Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 12, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Writ of Mandamus Diamond and Silk
I am honored to have joined Dr Joseph Sansone and Karen Kingston for our discussion with Silk of Dr Sansone’s filing of Writ of Mandamus.
Karen has been integral in providing all the research and key arguments in the Mandamus and explains key legal evidence My evidence of self assembly nanotechnology and shedding is included.
I agree with Dr Sansone, that everything is at stake. WE THE PEOPLE need to be too big and too loud to ignore. It is no longer acceptable for elected officials to look the other way while genocide is going on, affecting American people - and the people of the world.
I am copying below Dr Sansone’s brilliant explanation:
The word mandamus in Latin means to command. A Writ of Mandamus is a mechanism to command an official to do their duty. For example, a mandamus can be used to compel a lower court to take a required action or even to compel a Governor to make appointments required by law.
Article V, § 3(b)(8) of the Florida Constitution grants authority to the Supreme Court of Florida to issue Writs of Mandamus to state officers and state agencies. There is concurrent jurisdiction with the appellate and circuit courts, however, when it comes to a Writ of Mandamus seeking to compel the Governor or Attorney General, the Supreme Court is the appropriate jurisdiction.
Article IV, § 1(a) Florida Constitution states, “The governor shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed”. Shall is an imperative command, indicating that it is mandatory that the Governor execute the laws, not discretionary. Article IV, § 4(b) Florida Constitution provides that “The attorney general shall be the chief state legal officer. Therefore, the Attorney General is equally bound to enforce the laws of the State of Florida.
This Writ of Mandamus seeks to compel the Governor and Attorney General of the State of Florida to enforce state and federal laws including, and not limited to Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023); Federal Crime of Treason 18 USC § 2381; Treason § 876.32 Fla. Stat. (2023); Domestic Terrorism, 18 USC § 2331, Terrorism § 775.30 Fla. Stat. (2023); Murder § 782.04 (1)(a) Fla. Stat. (2023); and Genocide 18 USC §1091.
The evidence presented in the Writ of Mandamus is overwhelming that the aforementioned laws are being violated. Thousands of hours of research by Karen Kingston into the devastating nature of these injections were put into this document. The compilation of studies, pharmaceutical documents, and patents, demonstrate that the Covid 19 injections, mRNA injections, or nanoparticle injections, meet the legal criteria of biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction according to state and federal law.
This was also affirmed by Dr. Francis Boyle, one of the world’s leading legal experts, when it comes to biological weapons. While I was in the hospital last year, Dr. Boyle publicly endorsed the ban the jab resolution and affirmed that Covid 19 injections are part of a biological warfare campaign against the people of Florida.
The Florida Department of Health has called for a halt to these injections. Furthermore, the Florida Drugs and Cosmetic Act § 499.005 (2) Fla. Stat. (2023), deals with adulterated products, which should be removed from the market immediately. The Florida Department of Health has pointed out that the mRNA injections are an adulterated product. The Surgeon General of the State of Florida has stated that the mRNA injections are an existential threat to the human genome itself. Dr. Ladapo has gone as far as saying the mRNA injections are the “Anti-Christ of drugs.”
According to, Accessary After the Fact § 777.03 Fla. Stat. (2023), allowing a crime to continue or shielding those that commit the crime from prosecution makes one an accessory after the fact. Government officials are not exempt from this law. At this point, now that they have been notified, I would argue they must act.
Starting in February of 2023 , approximately ten Florida County Republican parties have declared Covid 19 injections biological and technological weapons, called on Governor DeSantis to prohibit the distribution of Covid 19 injections, and for the Attorney General to confiscate the vials and conduct a forensic analysis of their contents. Back in July , in addition to the Governor and Attorney General, all 67 County Sheriffs and all 20 State Attorneys had been sent information on the dangers of these injections, as well as potential crimes being violated, and demands to remove the injections from the market. In addition to multiple emails being sent to the Governor and Attorney General, both had received via certified mail, evidence of potential crimes and of the dangers of the injections, and a call to take the Covid injections off the market back in October. A final demand letter was sent this past February. At no point was there a response. There was not even an email saying thanks we’ll look into it or something along those lines.
After exhausting all other remedies, I filed a Writ of Mandamus in the Supreme Court of Florida, seeking to compel the Governor and Attorney General to prohibit the distribution of these weapons of mass destruction, confiscate the vials, and conduct a forensic analysis of their contents.
The State of Florida through the Florida Department of Health is calling for these shots to be taken off the market. The evidence set forth in the Writ of Mandamus that these injections meet the legal criteria of biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction is now part of the public record and filed with the Supreme Court of Florida.
The Supreme Court of Florida has great latitude in this case. Hopefully, they will protect Floridians from this continued assault. It is important that this issue gets attention. Governor DeSantis can have a team of lawyers to argue against this action, or he can simply enforce the law and protect the public from weapons of mass destruction. If he fights to allow Floridians to be targeted with these weapons of mass destruction, then he reveals himself to be disingenuous at best. If Governor DeSantis prohibits the distribution of these Covid 19/mRNA injections, then this case becomes moot. He is more likely to do the latter if there is public pressure.
For the victims of this biological warfare campaign, everything is at stake. We go to war to stop the murder of innocent people. This Writ of Mandamus is a bottle cap. Essentially, a weapon of opportunity. Asymmetrical warfare requires asymmetrical resistance.
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Sarah - Mar 12
Doc, i gotta say, You are dominating with these massive truth bombs!!
You have the light which is the power!!
So grateful for your presence here in this realm♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
I havent watched or read this yet but i will listen and watch with fervor, later today.
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Jay Martel - Mar 12
Other options to support without credit card?
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