Over 97 million US residents exposed to unregulated contaminants in their drinking water, analysis reveals

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 16, 2025 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Over 97 million US residents exposed to unregulated contaminants in their drinking water, analysis reveals

This is very troubling. It makes sense that the cumulative poisoning of the body from many different sources is currently contributing to the disease epidemic that has exploded since the COVID19 bioweapon rollout.

Let that sink in, one third of the US population has been exposed to cancer causing chemicals from drinking water. Add the toxic air from geoengineering operations, the poisoned food supply - no wonder humans are in bad shape.

My question is - what is really human capacity when we get rid of all the pollution and warfare against us? It is truly miraculous how resilient the body is despite all of this toxicity. What scientists do not know is the cumulative interaction of the total body burden of toxins - meaning imagine you have a soup of toxic chemicals in the body, mix that with toxic heavy metals, nanoparticles, polymers - add pharmaceutical medications and what would the effect be to the body?

Here is the article:

Nearly a third of people in the U.S. have been exposed to unregulated contaminants in their drinking water that could impact their health, according to a new analysis by scientists at Silent Spring Institute. What's more, Hispanic and Black residents are more likely than other groups to have unsafe levels of contaminants in their drinking water and are more likely to live near pollution sources.

The findings, published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, add to growing concern about the quality of drinking water in the United States and the disproportionate impact of contamination on communities of color .

Close to 100 contaminants are currently regulated under the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act. This means public water utilities must test for these contaminants and take steps to ensure levels don't exceed certain limits by installing new treatment systems and taking other measures.

"Yet, we know there are thousands of other harmful chemicals that are not regulated that make their way into groundwater and surface waters , and some of these chemicals can ultimately end up in drinking water supplies," says co-author Laurel Schaider, a senior scientist at Silent Spring Institute.

Schaider and her team looked at data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) collected between 2013 and 2015 under its Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule program. The team analyzed data from 4,815 public water systems and found 27%—serving 97 million residents—had detectable levels of at least one of the following chemicals:

Communities with a higher proportion of Hispanic and Black residents generally were more likely to be exposed to these unregulated contaminants in their drinking water and were more likely to be situated close to pollution discharge sites including wastewater treatment plants , airports and military training areas, and industrial sites.

"Our findings show that the percentage of Hispanic and Black residents in a community is a consistent predictor of poorer water quality," says lead author Aaron Maruzzo, a scientist at Silent Spring Institute.

These racial disparities could not be explained by income or other measures of socioeconomic status, he says, suggesting that factors such as racism and the historical practice of redlining that led to the disproportionate siting of industrial facilities in communities of color could be playing a role.

The study builds on previous research by Silent Spring, which found Hispanic residents are more likely to be exposed to higher levels of nitrate in their drinking water.

EPA set a legal limit on nitrate decades ago to protect infants from a fatal condition known as "blue baby syndrome.". Newer evidence suggests exposure to nitrate at levels below the federal standard can also increase the risk of colorectal and bladder cancer.

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Stephan - Jan 16


I can't remember the last time I drank sink water. I don't even drink fridge dispenser water. Maybe 30/40 yrs ago. I did bottle water for years sucking down micro plastics. Couple yrs ago purchased 3 RO/ VEVOR dispensers fromEbay.Buy2 at 79$ get one free. Still kicking on same filters. Figure well worth it. Also I use mostly glass cups and pitchers. Stay away from the plastics. They still get us all in others ways tho. Air and food. Go to your kitchen and look at the ingredients on everything and I bet 80% you find: Bioengineered ingredients somewhere on products. Cake mixes, brownies, pop tarts, yogurts, cereals, soups, in about everything. Doesn't say WHAT Bioengineered ingredients it is and by law they don't have to.

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Grasshopper Kaplan - Jan 16

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

You had a piece a while back about boiling water to remove whatever that will remove.
Good idea.
I only drink water that has been boiled, whenever possible, if at all possible.
Still, I am sure we are being poisoned by skypainting, shedding, and shitty Arrogance that makes war against Russia. All must cease and desist

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