries, invasive procedures, all of it. It’s not their fault; we’re all silo’d in one way or another, but to what end? Is anybody getting better, or are we just lab rats? I picture a Skinner Box where the Lab Technicians, Doctors, Nurses are all lab rats too. All we’re doing is feeding this giant brain that doesn’t share wisdom with its subjects, then all this experimentation inevitably leading to cancer. Looking into outcomes from using gadolinium and barium for contrast; add the EMFs, was what I believe, the last straw for me. Instinct has proven more reliable than intelligence; we’re getting better, because we have to. I can buy my own vitamins, use the gym, sauna etc. Even if we thought our participation in this could help someone eventually; it’s getting harder to deny, it wasn’t designed for that. Remember, every day is a holiday; every meal a banquet, we have to help those we can. Survivor’s Guilt is not our fate; if the situation were reversed, we wouldn’t put that on them. Respectfully, Gene Adaway,Sk1,USN
We believe ALL cancers, aids, diabetes autisms are caused by VACCINES., all you have to do is look at our TEST GROUP. The AMISH who doesn't use ANY vaccines.https://theleadingreport.com/2023/07/09/new-study-finds-zero-amish-children-diagnosed-with-cancer-diabetes-or-autism/We also believe that's the exact reason they blew up that train in Ohio filled with WW2 chemical weapons right in the middle of their land.... COINCIDENCE??? Got to poison the TEST GROUP to cover up the bioweapons attack on the rest of us....
I saved these notes on 8/17/21 to my phone:
“Anybody checking all these sudden COVID deaths for other bioweapon toxicology with overlapping symptoms? Look up inhaled ricin and inhaled anthrax.
Inhalation: Within a few hours of inhaling significant amounts of ricin, the likely symptoms would be respiratory distress (difficulty breathing), fever, cough, nausea, and tightness in the chest. Heavy sweating may follow as well as fluid building up in the lungs (pulmonary edema). This would make breathing even more difficult, and the skin might turn blue. Excess fluid in the lungs would be diagnosed by x-ray or by listening to the chest with a stethoscope. Finally, low blood pressure and respiratory failure may occur, leading to death. In cases of known exposure to it, people having respiratory symptoms should seek medical care.
Inhalation anthrax symptoms can include:
* Fever and chills
* Chest Discomfort
* Shortness of breath
* Confusion or dizziness
* Cough
* Nausea, vomiting, or stomach pains
* Headache
* Sweats (often drenching)
* Extreme tiredness
* Body aches”
Not only would it be easy to target individuals for bioweapon assassination during the COVID Plandemic, especially when they get sick and die, they never had toxicology because everyone was given the diagnosis of COVID on the coroner’s death report. Then the dead were quickly cremated so the remains could not be tested forensically after the fact.
I would have never connected these poisonings as being possible during COVID were is not for such a poisoning dramatized in the last season of Breaking Bad tv series a decade ago.
When you understand how wicked these minions of Satan are in their pursuit of democide, it’s not difficult to expect such diabolical crimes as having occurred.
I feel tis important to state, re the fall of bldg 7. WTC 7 had no aeroplane strike it, even in their narrative, although perhaps one was supposed to...or a drone plane or whatever those things were that struck one and two. My mom who lived down wind across the river told me she was coughing up green phlegm thereafter for years. We didn't know those were the buildings themselves and the dead within , the poor people were ingesting....
But re anthrax, those letters sent to select holdouts of patriot sic act in Congress approval, these were specifically for intimidation, and it seems to have done the trick, twixt the high concentrate and high Viruganda, long before id coined that word.
In fact, my only quandary, at this point , is, whether, A, the biowepans are the main goal, which I agree is what has been developed, for shame, but is that lessor than B, the fear campaign to scare the hell out of all, an entire smashing success....
Which is worse , the reality of the Thing itself, or the fear of it, which may be even a greater achievement and biggest of threats sic
So you know the work of Allen Frey on microwave hearing, Frey effect? Or Milton Zaret's on new type of cataracts? Both were military-centred findings, some 60-plus yr ago. Zaret was hounded. Frey I saw commenting a few yr ago.
Had a look at your own 'stack, Roman, just now. I see something re blenders. I use a very old one once a week for <2 min in two or three 30 second-ish installments - to grind soaked soybeans for homemade tofu (one of the strange benefits under covidiana, finally resolving to do this as intended 40 years ago, and it's great). I always remain at a significant distance from it and the inverter (off grid we are for around 8 years now). My gaussmeter tho' does not register nearly low enough for severely suffering "electrosensitives".
Thanks for taking a look at my page! At least you're aware of the magnetic field and blender effect dyr. I hear you on doing things that you wanted to 40 years ago. The pandemic definitely made me do many things in the garden, and in the house, that I was putting off, and brought my wife and I closer. Curious- when did you become electrosensitive?
Here's a piece I did on EHS that may help you:
I had a quick look - with all the references, are you Canadian as I am? People indirectly mentioned, we are quite familiar with each other. From '09-'13 I was pretty much at the centre of advocacy on your main topic in Can., incl. involvement with parliamentary committees 2010. Eg you refer to slt, its main man I invited to do dosimetry alongside the pro hired by Toronto Hydro to scope out what their "smart" meters were doing - I was vindicated, Rob published his results, hydro's kept secret. Bray et al? Know 'em well.
'Electrosensitive' is a term i have long objected to. Which bio-being is not e-"sensitive"? It's a question of whether one is paying attention, or knows to. If pretty much forced to use it as it is a prevalent term, I make sure I mention the objection. I guess putting within "" is insufficient even in a venue like this of brief remarks.
As for timing of discovery, once in late 00s I plunged into research, which way beyond imagining from my decades of relative intuitive avoidance, it explained a great many things re ill health, general and among acquaintances. One book you may be interested in creatively misreading, is the history 1880-1920 or so, Berlin Electropolis, so much of what is described can be seen as regarding e-generated illness and public & medical response. Lots o' books to recommend, but a cursory look at your 'stack indicates you've been researching your good share, too. Pity we hadn't made acquaintance some 15 yr ago for fellowship in advocacy etc. if you're in Canada. There were lots of good collaborations (& usual frictions).
Nobody in any agency who causes death to another individual should have immunity for murder. All are created equal and therefore have the same rights and value to any other person.
That is how they test their products... shocking. These crimes obviously got the green light after Ronald Reagan signed the go ahead contract in 1984 i think.
How long has the militaries of the world been running covert "biological war games" on unsuspecting personnel and wider public?π€ Oh, I'd say about a 123 years, but I think you'll find they really ramped it up from the 1940s onwardsππ€
Like the Ashkenazim in charge of the One World Order and the neo-holocaust being carried out by them right now, the DOD has been experimenting on the entire population of the U.S. for many decades, and doesn't at all mind sacrificing their own in the process. They apparently figure they can always get more "dumb, stupid animals" ("'Heinrich' 'Henry' Kissinger" on the troops) to be bullet stoppers and cannon fodder in their endless war mass-murder spree, and worship of death and evil.
If enough people don't volunteer, they'll get more such troops any way(s) they can. They'll get them from outside of our country with promises of U.S. citizenship after they receive honorable discharges. They'll get prisoners released to go directly into the military, if they have to. They'll get Chinese troops (who are already on U.S. soil, deployed to, and manning, the FEMA concentration camp prisons all over the U.S.), via the U.N., and they'll get more "white hat" U.N. troops if they must.
Who would have thought that the U.S. and the other Western countries, their corporate-fascist allies, along with global government, would turn out to be the "Fourth Reich"? "Al CIAduh(!)", aka the CIA, the "Fourth Reich" in the U.S. and abroad, has been working behind the scenes since at least W.W.2 to infiltrate and influence the U.S. government more and more towards outright totalitarian fascism in the U.S., the West and the rest of the world, and now we're in their completion phase.
You understand by now people, don't you, that we're ALL expendable, including our troops? The globalist, corporate-fascist powers-that-be, aka the "Fourth Reich", don't care about any of us except as they can use us to further their tyrannical betrayal of all humankind, and the planet. They don't care about the latter, the planet, either; and they are milking it for all of the natural resources, and billions of dollars of "filthy-lucre" profits therefrom, as they can, until it is only a husk of its former self, if that.
Their lord and master, Satan/Lucifer, knows that his time is very short, and that this is his time to wreak as much havoc as he's allowed to and possibly can, so he is taking the bottom out from under everything. Even history is being rewritten, just as Orwell said it would be in his globalist, Fabian Society (Nazi/eugenicist) think tank blueprint for global enslavement book, "1984". Facts are becoming so-called "fiction" and "mis/disinformation"; and, lies are becoming the "facts" most people believe.
When ever I see the border images of thousands of single men, from all over the world, push their way onto American soil, I know they letting their secret, coop in training come in and sending them in the underground bases, a lot are going in the Denver airport
We’re not going to just roll over and submit. We really are all in this together. We’re not just concerned for ourselves or family. We’re not going anywhere. The vaccines were designed to eliminate the majority, then put the rest in camps. Everyone who can, needs to remain vigilant. When it goes kinetic, only one side can win.
"Who would have thought that the U.S. and the other Western countries, their corporate-fascist allies, along with global government, would turn out to be the "Fourth Reich"?
Guess that is what happens when you import the worst German Nazis scientists and doctors and let them continue their work inside our government. It doesn’t seem to be working out very well for we the people.
Brilliant post. This is exactly the same schema.
"When will the Pentagon end this madness ?" The answer is: not until they've reached their objectives, or until the bioweapons stock is seized and their production halted. Whichever comes first.
The [t]hing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing 'under the sun'. β Ecclesiastes 1:9 KJV — blueletterbible
It was just reveled that George bush and Cheney secretly made Anthony Fauci the secret head of the US biowarfare program. I wonder if the Carrier Sickness where from ships that operated in Japan during operation Tomadachi. 17 ships were HIGHLY radiated during the mission to try to save Fukushima from blowing up. Many sailors to THIS DAY continue to get rare cancers even if they were they're during the 2011 operation see:https://komonews.com/archive/fukushima-fallout-whats-next-for-sailors-who-were-exposedwhat's even more sinister, is Hillary Clinton was sent a. classified email 1 day after Fukushima blew that huge radioactive clouds were headed straight for Tokyo and they decided to warn EACH OTHER to shelter indoors, wear a mask, and to take Iodine pills. They neither warned the US MILITARY in the region, nor Tokyo which is the worlds most populated city, nor the West Coast of the United States which us who lived in Seattle sucked in 5 hot radioactive particles per day for 30 days most of the rest of the country too. If they will do that to their own MILITARY who they need for their stupid wars, what do you think they will do to civilians???? you can read the classified email yourself here.......>https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/11782intel courtesy of Agent Midnight Rider
I wrote my governor and his health commissioner many times during the depths of the Covid nightmare. Never got an answer. Ironic in that the commissioner was a former Ivy League published professor of infectious diseases. It was very strange, I tried to reason with these people to no avail. Even to this day, with the many thousands of deaths and many more injuries to those unlucky people who took the vaccines, the governor and his henchperson ramble onward as if the vaccines were mana from heaven. I'm scientifically inclined, I wrote detailed, cogent, cohesive letters to absolutely no avail. Now, there is talk of a return to the worthless, stupid dillydallying from mask wearing and separation from other persons to some totally arbitrary distances from each other. It was stupid first time around and is even more stupid once again. Will people finally express their total disdain for these absurd mandates?
Besides the horrible vaccines they forced on them, depleted uranium has horrific effects and has a half life of 4.5 billion years. It's floated all around the planet now. But the Middle East is the epicenter of it. Those poor soldiers.
Toonlydoo - Aug 27, 2023 - Edited
Dr. Meryl Nass is another good source you may want to speak to regarding anthrax. She has written some about it on her Substack.
nymusicdaily - Aug 27, 2023
a lot of her important research prior to substack is herehttps://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/
Roman S Shapoval - Aug 27, 2023 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Good to know - thank you for sharing.
Kathy - Aug 27, 2023 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
I recall a person responding to my comments on another of your posts about morgellons disease. He said he contracted something VERY unpleasant and had black tangles growing between his fingers. He commented that he believes morgellons was similar to anthrax. He said he believes what saved him was the ER Doctor prescribing Levaquin. Ironically, I had spinal surgery in May of 2015 and was given a prescription for Levaquin because I was told some patients were developing infections with this same procedure, by the same surgeon, at this particular hospital. Unfortunately, I did not take it and 3 years later I developed morgellons. That neurosurgeon and hospital were successfully sued by a person over the infection after our State Supreme Court overturned the lower courts decision in 2021. Nowhere, in the legal paperwork does it say what the name of the infection is. Then our governor signed a law so doctors in this state could only be sued for 1 million and hospitals for 2 million. I called the attorney's office that represented the client that won her case (a former legislator) and asked for the name of the infection and my phone call was never returned.
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 27, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Yes. That person was myself... Research into fiberopathies such as Morgellon have yielded "mixed" results, to say the least. There are numerous pathogenic states which can result in similar symptoms. Though the lecture has serious audio distortions, I highly recommend reviewing its entire content. > Alan B. MacDonald MD - Fiberopathy Lecture - March 30 2014 >>>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47ByuAvmSC8
There is also this now ancient YouTube introduction to the topic. >>>
Also this:https://youtu.be/f2-N_kxHjK4
Roman S Shapoval - Aug 27, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Thanks for this reminder Kathy - I don't know much about morgellons, but do know it could be related to geoengineering. I'll take note of your comment here and do a little digging on my end....thanks again for sharing your story. Wow. What are you doing now to help detox? Anything helping?
John Vargo - Aug 27, 2023
John Vargo
We all have Morgellons
John Vargo - Aug 28, 2023
John Vargo
Kathy - Aug 27, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
I have been trying everything, but nothing really works. When I spray EDTA on it though it causes immense pain that radiates through what feels like a network. I got the idea to do this because of Dr. Ana saying EDTA Chelation Therapy helps clear the blood temporarily. I am going to start apitherapy very soon under my own care. I have nothing left to lose at this point.
Marty - Aug 27, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Hi Kathy. Have you tried Cat's Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa) ? It has cured many people from this kind of conditions. Cat's Claw (it's a woody vine that grows in South America) is an excellent blood detoxifier, there was actually a study done on smokers (with incredibly polluted blood), in 2 weeks of taking cat's claw bark tea, their blood was almost completely clean, it's a miraculous plant.
Paul Vonharnish - Aug 27, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Yes. Excellent suggestion. Also, Artemisia annua in powdered/capsule whole form. >http://www.herbs-info.com/artemisia.html
Jeb - Aug 28, 2023
One eighth teaspoon of Mule Team Borax in 16 ounces of water. Stir well. Drink a third in the morning, a third in the afternoon, and a third before bed. Just try it, I think you'll notice a difference. Take it daily.
Kathy - Aug 28, 2023
I have been doing this for months
kaal - Aug 28, 2023
Try oil of oregano straight w/out carrier oil- it will burn but just check for adverse rx. It helped a relative who now just maintains success with a bit near/ in nostrils and ear.
Lacie moore - Aug 28, 2023 - Edited
Wow! So sad for you. What a scary situation to be in... that sure is odd that no mention of the actual name of the infection was released.
Kathy - Aug 28, 2023 - Edited
When does legal paperwork leave out info like that?! It doesn't! I hate this. Everyday second of everyday is a living nightmare. The most most famous horror fiction novelist can't even come close to coming up with stories this scary. I just want this to end. I'm not afraid to die, but I'm terrified to live. I beg Gid to take me everyday.
kaal - Aug 28, 2023 - Edited
Please try oil of oregano w no carrier oil. {as long as u dont have adverse rx it will b ok though burn.}
Laura - Aug 27, 2023
Modern Healthcare
Injected squalene was tested on individuals to perfect the process for graphene.
Lacie moore - Aug 28, 2023
Oh my gosh! That's terrible. Could you happen to point me in the right direction where I could read more I to this? Thanks in advance dear π
Chelles - Sep 2, 2023
Derek Webb’s task force has been covering this too. He’s linked Malone with the Anthrax military stuff. I never really know what to believe, but I try to read everything with a bit of grain of salt and just keep my eyes open. I don’t want to assume judgement on people, but I don’t want to be an unwitting victim ever again either!
bio terry - Aug 27, 2023
The pentagon killing fields continued...
Bridget - Aug 27, 2023
LONG In The TRUTH - Aug 27, 2023 - Edited
Hamish625’s Substack
......as I may have noted in previous threads, there is GOOD reason to believe that my younger sibling Andrew, who succumbed to complications of not just a brain tumor but, consequences of a 1998 experimental vaccine program at Cedars-Sinai / Los Angeles (as subsequently deemed inoperable, I believe they HOPED to provide a mechanism for breaching his blood-brain barrier but, INEVITABLY - FDA and facility indicated when seeking approval there was just a CHANCE of as much - afflicted him with a now-FAMILIAR form of MS) was among those EARLIEST human subjects injected with the glyco (or of course, 'SPIKE') protein120 as WELL as squalene; a person from southwestern CT (couldn't retain any link at that time TO said exchange; not sure if it was direct or part of a blog, two decades later - my short-term memory is NOT great) familiar with this operation there and OTHERWISE, informedly replied to something I'd noted about it that there was a DIRECT connection to Kadlec / Bioport-Emergent Biosolutions' anthrax 'inoculations'.....
Gene Adaway - Aug 27, 2023 - Edited
The American people aren’t told much about the first Gulf War; but a lot of us were in the Persian Gulf escorting Kuwaiti tankers in 86, or thereabouts. They were talking about Anthrax then, and they were working on an AIDS vaccine before that. We were told we would have to take the AIDS vaccine when it was finished (it never was), suddenly the AIDS scare went away but we had to take the Anthrax vaccine. Sickest I’ve ever been; in the infirmary below deck, delirium and fever for about a week. They’ve been experimenting on us since around 1917.
John McClain - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
I went to the Gulf in 89, have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis since 91 and had 32 years of treatment with experimental drugs, Beta Seron, Avonex and Copaxone shots, fifteen years, 15 years, 157 infusions with "Tysabre", monoclonal antibodies which I ended in 2020. This year I got an MRI for the first time since that had no brain lesions and I am considered "symptom free" sort of. John McClain, GySgt, USMC, ret.
Gene Adaway - Aug 30, 2023 - Edited
I remember sitting in the waiting room one day, trying to get this thought out of my head: What are we all doing here? A friend suggested I get an advocate; I wondered, why can’t I be my own advocate? Eventually, I told them I’m done; no more shots, surgeries, invasive procedures, all of it. It’s not their fault; we’re all silo’d in one way or another, but to what end? Is anybody getting better, or are we just lab rats? I picture a Skinner Box where the Lab Technicians, Doctors, Nurses are all lab rats too. All we’re doing is feeding this giant brain that doesn’t share wisdom with its subjects, then all this experimentation inevitably leading to cancer. Looking into outcomes from using gadolinium and barium for contrast; add the EMFs, was what I believe, the last straw for me. Instinct has proven more reliable than intelligence; we’re getting better, because we have to. I can buy my own vitamins, use the gym, sauna etc. Even if we thought our participation in this could help someone eventually; it’s getting harder to deny, it wasn’t designed for that. Remember, every day is a holiday; every meal a banquet, we have to help those we can. Survivor’s Guilt is not our fate; if the situation were reversed, we wouldn’t put that on them. Respectfully, Gene Adaway,Sk1,USN
Duchess - Aug 27, 2023
I am sick to my stomach
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 27, 2023
Agent’s Substack
We believe ALL cancers, aids, diabetes autisms are caused by VACCINES., all you have to do is look at our TEST GROUP. The AMISH who doesn't use ANY vaccines.https://theleadingreport.com/2023/07/09/new-study-finds-zero-amish-children-diagnosed-with-cancer-diabetes-or-autism/We also believe that's the exact reason they blew up that train in Ohio filled with WW2 chemical weapons right in the middle of their land.... COINCIDENCE??? Got to poison the TEST GROUP to cover up the bioweapons attack on the rest of us....
Dr Obvious (DoctorObvious) - Aug 27, 2023
Dr’s Substack
I saved these notes on 8/17/21 to my phone:
“Anybody checking all these sudden COVID deaths for other bioweapon toxicology with overlapping symptoms? Look up inhaled ricin and inhaled anthrax.
Inhalation: Within a few hours of inhaling significant amounts of ricin, the likely symptoms would be respiratory distress (difficulty breathing), fever, cough, nausea, and tightness in the chest. Heavy sweating may follow as well as fluid building up in the lungs (pulmonary edema). This would make breathing even more difficult, and the skin might turn blue. Excess fluid in the lungs would be diagnosed by x-ray or by listening to the chest with a stethoscope. Finally, low blood pressure and respiratory failure may occur, leading to death. In cases of known exposure to it, people having respiratory symptoms should seek medical care.
Inhalation anthrax symptoms can include:
* Fever and chills
* Chest Discomfort
* Shortness of breath
* Confusion or dizziness
* Cough
* Nausea, vomiting, or stomach pains
* Headache
* Sweats (often drenching)
* Extreme tiredness
* Body aches”
Not only would it be easy to target individuals for bioweapon assassination during the COVID Plandemic, especially when they get sick and die, they never had toxicology because everyone was given the diagnosis of COVID on the coroner’s death report. Then the dead were quickly cremated so the remains could not be tested forensically after the fact.
I would have never connected these poisonings as being possible during COVID were is not for such a poisoning dramatized in the last season of Breaking Bad tv series a decade ago.
When you understand how wicked these minions of Satan are in their pursuit of democide, it’s not difficult to expect such diabolical crimes as having occurred.
Grasshopper Kaplan - Aug 27, 2023
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
I feel tis important to state, re the fall of bldg 7. WTC 7 had no aeroplane strike it, even in their narrative, although perhaps one was supposed to...or a drone plane or whatever those things were that struck one and two. My mom who lived down wind across the river told me she was coughing up green phlegm thereafter for years. We didn't know those were the buildings themselves and the dead within , the poor people were ingesting....
But re anthrax, those letters sent to select holdouts of patriot sic act in Congress approval, these were specifically for intimidation, and it seems to have done the trick, twixt the high concentrate and high Viruganda, long before id coined that word.
In fact, my only quandary, at this point , is, whether, A, the biowepans are the main goal, which I agree is what has been developed, for shame, but is that lessor than B, the fear campaign to scare the hell out of all, an entire smashing success....
Which is worse , the reality of the Thing itself, or the fear of it, which may be even a greater achievement and biggest of threats sic
Sandy K - Aug 27, 2023
Sandy K
I read a few years ago (perhaps on Suzanne Humphreys site?) that 11,000 soldiers died from the anthrax injections. That is horrifying.
Duchess - Aug 27, 2023
Oh dear Lord.
Roman S Shapoval - Aug 27, 2023 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
"Soldiers heart" was a condition of troops exposed to radar in WW2 - but they told them they had "low morale" and blamed it all on anxiety:
dyr - Aug 27, 2023 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
So you know the work of Allen Frey on microwave hearing, Frey effect? Or Milton Zaret's on new type of cataracts? Both were military-centred findings, some 60-plus yr ago. Zaret was hounded. Frey I saw commenting a few yr ago.
dyr - Aug 27, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Had a look at your own 'stack, Roman, just now. I see something re blenders. I use a very old one once a week for <2 min in two or three 30 second-ish installments - to grind soaked soybeans for homemade tofu (one of the strange benefits under covidiana, finally resolving to do this as intended 40 years ago, and it's great). I always remain at a significant distance from it and the inverter (off grid we are for around 8 years now). My gaussmeter tho' does not register nearly low enough for severely suffering "electrosensitives".
Roman S Shapoval - Aug 28, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Thanks for taking a look at my page! At least you're aware of the magnetic field and blender effect dyr. I hear you on doing things that you wanted to 40 years ago. The pandemic definitely made me do many things in the garden, and in the house, that I was putting off, and brought my wife and I closer. Curious- when did you become electrosensitive?
Here's a piece I did on EHS that may help you:
dyr - Aug 28, 2023
I had a quick look - with all the references, are you Canadian as I am? People indirectly mentioned, we are quite familiar with each other. From '09-'13 I was pretty much at the centre of advocacy on your main topic in Can., incl. involvement with parliamentary committees 2010. Eg you refer to slt, its main man I invited to do dosimetry alongside the pro hired by Toronto Hydro to scope out what their "smart" meters were doing - I was vindicated, Rob published his results, hydro's kept secret. Bray et al? Know 'em well.
'Electrosensitive' is a term i have long objected to. Which bio-being is not e-"sensitive"? It's a question of whether one is paying attention, or knows to. If pretty much forced to use it as it is a prevalent term, I make sure I mention the objection. I guess putting within "" is insufficient even in a venue like this of brief remarks.
As for timing of discovery, once in late 00s I plunged into research, which way beyond imagining from my decades of relative intuitive avoidance, it explained a great many things re ill health, general and among acquaintances. One book you may be interested in creatively misreading, is the history 1880-1920 or so, Berlin Electropolis, so much of what is described can be seen as regarding e-generated illness and public & medical response. Lots o' books to recommend, but a cursory look at your 'stack indicates you've been researching your good share, too. Pity we hadn't made acquaintance some 15 yr ago for fellowship in advocacy etc. if you're in Canada. There were lots of good collaborations (& usual frictions).
Roman S Shapoval - Aug 28, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Good morning Dyr! Yes I am familiar with Frey. Here's an article I wrote on Frey:
Eugene - Aug 27, 2023
Eugene’s Substack
Nobody in any agency who causes death to another individual should have immunity for murder. All are created equal and therefore have the same rights and value to any other person.
bio terry - Aug 27, 2023
That is how they test their products... shocking. These crimes obviously got the green light after Ronald Reagan signed the go ahead contract in 1984 i think.
The BarefootHealer - Aug 27, 2023
How long has the militaries of the world been running covert "biological war games" on unsuspecting personnel and wider public?π€ Oh, I'd say about a 123 years, but I think you'll find they really ramped it up from the 1940s onwardsππ€
Duchess - Aug 27, 2023
For longer than we care to know.
This is bloody horrifying.
Wolf-Steppen - Aug 27, 2023 - Edited
Like the Ashkenazim in charge of the One World Order and the neo-holocaust being carried out by them right now, the DOD has been experimenting on the entire population of the U.S. for many decades, and doesn't at all mind sacrificing their own in the process. They apparently figure they can always get more "dumb, stupid animals" ("'Heinrich' 'Henry' Kissinger" on the troops) to be bullet stoppers and cannon fodder in their endless war mass-murder spree, and worship of death and evil.
If enough people don't volunteer, they'll get more such troops any way(s) they can. They'll get them from outside of our country with promises of U.S. citizenship after they receive honorable discharges. They'll get prisoners released to go directly into the military, if they have to. They'll get Chinese troops (who are already on U.S. soil, deployed to, and manning, the FEMA concentration camp prisons all over the U.S.), via the U.N., and they'll get more "white hat" U.N. troops if they must.
Who would have thought that the U.S. and the other Western countries, their corporate-fascist allies, along with global government, would turn out to be the "Fourth Reich"? "Al CIAduh(!)", aka the CIA, the "Fourth Reich" in the U.S. and abroad, has been working behind the scenes since at least W.W.2 to infiltrate and influence the U.S. government more and more towards outright totalitarian fascism in the U.S., the West and the rest of the world, and now we're in their completion phase.
You understand by now people, don't you, that we're ALL expendable, including our troops? The globalist, corporate-fascist powers-that-be, aka the "Fourth Reich", don't care about any of us except as they can use us to further their tyrannical betrayal of all humankind, and the planet. They don't care about the latter, the planet, either; and they are milking it for all of the natural resources, and billions of dollars of "filthy-lucre" profits therefrom, as they can, until it is only a husk of its former self, if that.
Their lord and master, Satan/Lucifer, knows that his time is very short, and that this is his time to wreak as much havoc as he's allowed to and possibly can, so he is taking the bottom out from under everything. Even history is being rewritten, just as Orwell said it would be in his globalist, Fabian Society (Nazi/eugenicist) think tank blueprint for global enslavement book, "1984". Facts are becoming so-called "fiction" and "mis/disinformation"; and, lies are becoming the "facts" most people believe.
Gene Adaway - Aug 28, 2023 - Edited
The Ice Wall
They may have future plans for all these “new recruits” they’re letting in.
The Ice Wall - Aug 29, 2023 - Edited
The Ice Wall
When ever I see the border images of thousands of single men, from all over the world, push their way onto American soil, I know they letting their secret, coop in training come in and sending them in the underground bases, a lot are going in the Denver airport
Gene Adaway - Aug 29, 2023 - Edited
The Ice Wall
They can be trained, but their allegiance has limits. Ours doesn’t.
The Ice Wall - Aug 29, 2023 - Edited
The Ice Wall
Can you please explain how you mean that? :)
Gene Adaway - Aug 29, 2023 - Edited
We’re not going to just roll over and submit. We really are all in this together. We’re not just concerned for ourselves or family. We’re not going anywhere. The vaccines were designed to eliminate the majority, then put the rest in camps. Everyone who can, needs to remain vigilant. When it goes kinetic, only one side can win.
Duchess - Aug 27, 2023
Yes. Our country which we thought was good, is beyond EVIL.
We are the great Satan indeed.
Laura - Aug 28, 2023
Modern Healthcare
Don’t claim it. May Gods will be done, maybe some areas have hope from the tribulations that are coming to America. Move to a red state people.
Sam - Aug 28, 2023
"Who would have thought that the U.S. and the other Western countries, their corporate-fascist allies, along with global government, would turn out to be the "Fourth Reich"?
Guess that is what happens when you import the worst German Nazis scientists and doctors and let them continue their work inside our government. It doesn’t seem to be working out very well for we the people.
Marty - Aug 27, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Brilliant post. This is exactly the same schema.
"When will the Pentagon end this madness ?" The answer is: not until they've reached their objectives, or until the bioweapons stock is seized and their production halted. Whichever comes first.
Margie Chism - Aug 27, 2023
Margie Chism
The [t]hing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing 'under the sun'. β Ecclesiastes 1:9 KJV — blueletterbible
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 27, 2023
Agent’s Substack
It was just reveled that George bush and Cheney secretly made Anthony Fauci the secret head of the US biowarfare program. I wonder if the Carrier Sickness where from ships that operated in Japan during operation Tomadachi. 17 ships were HIGHLY radiated during the mission to try to save Fukushima from blowing up. Many sailors to THIS DAY continue to get rare cancers even if they were they're during the 2011 operation see:https://komonews.com/archive/fukushima-fallout-whats-next-for-sailors-who-were-exposedwhat's even more sinister, is Hillary Clinton was sent a. classified email 1 day after Fukushima blew that huge radioactive clouds were headed straight for Tokyo and they decided to warn EACH OTHER to shelter indoors, wear a mask, and to take Iodine pills. They neither warned the US MILITARY in the region, nor Tokyo which is the worlds most populated city, nor the West Coast of the United States which us who lived in Seattle sucked in 5 hot radioactive particles per day for 30 days most of the rest of the country too. If they will do that to their own MILITARY who they need for their stupid wars, what do you think they will do to civilians???? you can read the classified email yourself here.......>https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/11782intel courtesy of Agent Midnight Rider
michael janket - Aug 27, 2023
michael janket
I wrote my governor and his health commissioner many times during the depths of the Covid nightmare. Never got an answer. Ironic in that the commissioner was a former Ivy League published professor of infectious diseases. It was very strange, I tried to reason with these people to no avail. Even to this day, with the many thousands of deaths and many more injuries to those unlucky people who took the vaccines, the governor and his henchperson ramble onward as if the vaccines were mana from heaven. I'm scientifically inclined, I wrote detailed, cogent, cohesive letters to absolutely no avail. Now, there is talk of a return to the worthless, stupid dillydallying from mask wearing and separation from other persons to some totally arbitrary distances from each other. It was stupid first time around and is even more stupid once again. Will people finally express their total disdain for these absurd mandates?
Heather B - Aug 27, 2023
Bliss And Blisters
Besides the horrible vaccines they forced on them, depleted uranium has horrific effects and has a half life of 4.5 billion years. It's floated all around the planet now. But the Middle East is the epicenter of it. Those poor soldiers.
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